Pages tagged wolframalpha:

Wolfram|Alpha: Searching for Truth | h+ Magazine

And now, in 2009, a new kind of browser search engine called Wolfram|Alpha is about to appear. The other day I talked to Stephen on the phone for about two hours, and he demonstrated some of Wolfram|Alpha’s powers via a web-conferencing hook-up. In the following, I’ll be paraphrasing his words, based on my notes, my memory, and an audio recording of our conversation.
Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.”
"... Wolfram|Alpha can pop out an answer to pretty much any kind of factual question that you might pose to a scientist, economist, banker, or other kind of expert. The exciting part is that you’re not just looking up pages on the web, you’re getting new information that’s generated by computations working from the known data. Wolfram says the response can be so speedy because, “We’ve found that, of all the things science can compute, most take a second or less.” ..." [Accessed Tuesday, 14th April, 2009]
Wolfram|Alpha: Our First Impressions - ReadWriteWeb
Another query with a very sophisticated result was "uncle's uncle's brother's son." Now if you type that into Google, the result will be a useless list of sites that don't even answer this specific question, but Alpha actually returns an interactive genealogic tree with additional information, including data about the 'blood relationship fraction,' for example (3.125% in this case).
The hype around Wolfram|Alpha, the next "Google killer" from the makers of Mathematica, has been building over the last few weeks. Today, we were lucky enough to attend a one-hour web demo with Stephen Wolfram, and from what we've seen, it definitely looks like it can live up to the hype - though, because it is so different from traditional search engines, it will definitely not be a "Google killer."
More impressions on Wolfram Alpha question answering engine
An invention that could change the internet for ever - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Wolfram Alpha,
Top 10 Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Stephen Wolfram and his team didn’t lack a sense of humor when they built their Mathematica-based engine. Slowly but surely, people have been finding some interesting quirks within Wolfram Alpha, triggered by specific questions or events. These interesting easter eggs will make you smile or raise an eyebrow in bewilderment.
Five Things Wolfram Alpha Does Better (And Vastly Different) Than Google
Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
A good blog design for a beleivable and authorative information source
See Wolfram Alpha in Action: Our Screenshots - ReadWriteWeb
one of the most popular bookmarks... new search engine
More information about Wolfram Alpha the search engine. Video of the launch presentation included.
Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new
Screenshot und Video zu Wolfram Alpha.
Unqualified Reservations: Wolfram Alpha and hubristic user interfaces
A fantastic piece that gets to the heart of the problem with WA: its UI provides only unreliable affordances. To make the best use of its great computational engine and data visualisation parts you essentially have to learn the idiosyncrasies of an incredibly complex and unpredictable front-end.
"Like most hubristic UIs, Wolfram Alpha is operating with a completely fictitious user narrative."
10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Best question is the last one: Are you self-aware?
giggling even more about RT @mashable 10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs (via @tweetmeme) [from]
Das Schöne an der Suchmaschine sind jedoch einige Antworten, die man sich als Besonderheit hat einfallen lassen. Sogenannte Easter Eggs gibt es bei Wolfram Alpha massenweise. Siehe auch:
Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Step-by-Step Math
Wolfram|Alpha for Educators
Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time
Browse our video gallery to learn more about how you can utilize Wolfram|Alpha in the classroom.
Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base. Our long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. This can be valuable to educators in many ways.
contains lesson plans using wolfram alpha
"Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base. Our long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. This can be valuable to educators in many ways. "
New British search engine 'could be as important as Google ...
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it "could be as important as Google". London-born scientist Stephen Wolfram says that his company, Wolfram Research, is preparing to unveil the system in two months' time. Known as Wolfram Alpha, the site is an attempt to address some of the deficiencies of current web search by understanding people's questions and answering them directly. According to its creator, the system understands questions that users input and then calculates the answers based on its extensive mathematical and scientific engine.
cool new search engine
A semantic search (Web 3.0) tool being pioneered in Britain. Good background information on personalities in this industry.
A British physicist has revealed his plan to launch a new internet search engine so powerful that one expert has suggested it