Pages tagged webdev:

10 Beautiful Web UI libraries
10+ Ways To Protect Images From Being Stolen
K. Scott Allen : Function.apply and in JavaScript

function.apply and .call control the scope of the this keyword
Function.apply and
XML Parsing with jQuery | Switch on the Code
Parsing an XML feed or page using jQuery.
50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers Perfecting Their Craft | Distance Learning Net
More than 50 top notch courses that will help you become a better web designer.
20 Free & Open Source Image Galleries for Web Designers | CMD+SHIFT BLOG: Design, Tech, Internet, Web, Freelance, Blog by Liz Andrade, Owner of Seatttle Web Studio CMD+Shift Design. | Resources
Monter ses Slideshows
20 free image GALLERIES (scripts???)
New CSS Sticky Footer - 2009
web design
Rules of Database App Aging - Push cx
"all fields become optional" etc. good stuff.
Rule 3. (too true!) Chatter Always Expands
This will be incomprehensible to non developers in the audience, but oh god, this is so painfully, painfully true.
"I mentioned I’ve learned some rules of how database apps change over time, now that I’ve done a few dozen. They are: ... "
AJAX APIs Playground
Guia completo das APIs do Google Code.
How to Make a Smooth Animated Menu with jQuery | Build Internet!
Menu animado con jQuery
Ever seen some excellent jQuery navigation that left you wanting to make one of your own? Today we'll aim to do just that by building a menu and animate it with
How to Make a Smooth Animated Menu with jQuery
» 10 Brilliant Multi Level Navigation Menu Techniques
Selector Shell
It "is a browser-based tool for testing what CSS becomes in different browsers. It works by taking some raw text, inserting a dynamic STYLE element into the HEAD with that raw text as its content, and then reading the CSSOM to see what the browser has parsed it into. It is written in Javascript."
ブラウザが解釈しているCSSがわかる「Selector Shell」
各種ブラウザで「Test It」してみればどんなCSSが利いているかが一目瞭然!
See how your browser is interpreting CSS code.
More Web Design Trends For 2009 | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
More Web Design Trends For 2009
Last week we presented 10 Web Design Trends For 2009, our review of the most promising developments and techniques in web design that may become big in 2009. In the first part we covered embossing letters (”letterpress”), rich user interfaces, PNG transparency, big typography, carousels and media blocks. This post is the second part of our review. It presents design trends for 2009 in terms of layouts, visual approaches and design elements. Please notice that this post showcases trends and developments that were extensively covered in our previous articles (e.g. handwriting, retro and vintage etc.) and therefore weren’t covered in this post (they are all linked in the overview, so feel free to explore these single posts as well). Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!
Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch - NETTUTS
Como criar um plugin que mostra pordutos do OS Commerce no Wordpress
Wordpress Theme Generatorとは違うのか・・
Tracking Clicks, Building a Clickmap with PHP and jQuery
A plugin form of this script would be great.
10 techniques for an effective 'call to action' : Boagworld web design podcast
"How then do you create an effective call to action? Here are 10 techniques which help achieve just that."
Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete.
Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete. But how do you encourage users to act? How do you create an effective call to action.
Ask SM: How Do I Create A Colorful Sitemap With jQuery? | CSS | Smashing Magazine
The site map is often overlooked…until now. Make your sitemaps unique and exciting using CSS and jQuery!
In this demo article, we will build a visually interesting sitemap that makes the hierarchy clearer through the use of color.
Jquery sitemap
10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website - NETTUTS
10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
There's no better time to start utilizing Twitter integration tools than right now. Here are 10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
Start turning your site readers into Twitter followers and vice versa.
Dynamically Generating PDF Files with PHP and Haru
Haru and Zend intro
Movable Type Developer's Toolbox | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
By Steven Snell Because we have published several other comprehensive resources for developers of other content management systems (CMSs), we didn’t want to forget Movable Type. Like the other CMSs we have featured, Movable Type
Exactly How to Create a Custom jQuery Accordion - NETTUTS
Building the Back-End of a Photo Site - NETTUTS
NETTUTS Tutorial on building a back-end photo site
Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers
Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers
10 Most Interesting Upload Widgets | AjaxLine
Upload Widgets
jQZoom Evolution, javascript image magnifier
Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework.
Nice magnifier effect - good for product pages
fecklessmind - How to create perfect form mark up and style it with CSS
dfGallery 2.0 - Free Flash Gallery | Dezinerfolio
Wooo! Finally we are on dfGallery 2.0. We now commit to you that this gallery will be one of the coolest Free Flash Galleries. v1 with 200,000+ downloads was the hottest topic on our site and we hope to see a lot with this too. This is just the alpha release and we expect lots of feedback to get this to its best possible.. The reason for this gallery to be cool is not just its UI but the way it is built and architected. We have an amazing theme engine built to support custom themes with multiple skins for each. The administration console built on CodeIginter lets you manage multiple galleries and albums of different types. Soon we will have a dedicated section on the site where the community can contribute themes and skins. Till then enjoy this beautiful work by us :)
dfGallery is a free Flash gallery that works for flickr, picasa and custom albums. It also supports custom themes, skins, background music, fullscreen, ajax uploads and more...
A List Apart: Articles: Elevate Web Design at the University Level
Web education is out of date and fragmented. There are good people working hard to change this, but because of the structure of higher education, it will take time. As part of a year-long journey to discover where we are in web education and where we need to go, Leslie Jensen-Inman interviewed 32 web design and development leaders. The consensus: technology moves too fast for college and university curricula to keep up. How, then, can educators create a sustainable foundation for the future?
Sponsor an Educator...sounds like a new nonprofit idea to me.
Web education is out of date and fragmented.
CSS Angles: Just the Edge Your Web Page Needs! [CSS Tutorials]
css tutorial
30 Useful Open Source Apps for Web Designers - Six Revisions
In this article, you'll find 30 exceptionally handy open source applications for web designers.
In this article, you'll find 30 exceptionally handy open source applications for web designers.
5 Design and Interaction Reference Books you should have available | Tutorial9 - Tutorial Bliss.
Books to buy/order from library
The author details Web Design and Interaction Design books for beginner to advanced readers.
How To Choose The Right CMS | Webdesigner Depot
Lista com 5 novos CMS
How To Choose The Right CMS:
Allowing an IT Guy to Pick the CMS
The Power of WordPress and jQuery: 30+ Useful Plugins & Tutorials
jQuery is ideal because it can create impressive animations and interactions while being simple to understand and easy to use. WordPress awesomeness lies in its fact that it can be customized to power any type of site you like! But what happens when you combine the power of jQuery with WordPress, the possibilities are infinite.
wordpress plugin reviews
Easy Slider 1.5 - The Easiest jQuery Plugin For Sliding Images and Content | Css Globe
New version of my Easy Slider plugin for jQuery is here. This is one of the my rare scripts that make it to their second version. In this case version 1.5 All of the features here are result of your comments, so if you have more ideas, keep
New jQuery plugin: ‘imgPreview’ - James Padolsey
Image Preview
jQuery listnav plugin - javascript navigation control to manage alphabetical lists
Javascript navigation control to manage alphabetical lists
15+ Tips to Speed Up Your Website, and Optimize Your Code! - NETTUTS
Everything You Need to Get Started With CodeIgniter - NETTUTS
some framework for php, not that I agree with frameworks...
27 Best Photoshop Web Layout Design Tutorials - Part 2
FireScope is a Firefox add-on that integrates with Firebug, to extend it with reference material for HTML and CSS.
25 jQuery Tutorials for Improved Navigation Menus
"Navigation is an important part of web design from a usability perspective. However, links and navigation menus also provide opportunities to improve the visual appearance of the site, or to add some interesting effects. If you’re looking to create a navigation menu that stands out from the crowd, jQuery provides plenty of options. In this post we’ll feature 25 tutorials that will show you how to jQuery and CSS to create some interesting effects."
Conditional CSS
Browser detection with XSLT.
an interesting way to handle css conditionals
13 Premium-Like Wordpress Themes That Are Free And Stunning - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Building an interactive map with jQuery instead of Flash | Raleigh Web Design & Development | New Media Campaigns
CSS Code Snippets : 15 Wicked Tricks | DevSnippets
Fluid 960 Grid System | 16-column Grid
What You Need to Know About jQuery 1.3 - NETTUTS
13 Excellent jQuery Animation Techniques | Web Design Ledger
13 Excellent jQuery Animation Techniques | Web Design Ledger -
Only a few years ago, if something was animated on a website it was automatically assumed to be Flash. However, this is not the case today. With the growing popularity and wide spread use of JavaScript frameworks, sometimes you have to take a closer look to find out what is powering all of those smooth animations. With several JavaScript frameworks available, jQuery is quickly becoming a favorite. If you are interested in using jQuery for animated effects, here are 13 excellent tutorials to get you on your way.
27 Places to Find Web Design Jobs
BBC - Radio Labs - How we make websites
how good is the BBC?
404 Error Pages, One More Time | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
JSXGraph - Graphics with JavaScript - The JSXGraph library
Graphics with JavaScript
plotting, geometry, visualization
How to Build a Login System for a Simple Website - NETTUTS
login tutorial
User Accounts
Top 10 jQuery plugins for Form Usability « Steve Reynolds
mezzoblue § Sprite Optimization
jQuery Cheat Sheet - NETTUTS
jQuery Cheat Sheet - NETTUTS -
Snipt - Share code snippets on twitter
Easily share source code on Twitter. Snipt lets you upload source code in any of dozens of programming languages, formats it, and then generates a short URL you can share on Twitter.
share code snippets on twitter
Infrastructure for Modern Web Sites « random($foo)
leonard lin's weblog. topical geek news.
list of backend and frontend requirements
Web Design+ — Tips and advice on web standards development
Very useful tip for clearing floated divs
The online home of Harry Roberts, freelance front-end developer.
5 Popular CSS Frameworks + Tutorials & Tools for Getting Started
cufón - fonts for the people
A Coding Fool: jQuery 1.3 Cheat Sheet
Global is the new private
the most popular javascript frameworks & APIs to see how they differ in terms of global namespace pollution.
Provided by Shaurya during the solution development for Target Safety
A List Apart: Articles: Advanced Debugging with JavaScript
Are You Making These 10 PHP Mistakes? - NETTUTS
How-To Minimize Load Time for Fast User Experiences | UX Booth
Creating a “Filterable” Portfolio with jQuery - NETTUTS
If you have worked in your field for a while, there is a pretty good chance that you have a rather extensive portfolio. To make it a little easier to navigate, you will probably be tempted to break them into different categories. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make "filtering by category" a little more interesting with just a little bit of jQuery
32 Tips To Speed Up Your MySQL Queries | AjaxLine
John Resig - Talk: The DOM is a Mess
I gave a talk last week at Yahoo (at the request of the YUI team) all about the DOM. I outlined some of the reasons why the current situation is such a mess, outline some strategies for working around it, and then give some examples of real world code that's being implemented in libraries today.
16 Usable CSS Graph and Bar Chart Tutorials and Techniques : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Grapicas con CSS y PHP
"Have you ever even tried to create your own CSS graph? If you have, you will know how hard it is. Using Flash is one way to go, but you just can’t beat a beautifully crafted CSS Graph. Have a look at these tutorials and techniques."
Times Developer Network - Welcome
amidst the flames, NYT opens up a phoenix API.
The NY Times Developer Network. Looks like they have some really interesting API's to play with.
Supersized - Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin | Build Internet!
26 Essential Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers | instantShift
It’s no secret that web designers and developers love Firefox! Firefox provides an endless amount of functionality that you simply won’t find in any other
JS charts – The free JavaScript chart generator
JS Charts is a free JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. With JS Charts drawing charts is a simple and easy task, since you only have to use client-side scripting (i.e. performed by your web browser). No additional plugins or server modules are required. Just include our scripts, prepare your chart data in XML or JavaScript Array and your chart is ready!
40+ Excellent jQuery Tutorials | instantShift
Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it's also known for fast
Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it’s also known for fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. Or in developer’s words “write less, Do more”. Now days jQuery is on top of its charm and everyone from Javascript world love to experiment with it. Because of the remarkable significance of JQuery in Designing field, it is an essential to keep yourself up-to-date with its Quality uses and Examples. In this article, we’ll take a look at Various jQuery Tutorials for your source of inspiration.
10 things a web designer would never tell you : Boagworld web design podcast
Geinig artikel over hoe je designers moet behandelen.
Things a 'good web designer' would never tell you about choosing the perfect design.
wever it is no use if
How to Use the Sticky Footer HTML & CSS Code
How to implement sticky footers
n by that margin height, perhaps in a header or the w
How to Paginate Data with PHP - NETTUTS
How to Paginate Data with PHP
An explanation of how to paginate data using PHP -- code is included.
fecklessmind - Defensive coding and CSS: Preventing the most common bugs
Defensive coding is about preventing these bugs before they happen. If you don’t prevent them, they will be like an avalanche — there will be a lot of them interacting with each other, making it difficult to figure out what’s what.
redswish - a web design blog » 10 SEO elements all websites should have
Keyword research is crucial as it acts like a compass for your website or blog. A proper keyword research reveals the supply and demand trends in your industries thus giving general idea on which keyword you should focus on.
Image Optimization, Part 3: Four Steps to File Size Reduction » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
at Yahoo! User Interface Blog
Image optimization tips
Placeholder HTML Markup with Lorem Ipsum — Jon Tan 陳
Best Image Croppers ready to use for web developers
Like the title says.
Flashでやってしまいがちな14個の間違った使い方 | ClockMaker Blog
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip jQuery plugin. Making tooltips simple!
Shared with
A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin -
Is Google Chrome The New IE 6 For Web Designers? | Webdesigner Depot
přehled chyb google chrome
Just when you thought you were done with IE 6 and its hacks and exceptions, now you've got a new browser to consider: Google's Chrome. The good news is that
Here are some tips to get your web pages working in Chrome and hopefully looking the way they were designed to look.
No, but it does have problems all of its own!
Getting around some of the weirdness that Chrome brings to the table. Like Opera, Chrome is unusually unforgiving when it comes to HTML, CSS, and javascript
50 Useful JavaScript Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
50 Useful JavaScript Tools :
» 40+ “Must see” CSS Tools WebAir Blog
CSS tools
jQuery Sequential List
Basic, but nice
jQueryで<ol>のリストに上から順にクラスをつけるTutorial 。
jQuery Sequential List
File uploaders collection for web developers
ols-based multiple file uplader really simple to implement and reuse on your web
Sistemas para subir varios archivos con javascript
Favicon Generator
Upload an image (GIF, JPEG or PNG) and convert it to a Windows favicon (.ico).
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Using HTTP Headers to Serve Styles
Une astuce pour avoir une CSS rajoutée partout sur un site : dans le .htaccess Header add Link "</staging.css>;rel=stylesheet;type=text/css;media=all" Ça permettrait de gérer plus efficacement le mode prévisualisation de SPIP
nice hack for staging sites. doesn't work in safari or ie, though.
"So: why not send the link to the style sheet using HTTP headers? Yeah, that’s the ticket!"
Continuous Deployment at IMVU: Doing the impossible fifty times a day. « Timothy Fitz
Continuous Deployment isn’t just an abstract theory. At IMVU it’s a core part of our culture to ship. It’s also not a new technique here, we’ve been practicing continuous deployment for years; far longer than I’ve been a member of this startup.
unknown terms: tdd, rsync, symlink, schema learned new defn: integrate need to learn big o notat... later. need to sleep
"On average we deploy new code fifty times a day. So what magic happens in our test suite that allows us to skip having a manual Quality Assurance step in our deploy process? The magic is in the scope, scale and thoroughness. It’s a thousand test files and counting. 4.4 machine hours of automated tests to be exact. "
A List Apart: Articles: Brighter Horizons for Web Education
Nuevos horizontes para la educación web
"The Web Standards Project have begun trying to tackle the education issue. Industry experts and veteran educators on the WaSP Education Task Force are currently working to develop the WaSP Curriculum Framework (WCF), a modular curriculum that can be used to improve existing curricula or serve as the foundation for emerging programs. (Disclosure: I’m a member of The Web Standards Project, an educator, and the project lead of the WaSP Curriculum Framework.) The WCF will be released in March of 2009 as a living curriculum that will adapt to changes in the industry so that schools using it can ensure their students are learning the concepts that are relevant to their field of study. The WCF’s first release will contain approximately 14 courses divided into six learning tracks: * Foundations * Front-end Development * Design * Server-side Development * User Science * Professional Practice "
"Building a real relationship between industry and education requires that we answer this question for both parties: 'What’s in it for me?' Whether you’re a practitioner or educator, the answer is the same: graduates who are ready for a career in the web."
Schools that teach web design struggle to keep pace with our industry, and those just starting their curricula often set off in the wrong direction because the breadth and depth of our medium can be daunting.
Brighter Horizons for Web Education by Aarron Walter
Best Rich Text Editors ready to use in web projects
This post illustrates five interesting rich text editors ready to use in your web projects. I also provided some guidelines regarding how to implement them on your pages using a few lines of HTML code. Try them!
Using jQuery to Style Design Elements: 20 Impressive Plugins | DevSnippets
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.
"Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies" (This page lists several advanced web features, like data URIs, for instance, and offers recommendations on when it may be safe to use them.)
JavaScript Lab - Tools - JS Regex Generator
JavaScript Regular Expression Generator
Regular expression generator for javascript
Created by Camtasia Studio 6
jQuery video tutorial
Jquery Video
The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires a more recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
Nice (though a bit lengthy) intro to jQuery
100 Best JavaScript Resources | Spoonfed Design
test to this items?
JavaScript is an extremely useful scripting language for enhancing user experience and usability. It is becoming more and more popular as more developers begin to make cool techniques accessible. Here are 100 excellent JavaScript (and a few AJAX) techniques, plugins, and resources based on the major libraries of jQuery, Prototype, Scriptaculous, MooTools, and Dojo.
Is the Relational Database Doomed? - ReadWriteWeb
Recently, a lot of new non-relational databases have cropped up both inside and outside the cloud.
Article about where key/value databases should be used over relational databases, with some examples of dbs available.
purpose of the key/value databases. is the paradigm changing these days?
Interesting html FORM Validators for web developers
This post illustrates how to use some interesting HTML Form validators to check FORM fields writing only some lines of HTML and JavaScript code. All these proposal are lightweight, cross-browser and simple to use and customize in your web projects in few minutes.
17 Best Javascript Image Galleries
17 Best Javascript Image Galleries
An Intensive Exploration Of jQuery With Ben Nadel (Video Presentation) : Kinky Solutions : A Student's Perspective by Ben Nadel
presentation on JQuery from the very basics on up
Feb 12, watched first 60 min
Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Bespin
uygulama geliştirme hedesi
25+ Web 2.0 Generators to rescue ( Be Lazy) | Desizn Tech
Sometime there are projects or clients that need to be done in one days or so. When you need a quick striped background, a CSS menu, web 2.0
darwin's firepython at master - GitHub
Python logging console for Firebug
FirePython is a sexy Python logger console integrated into Firebug. | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | 3 dimensional (3D)
ตัวทำพรีโหลดแบบ Ajax กลมๆหมุนๆ
animated loading gif's
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
A lightweight tool for creating ad-hoc JavaScript benchmark tests
JSLitmus is a lightweight tool for creating ad-hoc JavaScript benchmark tests. Features include ... * Single-file install (JSLitmus.js) * Works on Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE, Google Chrome, and iPhone browsers * Adaptive test cycles - tests take ~1-2 seconds, regardless of the operation * Google Chart + TinyUrl integration * Open Source MIT-style license (see source)
Announcing BeautyTips, a jQuery Tooltip Plugin | Lullabot
kind of a badass tooltip plugin but, of course, IE is not going to properly support it for awhile
BeautyTips, a Tooltip Plugin for JQuery
3 jQuery Twitter Plugins - Add Tweets To Your Website provides you with a quick and easy way to include a reset stylesheet. Theres no need to download it everytime you want to use it, or hotlink it off someone's website. We are hosted on Google's App Engine which provides outstanding speeds and stability.
css reset
5 obscure HTML tags that you should know and even use - instant fundas
1, 2, and 3 have some use to me
5 obscure HTML tags
With the rising popularity of CSS for styling, many web developers and users alike have become alienated from the good old HTML tags. Only a handful of these tags are used in the markup of web pages today. Most of them have got limited representation and some of them are entirely forgotten. I decided to round up a couple of HTML tags that perhaps should be used a little more often than they actually are.
Create astonishing iCal-like calendars with jQuery | Stefano Verna
Over 15 Top Open Source Tools for Web Developers
11 Ways to Enhance a User Interface with MooTools | Web Design Ledger
When creating a User Interface, it's important to make it engaging for the user not only from a visual standpoint, but also with interactivity. With so many
HTML 5 ― HTML 4 からの変更点
w3c html5
RGBa Browser Support
Too bad it doesn't work in shitty IE..
RGBa is a way to declare a color in CSS that includes alpha transparency support. Since IE supports conditional stylesheets, we can bust out those and a proprietary Microsoft CSS filter to accomplish the same result.
Exactly How to Use CSS Sprites - NETTUTS
CSS Menus | Home Page
CSS menus of all types with downloadable code files
40+ Useful & Handy Web Designer’s Web Services & Tools
Useful Ajax Auto Suggest scripts collection
32 Indispensable Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All of these bookmarklets/favelets will be useful to all web designers and developers, they are the quickest method for testing, analyzing and tweaking any web page.
love the XRAY :D
Design: Create a Color Palette from a Single Image
cool webservice. Upload pictures instantly (without registration hassle) and get results back immediately, including Hex color values
5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
t remem
Video: An Introduction to CSScaffold | Anthony Short | Web Design & Development
I'm working on my own spin on CSS frameworks, except that mine is a little bit different. It requires PHP to make CSS better, rather then relying on the bad system that we have to work with.
25 jQuery Plugins for Navigation
the-golden-grid - Google Code
The Golden Grid is a web grid system. It 's a product of the search for the perfect modern grid system. It 's meant to be a CSS tool for grid based web sites.
CSS grid-based layout library c.f. Blueprint.
Big Slick Design: 46 Questions for a Web Design Project
60 CSS Tools to reduce your work load. |
60 utilidades aplicadas a CSS
DevHub • Free Web Hosted Publishing Platform
Info to check later
xmpp client
Strophe is a library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages. The implementations are production ready, well documented, easy to use, and easy to extend.
A library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages.
"Strophe is a library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages. The implementations are production ready, well documented, easy to use, and easy to extend."
Box2DJS - Physics Engine for JavaScript
API JavaScript para desenvolvimento de pequenas simulações de física newtoniana.
te an ob
The Ultimate Website Launch Checklist | Our Blog | Box UK
Useful CL
When can I use...
Comprehensive listing of support for upcoming web features by the five major browsers.
5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
A no nonsense approach to, you guessed it, writing better CSS.
9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers. Delight and satisfy your visitors, rather than frustrate and annoy them, with smart design decisions. Here are 9 usability problems that websites commonly face, and some recommended solutions for each of them.
Quelques erreurs d'ergonomie à éviter dans la conception d'un site Internet
By now, all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers.
Things you may not know about jQuery - James Padolsey
10 Quick Win jQuery Plugins | Steve Reynolds Blog
JavaScript dependency management and concatenation: Sprockets
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files.
"Serve lots of little JavaScripts as a single file."
Ultimate Collection of 40+ jQuery Tutorials and Resources | The Theme Blog
jQuery provides developers with an invaluable tool to enhance user experience and usability. It truly is the bees knees. The following comprehensively brilliant collection of jQuery tutorials will provide developers and designers alike with knowledge and skills that will blow minds. Prepare for your awakening. Enlightenment follows. Incredible.
Open Source - The Washington Times - Home
The Washington Times has always focused on content. After careful review, we determined that the best way to have the top tools to produce and publish that content is to release the source code of our in-house tools and encourage collaboration.
* django-projectmgr, a source code repository manager and issue tracking application. It allows threaded discussion of bugs and features, separation of bugs, features and tasks and easy creation of source code repositories for either public or private consumption. * django-supertagging, an interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup. * django-massmedia, a multi-media management application. It can create galleries with multiple media types within, allows mass uploads with an archive file, and has a plugin for fckeditor for embedding the objects from a rich text editor. * django-clickpass, an interface to the OpenID service that allows users to create an account with a Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Hotmail or AIM account.
The source code is released under the permissive Apache License, version 2.0. The initial tools released are: * django-projectmgr, a source code repository manager and issue tracking application. It allows threaded discussion of bugs and features, separation of bugs, features and tasks and easy creation of source code repositories for either public or private consumption. * django-supertagging, an interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup. * django-massmedia, a multi-media management application. It can create galleries with multiple media types within, allows mass uploads with an archive file, and has a plugin for fckeditor for embedding the objects from a rich text editor. * django-clickpass, an interface to the OpenID service that allows users to create an account with a Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Hotmail or AIM account.
Web Development Project Estimator
JavaScript and the DOM Series: Lesson 1 - NETTUTS
You Still Can’t Create a jQuery Plugin? - NETTUTS
Ajax Fancy Captcha - jQuery plugin -
Cool stuff
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers. We are introducing you to a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that you are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
SIMPLY STUNNING jQuery CAPTCHA! NICE! I want to use this now!
px pm 表
Great resource for converting pixels to ems and vise-versa
Bad ass.
via fq
px to em
Build seven good object-oriented habits in PHP
With PHP's object-oriented (OO) language features, if you aren't already creating your applications with OO principles in mind, these seven habits will help you get started in the transition between procedural programming and OO programming.
How to build a Facebook app in Django — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
facebook, django
What Fonts Are Websafe in 2009? - SitePoint Forums
The 'font ecosystem' changes so slowly that it's not hard to go years without taking those gradual changes into consideration. Each new version of MS Office, each new release OS X brings with it a new kit bag of available fonts. Although there are plenty of reasons to grumble about the way CSS handles type, it does have a few redeeming features. Font stacks is one of them.
Towards RESTful PHP - 5 Basic Tips | Kris Jordan
About PHP- Once read
Très bon
Mozilla Webdev » Blog Archive » Cross-Browser Inline-Block
How to achieve the equivalent of display: inline-block in all browsers with a few hacks and techniques. Nice.
Headings, heading hierarchy, and document outlines | 456 Berea Street
An article about html semantics and accessibility
"Recently my coworkers and I have been discussing HTML headings and heading hierarchy. This may not sound like something you need to spend a lot of time discussing, but there are some situations when it seems very difficult to find a solution without compromises."
Should logo be H1 and similar issues
zeroclipboard - Google Code
The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.
Building and Scaling a Startup on Rails: 12 Things We Learned the Hard Way - Axon Flux - A Ruby on Rails Blog
primer on ruby
HTML 5 canvas - the basics - Opera Developer Community
The HTML 5 specification includes lots of new features, one of which is the canvas element. HTML 5 canvas gives you an easy and powerful way to draw graphics using JavaScript. For each canvas element you can use a "context" (think about a page in a drawing pad), into which you can issue JavaScript commands to draw anything you want. Browsers can implement multiple canvas contexts and the different APIs provide the drawing functionality.
Mann, ist das cool!
6 Interesting online presentations for web developers
The list includes a short introduction to Ajax, how to write modular CSS code, PHP Object Model fundamentals and an overview about the most popular JavaScript libraries.
43 PSD to XHTML, CSS Tutorials Creating Web Layouts And Navigation | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Writing Blazing Fast, Infinitely Scalable, Pure-WSGI Utilities - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano’s Blog
HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet - Nihilogic
ASCIIcasts - Recent Episodes
A variety of short articles about Ruby and Rails based on Ryan Bates’ Railcasts.
I really like Ryan Bates’s Railscasts, but videos aren’t the easiest thing to search through when you’re trying to search for a single tip or line of Ruby code to add to your own site. ASCIIcasts are text versions of each Railscast, each with a link to the original video. I hope you find them useful. You can keep up to date with new episodes on Twitter.
Create a REST API with PHP « Gen X Design | Ian Selby
One of the latest (sort of) crazes sweeping the net is APIs, more specifically those that leverage REST. It’s really no surprise either, as consuming REST APIs is so incredibly easy… in any language. It’s also incredibly easy to create them as you essentially use nothing more than an HTTP spec that has existed for ages. One of the few things that I give Rails credit for is its well thought-out REST support, both for providing and consuming these APIs (as its been explained by all the Rails fanboys I work with).
10 Useful Tips For Ruby On Rails Developers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Free resources for quickly developing AJAX applications
Free resources for quickly developing AJAX applications -
Learn about the Canonical Link Element in 5 minutes
Last week Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft announced support for a new link element to clean up duplicate urls on sites. The syntax is pretty simple: An ugly url such as can specify in the HEAD part of the document the following: <link rel="canonical" href=""/>
JQuery File Upload Plugin - RonnieSan
Logica Web Developer Handbook — Tips and advice on web standards development
Welcome to Logicas Web Developer Handbook. This is, in no particular order, an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems — a way to tackle development in the cleanest, most accessible and semantic way possible. By using WDH, the aim is to standardise practices throughout an organisation; from accessibility to hacks, WDH covers the best ways to tackle a variety of dev problems.
Lightweight jQuery Portal
light weight query portal
Interesting jQuery framework for Portal interfaces. Reminds me a lot of older versions of NetVibes.
Major Features: * Content Integration - Lots stuff gets aggregated fast and easy. * Sound User Experiences - Slick UI, responsive interaction ... * Basic Module Themes - Colors can be assigned to modules. Multiplex Developer Support: * Content Integrator - Basic HTML skills and a little knowledge about JSON shall be enough to accomplish basic content integration tasks fast. * Interface Dresser - Advanced CSS knowledge and skills shall be mandatory to customize and improve the look and feel of this framework, i.e., the modules and the overall layout * Framework Extender - [jQuery] knowledge and JavaScript skills are required to further extend and customize this framework to address your advanced requirements. Walk through more features or go to Download now.
Allan Jardine | Reflections | DataTables 1.4
Internet Explorer 5.0 Win 95+ 5 C Tasman Internet Explorer 5.1 Mac OS 7.6-9 1 C Tasman Internet Explorer 5.2 Mac OS 8-X 1 C Trident Internet Explorer 5.5 Win 95
テーブルデータソート 検索もあるよ!
20 Most interesting jQuery Plugins - February 2009 | AjaxLine
Styling Ordered Lists with CSS - CSS List Tutorial
Ajaxian » Designing a JavaScript client for a REST API
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward if it weren’t for two things: 1. browser same-origin restrictions on XMLHttpRequests (XHRs) and inter-window/frame access 2. the lack of wide browser support for HTML 5-style message passing between windows. The Same-Origin Policy and its minor browser-specific variations are detailed elsewhere, so I’ll just summarize it with a few key points. I use the term window to mean window object, which can be a top-level page or reside inside a frame or iframe.
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward...
A comprehensive article outlining an approach on how to create a RESTful JavaScript client. The article explains not only how to create a client for your own RESTful services, but also interacting with cross-domain ones. There is also code posted on Google Code which implements the concepts presented in the article.
How to deal with large webforms
Home - oocss - GitHub
How do you scale CSS for millions of visitors or thousands of pages? Nicole first presented Object Oriented CSS at Web Directions North in Denver. Since then, the response has been overwhelming. OOCSS allows you to write fast, maintainable, standards-based front end code. It adds much needed predictability to CSS so that even beginners can participate in writing beautiful websites.
Object Oriented CSS Framework
Object Oriented CSS Framework Two main principles Separate structure and skin Separate container and content
Building HTML/CSS Sites: Use a Template » DivitoDesign
11 Non-Traditional Uses of WordPress
Mix di plugin, temi e soluzioni per trasformare un'installazione di Wordpress in un servizio alternativo
we’ll take a look at a combination of tutorials, plugins and themes that can help you to use WordPress in non-traditional ways.
w plugins for users and role management, and the end result is a moderated directory that allows members to enter information about themselves.
How to Validate Forms in both sides using PHP and jQuery | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
Ajaxian » Nicole Sullivan’s Object Oriented CSS
Object Oriented CSS
I need to read this. "It adds much needed predictability to CSS so that even beginners can participate in writing beautiful websites."
So you want a dynamic form
super(ContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Pegs (Demo of scroll distribution for a single page.)
Pegs (Demo of scroll distribution for a single page.)
jQuery: » jQuery 1.3 and the jQuery Foundation
Happy Birthday to jQuery! jQuery is three years old today, after being released way back on January 14th, 2006 at the first BarCampNYC by John Resig. We have four announcements for you today, we hope you’ll enjoy them!
This is the javascript library that I use most frequently, and I'm very excited about this new release! They've made several extensive performance improvements and feature enhancements.
JavaScript Reference (beta)
Javascript reference
Block a Website for Everyone But You
Nice technique
Quick little .htaccess trick today for ya’ll. This snippet will redirect any visitor who is not at at one of the provided IP addresses. You can use as many or as few as you would like. This is just a very quick way to block access to a site for, say, everyone but you. Or, everyone but you and a few select co-workers or clients.
Use this technique to whitelist IPs to view a site and block everyone else.
Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center
Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center -
maybe something of note in here
if, like me, you were wondering why the safari javascript docs never show up in google apart from some weird apple PR, then it's coz they are hidden behind the freewall on ADC.
Stubbornella » Blog Archive » Object Oriented CSS, Grids on Github
How do you scale CSS for millions of visitors or thousands of pages? Object Oriented CSS allows you to write fast, maintainable, standards-based front end code. It adds much needed predictability to CSS so that even beginners can participate in writing beautiful websites.
JSONView - View JSON documents in Firefox « Blog |
Load Impact - Free web site load test
Utilidad online para probar la carga de un website, hace un test para probar la respuesta del site por encima de 40 clientes conectados
testt website - cool tool
Slow websites means lost customers and revenues. Be proactive and find out the performance limits of your website before you learn it the hard way. Load Impact is an online load testing service that lets you load test your web site with just a few mouse clicks.
fecklessmind - How to create perfect form markup and style it with CSS
Enhancing Your Ubuntu Server - NETTUTS
A few weeks ago, I showed you how to setup your very own linux server. Now, I'm going to show you how to add even more functionality.
Coding Horror: Dictionary Attacks 101
Some ways of making this more avoidable
I like the increasing delay idea
jQuery Delay Plugin -
Sigma Grid -- Ajax editable data grid - DHTML grid control with flexibility and user API.
Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. LGPL license available from 2.1 version.
Cheap SSL Certificates - RapidSSL, Geotrust, Verisign
SSL Certificates Are Ready In 15 Minutes
$19.99 a year for SSL certs
jQuery - PHP & Ajax with the Twitter API | Steve Reynolds Blog
Playing with the twitter api is awesome!
Sunlight Labs: Blog - Content Management Systems just don't work.
The line between Content Management Systems and Application Frameworks is starting to blur and this is the core basis for this post. The comments are also great reading and provide a balanced argument for CMSs
Sunlight Labs Blog says that CMS's don't work because they contain too many 'opinions' that you won't agree with (to do with user interface and workflow) so you are better off using content frameworks.
Great observations on frameworks vs. CMSs.
good read
Kevin: Clay at Sunlight Labs talks about the issues he has with content management systems and argues that web frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails are a better option. It's an interesting wrinkle on a common discussion in the industry, and it's worth the read.
blue state digital and information on community mailing tools
iamelgringo: Tables vs CSS: CSS Trolls begone
Silly me, I thought we'd won this war years ago but there's always one guy who has used CSS for a month doesn't get it and writes a post like this. Good comments though.
CSS Trolls begone
10 Most Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Developers | AjaxLine
In this review we collected most interesting Firefox plugins which covers almost all needs of web developer.
SitePoint » The 5 Most Under-Used HTML Tags
24 ways: Sitewide Search On A Shoe String
Django Settings Tip - Setting Relative Paths | Morethanseven
helpful config tip on paths w/in a site
frequency decoder ~ Unobtrusive Date-Picker Widget V4
Liquid Canvas | - Steffen Rusitschka
Bordi Arrotondati (Semplice da usare)
Liquid Canvas Todo! Gradients, dropshadows y roundedcorners, todo junto!
40 Web Developers to Follow on Twitter | Think Vitamin
Ajaxian » Getting Semantic With Microformats Series by Emily Lewis
Introduction Part 1: rel Part 2: XFN Part 3: hCard Part 4: hCalendar Part 5: hAtom Part 6: hResume Part 7: Themes & Issues
Introduction Part 1: rel Part 2: XFN Part 3: hCard Part 4: hCalendar Part 5: hAtom Part 6: hResume Part 7: Themes & Issues
jQuery Accessible Tabs - How to make tabs REALLY accessible - web output
s a very simple and flexible HTML ma
While a lot of Tabs-Scripts claim to be accessible it turns out, most of them are really not. While developing this jQuery Plugin with my coworker Artur Ortega, we tried to find a single existing Javascript powered Tabs-Interface that Artur, using his Screenreader, would actually be able to use properly. We eventually gave up the search.
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
JavaScript library
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations at Learning jQuery
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials -
Watermark with CSS Tutorial - Creating Watermark effect with CSS
Protect Your Images with CSS Watermarks
1160 + Ajax/Javascript/Dhtml examples and demos to download
Postpostmodern » A Smarter MAMP
Working with the jCrop Plugin - NETTUTS
Working with the jCrop Plugin image corp
Working with the jCrop Plugin - NETTUTS
John Resig: "The DOM Is a Mess" on Yahoo! Video
John Resig: "The DOM Is a Mess"
Editable (jQuery Editable Plugin)
This looks like the plugin/page that was used in the jQuery Drupal presentations at Drupalcon
Editable (jQuery Editable Plugin) -
Currently it can convert any tag (span, div, p and ...) to text input, password, textarea, drop-down list.
The Future of Web Apps: 7 Things Companies Must Do to Succeed
The Future of Web Apps: 7 Things Companies Must Do to Succeed
News Flash: Web 2.0 is so over. Here are seven things web app companies will need to do to succeed in the future.
Carrer Blog: The Golden Grid
Blog about web programming & web design
The Golden Grid aims to be the perfect web grid with golden proportions, rule of thirds symmetry and more
I was searching for the prefect web grid, playing with golden proportions, rule of thirds, symmetry, asymmetry, usability, monitor proportions, typography and the result came spontaneous - The Golden Grid. Why not share it with you :).
The Golden Grid is a web grid system. It 's a product of the search for the perfect modern grid system. It 's meant to be a CSS tool for grid based web sites.
A Guide to Learning ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 1
Learn about the differences between ASP.NET MVC application and ASP.NET Web Forms applications. Learn how to decide when to build an ASP.NET MVC application.
I bet this'll come in handy
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery, simulasi touch screen
Getting Semantic With Microformats, Introduction ~ A Blog Not Limited
Beginning of a great series on basic microformats
not enough minerals » Blog Archive » FB App Canvas Pages: I Think I’d Use IFrames
FB App Canvas Pages: I Think I’d Use IFrames
XHTML CSS Accessible Forms » Matt Varone
Valid, flexible, and portable form foundation with XHTML/CSS
70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques
As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions for lightboxes, form validation, navigation, upload, auto-complete, image cropping, slideshows, tool tips, sliders and tables are being developed that use nifty JavaScript and AJAX scripts. When using these, developers have to carefully consider many subtle techniques to help users get things done. In this article, we present 70 new and useful JavaScript and AJAX techniques, all of which are of the highest quality and are more or less easy to configure. You will also find some very useful but better known techniques to use on almost any project you work on. jQuery, MooTools, Prototype and are used in these examples, so every taste gets its due.
Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques Smashing Magazine
by Noura Yehia As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions for
50 Twitter Tools and Tutorials For Designers and Developers | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
I did a project once with Twitter's API but I hardly remember it now (plus, I wonder if it's changed much in a year...?).
SitePoint » 10 Fixes That Solve IE6 Problems
Ten code fixes, hacks, and workarounds for dealing with Internet Explorer 6. By SitePoint
12 Excellent Tools for Picking a Domain Name
12 Excellent Tools for Picking a Domain Name -
All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
Hi, today i will show a monster collection of jQuery resources you’ll ever need to create that amazing site for one of your clients or for one of your personal projects.
All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer -
Great resource for awesome jquery sliders
10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A brief, but well written overview of things to consider when selecting a CMS.
Choosing a content management system can be tricky. Without a clearly defined set of requirements, you will be seduced by fancy functionality that you will never use. What then should you look for in a CMS?
Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery
Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers - A Use for Polygonal CSS? | Filament Group, Inc.
At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print.
TinyTable JavaScript Table Sorter - 2.5KB - Web Development Blog
Faire défiler le contenu d'un tableau avec javascript
This updated table sorter script is easy to use and feature packed at only 2.5KB. New features include column highlighting, optional pagination, support for links, and date/link parsing. A few other features are alternate row highlighting, header class toggling, auto data type recognition and selective column sorting. More updates will follow soon.
Un javascript de 2,5 ko pour faire des tables triables.
From WebAppers. Non library specific table sorting plugin.
High Performance Web Sites
web design
"These rules are the key to speeding up your web pages. They've been tested on some of the most popular sites on the Internet and have successfully reduced the response times of those pages by 25-50%."
28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers - Need Some AIR? : Speckyboy Design Magazine
28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers
37 Shopping Cart Options for Developers | Vandelay Design Blog
37 Shopping Cart Options for Developers
15 Most Interesting jQuery Tutorials | AjaxLine
This time we collected the most interesting jQuery tutorials.
