Pages tagged work:

Resume: Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume
「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる - ナイトシフト

「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる
Procrastinating Again? How to Kick the Habit: Scientific American
"Procrastination carries a financial penalty, endangers health, harms relationships and ends careers. “Procrastination undermines well-being on a wide scale,” notes psychologist Timothy A. Pychyl, director of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Ottawa. Nevertheless, recent work hints at potential upsides to this otherwise bad habit: perpetual foot-draggers seem to benefit emotionally from their trademark tactics, which support the human inclination to avoid the disagreeable." - Scientific American
Almost everyone occasionally procrastinates, but a worrisome 15 to 20 percent of adults routinely put off activities that would be better accomplished right away.
Although biology is partly to blame for foot-dragging, anyone can learn to quit
Procrastination can also stem from anxiety, an offshoot of neuroticism. Procrastinators postpone getting started because of a fear of failure (I am so worried that I will bungle this assignment), the fear of ultimately making a mistake (I need to make sure the outcome will be perfect), and the fear of success (If I do well, people will expect more of me all the time. Therefore, I’ll put the assignment off until the last minute, do it poorly, and people won’t expect so much of me).
If I Started A Company Today | Andrew Hyde - Humble Yet Bold
Down economy?  Perfect time to start it up. Chris Brogan posted a great post on if he started in social media today, what he would do. It got me
Andrew Hyde's tips for starting a company today.
The Invoice Machine | Online Invoicing Made Beautiful
Pay pal and auto PDF enabled
a new clever approach to online invoicing. It's beautiful and simple-to-use interface makes producing professional looking invoices a very pleasant experience.
Why people procrastinate | Motivating minds | The Economist
"To some there is nothing so urgent that it cannot be postponed in favour of a cup of tea. Such procrastination is a mystery to psychologists, who wonder why people would sabotage themselves in this way. A team of researchers led by Sean McCrea of the University of Konstanz, in Germany, reckon they have found a piece of the puzzle. People act in a timely way when given concrete tasks but dawdle when they view them in abstract terms."
People act in a timely way when given concrete tasks but dawdle when they view them in abstract terms.
Google の面接を受けてみた - 科学と非科学の迷宮
Rands In Repose: A Disclosure
Whether you get to choose or not, there are aspects of management that you need to understand.
There will be drama. And there be those precious seconds when there is no one in your office wanting… something.
All about management in software dev companies...
Napping: the expert's guide | Life and style | The Guardian
For years, napping has been derided as a sign of laziness. We are "caught" napping or "found asleep at the switch". But lately it has garnered new respect, thanks to scientific evidence that midday dozing benefits both mental acuity and overall health. A slew of recent studies have shown that naps boost alertness, creativity, mood, and productivity in the later hours of the day.
27 Places to Find Web Design Jobs
Professional Development: How to Get the Right People on Your Team
Most of us are better at keeping appointments with other people than we are at keeping time scheduled for ourselves. That’s why it's easier to show up at the gym when you're meeting a friend. Be careful which friend you choose to work out with though, or you may end up at the bakery enjoying muffins and a latte....
The Lazy Manifesto: Do Less. Then, Do Even Less. | Zen Habits
It pays to play....
Design Observer
On August 12, 1982, I took a 10 x 7 1/8 inch National Blank Book Company composition book from the supply closet of my then employer, Vignelli Associates. From that moment, I have never been without one. I always have one at my desk. I take one with me to every meeting. I am now in the middle of Notebook #85. It's in front of me right now. Together, these well-worn books create a history of my working life that spans three decades.
Inspiration for keeping a notebook.
The most effective debt collecting email I ever wrote | For A Beautiful Web
This exercise taught me that even the trickiest situations can be handled better and resolved faster by plain, honest speaking.
10 Companies Hiring for Work from Home
Work from home
Derek Powazek - Don’t Work for Assholes
the months I spent suffering that fool 12 years ago would have been better spent building my portfolio and hustling to find better clients. All the time you spend working for an asshole is time you’re not spending to find a gig that will, in the long run, pay you better, teach you more, and make you happier.
"Nine times out of ten, the first impression someone gives you is exactly who they are. We choose not to see it because we need the money, or we want the situation to be different. But if someone rubs you the wrong way at the first meeting, chances are, it’s only going to get worse."
It can be very intimidating to turn down work, especially in these uncertain economic times. But the months I spent suffering that fool 12 years ago would have been better spent building my portfolio and hustling to find better clients. All the time you spend working for an asshole is time you’re not spending to find a gig that will, in the long run, pay you better, teach you more, and make you happier.
Crude advice, but very salient. We take the stick because we need the money, but the rude client ends up hitting us over the head with it.
"But the biggest lesson I learned? Don’t work for assholes."
私が考えるプレゼンを良いものにする「6つの誓い」 - 中小企業診断士 和田伸午のおもしろビジネス放談
15 Tips for Freelancers Starting Their Own Business | Think Vitamin
So you’re a skilled developer or design freelancer who has established a handful of customers who pay your bills and provide you with an income. That’s great. You may wish to keep things just the way they are or you might want to build on this and build up your own small business. If you’re opting for the later then here are a few tips to help you ride the bumpy road from freelancer to fully-fledged small business.
100 Blogs that Will Save You Time & Make You More Productive |
Architects Rule! : Real-life Dilbert manager quotes
Pointy haired boss -lainauksia, oikeasti.
知らないと損するフレームワーク思考活用法 - GoTheDistance
* ロジックツリー(抜け漏れを見る) * マトリックス(観点を見る) * プロセス(順番を見る) 先に取り上げたエントリのフレームワークのほとんどは、マトリックスでした。異なる観点をクロスさせることで、その中の検討軸を見いだし意味があるかどうかを判断する ロジックツリーの最たる例は、WBSです。基本ルールとして親タスクは子タスクの集合体で、かつその集合体は親タスクを100%満たすモノ 仕事を行うための必要条件 * 目的 * 担当者 * 期間 * インプット * アウトプット 「投資」「浪費」「消費」「空費」に区切って考えるやり方
this is project management lingo
'Come to Beavis Meeting'? Hilarious.
Hilarious/scary (via Steve Portigal)
Non-Hierarchical Management (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
Most guides on management are written for big bosses at big companies, not people starting something new who want their team to be as effective as possible. (Hi, startup founders!) So herewith, a guide to effective non-hierarchical management.
Vary responsibilities (not efficient, but unhappy = worse efficiency) * Delegate responsibility (develop the team... either manage or work, not both) * Competent people get things done anyway. Ineffective ones let the excuses pile up. * proactive as well. People tend to suffer quietly * Part of your job is helping people decide what to tackle first. * stop procrastination is to sit down with someone and come up with the next concrete step they have to take and then start doing it together. * people are much happier and more productive when they have control over the way they work. Never take that away. * And if people fight back, know when to step back and say “look, you’re the expert. I was just giving my two cents.” (Hint: It’s right after they start fighting back.) * not to dictate or micromanage, but to have a Socratic dialogue to help figure out what the best answer is. *
A better way to think of a manager is as a servant, like an editor or a personal assistant. Everyone wants to be effective; a manager’s job is to do everything they can to make that happen. The ideal manager is someone everyone would want to have.
At work - The Big Picture -
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
10 tips for efficient design : Boagworld web design podcast
A podcast for those who design, develop and run websites.
Coding Horror: The Bad Apple: Group Poison
What they found, in short, is that the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs. It doesn't seem to matter how great the best member is, or what the average member of the group is like. It all comes down to what your worst team member is like. The teams with the worst person performed the poorest.
in some of the groups, the fourth member of their team isn't a student. He's an actor hired to play a bad apple, one of these personality types: The Depressive Pessimist will complain that the task that they're doing isn't enjoyable, and make statements doubting the group's ability to succeed. The Jerk will say that other people's ideas are not adequate, but will offer no alternatives himself. He'll say "you guys need to listen to the expert: me." The Slacker will say "whatever", and "I really don't care." The conventional wisdom in the research on this sort of thing is that none of this should have had much effect on the group at all. Groups are powerful. Group dynamics are powerful. And so groups dominate individuals, not the other way around. There's tons of research, going back decades, demonstrating that people conform to group values and norms. But Will found the opposite. the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs.
Groups that have a "bad apple" perform worse. A good leader, who asks questions, solicits opinions and makes sure everyone is heard can make a difference. See also
How to Find a Job Online | Personal Finance Blog, Online Money Management, Budget Planner and Financial Planning -
listed on popular bkmarks
The Workstations of Popular Websites | Webdesigner Depot
welcome to the club - MBP
無精で短気で傲慢なプログラマ | 技術者・SE・プログラマ面接時の技術的な質問事項
How to Procrastinate Like Leonardo da Vinci -
Procrastinate Like Leonardo da Vinci
Academe is full of potential geniuses who have never done a single thing they wanted to do because there were too many things that needed to be done first: the research projects, conference papers, books and articles — not one of them freely chosen: merely means to some practical end, a career rather than a calling. And so we complete research projects that no longer interest us and write books that no one will read
51 Creative Business Cards That Will Make You Look Twice
Coolest business card ever
Cool Lego Businesscard
business card ever
Simple Guidelines for Workday Quality Over Quantity | Smarterware
Email: Simple Guidelines for Workday Quality Over Quantity
新聞やテレビが絶対に書かない「ホリエモン」こと「堀江貴文」の真実~ロングインタビュー前編~ - GIGAZINE
Lancers - 個人の仕事売買マーケットプレイス
Change Your Resume for a Great 2009 – Part I - Stepcase Lifehack
The IT Contract From Hell
履歴書に入れてはいけない6つの言葉 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
* Responsible for(責任のある) * Experienced(経験豊富な) * Excellent written communication skills (書面での優れたコミュニケーション能力) * Team player(チームプレイヤー) * Detail oriented(細部にも気を使う) * Successful(成功した)
デザインパターンと java がさっぱりわからない。暇なときに java をいじくる。
Book Excerpt: David Allen's Making It All Work a New Look at GTD
All Work a New Look
Author David Allen's follow-up to his best-selling productivity bible Getting Things Done is called Making It All Work. In a series of excerpts published by tech site BNET, Allen discusses the two axes of self-management—control and perspective—and asks you to place yourself in the matrix. (Of course any personal productivity book is nothing without at least one matrix.) Are you a visionary/crazy-maker? Victim/responder? Micromanager/implementer? If things are going well, you've got the right mix of control and perspective, which puts you in the Captain and Commander seat.
Life at Wal-Mart - Boing Boing
Life at Wal-Mart
Wal*Mart isn't the devil? <gasp>
How about a different opinoin on those Wal-Mart jobs.
he seems surprised that the people who work at WalMart aren't ogres, and he completely ignores the fact that the writings about conditions at WM may have led to the improvements that he sees
How to Manage Geeks - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Manage Geeks.
"Ausdrucken, wegfaxen"
Freelancing Gods: Freelancing Tips via Rails Camp 4
Competence: Is Your Boss Faking It? - TIME,8599,1878358,00.html?cnn=yes
Social psychologists know that one way to be viewed as a leader in any group is simply to act like one. Speak up, speak well and offer lots of ideas, and before long, people will begin doing what you say. This works well when leaders know what they're talking about, but what if they don't? If someone acts like a boss but thinks like a boob, is that still enough to stay on top? - "More-dominant individuals achieved influence in their groups in part because they were seen as more competent by fellow group members," Anderson and Kilduff write.
