Steve Jobs deposition, page 32, March 18, 2009

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get a million shares.

Q. Okay.
A. And so I was pretty clear and was clear
with the board the rough magnitude cf this, you
know, pretty early on.
Q. And
A. And there were a lot of side conversations,
Q. Sure.
A. Our board, we talk a lot, y0u know, in
between meetings and stuff.
Q. Fair enough.
And so just to make sure I understand,
again, would it be fair, then, to characterize this
as sort of an ongoing dialogue or discussion, part
of which happened in formal board meetings, but part
of which happened sort of in a oneonone basis with
board members as you had the opportunity?
A. Yeah. Yes. Sure.
Q. And, again, not to hold you too much to
terms, but when you talk about ultra key or uber key
_people, I think you mentioned the idea of a million
A . Yes ,
Q. - being the magnitude that you were


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