8 awesome JQuery tips and tricks
like JQuery? This fast and easy to use Javascript framework became very popular in 2008. In the following article, I have compiled a list of 8 absolutely useful JQuery hacks, tips and tricks.
Using PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification with PHP - NETTUTS
14 jQuery Plugins for Working with Images
2500+ Free Icons - NETTUTS
2500+ Free Icons - NETTUTS
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started -
40 Web Design Artists And 102 Websites Worth Watching | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
portfolio examples
GX - Full-Featured Javascript Animations Framework
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny Javascript Animations Framework.
qTip - The jQuery tooltip plugin - Home - (Current beta: 1.0.0-beta1)
The jQuery tooltip plugin
tooltip plugin
20 Great PHP Libraries You Need to Know | KomunitasWeb
"You’re in the middle of a project, and need to get everything done as soon as possible. To keep the deadline and still have a life, you would better to collect this awesome library on your fingertip. By knowing this library capability, then you’ll know when to use any of them."
IEBlog : Site Compatibility and IE8
Reports of broken sites are an important part of the feedback the IE team receives from the community. When we receive a report of a broken site, we take it and identify the core issue causing the problem. A number of these issues end up being side effects
Reports of broken sites are an important part of the feedback the IE team receives from the community. When we receive a report of a broken site, we take it and identify the core issue causing the problem. A number of these issues end up being side effects of changes we deliberately made in IE8, but even these are useful. They help us identify which IE8 changes have the broadest compatibility impact. In this post I'll share some of these issues with you so you can quickly identify problems affecting your site when migrating from IE7 to IE8.
Everything You Need to Get Started With MySQL - NETTUTS
Everything You Need to Get Started With MySQL - NETTUTS
Bring Down IE 6: a campaign by .net magazine
^^ this
Bring Down IE 6
a campaign by .net magazine
CSS Codes : CSS Code Snippets for Web Designers & Developers : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
» CSS Codes : CSS Code Snippets for Web Designers & Developers. Web design blog with graphics and web design resources, lists of graphic design tools, utilities, and other web site design resources, including Web Design and Development articles and creative resources and links to great web design resources on topics.
How to Add Variables to Your CSS Files - Nettuts+
This totally rocks. I have to start doing this.
Let's try something different on nettuts+ today. Any designer who has worked with large CSS files will agree that its major weakness is its inability to use variables. In this article, we will learn how to implement variables by using PHP and Apache's URL rewrite mod.
Using Variables in your CSS increases the power you can unleash in your CSS - learn how to do it here
SitePoint » More than 10 “Must Have” WordPress Plugins
What makes WordPress so beautiful? The plugins developed by the many WP enthusiasts. These plugins help you transform a blog into a genuine rich-media experience by adding to your site interactive elements that appeal to your community.
mobile version of your site that is only active on mobile devices is a snap wi
Getting Started With Ruby On Rails | How-To | Smashing Magazine
101 PHP Tutorials for PHP Programmer Wannabe | KomunitasWeb
KomunitasWeb is php, css, html, javascript, linux server, apache tutorial site
sve o php i sve skripte mocne...
20 Sites That Brought CSS into the Mainstream [Design Practice]
Remote Linking
7 Useful Tools for Web Development Testing
Before launching any new website, it has to be tested. There are many great tools for web development testing so that users have a problem-free experience.
home | WaSP InterAct Curriculum
* WaSP InterAct is a living, open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas. explore the curriculum »
"WaSP InterAct is a living, open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas."
Announced at SXSW, this is the curriculum that the Web Standards Project has been working on. Education, education, education.
"Tagged Standards Learning"
sevenup - Google Code
Just might be a good idea
Help rid the world of IE6 with one line of javascript!
With this code installed, a user with IE6 will receive a dialogue box that tells them their browser is outdated and how to get a newer version.
XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet - OWASP
Quality Assurance Tools for PHP - Sebastian Bergmann
Professional Frontend Engineering - NETTUTS
Video - seminar on front end engineering. best practices, naming conventions, etc.
30 Useful Web Design Books for 2009 | Webdesigner Depot
To keep up with the fast-paced web design industry you must seek out self education sources as often as possible, such as books, or you'll be left
Expression Web SuperPreview makes cross-browser testing like moist delicious cake - istartedsomething
[Ask SM: CSS] Equal Spacing, CSS Font Replacement | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Distributing the horizontal space between elements evenly
Good quick tips in here.
» 16+ Easy CSS Techniques that Simplify the Webdesigner’s Life WebAir Blog
16+ Easy CSS Techniques that Simplify the Webdesigner’s Life WebAir Blog
Well done article. And it's a Drupal site, too! Turns out you can do all kinds of cool effects in CSS alone w/o resorting to scripting languages!
Has some neat techniques to make the web site a little more user friendly and interesting
How I Can Code Twice As Fast As You - NETTUTS
We're all familiar with text expander programs; though I would surmise that the percentage of us who use them when coding is quite low. To change things up a bit, today I'm going to you how to create custom text-expander scripts that will save you a great deal of time. If you're unfamiliar with such programs, you must watch this! After reviewing the screencast and tutorial, I'd love to hear how you save time when developing. PG Author: Jeffrey Way Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm the editor of NETTUTS, and the Site Manager of Theme Forest. I spend too much time in front of the computer and find myself telling my fiance', "We'll go in 5 minutes!" far too often. I just can't go out to dinner while I'm still producing FireBug errors...drives me crazy. I love jQuery, PHP, MYSQL, CSS, AJAX - pretty much anything. If it will keep you in the good graces of the church, follow me on Twitter.
A great vid/article on how web designers can use a text expander program to gtd.
5 Universal Principles For Successful eCommerce-Sites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
5 Universal Principles For Successful eCommerce-Sites
10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know - Nettuts+
10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know
I should look into these!
SitePoint » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your Site
by Mihaela Lica "Please note that the “Googlers are delighted” when sites are optimized for search. The moral: know your SEO!"
Optimize Your Site
Does Google care for SEO? Yes, it does: from Google’s SEO Starter Guide (pdf) to help provided in the Google Webmaster Help Forum, the search engine is pretty transparent when it comes to how it prefers you to optimize your site for inclusion. We’ll be discussing URL structure, TrustRank and duplicate content issues. - » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your Site
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources
10 Advanced PHP Tips Revisited | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Magento SEO - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
The Easiest Way to Use Any Font You Wish - Nettuts+
nice alternative to sifr
10 Reasons Why Your Code Won’t Validate (and How to Fix it) - NETTUTS
10 Popular Web Designer Tools for Firefox | Firefox Facts
FireFox add-ons for Web Design
Thanks to Firefox and some of the great add-ons that have been developed for it, your browser is your best friend when it comes to web site design. From CSS tools, to promoting your domain, here are 10 of the most popular web designer tools for Firefox.
10 Best jQuery Plugins - March 2009 | AjaxLine
Today we present new collection of the most interesting jQuery plugins for the last month.
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML tables.
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
simple jQuery tooltip plugin
jQuery tool tip
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Discover the “Cool” of CSS: 25 Advanced CSS Techniques | Desizn Tech
Discover the “Cool” of CSS: 25 Advanced CSS Techniques
Intro to Git for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Unless you’re a one person web shop with no team to collaborate with, you’ve experienced the frustration that goes along with file sharing. No matter how hard you try, when multiple people are working on a single project without a version control system in place things get chaotic.
A Better Login System - Nettuts+
Alkaline - Litmus
Alkaline tests your website designs across 17 different Windows browsers right from your Mac desktop in seconds.
Alkaline - Litmus -
mac アプリケーション
17 Windows browsers on your Mac.
10 Excellent ToolTip Plugins with jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
[gr] .htaccess Dateien leicht erstellen mit dem ".htaccess Editor"
.htaccess editieren
htaccess files generieren
Beginner's Guide To Ruby On Rails: Part 2 | How-To | Smashing Magazine beginner guide 2
In the Woods - The Importance of Color in Web Design
All too often, I see a great design concept with a poor choice of colors. Part of what makes a great web design “great” is layout, typography and color. When each of these aspects work to compliment each other, great design is born.
SitePoint » 10 Web Analytics Tools For Tracking Your Visitors
10 Tools for measuring site visitors
SitePoint » How to Build the Best Browser Test Suite
Install Multiple Versions of Internet Explorer Multiple versions of IE can be installed on a single PC. Standalone versions of IE6 (and any version back to v3.0) can be downloaded from the browser archive. XP users can simply extract the files and create a shortcut to iexpore.exe. Unfortunately, they do not work in Vista. An alternative is the Xenocode Browser Sandbox which provides IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Chrome, Opera and Safari. These are single .exe files that use virtualization technology to ensure the browser runs in its own segregated environment without affecting your core system. Finally, there is IETester from DebugBar. This is certainly the easiest application
Good article we use some of this stuff. Something to consider
11 Absolutely Necessary Web-Based Tools for a Freelance Web Designer | CHROMATIC
Whether you're a freelance web designer or you own your own web design company, here are some web-based tools that will make your life easier, increase your professional image, and streamline your entire operation.
11 Absolutely Necessary Web-Based Tools for a Freelance Web Designer | CHROMATIC
Some nice tools for those running a webdesign shop
A decent list of applications for freelancers and small companies. List includes basecamp and backpack plus a few others I hadn't heard of.
Online tools for project (and business) management.
Create a new social networking site in few hours using pinax platform (django). — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
An interesting talk on reusable apps and an article on installing Pinax / blog / 10 useful jQuery authoring tips
Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery. / blog / 10 useful jQuery authoring tips
Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery. 1. Be lazy // Don't if ($('#item').get(0)) { $('#item').someFunction(); } // Or if ($('#item').length) { $('#item').someFunction(); } // Just do $('#item').someFunction(); jQuery will call the function only if there is a match, no need to double check. 2. Use shortcuts // You can but.. $(document).ready(function(){ // ... }); // There is a shorter equivalent $(function(){ // ... }); It should be well known, but obviously it is not. 3. Chain // Don't $('#frame').fadeIn(); $('#frame .title').show(); $('#frame a:visited').hide; // Do $('#frame').fadeIn() .find('.title').show().end() .find('a:visited').hide(); Unnecessary DOM traversal is a expensive operation, avoid it when possible. 4. Group queries // Ugly $('div.close').click(closeCallback); $('button.close').click(closeCallback); $('input.close').click(closeCallback); // Not ugly $('div.close, button.close, input.close') .clic
IE6問題に対処する10のテクニック | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
The Spanner - XSS Rays
The Spanner - XSS Rays
Introducing JSON Template
This could be it: declarative, no control flow, not another programming language masquerading as a template language, small, nice JSON synergy. To be checked out.
Test the Performance and Scalability of Your Web Applications With Tsung | BeeBuzz
perfomance and scalability testing of a website
stress test your web app
What is Tsung ? The purpose of Tsung is to simulate users in order to test the scalability and performance of IP based client/server applications. You can use it to do load and stress testing of your servers. (Definition coming from the Tsung website) In this post, I will introduce the use of Tsung in order for you to stress test your web applications. Why Tsung ? Because it’s an Open-Source project and, to tell the truth, mainly because this application has been coded in Erlang which gives Tsung a little advantage on the other tools: it has the potential to simulate A LOT of concurrent requests … without crashing. That’s what we expect from a stress testing app, isn’t it? Let’s start the installation We will need the Perl Templating-Toolkit and the Gnu plotting utility in order to create nice HTML and graphical reports with the result data set. So, back to your command prompt: ~$ sudo apt-get install gnuplot-nox libtemplate-perl libhtml-template-perl libhtml-template-expr-pe
ウェブアプリケーションのパフォーマンステスト用ツール Tsung の使い方
Design Fast Websites
don't blame the rounded corners! Yahoo! F2E Summit 2008
25 Scripts for Dropdown Navigation Menus | Vandelay Design Blog
119 quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
How-tos for various web software
how to make ie6 behave - work blog -
Top 5 Sites To Learn Some CSS Programming |
8 methods to bring your front end coding to rockstar levels |
OmniGrid - Advanced DataGrid based on Mootools
Grid para mootools
10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Complex design techniques are often time-consuming and, well, complex. Some of these advanced effects can add plenty of depth to designs, but when used in the wrong place, they do little more than distract viewers from the project’s intended focus. These effects may be precisely what a design needs to have the impact it requires, but even in these cases, they should be complemented by simpler effects. Simple effects and techniques are the building blocks of today’s designs. For example, what good is a stellar lighting technique if you can’t decide which colors to use or which text-based effects to use in conjunction with the effect? With a “less is more” mentality, we’ve selected 10 very simple and impressive design techniques that can drastically improve the performance and appearance of your designs.
chartbeat - real-time website analytics and uptime monitoring
chartbeat shows you real-time traffic to your website and allows you to set alerts for any downtime or spikes in traffic
10 Best jQuery Menu Plugins | AjaxLine
Fun With CSS Shapes - Nettuts+
I bet a bunch of you don't realize that we can create the illusion of shapes by using 100% CSS. By utilizing the border property in creative ways, we can make some really interesting polygons.
100+ Massive CSS Toolbox | CSS Tools | Tools
Is Canvas the End of Flash? | The Stairwell is-canvas-the-end-of-flash
canvas html5
Yahoo Pipes: getting started with custom RSS feeds - Ars Technica
Build a Content Slider with jQuery :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
Fantastic AJAX Newsletter Module - NETTUTS
Related Freebies
Newsletter management for any site
From the article: This free app should be great for any newsletter management needs. Copy this one file onto your site, and you're ready to send and archive all newsletters, manage e-mail addresses and categories, and configure a template for your e-mails. If needed, the source code is well documented!
14 Most Usefull design cheat sheets and coding cheat sheets |
10 Useful Flash Components for Graphing Data
In this article, you will find ten excellent Flash components that will help you in building stunningly attractive, complex, and interactive data visuals. These components will help you create an assortment of graphs and charts to aid in presenting otherwise boring and stale numerical data.
Twitter on Scala
g system, mobile platform, or web platform. Basically, if you want to share a short thought, one to many, Twitter is a transport-independent way to do that. In a broader technical sense, we see ourselves as a short messaging layer for the internet. We’ve been described as a “telegraph for web 2.0.” One of the things that’s core to our business is providing open APIs for everything you can do on the website. So all the functionality that’s available there for users is also available for developers to access programmatically. That’s Twitter in a nutshell. Twitter started as a hack project at a company called ODEO, which was focused on podcasting. As ODEO was having some troubles in its latter days as a company, they started experimenting, to keep engineers involved by letting them play around with ideas they had on the side. One of the engineers, Jack Dorsey, had been really interested in status. He was looking at his AIM buddy list, and seeing that all of these guys were saying, “I’m w
How twitter uses scala to gain performance and stability
tags: scala twitter ruby programming scalability interview rails
"Steve Jenson: For example, if you make a change to your social graph; i.e., you follow or unfollow someone on Twitter. All of that work and the associated cache invalidations are done asynchronously by a daemon."
Three Twitter developers, Steve Jenson, Alex Payne, and Robey Pointer, talk with Bill Venners about their use of Scala in production at Twitter.
20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tutorials
5 Tips to Make Your 404 Page More Usable | UX Booth
Javascript and the DOM: Lesson 2 - NETTUTS
Adobe AIR Developer's Toolbox: Resources And Tutorials | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Are you an AIR developer? Then you are going to WANT to check out this incredible list of AIR aids
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Your website is designed, the CMS works, content has been added and the client is happy. It’s time to take the website live. Or is
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
Diving into PHP - NETTUTS
As some of you might know, I've been running a weekly video series on the ThemeForest Blog that teaches new developers exactly how to work with PHP. Once or twice a week, I release a new "episode" that builds upon the previous days. To expand our viewership, I've decided to release "Day 13" here. Be sure to subscribe to In the Woods to stay up to date on each new release. Why do it this way? Because people don't always have the time to watch sixty minute videos. By posting short ten minute episodes, beginners can easily digest each lesson, rather than become overwhelmed with more information than their minds are able to consume. If you're new to PHP, and are not familiar with this series, I hope you'll subscribe and become a new viewer. PG Author: Jeffrey Way Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm the editor of Nettuts+, and the Site Manager of Theme Forest. I spend too much time in front of the computer and find myself telling my fiance', "We'll go in 5 minutes!" far too often. I just can't go out to di
Learn How to Style Articles for Print and Email - Nettuts+
When designing websites, a commonly desired feature is the ability to dynamically print or email any section of a webpage. Unfortunately, this idea is usually scrapped later in the project due to a lack of time or knowledge. Formatting the text for printing is more difficult than it might initially seem. Today, we will use JavaScript to automatically search for certain page elements and format them correctly for a printing.
print certain areas with jquery
Findings from the A LIST APART Survey, 2008
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going?
Findings from one of the best non-profit web think-tanks - Stats on working in the web industry.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel. The more things change For 2008, instead of a downloadable (PDF) white paper, we decided to present our findings on the web. Which meant, in addition to compiling and analyzing data and
nice html + css version of graphs.
Some people care about the actual survey, me? I stare at how the tables were structured.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel.
iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
Great tips for tuning your website for mobile (iPhone) screens
Sitepoint - Good
Perfect 3 Column CSS Liquid Layout. No Images, Cross-browser
A three column liquid layout with no images, no JavaScript. Cross-browser & iPhone compatible
Sprite Creator 1.0
Sprite Creator 1.0 Welcome to Sprite Creator. This program allows you to upload an image and select areas of the image to create the css for that sprite. If you like it feel free to contact me with your thoughts about it at: If you are interested in me, then visit my personal website at:
make sprites
A great way to get that sprite, right
ie6-upgrade-warning - Google Code
sage politely informin
he ie6-upgrade-warning is a little script (7.9kb) that displays a warning message politely informing the user to upgrade the browser to a newer version (links to newest IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome are provided). The webpage is still visible behind a transparent background, but access to it is prevented. The idea is to force users to upgrade from IE6 and avoid the website from a bad reputation that website is not rendering correctly in IE6. The script is completely translatable in any language, very easy to set-up (one line of code in webpage and one parametter configuration).
Implement in TYPO3
Table Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to... Hell? | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Over the last several years, developers have moved from table-based website structures to div-based structures. Hey, that’s great. But wait! Do developers know the reasons for moving to div-based structures, and do they know how to? Often it seems that people are moving away from table hell only to wind up in div hell.
Table Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to... Hell? | CSS | Smashing Magazine -
なんでもかんでもdivで囲んだ時期、僕にもありました いまでは必要なときにはtableをレイアウトに使います(例:内容に合わせてブロック要素の幅を自動的に伸縮したい) もちろんスクリプトを使えばtableに頼らなくても簡単に解決できますが、案件によってはスクリプトフリーにしたいこともあるのです
32 Rack Resources to Get You Started | Jason Seifer
Shared with
Django Best Practices — Django Best Practices
Django Best Practices This is a living document of best practices in developing and deploying with the Django Web framework. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices we’ve honed after years of working with the framework. It is a fork of the great django-reusable-app-docs project started by Brian Rosner and Eric Holscher regarding best practices for writing and maintaining reusable Django apps.
What You Must Know About jQuery UI 1.7 - NETTUTS
High Performance Web Sites :: don’t use @import
The bottomline is: use LINK instead of @import if you want stylesheets to download in parallel resulting in a faster page.
Create a Progress Bar With Javascript - Nettuts+
jQuery GalleryView - by Jack Anderson
jQuery GalleryView
Widerbug: Widescreen Firebug | Command-Tab
a few trivial changes to Firebug, I’ve modified it to open on the right side of the browser as a sidebar. With the stock plugin, you can achieve a similar layout by detaching Firebug from the current tab and moving its window in the same position, but this has a generally unwelcome side effect: the separate window doesn’t update when you switch tabs. With Widerbug, you can open the Firebug sidebar, and it will keep up with you as you switch tabs and maintain its width.
If you do any amount of web developing with CSS and JavaScript, it’s probably a safe bet that you use the Firefox and Firebug combo to test ideas, tweak appearance and behavior of pages, and debug problems when they crop up. You might also use a widescreen monitor to provide more screen real estate to flip between your code and the rendered output. In an arrangement like this, the open Firebug panel takes up precious vertical space, while spare pixels on the side go unused.
Online PHP Editor -
online php editor
Edit your PHP project from anywhere
Essential PHP Techniques for Web Designer and Developers | Desizn Tech
just information let start
20 Best jQuery Tutorials - March 2009 | AjaxLine
jCart - Free Ajax/PHP shopping cart
jCart is a free Ajax shopping cart that’s easy to install and customize. Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
SiteCrafting > Blog > How to Center a Div
I hate trying to center DIVs. Stupid CSS.
como centrar divs en una pagina
"Centering a div horizontally and vertically has always been a pain for CSS. Not any more! With this trick, you can create a centered block in no time."
15 Firefox add-ons for Web developers | Webware - CNET
10 Impressive Techniques to Spice up your WordPress Theme | DevSnippets
10 Impressive Techniques to Spice up your WordPress Theme
Técnicas para darle vida las plantillas de WordPress
wordpress jquery techniques
10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead
Some people think that IE6 is dead already. But only developers who have the luxury of a specialist audience, or who don’t have any business interest vested in their work, can think like that. For the rest of us, who have a real-world audience of ordinary, non-technical users to think about, IE6 is still very much a going concern. Now that IE8 is out we’ll see a greater number of users finally upgrading; there’s no doubt that Microsoft wil be pushing for this, and pushing hard. Quite apart from that, we’re seeing a slow but steady progression of users moving away from Internet Explorer altogether, and turning to Firefox and other browsers. Inevitably, there will come a time when IE6 has a sufficiently minor audience that we can treat it like we did Netscape 4 a few years ago — as legacy technology that it no longer behoves us to support, and its remaining users as willfully stubborn individuals whom we’re not required to pander to any longer!
When IE6 is gone, cool new web techniques will be implemented.
Or you could just do them now and avoid the rush later…
10 Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
A to Z of WordPress .htaccess Hacks |
Elliott Kember dot Com
This guy seems awesome! Look how he promotes himself. Good for resumes.
Cool Shit
Great apps, clever site, funny guy.
Stubbornella » Blog Archive » Reflows & Repaints: CSS Performance making your JavaScript slow?
Going forward the performance community needs to partner more with browser vendors in addition to our more typical black box experiments. Browser makers know what is costly or irrelevant in terms of performance. Opera lists repaint and reflow as one of the three main contributors to sluggish JavaScript, so it definitely seems worth a look.
What causes reflows and repaints. These days usually not a big deal on websites targeted at regular PCs, but could be applicable to mobile devices.
"A repaint occurs when changes are made to an elements skin that changes visibility, but do not affect its layout. Examples of this include outline, visibility, or background color. According to Opera, repaint is expensive because the browser must verify the visibility of all other nodes in the DOM tree. A reflow is even more critical to performance because it involves changes that affect the layout of a portion of the page (or the whole page). Reflow of an element causes the subsequent reflow of all child and ancestor elements as well as any elements following it in the DOM."
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development | Vandelay Design Blog
One of the great things about using WordPress as a content management system is the huge community of users and all of the resources that are available. While all plugins could be used by theme developers, the ones featured in this post have features that can be especially helpful for various aspects of theme development.
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development
Temų demonstravimo įskiepiai
A great list of plugins for people developing (or just hacking up) Wordpress themes.
11 jQuery Plugins to Enhance HTML Dropdowns | Steve Reynolds Blog
15 Firefox add-ons for Web developers | Webware - CNET
I've been working on a new Web site for the past few weeks. But instead of doing it alone, I decided to get some help from Firefox extensions. They've made my work a lot easier, and they all can be downloaded in just a few seconds. Aardvark: Aardvark lets you select elements from a Web page and perform various actions on them. I use it to analyze the structure of a page. You can also remove and isolate elements or generate DOM code. I highly recommend it. ColorZilla Find any code for the color you want. (Credit: ColorZilla) ColorZilla: If there's a color on a Web page that you like, ColorZilla will find the precise code for it and allow you to paste it into your coding program. You can also create custom colors with its built-in palette browser. It saves the most-used colors for easy access later on. It's powerful, it's simple, it's a must-have. CSS Validator: CSS Validator adds a right-click option in your browser, sending the CSS to the W3C CSS Validator. It opens the results in
IE6 Update
IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update.
Help kill Internet Explorer 6 IE6 is like an illness that just won’t go away, but we have the medicine. IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update. Click here to see a demo! - Read the blog post. IE6 Update Install IE6 Update on your website Copy and paste this code before your closing </body> tag: <!--[if IE 6]> <script type="text/javascript"> /*Load jQuery if not already loaded*/ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ document.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></"+"script>"); var __noconflict = true; } var IE6UPDATE_OPTIONS = { icons_path: "" } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <![endif]--> And you're done! OR If you’re a feeling adventurous... Download the Code Buzz on Twitter Already using IE
Install IE6 Update
Trick people into updating IE6 to something far better.
"IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update."……これはさすがにやり過ぎ感があります。
Google Services for Websites
Custom Search, Webmaster tools, etc.
Serviços do Google para websites
Rails Template: Create a Twitter Application in Seconds - Intridea Company Blog
u quickly build a TwitterAuth app for depl
Twitter Demo App
Heroku Garden
A web-based code editor integrated with a Ruby on Rails hosting platform – perfect for learning.
A quick, easy way to learn Ruby on Rails. Interesting interface design, as well.
Heroku Garden provides a web-based code editor integrated with a Rails hosting platform – perfect for learning.
Katz Got Your Tongue? » Evented Programming With jQuery
NOTE TO SELF: when i have free time, learn jQuery
Top 10 Jquery Examples with Live Demos | MyPHPDunia
very good collection of menus and interesting collection
Jquery Info
Google Analytics Blog: Web Analytics Tips & Tricks: Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!
these forums so let us know what you think about the API there, and share your ideas and your applications with us. We look forward to seeing your creativity!
Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!
Make Your Own Web Site Badges with jQuery and JSON
Services like Flickr, Delicious, and Twitter all offer JavaScript badges or widgets you can add to your site. But if you already use a JavaScript framework on your site, like jQuery, why would you want to add more JavaScript? Besides, it’s more fun to make your own. All of these services also offer a JSON format feed API, and rolling your own widget is easy.
How to make your own twitter badge!! Excellent
The 20 Most Practical and Creative Uses of jQuery - NETTUTS
10 jQuery and non-jQuery javascript Rich Text Editors | Queness
10 amazing free rich text editors that will boost your website functionality.
I hope you all love this resource. :)
Interface Design Inspiration | 30 Beautiful Website Footer Designs | Dzine Blog
This post is a part for dzineblog’s interface design inspiration series, the series which focuses on inspiration on graphic user interface designs that will help you in enhancing your interface design skills.
28 Useful(Really) Web based Tools to speed up your web development -
list of web based utilities you can use it and speed up your own web development.
tabSwitch | HieuUK
abSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery
tabSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery - Contenido swapeable
Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » DUI.Stream and MXHR
A method of using XHR requests to get chrome from the server rather than fetching it as the inital HTTP GET.
Five Types of Effective Headers in Web Design
Your website’s header makes an immediate impact on your user so it’s important to get it right. Think about what you’re trying to achieve, what’s the first thing you want to tell your users when they visit your site, what will intrigue them and get them to read further? A header gives you room to play and be creative, especially on the homepage, and there are a number of techniques you can use to connect with your user.
Progressive Enhancement: What It Is, And How To Use It? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Progressive Enhancement is a powerful methodology that allows Web developers to concentrate on building the best possible websites while balancing the issues inherent in those websites being accessed by multiple unknown user-agents. Progressive Enhancement (PE) is the principle of starting with a rock-solid foundation and then adding enhancements to it if you know certain visiting user-agents can handle the improved experience.
QuirksBlog: Introduction to W3C Widgets
QuirksBlog: Introduction to W3C Widgets
Essentially, a widget is a local HTML/CSS/JavaScript web application. A mobile phone user downloads a widget once, and from that moment on he has a web application stored locally on his mobile phone. Although currently widgets are mostly used for relatively limited functions such as clocks, RSS readers, or Twitter or Flickr clients, as well as for games, there’s no theoretical reason why they couldn’t contain a complete, complicated, JavaScript-heavy web application; for instance a mobile-optimised spreadsheet application.
Notimo Demos site
This website is a placeholder for Notimoo sample demos. Notimoo is a Mootools plugin for displaying Growl style notifications to your web visitors. Demo 1 Run this code // First of all I create a Notimoo instance with default configuration var notimooManager = new Notimoo(); // Showing a simple notification{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a sample notitication showing how easy is to use Notimoo.' }); // Showing a notification that does not disappear.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This notification will not disapper on its own. You must click on it to close.', sticky: true }); // Notification with large text.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a notification with a long text. If the message you provide does not fit into the notification size, Notimoo magically auto resize its height so all the content is visible.' }); // First of all I c
15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Various Web Development
How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Fragen des Webdesigners an den Kunden
How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire It might not be possible to have a meaningful relationship with price shoppers, but it’s worth taking the time to learn what your potential clients want in a website. This article will help you create a prospect qualification questionnaire that can be used via telephone or Internet or in face-to-face meetings.
How to skin HTML form elements in seconds
2 plugins to nice up HTML Forms
12 Content Management Systems Recommended by Readers
Los lectores de la revista en línea DesginMag recomiendan estos sistemas para administrar el contenido de un sitio web ya sea para blog, comercio electrónico, portal, etc. Muy buenas recomendaciones.
Ajaxian » CSS Browser Hacks
Using XAMPP for Local WordPress Theme Development
Bookmark this one, it's an excellent step by step guide to installing xampp for when you start working with Wordpress :-)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment.
install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment
Nice tutorial for win & mac installation
FullCalendar - Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin
calendario en jquery
jquery calendar
10 Dirty Little Web Development Tricks
Showcase of Big Backgrounds in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Ultimate Guide To Using WordPress For A Portfolio | Developer's Toolbox, How-To | Smashing Magazine
WordPress is often thought of as just a blogging platform. But it’s capable of so much more. Even WordPress’ documentation includes an entire section on using WordPress as a content management system. Because WordPress is such an easy-to-use platform, it makes sense to consider using it as a platform to build just about any kind of website, a portfolio website included. Whether you’re a photographer, graphic designer, Web designer or any other kind of visual artist, WordPress makes an excellent starting point for developing your online portfolio. And with the wealth of plug-ins and ready-made themes available, you can usually get a perfectly presentable website up and running in a matter of hours.
XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet - OWASP
XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
Definitive List of CSS Frameworks - Pick Your Style | W3Avenue
A CSS Framework is meant to provide ready-made solutions for various tasks that we perform on regular basis. In simple terms an ideal CSS framework will provide you with a default style sheet which you should be able to use as a starting point for most of your web design projects.
20 More Explosive Web Development Screencasts - Nettuts+
Months ago, we posted a popular resource for 30 eye-opening screencasts. As a result of the success of that particular article, we're back with twenty more web development video tutorials that should prove to be as equally helpful in your quest to become a web development ninja. PG Author: Jeffrey Way Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm the editor of Nettuts+, and the Site Manager of Theme Forest. I spend too much time in front of the computer and find myself telling my fiance', "We'll go in 5 minutes!" far too often. I just can't go out to dinner while I'm still producing FireBug errors...drives me crazy. I love jQuery, PHP, MYSQL, CSS, AJAX - pretty much anything. If it will keep you in the good graces of the church, follow us on Twitter. Explosion * jQuery Look: Tim Van Damme jQuery Look: Tim Van Damme "Jonathan Diba writes to ask how the effects are achieve on Tim Van Damme’s portfolio site, referring to Tim’s site as one of the most compelling site design he’s seen.
40 Outstanding CSS Techniques And Tutorials | Arbenting
PHP, Web and IT stuff » Blog Archive » How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?
10 Great CSS Selectors you must know | TutorialFeed
Explicación de los diferentes opciones css. Sencillos y claros ejemplos. Eso sí, en perfecto inglés...
10 Great CSS Selectors you must know!!!!!! <----
In the Woods - HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery Killer Tutorials
In the Woods - HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery Killer Tutorials
Simplifying Website Usability: The 3 Step Approach | Webdesigner Depot
15 Excellent jQuery Navigation Techniques and Solutions | Web Design Ledger
15 Excellent jQuery Navigation Techniques and Solutions
Along with content, most would agree that navigation is one of the most important aspects of any website. That's why it's crucial to make site navigation
10 Best jQuery Plugins for working with Tables | AjaxLine
TableSorter, Colorize, tableRowCheckboxToggle, TablePagination, JQTreeTable, jQuery table2csv, jQuery Table Display, FireScopeGrid, SearchTable, tableLib,
Check out top 10 jquery plugins for working with tables
Projects | Javascript | Horizontal Accordion | index
horizontal acrodion
Securing a Web server
from ibm developerworks
50+ Refreshing Web Design Interfaces | SherifAbdou - The Design Blog
15 Exceptional JQuery Resources And Tutorials
15 Exceptional JQuery Resources And Tutorials -
Download "Gallery": A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
A great gallery or portfolio site for Wordpress. Would be a great solution for showcasing sites involved in the CoPress summer design camp.
500+ Splatter Brushes for Photoshop
RT @DannyOutlaw: RT @styletime: 500 Splatter Brushes for Photoshop
11 Syntax Highlighters To Beautify Code Presentation
15 Wonderfully Creative Uses for PHP - Nettuts+
Client Templating with jQuery - Rick Strahl's Web Log
Howto use templating with Jquery.
Client templating in Javascript can be a great tool to reduce the amount of code you have to write to create markup content on the client. There are a number of different ways that templating can be accomplished from a purely manual approach.
Mozilla Webdev » Blog Archive » CSS Spriting Tips
css sprites tips from Mozilla
CSS Spriting Tips
jQuery UI Development & Planning Wiki / Essential Controls List
Which controls are provided from jQuery UI? Which controls are provided by a jQuery plugin?
Essential Controls List
List of Really Useful Tools for CSS Developers | W3Avenue
css tools
ADC—CSS Recipes for WebKit
10 Password Strength Meter Scripts For A Better Registration Interface
For membership-oriented websites, registration forms are one of the most important parts. A problematic experience, even if the sign-up is completed, will place a "question mark" to the visitor or vice-versa. Password LockAnd, it is also the first step where you can show that you care about the security of the website & all the data collected. Although you can control/improve the security of the website, it is sometimes the weak passwords used that may have unwanted consequences. Guiding users to have a strong password with the help of password strength meters, besides being an easy process, will help improving the security of the whole & show that the website pays attention to it...
101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress
This is the first article in the four-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress“. Throughout this article, we’ll be focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites. There are some technical stuff we have to get out of the way first. Let’s take a look at useful, yet rather unknown techniques for a powerful CMS using WordPress. Each section of the article presents a suggestion and provides you with an explanation of the solution for each suggestion. 1. Create a static home page By default, a WordPress home page shows chronological blog post entries — with the most recent post at the top. If your goal is to have a WP-created Page with static information, WordPress will allow you to select a different page as your home page so that you can display more traditional content like information about yourself or your business. How To » In your admin area, just go to Setting
Some good tips on basic wordpress tweaking
static homepages, smart menus, better CMS ... sharp wordpresses!
20 CSS Short Hands You'll Love
10 Transition Effects: The art of Showing/Hiding Content | DevSnippets
Delivering informative structure is the primary task an interactive user interface should be able to cope with. The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 smart javascript techniques for showing and hiding content using different JS libraries.
Transition effects. Lazyload, sliding, fading in/out, etc.
Delivering informative structure is the primary task an interactive user interface should be able to cope with. The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 smart javascript techniques for showing and hiding content using different JS libraries. 1. Simple Toggle with CSS & jQuery Expand-collapse Transition Effects A simple toggle tutorial with an explanation of how to switch the “open” and “close” graphic state. The markup is pretty straight forward, where the h2 tag is a link that “trigger” the toggle effect. Below the h2, we will have our container where we hold the content. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. <h2 class="trigger"><a href="#">Toggle Header</a></h2> 2. <div class="toggle_container"> 3. <div class="block"> 4. <h3>Content Header</h3> 5.
A convenient list of transition effects. All jQuery based.
Placing a CSS background image horizontally right on an h2 using a span element | Veerle's blog
interesting CSS trick to add to the bag of tricks
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
PHP and the Cloud - techPortal
Cloud computing refers to the utilization of shared, elastic resources and processing power accessed via the Internet. In some ways, it hails the reversion to the golden age of time-sharing but with significant improvements to the distribution philosophies underlying the delivery infrastructure. So, analogously, we now have the shared wonders of Hyde Park, where everyone and anyone can chill on the bench, throw some Frisbee, instead of having to financially pool money to buy a private park to shoot rabbits. What is a cloud? Developers today can avoid scalability and availability worries in case their site turns into the next big thing by developing upon the cloud. Traditionally, a typical web application stack will look like that on the left below: image1 Cloud-based development involves in some sense, the outsourcing, of various parts of the application out of the server and into the cloud. So instead of storing images, videos and other objects in the file system, they are store
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design
light effects in web design
Using a light source the right way can add dimension and beauty to a website design. Strong light sources create a stark contrast between light areas and shadows in a design, making the elements look more realistic and dimensional and less flat. Some websites opt instead for a dim light source to create a soft glow around particular areas of the website, to attract the eye more subtly. Lighting can also create a mood for a website. Some websites use bright swirls of light to show energy, while others use a dim glow to create a peaceful mood. In the examples below, you will see a wide range of lighting effects used, from subtle lighting effects to bold rays of light streaking across the page
jQuery Cheat Sheet
ZURB – Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBA
48 Excellent Examples Of Blog Post Footer Designs | Spyre Studios
Post Footer Designs
95 Resources to Simplify Your Life as a Web Designer
Dean Edwards: Callbacks vs Events
Callbacks vs Events
Most of the major JavaScript libraries claim to support custom events in one form or another. For example, jQuery, YUI and Dojo all support a custom “document ready” event. However, the implementation of these custom events is always some form of callback system. l CSS Template Layouts: A Simpler CSS Layout System, Now Possible With JQuery
A new layout system to replace floats or display:table or html tables. Based on the W3C's proposed 'CSS Template Layout Module' for CSS3
Supersized - Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin
Image slider
Animated Ajax Record Deletion Using jQuery
Animated Record Deletion using jQuery
cancellazione record visuale tramite jquery...bello
Flash vs. Silverlight: What Suits Your Needs Best? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A detailed comparison of Flash and Silverlight with good explanations of the technology.
smashing magazine
20+ Best Tutorials to Convert Psd to Html/CSS | Dzine Blog
20+ Tutoriale pentru a transpune din Psd in Html/CSS [from] » Posts » 30 Days to Become a Freelancer
Errorlytics - Track and Redirect 404 Page Not Found Errors
Fix website 404 errors with Errorlytics Errorlytics is an easy to use service that centralizes reporting and handling of 404 "Page Not Found" errors for your websites. Errorlytics gives you the tools to transparently fix the problems quickly and easily so they never happen again. No more regex writing, no more messing with your .htaccess file for search engine friendly redirects. Errorlytics handles it all, effortlessly. The end results are better user experiences and higher search engine rankings for your websites. What Does Errorlytics Do? * Tracks your websites' 404 Page Not Found errors. * Transparently redirects users and clients away from 404 Not Found pages. * Increases your websites' SEO (and users' happiness!) by eliminating 404 errors. How Does It Work? How Errorlytics Works 1. A user browses to your website, and encounters a Page Not Found. 2. The Errorlytics Client Script, installed on your website, captures the 404 and sends the details to the Error
track and redirect 404 errors seamlessly
transformer les 404 en mine d'or, php java ruby
Google Open Source Blog: Introducing WebDriver
Google offers a new tool which helps out with testing web apps using Firefox and IE extensions rather than pure JS.
Works as an extension in Firefox, uses Automation controls in IE etc.
"Selenium 2.0 will offer WebDriver's API alongside the traditional Selenium API, and we shall be merging the two implementations to offer a capable, flexible testing framework"
WebDriver is a clean, fast framework for automated testing of webapps.
The Ultimate Guide to .htaccess Files - Nettuts+
Minden, amit tudni szerettél volna a .htaccess-ről, de sosem merted megkérdezni
15 Free Functionality And Load Testing Tools For Web Applications
Free Programming Books
10 Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers You Might Not Know Of | Lists | Tutorial Blog
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress
Custom fields
Styling your Lists: 20+ Brilliant How to’s and Best Practices | DevSnippets
When we think about CSS-Styled lists, different ideas come to mind but that rusty old image of bulleted items is not one of them anymore. There are lots of different methods to format nice HTML lists that is used in most web designs not only for navigation menu (vertical or horizontal) but for formatting many design blocks in a stylish and elegant manner. In this article, we’ll have a look at how such lists can create a whole new look, feel, and effect of a site.
Cheat Code: a jQuery Plugin
Inspired by Konami Code Sites I decided to write a simple jQuery plugin which you can use to easily add your own secret ‘cheat code’ style commands to your own website. By default the “Cheat Code” plugin looks for the Konami code pressed anywhere on the website and can be activated only once.
Add a Konami code cheat to your website/blog/whatever
Inspired by Konami Code Sites I decided to write a simple jQuery plugin which you can use to easily add your own secret ‘cheat code’ style commands to your own website. By default the “Cheat Code” plugin looks for the Konami code pressed anywhere on the website and can be activated only once.