"Speak up, speak well and offer lots of ideas, and before long, people will begin doing what you say" - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Found at
speaking up makes you look intelligent
Downloads: ManicTime Tracks Your Work Day
Windows only: ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports. If you were intrigued by previously reviewed RescueTime but were turned off by the idea of uploading all your data to the RescueTime servers, ManicTime offers a very similar set of tools but stores your data locally.
Monitorowanie ile czasu spędzamy nad czym przy komputerze
ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports.
もしかしたらあなたの人生を変えるかもしれない、やる気、集中力、簡単養成講座 - teruyastarはかく語りき
When Agile Projects Go Bad - - Business Technology Leadership
Joel Spolsky's Secret to Start-up Success? Careful Morale Management
The problem is that trying to copy one company's model is a fool's errand. It's hard to figure out which part of the Starbucks formula made the business a smash hit while so many of its rivals failed. Starbucks's success is the product of a combination of factors that came together in precisely the right way at precisely the right time. It's nearly impossible to isolate which one was the most important. You would probably have to look at the hundreds of small coffee chains that didn't make it big before you stood a chance of seeing what really distinguished Starbucks.
A start-up requires patience: As in tuning a shortwave radio, you have to make a number of adjustments to get it just right.
Bre Pettis | I Make Things - Bre Pettis Blog - The Cult of Done Manifesto
The Cult of Done Manifesto 1. There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion. 2. Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done. 3. There is no editing stage. 4. Pretending you know what you're doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you're doing even if you don't and do it. 5. Banish procrastination. If you wait more than a week to get an idea done, abandon it. 6. The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done. 7. Once you're done you can throw it away. 8. Laugh at perfection. It's boring and keeps you from being done. 9. People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right. 10. Failure counts as done. So do mistakes. 11. Destruction is a variant of done. 12. If you have an idea and publish it on the internet, that counts as a ghost of done. 13. Done is the engine of more.
ts as done. So do mistakes.
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 1 | Webdesigner Depot
Collaborating with clients you never meet face-to-face has become normal for most web workers. Ours is an industry where working remotely poses very few real
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 1
squawkfox » 6 Action Words That Make Your Resume Rock
How to Keep a Career Log - wikiHow
A career journal, diary, or log is a way of keeping track of what you do or have done in the past. Those little things that you might forget down the road, but when added together can, at the very least, add up to a significant pat on the back. If used right, it can help you with focusing your career and life experiences. It can also be helpful when updating your resume. Here's how to get the most out of your career log.
Dead Simple Guide to Beating Procrastination | Zen Habits
To read and use.
Top 20 Websites to Find Work as a Freelance Designer | Spoonfed Design
Another listing of freelancing jobs in web design and web development.
ave the time. You are ready to work, but there’s one problem. You have no clients. The biggest struggle freelancers face is finding work. The
Top 20 Websites to Find Work as a Freelance Designer | Spoonfed Design -
Education: Academic Earth Aggregates Lectures from MIT, Harvard, Yale, and Others
Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem
Seth on meetings, with some innovative ideas
Getting serious about your meeting problem Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight. If you're serious about solving your meeting problem, getting things done and saving time, try this for one week. If it doesn't work, I'll be happy to give you a full refund. 1. Understand that all problems are not the same. So why are your meetings? Does every issue deserve an hour? Why is there a default length? 2. Schedule meetings in increments of five minutes. Require that the meeting organizer have a truly great reason to need more than four increments of realtime face time. 3. Require preparation. Give people things to read or do before the meeting, and if they don't, kick them out. 4. Remove all the chairs from the conference room. I'm serious. 5. If someone is more than two minutes later than the last person to the meeting, they have...
Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight.
FICCが運営するクリエイターのための求人サイト☆さすがなつくり。 CBCNETより見やすくて親切。
Search for organizational charts with The Official Board. We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world’s 20 000 largest corporations. A strong personal network is the key to professional success. The Official Board is constantly developed and updated by our members in real time. That means our members are the first to know. Free registration is required. Most of the information can be accessed for free by our members. Then, by adding to the database, they become allowed to search for deeper information in each organizational chart.
View the organizational charts of the world's 20 000 largest corporations.
Welcome to The Official Board. We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world's 20 000 largest corporations.
org charts of companies
Ger information om företagets ledning. Wiki
org charts
"We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world’s 20 000 largest corporations."
See also the techcrunch article.
OfficePOD®. Changing the way people work. Welcome to the next generation of workplace
Being an OfficePOD user will bring a positive change to life. A chance to cut down on commuting, to be more productive, to spend more time at home but at the same time keep your work separate. A major way to getting a better balance into your life. (Será?)
The ability to work from home is a trend that is here to stay. Technology allows it, legislation permits it and employers often now encourage it. An OfficePOD provides a working environment that is separate to home life. The hassle free OfficePOD service deals with everything from site survey and installation through to customer services and POD relocation in the case of moving house or employer.
Pretty amazing outdoor office furniture designed to help the environment.
「その発想はなかった!」と言わせる技術を身につけよう~仕事の幅を広げる19の発想技法:企業IT部門の変革を支援するエンタープライズ実践情報サイト EnterpriseZine
プレゼンテーションのデザインパターン - Keep Crazy;shi3zの日記
A Guide to Better Web-Working From Your iPhone
Let’s get this out of the way first: I used to have a BlackBerry, I loved it, and have nothing against it. I also think the Palm Pre will change the direction of phone software forever. However, the massive shift towards the iPhone and its application store is such a powerful movement, we can’t deny the power of what this combination can bring to people who rely on being mobile while working. Personally, iPhone applications have changed the way I live each day - from fun to productivity. This is true for many of us that work on the web. So, look at this both as a list of possible tools for current iPhone users, as well as a reference for other phone users to consider if they aren’t happy with the phone - and more importantly, the productivity system - they already have. Ideas & notes Usually the first part of any process, the idea, is lost in a fleeting moment of getting sucked in by a Slap Chop commercial. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t want to stop having a boring life of chopping » Top ten reasons managers become great
15 Steps to a More Productive Workday | Vandelay Design Blog
Classic Mistakes Enumerated
Classic mistakes in development and team leadership
#34: Overestimated savings from new tools or methods. Organizations seldom improve their productivity in giant leaps, no matter how good or how many new tools or methods they adopt. Be
Some ineffective development practices have been chosen so often, by so many people, with such predictable, bad results that they deserve to be called "classic mistakes." Most of the mistakes have a seductive appeal. Do you need to rescue a project that's behind schedule? Add more people! Do you want to reduce your schedule? Schedule more aggressively! Is one of your key contributors aggravating the rest of the team? Wait until the end of the project to fire him! Do you have a rush project to complete? Take whatever developers are available right now and get started as soon as possible!
あなたの履歴書を向こう5年間戦えるものにするために--今後必要な開発者スキル10選 - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20391421,00.htm
Annotated link
Evolution of Office Spaces Reflects Changing Attitudes Toward Work
Changing attitudes towards work.
v swissmiss
The Simple Dollar » 50 Side Businesses You Can Start On Your Own
Each of these ideas is very simple to start, and most can be done as a sole proprietorship at first (meaning you don’t have to file any legal documents to get started, though you will want to do that if it starts to take off). Most of these can be done at home in your spare time in your spare space, too. Ready? See if there are any ideas below that fit you well. If you find an idea, seek out a guide on how to get started in that area.
The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Every freelancer needs clients. We rely on them, nurture our relationships with them, and provide a quality of service that keeps then coming back. And we can never have enough of them! The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has one purpose: to massively increase your source of potential clients and potential jobs. This list, like Isaac Newton, stands on the shoulders of giants. The original Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has been valuable and much visited since April 2007. Your hundreds of comments have greatly added to its value. This list is a thorough update, removing dead links, adding new sites, and taking on board many of the suggestions from your comments.
Details of the different types of jobs.
The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
How To Nail An Interview
40+ Articles to Help Freelance Designers Find More Work
a load of articles to help with the current climate - whatever that is
Rands In Repose: The Pond
Working remotely long-term
Avoiding failure involves asking four questions before they leave: 1. Do they have the personality? 2. Do they have the right job? 3. Does the culture support it? 4. Do you have a remote friction detection and resolution policy?
But I’m still freaked because my first thought when anyone asks to work remote is, “This fine person is a year away from either quitting or being fired.” Why? Because they’re asking to leave the Pond.
ZORIAH - A PHOTOJOURNALIST AND WAR PHOTOGRAPHER'S BLOG: Guest Photographer/Photojournalist: G.M.B. Akash — Child Labor
check back
Bilješka dajte stavite to ko viejst
Un superbe reportage sur les conditions de travail de près de 6,3 Millions d'enfants de moins de 14 ans au Bangladesh.
8 rules to discourage your employees | Geek Stuff Daily
Jak zniechęcić pracownika ;)
40 Places Where Freelancers Can Learn More About Business - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
People become freelancers for all sorts of reasons. Very few do it to get into business - that’s just a side effect. To be successful freelancers, we need to be savvy business people. Understanding business takes work - some light reading, some heavy ploughing though your government’s forms and requirements, maybe some serious study, and keeping up with business news and events. Material for small businesses and entrepreneurs will be especially helpful. Here is a reading list for you to pick and choose from: 40 Places Where Freelancers Can Learn More About Business. This list is a starting point.
Sources for business information for freelancers or self-employed persons.
at FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1,000 a Minute ∞ Get Rich Slowly
The 4 Hour Workday |
Facebook, YouTube at Work Make Better Employees: Study
The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.
According to the researchers, "short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days' work, and as a result, increased productivity." More importantly, "firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos, using social networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity." Someone should let them know their logic is flawed.
All You Need to Know to Tweet on Twitter -
May 6, 2009
Article on how to use Twitter.
Why setting goals can backfire - The Boston Globe
Article from the Boston Globe.
Or: why setting the wrong goals fails. Or: why poor management fails.
Why setting goals can backfire
新社会人が仕事を覚えるために、今すぐ読むべき良記事15つ : ロケスタ社長日記
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Sharpen the Saw for Developers
George emailed me with an interesting question. Paraphrasing George, liberally, what's are some good ways to keep developers sharpening the saw - Covey Habit #7? There's been lots of talk about being a better developer, but what about the unmotivated masses? (Don't worry, we can talk about them, because, since they are unmotivated, they aren't reading blogs.) ;) The assumption being that for every totally-amped developer who is always striving to get better, there's at least 10 developers who are saying, "Hey, it's 5:01pm, I've just checked in massive changes, can I punch out?" Here's some ideas, some mine, some Georges. I'm interested in yours:
m, created diverse teams, and set them to work to design algorithms, define, write, document, and test some application. The application needs to have universal appeal, so sales and accounting can have fun. One year we did a Word Search (like the kind in the newspaper). Everyone participated and there were reasonably significant prizes.
Seth's Blog: Three kinds of meetings
There are only three kinds of classic meetings: 1. Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. 2. Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. 3. Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no.
Meetings are marketing in real time with real people. (A conference is not a meeting. A conference is a chance for a circle of people to interact). There are only three kinds of classic meetings: Information. This is a meeting...
"# Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. # Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. # Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no."
iMapWeather™ | Local, National and Global Weather Conditions, Forecasts, Animated Radar and Watches and Warnings
What is iMapWeather? Among other things, iMapWeather is the easiest, most user-friendly way to get weather forecasts and current conditions, view radar and satellite images, see real-time lightning strikes and get nautical information. Simply click 'Get iMapWeather,' above and add it to your blog, your website or your company's website. Sign Up to enjoy the atmosphere Share iMap the news about iMapWeather
iMapWeather provides local, national and global current conditions, weather forecasts, watches and warnings, animated radar and real-time lightning strikes within an interactive weather map.
damn, should have pulled this together
35 Online Tools That Make Your Freelance Career Easier | Freelance Folder
Over the years the appeal of freelancing has grown tremendously. Some are drawn to freelancing to enjoy the freedom of choosing their own work hours, some as a way to stay ahead during times of recession. Today, there are many individuals on the web pursuing their career as a freelancer. Bloggers, web designers, social media strategists and many others have found that freelancing is a great way to utilize their skills and sell their services through the wonderful medium we call the internet.
Over the years the appeal of freelancing has grown tremendously. Some are drawn to freelancing to enjoy the freedom of choosing their own work hours, some as a
A collection of tools for freelance writers and designers
17 Online Meeting Tools That Facilitate Collaboration
Online conferencing tools are used for many reasons – sales presentations, webinars and training, to name a few. Plus, if you work from home, like many freelancers and small business owners do, you face the unique challenge of needing live meeting time with clients who may be located around the world.
17 Online Meeting Tools That Facilitate Collaboration
online meeting applications
How P2 Changed Automattic — Matt Mullenweg
web layout/feel for ideacus... I mostly like how the top makes you feel like it's a totally different page...
A post about and video showing the Twitter-like collaborative WordPress Theme P2.
P2 - twitter-like realtime-editable theme for wordpress
A intruiging blog theme for wordpress. Allows you to blog in real-time. Need to take a closer look at this
Jere, oliks tää P2 se teema jota sä näytit mulle aikasemmin? Aika lupaava mikrobloggaus-intranet-härveli ton videon perusteella...
이거 뭔가요?
Free file sharing and net meeting | Show Document
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services Share documents online A file sharing and online document review service that allows users to work together with any document including PDF, Word, Power Point, jpg files. Elearning, online training and work meetings use this service. Shared Text Editor An advanced online text editor allow users to work together during the web meeting on text files and save the files on their workstation afterword. Share Google Map Browse Google Maps together during a live meeting. The Google street view map is seen at the same time by all participants. Begin net meeting by clicking on Interactive Whiteboard and o
Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... SHARED DOCUMENT, WHITEBOARD,TEXT EDITOR OR BROWSER
How to negotiate a salary without tipping your hand - Manage Your Life on Shine
You’ve gotten pretty far in a job discussion. You like them. They like you. And it's getting down to the nitty gritty. Then your prospective employer pops the question you’ve been dreading: “So what are you making now?” (or some variation like, “What were you making in your last position?”) You freeze. You know that answering the question can only hurt you. It might peg you at a salary you feel you’ve outgrown or that you improperly negotiated. And you know that you’re always supposed to let the other person name a price first in any negotiation. So what do you do?
On Off and Beyond: 海外で勉強して働こう
> 1)日本はもう立ち直れないと思う。だから、2)海外で勉強してそのまま海外で働く道を真剣に考えてみて欲しい。
10 Powerpoint Tips for Preparing a Professional Presentation
Handy, but not all that novel.
Consejos para hacer mejores presentaciones en Powerpoint
A tutorial for preparing Powerpoint presentations. What to do and what not to do.
Presentations - whether they are made with Powerpoint or other applications, are a great way to support a speech, visualize complicated concepts or focus
How To Network: For Introverts | Business Pundit
I have a problem. I'm an introvert. I'm not shy. I'm not afraid of being in public. But I am horrible at chit-chat and gossip. If I spend an evening at a social
this bookmark brought from the different place.
ほんのすこし書き方に注意すれば、あなたのドキュメントはさらに分かりやすくなる!:企業IT部門の変革を支援するエンタープライズ実践情報サイト EnterpriseZine
Dev Explorer - Reading and Writing to Excel Spreadsheets in Python
An introduction to using the xlwt and xlrd modules for python to interact with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News Source
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News Source
Dear American Airlines | Dustin Curtis
Fantastisk blog om brukervennlighet og brukersentrert design av nettsider
UI guy that redesigned
Dustin makes some really interesting points about user experience. I want to read more from him.
Enternships entrepreneurial work placements
The place to find the hottest entrepreneurial work experience and full time roles.
"The place to find the hottest entrepreneurial work experience and full time roles."
could be a great place for Mindbox to find talent and cheap labor
what consumes me, bud caddell » how to be happy in business - venn diagram
one for Neil Moodley
I’ve been working at start-ups and small businesses since I was 14 years old. My father and his father before him owned and operated their own small businesses. There’s something about the fight for survival for a small team that’s coded in my DNA. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy working at Undercurrent so much. We’re small and thus we’re nimble. We’re lean and thus we’re malleable. And our age and our medium demand both.
how to be happy in business - venn diagram
Lifehacker - Negotiate Your Salary with the Help of the White Lie - Salary
salary negotiations
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur | How To Stay Focused - 63 (Very Focused) Ways
14 Invaluable Tools To Check The Real Worth of Your Design Work | Minervity
Real Worth of Your Design Work
The value of a designers work is probably the hardest thing to estimate for any freelancer. Overestimate and you will probably lose the project. Underestimate
Evaluation de la valeur d'un site Internet
Interview Questions & Answers |
Interview Questions
Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B « Software++
How to be Unstoppable - Qrimp Blog
If you haven't seen the dancing guy, yet, watch it. You can also read Derek Sivers analysis of the dancing guy. Seth Godin even took a stab at it. If you are really curious, watch a longer version of the dancing guy and listen to the comments from the camera drivers. His revolution was a long time in the making. I think it may have had a lot to do with the song itself, which is Santigold's Unstoppable. I had never heard the song before, but I love it and have listened to it at least 30 times since seeing Derek Sivers's post a few days ago at Hacker News. It's a great and inspiring story, even just the unfolding of this sensation itself, but that's not my focus here. Unstoppable doesn't mean you create a huge following, that's a consequence. The Dancing Guy wasn't thinking, "I want to get a huge dance party going." He was thinking, "I want to dance!" With that in mind, here's...
yet another follow-up to the dancing guy phenomenon .. this one more complete and personalized :)
6 Amazing Techniques to Staying Happy During a Stressful Project | Zen Habits
Way to dolve pressure
Lifehacker - Make Your Brown Bag Lunch More Appealing - brown bag
Lunch ideas.
The Way I Work: Matt Mullenweg, Leading Your Company Article - Inc. Article
Matt Mullenweg, founder of Word Press and Automattic, manages a successful Internet business where everyone is working from home
The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So Wide - ReadWriteWeb
Liked:The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So Wide.. [from]
Recently, business information solutions provider LexisNexis released the results of a study that examined how technology was used in the American workplace. The focus of the study was ...
The Technology Generation Gap at Work is Oh So Wide
The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense R | Human Resources |
第65回 [図解]Webサイト構築プロジェクト・ワークフロー:ITpro
Master the Art of Working Remotely - Gina Trapani -
But working with people in different cities and time zones with minimal face time presents a whole new set of challenges. While the tools available for working remotely are better than ever, it's how you use them that really counts. Constant and clear communication is the key to a good remote working relationship.
Over the past five years I've worked off-site and online for employers across the country using email, chat, and web-based collaboration apps. My work life has been the envy of my traditional nine-to-five friends. While they suit up in an office-appropriate outfit, grab the briefcase, and brave a commute every weekday, I get to work from home (and my employers get to save money on office space).
How To Estimate Time For A Project
Está criando um site? Então aprenda a organizar o seu tempo.
Good reference
自己実現をはかれる人の7 つのチェックポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
Should you go Beyond Relational Databases? | Think Vitamin
Relational databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and various commercial products, have served us well for many years. Lately, however, there has been a lot of discussion on whether the relational model is reaching the end of its life-span, and what may come after it.
Alternatives to SQL dbs - document, key-value, graph databases
パワーポイントで作る企画書のデザインを美しくみせるための7つのポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
Mud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 Folders
"Because, at that level, your entire career is defined by the unbelievably great ideas that you reject. Painfully giant, wonderful, terrific opportunities that you simply don’t have the capacity to address without screwing up the real priority."
"True priorities are like arms; if you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy."
Kind of unique. Sort of pregnant. “High” priority.
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Making something a #1 PRIORITY in a list changes nothing. If it were really important, it’d already be done. When most people say, “prioritize,” I think they really mean to say, “force-rank”.
Freedom to surf: workers more productive if allowed to use the internet for leisure : News : The University of Melbourne
News: The University of Melbourne
Surfing the net at work for pleasure actually increases our concentration levels and helps make a more productive workforce, according to a new University of Melbourne study. Dr Brent Coker, from the Department of Management and Marketing, says that workers who engage in ‘Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing’ (WILB) are more productive than those who don’t. “People who do surf the Internet for fun at work - within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office - are more productive by about 9% than those who don’t,” he says.
Land-a-Government-Job-Now: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Personal Finance, career-work
Quality-Price-Ratio in Web Design (Pricing Design Work) | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Business aspects of design; pricing
I’m about to make a bold statement. The quality of a design and the monetary cost of producing or procuring that design have absolutely no relationship whatsoever. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, I know. Many of you are crying foul at this very moment, but hear me out. I’ll explain my radical position – and hopefully give you a few pointers about how to more effectively price and position your design business in this brave new, and uncorrelated, world.
Perhaps the best article on web design pricing I've ever read. This insightful story should be ready by every web designer.
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
Take 18 Minutes to Keep Your Days on Track - Time management - Lifehacker
Practice daily.
According to the Harvard Business blog, you can organize an eight-hour work day and keep it on track by creating a ritual that'll only take a total of 18 minutes each day.
Avoid These Phrases to Keep Your Resume Relevant - Job search - Lifehacker
Read This If You Hate Meetings - Freakonomics Blog -
Are you on Manager or Maker time?
10-best-and-real-work-at-home-jobs.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
I wouldn't mind doing some of these.
How to write a killer bio - Manage Your Life on Shine
With the bio in full bloom right now, it pays to take some time to write yours in a way that that reflects how you want to be perceived. Perhaps you want to show a sense of humor or wit. Maybe you want to show your technical prowess by delivering your bio in a video format. And while you're at it, why not let your bio accomplish some personal branding for you.
15 Freelancer Design And Development Creative Job Boards | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
A Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with Education | Edutopia
A former schoolbook editor parses the politics of educational publishing.
K-12 textbooks; influence of Texas on the process; influence of Texas 'conservative Christian activists' on the selection process; "A former schoolbook editor parses the politics of educational publishing."
Seth's Blog: "All I do is work here"
Seth Godin sums up the sentiment that when it comes to the brand you work for, the buck always stops with you...even if the true responsibility for your brand's shortcomings arise from a different team/divison/location/etc.
Advice for both employees and employers
They can’t make any decisions, because they don’t know what they want, and they don’t know what they want because they don’t know who they are, and they don’t know who they are because they’re allowed to be anyone they want.
been thinking about this since moving back to sf — this quote is nice, and not just for guys: " 'And that you’re never going to have any fun again, because you have to work. You’re never going to have sex again because you’re going to get married. Your life is over.' So why bother? Literal and figurative fucking around is infinitely more appealing to men who are still sorting out what they want their lives to look like."
I wish I didn't appreciate this, but I can't help it.
An interesting article on how many 20-somethings see the world.
Tongue in cheek Beschreibung der Lebensverhältnisse junger PhD und schlimmerer Versager.
Definitely one to read if you're twenty-something and less than content.
