Steve Jobs deposition, page 114, March 18, 2009

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A. No. N0. I didn't learn about all this
stuff until just this last year, fifteen months.
Q. Okay. Did Ms. Heinen ever discuss with you
the notion of preparing minutes for an Apple Board
of Directors meeting that never took place?
A. No.
Q. As a member of Apple's Board of Directors,
does it concern you that there are signed minutes
for an Apple Board of Directors meeting that never
took place?
A. Of course.
Q. And why does that concern you?
A. Well, because it's not true, you know.
Yes, its deeply concerning.
Mr. Jobs, I'm going to thank
[ST ji]
you for your time. I don't have any other questions
of you right now.
MR. EHRLICH: Mt. Jobs, on behalf of
(Pause in the proceedings)
MR. EHRLICH: Ill be very brief, Mr. Jobs.
On behalf of our client, Ms. Heinen, I just
want to thank you very much for your time and
patience and we have no additional questions to ask
of you today.
THE WITNESS:` Oh, thanks. Thank you. My


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