Steve Jobs deposition, page 14, March 18, 2009

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Q. -- first of all, what kind of business - 09:31:19
what did NeXT do?
A. NeXT had two parts to its business; one was
to create some really good hardware and the other
was to really pioneer object0riented programming. 09:31:28
Q. And for people like me who are a little
ignorant on that, can you just tell me a little bit
about what objectoriented programming means?
A. It's a way of writing software that can be
far more flexible and, therefore, more efficient 09:31:46
than traditional ways of writing software.
Q. Did you what was your - well, first of
all, did you have a title at NeXT?
A. I was the CEO.
Q. And so when was it -- did you find NeXT 09:32:10
right in l985?
I don't know. 'B5 or '86. I don't really
And what eventually happened to NeXT?
Apple purchased it.
Okay. When?
I believe 1997.
And were you still with NeXT when Apple
purchased it?
A. Yes.

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