Steve Jobs deposition, page 50, March 18, 2009

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{ii i] Great.
THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record at 10:18
a . m .
(Recess taken)
THE VIDEOGRAPHER: On the record at 10:42
a.m. Please begin.
BY[ ij

Q. Mr. Jobs, just first off, again, we do
appreciate youre taking the time to do this today. 10:42:37
And so again, if at any point you need to take a
break, I lose track of time, so just tell me to
A. Thanks. No ~
Q. a- and I'11 afford you that opportunity. 10:42:46
A. e I appreciate that.
Q. And also, I do want to clear up during the
break the reporter had noted that once or twice I
referred to this document that we're looking at as
Exhibit 1. It is, in fact, Exhibit 6, and it has 10:42:57
been my intention to discuss Exhibit 6 throughout.
Since it's the only document dealt with today, it
makes it easier, but I will try to avoid that
mistake in the future.
All right. So getting back to Exhibit 6, 10:43:08 V (

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