How To Write When You Think You Can’t - Dumb Little Man
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
practical tips for writing when you think you can't really write
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 2 | Webdesigner Depot
When you’re working with clients remotely it can sometimes be difficult to keep everyone happy and your project on track. Without the benefit of face-to-face meetings, it’s easy for a client to feel neglected or out of the loop. The key to successful remote work relationships is frequent and honest communication and trust between both parties. The tips below will help improve your everyday interactions with clients, no matter how far away they may be.
Recession-Proof Graduate
Great presentation - great ideas
Fake Rocks, Salami Commanders, and Just Enough to Start | 43 Folders
It’s difficult to talk about how to get started with a project without addressing why it can feel so difficult to get started in the first place. And, as I said in the talk, I think this often comes down to perceived barriers. Barriers to even the most modest kind of starting. Barriers that seem entirely real, external, and immovable...
Merlin Mann on how to get yourself on task with creative side projects and not rationalize against them using "Real-Life Obligations."
"It’s difficult to talk about how to get started with a project without addressing why it can feel so difficult to get started in the first place"
MaxFunCon: Merlin Mann on Doing Creative Work (via TSoYA) Here&#8217;s the audio from a short talk I presented a few weeks ago at Jesse Thorn&#8217;s awesome1 MaxFunCon in Lake Arrowhead, CA. The talk is subtitled, &#8220;With All Due Respect
by Merlin Mann
Great talk about overcoming creative barriers and getting stuff accomplished.
"Remember now, we’re not talking about finishing a project or even making something that you know will be the greatest thing ever made. Just starting. What’s the barrier for you?"
An excellent excellent podcast.
BBC NEWS | Magazine | The problem with PowerPoint
25 years of PowerPoint. But does it really help us create better presentations?
Useful for teaching presentation skills
An article from the BBC Web site magazine with useful tips on avoiding common problems with PowerPoint (written to celebrate 25 years of PowerPoint)
5 Easy Ways to Start a Productive Day | FreelanceFolder
Excellent tips for a productive day!
見積もり・発注 - 技術情報Wiki
Marketing Rules and Principles for Freelancers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Building brand equity is the most important concept !!! Veery nice article about finding work, building brand equity and charging more money :)
reglas de marketing para free lance
Freelancers have it hard. I mean, really hard. In theory, the idea of working for yourself, of being able to choose who you work with
Wallpaper Roundup: Getting Things Done with Workflows and Quadrants
Whether you're gearing up for the start of the school year or you're plugging along at your 9 to 5 like usual, we've got a roundup of productivity-centric wallpaper to help you keep focused. Note: The "Full Size" link directly under the picture only shows you the full size of the sample image we uploaded for this gallery. You need to click on the name of the particular wallpaper in the right hand column to access the full range of sizes at the source site or click on "Direct Link to Largest Available Image" to jump right to the biggest size available. Not keen on the gallery layout? See all the larger images on one page here.
20 Quick Tips For Aspiring Freelancers | Webdesigner Depot
Put an amazing portfolio together In the freelance business, having a solid portfolio is important. While many employers will accept your résumé, your portfolio is the bit of you that stands out. It shows employers what you can do and what you have done. Make it as creative as possible.
ディレクターが押さえておきたい営業取引の基本的な流れと頻出ワード - livedoor ディレクターブログ
(1) 打合せ (2) NDA(秘密保持契約)締結(3) 情報開示(4) 条件交渉(5) 契約書雛形作成(6) 法務確認(7) 争点の交渉(8) 契約締結(9) 取引開始(10) 請求/支払(11) 契約更新 エクスクルーシブ (競合排除) 案件によっては契約の条件として、独占契約を条件とする場合があったりします。契約書には競合指定したサービスとの併用は不可と明記されたりしますが、一般的には「エクスクルーシブな契約」などと呼ばれ
この成功報酬的な動機付け―If Then式に「これをしたら これが貰える」というやり方は、状況によっては機能します。しかし多くの作業ではうまくいかず、時には害にすらなります。
Professional Team Management Tips For Creative Folks | How-To | Smashing Magazine - Provides freight audit for clients who ship cargo via ocean freight and the refunds are paid to clients directly from the service providers.If your company is not paid a refund, our service at Ocean Freight Refunds Inc. (OFR) is free of charge.
Five Signs Your Resume Is Passe - DivineCaroline
The workplace is not what it was five years ago. Neither is the job hunt. The most successful candidates are those who are ready and...
Up to the minute resume suggestions.
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple -
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients
WordPress › Blog » How to Keep WordPress Secure
Good reminder of why it's important to keep your Wordpress blog updated and patched
RT @wordpress: How to Keep WordPress Secure: [from]
There is another serious WordPress hack making the rounds. If you run WordPress, make sure you upgrade ASAP
Top 60 Jobs That Will Rock the Future
Via <a href=""> Peter van Teeseling</a> kwam ik uit bij een glimp in de toekomst wat banen betreft. Netjes gerangschikt op categorie volgt een overzicht van 60 <em>job titles</em> die de wereld in de toekomst zullen veroveren. Volgens de auteur dan, maar het is zeker de moeite waard even doorheen te lopen
We know where the jobs are now… but where will they be ten years from now? Twenty? Some job descriptions will always be in need, but many others are evolving to fit the ever-changing course of technology and science. When the future of employment comes, will you be ready? Read on for some ideas of what to expect:
Content Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
CeeVee - quick & painless résumé management
One-stop access to U.S. Government H1N1, avian and pandemic flu information. provides comprehensive government-wide information on pandemic influenza and avian influenza for the general public, health and emergency preparedness professionals, policy makers, government and business leaders, school systems, and local communities.
614797, Influenza Pandemics
The US Dept of Health and Human Services has an excellent Web site with information and resources related to all forms of flu, including PSAs featuring Elmo from Sesame Street, K-12 guidance for school planning, FAQs, information on H1N1 etc.
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
so much better than any of the other articles on this, especially "10 traits to look for when hiring a programmer"
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / Hack2Work
o que fazer e o que nao fazer no design para aumentar uma marca sem aumentar o logo.
Ways to improve the way you work
Jim Coudal of Coudal Partners | Design Glut
“In 18 months I’m going to start my own company,” the problem with that sentence is the 18 months. What you’re really saying is, “I’m afraid.”
Omia tuotteita konsultoinnin sijaan.
> We’ve had a lot of things not work, and that’s OK too. If it’s a good idea and it gets you excited, try it, and if it bursts into flames, that’s going to be exciting too. People always ask, “What is your greatest failure?” I always have the same answer – We’re working on it right now, it’s gonna be awesome!
Jim Coudal is a truly inspiring character. His company decided to shift from the standard model of selling their creative services to clients, to a model of creating products which they own and have full control over. And they’ve been very successful at it. Coudal Partners is proof that you can indeed create your own reality. (interview, article)
get out there.
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
Periodically, bring a few key IT brains to the boardroom to observe the problems of the organization at large, even about things outside of the IT world, if only to make use of their exquisitely refined BS detectors. A good IT pro is trained in how to accomplish work; their skills are not necessarily limited to computing. In fact, the best business decision-makers I know are IT people who aren't even managers.
Awesome article that gives anybody (managers out there???!!!) some mega-insight into the psychology of a geek.
Sci-Fi Hi-Fi: Weblog: Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Schedule (via Nick...
Could I stick to this? Wow. Could you?
Franklin’s plan is an inspiration to me because it reminds me why I went down the tough road of being an indie developer in the first place: to live a more balanced, reflective life.
A photo of the daily schedule that Benjamin Franklin tried to follow, from his Autobiography. He claims that, alas, he could not keep to it :)
How To Find Time For… Everything! « Smashing Magazine
This is full of sense. Re-read this!
view this site
Time for everything
JobFact - La première communauté anonyme où les employés parlent aux employés
Donner un avis (et salaire) sur son entreprise
Laisser l'emploi venir à vous. Exister anonymement sur votre marché d'emploi. Surveiller les recrutements, les salaires et les évaluations sociales des sociétés. Vous voulez connaître les conditions de travail et les salaires confiés par les employés eux-mêmes, vous voulez être mieux informés pour mieux négocier et mieux choisir, vous voulez avoir la chance de vous faire chasser et séduire par une proposition de job inattendue, vous voulez surtout rester totalement anonyme. Rejoignez les membres de la Communauté JobFact, c'est totalement anonyme et gratuit.
Laisser l'emploi venir à vous. Exister anonymement sur votre marché d'emploi. Surveiller les recrutements, les salaires et les évaluations sociales des sociétés.
Plateforme globale d'emploi proposant des jobs ciblés, des mises en relations ciblées avec des recruteurs, des rapports sur la qualité de l'environnement professionel et des informations détaillées sur les salaires, entreprise par entreprise, poste par poste. Ce service est totalement anonyme et gratuit.
Master the "Why Hire Me" Story to Land a Job - Job search - Lifehacker
From LifeHacker dated 22 Sep 2009
So you've finally landed that job interview. Now it's time to seal the deal with a killer interview. How? For one, try mastering your "Why hire me" story.
The Best Sounds for Getting Work Done - Music - Lifehacker
Music for relax or better productivity.
The Ultimate Productivity Blog
Turned my life around.
Great advice for anyone who needs to be more productive.
You should be working.
47 Ways to Fine Tune Your Brain - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
30 Great Sites Using Wordpress as a CMS | Pro Blog Design
Nine Workspaces Where Famous Folks Get Stuff Done - Workspace - Lifehacker
Whether you prefer the clean minimalism of Steve Jobs and 37 Signals or the creative chaos of Tina Fey and Pixar, there&#039;s a lot to learn from the workspaces of the well-known. We present nine such spaces here for inspiration.
Lifehacker lists pictures of some peoples work places
15 Tips for Breaking in as a Part-Time Freelancer
Advice: After Years With an Employer, Jumping Back Into the Interview Process - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ
This is good to have a look before we go to an actual interview. Working hard is overrated
Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on. Paying attention to what is going on in the world. Seeing patterns. Seeing things as they are rather than how you want them to be. Being able to read what people want. Putting yourself in the right place where information is flowing freely and interesting new juxtapositions can be seen. But you can save yourself a lot of time by working on the right thing. Working hard, even, if that's what you like to do.
"Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on"
When we were building Flickr, we worked very hard. We worked all waking hours, we didn't stop. My Hunch cofounder Chris Dixon and I were talking about how hard we worked on our first startups, his being Site Advisor, acquired by McAfee -- 14-18 hours a day. We agreed that a lot of what we then considered "working hard" was actually "freaking out". Freaking out included panicking, working on things just to be working on something, not knowing what we were doing, fearing failure, worrying about things we needn't have worried about, thinking about fund raising rather than product building, building too many features, getting distracted by competitors, being at the office since just being there seemed productive even if it wasn't -- and other time-consuming activities. This time around we have eliminated a lot of freaking out time. We seem to be working less hard this time, even making it home in time for dinner.
"Edison, of the "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" quote, tried thousands of materials looking for the right filament for the electric bulb. That might have been hard work, and the fact that he persisted through many failures is key to making something work, but he was also working on the right problem. So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard."
"So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard."
So true. I can think of a few people I think need to read this.
8 Ways Doing Less Can Transform Your Work & Life
Most productivity blogs and books will teach you how to do more, to get more done, to be more productive. I want to teach you to do less, to get less done, to be less productive.
Leer y traducir con calma.