Vertically Center Multi-Lined Text
Includes workable solution for IE < 8.
30 HTML Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
By and large, an excellent article.
good list
30 HTML Best Practices for Beginners
20+ Tutorials and Resources for Working with Custom Fields in WordPress | Vandelay Design Blog
10 Things to Check Before Using a CAPTCHA
Cheap Turpentine: Ori Peleg's Blog: Prefetching JavaScript (or anything) with jQuery
(function($) { $.ajax({ url:"/js/file1.js", cache:true, dataType:"text" }); $.ajax({ url:"/js/file2.js", cache:true, dataType:"text" }); })(jQuery);
While users are logging into a web site, I thought why not prefetch some JavaScript files they'll be needing on the next page?
blackbirdjs - Google Code
Blackbird offers a dead-simple way to log messages in JavaScript and an attractive console to view and filter them. You might never use alert() again.
javascript logging utility
Great looking js logging console for all browsers
The 50 Best Premium WordPress Themes | Design Reviver
JavaScript Debugging Techniques in IE 6
JavaScript Debugging
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 is almost universally hated by web developers. Fortunately, with the help of Visual Studio and by changing a few IE settings, we can make it much easier on ourselves.
Is Haskell a Good Choice for Web Applications?
HT: lojic
yes, but it takes balls
read this source code
Markup Hierarchy - Advantages in SEO
Un ejemplo interesante, a tener en cuenta, para el diseño de páginas web
A Detailed Django Tutorial: Blog Basics Part I :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
Ruby on Rails Security Project - The Book
6 Flexible jQuery Plugins To Control Webpage Layouts Easily
Launch a Business, Not a Side Project | Think Vitamin
55+ Extremely Useful Online Generators for Designers
the holy grail of web design elements, generators
便利ツール オンラインジェネレーター ボタンとか
jQuery vs MooTools: Choosing Between Two Great JavaScript Frameworks
Interessante Gegenüberstellung der unterschiedlichen Konzepte beider Bibliotheken.
Ultimate Drupal Tutorial Collection | Mogdesign
Tutti parlano bene di Drupal, però continuano a usare Wordpress. Forse un giorno sarà il caso di andare a vedere cosa c'è di reale in Drupal e per quali applicazioni è realmente adatto.
8 Layout Solutions To Improve Your Designs | How-To | Smashing Magazine
The organization of content is probably one of the most important and influential aspects of any good web design. Organizing information into a well-built layout
The organization of content is probably one of the most important and influential aspects of any good web design. Organizing information into a well-built layout is the basis of a website, and should always come before styling concerns.
Ralf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog » Blog Archive » 10 Great Free Fonts for @font-face embedding
10 Great Free Fonts for @font-face embedding
List of Really Useful Free Tools For JavaScript Developers | W3Avenue
List of Really Useful Free Tools For JavaScript Developers
Nice collection of tools for Javascript Development.
How to Set Up a Killer WordPress Testing Environment Locally - Nettuts+ set up wordpress testing environment locally
If you're a heavy WordPress developer like me, you might find that you need to create a new installation for each site that requires a strange structure or specific posts, instead of using your uniform local test WordPress installation. Cue WordPress Mu. WordPress Multi User is a platform created by the geniuses at Automattic that is basically a WordPress installation that allows multiple blogs to run using the same software.
How to Set Up a Killer WordPress Testing Environment Locally
How to Build a Login System for a Simple Website - NETTUTS
In today's video tutorial, we'll be building a login system with PHP and MYSQL. Many, many features will be covered; including MySqli, Prepared Statements,
25 Important Web Design Tools | Tools |
25 เ้ครื่องมือที่นักทำเว็บไม่ควรพลาด
There are lots of web design tools available on internet, which will help you accomplish your tasks easily and quickly, and still more are coming. Every
25 Important Web Design Tools - [from]
There are lots of web design tools available on internet, which will help you accomplish your tasks easily and quickly, and still more are coming. Every designer now has his/her own toolbox. I will try to make such toolbox for you too. I have collected 25 such tools, and if you know more feel free to add in the comments.
50 iPhone Apps for Web Designers & Developers « AppStorm
best of webdesign site.
THis site is awesome for finding design resources/tools
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : Web fonts now (how we’re doing with that)
The Web Fonts Wiki has a page listing fonts you can legally embed in your site designs using the CSS standard @font-face method. Just as importantly, the wiki maintains a page showing commercial foundries that allow @font-face embedding. Between these two wiki pages, you may find just the font you need for your next design (even if you can’t currently license classics like Adobe Garamond or ITC Franklin and Clarendon).
css fonts typography
Web design insights since 1995. Personal site of Jeffrey Zeldman, publisher of A List Apart Magazine, founder of Happy Cog Studios, co-founder of The Web Standards Project, co-founder of the Event Apart design conference, author of Designing With Web Standards.
"The person who figures out a designer-friendly solution to all this will either be hailed as a hero/heroine or get rich. Meanwhile, near-complete solutions of varying implementation difficulty exist."
good to animate
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL. SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It should be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.
<form> <keygen name="pubkey" challenge="randomchars"> <input type="submit" name="createcert" value="Generate"> </form>
html <keygen>
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL. SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It should be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimalism in Web Design
10 Intelligent Ways of using [FORM] Elements | Noupe
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers in a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that users are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
10 Twitter Hacks For Your Wordpress Blog | Tutorials | instantShift
Excellent for my blog. I need to continue to use twitter, here's plenty reasons why.
TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit.
TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit. Future versions will include additional features. It can also be used for images and auto hiding alerts. The popups fade in/out and dynamically size based on the content if enabled. The styling is completely customizable through the simple CSS. I have a couple tutorials and a few scripts I will be posting very soon so check back.
List of Really Useful JavaScript Libraries | W3Avenue
Recopilación de librerías javacript
List of Really Useful JavaScript Libraries
10 Promising CSS Framework That Worth A Look
WE all know that a good CSS Framework can help us and save our development time. Today, i am going to share 10 most promising CSS Framework that worth a look.
Most of web designers should heard about “CSS Framework”, and some web designers had tried them before. Just like other programming and scripting language, CSS do have some repeat code that can be packed together to ease our daily job. When use properly, CSS Framework may cut down your development time. On the other hand, it may cause extra works and time if you choose the wrong framework for your project. There are a lot of open source CSS Framework, and you can easily reach them by using Google.
10 Cost Effective Web Development Techniques — All in the head
How to implement a news ticker with jQuery and ten lines of code
This tutorial is a great primer for code think. After my previous posts about how to implement a news ticker with MooTools I received a lot of emails from my readers that asked to me to implement a similar feature with jQuery, including fade in and fade out effects, in the simpler possible way. So in this post I want to illustrate you how to implement a nice news ticker using jQuery and just ten lines of Javascript
Wordpress Theme Development Frameworks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Iconza - Free colored icons for your web site and blog
Iconza the project, conceived with the ultimate purpose of satisfying the growing demand for the royalty free icons in the GUI environment. The life is getting more and more complex and the need for various icons can come from virtually anywhere. We have carefully considered this factor and offeded our solution — customizable chameleon icons — you pick your color and size. Besides, the Iconza’s icons come absolutely for free. You are free to treat them the way you want, upon just one condition: we beg of you not to place purple icons against acidic green backgrounds!
Customizable icons for your web site. Totally free
In the Woods - HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery Killer Tutorials
Many more - see the URL
Google Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O - O'Reilly Radar
How google sees the future in HTML5, some seldom known facts about the new version of this versatile markup language...
Definitely need to look into this more -- we've done one site with HTML 5 and it looks like more is already out there in the wild than we'd think.
Google doesn't want to repeat that mistake, and as a result, he said, "we're betting big on HTML 5."
"We knew then that the web had won. What was once thought impossible is now commonplace."
QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Github Pages for Fun and Win
Stop what you’re doing and make your project a github page. For the love of god, your project has no documentation. RDoc is cool, READMEs are decent, but descriptive websites with examples? Oh, they RULE.
Github blog engine for OpenSource documentation
Asual | jQuery Address - Deep linking plugin
12 Tips For Designing an Excellent Checkout Process | How-To | Smashing Magazine
To remedy this, we really need to find a way to show all of the necessary information on the checkout pages themselves. If you need to provide some help or information that doesn’t fit on the current page, use floating windows or, as a last resort, a pop-up window to display this. This allows you to present new material to the user without t
@tweetmeme @smashingmag Reading '12 Tips For Designing an Excellent Checkout Process' [from]
jQuery Performance Rules - Best Practices for Speeding Up jQuery
これらを気をつけないと IE では特に遅くなる。jQuery 使う時にはまずはじめに見るべき。
" Using jQuery and other frameworks that make selecting nodes and DOM manipulation easy can have adverse affects if you’re not careful"
The CSS Overflow Property
High Performance Web Sites :: Loading Scripts Without Blocking
Article explaining the basics of how to make a website so it loads efficiently.
Twitster » Twitter Groups for Your Website
What is twitster? Put simply, Twitster is a PHP application that lets you display tweets on your own web site from everyone you follow in Twitter. What's more, Twitster can filter those tweets by a hash tag (#example) giving you the ability to create a Twitter-based group or community on your own site. Publish your Twitter community on your own web site. Gather and publish tweets from the people and the topics you care about. Powering your site's community with Twitter means little to no work for member participation. (Just tweet!)
"Twitster is a PHP application that lets you display tweets on your own web site from everyone you follow in Twitter."
Twitter Groups for Your Website
Put simply, Twitster is a PHP application that lets you display tweets on your own web site from everyone you follow in Twitter. What's more, Twitster can filter those tweets by a hash tag (#example) giving you the ability to create a Twitter-based group or community on your own site.
BySlideMenu : Accordion Menu - Free and Open Source Mootools plugin to create accordion menu
BySlide accordion Menu like MIT
Open Source Mootools plugin
Design and Code a Slick Website from Scratch –
Part I - Nettuts+
With the Internet becoming more and more popular every minute, a great-looking website is somewhat of a must-have. You could obviously pay a web designer to design one for you, but wouldn't it be really cool to design and code it yourself? "Difficult", you may say; but it's actually not too hard once you've learned how to do it! In this first part, you'll learn how to design a neat-looking website that you can easily adapt to your business. It’s time to get started!
Coding a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design from Photoshop
this bookmark brought from the different place.
Really good tutorial. has got a nice thing for jquery.
photoshop design
Web Design from Photoshop
In this web development tutorial, you'll learn how to build a web page template from a Photoshop mock-up from a previous tutorial called How to Create a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design in Photoshop using HTML/CSS and the jQuery library.
PUT or POST: The REST of the Story « Open Sourcery
Interesting explanation on why CRUD with REST doesn't directly map to the HTTP verbs POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE
CSS - Contents and compatibility - mobile
Samuel Garneau dot com - jQuery : Slide Panel
5 Quality Sites to Increase Your Knowledge of PHP | Dev Tips | Become a Better Developer, One Tip at a Time.
UIzard - Web Based Ajax Development Tool
Web application developement tool
takie visio online
Web Application Ajax Based Development Tool
NerdDinner Tutorial
visual studio needed
An excellent introduction to ASP.NET MVC by means of implementing an actual application.
Make your forms beautiful with CSS | Web Designer - Defining the internet through beautiful design
The Ultimate Drupal Toolbox: 150+ Themes, Modules & Resources | Noupe
Drupal is one of the most popular CMSs out there, and it's no surprise considering how extensible it is. You can customize almost every aspect of it through the
Drupal is one of the most popular CMSs out there, and it’s no surprise considering how extensible it is. You can customize almost every aspect of it through the use of themes, plugins, and a little custom coding. Below are more than 150 resources to help you do just that, from themes to plugins to examples of sites running on Drupal.
css-template-layout - Google Code
css-template-layout -
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification. Options include the ability to select the CSS parsed, as well as an optional prefix to use for the CSS rules. Specifying a prefix allows style rules that are interoperable with a possible future browser implementations.
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification.
avaScript (jQuery) implementation of the CSS Template Layout Module
A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess « Position Absolute
e solution that works with every form. Figuring out how to display errors is not a simple task. This is something I tried to remedy with this script. When an error needs to be displayed, the script creates a div and positions it in the top right corner of the input. This way you don’t have to worry about your HTML form structure. The rounded corner and shadow are done with CSS3 and degrade well in non compliant browsers. There is no images needed. When you submit a form, it will look for inp
Design and Code a Slick Website From Scratch –
Part II - Nettuts+
run through this tutorial as a refresher
2nd part of an awesome tutorial - design and code a site from scratch
Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS | Noupe
Studies show that top navigations tend to get the most visual attention when a user first visits a site. Having organized and intuitive navigation is key — and while most drop down menus may look aesthetically pleasing, developing them to degrade gracefully is also essential. In this tutorial I would like to go over how to create a sexy drop down menu that can also degrade gracefully. Step1. HTML First create an unordered list for your base top navigation. Then simply nest another unordered list for your sub navigation. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. <ul class="topnav"> 2. <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> 3. <li> 4. <a href="#">Tutorials</a> 5. <ul class="subnav"> 6. <li><a href="#">Sub Nav Link</a></li> 7. <li><a href="#">Sub Nav Link</a></li> 8. </ul> 9. </li> 10. <li> 11. <a href="#">Resources</a> 12. <ul class="subnav"> 13. <li
Advanced docking using jQuery
Advanced docking using jQuery
10 Wordpress Plugins That Will Increase Your Search Engine Ranking
5 Useful WordPress Functions You Didn’t Know Existed — Nathan Rice
html5 Gallery | A showcase of sites using html5 markup
A showcase of sites using html5 markup
A showcase of sites using html5 markup, with twin primary aims to help web designers and developers of how to implement html5 into their sites now, and to showcase to browser makers that there are a large number of sites already implementing the language so it should be supported.
XMPP + Flash = Awesome. True, but what about iPhones?
"Hemlock is an open-source framework that combines the richness of Flash with the scalability of XMPP, facilitating a new class of web applications where multiple users can interact in real time. Games, workspace collaboration, educational tools… The only limit is your imagination."
Page Speed Home
Page speed is a google tool for evaluating website performance
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
10 Essential SQL Tips for Developers - Nettuts+
In the Woods - 9 Useful Snippets for Your WordPress Functions
Paul Irish » jQuery idleTimer plugin
There are a few cases where you want to know if the user is idle. Namely: * You want to preload more assets * You want to grab their attention to pull them back * You want close their banking session after 5 minutes of inactivity. (Jerk!) * You want the site to sneak off the screen and see if they notice ;-)
jQuery idleTimer plugin
More than 25 Excellent Tips to Improve jQuery | MaX's Blog
I have just found this article on the internet and it has a lot of great tips. some of them I was already aware of them and some are not. It will be modified a little bit and I may add more tips. This article was originally written by Jon Hobbs-Smith
Wpazo | The Best WordPress Stuff
Nice link aggregator!
The Best WordPress Stuff.
Web site wpazo, a collection of Wordpress resources (yeah, I've been sitting on a backlog of Wordpress links recently).
Web Performance Best Practices
Web Development Speed Optimization.
Google tips on speeding up the load and render time of a web page.
10 must-have Linux web-based tools - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339296024,00.htm
There's no shortage of web-centric Linux tools -- the trick is figuring out which ones are best for your needs. This article offers a list of those that Jack Wallen thinks are the cream of the crop.
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
Web Performance Best Practices
"..Page Speed evaluates performance from the client point of view, typically measured as the page load time.."
20 Developers to Follow on Twitter
For me, the jury is still out on Twitter's staying power and whether/not the benefits outweigh the costs of following folks. The serendipity can be nice but a high-volume Twitterer (Tweeter?) generates a <i>lot</i> of noise — and it's hard enough to keep up with the overflowing buckets as it is, eh?
flipping typical
Comparing a number of screen fonts
searches all the fonts on your pc and displays them trough JavaScript
Tu tipografias desde un sitio web
Visa installerade typsnitt på din dator.
web-based typography tester
SitePoint » Microsoft SuperPreview: a New Way to Test Websites website-tester/website-tester MicrosoftSuperPreview
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
Sending Nice HTML Email with PHP
Write your own PHP MVC Framework (Part 1) | anant garg
need the picture to be clear......PHP frame work
Adaptive CSS-Layouts: New Era In Fluid Layouts? | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Fluid web designs have many benefits, but only if implemented correctly. With proper technique, a design can be seen correctly on large screens, small screens and even tiny PDA screens. With bad coding structure, however, a fluid layout can be disastrous. Because of this, we need to find ways to work around most, if not all, of the cons of fluid design.
If you as a designer are going to go through all the extra work of creating a functional fluid layout, why not go a bit further and make it compatible with all resolutions, instead of just most? You can use a few techniques to create an incredibly versatile, adaptive layout that will stay perfectly functional with the constantly changing screen sizes. In this article, we’ll discuss effective techniques to create 100%-functional adaptive CSS-layouts, and provide details on other tutorials and practices.
Fluid web designs have many benefits, but only if implemented correctly. With proper technique, a design can be seen correctly on large screens, small screens and even tiny PDA screens. With bad coding structure, however, a fluid layout can be disastrous. Because of this, we need to find ways to work around most, if not all, of the cons of fluid design. If you as a designer are going to go through all the extra work of creating a functional fluid layout, why not go a bit further and make it compatible with all resolutions, instead of just most? You can use a few techniques to create an incredibly versatile, adaptive layout that will stay perfectly functional with the constantly changing screen sizes.
Why REST ? | /var/log/mind
20 Tools to Make the Life of a Web Developer Easier - Nettuts+
16 PHP Frameworks To Consider For Your Next Project
Artigo falando sobre frameworks em PHP (em inglês).
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
9 Online Free And Useful Tools That Can Help Designers A Lot @ SmashingApps
9 Online Free And Useful Tools That Can Help Designers A Lot @ SmashingApps [from]
A List Apart: Articles: Indexing the Web—It’s Not Just Google’s Business
a basic one about optimizing database query execution time
Indexing the Web
25 Useful MooTools Tutorials
jQuery SuperBox!
jQuery Basics - jQuery for Beginners - jQuery Tutorial - jQuery 101
I have been getting familiar with jQuery recently and the more I get into it, the more I'm impressed with it. When I first heard about jQuery I was definitely
jQuery Basics
Web_development_timeline.png (PNG Image, 2566x2129 pixels)
"Neat Graph"
45 Best Free WordPress Themes of All Time | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
jQuery Infinite Carousel | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
Posted on 11th June 2009 — With jQuery for Designer’s redesign I decided to add a scrolling carousel that worked in the same way the carousel worked on the Apple Mac ads page. This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of the effect and how to recreate it.
With jQuery for Designer’s redesign I decided to add a scrolling carousel that worked in the same way the carousel worked on the Apple Mac ads page. This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of the effect and how to recreate it.
Effective Maintenance Pages: Examples and Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it’s just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some problem with the site, it’s an inevitable fact of website ownership. And in many cases, maintenance requires taking your site offline for at least a few minutes. So what should you do if your site is going to be down for maintenance? You don’t want users coming to a 404 or other error page. And hopefully you’d like to encourage them to come back to your site sooner rather than later, right? If that’s the case, you’ll need to build a custom maintenance page. Below we present a list of best practices to building effective maintenance pages that will help keep your visitors, whether new or returning, happy.
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it’s just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some problem with the site, it’s an inevitable fact of website ownership. And in many cases, maintenance requires taking your site offline for at least a few minutes. So what should you do if your site is going to be down for maintenance? You don’t want users coming to a 404 or other error page. And hopefully you’d like to encourage them to come back to your site sooner rather than later, right? If that’s the case, you’ll need to build a custom maintenance page. Below we present a list of best practices to building effective maintenance pages that will help keep your visitors, whether new or returning, happy.
Effective Maintenance
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it's just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
30 Creative And Eye-Catching Web Designer Portfolios | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
jQuery Splitter Plugin
divs con anchura y altura variables
Updated jquery splitter jquery 1.3
A resizable splitter plugin for jQuery.
Splitter en jQuery horizontal, vertical sur plusieurs panneaux ou colonnes | Photo Gallery Software for the Web
this bookmark brought from the home.
In the Woods - Coda Slider and More With jQuery Tools
In the Woods - Coda Slider and More With jQuery Tools -
Handy Tips for Creating a Print CSS Stylesheet
Handy Tips for Creating a Print CSS Stylesheet
Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3 | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Many cool things can be done with the next standard for web design
by Smashing Magazine
A nice overview from Smashing Mag about using CSS3 features.
WordPress 2.8 Resources For Developers | W3Avenue
Web developers’ ability to easily customize and extend WordPress makes it one of the most popular and powerful publishing platform. However every time a new WordPress version is released, developer’s should look at their customized solutions and accommodate changes.
40 Essential iPhone Applications For Web Designers
24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
As a follow-up to "30 HTML and CSS Best Practices", this week, we'll review JavaScript! Once you've reviewed the list, be sure to let us know what little tips you've come across!
10 astonishing CSS hacks and techniques
Well, I guess that almost all of you knows CSS and what it can do for you. But some astonishing techniques still remains obscure for a lot of developers. In this article, let’s see 10 cross browser css techniques to definitely enhance your designs.
45+ CSS Grid Systems, Layout Generators and Tutorials that every Designer should know | tripwire magazine
CSS Style sheets examples
In this article tripwire magazine presents a large collection of CSS Grid Systems, online generators and tutorial on how to use these in your design. Using a CSS Grid System is really worth considering if you’re planning to create a complex magazine web design. This article will give you the overview and tools you need to get started.
a large collection of CSS Grid Systems, online generators and tutorial on how to use these in your design. Using a CSS Grid System is really worth considering if you’re planning to create a complex magazine web design. This article will give you the overview and tools you need to get started.
45+ CSS Grid Systems, Layout Generators and Tutorials that every Designer should know
How To Create Your Own Stats Program (JavaScript, AJAX, PHP) | Noupe
When creating a website, one main goal is to attract visitors. Traffic generation is a necessity for monetary purposes, showing off your work, or just
Things about Web Images I Just Learned - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
32 Coda Tips and Tricks | Mac Tricks And Tips
32 Coda Tips and Tricks
Named function expressions demystified
An article about named function expressions in Javascript
different ways of defining functions
Theoretical and practical aspects of Javascript's named function construct
Surprisingly, a topic of named function expressions doesn’t seem to be covered well enough on the web. This is probably why there are so many misconceptions floating around. In this article, I’ll try to summarize both - theoretical and practical aspects of these wonderful Javascript constructs; the good, bad and ugly parts of them.
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firebug - Nettuts+
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firebug
Explicacion de porque se debe usar firebug y algunas extensiones
10. FirePHP Our last, but not least, important Firebug component is FirePHP. With this add-on, we can transparently send information (warnings, errors, logging, info) to the Console panel from our PHP code. Example usage from FirePHP's website:
XRefresh is a browser plugin which will refresh current web page due to file change in selected folders.
really cool tool for web development
Introducing Yip: A Unified Notification System for the Web « abi's blog
Like growl for the MAC
Maps Fluid and Prism notification APIs into Firefox.
HTML Test Page for CSS Style Guide - HTML - Snipplr
Great page for testing the style guide for a website.
# <img style="width:250px;height:125px;float:right" src="images/css_gods_language.png" alt="CSS | God's Language" /> # <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <a href="#" title="test link">test link</a> adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi
Top 12 Free Content Management Systems (CMS) | Spyre Studios
Building websites by hand with all html/css pages was fine a couple years ago, but these days there are a ton of awesome Content Management System options out there that make our jobs as developers and website publishers SO much easier!
camen design · Video for Everybody!
how to embed video using html5
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4:
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4
Excellent code example (plus encoding explanation) for using the HTML5 <video> tag while providing a Flash-based fallback player for older browsers (i.e. not Firefox 3.5 or Safari 4).
We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM.
»We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. […] As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup […] We’ll be launching this summer with a great collection of beautiful and hardworking typefaces.«
Basically, Typekit will offer a way for designers to license fonts for use on web pages, which is a big deal because of a CSS feature that is soon to be supported in most major browsers that will allow designers to reference fonts installed on the server and render them as fonts (rather than Flash or images) for users.
The 1Kb CSS Grid by Tyler Tate :: A simple, lightweight approach
The 1Kb CSS Grid by Tyler Tate :: A simple, lightweight approach
Other CSS frameworks try to do everything—grid system, style reset, basic typography, form styles. But complex systems are, well, complex. Looking for a simple, lightweight approach that doesn't require a PhD? Meet The 1Kb CSS Grid.
12 jQuery based chart
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. As Web developers we are always in search of new tutorials and resources, tips, tricks for our readers . Today we listed Most Desirable Collection Of powerful jQuery etc. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible
listing out 12 JavaScript based chart .
12 jQuery based chart
35 Absolutely Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Designers And Developers
10 Useful Firefox Extensions to Supercharge Firebug
HTML – Lorem ipsum Deutsch | []
HTml Blindtexte
Web Top 50 Free Open Courseware Classes to Develop Better Web Sites — Best Web Design Schools
The following list of 50 free open courseware classes can help you develop better Web sites. The university or learning center name is included so you can begin to browse through their other online resources as well. The list is categorized, and each link under those categories is listed alphabetically. This method assures readers that we do not value one resource over another.
50 Fresh JavaScript Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Lista de ferramentas Javascript. MUITO BOM!!!
SEOmoz | SEO Best Practices: SEOmoz's New Policies Based on Updated Correlation Data
How To Create a WordPress Theme
Over the next 12 days this WordPress Themes Tutorial is going to show you how to build a powerful, up-to-date, WordPress Theme from scratch
This WordPress Themes Tutorial is going to show you how to build a powerful, up-to-date, WordPress Theme from scratch.
A List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa
10 Ways to Instantly Increase Your jQuery Performance - Nettuts+
his article will present ten easy steps that will instantly improve your script's performance. Don't worry; there isn't anything too difficult here. Everyone can apply these methods! When you're finished reading, please let us know your speed tips.
SpriteMe makes spriting easy.
export the modified CSS to integrate back into your code. [TBD]
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Discover best practices that can make your apps faster. Get informed with developments in web performance.
Agilidade na web
Google resource center on performance optimization. Articles, videos and downloadable tools. Includes tips on how to optimize CSS declarations, how to optimize JavaScript code and avoid memory leaks, how to use the best image format and prefetch resources. Also released Google equivalent of YSlow, Yahoo's Firefox extension for performance tips.
Build Your Own Captcha and Contact Form - Nettuts+
Very useful
form and captcha
Text utilities
Text utilities
Download Page Speed
Page Speed
Google code - Page Speed
In the Woods - Multi-level Menus with jQuery and CSS
Everything You Need to Get Started With CodeIgniter - Nettuts+
CodeIgniter is a web application framework for PHP. It enables developers to build web applications faster, and it offers many helpful code libraries and
CodeIgniter is a web application framework for PHP. It enables developers to build web applications faster, and it offers many helpful code libraries and helpers which speed up tedious tasks in PHP.
Tipster / Latest Tips
Edit-in-place with contentEditable property
Edit in place property in jQuery
Firefox 3 was released on June 17, 2008, and from that time, Firefox 2 browser share is quickly dropping. Very soon it will become inefficient to continue supporting it. And we will be able to use a lot of new Firefox 3 features, such as canvas support, CSS and DOM improvements and other. I am really glad that Firefox3 supports the “contentEditable” property. Setting this attribute to “true” allows you to make parts of a document editable. This attribute was already supported by IE6/7/8, Safari, Chrome and Opera. So now we can start using it in our applications.
35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web Design | CSS | Smashing Magazine
35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web Design
jLinq - Javascript Query Language
jLinq is a Javascript library that lets you write queries against arrays of javascript objects. jLinq is completely extensible so you can write your add-ins and they will work with the rest of the framework without any additional programming!
jLinq is a javascript library that lets you write queries against arrays of javascript objects. It's completely extensible so you can write your add-ins and they will work with the rest of the framework without any additional programming.
HTML email inline styler
"Converts CSS rules into inline style attributes" - This will come in handy the next time you're designing an HTML email.
scripty2: for a more delicious web
scripty2: for a more delicious web
22 Open Source PHP Frameworks To Shorten Your Development Time
PHP is definitely one of the best web programming language. Here, we will look into 22 open source PHP Frameworks that will shorten our development time.
The Ultimate List Of Online Color Tools For Web Developers
Estudo de cores
Web designers use color tools daily. So, i had collect an ultimate list of color tools. In this list, i had collect color wheel, color scheme, color palette and color picker.
FireQuery is a collection of Firebug enhancements for jQuery
jquery extension for firefox
10+ useful jQuery Plugins for web development | Queness
10 nützliche JQuery-Plugins für z.B. Formulare und/oder Farbauswahl
Viele nützliche jQuery Plugins
Jquery pluginy
Creating an Advanced Password Recovery Utility - Nettuts+
15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Covers XMLHttpRequest
The Ultimate Joomla Toolbox: Themes, Extensions and Resources | Noupe
Joomla is one of the most popular CMSs out there, and it’s no surprise considering how extensible it is. The great thing about Joomla is the extensions (components, modules and plugins), that can be added to your Joomla website. This allows the average user to add more functionality and dynamic content to their website without being a developer or programmer.
10 Impressive JavaScript Animation Frameworks
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there's a lot to keep track
MySpace's Performance Tracker
MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
IEプラグイン、←YSlow/Google Page Speed、パフォーマンス/高速化/レンダリング
MySpace’s Performance Tracker MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
Cause memory leaks love IE?....
The “Light” CMS Trend | CSS-Tricks
20+ WordPress Recipes (Codes)
More and more clients are using WordPress as their CMS. As a designer or developer, you should really get into WordPress coding. To get started, you can read my WordPress theme guide and hacks. Now, I would like to recommend a resourceful WordPress site to you called WpRecipes. This post contains over 20 recipes that I hand picked from WpRecipes. If you have any good WordPress code or hacks that you want to share, feel free to send them over and I will post it.
Drag and drop table content with JavaScript
RED: <>
RED (Resource Expert Droid) checks HTTP resources to see how they use HTTP, makes suggestions, and finds common protocol mistakes
10 Things Every Web Designer Just Starting Out Should Know
10 Tips for New iPhone Developers - Nettuts+
Yes, You Can Use HTML 5 Today! [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
Great article explaining how to use HTML 5 now.
Might be time to start looking at the use of HTML 5 for development now
Wordpress 2.8 And 10 Things That You Should Know Before/After You Upgrade
There are a lot of exciting new features in Wordpress 2.8. Here, we list down 10 things that you should know before and after you upgrade, and also some tips for the theme/plugin developer.
XRegExp: JavaScript regex library
XRegExp is an open source (MIT license) JavaScript library that provides an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods. XRegExp is fully compliant with the regular expression flavor specified in ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ES3), and has been tested with Internet Explorer 5.5–8, Firefox 2–3.5, Safari 3–4, Chrome 1–2, and Opera 9. XRegExp uses feature detection—no browser sniffing.
Texster — подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста
tool exploring the CSS parameters for your font
Подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста
Version 0.9 is the initial public release of Modernizr. It includes tests for a variety of CSS 3 features and an HTML 5 element styling enabler.
Have you ever wanted to do if-statements in your CSS for the availability of cool features like border-radius? Well, with Modernizr you can accomplish just that!
Modernizr — это небольшая простая Javascript-библиотека, которая поможет получить ответ на вопрос поддерживает ли браузер пользователя такие технологии как: HTML5 Canvas rgba() hsla() border-image border-radius box-shadow Множественные фоновые изображения Прозрачность CSS-анимацию Столбцы Градиенты Отражения CSS-трансформацию CSS-перехды
10 awesome things to do with cURL
30 Essential Tools for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
For designers nothing can be more handy than effective and time saving tools supporting their creative process. Of cause dependant on the specific needs free web-based tools can significantly help you accomplish tasks such as color selecting, color p
Power Tips For WordPress Template Developers | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
With its latest releases, WordPress has extended its potential well beyond blogging, moving toward an advanced, robust and very powerful content management solution. By default, WordPress delivers a very lightweight, minimal system that offers only basic functionalities. But where the WordPress core falls short, there are a wealth of plug-ins that extend its limitations.
Walls Come Tumbling Down presentation slides and transcript | For A Beautiful Web
Walls Come Tumbling Down presentation slides and transcript It’s been one helluva busy, tiring but inspiring week, traveling first to speak at An Event Apart Boston, then, with Jeremy Keith and Jason Santa Maria onto London for @media2009. At both events, I presented Walls Come Tumbling Down. Here are the presentation slides and transcript
It’s been one helluva busy, tiring but inspiring week, traveling first to speak at An Event Apart Boston, then, with Jeremy Keith and Jason Santa Maria onto London for @media2009. At both events, I presented Walls Come Tumbling Down.
alpha-transparent PNG images are perfect when you're designing in a browser, particularly when you are experimenting with different color options.
"It's time to stop showing clients static design visuals" Damn right. All my personal projects have been designed along with the backend code, and they're of variable prettiness, but at least they work. I'm finding the more traditional model much, much harder to deal with these days.
designing in the browser? AMEN. Too right. About time that the outdated workflow detailed herein changes. It's old, it DOESN'T WORK, and it needs to be replaced.
For A Beautiful Web is a series of web design master class training workshops covering topics including visual design for the web, best-practice XHTML mark-up and CSS, Microformats and practical web accessibility design and techniques.
How to implement a launching soon page with PHP and jQuery
Tutorial para implementar un sitio dinámico de "Próximamente" con php y jquery
22 Extremely Useful Tools for Web Designers and Developers | Queness
22 free tools for web design
Index — Django Design Patterns
jsAnim - Free JavaScript Animation Library
javascript animation library
Librería para animaciones mediante javascript
30 Most Influential People In Web Design | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
PHP fonctions, bibliothèque de fonctions PHP
Un site qui propose une bibliothèque collaborative de fonctions PHP. Si vous trifouillez dans du code PHP sans trop savoir comment on fait un nuage de tags ou comment on raccourcit une URL, ce site est pour vous. A la façon d’un site collaboratif, PHP Fonctions permet de rechercher, filtrer par popularité ou par nouveauté, ce qui accessoirement peut se révéler un bon baromètre des tendances du développement et des fonctions les plus courantes sur les sites actuels.
15 Best Techniques For Implementing Autosuggest With AJAX Into Your Site - TZ
Hivelogic - Deploying ExpressionEngine from GitHub with Capistrano
Very clear, step-by-step guide to managing and ExpressionEngine site with git and Capistrano. I might try this some time, as it would make messing about with templates and so on much easier and - more importantly - undoable.
git ls-remote master
CSS Optimization Tips - Optimizing Style Sheets - CSS Optimization Tutorial
CSS Optimization Tips
CSS Layout Generator - генератор шаблонов HTML + CSS
генератор шаблонов HTML + CSS
CSS Layout Generator - онлайн генератор шаблонов HTML + CSS
Extra Pair of Hands - Email Address Length FAQ
Interesting documentation on permissible and common lengths for email addresses, including a link to a metafilter thread with some statistics and a delightful vintage advertisement for electronic mail.
A useful FAQ about email address lengths - what is the length of the average email address, what is the longest email address possible etc.
How to build a personal mashup page with jQuery - The EZPZ Way
jQuery and an RSS Feed. könnte man verwenden um bei easy rec client seitig die rss feeds zu holen
How to build a personal mashup page with jQuery
After finding out about GitHub pages, I decided to put mine to good use by building a mashup for my online content. Since we don’t have any control on the server side, we’re going to use only javascript to make it dynamic. This tutorial will show you how to use jQuery and JSONP to pull data from Twitter, GitHub, and an RSS Feed (without any server side magic). The techniques here can easily be used to interact with any other API.
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui,+How+It+Works,+and+How+to+Use+It/
"tagged JSON explained"
ly more complicated example involves storing two
12 Tools To Check Your Site’s Accessibility
website accessibility tools
20+ Ready to Use Auto Completion Scripts  | Dzine Blog
Open Web Tools Directory
30 WordPress Development Tutorials | Pro Blog Design
WordPress can be very simple to work with, but it can also be very complicated. The system can be used to do just about anything you like. In this post we have collected together a range of tutorials that span from the very first things you need to know, like working with the loop, to much more complicated tricks, like setting up post thumbnails on your home page.
da approfondire per livincool
WordPress can be very simple to work with, but it can also be very complicated. The system can be used to do just about anything you like. In this post we have collected together a range of tutorials that span from the very first things you need to know, like working with the loop, to much more complicated tricks, like setting up post thumbnails on your home page.
32 Useful Portable Apps For Web Designers and Developers
We like portable apps because those applications are lightweight and require no installation to run. As a web designer/developer, i used to work with different PCs. Rather than carrying my laptop everywhere, i prefer saving frequently used applications into my USB drive. I had collect a lot of useful portable applications and i would like to share those applications with my readers. Let’s look into these applications now:
HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using - Nettuts+
In-depth tutorial from NetTuts on combining existing HTML5 and CSS3 to create a slick web-design.
10 Super PHP codes to handle HTML (for Web Developers) | TutorialFeed
Today I would like to share some interesting PHP codes to handle HTML dynamically. These codes are free to use under GNU General Public License. I hope this post would help Web Developers. Here's the following:
Automatic generation of HTML for table. - Colspan, rowspan, table style, column style, cell style, and data style may all be defined. - OO interface - Simple but effective
Backup2Mail — Send MySQL database backup to your mailbox
Backup2Mail is mini PHP application that creates regular backups of your MySQL database and sends it to configurable e-mail address. The whole process is scheduled with a help of Cron, a Unix program that runs programs at scheduled times.
Send MySQL database backup to your mailbox
Keryx (X)HTML Elements Best Practice Sheet
Todos elementos ( Creio eu ) de HTML
26 Worth Knowing PHP Tools & Resources For Web Developers | Tools |
Web development is not that much difficult now a days. The important is how you do it and how much time you take to complete the task. Web developers do not
SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying visual sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.
On-page SEO - The Google Way
Tips on SEO and link to PDF of Google's SEO guide.
GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information
automatically filling form data with geo information
GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information
Six Tools For Testing Designs On Mobile Devices
26 Websites for Tutorials Starting out in Website Design & Development / JRB
Using Wireframes to Streamline Your Development Process | Webdesigner Depot
Creating a wireframe is one of the first steps you should take before designing a website. A wireframe helps you organize and simplify the elements and content within a website and is an essential tool in the development process.
Infromación para generar wireframes, muy utiles para los proyectso web...
33 Promising Web Development And Social Network Firefox 3.5 Plugins | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Pure CSS Timeline – Notebook |
Pure CSS Timeline
おもしろいけど画像で作るべきだと思うな htmlを装飾に用いることになるからね
Easy PHP Websites
Learn jQuery in 17 Easy Examples
John Resig - Easy Retweet Button
Ever since I saw the JavaScript API I've been wanting to build a simple script for tracking the number of people visiting a blog post from Twitter. This past weekend I built a little script for doing just that - and in a completely unobtrusive manner. The script itself is completely standalone (no dependencies) and can be included in any page relatively painlessly. Additionally, since it's just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it's completely themeable and customizable to the style of your site.
How To Increase Site Performance Through A/B Split Testing | UX Booth
visto en el twitter de torresburriel
How To Increase Site Performance Through A/B Split Testing
Starter | Jumpstart Your jQuery Plugin Development
Jumpstart Your jQuery Plugin
Dinky Page | Disposable pages for everyone
Um link tão genial que não sei nem definir.
The longest list of CSS frameworks you probably ever seen. | User Interfaces | Libraries and Components for Software Developers @ LibHound
Four Methods to Create Equal Height Columns | Build Internet!
alturas iguais
An Unofficial Q&A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 WG
15 great navigation design resources | Design daily news
recusos de diseño, navegación
The navigation is a key element in web design, when creating your website it's crucial to use the appropriate menu in context. The following collection
15 Website for jQuery Enthusiast and Addicts | Desizn Tech
Are you someone who is constantly wowed by the cool effects and animation jQuery can do and always searching jQuery tutorials and plugins? Here is a post for
jQuery tutorial and learning HTML/CSS/JS-Kickstart 0.9
Grundlegendes Gerüst für statische Webseiten.
Bastelsatz für statische Webseiten
CMS.txt | What it is
php cms in 6k
CMS.txt is a free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages.
recent snippets - code snippets wiki /
This is a community-maintained collection of reusable code snippets. Contribute something without logging in, or improve existing contributions. All code is dedicated to the public domain unless otherwise specified.
The hazy future of Web typography - Ars Technica
7/6/09 article: @font-face and typekit information
Chris Foresman for Ars Technica: "Type designers and font foundries don't want their fonts ripped off, browser vendors want a single standard, and designers want to be able to use whatever font best suits the design at hand. So far there isn't one clear solution that reconciles these competing desires."
Font workarounds Great article on font usage now and in the past.
100 Excellent iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers | Web Design ...
Geat list of iPhone apps for developers & designers
Kohana: The Swift PHP Framework - Nettuts+
tutorial dedicado a kohana
Interested in Kohana. Seems like it is progressing more aggressively than CodeIgniter.
Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Much Ado About IE6
pasado por Fran
Sounds like we need a new approach
Basically, IE6 users are forced to use IE6 at work. Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic.
Diggin blogi toteaa tutkimuksensa perusteella, ettei kaksi kolmesta IE6-käyttäjistä yksinkertaisesti voi päivittää. "Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic."
