Steve Jobs deposition, page 75, March 18, 2009

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A. Well, that's just another way of asking me 11:12:58
when my conversation with Fred Anderson was, which I
told you I don't remember.
Q. Sometimes I am successful at jogging
memories, other times Im not, and this is one of 11:13:07
A. Listen, I'd tell you if I know.
Q. All right. Just one other document then
Ill show you here.
This is a document thats been previously 11:13:24
marked as Exhibit No. 7.
A. (Witness reviewing document.)
A11 right.
Q. Just briefly, I know that weve discussed
that Ms. Heinen was general counsel at Apple. 11:13:53
A. Yes.
Q. But if you look at Exhibit 7 ~ and for the
record, Exhibit 7 is a document, a so-called
Certificate of Secretary, and it bears a Bates range
of l50AAPL08999 through 9001.
First of all, at the bottom there it says:
Nancy Heinen, Secretary.
Do you see that?
A. I do.
Q. What was - well, I guess, was Ms. Heinen 11:14:20 W /

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