Can't you see I'm Busy! - Home - Play at work without damaging your career!
jogos que parecem que vc está trabalhando
Muy buenos juegos
13 Great Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Admin Area | Pro Blog Design
13 plugins pour gonfler votre administration Wordpress
一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。 ちなみに.. - 人力検索はてな
一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。
10 Principles of Successful Freelancers
Work Less, Get More Done: Analytics For Maximizing Productivity: MicroISV on a Shoestring
I have come to the conclusion, over the last three years, that working hard is overrated. This is an idea I have been kicking around for a while, but it was thrown into sharp relief by a blog post entitled The Only Alternative Is To Work Harder, by a gentleman named Paras Chapra over at Wingify. Paras and I have corresponded over email a few times, so I say as one analytics junkie to another: the notion that working longer hours is correlated to better business results is a pernicious social pathology.
How To Champion Social Media At Work | Social Media Explorer
Sosyal medyanın işlerimizde de kullanılması
Social Media Explorer explores social media, public relations and marketing through commentary and analysis.
ways to convince colleagues to sign up to social media stuff
to be used for social media focal points at Eurocontrol
How To Persuade Your Users, Boss or Clients « Smashing Magazine
year 9 website
this is a ict site in year 9 lessons
How to run a one-person web design agency | News | TechRadar UK
30 Impressive vCard Web Designs
A vCard is an electronic business card that uses a standard format. Some individuals have taken to creating simple, typically one-page, sites that center around their vCard. These sites contain minimal content, usually just basic information about the individual (i.e. job title) and contact information (i.e. mailing addresses and links to social media profiles). Designer and Blogger, Tim Van Damme, started this web design trend, and for a lack of a better term, I’ll call them vCard sites.
vCard collezione fantastica
The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to “The Office”
Moiz Syed: Highly recommend this read to understand contemporary organizational structures:
wow! MacLeod hierarchy. Sociopaths, clueless, and losers. Fascinating.
エンジニアがミーティングを嫌う理由 – バイリンガルの独り言
Reference Guide on ourFreedom &amp; Responsibility Culture <br />These slides are meant for reading,<br />rather than pr
What we find particularly intriguing is the section on hiring and firing. They want every manager to ask themselves: “Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving in two months for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at Netflix?” Anybody who doesn’t make that list should be offered a severance package right now so we can open a slot to find a star performer for that role. Another highlight: Netflix has no vacation policy! They don’t have a “rule” about 9 – 5 work - their rule is simpler: get your job done, and do it well. They realized if they didn’t track the hours employees worked, why would they track the hours they DON’T work? There is also no policy on clothing, but as of yet, no one has come to work naked (Patty McCord, 2004). The lesson: You don’t need detailed policies for everything. Here’s the part where they devalue training (you should probably stop reading here. . .)
This makes me want to work for Netfilx. No, wait. It makes me want to built the same values into meta4 so I never have to leave.
30+ Freelance Work Websites and Resources You Should Know
30 แหล่งหางานฟรีแลนซ์
Freelance Work Websites and Resources You Should Know
Twitterを全社導入して気づいたこと - EC studio 社長ブログ
■この1ヶ月間で得られたTwitterの想定外の効果について 「飲み会で飲み過ぎて行方不明になったスタッフの捜索状況」
Become a PowerPoint Power User - Wired How-To Wiki
Working From Home: 10 Unconscious Cues to Create a Work-Life Balance | Awake At The Wheel | Crossroads of Work & Play
"Working from home sounds like a very simple concept. But there are a lot of built-in structures and boundaries inherent in a going-to-the-office job that we often take for granted. Recreating those boundaries when our home and work is one and the same is a crucial part of achieving a work-life balance."
Working from home sounds like a very simple concept. But there are a lot of built-in structures and boundaries inherent in a going-to-the-office job that we often take for granted. Recreating those boundaries when our home and work is one and the same is a crucial part of achieving a work-life balance. The personal battle One common trap of working from home is allowing your personal life to bleed into your work. A lack of discipline and motivation as well as a myriad of temptations lurking in every corner of your home can affect your productivity big time. This is the most obvious situation (and the one most often addressed) when considering the pitfalls of working from home. But there is a lot of support and feedback (in fact an entire industry) for this problem, and can be remedied by a host of productivity tools and exercises.
The Way I Work: Jason Fried of 37Signals
Jason Fried hates lame meetings, tech companies that don't generate revenue, and companies that treat their employees like children. A peek inside his typical workday
37 Signals CEO/President writes about how he works
you end up dying with your customer base, because the software is too complicated for a newcomer. We keep our products simple. I'd rather have people grow out of our products, as long as more people are growing into them. We also get thousands of suggestions. The default answer is always no. We rarely have meetings. I hate them. They're a huge waste of time, and they're costly. Creative people need unstructured time to get in the zone. You can't do that in 20 minutes. Very rarely is a question important enough to stop people from doing what they're doing. Everything can wait a couple of hours, unless it is a true emergency. We want to get rid of interruption as much as we possibly can, because that's the real enemy of productivity. Everyone should read stuff on the Web that's goofy or discover something new. I
The Short but Powerful Guide to Finding Your Passion
Lifehacker - Avoid Tipping Your Hand in Salary Negotiations - Salary Negotiation
Never reveal your prior salary, says Ramit Sethi. "It's just none of their business," Rather than answering, Sethi and others suggest steering the conversation into your worth (hopefully you've done your homework before the interview enough so you'll know how to discuss how valuable you are).
Fixing Poor MySQL Default Configuration Values (by Jeremy Zawodny)
4 tips buenos para mejorar el desempeño de MySQL.
MySQL configuration variables that have defaults which have proven to be problematic in a high-volume production environment
100 Incredibly Helpful Lifehacks for the Unemployed
Whether you’re fresh out of college and looking for work or trying to get back in the workforce, unemployment can be quite a predicament. Chances are, you’ll need all the help you can get. Make use of these lifehacks to make your unemployed life just a bit easier.
Cloud Computing Ecosystem Map - Appirio
Clients From Hell
なぜ新人は聞きに来ないのか? - teruyastarはかく語りき
ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ãã­ã°ã©ãã§ãçãã¦ãã: ã°ã°ããªå±éº ããããæ°äººãæ¤ç´¢ã«é ¼ã£ã¦ãã¾ããã¨ãå±éºè¦ããã®ã¯ãã³ããã®å¯ãéãã§ããªãã¨ãªãåãã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã¡ãã£ã¦ãããã§èªåã¯ä»äºãéæããã¨ããé¯è¦ã«é¥ã£ã¦ãã¾ãããã§ãã ããã¦ãã®å ´åãæ°äººãã­ã°ã©ãã«ã¯ããã¡ãã¨ããã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã... ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ - ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ã«è¿½å  reima reima ä»äº, 読ã¿ç©
» How to Answer the 10 Most Common Interview Questions
Time management: How an MIT postdoc writes 3 books, a PhD defense, and 6+ peer-reviewed papers — and finishes by 5:30pm | I Will Teach You To Be Rich
How I Tweet : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
Guy Kawasaki on His way of using twitter
so twittert Guy Kawasaki.
"It's like twitter. Except we charge people to use it."
As a person in a service based industry, this email thread is something that you fantasize about from time to time, but never have the balls to actually do.
"Please design a logo for me. With pie charts. For free."
Oh I have fantasized about exchanges like this.
Android Developer Challenge
Google's Android Developer Challenge: providing awards for great mobile apps built on the Android platform
Manage a Team - Wired How-To Wiki
Managing a team means more than just doling out work. Chances are, you'll be dealing with different personalities and working styles and that you'll be juggling multiple deadlines at once. It's a job that requires both a high level of organization and what they call "people skills." Your job as a leader is to make each project fun, but also keep it on track and on deadline. The primary goal of a good manager is to get everyone focused, make sure everyone is communicating and keep spirits up. It certainly goes beyond organizing team parties centered around stale supermarket cake. Learning how to effectively motivate and manage a team takes some planning, the right tools and good communication. So, start taking notes! This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Got extra advice? Log in and contribute. For Each Project: 1. Compose a Mission Statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough (or a breakdown) to know your pr
All about project management
Twitter Yourself a Job -
WSJ article: Twitter yourself a job [from]
artículo al que se refiere @angelmendez
Jessica Hische
louise-fili-like typography swiss-miss' studio mate
ongelofelijk. goed.
Ornate style designer who sets lovely typography.
Beautiful hand drawn typography work.
会社を設立しよう (その1) : 管理人@Yoski
会社を設立しよう (その1)
The Top 10 Free Icon Sets For Web Designers In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Our last top 10 list, titled “The Top 10 Web Applications For Web Designers In 2009” proved to be very successful, with over 450 retweets! So I have compiled another 2009 top 10 list. This time though, its Icon packs in the spotlight. Here is WebDesignDev’s top 10 free icon sets for web designers in 2009 list. Of course this is our own opinion, and not what web designers have voted on. If you think a different icon set deserves to be number 1, then feel free to drop us a comment telling us why. Anyway, enjoy the list!
The Fast, Good and Cheap Pricing Method | Freelance Folder | The Blog For Freelancers And Web-Workers
Great pricing method to be used on my future clients
freelance rates
freelance tips
新人プログラマーがプロのプログラマーとして独り立ちするための7つの条件 - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
Good Riddance to Deadbeat Clients [Work Smarter]
Contractual Terms For Your Contract
Tips for clauses in the contract to make getting paid easier
Article by Chris Gatewood - Richmond Attorney
Why James Chartrand Wears Women's Underpants | Copyblogger
Discrimination based on a person's sex is as alive today as it ever was.
50 Ways to Fail at Security
脳が冴える15の習慣、脳を活性化する47の方法 | 口コミ発信!モノ人
生活の原点をつくる―脳を活性化させる朝の過ごし方。足・手・口をよく動かそう。:散歩など軽い運動/部屋の片付け/料理/ガーデニング/挨拶+一言/音読10分程度。 集中力を高める―生活のどこかに「試験を受けている状態」を持とう。:仕事の区切り毎に時間制限を設ける。 睡眠の意義―夜は情報を蓄える時間。睡眠中の「整理力」を利用しよう。:夜の勉強は中途半端で止め、起きてから整理すると効果的。 脳の持続力を高める―家事こそ「脳トレ」。雑用を積極的にこなそう。:雑用は前頭葉の持久力を高めてくれる。 問題解決能力を高める―自分を動かす「ルール」と「行動予定表」をつくろう。書類整理のルール、予定表などで脳が一度に扱う量を整理する。 思考の整理―忙しいときほど「机の片付け」を優先させよう。:物の整理は思考の整理に通じている。 注意力を高める―意識して目をよく動かそう。耳から情報を取ろう。:目で立体的な情報を捉えたり、耳だけで情報を吸収すると脳が活性化される。 記憶力を高める―「報告書」「まとめ」「ブログ」を積極的に書こう。:入力→情報処理→出力。 話す力を高める―メモや写真などを手がかりにして、長い話を組み立てよう。:質問によって話しは長くさせることが出来る。 表現を豊かにする―「たとえ話」を混ぜながら、相手の身になって話そう。:ありそうな質問を考えれば、話しを膨らませることが出来る。 脳を健康に保つ食事―脳のためにも、適度な運動と「腹八分目」を心がけよう。:食事制限以前にまずは動くこと。そして消費する以上に摂取しないこと。 脳の健康診断―定期的に画像検査を受け、脳の状態をチェックしよう。:MRやPET検査を受ける。 脳の自己管理―「失敗ノート」を書こう。自分の批判者を大切にしよう。:小さな失敗、人から受けた注意を書き留める。 創造力を高める―ひらめきは「余計なこと」の中にある。活動をマルチにしよう。:アイディアを生み出すポイントは、誰のためになるのかを考えること、アイディアを組み合わせること、思い付きを書き出しながら考えること。 意欲を高める―人を好意的に評価しよう。時にはダメな自分を見せよう。:褒め上手な人は観察力が優れている。 番外編:高次脳機能ドックの検査―最低限の脳機能を衰えさせていないか確認しよう。
Pixelmatrix Design – How to work with a professional designer
In the 3 years Ive been in business Ive seen many different job requests come in. However, of all my job requests, only about 10% actually ever go through. There are all sorts of reasons, but many times its due to some common issues. This leads me to believe that many people out there dont know the preferred practices when it comes to working with, and hiring designers.