July 2009 Survey at Digg shows that over 90% IE6 visitors can't, won't, or are forbidden to upgrade their browser.
12 Essential Security Tips and Hacks for WordPress
40 Great Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers | Webdesigner Depot
Air Applications for Designers and Developers
MeeNews :: A newsletter plugin for wordpress
Çok beğendim, deneyebilirim
WordPress Newsletter Plugin: - Completely Customizable, with the coolest design. - Add yours email lists or a subscribers list. - Without programming knowledge. - Clean and user friendly interface. - Compatible with WordPress 2.7 or greater. - Perfect for great looking e-mails.
Twitter API: How to create a stream of messages Monitter-like with PHP and jQuery
This tutorial illustrates a very simple way to work with the Twitter API in order to implement a search in the Twitter public timeline and display search results with an animated stream of messages (tweets) similar to Monitter. In this example I used PHP, jQuery and a very useful Twitter Search API for PHP based on the work of David Billingham and actually developed by Ryan Faerman. This implementation is very simple to customize and integrate on your project.
Creare un flusso di tweets stile monitter
This tutorial illustrates a very simple way to work with the Twitter API in order to implement a search in the Twitter public timeline and display search results with an animated stream of messages (tweets) similar to Monitter.
Carsonified » How to Design a Portfolio Site
If you’re a freelance designer, you know how important your portfolio site is to your business. Therefore, we decided to commission Elliot Jay Stocks, a well-known web designer, to film two 30-minute screen-casts on “How to Design a Portfolio Site.” In part one Elliot gets you started by covering these points: The Three Key Concepts that make a portfolio site; Nine amazing portfolio sites to learn from; How to build great case studies to reinforce your expertise; The Ultimate Portfolio Checklist; How to add visual flair in Photoshop during the design phase; How to use Narrative Theory to strengthen your portfolio. In Part II, he’ll be jumping into some HTML and CSS to show you how to build your portfolio, and integrate it into a content management system.
"If you’re a freelance designer, you know how important your portfolio site is to your business. Therefore, we decided to commission Elliot Jay Stocks, a well-known web designer, to film two 30-minute screen-casts on “How to Design a Portfolio Site.”"
A List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa II
15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
Carsonified » Get Started with DNS
Good DNS tutorial for students or anyone wanting to understand DNS basics.
HTML5 Demos
impressive for the drag/drop
Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resources | WebAppers
This tutorial will demonstrate how to build tooltips that are powered by jQuery, with information pulled from a JSON array.
Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resources | WebAppers -
Content Rich tooltip with JSON and jQuery
멋지다. 툴팁을 이렇게 디자인해낼줄이야.
Open Web Tools Directory
Directorio con herramientas buens para dar solucion all diseño web
This is the HTML version of the Open Web Tools Directory, a Mozilla Labs experiment to catalog the expansive universe of tools related to creating web applications based on open standards; see the announcement blog entry for more information.
Open Web Tools Directory
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins | Queness
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins
25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Designs
10 Interesting lightweight jQuery plugins for web developers
Carsonified » 23 Essential HTML 5 Resources
A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode/UTF-8
สร้าง pdf จาก html
A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode
mPDF is a PHP class which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based on FPDF, HTML2FPDF, and UFPDF, with a number of enhancements.
5 Pet Peeves Designers Have With Developers (and How to Avoid Them) | Webdesigner Depot
Pet Peeves Designers Have With Developers
How to Use PHP Namespaces, Part 1: The Basics
Namespaces are one of the most significant changes in PHP 5.3. They will be familiar to C# and Java developers, and they are likely to change the structure of PHP applications for the better. Why Do We Need Namespaces? As the size of your PHP code library increases, there is increased risk of accidentally re-defining a function or class name that has been declared before. The problem is exacerbated when you attempt to add third-party components or plugins; what if two or more code sets implement a ‘Database’ or ‘User’ class? Until now, the only solution has been long class/function names. For example, WordPress prefixes every name with ‘WP_’. The Zend Framework uses a highly descriptive naming convention that results in long-winded class names such as Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Text_CaseInsensitive. Name collision problems can be solved with namespaces. PHP constants, classes, and functions can be grouped into namespaced libraries.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Stack Overflow Architecture | High Scalability
Stack Overflow Architecture | High Scalability
Stack Overflow is a much loved programmer question and answer site written by two guys nobody has ever heard of before. Well, not exactly. The site was created by top programmer and blog stars Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. In that sense Stack Overflow is like a celebrity owned restaurant, only it should be around for a while. Joel estimates 1/3 of all the programmers in the world have used the site so they must be serving up something good.
Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
CSS style guide with FAQs on CSS code, cascading style sheet problems, CSS coding techniques and example CSS navigation code.
HTML5 and The Future of the Web | How-To | Smashing Magazine
'In this article, I’m hoping to give you some tips and insight into HTML5 to help ease the inevitable pain that comes with transitioning to a slightly different syntax.'
Some have embraced it, some have discarded it as too far in the future, and some have abandoned a misused friend in favor of an old flame in preparation. Whatever side of the debate you’re on, you’ve most likely heard all the blogging chatter surrounding the “new hotness” that is HTML5. It’s everywhere, it’s coming, and you want to know everything you can before it’s old news.
The Autopsy Of WordPress As CMS With 25 Great WP Plugins & Designs | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
good tips on wordpress
WordPress clearly need no introduction for web devotees like us. Starting out from just a humble blogging platform in 2003, it had grow exponentially into a popular platform not only being used extensively by bloggers but designers and developers too. WordPress have since then become the rice bowl for many Netizens. Whether it’s through blogging, designing WordPress templates, converting PSD to WordPress style XHTML or creating corporate sites, no one could argue that it’s indeed one of the most important platform on the web today.
Carsonified » 30 Essential CSS3 Resources
Web designers around the world are extremely excited about the power of CSS3 and the creative freedom it offers. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 29 resources for you to learn more.
How to get HTML5 working in IE and Firefox 2 | html5doctor
The second approach is to serve Gecko XHTML. I’ve found this to be the easier approach if you’re either generating a page dynamically using something like PHP, or if you can create your own .htaccess file to make use of mod_rewrite.
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic a-grade browsers are: IE8 and below, and Firefox 2 and Camino 1 (these two browsers use the same rendering engine, which is why they’re both affected).
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic [...]
Solución a HTML5 en IE6
ほとんど情報がないモバイルSEOのまとめ | 携帯サイトをつくろう。
モバイルSEOとは携帯サイトのSEO、検索エンジン最適化することを言います。 実際PCのSEOに関する情報は、結構色々あるのですが、 モバイルSEOに関する情報はまだそこまで多くないのが現状です。
5 Fun and Practical Htaccess Solutions - Nettuts+
Fun and Practical Htaccess Solution
Htaccess files are plain-text configuration files used by the Apache HTTP web server. They allow users to set directory level options without requiring access to the httpd.conf file. As such it is required that your server uses Apache, and a web host that allows htaccess files (the most popular hosts do). I assume a basic working knowledge of htaccess, but if you need to freshen up check out this article by Joseph Pecoraro
Find web visitor’s location automatically with javascript and Google APIs / Brian Cray's Blog
Find web visitor’s location automatically with javascript and Google APIs
Best Websites to Download Free JavaScript Code Snippets  | Dzine Blog
Code help
Best PHP Frameworks and CMS | AjaxLine
Best PHP Frameworks and CMS
Create an eCommerce Website with WordPress in under 5 minutes «
In this 5 minute tutorial Adam Purcell of Hungry Dog Media walks you through all of the steps needed to create your first eCommerce website with WordPress and the WP e-Commerce plugin
אולי תנסה את זה אצלך בחנות ?
HTML5 drag and drop in Firefox 3.5 – 0xDECAFBAD
Since it’s so fundamental, offering drag and drop in web applications has been a no-brainer ever since browsers first offered mouse events in DHTML. But, although mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup made it possible, the implementation has been limited to the bounds of the browser window. Additionally, since these events refer only to the object being dragged, there’s a challenge to find the subject of the drop when the interaction is completed.
Drag and drop is one of the most fundamental interactions afforded by graphical user interfaces. In one gesture, it allows users to pair the selection of an object with the execution of an action, often including a second object in the operation. It’s a simple yet powerful UI concept used to support copying, list reordering, deletion (ala the Trash / Recycle Bin), and even the creation of link relationships.
How To Automate Optimization and Deployment Of Static Content | How-To | Smashing Magazine
How To Automate Optimization and Deployment Of Static Content
15 Awesome tutorials and resources for web developers
15 Awesome tutorials and resources for web developers
by @woork
n extremely lightweight jQuery plugin which gives users the ability to easi
Great list of useful web tutorials.
15 Plugins to Unleash the Invincible Power of jQuery and Wordpress
Impress Your Friends With These 20 jQuery Tutorials | Spyre Studios
The Codeless Website: Four Awesome Tools for Creating Cool, No-Tech Sites
codeless web site design links
Stop Image Hotlinking with .htaccess
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave -
web-optimizator - Google Code
This application is aimed to automate all clientside improvements for website that should significantly increase load speed of its pages.
In the Woods - 25 Essential Web Services for Designers
Organize Your Next PHP Project the Right Way - Nettuts+
When starting out with PHP, it can be daunting figuring out how best to organize a project. If you've ever been confused with where to put your images, external libraries, or keeping your logic separate from your layout, then check out these tips; they'll get you heading in the right direction.
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
30 Handy Cheat Sheets and Reference Guides for Web Professionals | Webdesigner Depot
Cheat sheets and reference guides are useful for both beginners and advanced web professionals. They can be used to help you remember syntax or as a tool to aid in memorization. In this post, we aim to cover the reference guides for all of the most commonly used platforms, software and coding languages. Below you’ll find a compilation of the 30 most useful and well-organized cheat sheets, checklists and reference guides. If you know of a useful cheat sheet that we haven’t covered here, please share the link in the comments’ section at the end of the article.
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
Starkers: The completely naked theme for WordPress
The completely naked theme for WordPress
30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web Design | SingleFunction
I thought this week would be the time to share with everyone examples of extreme minimalism in web design, and how with minimal elements, when properly used, so much can be achieved.
30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web Design
3 Ways to Speed up Your Site with PHP - Nettuts+
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf -
20 Ruby on Rails Tuts to Rule Them All - Nettuts+
20 Ruby on Rails Tuts to Rule Them All
The complete guide to creating widgets in WordPress 2.8
Qualche consiglio avanzato su come dare all'utente più controllo sul display del widget all'interno del pannello di controllo.
15+ CSS Tips and Tricks | Queness
A list of CSS tips and tricks that will make your life so much easier! I have also make a list of CSS shorthands for your convenience.
Definitive Guide to Taming the IE6 Beast
Lots of layout problems in one place.
In the Woods - 10 Wonderful WordPress Templates That are Setting Trends
Many recent templates on ThemeForest are proving to be trend-setters. Not only are they unique, but they’re also, more importantly, extremely usable. Let’s review just a handful of some of the stand-outs
Many recent templates on ThemeForest are proving to be trend-setters. Not only are they unique, but they’re also, more importantly, extremely usable. Let’s review just a handful of some of the stand-outs.
Target IE6 and IE7 with only 1 extra character in your CSS / Brian Cray's Blog
IE7 targeting
ウェブデザインのタブーをあえて破ってみるための10のTips | コリス
MIX Online's Gestalt: Write Ruby, Python and XAML in your HTML pages.
15 New jQuery Plugins To Help You Conquer The Web | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
OK, so these plugins may not help you actually conquer.....well, anything really but they'll certainly make your website look and work great!
A List Apart: Articles: The Inclusion Principle
Accessibility is commonly touted via some text and a small hyperlink that leads to Section 508 at the bottom of a web page, a practice which upholds the spirit of the law. It usually reads something like this: “We are committed to making our site accessible and continue to test and modify the site for accessibility. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems accessing any of our content.” Some quick accessibility checks reveal that many site owners and developers consider the second part of that statement a convenient “get out of jail free” card. Developers sometimes think that using standards-based development principles, separating presentation and behavior via external CSS and DOM-based scripting techniques, and applying alt attributes to images creates Section 508 compliance. They don’t want to spend more effort on accessibility until they get feedback from users who have problems with the site.
"In universal design, perceived affordance—that is, the implicit understanding of how to interact with an object—actually coincides with the user’s ability to execute the action. Universal design is, therefore, inherently accessible." - yes!
10 useful ExpressionEngine extensions | 3 Roads Media Blog
10 useful ExpressionEngine extensions
ExpressionEngine extensions
Anything Zoomer | Calendar
Chris Coyier's Anything Zoomer
JQuery Zoom Plugin
20 Kick-Ass Wordpress Theme Frameworks For Rapid Theme Development - Codefusion Lab
Massive Compilation of Designer Tools | Webdesigner Depot
We’ve compiled a massive list of some of the best and most useful tools out there for web designers. Purposely left off the list are common tools most designers are likely already using (like Dreamweaver or Panic’s Coda, Photoshop or GIMP, and similar common software programs that pretty much every designer already has in their toolkit). These are tools that will save you time, make you a more effective designer, simplify or speed up your design process, or otherwise make your life easier.
a massive list of some of the best and most useful tools out there for web designers
15 PHP regular expressions for web developers
LABjs (Loading And Blocking JavaScript)
"Even Faster Web Sites"
vielleicht zur ergänzung fürs swr3 infoportal? nur so ein gedanke... ausprobiert hab ichs auch noch nicht
Una espacie de delicious de uso casero. Muy interesante para etiquetar la noticias de los periódicos ó cosas por el estilo
Free PHP knowledge base script
Professional knowledge base script that allows you to create your own documentation.
68k php knowledge base software
Datenbank zum Ablegen von Wissen, ähnlich zu Wikis
CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 1 - Nettuts+
10 Useful code snippets for web developers
10 Useful code snippets for web developers
The Definitive Guide to Using Negative Margins | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Since the recommendation of CSS2 back in 1998, the use of tables has slowly faded into the background and into the history books. Because of
Reinventing a Drop Down with CSS and jQuery
For me, standard HTML Select element is pretty much annoying. It's ugly. It can't be styled properly in Internet Explorer. And it can't contain nothing but simple text. That is the reason why I needed to reinvent Drop Down element. This tutorial shows how to do that (easily, believe it or not).
That is the reason why I needed to reinvent Drop Down element. This tutorial shows how to do that
Text Rotation with CSS
Web designers: You are now free to design.
Thankfully, many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. Even better? We can make it work in Internet Explorer (back to version 5.5 even).
Developer Evangelism - home of the Developer Evangelist Handbook
A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job.
from Yahoo's Christian Heilmann
"Developer Evangelism is a new kind of role in IT companies. A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job." Advice from Chris Heilmann
HTML 5 Reset Stylesheet | HTML5 Doctor
The Ultimate Guide to Decoding the Flickr API - Nettuts+
Flickr, being the biggest photo management and sharing site in the world, has an impressive API to let developers access and manipulate almost all of its data.
Chroma-Hash Demo
a sexy, non-reversible live visualization of password field input
Creates a color-bar visualization of the password field useful to avoid mistakes and non-reversible.
a non-reversible live visualization of password field input
13 Ways to Browser Test and Validate Your Work - Nettuts+
Ways to check to see if your website conforms to generally accepted standards of web design
jack + , package manager, virtualenv風?
A general purpose JavaScript platform
serverside javascript
server-side javascript framework
A general purpose JavaScript platform - JS without browser, with standardized modules to access system resources, can be used for a server-side application, or a desktop scripting.
16 Impressive Flash-Like Javascript Animation Inspirations, Tutorials and Plugins | Queness
Create impressive animation with javascript, I have gathred a collection of websites that uses flash-like animation and also tutorials, plugins and frameworks that will definitely blow you away.
The best way to load external JavaScript | NCZOnline
Not too long ago, I wrote about loading JavaScript without blocking by creating a dynamic <script> tag. When <script> tags are in the flow of an HTML document, the browser must stop rendering and wait for the script file to download and execute before continuing (example). Creating a new <script> tag via JavaScript avoids this issue because it’s out of the flow of the document, so the script file is downloaded and executed without waiting. The result: dynamically loading JavaScript files allows your page to render faster and therefore improve perceived performance.
handling dependancies in js
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: ゼロからはじめる携帯サイト構築。
# 結局はキャリア感の差異を知り吸収する事がすべて ・キャリア毎やマークアップによるIME制御の違い ・メーラー起動時の引数の付け方の違い ・au ではプログレッシブjpgが表示できない ・auの WML拡張は Content-type が text/html じゃないと使えない? #これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 ・FireMobileSimulatorLive ・HTTP Headers ・QRコード出力 #ナイスなライブラリ達 ・Net_UserAgent_Mobile ・Net_IPv4 ・絵文字ライブラリ ・位置情報ライブラリ #素晴らしい書籍 ・PHP×携帯サイト 実践アプリケーション集 ・PHP×携帯サイト デベロッパーズバイブル
これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 FireMobileSimulator 便利過ぎる タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられる様になって言う事無し 7/30追記: タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられると書いていますが、この機能が実装されているのは現在のところベータ版のみです。詳しくは開発者の堀川さんのブログタブごとに端末選択可能なFireMobileSimulatorベータ版公開と人柱募集でご確認ください。 Live HTTP Headers 定番のHTTP ヘッダー表示ツール デバッグ時に活躍 QRコード出力 実機テスト時に大活躍 QRコード関連はライブラリも揃っているので、自前でQRコードを生成して使って居ますが、Google Chart API のQRコード生成をはじめとしたWEBサービスを使えば十分だと思います。 Firefoxのアドオンにもあります
In the Woods - Working with Sessions and Cookies in PHP and MYSQL
Font Squirrel | Download Hundreds of Free @font-face Fonts
Free fonts with ready made css
Hundreds of fonts free for commercial use and @font-face inclusion.
use more typefaces valid css
Expand table rows with jQuery - jExpand plugin
jExpand is ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that will make your tables expandable. Typical for line of business applications, this feature can help you organize tables better. This way, tables can hold more information such as images, lists, diagrams and other elements.
WPS: PostScript for the Web
Welcome to WPS, a PostScript and PDF interpreter for HTML 5 canvas. Note that to see and run the examples, JavaScript must be enabled and your browser must support HTML 5 canvas (latest Firefox, Opera and Chrome should work). This document allows you to try simple PostScript programs in the WPS sandbox. A few examples are presented here accompanied by a brief description of the interpreter and listing some implementation notes for my future reference.
Interprets PDF files for output with HTML 5's <canvas> element
Really neat thing: a postscript interpreter written in JavaScript using Canvas as a drawing surface. Not sure how practical this is, but it sure is fun thing.
Setting cookies with jQuery
Setting and clearing cookies with jQuery is really easy (especially when compared with regular Javascript) but it's not includedin the jQuery core and requires a plug-in. This post shows how to set, get the value of and clear cookies with jQuery.
Setting and clearing cookies with jQuery is really easy (especially when compared with regular Javascript) but it's not included in the jQuery core and requires a plug-in. This post shows how to set, get the value of and clear cookies with jQuery.
The Skinny on Doctypes
Proposes we use the skinny doctype? that's a doctype?
<!doctype html>, that's it.
At Google, we have this obsession with byte size. And by byte size, any “lack-therof” the better. Therefore the doctype you will find on most Google webpages while still triggering the browser into “standards mode” is as simple as you see below:
Справочник JavaScript 4 javamanual russia 44
i love those kind of poeple
Mastering CSS, Part 1: Styling Design Elements | CSS | Smashing Magazine
CSS is one of the most important building blocks of modern web design. Standards demand the use of CSS for formatting and styling pages, and
The 30 Free SEO Tools You Must Know | SEOptimise
Design and Code Your First Website in Easy to Understand Steps - Nettuts+
50+ Top Free Icon Resources and Icon Sets for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
This article gives you one of the largest compilations of Free Icon Resources and Icon Sets aimed for use in web design.
아이콘 모음 사이트
50+ Top Free Icon Resources and Icon Sets for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
Easy Slider 1.7 - Numeric Navigation jQuery Slider | Css Globe
This looks a lot like what you normally use
IE6 No More - Home
Campaign site for retiring the old Internet Explorer 6 browser for good.
IE6 No More
jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption Tutorial | Queness
Хороший слайдер для новостей+описаний. Требует тюнинг, конечно.
Set Up Your Server Right, Part 1 « Envy Labs
how to setup ubuntu server "right" really good guide on basics of setting up server
I am going to go through a series of blog posts explaining a lot of tips, tricks, and best practices for setting up a single server and the general small infrastructures. Today we are going to hit the basics — what I consider to be the bare minimum necessary to get an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server ready to go and serving your rails application
Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ? - CSS-Tricks
Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning
Finsta left a question in the forums: I am fairly new to web design and I could never master the differences in positioning of elements. I know there are
Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ? | CSS-Tricks
Code Samples - IE6 No More
Devo aggiungere una para di questi banner
Convert HTML to PDF with Full CSS Support, an OpenSource Alternative Based on Webkit | BeeBole
"Convert HTML to PDF with Full CSS Support, an OpenSource Alternative Based on Webkit"
30 More Helpful Video Tutorials For Web Developers - Nettuts+
Liste mit Video-Tutorials für PHP, mySQL, jQuery und vieles mehr
You can find a good tutorial on just about any subject of web development, but great video tutorials are much less common. Here are a few great tutorials that
Video Tutorials For Web Developers
ng to do some advanced processing on RSS feeds, Yahoo! Pipes has some modules that can do almost anything you can think of to alter or
Interesting Code Highlighters for blogs and websites
Code highlighters are very useful tools to present code snippets on your blog or website with a professional look and improve the readability of code you provide for your readers. In this post I want to reply to some requests I received in the past weeks about this topic and suggest you my five favourites code highlithers.
It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server. This is
Ajax GUI Framework - Ample SDK
Ajax SDK, Framework
jquery-week-calendar - Project Hosting on Google Code
A jquery plugin providing a weekly view of calendar events #jquery
jCryption - JavaScript data encryption
In short words jCryption is a javascript HTML-Form encryption plugin, which encrypts the POST/GET-Data that will be sent when you submit a form. It uses the Multiple-precision and Barrett modular reduction libraries for the calculations and jQuery for the rest.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
In short words jCryption is a javascript HTML-Form encryption plugin, which encrypts the POST/GET-Data that will be sent when you submit a form. It uses the Multiple-precision and Barrett modular reduction libraries for the calculations and jQuery for the rest. jCryption is completly free and dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses like jQuery.
CSS Typography Reference Sheet - Get Creative with your Headlines! : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Reference tables of CSS properties and sample texts (web safe)
size conversion chart
Free Adobe Tutorials | Photoshop CS4 | Website Design | Layers Magazine
There are a number of ways that you can achieve a refined website by polishing off your design in Photoshop.
Website Design Tips Using Photoshop CS4
5 CSS3 Design Enhancements That You Can Use Today | Webdesigner Depot
25 Detailed Tutorials for Coding Up Your Web Designs
Good - 25 tutorials for coding websites
8 Regular Expressions You Should Know - Nettuts+
Regular expressions are a language of their own. When you learn a new programming language, they're this little sub-language that makes no sense at first glance. Many times you have to read another tutorial, article, or book just to understand the "simple" pattern described. Today, we'll review eight regular expressions that you should know for your next coding project.
2 steps to improve your website load time by 50% « Boxed Ice Blog
40+ Awesome Tutorials and Techniques For WordPress Theme Developers | tripwire magazine
Wordpress is getting more and more popular and that tons of blogs are powered by it. The community around Wordpress is excellent providing free themes and plugings in nearly any form ans shape to meet your specific needs. Further on you can achieve amazing things if you know a few Wordpress hacks and have learned some basic programming skills in PHP and SQL. Many programmers have put together solutions that address need on a blog that are not offered out of the box in Wordpress and you can easily use these in your own templates. This articles provides a list of some of the most essential wordpress hacks available. The WordPress Codex is by far the best place to learn about WordPress and its tweaks. The Wordpress documentation / Codex is simply excellent taking into account that Wordpress is a free software product. If you want to create your own templates or if you’re planning to alter an existing you should get familiar with Codex ASAP. Lets get started with the Wordpress tutorials
Better Default Directory Views with HTAccess • Perishable Press
Beautify your default directory listings! Displaying index-less file views is a great way to share files, but the drab, bare-bones interface is difficult to integrate into existing designs. While there are many scripts available to customize the appearance and functionality of default directory navigation, most of these methods are either too complicated, too invasive, or otherwise insufficient for expedient directory styling. In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to use the built-in functionality of Apache’s mod_autoindex module to style and enhance your default directory views with a smorgasbord of stylistic and functional improvements.
CSS Sprites are Stupid – Let's Use Archives Instead! (Firefox Demo) |
While CSS sprites offer nice performance benefits (less connections/overhead), they are troublesome in every respect. Putting lots of tiny images with different dimensions into one bigger image is fiddly and very hard – np-hard in fact. But that's the smallest issue. It doesn't need to be perfect after all. Deflate will happily squish all that extraneous white-space to virtually nothing. One of the real problems is CSS. It just isn't flexible enough to let you do everything you might want to do with your sprite sheet. For example repeating parts of the image isn't possible. And if you want to display a sub region of an image in the upper right of some element, it only works if that sub region is in the lower left of the sprite sheet. So, the best thing you can do is to use elements in the size of the sub region and use background-position to slide the image around, but that usually means extra markup for something that should be very simple.
In the Woods – 20 SEO Tips That Every Web Developer Should Follow
One aspect of web development that is many times overlooked is search engine optimization. In this list, I’ll show you some basic SEO techniques that will help you make friends with Google, and increase your page rank!
10+ JQuery tutorials for working with HTML forms
11 Of The Handy Free Tools To Increase Designer’s Productivity
Adactio: Journal—Misunderstanding markup
"XHTML 2 is dead. Long live XHTML …as HTML 5."
The death of XHTML has been greatly exaggerated.
The W3C announced last week that the XHTML 2 Working Group will wrap up at the end of this year. This should have been a straightforward, welcome announcement. Instead it has confused a lot of people who believe that it heralds the end of XHTML—see, for example, the comments on Zeldman’s blog post.
- Interactive Webdesign with CSS and jQuery - Webdesign und Webentwicklung im Webstandard-Blog
inspiration for my own site
Web design Q&A - Doctype
Nytt forum för webbutvecklare
Doctype is a free question and answer site for web designers. You can ask questions about CSS, HTML, web design and email design.
Top 10 Wordpress Codes Every Designer Should Know | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Hello there! Here I collected a very great collection of 10 Wordpress codes that I consider the most commonly used by any Wordpress developer. The content was reformatted for quick reference from the Template Tag section of the Codex, a relative encyclopedia to WordPress themeing, and great reference for your WordPress questions.
What in the heck is JSONP and why would you use it? | InsideRIA
<html> <head> <script src="/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script> $(function() { var req = '' $.getJSON(req,{}, function(data) { console.dir(data) }); }); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
simpleCart(js) - Javascript Shopping Cart by The Wojo Group
No databases, no programming, no headaches. A simple javascript shopping cart in under 20kb that you can setup in minutes. It's lightweight, fast, simple to use, and completely customizable. All you need to know is basic HTML.
This is really a cool tool for adding shopping cart to your website. But also checkout the navigation system on documentation section.
15 Tools for Testing your Website
15 Tools for Testing your Website
If you want to have the same experience over multiple browsers and different machines then testing your website is vital. In this article I’ve gathered some of the most important tools that you can use in testing your site against various errors – CSS Errors, HTML Errors, Crossbrowsing Errors etc.
SEOmoz | 10 Things You Must Check When You Re-launch Your Website
Carsonified » 17 Awesome Web Developer Cheat Sheets
I am sure we have all been in the situation where we’ve learned a new piece of software and only a couple of weeks later we’ve forgotten all but the basic commands. This happened to me recently when moving back to SVN after working with Git. Thankfully I have a handful of “cheat sheets” that I call upon at these times.
17 Awesome Web Developer Cheat Sheets
cheat sheets for all sorts of foo
Really Useful Classes And Libraries For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
led on Microsoft
Write When Inspired – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You are not writing for Amazon, or to fit a staff proofreader’s vacation schedule. You are writing for readers. The world is already choking on half-considered, squeezed-out shit. There’s no need to add to the pile. If you want to be great, or at least to be better, start by breathing, taking breaks, and working intensely when the mood is on.
This is interesting, but it's easy to imagine people feeling tired most of the time and there fore always resting
Jeffrey Zeldman shares the simple secret to maintaining quality.
Great piece by Zeldman
"You are writing for readers, a duty as sacred, in its way, as parenting. If you don’t believe the previous sentence, if you think writing is mainly about getting paid, I’m sorry you wasted your time reading this page, and I hope you find another way to earn a living soon. The world is already choking on half-considered, squeezed-out shit. There’s no need to add to the pile. If you want to be great, or at least to be better, start by breathing, taking breaks, and working intensely when the mood is on."
"Write when inspired; rest when tired" –Jeffery Zeldman. Amen.
12 jquery tooltip for web developer
12 jquery tooltip for web developer
Elastic - Make your textareas grow facebook style (jQuery plugin) | Unwrongest
isolani - Web Standards: IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in
isolani - Web Standards:
To pre-empt this nonsense the practical course of action is to add the IE8 Compatibility view to your pages now before your sites get added to a blacklist. Exactly what Microsoft announced a year ago. They've routed around the web standards community. Again. Two extra browsers to test in And to spite us, last week I noticed that the IE7 Compatibility mode doesn't render pages exactly the same as Internet Explorer 7 itself.
"The gist of it is if you want to be sure your site renders in standards compliant mode in IE, you have to explicitly opt into it. Otherwise you risk being blacklisted and thrown into IE7 Compatibility mode."
users install Windows 7 Beta or the next IE8 update, they get a choice about opting-in to a list of sites that should be displayed in Compatibility View. Sites are on this list based on feedback from other IE8 customers: specifically, for what high-volume sites did other users click the Compatibility View button? This list updates automatically, and helps users who aren't web-savvy have a better experience with web sites that aren't yet IE8-ready.
RT @gezlemon: IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in: (via @isofarro_public) [from]
IE7 Compatibility Mode separately.
Microsoft in sneaky u-turn shock
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: WEBアプリのテストに便利なFirefoxのアドオン
Testing Tools | Testing Web Sites
Here is a collection of some testing tools that we have compiled to aid your testing handily grouped into categories. Look out for our reviews of some of these tools coming soon.
Testing Web Sites
How to Build a Web Site from Scratch with No Experience - Education - Lifehacker
I took one (bad) computer science class in college, and I'm not a web developer. So in early 2008, when I decided I was finally going to build a web site I'd been fantasizing about for years, I was starting from scratch.
Carsonified » The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
Best Software to Create a Social Networking Community with CMS Software : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
Opensource SMS systems
Best Software to Create a Social Networking Community with CMS Software : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
25+ Awesome Slider Techniques NEED TO HAVE for any Web Developer | tripwire magazine
65 Must-Know CSS Strategies and Tutorials - Webitect
Some good tutorials and resources on CSS
13 Tips for Working with WordPress on Client Sites
30 Essential Free Portable Web Design and Development Applications : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All of these freeware applications have been in some cases, modified and trimmed down in size to allow them to fit on to a portable device like a USB drive or a portable hard drive. Rather than carrying a bulky laptop, you can carry all your applications and programs, your bookmarks, local servers, emails, passwords, graphic editors and favorite browsers with you anywhere in your pocket. What a great idea!
All of these freeware applications have been in some cases, modified and trimmed down in size to allow them to fit on to a portable device like a USB drive or a portable hard drive. Rather than carrying a bulky laptop, you can carry all your applications and programs, your bookmarks, local servers, emails, passwords, graphic editors and favorite browsers with you anywhere in your pocket. What a great idea! Portable Web Browsers
How To Effectively Communicate With Developers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
eam. Often times, this is where design ends and development begins. As designers, this is where we should be most involved to ensure that the design concept is fully realized in the working application. Avoid just ‘throwing the design over the fence’, and hoping the developers implement it exactly how you have envisioned it in your
If you have ever worked with a developer or a development team, this article will probably strike close to home. As designers, we work with
Article on designer - developer communication
AjaxCase - Ajax Examples And Demos Collection - Latest Ajax
AjaxCase is the best collection of Ajax examples and demos around the web. you could find many useful ajax examples and demos on AjaxCase, the ones you can use in almost every project you will be working on.
Ferramentas Web
awesome ajax
The Future of WordPress Themes 2009
Top theme designers with their predictions: more frameworks...
Last but not least, I see the premium/proprietary theme market expanding instead of shrinking. Will these new entrants abide by the GPL? Only time will tell.
Две float-колонки одинаковой высоты
2 columns, same height.
10 tips for efficient design « Boagworld
Obtrusive JavaScript Checker - Robert’s talk - Web development and Internet trends
"Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border." (This is available as both a Greasemonkey script and as a separate extension.)
Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad,
'Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border. It also highlights javascript:'
"Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border. "
Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border. It also highlights javascript: links with a magenta border.
8 Web Usability and Best Practices for Beginners | Desizn Tech
19 Firefox Add-ons For Designers
Extensiones de Firefox para diseñadores de webs.
AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin | CSS-Tricks
Posted from: CSS-Tricks
Just what the world needs, another jQuery slider. YAWN. I know, check this one out though, it's got lots of cool features. Here on CSS-Tricks, I've created a
21 Really Useful & Handy PHP Code Snippets
generating random passwords, encoding email adds, etc.
Coding Horror: All Programming is Web Programming
are two reasons for thi
The Art of User-Centric Web Design - Webitect
Muy importante, leer detenidamente
User-centric web design is a method of web design where the content, design, and usability factors are all placed in accordance to the target audience’s needs and goals — a design that is centered around the user. This article will cover the basics of what user-centric web design is, and how to achieve it.
A List Apart: Articles: JavaScript MVC
Once a bit player, JavaScript increasingly takes center stage. Its footprint—the space it takes up on our servers and in our development schedules—continues to grow. So how can we make our JavaScript more reusable and easier to maintain? Perhaps MVC will offer some clues. While MVC is a familiar term to those in back-end application development—using frameworks such as Struts, Ruby on Rails, and CakePHP—MVC’s origin in user interface development lends itself to structuring client-side applications. Let’s examine what MVC is, see how we can use it to rework an example project, and consider some existing MVC frameworks.
5 Ways to Make Ajax Calls with jQuery - Nettuts+
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this tutorial, we'll line them up and make a comparison. Additionally. we'll review how to inspect these AJAX calls with Firebug as well.
from Twitter
For static content, we may want the response cached. But for dynamic content, which can change in a second's time, caching AJAX becomes a bug, right? It should be noted that Internet Explorer always caches AJAX calls, while other browsers behave differently. So we'd better tell the browser explicitly whether or not AJAX should be cached. With jQuery, we can accomplish this simply by typing:
10 Useful WordPress Hook Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Hooks are very useful in WordPress. They allow you to hook a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress' functionality
Hooks are very useful in WordPress. They allow you to “hook” a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress’ functionality without editing core files. In this article, we have compiled 10 extremely useful ready-to-use WordPress hooks, along with examples and coding explanations.
from Twitter
Howto sur les hooks de wordpress
25+ jQuery Tutorials Roundup | ExtraTuts
25+ jQuery Tutorials Roundup | ExtraTuts
jQuery Tutorials Roundup
Lessn //
url shortner
I recently purchased (ooh, dynamically generated SVG). Because the domain itself is so short (compared to the verbose and in light of the current volatility exhibited by third-party url shorteners, I thought I would try my hand at rolling my own shortener. A few people have inquired about it so here we are.
Lessn is an extremely simple, personal url shortener written in PHP with MySQL and mod_rewrite.
Free and simple URL shortener software.
Kyle Pott » Make Your Wordpress Blog Mobile Compliant in One Step
Great wordpress blog tip for mobile compatability!
Mobile phones (especially those with web browsing capabilities) are becoming very pervasive. The percentage of visitors reading your blog from a mobile phone is probably growing exponentially. The best part about the technique I’m going to show you is that it is not going to cost you anything to display a mobile version of your blog.
You may have noticed that this blog now has a mobile version for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You may also have noticed that there is a second mobile format for all other smart phones, too. Thanks to the ease-of-use of Wordpress, you can make your blog mobile compliant in about five minutes and without writing one line of code.
Dive Into HTML 5
I Am Paddy » A - Z of Web Design
a holy geezus of web design links
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design. It was quite a challenge to choose representatives for some of the letters. Who do you think should have made the list? Post your suggestions in the comments.
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design.
CSS Sprites with Inline Images | CSS-Tricks
using one image and clipping it to produce multiple sub-images. good optimization technique image loading times.
Top 10 WordPress hacks from June ‘09
Make your WordPress theme translatable List all hooked WordPress functions Disable WordPress automatic formatting on posts using a shortcode How to detect the visitor browser within WordPress Creating user-defined RSS feeds in WordPress Display your tags in a dropdown menu Retrieving custom fields outside the loop Create custom “Read more” links on your WordPress blog Get tags specific to a particular category on your WordPress blog Get rid of auto media enclosures on your WordPress blog
Carsonified » How to Get Started with the Twitter API
How to Get Started with the Twitter API
Thanks to some very nice open source libraries for quite a few programming languages, interacting with the Twitter API has become exceedingly simple. In this article we’ll be looking at different ways to pull in data from Twitter.
16 Cheat Sheets on 16 Essential Topics for Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
10 Reasons to Politely Decline a Web Design Gig - Webmonkey
Read: 10 Reasons to Politely Decline a Web Design Gig [from]
Beautiful sets of environment and nature icons
free vector art
Carsonified » 10 Vital Lessons for Web Start-Ups
Interesting points about demos, pricing infrastructure, release schedules etc
Creating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets - Nettuts+
m initiates by declaring a v
Creating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets
Conversie van postcode naar straat + woonplaats
Door de data van bevat #6pp al meer dan 50% van het totaal aantal postcodes in Nederland. Dank aan JWvdV voor de import.Project 6PP ontsluit vrije geografische gegevens in Nederland. Plaatsen, postcodes, straten en geo-coördinaten zijn toegankelijk als wiki, webservice en downloads.
Project 6PP ontsluit vrije geografische gegevens in Nederland. Plaatsen, postcodes, straten en geo-coördinaten zijn toegankelijk als wiki, webservice en downloads
Make Your Web Analytics Actionable in 5 DIY Steps | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
JavaScript: Bad Practices - James Padolsey
Más práticas de Javascript
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Looks very similar to Steve Souders' YSlow extension.
Google __Page Speed__ sounds like Yahoo's Y Slow.
Expand Your Development Skills With Creative Tech Projects | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
iPhone Development
Expand Your Development Skills With Creative Tech Projects | Inspiration
Even if you’re an experienced Web developer, your next project doesn’t have to be a website. Sometimes doing something outside of the usual Web developer’s box is more fun and can even be educational. We’ll try here to give you some inspiration on what to do on your next rainy day. You can learn a lot by doing something other than building or designing a website. And if you stick with techniques that you can learn in a couple hours, you won’t burden yourself either.
Tweetable - a jQuery plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Tweetable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to display your twitter feed on your site quickly and easily. More than just displaying the feeds you can highlight @replys as well as links being dynamically generated for ease of use.
Display your twitter feed on your site with a jQuery plugin.
Para mostrar los twits en tu site con jQuery
show twitter feed with jquery
A Crash-Course in Advanced CSS3 Effects - Nettuts+
Webkit is one of the few - if only - browser engines that really embraces advanced CSS3 effects. Unfortunately, this presents somewhat of a double-edged
EDT 667
10 Excellent Feedback Tools for Web Designers
10 fresh, useful and fun ways to get an outside perspective on your work.
20 tips for writing for the web | FatDUX | blogging about user experiences
Interesting set of rules to follow, when writing for an online audience.
Supercharge Your CSS with PHP Under the Hood - Nettuts+
Not sure is a good approach but is a nice concept
Cascading Style Sheets is a presentational style sheet language. In that sense, it does not have a lot of the functionality that many developers want to satisfy their programmer instincts. Today, we're going to go over how to supercharge your CSS by putting some PHP under the hood.
45 Inspirational Corporate Website Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
As you already seen in our previous showcase of Corporate Website Designs that a perfect layout, A good design and nice resources can produce a creative output. Layout, textures and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of excellent designs. However, When it comes to corporate website design you need to take care about many things which includes simplicity, readability, presentation and accessibility. In this presentation, you’ll find variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational corporate designs which is easy to accessible and convenient to approachable. The main purpose here is to stimulate your creativity and to inspire your imagination to design or redesign your work site to show your skills to potential clients.
Unify: update now
Edit website content right on the page …in a browser.
In-browser text editing, might suit the bookstore
small content editor for static sites
Google Maps Mania: Design Portfolios on Google Maps webdesign google design inspiration websites development jQuery creative hack Maps portfolio visualization googlemaps webdev data mapping api
Essential Learning for Ruby and Rails - Nettuts+
Ruby is rapidly becoming the preferred programming language for many developers. With that said, let's look at some of the best tutorials, videos and books to
CSS code structure for HTML 5: some useful guidelines
In this post I want to illustrate some useful guidelines about how to implement a well organized CSS code structure in view of introduction of HTML 5 markup language. They are not general rules but simple suggestions you can follow in order to improve the readability, manageability, and general organization of CSS code. These suggestions are especially useful if you have to work on complex CSS files that otherwise can be difficult to manage. I prefer to separate CSS code in three distinct sections: a first section that contains general HTML tags; a second section that contains structure tags; a last section with custom classes.
