Steve Jobs deposition, page 45, March 18, 2009

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Q. Well, in other words - well, let me ask it 10:12:44
this way: Did you ever, in your own mind, have a
concern about doing a grant before Macworld?
A. No. My concern was with keeping our
executive team working at Apple.
Q. All right, Going back to Exhibit 6 then.
It's the A. Excuse me, that's this one?
Q. Yes, sir.
A. Okay.
Q. lt's the last sentence there in the first
paragraph, where it says, "If approved, the options
will vest annually over four years.'
Do you see that?
A. I'm sorry
Q. It's the secondtothe1ast sentence. 1
A. Of the first paragraph?
Q. Yeah.
A. 1 see it.
Q. What do you understand that sentence to
mean? "If approved, the options will vest annually
over four years."
A. I dont really understand the question.
Q. Well, I'm just

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