A good list of do's and don'ts that all potential clients should read (hah!)
The 'Hows' of Pricing Your Design Work
How to Use Linkedin to get the Job You Want | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
Useful for my friends looking for jobs
In this post you will learn how to bypass the “virtual gatekeeper” (the company’s career page) and get the attention of the recruiter you need for the job you want by using Linkedin. Here is what to do. 1. Create your Linkedin profile page. Dan Schawbel wrote a nice post on using Linkedin to promote your personal brand. Go read it for some tips on creating a good Linkedin profile. 2. Go to the Linkedin homepage and click the Advanced Link at the top right by the Search People box.
How To Rise Fast At Work: A True Story -
mfortable speaking wi
Ted didn't know--or care--what anyone outside the investment team did. The senior managers were the people to impress, and his fellow analysts were the people to keep ahead of. He sometimes had a hard time getting the administrative team's help in closing trades, but he didn't let that stop him. In fact, he'd often mention his disappointment with administrative staffers at his interruptions--er, meetings--with senior managers.
The wise moves that outpaced a wily and ambitious colleague.
This is a true tale about two acquaintances of mine. One knew instinctively exactly how to get ahead in the workplace. The other thought he knew--and was dead wrong. Alot of us would probably act pretty much the way the latter did. I believe their experiences hold lessons for all of us.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** The wise moves that outpaced a wily and ambitious colleague.
9 Tips for Establishing Your Own Marketing Method as a Freelancer | Vandelay Design Blog
9 consigli per impostare il tuo metodo di marketing come freelance
Back To Work: Making Time for the MITs (Most Important Things)
Here’s an exercise I use to place the appropriate (and timely!) attention on what I consider to be the MIT's—the Most Important Things.Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours.Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card.Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day.Review it occasionally.At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?"Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
* Start off by thinking of 3 things to focus on for the next 12 hours. * Write those—as objectives and/or goals—on a sticky-note or index card. * Put that note somewhere you'll see it throughout the day. * Review it occasionally. * At the end of the day, ask yourself, "Did I do what I said I would do? Did I focus on what I said I would focus on?" * Finally, throw away/recycle the index card.
9 Qualities That Will Rock Your Career - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
tips that might help you at work.
# Being Practical Human beings are emotional and many fall for popular decisions. A practical decision made at right time with right attitude has the
まつもとゆきひろ氏が語る「ビューティフルコード」セミナーに行って来た - Slow Dance
前述の通り、コードは工業製品ではなく、一品ものの「作品」。つまり、「プログラマ = アーティスト」。作品を作っているんだというこの自覚を持つことがまず重要。決してプログラマは作業員ではない。
10 Reasons Why Freelancing is the Best Job Security – FreelanceSwitch
プレゼンテーションに悩むすべての人達のために:プレゼンテーションの世界標準「構造的プレゼンテーション」 - 加藤 和彦のブログ
まずアウトラインを作る::アウトラインのキャプション(タイトル)を考え,順番をよく考える ;; アウトライン作成の三大ゴールデンルール(これが一番重要!) * 「構造的であること」:全体のアウトラインも,スライドの中も,すべて構造化されていなくてはならない. * 「物語的であること」:水が流れるように,物語が語られるように,最初のスライドから最後のスライドまで,スムーズにつながっていなくてはならない. * 「すべて定義済みであること」:未定義の言葉,概念が出現してはいけない.未定義の語,概念はゴミとして,ゴミ集め(garbage collection)されていなくてはならない.;; 背景 * 研究を始めるに至った動機,問題意識,過去の経験.何が問題なのかを説明する * 背景は基本的に誰もが納得出来るようにする.問題意識を共有できないと,聴衆は以後の話を聞く興味を失う.勝手な思い込みのようなこと,議論を巻き起こすようなことをここで書いたり,言うのはよくない 聴衆の目,顔を見ながらしゃべるのが原則
How to Start Freelancing (Without Quitting Your Job) - Freelance - Lifehacker
Guest Post - Generation Y in the Workplace Explained |
Guest Post -
this post by Teresa really hit the nail on the head in illustrating why Gen Y plays the game differently in the workplace. I can honestly say that I agree with all 6 of her points.
As Gen Y enters the professional world, we bring a whole new set of rules. We’re often criticized for our restless job-jumping or our sense of entitlement. The truth is, we might play the game differently, but that doesn’t mean we’re not every bit as bright, innovative, and hardworking. Here’s why.
This is a guest post by Teresa Wu As Gen Y enters the professional world, we bring a whole new set of rules. We're often criticized for our restless
Lifehacker - Negotiate Your Salary More Effectively - Career
give you time to think about it while also putting a little pressure on the employer.
Lifehacker - Use the Day Grid Balancer to Recalibrate Your Work-Life Balance - Workplace
100 All-Time Best Productivity Tips for Working & Learning from Home | Best Universities
5 Things You MUST Do Before a Job Interview
So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven’t yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to pull it together at the last minute.
Carsonified » Five Tips for Kicking Ass at an Interview
グーグルで働いてるけど何か質問ある? - ブラブラブラウジング
「>>1が凄いと思った人のエピソードとかおせーて  孫さんは300年分の事業計画をつくってるらしいです。世界各国の向こう数十年のインターネット普及率とGDP成長率をかけた数字をずっと眺めてるとか。 タイムスケールが違うなと思いましたね。 」
Startup Advice In Exactly Three Words - #StartupTriplets
Defer renting space
プレゼンテーションを成功させるための9つのステップ - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
Interview Myths That Keep You From Landing the Job
Job interview tips
Google Searches for Staffing Answers -
People leave because they are under used!
Google began crunching data from employee reviews and promotion and pay histories in a formula Google says can identify which employees are most likely to quit.
Idea for business alliance
Current and former Googlers said the company is losing talent because some employees feel they can't make the same impact as the company matures.
Concerned a brain drain could hurt its long-term ability to compete, Google Inc. is tackling the problem with its typical tool: an algorithm. The Internet search giant recently began crunching data from employee reviews and promotion and pay histories in a mathematical formula Google says can identify which of its 20,000 employees are most likely to quit.
algorithm to calculate people who might leave the firm; "underused" employees
I Have No Talent // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
RailsTips One man, feverishly posting everything he learns. Feed Iconsubscribe »
What Should I Do with My Life, Now?
Mostly, crappy opportunities come along, and in the meantime, you make the best of them. But that skill and habit, of making the best of your situation, is essential training. Because one day, a good opportunity will come along. And if you make the best of it -- if you're good at making the best of things -- you will turn it into a great situation
5 Myths That Can Kill a Startup – GigaOM
Distracted? Self Control Now Available as an OS X App | Epicenter from © 2009 Condé Nast Digital. All rights reserved. The material o © 2009 Condé Nast Digital. All rights reserved.
SelfControl, a simple open source program for Mac OS X that prevents you from resorting to well-worn procrastination techniques by blocking access to websites and e-mail servers.
A colleague once defined work as that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet, and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer understands how easily
A colleague once defined "work" as "that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet," and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer  understands how easily personal communication (e-mail, instant messaging, social networks) can distract from the task at hand.
blokkerer enkelte sider
大きな会社と小さな会社のどっちで働くべきか迷っている人へ - GoTheDistance
いきなりポイントから入ります。大企業で働くことと中小企業で働くことの違いは、大企業はルールで動き中小は経営者の恣意で動くということです。ココがすごい重要です。 僕は6年近く大企業にいました。その時に考えたことは大企業で働くということ - GoTheDistanceで書きましたが、大企業の根本的な原理原則はルールで仕事が動くということです。異なる立場・異なるレイヤーの人たちを束ねて1つのサイクルを作るには、ルールを作ってその中でサイクルを回すより他ありません。それの累積によって企業文化なるものが形成されます。
大企業の根本的な原理原則はルールで仕事が動くということ 大企業にいてよかったことは「普通に仕事をさせてもらえる」こと 明確に自分の役割が与えられ、そのロールに従いすべきことをして、あるべき成果を出してその仕事を終える。あっちいったりこっちいったりということはない ルールで動くことの悪い面は組織の硬直化・官僚化に伴い「個」が透明になっていくこと 個人としての名前、理念、価値観で仕事することは「掟破り」 求められるのは「Disagree and Commit」の精神 「この社長のために(自分に非がなくても)土下座できるか?」という質問にどう答えるかです。それぐらいの気持ちがなければ、経営者の距離が近い中小では朝令暮改は当たり前ですからルールで考えていたら不条理なことが多くなるので疲れてしまって、やっていけなくなるんじゃないかなと思います
A Little Less Conversation
It's a particularly insidious problem for fast-growing start-ups. When you're really small and you're just starting out, you don't have that many people, so keeping everyone in the loop on everything doesn't really take that much time. But as you get bigger, the number of people who might potentially get involved in any particular discussion increases, and the amount of stuff you're doing as a company increases, and the amount of time you can waste overcommunicating becomes a serious problem.
"Have you ever invited employees to a meeting just so they wouldn't feel left out? If so, you may be an overcommunicator."
Add power to Word searches with regular expressions - Help and How-to - Microsoft Office Online
Recommended by Lifehacker
Tips from a headhunter
Top 10 Tips and Tools for Freelancers - Freelancing - Lifehacker
elancers and contractors, and many of them have created bett
How to Make Money as a Freelance Designer | Design Shack
A Showcase of Minimalist Workstations | Webdesigner Depot
No matter what your personal work style, an uncluttered and attractive workspace will improve the quality and efficiency of your work. Getting rid of paper, digitizing your business cards, minimizing your office supplies are just some of the measures you can take to declutter your workspace and redesign your work life. Working in an aesthetically pleasing and minimalist workspace enhances your creativity and focus. Eliminate anything you don’t need, and you’ll have less of a visual distraction. We have enough online distractions; shouldn’t we be limiting the physical ones as well? The minimalist zen like work spaces that we’ve collected below can inspire you to create a clean design for your environment that meshes with the beautiful work that you do online.
Bargain Basement Usability Testing | Think Vitamin
If you think user testing is time consuming and expensive, will change your mind with their article on cheap, effective testing, allowing you to get back to designing for your audience.
Quotes from Steve Krug and Jakob Neilsen
Top 50 Mobile Tools to Set Up Your Portable Office - Biz.Edu
Mobile Tools to Set Up Your Portable Office
Why corporate IT should unchain our office computers. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
RT @taxonomylady: Unchain the Office Computers! Post from Slate on how workplace web "restrictions infantilize workers" [from]
"So why not lock down workplace computers? Here's why: The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively."
Interesting article about the freedom to use and explore apps that is available on the web. However, as seen from the comments to the post, there are some serious concerns about any IT depart being about to operationally support it. I figure there is a nice to balance it but at this moment I do not know how. Maybe an environment for staff to experiment ?