Git: Your New Best Friend [Server Side Essentials]
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Version control is the process of recording the history of changes to files as they are modified. Users can go back in time and get old versions and identify where changes were introduced (people sometimes refer to version control tools as time machines). This means that it’s easier to: * protect against changes—accidental or otherwise—and be able to access a known good version of a file * track down problems and make fixes to previous versions of files * allow more than one person to modify project files simultaneously (programmers refer to this as parallel development) * retrieve an older set of files (if requested by a customer or manager, for example)
Good advice on branches for web development (production, release, maintenance, etc).
How to set upand use GIT
introduction intro to git
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Afterwards the reader should be able to use Git for basic version control and know where to locate further information.
15 New Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers
Adobe AIRAdobe AIR has clearly became the standard on creating desktop applications for web developers.
Adobe AIR has clearly became the standard on creating desktop applications for web developers. Besides the offline applications, it can combine the richness of web with the simplicity of desktop & offer very functional tools.
15 New Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers [from]
Ultimate Guide To Web Optimization (Tips & Best Practices) | How-To
Optimization of website performance.
Django-SocialAuth - Login via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google using a single app. — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system.
TL;DR version: Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system. (@login_required, User and other infrastructure work as expected.) Demo and Code.Longer version follow:
Minimalist designs in WordPress and good themes to get started | Wordpress Themes Collection
I could have used this a couple of weeks ago.
Less is often better and that’s something we designers seem to forget to satisfy our lust for intricate designs. Detail is what makes a good design, and minimal is all about that. Minimal is fresh, often very usable and doesn’t blow your mind up with things to concentrate on.
How To Develop Websites On Linux | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Make your pages load faster by combining and compressing javascript and css files | rakaz
Make your pages load faster by combining and compressing javascript and css files | rakaz
CMS your WordPress with these 10 plugins
Must have extensions for using WordPress as a CMS
There are 2 ways to make WordPress into a better CMS. The first way involves a lot more time spent building your theme and ultimately a lot more cost. The second way uses third party plugins to extend your CMS’ functionality.
High Performance Web Sites :: Simplifying CSS Selectors
This post is based on a chapter from Even Faster Web Sites, the follow-up to High Performance Web Sites. Posts in this series include: chapters and contributing authors, Splitting the Initial Payload, Loading Scripts Without Blocking, Coupling Asynchronous Scripts, Positioning Inline Scripts, Sharding Dominant Domains, Flushing the Document Early, Using Iframes Sparingly, and Simplifying CSS Selectors. “Simplifying CSS Selectors” is the last chapter in my next book. My investigation into CSS selector performance is therefore fairly recent. A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about the Performance Impact of CSS Selectors. It talks about the different types of CSS selectors, which ones are hypothesized to be the most painful, and how the impact of selector matching might be overestimated. It concludes with this hypothesis:
[Browsers read CSS selectors from right to left, therefore...] The key to optimizing CSS selectors is to focus on the rightmost selector, also called the key selector (coincidence?). Here’s a much more expensive selector: A.class0007 * {}. Although this selector might look simpler, it’s more expensive for the browser to match. Because the browser moves right to left, it starts by checking all the elements that match the key selector, “*“. This means the browser must try to match this selector against all elements in the page.
35 Websites To Teach You How To Use CSS Effectively | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
CSS is an online tool to help web designers and web developers to build CSS Sprites. If you don't know what is a CSS sprites and are a web designer/developer please, do Internet a favor and consult this great article on A List Apart on the subject.
"CSS is an online tool to help web designers and web developers to build CSS Sprites. If you don't know what is a CSS sprites and are a web designer/developer please, do Internet a favor and consult this great article on A List Apart on the subject. "
25 Websites with Lighting Effects – Part III | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development Blog
Top 10 tips to a new django developer : Dpeepul Blog
1.Don’t put project name in the imports For example suppose say you have an app “xyz” in the project say “project3” then don’t say
Nice tips for django apps: what not to do for beginners
edious to change DEBUG=False ( when moving to production server Often we forget to change DEBUG to False when we move from local environment to production
20 Vital Techniques & Best Practices For Effective Web Design
Tutte le tecniche di design moderno applicate al web design
Titlen er noget vrøvl, men mange fine eksempler
9 Most Useful jQuery Plugins.
9lessons is a popular programming blog maintained by from Srinivas Tamada. Topics focus on programming, tutorials, jquery, ajax, php, mysql, javascript, jsp, database, java and resources 9 lessons.
15 Unconventional Uses of WordPress in Action
WordPress is known as one of the most powerful open-source blogging platform, but it can be a lot more then just a blogging platform. We already know about using WordPress as a content management system (CMS), but WordPress is much more flexible than that. With the combine use of plugins, and hacks, WordPress can be used in many unique and unconventional ways. In this article we will highlight some of the most unconventional uses of WordPress and show you how you can use WordPress in these unconventional way as well.
A List Apart: Articles: Get Ready for HTML 5
intro to HTML 5, input validation, canvas, regular expressions, SVG
With support in Chrome, Firefox 3.5, Opera, and Safari, HTML 5 is coming at you like a runaway train. Here are some suggestions to help you prepare to get on board rather than be left at the platform or tied to the tracks.
none of that will help you understand HTML 5 as much as using the new elements. You can modify part of an existing site or experiment by creating new pages.
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
25 Incredibly Useful CSS Tricks You Should Know
25 trucos CSS que deberías conocer
Handy CSS Tricks
Carsonified » How to Create Bulletproof Sessions
»In the first part of this series we went over how a cookie works and what can be done to secure them. In this section we’re going to go over ways to add additional security to the session beyond the cookie itself.«
I've been looking for a good way to do sessions. I only skimmed so needs further reading.
Carsonified &gt;&gt; How to Create Bulletproof Sessions [from]
Really Useful Tutorials You Should Have Read in August 2009 | W3Avenue
Really Useful Tutorials You Should Have Read in August 2009
The Ultimate Guide to Version Control for Designers
7 Very Simple Tips and Tricks for getting More out of WordPress - Inspect Element
HTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.
いまからでも遅くない! ケータイデザインの基礎固め(1/2) - @IT
20 jQuery Plugins/Techniques For Web Designers And Developers - Codefusion Lab
HTML 5 pocket book
Thank you Jeremy Keith.
@adactio’s HTML5 pocketbook from dConstruct 2009 HTML5 workshop
HTML 5 pocket book -
How To Use Pure CSS To Style Web Form Dynamically Plus 12 Awesome JavaScript Plugins | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
css web form and jquery plugins
style your forms
Snakes on the Web
simple nice comment formatting.
A very interesting presentation on the past, present and future of webdev. Python and Django oriented.
That is, PHP suffers from most of the same problems as CGI, but to a lesser extent.
Joe Gregorio suggested Protocol Buffers as a efficient to implement inter-operation for applications built with different languages. Look in the comments for "Common Lisp Users" and laugh out loud. It's really true. Man, we, those who program as a business, are really screwed big time with mass concurrency problems.
Why do you hope you're using Python in 2020? I've been a Ruby developer for the last 3 years, but I don't hope I'm still using Ruby in 10 years. I hope something has come along by then and swept away my expectations of what programming can be like and replaced it with something that feels wholly new, like has happened for me multiple times. I'd feel stagnant and dependent if I was using one primary language for 10 years.
Bit of crystal ball peering
What sucks, now, about web development? How will we fix it? Can we fix it with Python?
38 jQuery And CSS Drop Down Multi Level Menu Solutions | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Hello again, it’s time for comprehensive programming article. Here you’ll find 38 mainly jquery and CSS based drop-down or just multi level menu tutorials with down loadable files and explanations as well. My favorite here is the first pick – Outside the box with very unique navigation menu. It’s always good to have such reference articles in your bookmarks and when you have to create some really big website with a lot of content and menu sections – just return here. Shorten your developing process with already premade menus, which can be easily modified with little touch of CSS.
About - jCore - the Webmaster's Multisite CMS
jCore is a Multi Site web Content Management System build especially for webmasters (using the well known LAMP environment) who have to maintain multiple websites for their clients and they would like to keep the source codes up to date and easily fix bugs for all clients at once.
Fonts for web design: a primer - Opera Developer Community
Opera Developer Community article: Fonts for web design: a primer
Really interesting discussion of the standard web fonts.
Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications: MicroISV on a Shoestring
Why this developer switched his bingo calculator from a desktop app to a web app and increased conversion; Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications
Demo | CKEditor
Demo | CKEditor -
@tobinharris: FCKEditor got an awesome revamp. Fast AND pretty!
Editor de HTML
Validació de formularis
Javascript Validation Library
Simple, intuitive yet powerful client side validation. No need for coding, easily extendable and customizable.
HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Woork
A simple visual grid with a list of all HTML tags and their related attributes supported by HTML versions 4.01 and/or 5.
HTML5 きたよー
Amazing Multi Style Menu w/ jQuery and CSS | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. In this post I’ve selected 14 jQuery navigation menu tutorials that you can learn from them how to impalement your own jQuery based navigation and have some great effects.
31 Refreshing Jquery Techniques/Plugins - Codefusion Lab
On HTML 5 Drag and Drop « alert debugging
HTML 5 is shaping up to be quite an impressive step up from the capabilities web developers are currently constrained to. One of my favorite new features provided by the spec is support for native drag and drop.
Horizontal Navigation Menus: Trends, Patterns, and Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
The horizontal navigation menu has become a mainstay in Web design. It is safe to say that nowadays most websites use some form of horizontal
15 Great jQuery Plugins For Better Table Manipulation
HTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Optimize your crawling & indexing
Maintainability Guide (Beta) – Jens Meiert
This documentation on maintenance and maintainability means a start. I’ve been focusing a lot on these topics over the last few weeks, maybe a bit longer, so it’s been about time to share some beef, and to still, all of a sudden, double the documentation that’s out there.
11 Classic CSS Techniques Made Simple with CSS3 - Nettuts+
These are some time savers!
truques e dicas css
We've all had to achieve some effect that required an extra handful of divs or PNGs. We shouldn't be limited to these old techniques when there's a new age
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Let's make the web faster
35 Stylish And Modern Wordpress Plugins Using jQuery UI | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Excellent wordpress plugins harnessing the power of jQuery!
wordpress jquery
Design for Startups: The Aesthetics of Web Apps in 6 Questions - ReadWriteStart
Evil Rich has some helpful tips.
9 Things You Can’t Forget When Designing a Blog | Tutorial9
Great reminders when Designing a blog!
Designing a blog can be quite a daunting task, to be sure. To-do lists alone for could fill pages if you were to include all the minor details that accompany the project. Which is why most designers shy away from logging that in-depth of a laundry list of items, indispensable and not so much, to get done by the launch date of the blog. Which is also why some of these little things that would make the latter pages of the list, more often than not, get overlooked. Never fear, that is why we are here!
Do you ever forget to do one of these things when building a new website? These are 9 pretty essential things to keep in mind when building a new blog or site!
Detecting HTML5 Features - Dive Into HTML5
Embeddable Google Document Viewer
"Google Docs offers an undocumented feature that lets you embed PDF files and PowerPoint presentations in a web page. The files don't have to be uploaded to Google Docs, but they need to be available online". Works for PDF or PPT files.
HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
Guide to HTML5 Hiccups
HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
55+ Seriously Useful Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets | tripwire magazine
10 Productivity Tips for Web Designers and Developers - Inspect Element
10 Productivity Tips for Web Designers and Developers
21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks -
21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks. Custom Directory Index Files, Custom Error Pages, access at files & directory, 301 Redirect, Modifying the Environment Variable, Caching Scheme, Compress GZIP, Redirect https
The Ultimate A-Z of the Best Design and Development Related Sites - Inspect Element
WordPress Cheat Sheet - Nettuts+
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
16 Tools And Generators For Web Designers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Calling all web designers and developers! Here is an unmissable list of helpful web tools you need to check out if you haven't already. On the list are color palette generators, available domain name finders, template makers, CSS grids and much more!
Calling all web designers and developers! Here is an unmissable list of helpful web tools you need to check out if you haven’t already. On the list are color palette generators, available domain name finders, template makers, CSS grids and much more! If you have any more tools / generators you would like to share with us, then please feel free to drop in a comment and we will add it to the next list. Remember to click on the images to visit each tool.
16 Free Javascript Code Syntax Highlighters For Better Programming | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
16 Javascript para resaltar los códigos de tus post
Ekin Ertaç
wordpress tag チートシート
Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
La liste de toutes les commandes wordpress pour réaliser son propre thème (lien direct: )
Free Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
70+ Awesome Free Icon Sets and Icons Collections for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
Home - Browserscope
js-powered css, acid3, etc. browser tests and results
Recent tests 12:13 p.m. Other acid3 100 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 richtext 117/149 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 selectors 99.3% 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 acid3 93 12:13 p.m. Chrome 4.0.206 network 9/11 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 network 9/11 12:12 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 richtext 0/149 12:12 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 selectors 0% 12:12 p.m. Firefox 3.0.14 richtext 117/149 12:11 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 acid3 89 Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers. Gathering test results from users "in the wild" is the most important and useful feature of Browserscope - and you can participate!
Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers.
Damn Small PHP Frameworks. Because size does matter. | Jeez Tech
Nice round up of lightweight frameworks for PHP
How to Make a Light and Sleek Web Layout in Photoshop
Tutorial para crear una bonita web en PSD.
A Deeper Look at mod_rewrite for Apache - Nettuts+
Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
I've scoured the web for resources and also included some of my own fixes for IE6 and now I've put it all together in this cheetsheet/reference manual as a resource for anyone who has to deal with Internet Explorer 6.
This is the IE6 resource you've been hoping for. Learn pre-emptive best practices and find fixes for over 25 Internet Explorer 6 bugs.
Carsonified » How to Debug in PHP
Great look at Debugging PHP - Useful for anyone really
The Z-Index CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look « Smashing Magazine
ue Box Gold Box
CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look « Smashing Magazine
Z-index CSS Property
30 CSS Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
CSS is a language that is used by nearly every developer at some point. While it's a language that we sometimes take for granted, it is powerful and has many
Why Your Next Website Should be Designed with Wireframes | Build Internet!
Getting a design to click can take time. In many cases, it takes several rounds of revisions to even get to an effective starting point. What can you do to give yourself a better chance at designing something great sooner?
10 Top-Notch CSS Editors
High Performance Web Sites :: SpriteMe makes spriting easy
Bookmarklet, das die Stylesheets und Hintergrundbilder einer Seite auswertet und Bilder vorschlägt, die man in Sprites vereinigen kann. Per Knopfdruck wird entsprechende Sprite generiert.
Sprite your icons and small images to minimize the number of HTTP requests you make.
Bestwebframeworks » Find and compare PHP, Ruby, JS and CSS Frameworks
web framework comparisons
comparaison de frameworks php, ruby, js, css
A Bundle of Free Icons | Build Internet!
best icon layout
Clamato: A Smalltalk Dialect for JavaScript
"Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime. "
Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime.
Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime. Clamato is self-hosting, in that it can compile itself to efficient JavaScript, entirely within the web browser. It uses a parser library based on Lukas Renggli’s PetitParser. Smalltalk constructs (eg: temps, instance variables, message sends, blocks) generally map one-to-one to their JavaScript equivalents (respectively: local variables, object properties, method calls, functions). There are several departures from Smalltalk’s syntax and semantics. The most notable of these are: no explicit returns, 0-based indexing, no metaclass hierarchy, special syntax for instance variables. Clamato includes an (incomplete) interface to the JQuery JavaScript library, along with a Seaside-like HTML builder. Cæsar is a system browser built on all of the above. Like Clamato, it departs in a few notable ways from traditional Smalltalk browsers, but retains their spirit.
70+ Ajax techniques you just can't afford to miss | AJAX Techniques | Tools
In this article tripwire magazine present a list of more than 70 useful AJAX-based techniques and tools you should always be aware of when developing Ajax-based web-applications. The article gives you instant access to Ajax menus, calendars, interactive elements, animation, basic javascripts, visual effects, auto-completion, instant field editing that you browse quickly without looking through endless search results or bookmarks.
DatePicker - jQuery plugin
Calendario tanto ate para combobox
Turn your jQuery code into a richer, unit testable, plugin —
It took me a little while before I gave jquery plugins a go, thinking it will be complex and I won’t have time. But, it turns out to be really simple, elegant and useful for both simple and complicated scenarios.
Ótimo tutorial que mostra desde a criação de um simples plugin à criação de testes unitários
Might use fireunit instead of QUnit
12 Web Design Directories To Improve Your SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, StatisticsPopular Firefox Extensions for SEO mastersWhat Screen Resolution We Should [...]
CSS Compressor - Online code compressor for Cascading Style Sheets
Use this Cascading Style Sheets, CSS Compressor to compress CSS to reduce CSS code size and make your web pages load faster. You can select from four levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. It is quick, easy and free!
Online code compressor for Cascading Style Sheets
Compress CSS code to reduce file size and make your sites load faster for free.
XHTML & CSS Lightbox
Lightbox without the Javascript. Me likey.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking
seo and meta tag's
zen-coding - Project Hosting on Google Code
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins for TextMate and NetBeans. They are using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
textmate plugins for zen coding
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Sammy.js, CouchDB, and the new web architecture
Google Chrome Frame - Google Code
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame
Stacey, Simplified portfolios
"Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site. No database setup or installation files, simply drop the application on a server and it runs. Your content is managed by creating folders and editing text files. No login screens, no ‘cms’."
for indexhibit
Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site.
30 Bad Practices of Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
Very useful list of advice and steps to improve websites
Qué cosas no hay que hacer
Download details: Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer
Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer is a stand-alone visual debugging tool that makes it faster and easier to migrate your sites from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 or 8. With Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer, you can ensure that your Web sites work correctly in Internet Explorer 8 while also maintaining compatibility with earlier versions of Internet Explorer.
Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer is a visual debugging tool that makes it easier to migrate your web sites from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 or 8.
SuperPreview for Internet Explorer
Website Features That You Can Easily Offload
offload certain site features to share the burden. In this article, you’ll read about six site features you can easily offload, and the web services that you can use for them
Create an In-Place Editing System - Nettuts+
"Making users click through multiple pages just to edit a field is so 1999. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create an in-place editing system as found on popular sites, such as Flickr."
10 Awful IE Bugs and Fixes | Queness
The Art of zen-coding: Bringing Snippets to a New Level - Monday By Noon
It doesn’t stop there. zen-coding has included an even more elaborate set of possibilities on top of valid CSS selectors.
I've rigged up some similar snippets that make my workflow in TextMate irreplaceable. Might have to install these snippets to get a broader range though.
Diesel: How Python Does Comet
framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. It uses Python's generators to provide a friendly syntax for coroutines and continuations. It performs well and handles high concurrency with ease.
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python.
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. It uses Python's generators to provide a friendly syntax for coroutines and continuations. It performs well and handles high concurrency with ease.
10+ extremely useful PHP classes
One of the numerous good points of the PHP programming language is its extensibility. In this article, I’m going to show you 10+ extremely useful PHP classes that will definitely make your developer life easier.
Why front-end developers are so important to the future of businesses on the web -
This means job security for me. ;)
to the future of businesses on the web
If anyone ever wanted to understand my role in 'making websites' read this now!
The Guardian's Paul Carvill on the importance of front-end development. If you've ever found yourself trying to justify why you need more time to do your job and why it's not just 'pushing pixels', this opinion piece should give you plenty of ammunition.
30 Great Sites Using Wordpress as a CMS | Pro Blog Design
12 Really Useful CSS3 Tips And Techniques | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Mastering Spring MVC - JavaWorld
Model-View-Controller Web frameworks for Java are plentiful, and most of them integrate with Spring, but the tightest integration can be found in Spring's own MVC module. Get started with Spring MVC in this introductory article by Steven Haines, who begins with a history of the Model-View-Controller paradigm in Java Web development. He then introduces the Spring Framework and explains how it leverages the concepts of Spring, including dependency injection. Finally, Steven guides you through a programming tutorial that demonstrates the core features of Spring MVC in an easy-to-follow, hands-on format.
Corporate Website Designs: 60 Inspirational Examples | Inspiration | instantShift
Matasano Security LLC - Chargen - Indie Software Security: A ~12 Step Program
Good presentation
1 hr talk (via DaringFireball)
Best jQuery Tutorials for June 2009 | AjaxLine - Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
Inform your visitors about browser-updates
Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
This service is an opportunity to inform your visitors unobtrusively to switch to a newer browser. Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason. Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner.
The Ultimate Programming Cheat Sheet List For Web Designers And Developers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Create a Simple CSS + Javascript Tooltip with jQuery | Queness
Список полезных инструментов для CSS разработчика / Web-разработка / Хабрахабр
37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins | Listelog
Caffeinated Simpleton » Blog Archive » An Introduction to JavaScript’s “this”
In many languages (all the good ones, if you ask me),  lexical scoping is supported. Lexical scoping basically allows you to access local variables in a parent function. If a function is defined within another function, it can access its own local variables as well as those of the function it was defined within. Time for another example.function drinkBeer() { var beer = "Big Daddy IPA"; function pour() { var glass = "Pint Glass"; return "Poured " + beer + " into a " + glass; } function drink() { beer = null; return "Beer is all gone"; } pour(); drink(); } drinkBeer();This works just fine. drinkBeer cannot access glass, but pour and drink can access beer. //// /*<!--<a href="">Caffeinated Simpleton » Blog Archive » An Introduction to JavaScript’s “this”</a>-->*/
jQuery Tools: The missing UI library for the Web « Noupe
Great for jQuery lovers
"jquery tools plugins must-read"
Improve your jQuery – 25 excellent tips | Listelog
QuirksBlog: The HTML5 drag and drop disaster
"After spending about a day and a half in testing I am forced to conclude that the HTML5 drag and drop module is not just a disaster, it’s a fucking disaster."
Holy H Christ... WHAT have we done!? We stood idly by and let this drag and drop disaster happen.
Gee, I wonder why that is.
20 Fantastic Latest jQuery Plugins
20 Fantastic Latest jQuery Plugins
13 Firefox Add-ons For Web Development
e (Errors, Warnings, Messages), languages (JavaScript, CSS, XML) and context (Chrome, Content).
browser compatibility information in a handy dock at the bottom of the browser, and was created for SitePoint by James Edwards, a JavaScript guru and author (until the updated version is approved on the Mozilla add-ons site, you’ll need to grab the latest version, which is compatible with Firefox 3.5, fro
Python Library for Google Translate - good coders code, great reuse
frickin sweet
I have extended my xgoogle library with a Python module for Google Translate. The new module is called “xgoogle.translate” and it implements two classes - “Translator” and “LanguageDetector“. The “Translator” class can be used to translate text. It provides a function called “translate” that takes three arguments - “message“, “lang_from” and “lang_to“. It returns the translated text as a Unicode string. Don’t forget to encode it to the right encoding before outputting, otherwise you’ll get errors such as “UnicodeEncodeError: ‘latin-1′ codec can’t encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(256)”
Llyfrgell google translate i python
Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery (FormToWizard plugin)
Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery (FormToWizard plugin)
33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment Section | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
I went further and found 33 Wordpress plugins, which can be used effectively to power up and evolve comment form possibilities and security.
Facebook Just Made It Super Easy To Put Connect On Your Site
Facebook Connect launched to the public less than a year ago, and already it's seen an incredible amount of traction. Unfortunately, for those ...
Facebook Just Made It Super Easy To Put Connect On Your Site
How to Write a Facebook Application in 5 Minutes - Facebook Apps Tutorial for Non-Developers
This step-by-step guide describes how you can write your own Facebook App in 5 minutes without being a geek. A video tutorial for writing Facebook applications is included for reference.
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Add Facebook Connect Features to Your Site in Three Steps
Facebook connect
Add Facebook Connect Features to Your Site in Three Steps
The Facebook Connect Wizard is just what it sounds like – a way to incorporate Facebook Connect into your website in three steps. Just enter in your URL, upload a file to your server so that Facebook Connect can talk to your site, and then find the social markup and integration tools you want to add on the backend of your site.
Over the last ten months, Facebook Connect has flourished as a tool to not only minimize login and sign-up minutiae, but to allow developers and content
Different Methods for Choosing Color Schemes in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Chicago Boss - the no-nonsense MVC framework for Erlang
Distributed web hosting via erlang/python
Plumber Jack: Python Logging 101
List of Really Useful Plugins and Resources For MooTools | W3Avenue
also has links to other mootools sites
13 Great Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Admin Area | Pro Blog Design
13 plugins pour gonfler votre administration Wordpress
formaldehyde - Project Hosting on Google Code
sounds super useful, wish there was something like this for flash.
PHP debug info for the client side
Include-olsz egy php fájl a forrásodban, plusz egy plugint felresz, és máris van egy php debuggered a böngésződben a Firebug-ba beépülve.
Output PHP debug info to client side.
awesome looking in-browser PHP debugger - nearly as nice as the werkzeug ine is for Python. "I develop PHP async interactions via ActionScript and LoadVars, Ajax, or Remote Scripting before, since year 2000 but for some reason I have never thought about a portable, scalable, simple, and complete debugger file as Formaldehyde is. I hope you'll appreciate its simplicity, its basic and useful features, and I am waiting for your feedback in WebReflection"
Pretty useful when working with API's. I like it...
"Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs."
Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
HTTP request debugging in the web, perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
Hurl make HTTP requests like 'cURL' but a web interface.
Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
jqtouch - Project Hosting on Google Code
Documentation to support use of jqtouch to develop iPhone web applications quickly and easily
Simple Techniques to Lock Down your Website - Nettuts+
One crucial part of PHP development practice is always keeping in mind that security is not something you can simply buy off the shelf at your local convenient
percobaan » Face detection in javascript + canvas
Detecção de faces utilizando javascript
Script permettant de faire de la détection faciale à l'aide de javascript.
Amazon Web Services Blog: Don't Forget: You Can Use Amazon SimpleDB For Free!
Active State in Navigation - CSS Navigation Tutorial - Active Navigation Tutorial CSS
I am sure you have been on a website where the navigation has an “active” state, basically showing you which page you are currently on. Take a look at my top navigation, you should see that the “Blog” link is in its active state. This technique is what you will be learning today. Take a look at the demo below to get a preview of what you will be creating. Also if you would like to download the PSD that we will be working with, go right ahead.
nice menu tutorial
10 Essential Wordpress Plugins For New Wordpress Installation
* CSS * Ecommerce * Insipiration * Javascript * PHP * Resources * SEO * Templates * Tools * Tutorial * Typography * Wordpress
WP DB Backup
30 Wordpress Plugins To Help You Improve Your Sidebar | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
WP Carousel
Function Web Design & Development Blog - » Beautiful Post Thumbnails: Top Examples & Best Practices
Beautiful Post Thumbnails
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers | Online Universities Weblog
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers | Online Universities Weblog
Most Used and Abused Web Design Trends of All Time | Web Design Ledger
The year is 1999. You've just watched the Matrix, and it's blown your mind. You sit down in front of your computer to work on a web design and then create or
10+ WordPress plugins for developers
jQuery Lesson Series: Introduction to Selectors –
Lecciones de Jquery
Home - csscaffold - GitHub
Ruby, Rack and CouchDB = lots of awesomeness « Merbist
"couchdb ruby"
Logging to couch
5 Powerful WYSIWYG editors for web-based applications –
Woork Up - A Fresh Charge of Creativity
always wooooork :)
SwellJS – another big fish in the sea
DragDrop de arquivos do desktop para o navegador
drag & drop from desktop
Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag « Noupe
More great tools to help your web dev efforts
25 Pure CSS and HTML Web Development Solutions | Queness
Check out this CSS based solutions without using any Javascript. I have collected 25 CSS Menu, accordion, lightbox, drop shadow, rounded corner,and misc. pure CSS solutions.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable
Today we're excited to propose a new standard for making AJAX-based websites crawlable. This will benefit webmasters and users by making content from rich and interactive AJAX-based websites universally accessible through search results on any search engine that chooses to take part. We believe that making this content available for crawling and indexing could significantly improve the web.
A proposal for making AJAX crawlable Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 10:51 AM Webmaster level: Advanced
GR: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable [from]
Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
Twig, a secure template language for #php from the creator of symfony
25 Cheat Sheets Web Developer Should Have . | ExtraTuts
25 Cheat Sheets Web Developer Should Have .
Cheat sheets is very important few references sheets that web developer should have , so this is a collection of 25 Cheat sheet , we hope it will help saving your time .
23 Brilliant Web Apps To Simplify Designer’s Work Life @ SmashingApps
Brilliant Web Apps
High Scalability - High Scalability - 10 Ways to Take your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose
Become A WordPress Theme Developer Who Rocks In Four Steps (and 50+ readings) | PV.M Garage
Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress
...und Feedburner
Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress
In this tutorial, we will be using WordPress and Feedburner with a few plugins to create a simple Email Newsletter Service for your WordPress blog. You can track the performance of your newsletter by checking how many subscribers you have, how many clicks each link gets and much more.
Templating Engines in PHP - Fabien Potencier
The blog of Fabien Potencier about web technology and the symfony framework
Krótka recenzja najpopularniejszych silników do generowania szablonow HTMLowych
So, you think PHP is a templating engine? So did I... for a very long time. But recently, I changed my mind. Even if PHP can be used as a templating engine, the syntax is just plain ugly as a template language.
Graphs in the database: SQL meets social networks – techPortal
"Graphs are ubiquitous. Social or P2P networks, thesauri, route planning systems, recommendation systems, collaborative filtering, even the World Wide Web itself is ultimately a graph! Given their importance, it’s surely worth spending some time in studying some algorithms and models to represent and work with them effectively. In this short article, we’re going to see how we can store a graph in a DBMS. Given how much attention my talk about storing a tree data structure in the db received, it’s probably going to be interesting to many. Unfortunately, the Tree models/techniques do not apply to generic graphs, so let’s discover how we can deal with them."
Methodic approach to CSS coding: Four Bubbles Model –
FindMyByIP - what's my IP address and how modern is my browser
Lists IP, browser version and details, and browser support for latest features
PageLime - The Flat File Hosted CMS for Designers, Developers, and Web Agencies
remote Content Management System that allows you to update the content, images, and documents on your web site without installing any software.
gerenciador de conteúdo OnLine
Flippin Sweet.
cms per css!!!
Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
The best strategy for dealing with Internet Explorer 6 is not to support it. Stop. Ok, I feel your frustration. You're a web developer and you're ready to tear your hair out because you have to support Internet Explorer 6, but, to put it tactfully, IE6 doesn't support you. You've spent hours on it, but you just can't seem to get your layout right. I can empathize. I can also help.
Setting Up Photoshop For Web, App and iPhone Development « Smashing Magazine
d, color management typically involves calibrating your entire workflow, from scanner or digital camera to computer display to hard proofs to the final press output. This can be quite a tall order, especially when the dev
14 Best CSS Editors for Web Designers & Developers
CSS Editors
High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance
I started doing some research to answer these questions, but during that time there have been a number of great posts about @font-face performance issues: * Paul Irish: Fighting the @font-face FOUT * Stoyan Stefanov: Gzip your @font-face files * Zoltan Hawryluk (again): More @font-face fun This blog post summarizes Paul, Stoyan, and Zoltan’s findings plus some very important discoveries of my own.
Lazy load to the resuce then…
Last week I was reading Ajaxian (my favorite blog) and saw the post about @font-face. I had been wondering for a few months about how font files impact web performance, so I followed the story back to Zoltan Hawryluk’s original post: @font-face in Depth. A great read on the aesthetics, mechanics, and compatibility issues of fonts, but not much about performance. I added a comment:
60 Resources for the Frugal Web Developer
60 Resources for the Frugal Web Developer -
Photo by s2photo With the economy reeling and VC’s spending less and less on startups, developers have had to adapt how they create sites. Because of the world’s economic state, we’ve had to change how we develop. Some may see this shift as a grim prospect. Change is hard, and change is essential to staying alive in these conditions. However, if you can cut expenses in your development process without cutting quality by using free methods and tools, then you may be able to develop without using any extra money.
Supercharge Website Performance With AWS S3 and CloudFront - Nettuts+
In this tutorial I'll show you how to setup and use Amazon's Web Services S3 and CloudFront to decrease website load time as well as show the performance differences.
In the Woods – 7 Things I Wish I Had Known About jQuery
Browsera - Automated Cross Browser Web Application Testing Service
Browsera automatically detects cross-browser layout problems and scripting errors on your website.
Alternative cross browser testing site
Carsonified » The Future of HTML 5
Archive of current HTML5
At FOWA London 2009 Bruce Lawson gave an introduction to HTML 5 and how it might be used in the future.
New HTML is coming! Are you on the bus?
25 Free Online Tools for Web Designers, Developers, Freelancers and Individuals
Online Web-design tools for the beginner | Webware - CNET
If you're a beginner Web designer, these simple tools can help you create the page you've been dreaming about.
Every site needs its own unique Favicon, that little image you find next to a URL in your address bar and on the tabs in your browser. But creating one might not be easy for novices. That's where the Favicon Generator Tool comes in.
Insanely Awesome ExpressionEngine Tools You Can’t Live Without | Viget Inspire
Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
thorough guide to html5 including batch encoding and degrading gracefully
40+ CodeIgniter Framework Tutorials for Kick-Ass PHP Application | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
Pirka'r (ピリカル) - Web作成支援ツール
HTMLファイルやJavaScript、CSSファイルのメンテナンスを行うことが出来るEclipseベースの開発支援ソフトウェア WinはIE・FF・Safari / MacはFF・Safari
swissmiss | Consistent PNG quality across browsers
A few tips to ensure that your PNGs look good now matter what browser they are viewed in. (via Tim Van Damme)
how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsers
Here’s a helpful tip I got from my friend Olivier on how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsers
浅析豆瓣的 Google Analytics 应用
Wordpress Security - How to Secure Your WordPress Blog
10 secrets to staying informed about web design « Boagworld
30 Top Photoshop Tutorial Websites For Web Designers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
The internet is swarming with tutorial websites, many of which are to do with or provide photoshop tutorials. Ive done the hard bit and separated the best ones from the ever growing crowd.
iHwy jquery listmenu plugin - dropdown menu navigation for lists
Lista de Itens em formato dropdown
iHwy jquery listmenu plugin - dropdown menu navigation for lists -
crea menu da liste di dati varie
10 Best Content Management Systems for Designers | Web Design Ledger
Cool CMS's for designers!
There are a lot of content management systems out there, but many of them are overly complicated and require a certain level of technical expertise. However,
Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website @ SmashingApps
Now a days, unlimited websites are coming live everyday to take part in the internet world. They can be classified in business sites, blogs, social networking sites, directories, forums, e-commerce sites and many more other creative ideas applied to do something that has never been done. Today, We are compiling a list of Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website. These free web applications can be use in diversified ways to get your customize results for your fresh and new websites. You can easily find their showcase of running websites to get inspiration and ideas.
The Mystery Of The CSS Float Property « Smashing Magazine
10+ astonishing jQuery resources to spice up your website
Más de 10 sorprendentes recursos jQuery.
jQuery is a very powerful Javascript framework that allow you to built functionnal and extremely good looking webistes. In this article, I have selected 10+ jQuery resources to spice up your website.
jQuery is a very powerful Javascript framework that allow you to built functionnal and extremely good looking webistes. In this article, I have selected 10+ jQuery resources to spice up your - Show/Hide a nice login panel, Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery, Create a better jQuery stylesheet switcher, Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery, Chat with jQuery and PHP, Beautiful tag clouds with jQuery and flir, Fading colors with jQuery, Twitter-like login panel using jQuery, Disappearing “Scroll to top” link with jQuery and CSS, Using jQuery to recreate the product slider from Apple's website, Create an astonishing image rotator with jQuery,
8 different ways to beautifully style your HTML lists with CSS
8 different ways to beautifully style your HTML lists with CSS
Styling Blog Comments: Correct Markup and Free Examples - Templatica
Ecwid: E-Commerce Widgets
Plataforma gratuita y sencilla de compras online con Ajax
Beta Blog: Kill Your Signup Form with Rails
Even though the gradual engagement meme has been around for a while, and everyone just hates signup forms, they just seem to keep popping up like a bad habit.
Tips for eliminating the signup process - other ways to discourage spam bots, and track users without passwords.
Even though the gradual engagement meme has been around for a while, and everyone just hates signup forms, they just seem to keep popping up like a bad habit. My site, was one of the guilty parties. We saw users coming back to the site repeatedly, but not signing up. The percentage that looked at the signup form and then bolted was uncomfortably high. It was time to kill the signup form. This blog post documents how we implemented gradual engagement using Ruby on Rails and restful authentication.
35 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins « Noupe
RT @wpstudios: RT @nicholaspatten Tutorial: jQuery: 35 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins. [from]
A List Apart: Articles: Getting to No
Grey Hoy of Happy Cog describes some common pifalls in the early stages of a new contract and offers some top tips. I like the questionairre suggestion. There is also some good discussion in the forum.
Determining which prospects you want to work with is often considered a luxury. Dont think of it that way. Even if the economy is in the tank and you absolutely need the gig, you should be very critical of the prospects youre considering working with. These are the people who will become part of your immediate and potentially long-term future, and you want to make sure you dont spend that time drinking schnapps to get through the day or grinding your teeth at night.
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
50 Air Apps and Browser Addons for Web Designers and Developers – Web.AppStorm
Interesante colección de addons para Firefox y aplicaciones de AIR para Diseñadores y Desarrolladores Web.
50 Air Apps and Browser Addons for Web Designers and Developers
Font Squirrel | Create Your Own @font-face Kits
A very nice way to generate font files for use on the web, if they are legally licensed for that use.
A handy tool by Font Squirrel to create @font-face kits
HiFi RegExp Tool - Write and Test Regular Expressions in Real-Time
Web fonts and standards – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
@font-face { font-family: "Watusi"; src: url("") format("truetype"); } h1 { font-family: "Watusi", sans-serif; }
Web fonts and standards
Nginx & Comet: Low Latency Server Push -
Coined by Alex Russell in early 2006, the term Comet is an umbrella term for technologies which take advantage of persistent connections initiated by the client and kept open until data is available (long polling), or kept open indefinitely as the data is pushed to the client (streaming) in chunks. The immediate advantage of both techniques is that the client and server can communicate with minimal latency. For this reason, Comet is widely deployed in chat applications (Facebook, Google, Meebo, etc), and is also commonly used as a firehose delivery mechanism.
WordPress › W3 Total Cache « WordPress Plugins
W3 Total Cache
Ten Most Popular Firefox Plugins of Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
including "webdeveloper", "firebug" (for debugging code), and fireftp (online secure ftp)
jQuery Lessons Series: How To Implement Animations of CSS Properties –
efectos en listados
KAI.JAEGER.BLOG : JavaScript for people who are in a hurry
10 Most Wanted Category Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
In this article we will share the most wanted category hacks and plugins for WordPress which you can use in your themes. These snippets of codes are a lifesaver in many situations when it comes to modifying a theme.
Some useful stuff in here, especially about selecting and excluding categories.
Typeface.js - A sIFR Alternative - CSS-Tricks
Mais uma alternativa ao sIFR. Este plugin entretanto parece ainda estar em fase de desenvolvimento. A conferir. { content: "Homepage"; }
Say goodbye to the browser-specific properties and hacks cluttering your files and say hello to lean, mean CSS. With eCSStender, when you write the rules, browsers pay attention.
script for modernizing and extending css
Introducing Sprockets: JavaScript dependency management and concatenation - (37signals)
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation. Specially formatted lines act as directives to the Sprockets preprocessor, telling it to require the contents of another file or library first or to provide a set of asset files (such as images or stylesheets) to the document root. Sprockets attempts to fulfill required dependencies by searching a set of directories called the load path.
Reading about Sprockets: Looks useful. [from]
"Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation."
20 Promising Open Source PHP Content Management Systems(CMS) | Listelog
Revisión de algunos CMS interesantes y útiles
CMS overview
Showcase of Web Design in Ireland « Smashing Magazine
Web Design showcase
Ajaxian » View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3
View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3
UserCake - Opensource PHP user management system
This looks great. Object Oriented PHP 5, MySQL, easy to set up and customize. This should be a good solution for a quick project that needs user login functionality.
Five Minute Upgrade - Using CSS Borders for Emphasis | Build Internet!
5 minute improvement with css borders.
Build Your Own Dev Server with VirtualBox
Sun’s VirtualBox is ideal for testing different desktop environments (for example, browser testing), but I’ve discovered it’s also great for running a test server environment. Instead of setting up Apache, PHP, and MySQL right on your desktop machine, you can place them in a virtual Linux server. That way there’s no interference with your desktop, and you can ensure that your development environment is as close as possible to your eventual deployment environment.
HTML5: The Basics (1 of 4) | Design Shack
HTML5 - passo a passo 1
Organic Tabs | CSS-Tricks
Have you ever seen a tabbed content area in a sidebar that was a little jerky? The jerkiness can be caused by a bunch of things, like the content in the
The plan is to build a tabbed area, something pretty simple to do from scratch with jQuery, and then make it behave better. Of course, we’ll keep it simple, and keep the markup clean and semantic. The guts of the functionality will be based on calculating heights and animating between those heights on the fly.
