Steve Jobs deposition, page 72, March 18, 2009

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grantees that they were going to receive a grant? 11:09:03

A. I just don't remember.
1'm going to mark this. This
is a new exhibit and it will be marked as Exhibiti
(Deposition Exhibit No. 58 was marked for
THE WITNESS: Thank you.
(Witness reviewing document.)
BY[i D]
Q. And, again, because emails sort of go
well, actually, I'l1 start by identifying. Exhibit
58 is a one-page document. Unfortunately, the
number is cut off, but I will represent to everyone 11:10:03
here, and I can provide new copies later, that the
Bates No. is 150AAPL009006.
And, again, because eemails I'm going to
kind of go from the bottom to the top.
A. Sure.
Q. It looks like there is an emai1 from you
To your knowledge, was that
Mr. Anderson's e-mail address?
A. It was, yes.
Q. And it appears to be an email dated 11:10:35

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