Steve Jobs deposition, page 54, March 18, 2009

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one~mi11ionshare grants. They might have been 10:46:14
under the impression that I was going to give Nancy
anda million shares, too; I don't really
[ i)
recall. But, again, those were that was a minor
thing. The big thing was just the magnitude of the 10:46:29
millionshare grants.

Q. And I hear what you're saying about the
number of shares being a minor thing, To the
extent 10:46:46
A. Well, forf |and Nancy. I mean,
Q. Fair enough.
With regards to Ms. Heinen and
[i il
then, do you know can you estimate for me
approximately when it was that you had agreement or 10:46:55
you thought there was agreement on the board that
Ms. Heinen would get the 400,000 shares?
A. I dont remember. The only thing I would
say is, again, as I said before, it was my
understanding that I had approval from the board to 10:47:08
go execute these grants by the end of 2000.
Q. Do you know when it was that the board
agreed that January 17th would be the - January
17th, 2001 would be the grant date?
A. I don't.

866 299-Sl 27

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