"There is a jargony HR phrase that describes these forward-looking firms: They're called "results-only workplace environments," where people are judged on what they produce, not how. "
Read at Work
[Marked as WRONG LINK by]
bibliothèque de textes littéraires en anglais, à lire au boulot, chez soi, partout... présentation originale (photos, diagrammes...) créée par le New Zealand Book Council
50 Freelance Job Sites For Designers & Programmers – Best Of | Web 2.0
最近SIerがだいぶヤバくなっている件 - GoTheDistance
Why I do Time Tracking | Swaroop C H - India, Technology, Life Skills
Article about Time Tracking in order to be productive at work, etc. Very nice.
How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America - The Atlantic (March 2010)
The Great Recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably just beginning. Before it ends, it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults. It will leave an indelible imprint on many blue-collar men. It could cripple marriage as an institution in many communities. It may already be plunging many inner cities into a despair not seen for decades. Ultimately, it is likely to warp our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years to come.
101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning | Best University
"101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning The Internet is full of useful tools and hacks that keep you more focused and efficient, but you have to know which ones are best. This large list of 101 Google tricks can help you lead a more streamlined, stress-free existence, from your personal to your school or work life."
Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation - HBS Working Knowledge
Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivation—but sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops. From Harvard Management Update.
Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivation—but sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops.
Give Your Resume A Creative Boost | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
give your resume a creative boost
What if one day you decide that it’s time to have a change, and want to try for another creative job? What if you are a student, looking for a design internship? What if you are a fresh graduate, hoping to apply for your first job at a design agency? You could be any one of the above. No matter what your situation is, it is always prudent to have a well crafted resume to call upon when needed. It is your ticket to new job opportunities and clients. Give Your Resume A Creative Boost Image from: hellotkt Your resume's not just a list of achievements and your education history, it is also the first and the most crucial step to opening the door of communication with the company you are applying to. Your resume represents who you are and what you know, but most importantly, it must be able to communicate that effectively. Therefore it is definitely worth investing your time to give special attention to its design and content. There are plenty of resume writing resources on the web, b
Let’s Make a Deal - 15 Things You Need in a Web Contract | The Wojo Group
Writing the perfect web contract can be a daunting task - but here are 15 tips on what to include and some additional resources for help.
「きわめて短時間にそこそこの成果を上げる人間」の取説とその弱点 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog : Triaging Mail with Categories and Search Folders
In this post I will talk about one way you can triage mail using categories and Search Folders. Keep in mind that no single e-mail management method is ideal for all work styles; this is just one method of many and if you’re looking for a change you might want to give this a try and see if it works for you. If you haven’t already, I suggest you install the February Cumulative Update for Outlook 2007, as it has performance updates for Search Folders. This triaging technique is aimed at quickly working through a long list of e-mail and deciding which e-mails need your attention now, and which ones can wait until later. By the end of this post you’ll know how to triage each new e-mail with a couple quick clicks and you will have easy access to the messages that need your attention throughout the day.
An organized mailbox is critical to getting work done, especially if most of your day involves working with Outlook. However, spending more time organizing your mailbox means there’s less time to spend on real work – thus it’s important to find a system
一番上で企画内容を展望する「トップ型」、トップとボトムの使い分け、トップとボトムのタイトルの入れ方、 “導線”の作り方と「20%ルール」、20%をホワイトスペースにする、レイアウトの違いとメリハリ、「囲む」と「流れ」のデザイン * 流れ(展開)をきれいに見せる * 「囲む」と「流れ」の表現法 - Quirky little games for your edification
2010-01-18 09:45:46 <Gariiiing>
The 22 minute meeting « Scott Berkun
Focus is key.
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20384523,00.htm
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 あとで
Distraction: Avoid Distraction, Get More Done with a Tangents Log
Nice productivity hint
The Jobs Of Yesteryear: Obsolete Occupations : NPR
Old professions
Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore - tim rogers - Kotaku
Goemon 2
長期日本在住の外国人のブログ てか長いなー
How Twitter and Facebook Make Us More Productive | Magazine
Brendan Koerner argues that research shows that social media breaks actually boost the creativity and productivity of innovation-focused workers. He writes: "Twitter and Facebook give knowledge workers the chance to turn downtime into a game where creativity and insight are rewarded, if only with digital pats on the back."
RT @tcar Here's a great article to give your boss when they catch you slacking off on Twitter:
Contrary to recent research about social networks and efficiency, taking a break from work to read that tweet about Lady Gaga's lingerie might actually stoke creativity and enhance problem-solving skills.
Article discussing the value of "down time" in creativity, and extending the idea to Twitter, Facebook, etc. - 仕事と才能を結びつける、クラウドソーシングサービス アポロン
PsyBlog: 7 Reasons Leaders Fail
Around two-thirds of workers say the most stressful aspect of their jobs is their immediate boss, their line manager (Hogan, 2006). While this will come as no
Around two-thirds of workers say the most stressful aspect of their jobs is their immediate boss, their line manager (Hogan, 2006)...
PsyBlog | As a result of the strict hierarchies, huge pay differentials, poor decision-making, greasy-pole climbing and feeling powerless to change huge bureaucracies, followers naturally develop feelings of alienation, and alienation kills motivation and productivity, along with any hope of job satisfaction.
IT業界で楽しく仕事をするための10カ条 - @IT
What to Do When Someone Steals Your Work - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
website may be reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of Your Legal
What to do when someone steals your work. Nice post at Freelance Switch. [from]
12 Indirect Job Interview Questions & What They Really Reveal
most firms ask slightly different questions and have their own method of interviewing. Today, we explore twelve common indirect questions that employers often ask and the motivation behind them.
myJambi | Marketplace
Helps you find work.
Programming is like sleeping! Send to people who don't understand why you need to be in the zone to program. Absolutely love it.
Simply The Me
how a programmer works
pecial sermon to get to sleep. Some people do it quick, some do it very slow. Some even have trouble getting to sleep when they need to, so they take pills or make themselves
Great explanation of how programmers work. Very good read for managers.
11-Ways-to-Get-Extra-Cash: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
from "Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance"
Good to know. Everybody's Broke! lolol
Why You Can’t Work at Work | Jason Fried | Big Think
With its constant commotion, unnecessary meetings, and infuriating wastes of time, the modern workplace optimizes interruptions and makes us all work longer, less focused hours. Jason Fried explains how we can change all of this.
Jason Fried of 37signals sums up the problems of workplace interruptions.
13 small things to simplify your workday | Zen Habits
This is a great site. With all of the hecticness in our lives today, I really appreciate anyone who can help cut through the fog and shine some light on how to simplify life and make the things that really matter in life shine through. That is what this site does. I this list of 13 small things to simplify your workday, I have already applied many of these suggestions, as it has become a necessity being a special needs parent having to care 24/7 for an autistic child. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement and I can see that "batch distractions" offers me yet another big area that I can improve on. Since I spend so much time on line, it is an area where I can find that I am too easily distracted by various electronic, social networking, maintaining my own web site, on-line research, music promotion, etc. My next project will be to figure out how I can streamline this and batch these activities into smaller chunks of time.
Good advice to increase productivity.
Finding the perfect part-time work - Manage Your Life on Shine
Getty Images Part-time work is on the rise, and it's no surprise. People are taking on extra jobs to make up for hours or income lost, an out-of-work partner, or even a business facing hard times. But part-time jobs can me more than a stop-gap…
今よりちょっとだけクオリティを上げるために。|CSS HappyLife
IE6/7で変だなっていうときは、何も考えずにとりあえず「zoom: 1;」を試してみれば、9割方問題が解決しちゃったり。zoomプロパティはIE独自なので、使いたくない人はwidthプロパティの指定をするとかで乗り切れちゃいます。IE6だけ変だぞ?っていう場合、「display: inline;」やってみると直ったり。如何にIE対策を早い段階で覚えるかってのも作業効率を上げるには重要だと思うっす。
ongoing · How I Use My Mac
Tim Bray's Mac-centric apps & usage patterns; 2008-Nov-16.
Ideas on using your mac
Task Rise
Amphitheater School District Home Page
This is the link to my district homepage.
This is the link to my district homepage
This is the link to my district home page.
This is a link to the district home page
This is my district's homepage.
district home
Link to district home page
district homepage
"Did You Know"和訳 - 西尾泰和のはてなダイアリー
# 5000万人の視聴者を獲得するまでにかかった年数 # ラジオ 38年 # テレビ 13年 # インターネット 4年 # iPod 3年 # Facebook 2年
2010年に需要のある仕事上位10位は 2004年にはまだ存在していませんでした。
Geeks in Boston » Working from Home: Why It Sucks
A timetly takeaway: "You don’t get rich feedback when communicating over a phone, email, or text chat."
これだけは読んでおきたい、すぐに使える新社会人向けビジネススキル10選 - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
How to Make More Money
Dealing With Clients Who Refuse To Pay - Smashing Magazine
As a designer, you will eventually have to face a couple of unfortunate truths in your career. Number one: just because you wear a bathrobe for most of your “business” hours does not actually make it business attire. Number two: at some point in your freelance career, you will encounter a client who does not respect the work you do. The most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services once all of the work has been completed.
I would like to point out that in future I will be using this article as reference for my freelance work. Thanks for posting it :) Reply * 13 DIGITAL7 Media April 9th, 2010 7:27 am
e most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services on
デザインする人に必要な能力は?:DESIGN IT! w/LOVE
* 知る・感じる・疑問に思う * 解釈する・発想する・組み立てる * 具体化する・検証する・洗練させる * 仕事をはじめ、終わらせる
本当に忙しいときでも GTD の効果を引き出す7つのポイント |
GTD の基礎ですね。
シフター - アルバイトのシフト管理の悩みを解決! -
必要最低限の項目を見やすく配置する シフト表作成・勤怠管理
株式会社スターロジックの羽生章洋が書いてるブログ:元請けにこだわる理由 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
人のコードを使い物にならないと簡単に口にする人であればあるほど、その人自身が使い物にならない、という傾向がある。 作り上げたいもののイメージさえあれば、...ある程度の規模のソフトウェアであっても、頭の中で全体のつくりを組み立て、サクサクとつくり始めることができる
10年後も通用する文章術(1) 「駄目でない」文章を書くための9カ条:ITpro
(1)主張を書いて! (2)理由を書いて! (3)(構造化の)階層をそろえて書いて! (4)概要と詳細に分けて書いて! (5)一言で表現して! (6)抽象的な表現でなく,具体的に言って! (7)省略をしないで書いて! (8)事実と意見は分けて書いて! (9)論点を明確にして! よい文章を書くための6力 (1)確実に伝える〜論点絞り力 (2)納得させる〜論理的記述力 (3)一目で認知させる〜構造化力 (4)理解しやすくする〜平易表現力 (5)正確に伝える〜正確表現力 (6)少ない文章量で伝える〜短文表現力
文章を見ると思わず言ってしまうこと (1)主張を書いて! (2)理由を書いて! (3)(構造化の)階層をそろえて書いて! (4)概要と詳細に分けて書いて! (5)一言で表現して! (6)抽象的な表現でなく,具体的に言って! (7)省略をしないで書いて! (8)事実と意見は分けて書いて! (9)論点を明確にして!
まとめ : 副業に手を染めたいアナタへ贈る11選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Working From Home Makes More Sense Than Ever : TreeHugger
A New Employer: 8 Steps to Put Your Best Foot Forward - Stepcase Lifehack
How to Work Smart, Not Hard - wikiHow
Stick to your policies. If you charge extra to rush a job - ALWAYS CHARGE EXTRA - so true
# Delegate to the right people at the right times. Make sure your team is well-ordered. If one person is faster, put him or her on the part of your task that will take longest. If one person is more skilled and accurate, put him or her on the part of the task that is most critical.
wikiHow article about How to Work Smart, Not Hard.