22 Firefox Extensions (Addons) for Web Development | TutZone
22 Firefox Extensions (Addons) for Web Development
15 Free Online Tools for Web Designers on a Budget | Web Design Ledger
tips y paginas para diseñar
Underscore provides 44-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It delegates to built-in functions, if present, so Javascript 1.6 compliant browsers will use the native implementations of forEach, map, filter, every, some and indexOf. Underscore includes a complete Test & Benchmark Suite for your perusal. The unabridged source code is available on GitHub.
Underscore is a utility-belt library for Javascript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in Javascript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux. Underscore provides 44-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It delegates to built-in functions, if present, so Javascript 1.6 compliant browsers will use the native implementations of forEach, map, filter, every, some and indexOf.
What Does It All Mean? - Dive Into HTML5
A concise overview of HTML 5.
12 Essential Plugins that Extend WordPress as a CMS | Web Design Ledger
In the Woods – How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support
How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support
At the moment, web fonts are all the buzz. Unfortunately, achieving cross browser support is not easy. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get custom fonts working in all of the major browsers.
In the Woods – How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support
30 Amazing jQuery Plugins To Play With Tables | jQuery Wisdom
Increasing Online Sales: Simple Usability Problems To Avoid « Smashing Magazine
Usability Problems To Avoid
usability ecommerce webdesign ux e-commerce
Top 50 Ruby on Rails Websites
Top 50 Ruby on Rails Websites
5 Must Read Presentations about CSS Coding –
Introduction — bobo v0.2 documentation
bobo reborn
Bobo is a light-weight framework for creating WSGI web applications.
It provides 2 features: (i) mapping URLs to objects; and (ii) calling objects to generate HTTP responses.
Advanced jQuery Tabbed Box Techniques
Rotating tabbed box
Great tutorial that helps explain the logic behind the jquery used to create a general tabbed box.
Advanced jQuery Tabbed Box
26 awesome Firefox add-ons for web workers
CSS Tools Coda Plugin - Monday By Noon
I’ve been using Coda on a more consistent basis lately, primarily due to the inclusion of third party plugins. As I work, I’ll find myself missing a few features from TextMate bundles. Since it’s terribly easy to write your own Coda plugin, I’m going to make a consistent effort to write and maintain a small library of plugins over the coming months.
"That tool uses CSSTidy to allow a simple transformation of your CSS formatting. It will retain any comments, and leaves all properties as written (instead of converting to shorthand, for example.) Basically, CSS Tools brings that functionality to Coda. You’re able to convert a style sheet from single line to multi line and vice versa. You’re also able to compress your CSS if you’d like."
Datepicker and Calender Eightysix documentation and examples dev.base86 javascript, calendar, mootools, datepicker, eightysix
40 New Useful Web Development Tools and Resources « Noupe
To become a professional web designer, you need effective tools that would help you implement beautiful designs with solid coding techniques. Handy ready-to-be-used solutions and smart design tools are always nice to have, but good ones are often quite hard to find. And this is where we come into play. In this post we have put together a useful collection of new web development tools to save developers and designers time, energy, and headaches. Let’s take a look at 40 new useful web development tools and resources in a goodie bag for you, including easy and fast tweaks to forms, snippets of code, documentation at your fingertips, fonts, and cheat sheets.
Wordpress Website Design Process for IT-IS Ltd
Using Wireframes to Bring Your Site Together | Design Reviver
Wireframes are the blue prints that define and allocate a Web sites content and behavior. They are not bound by colors, fonts, and anything that may surface on the site as part of any content.
Inhoud rammelt wat, voorbeelden zijn okay
Website Maintenance Tips for Front-End Developers - Smashing Magazine
UI개발자를 위한 웹사이트 메인터넌스 팁
Website Maintenance Tips for Front-End Developers
great resource of tools and tips to help you get more out of your web design
Pagetest - where web sites go to get FAST!
This tool lets you test web pages that are directly accessible as an URL from the Internet.
Welcome. Pagetest allows you to provide the URL of a webpage to be tested. The test will be conducted from the location specified and you will be provided a waterfall of your page load performance as well as a comparison against an optimization checklist. Please visit the PageTest wiki page for more information. Sample results for can be seen here.
Ten Tips for Becoming a Better WordPress Developer | Web Design Ledger
Killer article
I am going to cover a little bit from across the board as to what we can do to become WordPress developers. Some items take only a minute or two to complete while others might take a bit more initial effort. I promise though that through it all, we’ll get our development skills to a much higher level. The list does not go in order of importance, but I would say that all 10 of the tips could each be #1.
Closure Tools - Google Code
A JavaScript code optimizer, widget library and templating system.
Google tools for javascript: includes library, compiler and html templates. Used in gmail, google docs etc.
"The Closure Compiler compiles JavaScript into compact, high-performance code. The compiler removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it downloads and runs quickly. It also also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source."
help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure
Google Code Blog: Introducing Closure Tools
"Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizer that compiles web apps down into compact, high-performance JavaScript code. The compiler removes dead code, then rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it will run fast on browsers' JavaScript engines. The compiler also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about other common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source. "
As we continue exploring our mistakes, with last week’s blog challenge about the worst mistake we’ve made in a relationship, this week I’m going to challenge your work history and experience.
Chroma-Hash Demo
Chroma-Hash is a sexy, secure visualization of password field input
Kind of pointless but cool
awesome password confirmation tool using color
<elderec> a sexy, secure visualization of password field input -
10 Useful Cheat Sheets for Designers and Developers » 2experts Design – Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
great cheatsheet
Simple CSS Tips that Go a Long Way - Inspect Element
Quickie CSS3 Tricks with Fallbacks | CSS-Tricks
Working with Events, Part 3: More Event Delegation with jQuery » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers | News | TechRadar UK
et TextMate alors ?
Jenny Cecil - 10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers The best tools for coding, testing, uploading and tracking costs : TechRadar UK
Floom - Oskar Krawczyk –
Closure Library API Documentation (Closure Library API Documentation - JavaScript)
libreria javascript google
@igrigorik: "closure is 'yet another JS library', but this one is worth investigating (from Google: GMail, etc):" (from
closure API
A List Apart: Articles: You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
The Steve Irwin approach to discovery on the web—“I’m going to click this here link…just to see what happens!”
From A List Apart: "Content-rich" is not enough. Most websites are not learner-friendly. As an industry, we haven’t done our best to make our content-rich websites suitable for learning and exploration. Learners require more from us than keywords and killer headlines. They need an environment that is narrative, interactive, and discoverable. Amber Simmons tells how to begin creating rich content sites that invite and repay exploration and discovery.
What we find changes who we become
"But just as important as the narrative consciously built into a website is the narrative readers create for themselves. Readers build their own narrative as they work their way through a website, moving from one content object to another. This narrative emerges from interrelationships between content items and helps readers turn fragmentary pieces of information into knowledge. The more clearly a reader can discern these relationships, the clearer and more meaningful the narrative he’ll be able to construct."
A Roundup Of 25 Advanced CSS Tips And Tutorials
PHP programming tips and tricks | Marius Stanciu Sergiu's weblog
[vía @basilio] # Learn the difference between good and bad code. read more # Stick to coding standards, it will make it easier for you to understand other people’s code and other people will be able to understand yours. read more
PHP programming tips and tricks
How to set up an e-commerce site using PayPal to process - Ars Technica
5 Simple, But Useful CSS Properties
Quelques propriété CSS courantes mais à ne pas oublier: Clip, min-height, white-space, cursor, display
Handy css tips / clip tag :)
More jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code | tripwire magazine
This post pick up on my previous post "jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code" and provides additional nice to know tips for jQuery developers. jQuery is popular for a reason and widely used by nearly everyone from huge companies
jQuery skill up
Extreme JavaScript Performance
Custom Wordpress blog design checklist and walkthrough
basic theme creation checklist
Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs. In the above example,
Evented I/O for V8 javascript
Top 10 Wordpress Security Plugins | Tools |
seguridad para wordpress
John Resig - ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More
Simply-Buttons v2 : p51 Labs
20 Free Mac Apps For Web Designer’s Toolkit - Noupe
Great list of free mac design resources
Riktigt bra artikel om gratis mjukvara till osx
WordPress Debug Theme - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
A dead sexy theme to help you debug your WordPress install.
Sanitize and Validate Data with PHP Filters - NETTUTS
Data validation is an integral part of working with forms. Not only can invalid submitted data lead to security problems, but it can also break your webpage. Today, we'll take a look at how to remove illegal characters and validate data by using the "filter_var" function.
Data validation is an integral part of working with forms. Not only can invalid submitted data lead to security problems, but it can also break your webpage.
using filter_var to santise and validate input
jquery-fontavailable - Google Code
Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
QUOTE: Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
»Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.«
jQuery-Plugin, das trickreich überprüft, ob eine bestimmte Schrift auf dem Zielsystem vorhanden ist.
13 Steps to a Successful Website Launch
make sure merchant account is out
We all have been there, the client pushes for a launch date that is about 3 days before everyone had planned on.  It is now Friday at 3:00pm and you are being pulled in all directions trying to get everything ready for the big launch.  You keep ask
Good checklist for launching a site
A Django Development Environment with zc.buildout — Stereoplex
This article will show you how to create a repeatable Django development environment from scratch using zc.buildout.
Buildout is a tool for reliably creating reproducible software builds. It was originally developed by Zope Corporation, and is often used in Zope builds; however, there's no dependency on Zope. You can use it to build pretty much anything. And I'm going to show you how to get a Django build up and running using it.
A Django Development Environment with zc.buildout
django buildout cfg for easy setup
chromedevtools - Project Hosting on Google Code
chrome用デバッグツール eclipse前提
9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them - Nettuts+
Internet Explorer - the bane of most web developers' existence. Up to 60% of your development can be wasted just trying to squash out IE specific bugs which
9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them - Nettuts+
Drupal or Django? A Guide for Decision Makers — scot hacker’s foobar blog
This document aims to lay out the pros and cons of two popular web publishing platforms: The PHP-based Drupal content management system (CMS) and the Python-based Django framework. It’s impossible to discuss systems like these in a non-technical way. However, I’ve tried to lay out the main points in straightforward language, with an eye toward helping supervisors make an informed choice.
Drupal represents a middle ground between framework and CMS that we’ve chosen not to take. Drupal is far more capable than a CMS like WordPress, but also much less flexible than a pure framework. But more importantly, the facts that Drupal isn’t object-oriented, isn’t MVC/MTV, doesn’t have an ORM, and is generally less flexible than a pure framework, not to mention our preference for working in Python over PHP, all contribute to our decision not to use it. In the end, a good developer can do good work with just about any system, while a bad developer can make mincemeat of even the best system. It’s not all about the platform. But modern tools and best practices in platform design go a long way toward ending up with a cleaner, faster, better-designed architecture that precisely matches the needs of your organizations, with no assumptions or historical baggage to work around.
someone asked me this very question the other day. another reference to hand out on such occasions to support my advice.
9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them - Nettuts+
Internet Explorer - the bane of most web developers' existence. Up to 60% of your development can be wasted just trying to squash out IE specific bugs which isn't really a productive use of your time. In this tutorial, you are going to learn about the most common IE bugs and rendering disparities and how to easily squash them or deal with them. Interested? Let's get started.
css hack html howto tips ie
Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO –
Explain SEO in just a post is impossible, so I made a list of tips, tools and suggestion for a good optimization of a web page , that every one can do although is not a SEO.
In the process of developing a web site, there are many professional profile that work on it, one of this is the SEO profile (Search Engine Optimization). If you are working in a web agency, usually there’s a professional profile that works only on search engine optimization, giving you the freedom to work with image editing, (x)html and css. But if you are a freelance, then you should spare money and do this your self.
"Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO"
Diagnose and Prevent AJAX Performance Issues - dynaTrace AJAX Edition
12 Excellent jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms | Web Design Ledger
Web Design Ledger
jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms
Making browsers faster: Resource Packages · Alexander Limi
cool proposal, seems sane
This is quite amazing: all resources of a page in 1 HTTP request (excluding the page). Its backwards compatible too.
nginx_http_push_module - Comet For The People
Comet For The People
IEBlog : An Early Look At IE9 for Developers
Speed & rendering look to be vastly improved in IE9. Fingers crossed, we'll get some other goodies.
Because I care enough to.
Community testing efforts like this one can be helpful. Ultimately, we want to work with the community and W3C and other members of the working groups to define true validation test suites, like the one that we’re all working on together for CSS 2.1, for the standards that matter to developers. For example, this link tests one of the HTML5 storage APIs; some browsers (including IE8) support it today, while others don’t.
Microsoft İE) üzerinde çalışıyor, Windows 7 ye yetiştirilemeyen sürümün bir çok bakımdan iyi olacağı söyleniyor. ama ilk testlerde Acid 3 standart testinden 32 alması bizi üzüyor.
We’re just about a month after the Windows 7 launch, and wanted to show an early look at some of the work underway on Internet Explorer 9. At the PDC today, in addition to demonstrating some of the progress on performance and interoperable standards,
Glossary | HTML5 Doctor
A comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5
"We wanted to provide a comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5, so we've created a glossary. We'll be adding to this in the coming weeks to make it more comprehensive."
Glosary HTML 5
7 Open Source And Free URL Shortener Scripts To Create Your Own
10 Must Have Hacks For WordPress Development | Spyre Studios
Building your own wordpress themes will open your eyes to a lot of things, mainly the fact that you'll be retyping a lot of code over and over and over again. So in this post I am going to show you ten wordpress code hacks that you can add to your arsenal that will not only save you a lot of time, but they will also set your themes apart from others who don't come pre built with these types of features.
Top 10 Tutorials To Learn PSD To HTML Conversion | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
share it?
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
Great checklist of before launch checks
7. Forms. Test contact/order or any other form(s) you have on the website. User should get proper feedback upon successful/failed submission of the form.
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
might come in handy
Zen Coding: A Speedy Way To Write HTML/CSS Code - Smashing Magazine
Holy sh*t! A new speedy way of writing HTML code using CSS-like selector syntax — a handy set of tools for high-speed HTML and CSS coding. Totally mind blowing - check it out!
10 Online Tools and Apps to Help Optimize and Format CSS : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Why would you ever need to optimize (or optimise, which ever spelling you prefer) or reFormat your CSS? Optimizing your CSS will not only allow your web page to load quicker, it also increases the durabilty and resilience of your site when there is a spike in visitors (i.e. the Digg effect) and, for me, the most important part is that it gives you more readable code.
In the Woods - A Closer Look at SQL Joins
JOINs em Mysql
XPath - Blog - Open Source -
To Sprite Or Not To Sprite at Vladimir Vukićević
mind that there are factors in play other than raw page load performance. As a general rule of thumb, if most of your sprite doesn't contain real image content, you should probably avoid using it. Also, keep an eye out for fu
Note that this is a 1299x15,000 PNG. It compresses quite well — the actual download size is around 26K — but browsers don't render compressed image data. When this image is downloaded and decompressed, it will use almost 75MB in memory (1299 * 15000 * 4).
Dragon Labs » Codename Rainbows
We use some JavaScript and CSS magic to apply a two-color gradient to any text. Shadows and highlights can also be applied.
Allows creating gradient texts
make gradient headers without img
rainbox gradient text
Applies gradient to HTML text via JS (jQuery) and CSS.
Gradient text creation
How To Display Your Last Tweet Using Javascript And The Twitter API | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Para mostrar el ultimo twiteo en tu sitio usando Javascript
How to show latest tweet with js and css
This tutorial will teach you how to display your last twitter tweet, without the use of any plugins. Infact it only uses 2 lines of JavaScript, and 1 line of HTML.
15 Useful Resources to Get Clued Up on HTML5
500 Internal Server Error
10 JavaScript Quick Tips and Best Practices | Impressive Webs
10 JavaScript Quick Tips and Best Practices
5 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins Were Born in November 2009 | AEXT.NET
A client side JSON document store. Want to see this in Node.JS.
Sorta like a couch except smaller and outside, also, a client side JSON document store. Perfect for webkit mobile apps that need a lightweight, simple and elegant persistence solution.
"Sorta like a couch except smaller and outside, also, a client side JSON document store. Perfect for webkit mobile apps that need a lightweight, simple and elegant persistence solution."
Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag - Noupe
GridFox in Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag
Handy list of web development goodies.
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact, "WordPress is infinitely extensible" as Matt Mullenweg says. In this post, we'll examine twenty-one really useful plugins to take your blog to the next level.
Knowledge Capsules | Detecting unused CSS selectors
What webhooks are and why you should care « Timothy Fitz
You should care because webhooks will be ubiquitous. You should care because they’re going to reshape the internet. You should care because webhooks are the next step in the evolution of communication on the internet and nothing will be left untouched.
"Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks. Here’s a common example: You go to github. There’s a textbox for their code post webhook. You drop in a URL. Now when you post your code to github, github will HTTP POST to your chosen URL with details about the code post. There is no simpler way to allow open ended integration with arbitrary web services. -- You should care because webhooks will be ubiquitous. You should care because they’re going to reshape the internet. You should care because webhooks are the next step in the evolution of communication on the internet and nothing will be left untouched." -- Timothy Fitz
Chromatable JQuery Plugin | Chromaloop
Plugin para deixar o header da tabela fixo em jquery.
Chromatable JQuery Plugin
Table with fixed th
table header fixed
Tabele o ustalonej kolumnie
Using APIs With PHP? Here Are Your Classes | Jeez Tech
A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks
A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks
Если вдруг придётся делать сайт с версией под мобильник
Having a mobile-optimized web site can really make your site stand apart from the pack. These resources will help you create a killer mobile site in no time.
Daring Fireball: A Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs
Good regular expression to user for grabbing a url
Creating a Web App from Scratch – Part 1 of 8: Basic Idea and Design | CSS-Tricks
Input Validation: Using filter_var() Over Regular Expressions ~ Mattias Geniar
Data validation
FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW - Encode characters with ASCII value below 32
Overcome Your Caching Conundrums [Server Side Essentials]
In this article, I’ll show you a few methods for controlling how your site’s files are cached by browsers so you can achieve the best of both worlds: maintaining optimal performance while ensuring that any updates are seen immediately, without a hitch by all of your users.
23 Pure CSS Effects/Solutions to Make JavaScript Angry!-
Rubyの軽量Webフレームワーク「Sinatra」がステキ - 医者を志す妻を応援する夫の日記
フレームワーク Sinatra の解説
sinatra スライドがわかりやすい
6 Free Sites To Learn About Programming in PHP
uWSGI is a fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSGI server, aimed for professional python webapps deployment and development.
Detect Mobile Browser - Open source mobile phone detection
10 Tutorials to Take Your WordPress Development Skills to the Next Level
11 Useful Online Tools for Better CSS Development | Web Design Ledger
Des outils pour CSS.
Learn How To Create Your Own jQuery Plugin
Learn How To Create Your Own jQuery Plugin [from]
24 ways: Working With RGBA Colour
using RGBA color
Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
10 Templates that Solve Problems for Web Developers - Nettuts+
jQuery Highlight Plugin | bartaz @ GitHub
crazy useful
$("body p").highlight("jQuery highlight plugin");
Multiple WordPress Loops Explained
The Loop is the heart of Wordpress. Creating multiple loops is the way to go if you want to display your content in inspiring and novel ways. Featured posts, portfolio listings, different styled categories, they are all created using multiple Wordpress Loops.
<?php rewind_posts(); ?>
How HTML5 Will Change the Way You Use the Web - HTML5 - Lifehacker
Artículo que explica algunas de las características de HTML5.
Firefox and Safari partially support it, Google's Wave and Chrome projects are banking on it, and most web developers are ecstatic about what it means. It's HTML5, and if you're not exactly sure what it is, here's an explainer.
What is HTML5? Some kind of really fancy link tag? HTML5 is a specification for how the web's core language, HTML, should be formatted and utilized to deliver text, images, multimedia, web apps, search forms, and anything else you see in your browser. In some ways, it's mostly a core set of standards that only web developers really need to know. In other ways, it's a major revision to how the web is put together. Not every web site will use it, but those that do will have better support across modern desktop and mobile browsers (that is, everything except Internet Explorer).
Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3 - Smashing Magazine
Help you discocer the best
» 15 Must See MooTools Techniques WebAir Blog
In this tutorial it’s explained a simple step-by-step way to implement an ultra versatile slider with horizontal scrolling and animated effects using MooTools.
Google Code Blog: Google Analytics Launches Asynchronous Tracking
Beginners guide to Jquery + Ruby On Rails | Not Geekly Correct
108 Mono Icons: Huge Set of Minimal Icons | Tutorial9
There are 108 simple icons included in this set. The icons are avaliable in 32x32 px .png (transparent background) format.
50 Helpful iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers - Nettuts+
Great iPhone apps for Designers and Devs!
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
10 Wordpress Security Plugins To Keep Your Blog Safe « | Web Design Magazine
How to Build a Star Ratings jQuery Plugin | Switch on the Code
star rating javascript tutorial
Creating a Web App from Scratch
An 8-part tutorial.
40+ jQuery Plugins Improving Your Website Look and Feel | tripwire magazine
(no description)
With simple steps and limited programmer skills jQuery will allow you to add goodies to your website you would'nt even allow yourself to dream about! This post is listing a lot of really cool plugins you can simply download and setup to impress your visitors!
Google I/O: New Advances In The Searchability of JavaScript and Flash, But Is It Enough?
This week at Google I/O, Google talked a lot about the evolution of the technological capabilities of the web. HTML 5 is ushering in new era of browser-based
Great, comprehensive article
Talking about AJAX and Flash searchability
Google is working on it The Google Webmaster Central team has been providing a wealth of education around these issues to help developers build search-friendly web sites. For instance: * Search-friendly AJAX * Canonicalization * Site moves At Maile’s Search-Friendly Development session at Google I/O, Google announced two advances in their ability to crawl and index RIAs. While both of these advances are great efforts, they were driven entirely by the search team. And unfortunately, they don’t solve the issues with the Google Code APIs. Wouldn’t it be great if the new Web Elements they just announced were search-engine friendly by default?
Web Design is Dead! Introducing a much improved web design process. - Web Designers London
The Rails Way: Users and Passwords
a simple best practices article on handling passwords and authentication. There’s nothing particularly new here, but it’s always worthwhile revisiting the basics.
10 Simple Web Accessibility Tips You Can Do Today
<a href=" portfolio.html" title="Some artwork of the artist">Portfolio</a>
meget små spil som kan spilles
web-based toolkit for making and sharing hosted JS games
Toda uma plataforma que permite usar javascript e dhtml para criar jogos excelentes que rodam em qualquer browser. Permite acessar teclado, mouse, joystick, tocar som, e com sistema de colisões, deformação, camadas, etc.
this is a weird duck: game development library/hosting (?!) that abstracts away the DOM for writing sprite/tile-based games (doesn't use html5 canvas!). I think it's sort of limited by the fact that your games *must* be hosted on their site, and the engine itself doesn't seem to be open source. wonder if they're going to try to license it...?
Everything you need to know about HTML5 | News | TechRadar UK
introduction with useful starting points
What's new in HTML5 and what happened to XHTML2.
very good article!!
Essential Wordpress Plugin Development Resources, Tutorials and Guides : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Übersicht über viele WP-Plugin Tutorials
This article covers Wordpress Plugin Development, from tutorials, useful resources, how-tos, guides and some cheat sheets.
Ajaxian » Ajax Experience Talks: Resig, Slocum, and Heilmann
at Ajaxian
Ajax Experience Talks: Resig, Slocum, and Heilmann
25 Graph and Chart Solutions for Web Developers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
cool scripts for creating graphs
Beautiful Slide Out Navigation: A CSS and jQuery Tutorial | Codrops
20++ jQuery Introduction Tutorials and Resources for Beginners
jQuery für Anfänger
jQuery is an amazing Javascript library that makes it easy to create astonishing web effect in just a few lines of code. This post gathered all useful jQuery tutorials to kick start your learning process.
22 Latest Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Tutorials | instantShift
One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Still it’s often possible that your readers don’t give you a wink about their likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to find out about visitors thinking towards your blog or its design. It’s always essential to play safe and give others what they like. Out of many solutions the inspirational one is only promising and optimistic way to achieve desired changes. This article focuses on organized collection of some of the Most Wanted WordPress Hacks which will definitely make your blogging life easier.
dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library
See downloads, gallery and open issues dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them.
haded areas show its m
the cool
jQueryGlobe | jQuery Plugin - Feature List
This jQuery plugin enables simple and easy creation of an interactive "Featured Items" widget.
You work for me, Computer: Dropping Django
Development to Deployment in Django @ Irrational Exuberance
In my quest to find the ultimate deployment methodology for Django, this is one of the better ones I've found.
django deployment tutorial
it different, but I find that it saves a few precious moments of thinking to just keep a standardized project template somewhere (instead of using djangoadmin startproject to create new projects).
30 Must See Web Generator for Lazy Webmasters
33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
10 new WordPress plugins you might want to test - Blogsessive
These look cool.
10 Essential Firefox Plugins for the Infosec Professional |
I’ve moved to Chrome and Safari as my primary browsers, but nothing compares to Firefox when it comes to functionality and plugin support. Shown below are the information security related plugins I recommend any infosec professional (or enthusiast) install upon spinning up a new Firefox instance.
Simplest jQuery Slideshow -
Simple, timed slideshow. Easy
Simple version
Niche Content Management Systems | Most Inspired Blog
cms for you
These Niche CMSs can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to build your website, and provide many features that you’d like but wouldn’t have the time to build yourself. Some are hosted solutions to completly take the pain of setting up your site, whilst others are applications you download and install on your own server.
Starting points so you don't have to build your site from scratch!
RESTful Transactions « Open Sourcery
35 CSS-based Layouts that Look Awesome - Nettuts+
10 CSS Snippets to Save Precious Time | Blog Oh Blog
Microformats: What, Why, and How - Nettuts+
ø 15+ Useful Firefox Addons For Web Developers | ø
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant “Top 10″ list, here’s a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet.
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant "Top 10" list, here's a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet. Dust-Me Selectors Dust-Me Selectors helps you find unus
Watercoolr - Gossip for web applications
"pubsub via webhooks"
Looks awesome. Going to dig into the implementation Real Soon Now...
GR: Watercoolr - Gossip for web applications [from]
Do it yourself: 12 Wordpress Solutions Without Using Plugins-
Les plugins ne sont pas toujours la meilleure solution : trop lourds, pas conformes aux attentes. Mettre les mains dans le cambouis, c'est bien aussi !
Using a lot of plugins isn’t recommended if you’re going to boost your blog performance. Also, if you build your needs yourself as much as possible, you will have more control on what you are looking for. In this post, we have featured 12 practical Wordpress solutions that you won’t need any plugins to implement them.
Web, Design, and Webdesign
Do it yourself: 12 Wordpress Solutions Without Using Plugins- -
Browser Size
Designing and Coding Wordpress Themes from Scratch
In this kickass Wordpress article there are 24 total resources that will show you how to design and code Wordpress themes from scratch. This includes 9 design and coding tutorials, 12 Photoshop mockups, 2 Wordpress e-books, and even a developers “Cheat Sheet”.
7 Tools To Optimize The Speed of Your Website
Adobe Design Center - Columns and articles from experts on web design and motion graphics
by Jeffrey Zeldman
Why understanding the difference is what it's all about by Jeffrey Zeldman
CSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites - Noupe
By Tim Wright and TJ Kelly CSS is the best thing to happen to the web since Tim Berners-Lee. It's simple, powerful, and easy to use. But even with all its simplicity,...
James Strachan's Blog: JAX-RS as the one Java web framework to rule them all?
Jersey/JAX-RS, the ultimate java web framework?
The REST java spec and web apps
10 Javascript Resources - From Noob to Pro | Jon Raasch’s Blog
hen I started developing I was fortunate enough to have an experienced friend who pointed me to all the right articles, websites, etc. The right tools make all the difference and this educational jumpstart was exactly what I needed to hit the ground running. Now that I’ve gathered a good deal of Javascript knowledge and used a wide variety of Javascript resources, I’d like to share these so that others can experience the same benefit I did. And don’t stop reading if you already know Javascript inside and out: there’s resources here for all skill levels, from noob to pro. 1. Mozilla Developer Center Mozilla Developer Center Skill Level: Noob to pro Format: Website The Mozilla Development Center should be your starting point for all things Javascript. Beginners should start with the Core Javascript Guide. Javascript can be a really confusing language at first and going through each of these pages will make you comfortable with Javascript’s peculiar syntax and methods. (It’s way bett
What You Need To Know About Behavioral CSS - Smashing Magazine
games flash fun online
What You Need To Know
Eric Vasilik: Code Karma
This "feature" took me a day and a half to fix.
east partially responsible for 10 years ago! Let me explain what it is, why it is and an effe
armstrong on software: Comet is dead long live websockets
"After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing. I think this means the death of the following technologies: comet long-poll AJAX keep-alive sockets"
Erlang's creator anoints websockets (includes example server and client)
After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing.
11 interesting PHP Template Engines
Simple Flash Mp3 Player | Flabell
Tools of the Trade: Web Development Frameworks that the Pros Use | Nettuts+
frameworks the pros use.
resource for web developers
Palm - Project Ares
According to Palm "Project Ares is the first mobile development environment hosted entirely in a browser, lowering the barriers for web developers to jump into mobile development."
Project Ares is the first mobile development environment for Palm's WebOS, hosted entirely in a browser
browser based IDE for WebOS
Like webOS, Project Ares embodies Palm's belief that the future of mobile will be built on the web. Project Ares aims to enable a next-generation mobile development workflow, in which developers move quickly and seamlessly from editing in a browser, to debugging on a device, to selling applications in Palm's App Catalog or on the web.
JavaScript charting tools: an overview « Eltit Golb
A List Apart: Articles: Findings from the Web Design Survey, 2008
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent. Last year, 30,055 of you did just that, taking time out of your busy day to answer the sometimes detailed and often thought-provoking questions in the second A List Apart Survey.
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it's up to each of us to stand up and repre
"This year’s findings paint a clearer picture of the distinctions between full-time and freelance web professionals: how you work, what you earn, and what you love about the job. "
jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine | Web Resources | WebAppers
jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
alternate jquery validation plugin
LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages
MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.
‘MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.’
High-quality display of LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages
Nicholas Piël » Socket Benchmark of Asynchronous Servers in Python
This also shows that for massively concurrent problems, such as lots of parallel comet connections, the GIL in Python is a non-issue as we handle the concurrent connections in a single thread. In this post i am going to look at a selection of asynchronous servers implemented in Python.
24 ways: Make Your Mockup in Markup
We aren’t designing copies of web pages, we’re designing web pages.
karlpro Website mockup should be in markup (not photoshop)
In the past we’ve put up with Photoshop because it was vital to achieving our beloved rounded corners, drop shadows, outer glows, and gradients. However, with the recent adaptation of CSS3 in major browsers, and the slow, joyous death of IE6, browsers can render mockups that are just as beautiful as those created in an image editor. With the power of RGBA, text-shadow, box-shadow, border-radius, transparent PNGs, and @font-face combined, you can create a prototype that radiates shiny awesomeness right in the browser. If you can see this epic article through to the end, I’ll show you step by step how to create a gorgeous mockup using mostly markup.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, abd it includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications. It’s all licensed under a generous GPL2 license, so you can use it in your own free or commercial projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects. It includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications including (amongst other things): * Logging, * User Roles and Capabilities (Permission systems), * Database connections (across multiple servers and multiple datacenters), * HTTP Transactions, * XML-RPC Server and Client, * Object caching, * Formatting, * XSS and SQL injection protection, including a variety of powerful escaping functions, * Taxonomies and * Options management
My Little List of jQuery Tips, Tricks and Resources | Moral Fibre
Закрепляем jQuery — 25 отличных советов / Jquery / Хабрахабр
The 15 Most Popular Text Editors for Developers
For many developers, a trusty text editor is all you need for even the most complex web applications. Whether you’re creating a site from scratch, editing a CSS file, or messing around with configuration files on the server – a good, solid text editor will do the trick just fine. Last week, over 600 people voted for the text editor that they felt was the best from the large set of options out in the market. In this article, you’ll find fifteen of the most ubiquitous text editors for development as voted by you.
Linux, Mac OS X und Windows-basierte Editoren
Check out 18 Wonderful Underground CMS's Lurking in the Shadow of WP
Choosing an appropriate content management system, or CMS, is usually an important decision that needs to be made when launching a new website or blog. A popular choice these days seems to be the blogging platform known as WordPress, and for good reasons. WordPress is a wonderful CMS that can suit many bloggers and end users quite well. However, in the shadow of WordPress's success, lurk some very wonderful CMS that do not get all the attention they deserve. Today, we will have a look at 18 unappreciated CMS's in the WordPress shadow.
25 CSS books you must beg for, borrow, or steal! | Uncoverr
Ever feel overwhelmed with the immense amount of choices of books when trying to learn CSS? Well, we’re here to help. we’ve compiled a list of the 25 very best CSS books in no particular order.
A Crash Course in Django [Server Side Essentials]
Are you after a web framework that drastically cuts the time it takes to build data-driven web apps? If so, the Python-based Django might be worth investigating. With a unique architecture enabling extensive code reuse and an automatic admin system, Django is the state of the art for independent web developers, as well as being a strong tool for large scale web projects. In this article, I’ll show you how the basics of setting up your own Django-powered web site.
7 jQuery Cheatsheets For Every Designer & Developer to Have | TutZone
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
18 Latest jQuery Plugins for Your Next Project | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
Orderly JSON
Orderly is a textual format for describing JSON. Orderly can be compiled into JSONSchema. It is designed to be easy to read and write.
Orderly is a textual format for describing JSON. Orderly can be compiled into JSONSchema. It is designed to be easy to read and write. JSONSchema attempts to provide a representation for three distinct types of information about JSON structures: * Data structure (for documentation and validation purposes) * Storage attributes (information pertinent to tools that wish to persist JSON data) * Interaction Control (providing hints on how to render a UI where data can be manipulated). JSONSchema attempts to provide a representation for three distinct types of information about JSON structures: * Data structure (for documentation and validation purposes) * Storage attributes (information pertinent to tools that wish to persist JSON data) * Interaction Control (providing hints on how to render a UI where data can be manipulated).
New in WordPress 2.9: Post Thumbnail Images « Mark on WordPress
WordPress 2.9: Post Thumbnail Images
I should try to use this feature.
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
What if you want to use a small 50×50 hard-cropped image for the home page, but want to use a 400 pixel-wide (unlimited height) image on the post’s permalink page? You’re in luck. You can specify additional custom sizes!
UKI – Simple UI Kit for complex web apps
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane.
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane.
20 Extremely Useful WordPress Plugins [ part 2 ] | WPSMASH | Best WordPress Resources
Best Premium WordPress Themes | Web Design & WordPress Resources
20 Useful Wordpress Plugins
Using Git to Maintain Your Website |
Using Git to Maintain Your Website |
WebDevMania - Top 10 CSS Snippets
Essential CSS Snippets
40+ новых и полезных jquery-модулей (с tutorial) / jQuery / Хабрахабр
На досуге немного закопался в дебри jquery и на страницах небеизвестного Smashing Magazine нашёл очень любопытную августовсую статейку. Удивлён, что столь полезный материал ещё не появился на Хабре. Исправляю несправедливость своей версией данной статьи.
Jon Rohan · Creating Triangles in CSS
I’ve come across a few techniques and tips in my career, and one of them is this neat trick to create triangles in CSS.
In the Woods - SVN 101
Simple SVN introduction tutorial.
The Beautiful Art of Japanese Web Design –
Using the Twitter API | Ashley Ford -
Usar el api de twitter con php
Twitters da minha timeline
Here's a simple introduction on using the Twitter API. The API offers many different ways to connect to your details including xml, json, atom, and rss. Im
Mas ejemplos sobre el uso de Twitter
jQuery and Ajax Best Demos Part-3
Part 3
kpreid: Brain-dump for the beginning JavaScript programmer
Some pretty weird things I didn't know about in here.
Build a Calendar Using PHP, XHTML, and CSS
Build a Calendar Using PHP, XHTML, and CSS
Making an Expanding Code Box
expanding code box
Graphics: Get Free Logos at LogoInstant
Super Gestures jQuery Plugin | EvanBot is the home to Evan Byrne who is a website designer from Lapeer, MI.
75 Online Resources for Geeks – She's Geeky
75 Online Resources for Geeks
Trees In The Database - Advanced data structures
A presentation about modelling trees relationally and storing them in an SQL database.
Storing tree structures in a bi-dimensional table has always been problematic. The simplest tree models are usually quit
trees in database
A Form of Madness - Dive Into HTML5
A Form of M
Page Speed Home
50 Awesome Resources for Design Inspiration
50 Awesome Resources for Design Inspiration
Using HTML Symbol Entities
"Some characters (e.g. the less than and greater than signs) are reserved for HTML markup. In order to display these characters as text, you must enter the HTML entities in the source code. For example, to display the less than sign (<), you need to enter &lt; (entity name) or &#60; (entity number). Among the entity list, there are quite a lot of symbol entities that we can use in layout design. For examples: → ♥ ♫ ✓ ✗ • ☞ ✁ ★ “ ⊕. Have you seen the snowman ☃ symbol before? If not, continue on this post to find more surprises." | Free icons generator | Actions
Free icons generator
Online icons creator
30 Fresh AJAX Tutorials And Techniques - Noupe
Perfection kills » Optimizing HTML
10 Tips for Creating Compelling Web Copy | Web Design Ledger
You are the most important person in the world. Wow, I got you to read the second sentence. Your interest is now piqued and you want to read more. If you do
WordPress 2.9 Enhancements Every Developer Must Know | W3Avenue
Enhancements and changes in WordPress 2.9 are focused on making publishing and managing your content more intuitive. This article highlights important enhancements and provide resources that will help you quickly upgrade your themes or plugins to accommodate latest features.
Getting Started with jQuery
Getting Started with jQuery
Jquery starter tutorial and resources
Raphaël: a JavaScript API for SVG - Opera Developer Community
Opera Developer Community article: Raphaël: a JavaScript API for SVG
Extending CSS with jQuery – A New Year’s Guide | | Where Web Businesses Grow
CSS-Tricks fame, recently gave an excellent presentation on how to extend CSS using jQuery. I remember seeing this wonderful presentation floating around recently but hadn’t been aware of who the author was until now. I would like to apologize to every one of my readers, including Chris, for posting this article up without any reference to the slides author – my original online source didn’t include any mention of him (or any author for that matter) so I had rather foolishly gone ahead with the use of them without investing more time into researching who put them up
extender css con la ayuda de jquery
13 Simple CMS Options –
While there are a lot of powerful and feature-rich content management systems available to choose from, designers often have the need to work on small sites for clients that may only have use for a fraction of the features offered by the CMS. In theses cases the ideal solution is to use a simple CMS that may offer limited features, but will be easier for clients to use.
13 cms simple d'utilisations
Shawn Mayzes - Google Maps jQuery Plugin
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages.
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages. To useThe Google Maps JavaScript API, you need to first sign up for an API key. Once you've received an API key, you can develop a map application following the instructions in this documentation.
Creating a Web Development Environment using Google Chrome Extensions : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Website Performance: What To Know and What You Can Do - Smashing Magazine
Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow websites mean fewer users and less happy users and thus lost revenue and reputation.
Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow...
Speed up your JavaScript, Part 2 | NCZOnline
nest loops too many....
Speed up your JavaScript,
Last week, I covered the first reason why JavaScript can take too long to execute: too much happening in a loop. There's a similar problem with functions in
Quick Tip – Separate Page Templates in Wordpress | Build Internet!
แยกเพจออกมาอีกหน้าทำยังไง สอนทำใน วพ
# <?php # /* # Template Name: Community News # */ # ?>
a nice tutorial on how to use different templates for different pages in WordPress
Make different page templates while using Wordpress.
HTML 5: Could it kill Flash and Silverlight? by InfoWorld: Yahoo! Tech
Therefore, Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight could see their turf invaded by HTML 5, Almaer says. "Essentially, what it does is lays the groundwork to have equivalent functionality that Flash or Silverlight provides," says RedMonk analyst Michael Cote. It also could threaten JavaFX, he adds.
uch as Apple, Google, and Mozilla.
How html5 could affect flash and silverlight
Can it be? Are we going to actually go forward? Allelujah!!!
Advanced Event Timeline With PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Some Useful JavaScript & jQuery Snippets | Codrops
breily's juno at master - GitHub
ligthweight REST framework for python - Juno violates some usual principles of good design (don't use global variables, don't do things implicitly, etc.) for the sake of fast development and less boilerplate code
like Ruby's Sinatra, but for Python
Sinatra for Python
12 Killer Tips for Designing in the Browser | Design Shack
webdesign css design tips browser Excellent site to test a site in diff browsers
5 Rarely-Used CSS Properties
“a list of 5 useful but rarely-used CSS properties that work in all modern browsers.”
The 14 Days of jQuery
jQuery Animations: A 7-Step Program | Nettuts+
The Smashing Book Is Released: Buy Now! - Smashing Magazine
Here it is, the brand new Smashing Book. Announced several months ago in a couple of posts, it has finally arrived. You can buy the Smashing Book right now. And in case you didn’t know, it’s available here exclusively. The book is available and can be shipped right away.
