Pages tagged ww2:

photo_polygon: # .nazi in colour
World_War_Two__Simple_Version_by_AngusMcLeod.jpg (JPEG Image, 1275x11277 pixels)

funny ww2 comic
via seetha
Urban Dictionary: World War II
According to the protagonist in Kurt Vonnegut's "Timequake": "...The world's second unsucessful attempt to commit suicide."
This is truly amazing.
terse yet comprehensive AND humourous
BBC - Schools - Primary History
Ancient Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxon, Vikings, Children in Victorian Britain, Children of WW2
BBC Primary History - Study Ancient Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, Romans, Children of Victorian Britain, Vikings and Children of World War 2
All about History
Explore the distant to the very recent past, with the Primary History timeline.
for sociall studies
Although aimed at Primary some very useful resources,including videos, on Greeks, romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Children of Victorian Britain, Industrial Revolution, Children of WW2
1 день осени - # .nazi in colour .100 pick pack #2
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BBC NEWS | Europe | Paris liberation made 'whites only' colonial soldiers - who made up around two-thirds of Free French forces - were deliberately removed from the unit that led the Allied advance into the French capital.
Papers unearthed by the BBC reveal that British and American commanders ensured that the liberation of Paris on 25 August 1944 was seen as a "whites only" victory. Many who fought Nazi Germany during World War II did so to defeat the vicious racism that left millions of Jews dead. Yet the BBC's Document programme has seen evidence that black colonial soldiers - who made up around two-thirds of Free French forces - were deliberately removed from the unit that led the Allied advance into the French capital. By the time France fell in June 1940, 17,000 of its black, mainly West African colonial troops, known as the Tirailleurs Senegalais, lay dead.
Allied High Command agreed, but only on one condition: De Gaulle's division must not contain any black soldiers.
"We were colonised by the French. We were forced to go to war. Forced to follow the orders that said, do this, do that, and we did. France has not been grateful. Not at all."
Soviet War Paintings
Soviet War paintings
A fascinating collection showing how horrific World War II was for the Soviet Union.
Letters of Note: Slaughterhouse Five
vonnegut on slaughterhouse five : "On about February 14th the Americans came over, followed by the R.A.F. their combined labors killed 250,000 people in twenty-four hours and destroyed all of Dresden -- possibly the world's most beautiful city. But not me. "
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s letter home describe the real-life Slaughterhouse Five scenario of his POW internment during WWII.
Science and Technology of WWII
for schools
The National WWII Museum presents this website with information, lessons, and actiities about the science an technology of World War II. You can use this site to to provide your students the opportunity to broaden their understanding of WWII history.
WWII in Color |
ww II german photographs
Color photographs from World War 2.
Unas grandes imágenes bélicas de la segunda Guerra Mundial, gracias a demonicious.
Fotos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a Colores
NormandySupply_edit.jpg (JPEG Image, 2804x2150 pixels)
Normandy invasion photo
Part of Operation Overloard, which began with D-Day. This is the beach after the Allies took over. (Full Wikipedia article : )
A large picture of the Normandy beach landings, useful for stimulating student discussion and interest.
Remembering D-Day, 66 years ago - The Big Picture -
Aufnahmen vom D-Day
Remembering D-Day, 66 years ago - The Big Picture -
Relembrando o dia D, 66 anos atrás.
The Big Picture's photos of D-Day. My grandfather landed on Omaha Beach a few days behind the main invasion, treating casualties from both sides as the front advanced. I cannot imagine what this was like, for him or for those he was treating who led the invasion.