A List Apart: Articles: Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times
working in the economic downturn , excellent article [from]
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
February 17, 2009 Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times by Pepi Ronalds
Leaks: Yahoo's secret layoff doublespeak revealed!
Yahoo isn't firing people en masse — it's "getting fit." That noisome euphemism for today's layoffs of 1,500 people must have hissed forth from the brain of some overpaid management consultant. Likewise for pages upon pages of instructions on how to sack employees — which Valleywag has obtained.
These are some seriously morbid slides from a HR perspective.
David Allen: What Kind of Self-Manager Are You? | BNET
The patron saint of personal productivity is back — and this time he’s offering more than just a system for handling overflowing email inboxes and misplaced files. In his third book, “Making It All Work,” David Allen takes his popular Getting Things Done model to the next level and promises a full-fledged road map for processing life and work in tandem. According to Allen, most people, whether at work or at home, fall victim to common organizational “syndromes.” There’s the person who stays on top of only enough details to stay afloat, or the micromanager, whose overly tight grip on life and work leads to too much focus on organizing and too little on accomplishing tasks. In these exclusive excerpts, Allen explains what it takes to be a successful self-manager and how to (finally) get focused.
Making It All Work
Do you manage other people better than yourself? In exclusive excerpts from his new book, Making It All Work, David Allen explains how to be master and commander of your own vision.
Your Office Chair Is Killing You - BusinessWeek
Well I am screwed...
"Much of the perception about what makes for healthy and comfortable sitting has come from the chair industry." / "Chaise longues are good options."
Meet public enemy No. 1 in today's workplace.
5 Warning Signs of a Project In Danger
How To: Embed YouTube Clips in PowerPoint
How to work with “stupid” people
-How to work with “stupid” people
Coding Horror: On Working Remotely
What we did last week What we're planning to do this week Anything that is blocking us or we are concerned about
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Questions To Ask an Interviewer
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Questions To Ask an Interviewer
Top 10 Motivation Boosters and Procrastination Killers - Procrastination - Lifehacker
Useful list of ideas on how to overcome procrastination
mental tricks
Lifehacker - Simulate Office Presence with Skype and VNC - remote working
I set up a webcam there along with speakers. I have second cam at home, and I simply Skype in to my own cube at work. Skype can be configured to auto-answer, if desired, so my ‘cube' Skype simply picks up when I dial in. I also pipe my home desktop onto my cube's monitor (using VNC).
Former cubicle jockey Jonathon Wilson now works from home, but it's almost exactly as if he's at his desk at the office. In the comments of my recent article on working remotely, Jonathon explains his unconventional setup:
20 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be a Freelancer | Webdesigner Depot
Social Page Evaluator
The lifestyle business bullshit - (37signals)
Top Job Boards for Web Developers and Designers | Web Resources | WebAppers
Are you a freelancer? Would you like to find some freelance works related to Web Development or Web Design? There are loads of job boards out there, but how many of them are actually built for web developers and designers? And How many of them are acutally popular? Here is a list of the top job boards for web developers and designers.
Crazy On Tap - Lessons learned in 30 years of programming
Now on to a brief summary of some tenants that I've learned and live by.
Blog article on the lessons of someone having programmed for the last thirty years.
「違和感・変換・引き出し」でアイデアが湧いてくる! 今すぐ使える発想法 - はてなブックマークニュース
アイデア創発の素振り:SCAMPER法――「10分以内にアイデア3つ出さなきゃ」をかなえる方法 (1/4) - ITmedia Biz.ID <>とかおすすめ。
5分で絶対に分かる会社の辞め方 - @IT自分戦略研究所
就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
100 Awesome Business Blogs that are Better than an MBA
collection of links to resources — Counting hours doesn't make sense
A great blog post advocating results and 'amount of energy expended' rather than hours put into, work.
「やり遂げる」人のマニフェスト |
物事には3つの状態がある:不明な状態か、アクションを起こしているか、完了しているか すべては「下書き」に過ぎないと受け入れる。そうしてこそ「やり遂げる」ことができる。 推敲などというものはない 自分のやっていることを理解しているふりをするのは、理解してやっていることに十分近い。だから理解している気になって、とにか くやること。 「先送り」を粉砕せよ。アイディアを1週間以上抱えたままでいるなら、やめること。 何かを完了させるのが大事だから「やり遂げる」のではない。さらに他のことをやり遂げるためだ やり遂げたなら、それは放り出してかまわない 完璧主義を笑い飛ばすこと。それはつまらないし、「やり遂げる」ことの妨げにしかならない 手を動かしていない人は最初から間違っている。自分で手を動かしてはじめて正しい見地に立てる 失敗も「やり遂げた」うちに入る。だから失敗すること。 破壊は、「やり遂げる」ことの一面といっていい 何かアイディアがあって、それをネットに公表しただけなら、それは(何かを実際に作るのに比べて)何かを「やり遂げた」つもりになっているだけ 「やり遂げる」ことは、さらに「やり遂げる」ための動力だ
| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 誰得?と言われない勝てる企画書を書くためのエントリー集
team-scheduler - Google Code
SIerとパッケージベンダはどちらが高給? IT系上場企業の平均給与を業種別にみてみた - Blog on Publickey
5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers
Sell Stock Work, Create Niche Resources, Develop Merchandise, Sell Subscriptions, and Offer Side Items to Your Current Clients.
小寺信良の現象試考:どのタスクも落とさないタスク管理、7つのコツ (1/3) - ITmedia +D LifeStyle
10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid Them | Freelance Folder
10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid Them
ToDo管理・スケジュール・仕事の進捗をガントチャート表示できるソフト「xfy Planner[ベータ版]」 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、年単位でタスクを表示できる比較年表、作成したメモをカテゴリ別にエクスプローラ風に分類して表示するメモファインダー、Googleカレンダー上に公開するGoogleカレンダー連携機能などが追加予定となっています。 願わくば、あとはGoogleカレンダーなどへの入力フロントエンドみたいにして動いてくれれば言うこと無し。Googleカレンダーをデータ共有用にしてしまうとか、WebDAVで共有とか、そういう少人数集団でデータ共有できる仕組みが欲しいかも。 現時点でもかなり完成度は高いように感じるので、あとはレスポンスさえ上昇すればかなりいい線まで行けそうです。よくできてます。 | 超長時間労働を厭わない組織風土をいかにして変えていくべきか
No Media Kings » Free Anarchomic Released
Time Management for Anarchists
Time Management for anarchists - comic
Second Life Architecture - The Grid | High Scalability
Slashdot | Freelance Web Developer Best Practices?
o the problems your leads have and tell
Questions about freelance web developer practices.
Freelance Web Developer Best Practices? -- article related to Index, Businesses, Developers, and Ask Slashdot.
great advice on freelancing
How to Get (and Leverage) Glowing Testimonials - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
天才でない普通の人間でビジネスアイデアを量産するワザ - ビジネス本マニアックス−働くひとのためのスキルアップ ビジネス書エトセトラ−
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
against you.
During a conference call with the executive committee of a nonprofit board on which I sit, I decided to send an email to a client. I know, I know. You'd think I'd have learned. Last week I wrote about the dangers of using a cell phone while driving. Multitasking is dangerous. And so I proposed a way to stop.
12 Things Good Bosses Believe - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
What makes a boss great? It's a question I've been researching for a while now. In June 2009, I offered some analysis in HBR on the subject, and more recently I've been hard at work on a book called Good Boss, Bad Boss (forthcoming in September from Business Plus).
40 Sites for Finding Web Design Jobs | Vandelay Design Blog
In the current economy there are a lot of designers and developers looking for work, whether it is full-time employment, contract work, or freelance opportunities. Fortunately, there are a number of great places to find these types of positions. In this post we'll look at 40 sites that include specialized job boards that include web/graphic design and web development opportunities. Best Places to Find Web/Graphic Design Jobs: Authentic Jobs A very active job board used by a lot of recognized and respected agencies. Includes freelance and full-time opportunities.
Issendai's Superhero Training Journal - How to keep someone with you forever
This is also a corollary to keeping them too busy to think. Of course you can't turn off anyone's thought processes completely—but you can keep them too tired to do any original thinking. The decision center in the brain tires out just like a muscle, and when it's exhausted, people start making certain predictable types of logic mistakes. Found a system based on those mistakes, and you're golden.
Sick Systems
sick systems, sick workplaces
Rule 4: Reward intermittently. Intermittent gratification is the most addictive kind there is. If you know the lever will always produce a pellet, you'll push it only as often as you need a pellet. If you know it never produces a pellet, you'll stop pushing. But if the lever sometimes produces a pellet and sometimes doesn't, you'll keep pushing forever, even if you have more than enough pellets (because what if there's a dry run and you have no pellets at all?). It's the motivation behind gambling, collectible cards, most video games, the Internet itself, and relationships with crazy people. How do you do all this? It's incredibly easy: Keep the crises rolling. Incompetence is a great way to do this: If the office system routinely works badly or the controlling partner routinely makes major mistakes, you're guaranteed ongoing crises.
Creating sick systems to ensnare unwitting lovers and/or employees.
The End-All Guide to Getting Out From Under Your Office Crap
So you've got a messy office you'd like to tame. We've all been there, and many of us still are there. You may think that the people behind your favorite productivity and organization blogs are immune to such things like clutter and disorganization, but more often than not we're brimming with organization tips, tricks, and solutions because of our own struggles with disorganization. Check out
Get rid of office clutter.
10 Laws of Productivity :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
checking out: '10 Laws of Productivity' (via @the99percent) #productivity
How to Change the World: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint
11 Creative Ways to Avoid Becoming a Workaholic | zen habits
like a fool
Avoiding workaholism.
How to get hired | Derek Sivers
Seth's Blog: Goodbye to the office
150 years later, why go to work in an office/plant/factory?
When you need to have a meeting, have a meeting. When you need to collaborate, collaborate. The rest of the time, do the work, wherever you like.
If we were starting this whole office thing today, it's inconceivable we'd pay the rent/time/commuting cost to get what we get. I think in ten years the TV show 'the Office' will be seen as a quaint antique.
A Procrastination Test to Uncover Procrastination Patterns | Psychology Today
save for later
The end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half done
The end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half done
10 Fresh Galleries for Web Design Inspiration
10 Fresh Galleries for Web Design Inspiration -
10 Fresh Galleries for Web Design Inspiration
wireframe, web apps, web widgets/components showcase
Get More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
Get More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
2010-07-01, by Cameron Chapman, "Getting more done doesn’t have to lead to longer hours. All you need to do is maximize your productivity and efficiency in the time you want to spend working. The tips above can help you do just that. If you have other tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!"
Get More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
2010-07-01, by Cameron Chapman, "Getting more done doesn’t have to lead to longer hours. All you need to do is maximize your productivity and efficiency in the time you want to spend working. The tips above can help you do just that. If you have other tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!"
Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Interesting read
Tips we can all use sometimes - esp. on a Monday! Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World, at Lifehacker – Jack Schofield (jackschofield)
Nice article on trying to stay focused when the internet is around
good ideas for those with internet-attention-span disorder.
Many jobs in the contemporary workplace actually require that you&#039;re online all the time, constantly connected to your coworkers&mdash;and to a mind-boggling ocean of distractions. Here&#039;s how to stay focused.
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