Steve Jobs deposition, page 17, March 18, 2009

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What is your current title or role here at 09:35:24
vm me 020.
Haw long have you been the CEO?
Since 1997.
And I guess, just to go back in time then,
I want to just try to understand a little bit the
transition from having the title consultant to
becoming CEO. Could you just describe that
transition for me?

A. Well, when Apple bought NeXT, Apple was
pretty messed up. It was pretty easy to see, And I
was trying to help in my arm's length role. I was
trying to help Apple by getting some of the NeXT
people into some jobs where they could help Apple, 09:36:10
and thats pretty much all I was doing.
And I got a call one day from one of
Apple's board members namedandsked
gi ij [;';}
me what I thought 0fin the time that I
Ei ;]
had spent with him.

866 299-5 i 27

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