Steve Jobs deposition, page 46, March 18, 2009

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E: b'lQ

A. Sorry.
Q. I guess I'm asking you to tell me what it
is you understand that sentence to mean.
A. That these options will vest over four
years annually.
Q. All right. And then the "if appr0ved"
A. Well, I dnt know. I suppose it is a nice
way of - I mean, you know, this is sent around for
the directors to memorialize this grant. So I 10:14:
suppose if they didnt memorialize this grant, then
the options, you know, wouldn't be granted.
Q. All right. Do you have any understanding
as to what role, if any, would have in
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the mechanics of an option grant?
A. I -- no.
Q. Okay. In other words, do you know why it
is that this memo is from her as well as Ms. Heinen?
A. I honestly dont even know who
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Q. And then I would just like to focus briefly
on the last sentence of this first page where it
says, "If approved, please sign and return the
consent to me by facsimile," and then there is a fax

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