Steve Jobs deposition, page 89, March 18, 2009

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: b`/QI
what an underwater option is, but just to make sure 11:30:49
everyone is operating from the same playing field,
could you describe for me what you understand it to

A. An option whose exercise price is higher 11:30:57
than the market price.` Is that right?
Q. That sounds about right.
A. Yes.
Q. I just wanted to make sure I'm going with
what your understanding is.
All right. And so in this context of the
work you were doing for Apple, and you mentioned not
seeing your family a lot and
A. I thought I was doing a pretty good job.
Q, Right. And so I assume you communicated 11:31:23
that to members of App1e's board?
A. Yeah.
Q. And I guess did that - I mean, how did you
go about communicating that at first?
A. I don't really remember. My guess is that 11:31:35
I probably talked to{ about it.
E; ;]
Q. And did you when you first discussed
this withI mean, was it -- in other
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words, was the discussion in the context of an
options grant as a way of recognizing you for your 11:31:48

366 299-5127

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