Steve Jobs deposition, page 48, March 18, 2009

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Of Apple Computer, Inc."
Do you see that?

A. Mmhmm.
Q- And what do you understand - what do you
understand "unanimous written consent" to be? 10:16:31
A. The board approving something without
having a meeting.
Q. Okay. And then, you see the date there of
January 17th, ZOO1? Do you see that?
A. Mm-hmm.
Q. And do you know why it is that this
document is dated January 17th, ZOOI?
A. I don't,
Q. All right. If you'll go into the text a
little bit on this page that we're still on, 8952, 10:17:14
y0u'll see there is a section that - there is a
heading that says Section 16(b) Officer Grants."
Do you see that?
A. Yes.
Q. And then you'll notice there is a paragraph 10:17:25
that begins with capitalized letters "Resolved, that
each person listed on Exhibit A is hereby granted an
Do you see that?
A. I do, yeah.

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