Web Style, design, and typography
Here it is, the brand new Smashing Book. Announced several months ago in a couple of posts, it has finally arrived. You can buy the Smashing Book right now. And in...
But the funny fact is that I was at my local coffee shop and a college girl had the book in hand!
djangozen | find stuff for django
Call them best practices if you like, but here's the things I do when starting a new Django project.
jQuery для начинающих / Jquery / Хабрахабр
Best Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices –
Popular now Best Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices10commentsBest Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices by Antonio Lupetti / January 10, 2010 / Posted in: Popular, Web Design 277 retweet TOP100 SharePopular 210 DeliciousDiggRedditShare122010 will be the year of consolidation of internet usage via mobile devices. According to, which reports a Gartner analysis, mobile device sales will rise (9%) in 2010. This scenario will impose to internet companies, online newspapers, bloggers, to provide mobile versions of their websites to simplify the fruition of their contents and enlarge their audience. In this post I prepared a roundup of code snippets inspired to some mobile versions of popular websites (such as Facebook, Flickr, The New York Times, Digg, Google, …) that illustrate some HTML best practices to develop perfect websites for iPhone and mobile Devices.
Selectors, Animation, and AJAX – jQuery Tutorial And Examples (Part Two) | Spyre Studios
By now I’m sure you have grasped at least the basics and simplicity of the jQuery library. Now it’s time to move on to some more in depth and practical techniques. jQuery isn’t just for hiding and showing content as we saw in the first part of our series, it can also perform many powerful tasks for us with just a few lines of code. For part two of our jQuery series, we will have a look at some special selectors, the animation method, and simple AJAX calls. Be sure to check out the demo for each section for an idea of how you could implement some of these ideas and scripts! Special Selectors We have learned that selecting elements with jQuery is very similar to selecting elements with CSS. For example, say we wanted to select all paragraphs within a certain div, we could do something like this: $(function(){ $('#my_div p').click(function(){ //your code here }); }); This is all fine and dandy for simple selections and manipulation. But what if we wanted to get more specific or use a
» Web Development for the iPhone: HTML & CSS Support :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
33 Best Typography Effect Photoshop Tutorials
iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
RT @tweetlicius: iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials] -
45 Powerful CSS/JavaScript-Techniques - Smashing Magazine
Some INCREDIBLE (and beautiful) CSS/Javascript techniques. My favourite is the Sexy Music Album Overlays for styling your music streams and provides you some graphics to do so.
CSS and JavaScript are extremely powerful tools for designers and developers. However, sometimes it's difficult to come up with the one excellent idea that would solve...
10 PHP functions you (probably) never use
**PHP** MD5 - pack()
When scripting in PHP, we often restrict ourselves to a limited number of API functions: the common ones, like print(), header(), define(), isset(), htmlspecialchars(), etc. If some needed functionality doesn’t exist, we often write it making use of these basic components which we have in mind. The PHP API actually offers a lot of functionality, some useless and some useful; often seldom used. I have been looking through the available functions and was interested to find some really cool functions that I should have known about. Here, I share my findings.
Shell Editor | jsFiddle | to test your JavaScript code
How to Create a Theme Development Environment for a Live WordPress Site – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog
Wow, a flash runtime for the iphone - in javascript and svg no less! cool!
javascript flash implementation
Wow. Flash in Javascript.
SQL for Beginners - Nettuts+
Using The New Post Thumbnail Feature In WordPress 2.9 › Kremalicious
WordPress 2.9 added a new feature which allows you to assign an image to an article to make it the post image like it’s often used in magazine style themes. This new feature along with a new template tag makes all the custom field hacks usually used for this functionality in the past obsolete. So [...]
if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
<?php the_post_thumbnail(array( 200,200 ), array( 'class' => 'alignleft' )); ?>
jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet — Future Colors
jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet
Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? - Smashing Magazine
Website security is an interesting topic and should be high on the radar of anyone who has a Web presence under their control. Ineffective Web security leads to all
jQuery 1.4 Released – The 14 Days of jQuery
14 jquery and CSS demos I wish I knew much before | Web Developer Juice
14 jquery and CSS demos I wish I knew much before
Web Developer Juice
Cross-domain requests with jQuery – James Padolsey
– James Padolsey
in short, YQL allows us to make cross-domain GET requests!
40 Essential Drupal Modules | Nick Lewis: The Blog
modulos de drupal
40+ Essential Drupal Modules
Create Custom Option Panels with Wordpress 2.9 | Build Internet!
Whitespace: The Underutilized Design Element | Web Design Ledger
Whitespace: The Underutilized Design Element | Web Design Ledger -
Great short article demonstrating whitespace in webdesign.
geuis's helium-css at master - GitHub
Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. The tool is javascript-based and runs from the browser.
Helium - javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS
integrate this into release procedure
determine unused css
tool for identifying unused css
The xmoovStream Server (formerly known as xmoov-php) is a centralized http streaming server written in PHP. It sits between your files and the world giving you control over many aspects of how your content is accessed. You can manage different kinds of content from different urls under a single installation.
Esquema em PHP para servidor de streaming.
24 Great Blogs for JavaScript developers
Make Your Site An iPhone App - Webmonkey
You can get most of the benefits of an iPhone application without writing a single line of Objective C. An open source project called PhoneGap lets your wrap your website in iPhone App goodness. And you can even charge for your creation. Even more exciting than being able to easily create an app is getting access to some native iPhone APIs. Currently PhoneGap supports JavaScript access to the user’s location and the device accelerometer. Camera and vibration are still in the works.
You can get most of the benefits of an iPhone application without writing a single line of Objective C. An open source project called PhoneGap lets your wrap your website in iPhone App goodness. And you can even charge for your creation. Even more exciting than being able to easily create an app is getting access to some native iPhone APIs. Currently PhoneGap supports JavaScript access to the user’s location and the device accelerometer. Camera and vibration are still in the works. There’s talk of being able to use a web form to create your app by submitting only the URL of your website. Currently, it’s a little more work, but easier than creating an app from scratch. You’ll still need to download the SDK and write your app in Apple’s XCode. The PhoneGap wiki has a hello world tutorial that should get you started. One really cool aspect of the PhoneGap project is that it also supports Android and Blackberry. A write-once approach to mobile development is within grasp of the ordinary
Proyecto de desarrollo de aplicaciones para iPhone
25 Beautifully Dark Websites - Part 3 | Vandelay Website Design
Although most websites use dark text on light backgrounds, but sites with dark backgrounds with light text can be very striking when executed effectively. In the past, I've published two collections of great dark designs (see part one and part two), and here is part three. BrandStorm
Build a Login and Registration System with XML - NETTUTS
Build a Login and Registration System with XML - NETTUTS
Building an entire membership system can be a tedious, and time-consuming task. Tim Cooper is going to show us how to build the ENTIRE thing in roughly thirty minutes. Rather than using MYSQL as our database, Tim will instead demonstrate an alternate approach: using an XML file. We'll be reviewing PHP, .htaccess files, sessions, and more!
URL Rewriting for Beginners - Added Bytes
SitePoint » Vital Information For A Web Design Project Request Form
Emerging Techniques Every Web Developer Should Know –
explanations and examples of modern web dev techniques
OpenFaces is an open-source library of AJAX-powered JSF components, an Ajax framework and a client-side validation framework
OpenFaces is an open-source library of AJAX-powered JSF components, an Ajax framework and a client-side validation framework. OpenFaces is based on the set of JSF components formerly known as QuipuKit. It contains fully revised codebase of QuipuKit and introduces many new components and features.
How to reduce the number of HTTP requests - Robert's talk
Keith Clark - IE CSS3 pseudo selectors
Metoda na css3 w IE
ie-css3.js allows Internet Explorer to identify CSS3 pseudo selectors and render any style rules defined with them. Simply include the script in your pages and start using these selectors in your style sheets — they'll work in IE... Honest...!
Your Bookmarklets, On Steroids – Quix
Quix é um bookmarklet extensível, o que lhe permite aceder facilmente a todos os seus favoritos e bookmarklets, em todos os seus navegadores
Joost De Valk's extension of Shaun Inman's Shortwave extensible bookmarklet. Especially useful on the iPhone.
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot. All you have to do is remember the shortcut for the bookmarklet, so, basically, it’s like a command line for your browser
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot.
» Creating a custom facebook fan page - PHP, Web and IT stuff
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland Lee Munroe
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe -
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme
jQuery Lint – James Padolsey
It works over the top of jQuery and diligently reports errors and any incorrect usage of jQuery. It will also, to some extent, offer guidance on best practices and performance concerns. Handy with firebug's console.
"jQuery Lint is a simple script you can download and use with jQuery. It works over the top of jQuery and diligently reports errors and any incorrect usage of jQuery. It will also, to some extent, offer guidance on best practices and performance concerns."
The Demise of CSS: Why Sass And Languages Like It Will Triumph
"Now, don’t get me wrong. I am sure CSS has many more years ahead of it, but Sass and languages like it are the future."
Optimize all your PNG and JPEG images with one command using imgopt |
optimizaçao de imagens
This sort of nitty-gritty optimisation stuff appeals to my nerdy side. An interesting article, but it's also worth reading the comments for a few gotchas.
I've used some of the comments this script shells out to stand-alone, but this combines it all together and makes it nice and easy to extremely squeeze graphics (losslessly)
10 interesting projects from Google Code
"10 interesting projects from Google Code"
Everything you need to know about WordPress 2.9’s post image feature
Everything about new thumbnail feature in Wordpress 2.9
Finalmente Wordpress ha le thumbnails incorporate
An in-depth look at how the post image feature in WordPress 2.9 can be used from the perspective of both end users and developers.
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ); else echo '<img src="default-image.png" alt="Example Image" title="Example" />'; ?>
Great Free Software for Web Designers « Boagworld
links to free softwares
W3C cheatsheet
Nützliche Informationen über W3C-Standards und allgemeine Tipps rund um Typographie und Barrierefreiheit.
Nützliche Kurzübersichten und Suchfunktionen für W3C-Standards.
Lookup various W3C code bits.
How to create a sliding image/reveal content with jquery
jQuery plugin: Simplest Twitter-like dynamic character count for textareas and input fields | Css Globe
On your site you might have a comment box or contact form fields limited to certain character count. You can use this simple plugin to provide user with that useful information.
bbk14-15_850.jpg (JPEG Image, 1707x1100 pixels)
CheatSheet de expresiones regulares
Tips for Coding and Designing Usable Web Forms - Noupe
By Louis Lazaris The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can't help it. Call-to-action functionality... The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can’t help it. Call-to-action functionality often leads users to a form; purchases are made using forms; users register or subscribe using forms — the uses for forms are endless. While it is fairly easy to slap together a form in HTML, it’s not as easy to code, style, and design your form in a manner that makes it usable and accessible to the majority of users. Since forms play such a large role in website conversions and success rates, the tips below, as well as the resources provided at the end of this article, should prove valuable for developers creating and coding web forms.
jquery-transmit - Project Hosting on Google Code
20+ .htaccess Hacks Every Web Developer Should Know About | DevMoose
Apache's .htaccess(hypertext access) configuration file can be a very powerful tool in a web developer's toolkit if used properly. It can be found in the
Apache's .htaccess(hypertext access) configuration file can be a very powerful tool in a web developer's toolkit if used properly. It can be found in the webroot of your server and can be easily edited using any text editor. In this article I'm going to show you 20 .htaccess hacks and how to use them.
XHTML/CSS web forms: 5 simple techniques | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
XHTML/CSS web forms: 5 simple techniques by Judd Lyon Feb 14, 2009Filed in: Web design & development Technique 1: The Label Sandwich Wrap your inputs, selects, and textareas in the label element, and set them all as block-level. Set radio buttons and checkboxes to display inline so they'll appear on the same line. If you'd like your label and radio buttons/checkboxes on separate lines, you can either choose not to wrap it in the label, or use a hard line-break. One of each is shown below. While this may seem a little funky, the W3C actually shows this in their "implicit" label example.
webdevmania - Top 10 jQuery Snippets (including jquery 1.4)
The quick copy paste jQuery starter embed; Value swap (usually for search fields); Equal Column Height; On Hover add and Remove a class; Live Event Binding; Partial Page Refresh; Each Element; Find an element close by (jQuery 1.4); Delay animation/effect; Check if an element contains a certain class or element;
Atlas: a visual IDE for desktop-like web apps - Ars Technica
Iterface builder pour le webdev/javascript
280 North has already made two major breakthroughs in building its web-based presentation app 280 Slides. First, it created the Objective-C-like superset of JavaScript called Objective-J. Then it re-implemented much of Apple's popular Cocoa APIs in the web-oriented Cappuccino. Now, its latest project, Atlas, represents perhaps a third breakthrough: a visual integrated development environment for building the next generation of desktop-like web applications.
An intens IDE for web app development
Advanced docking using jQuery
Some time ago I was doing some proof of concept: how Visual Studio docking functionality can be done with jQuery and unordered lists. Basically, the main goal was to implement multiple docking and undocking functionality. This tutorial will show you the results of PoC.
Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips
Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips -
Find The Right JavaScript Solution With A 7-Step Test - Smashing Magazine
By far the most important item here is how well the solution works with JavaScript turned off. Too many developers do not think about this. How well are styles ingrained with the code? If a look and feel change requires a JavaScript change, that's a dealbreaker (sorry, Tina). Is the JS code usable without a mouse; is keyboard navigation fully available? (this isn't just an accessibility issue, it's also power user productivity enhancer). Also, KNOW THE CODE.
CSS Reset: Ways and Advantages | Inspiring Pixel
reseteando la CSS antes de comenzar
CSS Reset or Reset CSS are one of the best ways to ensure you have a consistent web layout and design across all browsers. In this post we discuss the different ways and the advantages or disadvantages of using them.
Drag and Drop without Drag and Drop
Textarea Behavior Something that I never realized before is that text areas are drop targets by default. Using this property alone (without registering drag events on the source elements), we can emulate drag and drop behavior of non-linked images between different documents. If you drag any of the images on the right side to the textarea you will see the url of the image in it. This works in all browsers except, as anyone could expect, in IE, which doesn't allow you to drag images to input fields.
Free icons!
The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS
Creating Polaroid Style Images with Just CSS - ZURB Playground -
9 Tips For Working with MySQL Databases » DevSnippets
13 Easy And Powerful Website Building Tools To Create Your Free Site @ SmashingApps
This is one of the very best list of its kind where you can find about some best online website building tools available to create your free website. These free website building tools can help a lot to beginners who do not have technical knowledge but have interest in web design. These website building tools can be very helpful for you when you want to get your work done. I hope all of you will like this list if you are office worker, designer, developer, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 13 Easy And Powerful Website Building Tools To Create Your Free Site. Just take a look at them and share your thoughts here.
E-commerce and website designs
Jilion - SublimeVideo
Not fully there yet, but could be a great one stop solution for video in web pages eventually (why is this still and outstanding issue?)
HTML5 video player
HTML5 video.
"SublimeVideo provides a custom user interface for playing HTML5 videos. The design is Mac-centric (though well polished) and offers a “Full-window” mode which is very visually impressive—and I believe more useful than Flash’s “Full screen mode”. The script will eventually be released free for non-commercial use."
15 Blogs for WordPress Designers and Developers to Follow –
10 Best Free JavaScript Charts Solutions | AjaxLine
» 22 Questions to Ask Before Developing a Website :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
Unleashing the Power of Website Analytics
Uma aula sobre análise de relatórios de acesso (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, etc)
Med hjälp av statistik går det att bevisa vadsomhelst brukar man ju säga, men faktum är att statistik för din webbsida också kan hjälpa dig att förbättra den. Det förutsätter att du vet hur du ska tolka statistiken och hur du ska ta till dig av den. I den här artikeln får du hjälp med tips på olika statistikverktyg att använda dig av och hur du genom statistiken kan analysera vad du ska förbättra på din sajt för att
Top 10 tips to a new django developer - 0 & 1
Rounding Up the Best Javascript WYSIWYG and Markup Editor
WYSIWYG Editor is the first requirement if you want to develop a web application which involved HTML editing and you want your user see a real time preview of what they are editing. Most of the available Content Management System and other publishing platform in the web are using WYSIWYG editor for easy page editing.
Rounding Up the Best Javascript WYSIWYG and Markup Editor -
Web Development and Design Blog
A List Apart: Articles: Using SVG For Flexible, Scalable, and Fun Backgrounds, Part I
jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation
How to run Safari 4 beta and Safari 3 on the same mac: BeatnikPad Journal
A Better Javascript Memoizer |
javascript performance memoization programming memoizer
Yes, memoization is a neat concept. But why use it rather than just hand-coded caching mechanisms? It’s easy enough to write a caching routine, right? Here are a few good reasons: * hand-coded caching mechanisms obfuscate your code * multi-variate caching routines are bulky in Javascript * fewer lines of code means fewer bugs * Java programmers will think more highly of you*
Six Things Your Mom Never Told You About Debugging Javascript « [devlunch]
A List Apart: Articles: Using SVG for Flexible, Scalable, and Fun Backgrounds, Part II
Useful for my next project
<object type="image/svg+xml" width="100" height="100" style="float:right" data=""> <span/></object>
We’ll explore how to incorporate SVG in a cross-browser friendly manner, including using SVGWeb to ensure that the SVG shows in Internet Explorer.
9 Tips to Smaller & Optimized CSS Files » DivitoDesign
PHP SimpleForm Script » Matt Varone » Creative Designer
Multiple Web Tutorials
t’s a nicer version of the previous one, re-written from the ground up and with a couple of new features. SimpleForm is basically meant to be an easy solution to handle one or many forms with little effort. It’s mainly foc
5 useful PHP functions for MySQL data fetching -
Muy, interesante, recomendaciones para recuperar información de mysql
iPhone CSS—tips for building iPhone websites — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts
bxGallery | Simple jQuery Image Gallery
simple jQuery image gallery
Simple gallery using Jquery for blogs/static website..
An introduction to CSS3 | Zen Elements
Uma introdução bem legal ao CSS3.
10 jQuery Plugins for Easier Google Map Installation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Asynchronous Tracking - Google Analytics - Google Code
(fab) - a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps
a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps Introduction (fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery. Node.js currently the only supported platform.
(fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery.
11 Outstanding Online Resources for Web Developers
Bytepawn - Scalable Web Architectures and Application State
Note about Code-State-Cache-Data (CSCD) pattern in scalable web applications.
Short Article propounding the use of a "Code-State-Cache-Data-Architecture" (CSCD) instead of just CD or CCD applications. Basically saying that you should forget about stateful apps if you wan't maximum performance...
Application state - Data you can restore from the database or afford to lose if server is restarted (logged in users). He recommends storing this in-memory. "Application state goes into an in-memory key-value store like Tokyo Tyrant. Cache data goes into Memcached. Persistent data goes into a database"
"What he needs is the insight to identify state, cached data and persistent data in his application. Application state goes into an in-memory key-value store like Tokyo Tyrant. Cache data goes into Memcached. Persistent data goes into a database. Note that the seperation of code and application state may be beneficial later, because it allows you to scale easily by adding new memory servers. ... Let's call this the Code-State-Cache-Data (CSCD) pattern. What Damian originally had was a Code-Data (CD) pattern, and later he optimized to get a Code-Cache-Data (CCD) pattern"
Six Questions: Eric Meyer on CSS3 - Six Revisions
Six Questions: Eric Meyer on CSS3 December 9th, 2008 by Jacob Gube | 58 Comments | Stumble It! Delicious Eric A. Meyer knows a thing or two about standards-based CSS and HTML development. He’s a distinguished expert on CSS and HTML, an author of numerous books on CSS, co-founder of An Event Apart, a coveted guest speaker, a member of the A List Apart crew, and founder of Complex Spiral Consulting (I could go on – but I think you get the picture).
Six Questions
Quite an interesting article on CSS3 with Eric Meyer:
15 jQuery Plugins Giving Web Interfaces Drag ‘N Drop Capabilities | tripwire magazine
7 Tools You Should Be Using For Better Web Designs
7 Good UI design tools, and testing
10 Big Time-Saving Tools for Web Designers
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
10 Big Time-Saving Tools for Web Designers
CSS Rounded Corners In All Browsers (With No Images) | Jon Raasch's Blog
Bulletproof backups for MySQL | Carsonified
Great comment on using XFS and snapshots to reduce downtime.
CSS3 Techniques You Should Know
Many of you have probably heard all the buzz around CSS3, but exactly which techniques can we use today? In this article I’ll show you some different CSS3 techniques that work great in some of the leading browsers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ), and how they will degrade well in the non-supported browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer). Using browser specific extensions, many of the proposed CSS3 styles can be used today!
How to Dissasemble a Free WordPress Theme Part 1 | Blog design Blog for Blog Designers
How to Dissasemble a Free WordPress Theme Part 1 | Blog design Blog for Blog Designers -
15 Fantastic Finds on the Google Code Repository
Google Code Repository is a section of Google that, just like SourceForge, allows developers to upload their code for others to use under license. The repository was launched in 2006 and after searching through its archives, I found a number of interesting scripts and other goodies that would be an asset in any website owner/website builder’s arsenal.
10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use | Freelance Folder
For one — it’s an extra click to get into your content. Worse is when you don’t give a “skip intro” option or set of links into your main site content — because you’re essentially forcing your visitors to sit through the full animation. If you’re lucky, this will only annoy them… if not — they’ll just leave without giving your main web site a shot. And without an html link pointing into your site, the search engines have no way to continue either (unless you made use of a sitemap.xml file — but still…)
RT @imjustcreative 10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use | Freelance Folder ( [from]
10 Alternative Uses for WordPress | Powerusers
10 Alternative Uses for WordPress
jpolite - Google Code
jQuery Framework
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery.
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery. The focus is easy content integration at the front-end, through an intuitive naming system and conventions plus simple and easy configuration. Developers can make use of various server side technologies and frameworks to generate content for the portal. Features: * Flexible layout configurations * Module drag-drop (thanks to jQuery UI * Simple UI controls (Tabs, accordion, ...) * Sample RSS Reader ... Last not least, the core js file weighs only 5kB after compression! Check out the Live Demo to experience. -- hyper-fast mini-webapp production, in Python
You should need to know a little about using the command line, and perhaps a little Python, before using this.
Lifestream - lvtrii
"xstriim" is currently an alpha lifestreaming class, which intends to make it easy for people with virtually no PHP knowledge to set up their own lifestream on their website
Un script de lifestream à tester !
javascript lifestreaming class library
Six Useful Tips for Web Designers and Developers | Think Vitamin
Check this out for tonight.
James Hopkins » IE8 Bugs
James Hopkins’ compiled list of IE8 bugs and test cases. This should be something which Microsoft itself keeps public track on.
cleanstickyfooter - Project Hosting on Google Code
Over the past couple of months I have run across a few "sticky footer" techniques. While these techniques are okay, I felt that they were a little to invasive with their hacks, such as using the "clear fix" hack. About a year ago I had to conquer the "sticky footer" problem on a project I was working on. Ever since then I have been refining my technique, and feel that now it's a perfect time to release what I like to call the "cleanStickyFooter". There is only one hack, which is a height targeting hack for Internet Explorer 6 and older browsers like it. The HTML Lets start off by building out the basic HTML needed for this technique. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>cleanStickyFooter</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cleanstickyfooter.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> </head> <body> <div
por si cuando estás pegando un footer abajo, nada funciona…
The Future of Web Content – HTML5, Flash & Mobile Apps
Diskussionerna om flash vs. html5 fortsätter.
ITD 110
The Ultimate Website Prelaunch Checklist « Boagworld
The Ultimate Website Prelaunch Checklist
How to Test your JavaScript Code with QUnit | Nettuts+
Como testar o seu codigo java script
52Framework - first ever html5 and css3 framework
Framework para HTML5 y CSS3
Applying Mathematics To Web Design - Smashing Magazine
“Mathematics is beautiful.” This may sound absurd to people who wince at numbers and equations. But some of the most beautiful things in nature and our universe...
by @SmashingMag
"Layouts featured in this post were created specifically for the purpose of this article. During the design process we made sure that all of the designs shown in this article are essentially mathematical in nature; that is, they exhibit order, symmetry and limitation. We also have followed the Web design algorithm in this process — the designs have distinct themes, styles and elements. To keep things simple and clear, we tried to stick to minimalist designs and also preferred single-page layouts. Obviously, examples in this article are supposed to serve as a simple foundation for your designs and not as the finished designs."
jQuery MagicLine Navigation | CSS-Tricks
Oliver James Gosling - Freelance Web Developer
Oliver James Gosling - Web Developer & Internet specialist based in Bristol, UK.
@j_car is indeed very pretty - clever too, quite a lot to discover for a one page site
Aaron Rosenfeld » phpWatch Release Announcement
phpWatch is a general purpose service monitor that is able to send notifications of outages via e-mail or text-message (SMS). The purpose of this system is two-fold: it allows administrators to easily check the status of many different services running on any number of servers and also allows developers to interface with the query and notification APIs.
phpWatch is a general purpose service monitor that is able to send notifications of outages via e-mail or text-message (SMS)
24 Best Practices for AJAX Implementations | Nettuts+
Implementing AJAX technology can be a hit or miss thing. Do it well and you'll have users raving over the slickness it provides to the general user experience
Build a Web 2.0 Document Search Site - Nettuts+
Tutorial q ensina a criar um site de procura basedo nas extensões dos arquivos.
Build a Web 2.0 Document Search Site | Nettuts+ -
In this article, we will create a document searching site with jQuery. This site will be used to search documents by specifying an extension (file type). The data is then filtered and sent to Google. We'll learn many jQuery tips and skills through the process. A gray box plugin called "ColorBox", and a toolTip plugin called "SimpleTip" will also be introduced in this article. Let's get started.
Rechercher un type de document grâce à google.
In this article, we will create a document searching site with jQuery. This site will be used to search documents by specifying an extension (file type). The
Forgotten CSS selectors | 456 Berea Street
Forgotten CSS selectors
Well, the market share of IE 6 is now finally at a level where we as developers can say that a site “supporting” IE 6 does not mean “looking pixel perfect”. Fortunately more and more clients understand this as well. IE 7 has been out for well over three years and IE 9 is on the horizon, so I think it’s time to revive those CSS selectors that you never got to use just because IE 6 doesn’t understand them.
The hidden power of border-radius « CreativityDen
In this post we will explore the property border-radius and how it can be used to create circles, semi-cricles and quarter-circles. It also has the potential to produce some terrific designs using just CSS – no images.
Developing Sites With AJAX: Design Challenges and Common Issues - Smashing Magazine
Mobile Web Design: Tips and Best Practices - Noupe
PHP Secure Login Tips And Tricks - Hungred Dot Com
when it comes to login pages where our most sensitive data are being held. Hence, there is a need to better understand how well your login page has been implemented to be considered as really secure. In this article, you will get a list of PHP secure login tips and tricks that will definitely help you decide on your secure rating of your login page.
CSS3 Click Chart by Impressive Webs
Why Web Developers Should Switch to Google Chrome - Nettuts+
gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | Examples
Now that I am getting more into jQuery I may just have to use this
Software house for iphone development
great lighting, texture, really smooth firm site
Using a Pre-Launch Checklist for your Website | Webdesigner Depot
Accounting for every aspect of a new website isn’t easy, especially at the last minute. The problems aren’t the details themselves, but rather the
Debug PHP with Firebug and FirePHP
Techniques for Mastering cURL | Nettuts+
cURL is a tool for transferring files and data with URL syntax, supporting many protocols including HTTP, FTP, TELNET and more
JQuery Form Wizard
The form wizard plugin is a jQuery plugin which can be used to create wizard like page flows for forms without having to reload the page in between wizard steps. The plugin is unobtrusive and gives the developer great freedom on how they set up the flow of the different steps in their wizards, as the plugin supports creating specific routes in the form; depending on the user input.
Google Code Blog: Announcing Google Chart Tools
John Resig - ECMAScript 5 Objects and Properties
This new code gives you the ability to dramatically affect how users will be able to interact with your objects, allowing you to provide getters and setters, prevent enumeration, manipulation, or deletion, and even prevent the addition of new properties. In short: You will be able to replicate and expand upon the existing JavaScript-based APIs (such as the DOM) using nothing but JavaScript itself.
How to Set Up a Local PHP/MySQL Development Sandbox for Windows and OS X | Build Internet!
Nice post on how to install a local server for testing purposes.
Best of the Web: January - NETTUTS
54 Awesome Tutorials To Satisfy The Appetite Of Any Web Developer | Tutorials |
Samuel Garneau dot com - jQuery : Slide Box
Function’less event handlers in jQuery - James Padolsey
RT @jquery: Tutorial: Function’less event handlers in jQuery - [nice article!] [from]
build a widget
Dijit widgets enable users to socially distribute photos, music, videos, create micro-blogs, and create slideshows. Dijit Custom Widget Engine & Dijit Flash Widget Creator allow you Build Dijit Widget Slideshow Online for Free,create youtube widget,Myspace widgets, facebook widget, dashboard widgets, desktop widgets, mobile widget, flash widgets, blog widget and network widget.
Widget creator
iPhone: A web developer's new best friend : iSmashPhone
web development applications for iphone
Fun With Box Shadows « Markus Stange’s Blog
25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines
25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines
RT @tweetlicius: 25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines -
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
17 Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers –
jQuery PhotoShoot Plugin 1.0 – Tutorialzine
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder. You can check out the demonstration above, or a nice tutorial on how to use it here.
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
写真撮影っぽいエフェクトがかけられるjQueryプラグイン「Photo Shoot」
Une feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations
Une feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations -
Feuille de style de base
10 Simple and Light Weight CMS Solutions | Tools
10 Simple and Light Weight CMS Solutions
cms solutions
EZ-CSS: An easy to use, lightweight, CSS framework.
PHP: Remote Kill Switch - Make Sure You Get Paid » Ready Fire Aim
Web Developers: Have you ever gotten to the end of a project, and had a client withhold the last of your fee to exact additional changes or features that were not in the original plan? Perhaps a client that decided your work “wasn’t what we expected” and tried to withhold payment? Well worry no more. Put the power back in your hands with a Remote Kill Switch. The idea is this: you build into their website a small function that checks with a server you control to make sure the client’s account is in good standing. If it is, the site loads as normal. If not, their site doesn’t load, and they get a message asking for payment.
CSS Trick For A Scrolling Transparent Background Effect
Learn an easy CSS trick to create a transparent scrolling background effect like that found on the Think Geek website, including fixes for IE6.
The ThinkGeek background effect explained
The Life, Times (and Death?) of Internet Explorer 6 (Comic Strip) - Smashing Magazine
In recent years Internet Explorer 6 has become the browser web designers love to hate. Security issues, JavaScript errors and inexplicable CSS rendering quirks have...
n recent years Internet Explorer 6 has become the browser web designers love to hate. Security issues, JavaScript errors and inexplicable CSS rendering quirks have made it the brunt of many jokes. With IE6 in its twilight and big companies like Google dropping support, it seems like a good time to take a fond look back at our old foe. In this post we’re looking at what Internet Explorer 6 used to be and why its image changed over the years. You can also see the comic in a larger version. Do we need to review our projects in Internet Explorer 6? Can we stop supporting IE6? If not, how do we handle those users who are still using IE6? And if yes, how can we prompt IE6 users to upgrade? Or how do we convince those who don’t allow their employees to get rid of the legacy browser to upgrade? What do you think? We are looking forward to your opinions in the comments to this post!
Really Nicely Illustrated!
I finally know where Andy Clarke got his Twitter avatar...
Adding Markers to a Map Using the Google Maps API and jQuery
An interactive map can be a great way to show your site’s visitors where your physical locations are. Thanks to jQuery a…An interactive map can be a great way to show your site’s visitors where your physical locations are. Thanks to jQuery a…
Adding Markers to a Map Using the Google Maps API and jQuery
Simple CSS shiny progress bar technique - Ben Ogle's blog. Yeah!
A technique for making a progress bar from three divs, one image, and a little CSS. Check it out!
WordPress Theme Frameworks – A Comprehensive Overview | Design Adaptations
Over the course of the past 6 months or so, there’s been a lot of buzz regarding theme frameworks. It’s no wonder, with the influx of framework releases and their rising popularity. Suddenly more developers (and some users) are taking notice and trying to determine what they are exactly, how they should be used and to what end. Despite the arguments against frameworks, there are many good reasons for using one. The point may be lost to some however, if the purpose behind it is misunderstood.
Review of some of the available Wordpress frameworks.
Simple Design Themes
Projective Texturing with Canvas | Steven Wittens -
html5 canvas image skew
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.
a working projective transform renderer in JavaScript. The algorithm uses adaptive subdivision to maintain quality and can be tuned for detail or performance.
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.
Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool - Articles - MIX Online
Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool is a prototype from the Mix Online Labs which makes jQuery accessible through a visual tool. The objective for Glimmer is pretty simple: to enable the power of jQuery through an interactive design surface. If jQuery is the "write less, do more” JavaScript library, then Glimmer is the “write none, do more” jQuery design tool. Glimmer has three core audiences: power users, designers and developers.
this blog is nice looking
כלי נחמד אבל לא ממש שימושי
Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool is a prototype from the Mix Online Labs which makes jQuery accessible through a visual tool.
Windows app that generates JQuery, HTML, and CSS
Desktop application that automatically generates jQuery scripts and CSS based on user parameters. Windows only, but looks powerful -- especially for designers who aren't code monkeys. Will benefit power users as well.
The Messy Notebook » Javascript Tetris Pt 1: Rationale
Ya it's the classically Tetris implemented in javascript:)
Good Software Engineering Applied To A Javascript Tetris Game
34: Form design, layout, and presentation with CSS - Opera Developer Community
Cross-browser drop shadows using pure CSS — Nick Dunn
25 jQuery Tutorials for Creating and Working with Forms –
数週間前に、私たちは、フォームで働くためのjQueryプラグインの収集を発行しました。 それらのプラグインが非常に役に立つ場合がある間、回があなたが単にプラグインを使用するより自分でむしろ解決策をコード化する方法を学ぶ方がましであるところにあるかもしれません。 jQueryと用紙で働くのに利用可能な多くの上質のチュートリアルがあります、そして、このポストでは、私たちはそれらの25を特徴とするでしょう。
The Comprehensive Guide to Saving Images for the Web
On the surface, saving images for the web can be a pretty straightforward process. However, if you dig deeper there's a wealth of information and techniques you might be missing out on. This article focuses on the diverse features of Photoshop's Save for Web & Devices command and best practices for saving images that are optimized for web use.
Rails 3 Reading Material | Medium eXposure - test any web page in any window size
JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor – TinyEditor - Web Development Blog
Canvas3D & Flickr
A demonstration of the potential of the canvas element, which could pave the way for javascript to replace flash.
example of canvas tag for 3d image display
pretty sick html5 canvas demo via Gen Kanei
13 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers | Tools
Information and downloads for Google Chrome extentions aimed at web developers
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you’re a web developer, Google Chrome comes with a nice set of developer tools built in that will make your life easier. But there are also a number of extensions that will give you even more tools at your disposal. The great thing about extensions is that they allow you to perform tasks that would normally require you to switch over to another application. Being able to perform certain tasks without leaving your browser can be a big time saver. Here are 13 Google Chrome extensions that you should find very useful.
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you're a web developer, Google
How to Use jQuery to Make Slick Page Transitions | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
How to Use jQuery to Make Slick Page Transitions | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
10 Great Tools to Create a Mobile Version of Your Site | Spyre Studios
10 Great Tools to Create a Mobile Version of Your Site !!!!
Firefox: 46 features you might not know about ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Awesome things I didn't know that Fire Fox could do.
Information Gathering: a Roundup of UX Applications | UX Booth
Eine Sammlung von Webapps zum Tracken von Nutzerverhalten, Bewertungen, Meinungen (Heatmap, Mouse-Heatmap, Clickmap, Umfrage, ...)
Krumo: Version 2.0 of print_r(); and var_dump();
Worth taking for a spin
To put it simply, Krumo is a replacement for print_r(); and var_dump();. By definition Krumo is a debugging tool (initially for PHP4/PHP5, now for PHP5 only), which displays structured information about any PHP variable.
Ajaxian » Meer Meer: Cross browser testing all through your one browser!
A List Apart: Articles: Accent Folding for Auto-Complete
In this article we will skip through a bit of history and theory, then illustrate a neat hack called accent-folding. Accent-folding has its limitations but it can help make some important yet overlooked user interactions work better.
Sinatra Book
10 Apps for Developers on a Shoestring - NETTUTS
There are many many different areas web developers need to cover. First you need to find the perfect text editor, set up a local environment, find a database management tool and then find a great FTP application. And for many of us out there freelancing, we have less of a budget to work with. So here's 10 cheap or free web development tools for Windows and OS X.
10 Fresh tools and resources for web developers
Wavemaker is the most interesting of these, but any could come in handy.
In this post I want to suggest you some interesting tools and resources for web developers. This list includes a CSS framework to design sitemaps using HTML lists, some interesting JavaScript frameworks, some interesting jQuery plug-in, a PHP face detection script, a tutorial to work with the Twitter API and a tutorial about how to retrieve your Gmail emails using PHP
10 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
Now extensions are supported in Chrome and some of the tools you’re accustomed to using in Firefox have become available, plus a few unique to Chrome. We’ve compiled a list of ten of the most useful Chrome extensions for web developers right here
So... you want to be a web developer? - Download Squad
I had the most interesting conversation with one of my friends the other day. Adam: "Whew... finally finished with my latest web project!" Friend (in awe): "Whoa! That's awesome! How did you make that?" Now, of course, this project of mine was a full-fledged ASP.NET web application; a simple question like "how did you make that" could easily end up with me not only explaining what I did, but how I did it, and which tools and technologies I used. That way, instead of wondering about the magic that makes all those fancy programs out there on the internet work, my friend could understand exactly what goes on to make that happen. Well, that couldn't hurt, right? Adam: "Do you really want to know? I'm warning you... this could get messy." Now, at this point, my friend gives me one of those funny looks like I'm completely crazy. But being a web developer, I'm already used to that. Friend: "Well, sure..." And so it begins. Step 1: Tools of the Trade Adam: "Well, the first thing we
How to Create a Wordpress Options Panel | Nettuts+
Today, we'll go through the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme, using the excellent WooFramework as an example. Then, we'll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality.
Today, we'll go through the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme. Then, we'll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality.
"We'll go through the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme, using the excellent WooFramework as an example. Then, we'll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality."
26 cool and useful jQuery tips, tricks & solutions | OpenSourceHunter
The use of the jQuery library is growing and growing(just released jQuery 1.4), more and more people are using this useful javascript library. This means that more and more useful jQuery tips, tricks and solutions are coming available. That’s why i created a small list of 26 cool and useful jQuery tips, tricks and solutions. jQuery has a lot of very useful plugins that can help you with almost anything, but there are a couple of plugins that aren’t that smart to use, why? Well sometimes 1 or 2 lines of jQuery code can do the same thing(or even better), so why use a big script if you can do the same trick with a small piece of code. As many of you already know, jQuery can do a lot of things in more than just one way, so if you see a tip, trick or solution and think/know this can be done better, smarter or faster please let me know, post and share it in a comment below of just email me this, so that i can use this for part 2.
Introduction to HTML 5 on Vimeo
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including:
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including: * Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) * The Geolocation API * HTML 5 Video * The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache * Web workers The video is chock full of demos and sample source code. (Note to moderators: HTML 5 is a public open web standard. I'm helping to educate web developers and raise awareness of this open web standard).
chive - MySQL database management tool
CSS Border Radius
Border Radius syntax for CSS3, WebKit and Mozilla.
html5media - Project Hosting on Google Code
Enables <video> tags in all major browsers.
Currently using Mark Pilgrim\'s solution. This looks nigh-identical but worth comparing.
CDN Catalog
10+ useful code snippets to develop iPhone friendly websites
"When developing websites, you have to care about different browsers, as well as mobile devices such as iPhones or iPods. In this article, let's have a look at the 10+ most useful code snippets (Javascript, PHP, CSS, etc) for developing iPhone friendly websites, quickly and efficiently."
Debouncing Javascript Methods |
Taking an event that fires multiple times in a short period of time, and treating them as one event.
パフォーマンス、ユーザー動作の休止を検知する、バウンス(スイッチの切り換えサイクルが収束すること)、Throttling(イベント発生数を減らす /mousemoveイベントなど)、発生回数などは保持する、一定期間(threshold)イベントが発生しなくなってから処理を実行する/イベントをまとめる、execAsapがtrueの場合は先に処理を行い一定期間(threshold)処理を受け付けない、timeoutが空かどうかで判定している/高速にsetTimeoutとclearTimeoutを繰り返す、←ツールチップ表示のトリガの動作に近い
via youpy、パフォーマンス、ユーザー動作の休止を検知する、バウンス(スイッチの切り換えサイクルが収束すること)、Throttling(イベント発生数を減らす/mousemoveイベントなど)、発生回数などは保持する、一定期間(threshold)イベントが発生しなくなってから処理を実行する/イベントをまとめる、execAsapがtrueの場合は先に処理を行い一定期間(threshold)処理を受け付けない、timeoutが空かどうかで判定している/高速にsetTimeoutとclearTimeoutを繰り返す、←ツールチップ表示のトリガの動作に近い
デバウンス 短時間に発生する複数のイベントをまとめる setTimeout/clearTimeout
timeout id をクロージャにして関数を返す関数を作ることで、resize などの操作が続けて起こる場合は、操作が全部終わってから特定時間待つように。debouncing というらしい。
Ajax Availability Calendar - an Availability Calendar to show your day-to-day availability
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.).
