Steve Jobs deposition, page 83, March 18, 2009

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number 1 there.
Do you see that?

A. Yes.
Q. And it says, "The financial statements
referred to above are fairly presented in conformity 11:23:44
with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.'
A. Mmhmm.
Q. Do you see that?
A. I do.
Q. Do you have an understanding and, again, 11:23:5l
I know youre not an accountant, but do you have a
general understanding as to what Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles are?
A. Not really.
Q. Okay. Do you have an understanding as to 11:24:00
why it is that Apples financial statements should
be fairly presented in conformity with Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles?
A. Yeah. There needs to be some standards so
everybody follows the same standards.
Q. Fair enough.
And do you understand - or do you have an
understanding ~ let me start that again.
In 2001, October, did you have an
understanding as to what the relationship between 11:24:25

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