Pages tagged worldhistory:

TimeMaps - World Map 3500 BC

Click on the timeline's icons or on the map's icons to learn more about each place represented on the map. The map changes as you progress through the timeline. For example, the 3500BC map represents only five places while the 1871AD map highlights places all over the globe.
The aim of the TimeMap of World History is to "communicate history in a truly engaging way". To do this, we use a combination of timelines, maps, and encyclopedia entries merged together to create both authoritative content and an enjoyable user experience. The result is a unique interactive guide through history, stopping at each and every civilization, empire and country along the way.
A combination of timelines, maps, and encyclopedia entries merged together to create both authoritative content and an enjoyable user experience. The result is a unique interactive guide through history, stopping at each and every civilization, empire and country along the way.
Mapa Histórico del mundo. Interactivo.
Features interactive timeline
TimeMaps is best described as a mash-up of encyclopedia, timeline, and map elements. TimeMaps' world map is designed as an overview of the development of the world's societies. The map's timeline begins in 3500BC and concludes in 2005AD. Click on the timeline's icons or on the map's icons to learn more about each place represented on the map. The map changes as you progress through the timeline. For example, the 3500BC map represents only five places while the 1871AD map highlights places all over the globe.
imeMaps is best described as a mash-up of encyclopedia, timeline, and map elements