Steve Jobs deposition, page 8, March 18, 2009

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there is a couple of things; the first of which ix
it's vary natural sometimes to assume you know what
the rest of my question is going to be and then jump
in before I finish a question. And if that happens,
the record gets a little garbled and difficult to
Do you understand that?

A. Mmhmm.
Q. And, likewise, I sometimes have a bad habit
of jumping in before an answer is complete. So I
will do my best to refrain as well.
A. Great.
Q. In addition, because we are being
transcribed, it is important that you do your best
to give audible answers like "yes" and "no." Again,
although we have a videotape, things like "uhhuh"
and "huhuh" are a little difficult to sometimes
decipher six, eight months down the road.
Do you understand that?
A. Yes.
Q. Now, before we began today, your counsel
mentioned, and I believe you mentioned, that you're
not feeling well this morning. S0 I just want to
make sure that youre comfortable with proceeding
with your deposition.


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