Steve Jobs deposition, page 67, March 18, 2009

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marked previously as Exhibit No. 3.

A. I don't have that one, right?
Q. I'm going to give it to you. I'm sorry.
A. Oh, thanks.
Q. If you could take a moment to review 11:03:25
Exhibit 3.
A. I just looked at it.
Q. A11 right. And for the record, it's a
onepage document with a Bates No. of 150AAPL008973.
Do you see that?
A. I do.
Q. And this is appears to be a February L
2001 email from Nancy Heinen to Fred Anderson.
Do you see that?
A. Mmhmm.
Q. And I recognize that you're not a recipient
on this e~mail, but I just have one or two quick
A. Sure.
Q. The e-mail says, "Fred: FYI, Steve agreed 11:03:55
to go with January 17th at $16.813 for ET option
grants. I will get the board consent out as soon as
I receive the grant amounts."
Do you see that?
A. Mm-hmm.

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