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
Availability calendar for hotels, apartments, holiday homes The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
Speed Up with CSS3 Gradients | CSS-Tricks
WebKit browsers paved the way with CSS based gradients. Now Firefox 3.6 is out and is supporting them as well, which makes using them for progressive enhancement all the more appealing. More good news, CSS3 gradients fall into the camp where you can specify fallbacks (i.e. images) so that browsers that don’t support them just use the image instead. But wait… if you need to use an image anyway, why bother with declaring the gradient with CSS? That is kind of how I felt for a long time, but there is one important aspect that makes it worth it: browsers that support them don’t load the image fallback. One less HTTP Request = all the faster your site will load.
10 Small Things You May Not Know About Javascript |
Alloy UI - A project of Liferay
Composants JS
Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behavior. * HTML * CSS * JavaScript
10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
Measure twice, cut once. Better yet, measure thrice. Making certain that your early visitors will have the best experience possible when first arriving at your site means that everything needs to be working correctly. Check to make sure that all hyperlinks work. Make ultra-sure that contact forms, email accounts, commenting systems, and all the other things that your users will interface with, is working properly. One of the late quick fixes we had to implement just hours before Design Instruct’s launch had something to do with category pages. Users visiting a category page from the sidebar links that didn’t have an associated tutorial under it simply said that the page could not be found. It gave the impression that there was something wrong. We had to revise the message to say, "There aren’t any posts in this category yet. We’re working on it though, so please check back soon!" to let users know that the pages do work, just that there aren’t anything in them yet.
10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
The process of launching a website can be a daunting endeavor. There are many things you want to do, but not enough time and resources to do them. However, even though it might seem like a herculean task, as long as you keep some fundamental things in mind, you can ensure a hassle-free website launch. In this article, I’ll share with you some tips for launching a website based on the experience of our own launch of Design Instruct.
10 Popular Firefox Add-ons for Web Developers
Every plug-in on the list offers outstanding utility to developers who install them in their browsers. In fact, some of them are even considered indispensable. And they’re all available as free downloads for Firefox, right now.
10 Popular Firefox Add-ons for Web Developers
what you'd expect, plus a couple more. Includes FTP
Everything you should know about CSS Frameworks! - High Resolution Spotlights
Esej od autora YAML, Dirka Jesseho.
Kodingen - Online Code Editor, Cloud Hosting, Web based access to file-system, Web based ftp & svn integration
Een web based development platform waarin je oneindig veel projecten aan kunt maken en toegang hebt tot jouw FTP servers. In de toekomst kun zelfs je eigen webservers toevoegen. De ideale tool als je veel in een team werkt of veel op verschillende werkplekken.
Quick Tip: Different Layouts for Different Widths | Nettuts+
navigation that appears when your width allows it
The easy way to apply different body classes according to a window's current width
Layouts diferentes para larguras de browser diferentes via css + jquery
Introducing EnhanceJS: A smarter, safer way to apply progressive enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Introducing EnhanceJS, a JavaScript framework designed specifically to deliver a usable experience to the widest possible audience, by testing the browser to determine whether it is capable of correctly supporting a range of essential CSS and JavaScript properties, and delivering features only to those that pass the test.
Free CakePHP E-Book - Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips |
Free CakePHP E-Book - Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips [from]
Livro de dicas sobre CakePHP
This Week in Django | Django From the Ground Up: Episodes 1 and 2
This Week in Django is your ongoing source for all things Django. We have interviews, tips, special topics, screencasts, callcasts and a ton of fun.
Urbantastic - Tech Tuesday: The Fiddly Bits
# My own setup.
An architectural approach that uses mostly static HTML and JSON, powered by CouchDB.
In my last post I promised to talk a little about the technology that underlies Urbantastic. It’s not the usual suspects, so it’s worth some explanation.
Annotated link
Splitting static and dynamic data, moving the synthesis of the two to the client with javascript.
MicroTut: Centering a Div Both Horizontally And Vertically – Tutorialzine
In this MicroTut, we are going to take a look at a couple of ways to center a div both horizontally and vertically with pure CSS. A jQuery method is also presented.
While building web page layouts, you’ve probably been faced with a situation where you need to center a div both horizontally and vertically with pure CSS. There are more than a few ways to achieve this, and in this MicroTut I am going to show you my favorite involving CSS and jQuery.
Centering a Div Both Horizontally And Vertically
15 Best Free Online Tools for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
Extend the Firebug Console with these 15 Extensions - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Aha! Moments When Learning Git | BetterExplained
git staging and branching
Git is a fast, flexible but challenging distributed version control system. Before jumping in: Understand regular version control Understand
John Resig - How do Mobile Browsers Behave?
Mobile Browsers Compatibility Table
A study on how mobile browsers work...
High Performance Web Sites :: Hammerhead: moving performance testing upstream
30 Examples of Clean and Minimal Website Navigation | Inspiration
Design inspiration twitter clone
humble software development - Finance Financial Graphs
Links Web
Scripts e tutoriais para desenvolvedores web.
Muitos tutoriais Interessantes, até uma galeria muito boa em Jquery
[Think IT] 第2回:携帯サイトの制作から公開まで (1/3)
CSS3 Generator
This is a handy tool for generating CSS from the emerging CSS3 modules that you can use right now in modern browsers – includes tools to do web fonts, box shadows, text shadows, rounded corners, etc. (info from Joe)
Bom auxilio pro CSS3
RT @standardistas: Problems recalling your border-radius, box-shadow and other CSS3 selectors? CSS3 Generator has you covered: http://j. ...
Top 10 best practices for front-end web developers
Top 10 best practices for front-end web developers -
JSON Visualization
Simple, easy method to visually inspect a JSON-encoded string.
100 Essential Web Development Tools - Noupe
Debugging and Testing in Internet Explorer Made Easy |
post bem interessante com links para programas bacanas (inclusive pacotes das versões do ie) sobre debug nos ie
It’s somewhat usual to leave the testing with Internet Explorer until the end of the project. This is quite acceptable when you’re dealing mainly with layout issues. But when you’re building a web application with loads of features, there are several issues to struggle with: constant debugging, client-side performance, proprietary bugs and so on. However, getting your hands dirty with IE doesn’t always feel as comfortable as with other browsers. In this article, I’m going to list and review different set of tools, which will help you and make your debugging and testing process in Internet Explorer much more enjoyable.
Sneaking into Future: 25 Ultra Modern Websites Using HTML5 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Take a look and explore the code for an insight into the future of the internet. Be warned, however, few display properly in Internet Explorer. Here comes the 25 websites built using HTML5
HTML5 structure—div, section & article ・ @boblet
lest I forget (Oli Studholme)
It seems my HTML5 id/class name cheatsheet article interested a few people, so here’s the start of an in-depth look at the document structures that fall out of the HTML5 spec. First, let’s introduce three easily confused HTML5 structural elements:
An in depth look at the HTML5 elements for semantically structuring your pages.
HTML5 yapısal araçları div - section, article
Everything you need to know about HTML5 video and audio - Opera Developer Community
Cross Browser CSS Transforms – even in IE
3d Html Eleman Yapımı
CSS in Depth: Floats and Positions | Spyre Studios
18 Search Engines For Designers - Creativity Boost | Minervity
skipfish - Project Hosting on Google Code
A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool. Key features: * High speed: pure C code, highly optimized HTTP handling, minimal CPU footprint - easily achieving 2000 requests per second with responsive targets. * Ease of use: heuristics to support a variety of quirky web frameworks and mixed-technology sites, with automatic learning capabilities, on-the-fly wordlist creation, and form autocompletion. * Cutting-edge security logic: high quality, low false positive, differential security checks, capable of spotting a range of subtle flaws, including blind injection vectors.
@z0nbi What does the #security community think of this announcement: ~ A Google web app security scanner.
wyiswyg - mootools
#wysiwyg #mootools
Editor wisiwyng
How To Quickly Set Up Ubuntu 8.04 loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb and Nginx | BeeBuzz
"This post is the starting point of a series of posts in which I’m going to provide you with all the commands you’ll need to set up an Ubuntu 8.04 server loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb proxied by Nginx. In the same series, I’ll also cover: The basic configuration of Postfix (mail) The use of Imagemagick to create dynamically a captcha for your application The configuration of Bind9 in order to play with the url CNAME"
8 Important SEO Techniques To Kickstart Your Website « DivitoDesign
8 خطوات هامة جدا لتحسين المواقع واستمثالها مع محرات البحث المختلفة
Web Programming Tutorials online - For Website Design and Development
HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles
RT @tweetlicius: HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles -
Building SEO optimised Django web applications — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Using Django's built in tools for performing SEO. Including pinging Google when site content has changed.
8 Common CSS Mistakes and How to Fix Them - Blog
To keep in mind: mistake 5 (we should use html5 simple <!doctype html>, and mistake 7 (we should be using overflow: hidden)
Guilty as charged. I guess.
by @photoshoptalent
CSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 2
This is the second part to my previous article “CSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 1“, if you haven’t checked it out yet now is a good time. In part one, I went over general tips and reminders, in this article I would like to go over more of the technical aspects of CSS.
50 Excellent Tutorials for Web Development Using CSS3 | Dzinepress
50 Excellent Tutorials for Web Development Using CSS3 | Dzinepress -
A Fresh Bottom Slide Out Menu with jQuery | Codrops
criar um fundo único deslize para fora do menu
so cute! I want to do this.
Userfly: Usability Testing Made Easy | UX Booth
The fundamental problems with CSS3 | Matt Wilcox .net
This post brings to a head a lot of my thoughts and feelings with regard to CSS3 and the way the W3C is developing it. It does not aim to look at specific topics in detail, but to step back and question some fundamental issues that I feel need to be addressed.
my thoughts a
40 Useful Print-Ready Cheat Sheet For Web Developers | Back to Essentials
opers to help them co
SEOをある程度勉強して、初級から中級になりかけた頃に知りたくなる8つのQ&A - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
Search Engine Land に Jill Whalen さんによる、「The Answer To All Your SEO Questions!」という投稿がありました。 記事タイトルを訳すと「SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答え」となります。ポイントは「questions」が複数形であるのに対して、「answer」が単数でしかも「The answer」となっていること。 これは、SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答えは「一つの答え」
Best practices in web development with Python and Django « News Apps Blog
Best practices in web development with Python and Django
5 Quick and Easy Ways to Optimise Your Website - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Performance is something you don’t often think about. You assume that if it loads quickly enough for you then everyone’s happy. Someone commented a while back saying that it takes quite long for my pages to load so I optimised it a tad and thought I’d share a few quick tips with you.
CSS Opacity: A Comprehensive Reference | Impressive Webs Toronto
35 Fresh JavaScript/jQuery Tools and Resources - Noupe
It's time for more JavaScript and jQuery goodies here on Noupe. Today we are featuring fresh JavaScript Development Frameworks, code optimization and minimization...
Drop shadow with CSS for all web browsers - Robert's talk
Como aplicar sombras con CSS en TODOS los navegadores web.
"One of the most common CSS effects is using shadows in various ways. Before, we needed to resort to images, but now we can offer this to all major web browser with CSS!"
A Brief Look at Grid-Based Layouts in Web Design
Take a look at some of the biggest sites out there today that are showcasing top-notch designs. It's very likely they've used a grid of some sort. Grids enable stability and structure in a web layout, giving the designer a logical template to build the site on.
Take a look at some of the biggest sites out there today that are showcasing top-notch designs. It’s very likely they’ve used a grid of some sort. Grids enable stability and structure in a web layout, giving the designer a logical template to build the site on.
PHP, Web and IT stuff » Blog Archive » Avoid Javascript blocking content download on your website during page load
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using | Nettuts+
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using
So you’ve been playing with jQuery for a while now, you’re starting to get the hang of it, and you’re really liking it! Are you ready to take your jQuery knowledge to level two? Today, I’ll demonstrate twenty functions and features you probably haven’t seen before! 1 after() / before() Sometimes you want to insert something into the DOM, but you don’t have any good hooks to do it with; append() or prepend() aren’t going to cut it and you don’t want to add an extra element or id. These two functions might be what you need. They allow you to insert elements into the DOM just before or after another element, so the new element is a sibling of the older one. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); 2. $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this is go about #child')); $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this
5 Plugins to Keep WordPress Secure
Some days ago a reader asked Daniel for advice when his blog got hacked. Daniel recommended some good security measures to keep WordPress safe. In case you missed it, read the post here: What if my WordPress Blog Got Hacked with the Google Redirect?
10 New jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
10 New #jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
jQuery Tutorial for Beginners: Nothing But the Goods | Impressive Webs Toronto
Introductory tutorial for using jQuery. Very readable.
A collection of 14 Excellent JavaScript Date Pickers
Reverse HTTP - Second Life Wiki
http 方向返回
what's difference between comet and reverse http
YouTube - Hug a developer today...
Hug a developer today - [from]
From your developer with love
Posted by iCEBrkr
Essential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver
Essential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver -
CSS Sprites: Useful Technique, or Potential Nuisance? - Smashing Magazine
CSS Sprites tekniği hakkında makale
What do you think? Should we reconsider the use of mega sprites in CSS development? Do the statistics in favour of the savings on HTTP requests warrant the use of...
CSS sprites, muito util e interessante a tecnica, neste post podemos ver que ele é util em casos de estilizacao... mas nunca no conteudo
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps |
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps | Subesh Pokhrel's Blog - Magento Development Tips,PHP,Google Maps -$ip&position=true
Introducing "Aristo", A jQuery UI Theme — Nothing Insightful
Introducing "Aristo", A jQuery UI Theme — Nothing Insightful -
y started mocking and building my own jQuery UI them
FlexPaper - the open source document viewer solution for pdf, doc, ..
open source dokumentumkezelés
Welcome to the FlexPaper Project. The open source web based document viewer.
The web designers' guide to cloud hosting | News | TechRadar UK
The web designers' guide to cloud hosting All you need to know about developing and hosting in the cloud
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us?
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us? Cloud computing runs on virtual servers. Rather than being a single physical box, a virtual server runs as part of a physical box. This type of virtualisation is nothing new and has long been a cost-effective entry-level solution. Virtual machines on the cloud run on clusters of servers. Again, this is nothing new: most medium-to-large server set-ups involve clustering.
Web Design - HTML5 & CSS3 Checklist
5 Amazing HTML5 Features to Look Forward to | Geektechnica
5 bijzondere nieuwe features in HTML 5
Technical Note TN2262: Preparing Your Web Content for iPad
RT @veen: Apple's guide to preparing your website for the iPad:
Apple Technical Note TN2262
How to modify web content for the iPad
Time to get busy
Platform-specific considerations for web content in Safari on iPhone OS devices, with specific information for iPad.
JavaScript Dojo API Docs
easy to navigate guide with javascript base
Authenticating Twitter API calls with PHP & jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
In my previous post on this subject I spoke about making a simple call to the Twitter Search API to return some results every 30 seconds using jQuery and ajax.
Authenticating Twitter API calls with PHP & jQuery
Ejemplo de autenticacion de Twitter con PHP
Switched to Python Fabric | Es Tea Double Eye / blog / ui.timepickr.js: An experimental jQuery plugin
h nicer look and feel though, nice job. permalink Josh Nathanson ~ October 8, 2008 at 12:56 p.m. Nice work...even though its still in experimental, its looking great so far. I want to find a project to use this on! permalink Ryan Coughlin ~ October 8,
Javascript time (not date) input widget.
A jQuery time picker, similar to an idea I was playing around with a wee while ago.
"I have seen a bunch of JavaScript "time" pickers, but they seem to always stick to the same approach"
35 Really Useful PHP Tutorials And Development Techniques | Smashing Buzz
PHP is the most popular and widely accepted server side scripting language among developers due to its easy to learn nature, free of cost and its large ever increasing helpful community, we usually seen in wordpress blog platforms, wordpress blogs totally build in PHP language. Today we presenting first time PHP tutorials roundup which are fully contained helping techniques and tips of most useful language PHP, It is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's tools, every web developer know PHP most suited language for web development and can be embedded directly into the HTML, you can idea when ever you write code about that syntax is very similar to Perl and C language.
35 Really Useful PHP Tutorials And Development Techniques
PHP Template Inheritance
AJAX-ed Todo List With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are making a simple AJAX-ed Todo List App, with PHP, MySQL and jQuery. In the process we are going to demonstrate PHP’s OOP capabilities, play with jQuery UI and implement some nice AJAX functionality. For a better understanding of the steps of this tutorial, you an go ahead and download the demo archive available from the button above.
Microformats for business owners | Clagnut § Web standards · New media industry
Article explains the usefulness of microformats.
Best User Interface Design Resources: The Round-up | Dzine Blog
web tools
Rolling out Sly - The JavaScript Selector Engine » digitarald:Harald K – Internet Consultant & Contractor
Finally getting round to taking a look at Sly. Well, not much to it. It's light, it's fast and very easy to use.
Become an ExpressionEngine Superstar in 5 Days: Part 2 - Nettuts+
Tutorial series on getting started with ExpressionEngine.
3D Text Tower | CSS-Tricks
Have you seen David Desandro's site? It's pretty slick. His footer is especially fun: The technique is clever in it's simplicity. Let's take a
Nifty text shadow effect with CSS3
Find The Perfect Domain Name - DomainGroovy
Find The Perfect Domain Name - DomainGroovy – Anton Dyachuk (ptzn)
Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @1stwebdesigner Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @tweetmeme Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Введение в nginx, часть 1 | GreenMice
так же, Почему Apache — плохо?
CSS Specificity And Inheritance - Smashing Magazine
Preparing Photoshop Files for Web Developers - Noupe
30 Most useful WordPress Plugins - May 2009 | AjaxLine
Home - socks - GitHub
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up.
shoes-inspired small web gui toolkit for javascript
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up. Socks is inspired by Shoes and you will notice many similarities. However, Socks is not, and wasn’t intended to be a port of Shoes to JavaScript, and thus there are many differences as well.
"An intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS."
13 useful graphing solutions for web developers
Hacking JavaScript for Fun and Profit: Part II [JavaScript & Ajax Tutorials]
In the first part of this series, you learned enough JavaScript and CSS to make an animated character move around your browser. In this article, I will explore some computer game techniques that will allow us to animate multiple sprites, as well as have them interact with each other.
Sitepoint - Hacking JavaScript
CSS & Javascript version of Mario
Eight Tips That Makes You a Better jQuery Coder | David’s kitchen
Slashdot | Freelance Web Developer Best Practices?
"My last employer had to make a series of budget cuts, and I was laid off. I have been on the job hunt since then; however in the meantime I have begun freelancing as a Web developer. This is my first time in this role and so I would like the ask the Slashdot community: are there any best practices for freelance developers? What kind of process should I use when dealing with clients? Should I bill by the hour or provide a fixed quote on a per-project basis? What kind of assurances should I get from the client before I begin work? What is the best way to create accurate time estimates? I'm also wondering if there are any good open source tools for freelancers, such as for time-tracking and invoice creation (aside from simply using a spreadsheet). Any suggestions or insights would be welcome."
Some interesting views.
An article on freelance development best practices.
10 ways to Battle Site Bureaucracy : Boagworld web design podcast
10 ways to Battle Site Bureaucracy : Boagworld web design podcast
<this site is reallly pleasing to the eyes, especially the font somehow does not kill my eyes / bug me like normal> I always look to work with others rather than against them.
Running a large institutional website is frustrating. Your site is often held back by internal politics and bureaucracy. Let me show you 10 ways to cut through the crap and get results.
Some good tips on battling beueaucracy when designing. The biggest being to turn back on the feedback and ask how they think users will react, and to avoid confrontation by accepting that the request can be done, explaining the consequences, and offering an alternative that achieves the same goal.
Running a large institutional website is frustrating and often held back by internal politics and bureaucracy. Here are management tips on working around the problem, from stakeholder interviews to ensuring you get specific feedback - and avoid committees.
Using WordPress as a CMS |
Interview with Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML 5 specification. - The Web Standards Project
The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
Understanding Filter Hooks In Wordpress - Raymond Selda
I’m really getting hooked (no pun intended) with theme development in Wordpress. Last week I wrote about using action hooks and today we are going to take a look at how filter hooks can help us in building a more flexible Wordpress theme.
This tutorial was inspired by Ian Stewart’s Thematic. When I started to research on theme frameworks, I looked at Thematic’s source and I was really overwhelmed at the code. I had no idea where to start and there were more files inside than the usual Wordpress theme files that you would normally see. So I decided to just do it and start coding hoping that I would learn them as I go along.
Definitive PHP security checklist | sk89q
prettyLoader | Stéphane Caron – No Margin For Errors
jQuery-Plugin für mit Mauszeiger positioniertes Ajax-Loader-Gif
Django-Based Blog on Google App Engine Tutorial, Part 1 |
"I've spent some time over the last few weeks playing around with the Google App Engine so I figured it may be helpful to share some of the things that I have learned and do a tutorial series on how I built this simple blog using the GAE and Django."
John Resig - Picking Time
It's not often that new user interface conventions are born - or popularized. Even less so within the realm of web development. I'd argue that Sparklines and Lightbox are two of the best examples of UI conventions that were popularized on the web.
The Ol' Switcheroo -
You have an element and within that element you want an item to be clicked on and set as active. Then you want to click on another item and have it to be set as active. Maybe it's navigation, maybe it's tabs. This is a common pattern. So much so, that I've rewritten this code a few times but keep losing track of it. This is a jQuery plugin that does the ol' switcheroo and is very simple. When you click on an element, it'll set it as active. When you click on another, it'll remove the active class from the currently active item and then enable the active item. Super simple, nothing more, nothing less.
Handy javascript for addingremiving classes to things like navigation.
active state navigation with javascript
You have an element and within that element you want an item to be clicked on and set as active. Then you want to click on another item and have it to be set as active. Maybe it's navigation, maybe it's tabs. This is a common pattern.
The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
142/160 for Chrome 5.0.371.0 (Official Build 43900) dev / Mac10.5.8
The HTML5 test score is only an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard. It does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform.
CSSDesk - Dynamic CSS Sandbox
Dynamic CSS sandbox
10 Really Outstanding and Useful CSS Grid Systems | Spyre Studios
Checar los grids para elaborar HTML
Old School Clock with CSS3 and jQuery
programações legais
Coding Horror: HTML Validation: Does It Matter?
igners who can create old-style "Tag Soup" pages that do work flawlessly in every browser; there certain
The web is, to put it charitably, a rather forgiving place. You can feed web browsers almost any sort of HTML markup or JavaScript code and they'll gamely try to make sense of what you've provided, and render it the best they can. In comparison, most programming languages are almost cruelly unforgiving. If there's a single character out of place, your program probably won't compile, much less run. This makes the HTML + JavaScript environment a rather unique -- and often frustrating -- software development platform.
But the question remains: does HTML Validation really matter? Yes. No. Maybe. It depends. I'll tell you the same thing my father told me: take my advice and do as you please.
CSS3 support in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8
Script para forzar a Internet Explorer a soportar algunas propiedades de CSS3 /cc @chulini @cabrera @wiredlain
FREE Mobile Site -
creador de webs movil
Build Mobile Sites Create your mobile site in minutes Invite your contacts to view it!
8 useful code snippets to get started with WordPress 3.0
Looking forward to custom post types and native multisite installs. Just brilliant :)
Mobile Web and App Development Testing and Emulation Tools - Speckyboy Design Magazine
p.yusukekamiyamane - Quality free icons and pixel fonts
Quality free icons to everyone. The icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
The Ultimate Free Web Designer’s Icon Set (750 icons, incl. PSD sources) - Smashing Magazine
There are thousands of free icon sets out there, and every other day we see new sets being released by the design community. In fact, Smashing Magazine has been...
jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative
jQuery.popeye is an advanced image gallery script built on the JavaScript library jQuery. Use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and offer your users a nice and elegant way to show a big version of your images without leaving the page flow.
muy buena alternativa cuando hay poco espacio para mostrar muchas fotos.
Getting Started with OOP & PHP5 | Carsonified
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results); $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->first_name = $row['first_name'];
RT @FrikiFeeds: Getting Started with OOP - PHP5 - Carsonified ->
Create Windows 7 start menu using CSS3 only
Snazzy Hover Effects Using CSS
Informacion sobre imagenes con Css:hover
With all these CSS3 effects and tutorials popping up every day that show all the new and wonderful things we can make happen, we sometimes forget about poor little old CSS2.1 and the great potential it still has. With very good browser support, we can do lots of cool things that we know will work in all major browsers. In this tutorial, I will be going over creating flexible advanced hover techniques using CSS2.1 properties.
iPad Detection Using JavaScript or PHP
ipad detection
Everything you Know about Clearfix is Wrong | Carsonified
ZSFA -- Son Of Sam Email Server
At its core SoS is just a Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates. All of this is done without using alias files, m4 macros, pipes, weird protocols, or duplicate processing of the emails. SoS just works like a flexible scripting language SMTP should operate.
Zed's nice and simple little Python-based SMTP server that dispatches to handlers much like a modern web framework, and uses Mako templates. Can relay to postfix and the like for big volume.
programmable python mail server
A Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates.
This looks very exciting! I love email based services b/c it is such a great interface for users, so this seems like it could prove to reinvigorate email as a platform, which seems like the future.
brianleroux's xui at master - GitHub
Seems to be just what I'm looking for.
Tiny jQuery customized for WebKit.
A tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
XUI ist eine schlanke JavaScript Bibliothek für mobile Browser. durch die Limitierung auf Opera Mobile und den kommenden Mozilla Fennec wird eine kleine Größe erreicht. Die endgültige Nutzung ist an jQuery orientiert.
How To Develop A Homepage Layout That Sells
Usability Quotes
This resource has one sole function - to make your rapidweaving life just a little bit easier by collating as much information as you might possibly need under one central roof.
This resource has one sole function - to make your RapidWeaving life just a little bit easier by collating as much information as you might possibly need under one central roof. Inspiration Station Looking for ideas? Need stimuli? Well, now you can find everything you need to spark your creative plugs and fuel your artistic flow in this one function junction. The Tool Shed A whole shedload of links to the most essential 3rd Party RW Tools and Utilities.
The Top 15 Google Products for People Who Build Websites
HTML5 presentation
10+ Free Web Application Security Testing Tools
n detect: * File handling errors (Local and remote include/require, fopen, readfile…) * Database, XSS, LDAP and CRLF injections (HTTP response splitting, session fixation…) * Command execution detection (eval(),
Netsparker Community Edition (Windows), Websecurify (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), Wapiti (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), N-Stalker Free Version (Windows), Skipfish (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), Scrawlr (Windows), x5s (Windows), Exploit-Me (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), WebScarab (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), Acunetix Free Version (Windows)
Five Minute Upgrade - Variety in Title and Body Fonts | Build Internet!
HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses features, pain points, adoption rate, and more | Programming and Development |
"In this interview, HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses his favorite features, the features he thinks might be most contentious, the pain points he expects HTML 5 will address, and much more. He also tells what he would change in the original HTML spec if he could go back in time."
In this interview, HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses his favorite features, the features he thinks might be most contentious, the pain points he ex
[Big NNW still-interesting-after-a-period-of-up-to-two-years open tabs dump]
Theme Playground | Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)
This list is intended to direct you toward the most influential members of the WordPress community. If you’re reading this page, it’s because you’re interested in getting involved. The list below will give you not only a quick bio, but links to their sites and Twitter profiles so you can follow them. On with the list!
Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)
SitePoint » SVG Is The Future Of Application Development
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
iPhone Web Development with Ruby on Rails
Apple's iPhone has taken the nation by storm. An alleged half million moved from the shelves into people’s pockets in the first weekend it went on sale. Safari, the iPhone's native browser, claims to bring full featured browsing to the mobile device. You'll learn, over the course of this article, more than a few tricks that will help your website stand out on the iPhone. Knowledge of Ruby is not required to learn from this article as it relies heavily on Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript to work its magic. You should be able to apply the tricks you'll learn here anywhere you'd use JavaScript or CSS. This article will not teach you everything you need to know about web development with Ruby on Rails, it will simply point out where the iPhone's browser differs from an ordinary one. Add up all these custom tweaks and you should have the tools you need to take your web site mobile. For a primer on Ruby on Rails, take a look at the Related Resources connected to this article.
Use jQuery to catch and display ASP.NET AJAX service errors | Encosia
showing .net webservice errors webservices
Adobe Edge: October 2008
Le meilleur de Flash Ocy 08
Neat Flash Sites
30 Web Design SEO Tips for Web Masters - Daily SEO blog
Very important for any designer to remember, or be reminded of. As I finally get closer to starting the redesign of my blog, this is great info to have around
Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine | JS tips
15 CSS Habits to Develop for Frustration-Free Coding - Noupe
This is one of the best CSS tips/habits list to use, for sure.
Pulse CMS - Home
Pulse CMS is a simple content management system for small websites.
cms free ใสกิ้ง ใช้ง่าย #marui
ฟรี CMS เบาหวิวสำหรับเว็บ Static ใช้ง่าย ทำง่ายมาก ไม่ต้องแตะฐานข้อมูล!
Blowing up HTML5 video and mapping it into 3D space « Craftymind
runtime chroma keying,
html5 does wonders
Crazy video tricks with the video tag and canvas
VIDEO 3d Explosion
I’ve been doing a bit of experimenting with the Canvas and Video tags in HTML5 lately, and found some cool features hiding in plain sight. One of those is the Canvas.drawImage() api call.
AJAX APIs Playground
X# - XML oriented programming language
X# (pronounced X-sharp) is a domain specific language designed to quickly create Web applications and services. In X# everything is represented as a hierarchical structure or tree and instead of using functions to manipulate information or perform actions, all possible operations you can think of are done by adding, removing or changing nodes from this tree. Since there are no functions to learn and everything is done intuitively, even inexperienced developers can create complex Web applications and services in record time.
X# (pronounced X-sharp) is a domain specific language designed to quickly create Web applications and services. In X# everything is represented as a hierarchical structure or tree and instead of using functions to manipulate information or perform actions, all possible operations you can think of are done by adding, removing or changing nodes from this tree.
Web application and services domain specific language
ASP.NET for web designers: Introduction
How To Successfully Educate Your Clients On Web Development - Smashing Magazine
A down to earth view on the reality of putting your cool web agency feelings to one side and thinking about how to communicate with clients in a language they understand.
Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3 | PV.M Garage
Common Tag Brings Standards to Metadata
The project aims to help make content as discoverable and connected as could reasonably be assumed. The creators also hope to make content more engaging. When a web app can determine what a piece of content is actually about, the UX improves exponentially. The website gives the example of a developer creating an app that uses an article about the most recent Star Trek movie and lets users purchase tickets on the same page. The site reads, "Since both the publisher and ticket service use Common Tag, the application is able to easily make the connection without having to guess at what the content of the two services is about." Tags are expressed using RDFa, a standard format for defining data in HTML.
Reading: Common Tag Brings Standards to Metadata [from]
30 Pure CSS Alternatives to Javascript - Speckyboy Design Magazine
With all the cool things that surround Javascript (especially with jQuery) its easy to forget that it’s possible to push pure CSS (with a touch of HTML) into an all singing and all dancing interactive site, with absolutely no scripting at all. The pure CSS techniques, outlined in this article, are neither new nor are they ground-breaking. What they do offer is CSS solutions to what would typically and traditionally be associated with Javascript, and as a demonstration that they do exist and could be quite easily used. Having said all that, we are in no way saying that these techniques are in anyway better than there Javscript equivalent, just an optional alternative and as a proof of concept. In this article we have concentrated on showing as many varied CSS techniques that cover the full spectrum of web site interactivity, thus we have intentionally minimized the number of pure CSS navigation methods, of which there are literally hundreds.
QuirksBlog: A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel
Now what is the layout viewport? It’s the area (in CSS pixels) that the
Nice breakdown of browser resolutions and web development on mobile browsers / via /
Peter-Paul Koch reder ut begreppen runt skärmbredd, css-pixlar och device-independent pixlar.
Learning jQuery – Tutorial Roundup for Beginners
Link các trang dạy jQuery.
LEarn jquery
Google Launches Maps Data API - O'Reilly Radar
The Google Maps Data API allows client applications to view, store and update map data in the form of Google Data API feeds using a data model of features (placemarks, lines and shapes) and maps (collections of features).
RT @cshirky: Four little words with big implications for reporting: Google Maps Data API. [from]
maps API (read and investigate)
The State of Web Development 2010 | Web Directions
Welcome to this detailed report from our sec­ond “State of Web Development” sur­vey of pro­fes­sional web design­ers and devel­op­ers. It includes details and analy­sis of all the responses to over 50 ques­tions cov­er­ing tech­nolo­gies, tech­niques, philoso­phies and prac­tices that today’s web pro­fes­sion­als employ.
Welcome to this detailed report from our second State of Web Development survey of professional web designers and developers. It includes details and analysis
What technologies are web developers using in 2010?
Detailed report about web development based on interviews with developers
RossBoucher.Com » Funk Rock » Blog Archive » iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
iphone touch event lib. (multitouch)
8 of the Best Chrome Extensions for Web Designers
Extend WordPress With Custom Fields - Smashing Magazine
Using custom fields in a variety of ways in Wordpress.
9 Useful PHP Functions and Features You Need to Know | Nettuts+
Great read on necessary PHP Functions
WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75%
RT @kadavy WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75%
Thriving Organizational Patterns - Wagn
a Wikiwhere people write together + a Databasewhere people organize information + a Content Management Systemwhere people build cool websites = a Wagn.where people organize cool websites together
A List Apart: Articles: Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times
working in the economic downturn , excellent article [from]
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
February 17, 2009 Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times by Pepi Ronalds
13 Excellent Tools and Systems for CSS Grid Based Layouts | Tools
Nice overview of the most popular css grid systems.
Tools and Systems for CSS Grid Based Layouts - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
If you code HTML, Zen Coding will change your life
If you write HTML for a living, and you don't know Zen Coding yet, you are missing out big time.
Formee - Fresh baked forms for your websites!
Create a nice looking form easily.
Formee - Fresh baked forms for your websites! -
Clean CSS Forms
The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources - Noupe
The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources
크로스브라우징을 위한 리셋 및 테스터
Weekend Project: Host Your Own Web Services - ReadWriteWeb
Open source web services such as blogs, photo galleries, or mixtape services. How to install them and which services that RWW run on our own domains.
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ah, how exactly this matches what I wonder on a daily basis...
den stora frågan med html5 är när vi kan använda alla features. ger delvis svaren... #w2e – Martin Belak (belak)
What Every Developer Should Know About URLs
Code Standards | Isobar
This document contains normative guidelines for web applications built by the Interface Development practice of Isobar North America (previously Molecular). It is to be readily available to anyone who wishes to check the iterative progress of our best practices.
A Book Apart, Home
RT @abookapart: Our bookstore is open - preorder your copy of HTML5 FOR WEB DESIGNERS now.
codeNothing? 8 jQuery Micro Optimization Tips
Now I am in no way advocating that you lose the abstraction that jQuery provides, but rather, providing a faster alternative that doesn't require the use of jQuery. Always keep in mind that while not as elegant, native javascript can do what you want faster.
also includes interesting links
GTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization
page speed optimization yslow
GTmetrix can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around improved website experience for your users.
Introduction To Online Payments - TL;DR: It's A Total Bitch - Meat In The Sky Blog
As far as I'm concerned, there are three real options: PayPal Website Payments Pro; Braintree Gateway + Account; + Merchant Account
Online payments are a bitch. Just over a decade ago, you had to hook up your online commerce system to an actual terminal that would send bleeps and bloops to the gateways, but even today, it's not much better. There are still a plethora of players who have to touch your information to process a simple credit card transaction, and each and every one of them gets to take a little bit of your money and introduce their own technical hassles. While there are never any easy answers - every option has pretty severe tradeoffs - I'm going to try to shed some light on how the process works and look at some of the major players/options you have for accepting payments on your website.
The Elegant Ruby Web Framework - Padrino Ruby Web Framework
Padrino Admin is a quick way to manage your backend!
Sinatra style framework with admin panel
A ruby web framework based on Sinatra - seems to have some kind of auto-admin feature.
A Rails 3 competitor
A useful print stylesheet • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
Articulo sobre como utilizar css para preparar una pagina para impresion
All There Is To Know About HTML5 and CSS3 | Design your way
HTML5 has definitely become a trend alongside its lil’ brother CSS3 because of their functions and utilities which makes them the next best thing in web design. Better even than Flash, maybe, in some situations. Being the next best thing will not determine you to use it, but the fact that it introduces and enhances a wide range of features including form controls, APIs, multimedia, structure, and semantics will do. The most important thing for you to know is that you can’t learn it just by reading, you have to work with it, step by step, using these new techniques from the tutorials that I’m bringing you here and by the time HTML5 and CSS3 properties will be supported on every browser you’ll be a rockstar coder.
Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 1: rel ~ A Blog Not Limited
This first installment of the series focuses on microformats for link-based relationships using the rel attribute. Let's get started, shall we?
WordPress Caching: What’s the best Caching Plugin? | Tutorial9
They are still re
Javascript feature tests
Four Free Ebooks for Web Developers | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
As we used to think and say over here, sharing knowledge it's a great way to help others. This time we bring to you four free ebooks about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web
"Conversion-killing" mistakes | Conversion Rate Experts
I liked this article - particularly as Rob and I were looking at the washington post site for other reasons earlier
Send examples of links and buttons that interrupt a website visitor's ability to take an action, specifically "nuke" buttons that kill conversions. Post the URL in the comments area of this blog, or send a screen shot by email to For instance, why would a "Clear Form" button be next to a "Place Order" button? Does the website owner want visitors to cancel the order accidentally? Or how about buttons with drop down menus that get in the way when a visitor is trying to fill in a search box? Does the website owner want visitors to click away from that page by accident instead of searching the site? Let's see a collection of these bloopers.
New Plus Tutorial: Convert a Beautiful PSD to HTML and CSS - NETTUTS
10 sites developers should have in their bookmarks
The iPad Web Design & Development Toolbox | iPhone.AppStorm
How to Create Your First Joomla Template - NETTUTS
Need a Joomla Template? This will help in Creating your First Joomla Template!
Create layouts without limitations | Fluidgrid | A CSS based fluid grid system
Fluid Grid is a new grid system that works the same way as Blueprint or 960, but with any page width, even fluid layouts. It is based only on CSS.
Development on hold
Fluid Grid is a new grid system that works the same way as Blueprint or 960, but with any page width, even fluid layouts. It is based only on CSS. Fluidgrid is still in development, but you can have a preview of what you can do with it in the following examples:
Create layouts without limitations
32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers | Graphic and Web Design Blog
jQuery Plugin : jConfirmAction | - Worth Sharing Bookmarked Webstuff
Nice little popup to get a user to confirm they really want to do that bad bad things. Not to use over board we don't want to treat the people as children.
Plugin that replaces alert box-based confirmation with styled div structure.
Really cool jquery plugin
CSS Reset – a simpler option | Max Design
A quick presentation on CSS Reset including a basic explanation, an outline of some of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a simpler reset option.The
A quick presentation on CSS Reset including a basic explanation, an outline of some of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a simpler reset option.
a simpler css reset page
Steve Huffman on Lessons Learned at Reddit | Carsonified
Steve Huffman on Lessons Learned at Reddit By Keir Whitaker
Webkit CSS Properties
I've been using/abusing many of these but how do they differ from "filter:alpha(opacity=50)" etc?
-webkit- reference
Welcome to Flask — Flask v0.1 documentation
Sinatra っぽい。
A microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. Posted Micro Blog and Twitter Clone makes among other things..
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed!
Diving into the Twitter API | Nettuts+
Nice tutorial on using the Twitter API
Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget - AJAX, JSON and XML Consulting and Training by Andrew M. Andrews III (SM)
The Anatomy of a Website
The Anatomy of a Website - (via @sixrevisions) – Chris Spooner (chrisspooner)
which describes
Building Real-Time Form Validation Using jQuery | Graphic and Web Design Blog
In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to build real-time form validation using jQuery
HTML5 presentation
10 best WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editors for Your Next Project | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Good list of editors available
10 WYSIWYG editors that are commonly used, and are worth a look in if its something you need for a project.
Facebook for Web Sites - Facebook Developers
How to Create a PHP Website Template from Scratch | Graphic and Web Design Blog
50 Fundamental jQuery Controls, Components and Plugins - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one - a good and concise collection of UI controls,
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need.
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need. Of course, there are plenty of great UI frameworks, kits and libraries that you could use, but none will offer you every component and none of them will be tailored to your own personal preferences and needs. Up until a few months ago my controls had been collected and sourced from various frameworks (Prototype, MooTools, jQuery…), upon review it seemed a little out-dated, some components unnecessary and some controls desperately needed updated. It seemed logical to give the collection a fresh outlook and a uniformity under one framework – I chose jQuery. (I have held on to a few controls that have not been built with jQuery, but for the sake of this post I have omitted them). So, here are my 50 Fundamental jQuery Controls and Rich UI Components…
50 High Quality Themes for Drupal Developers - Noupe
lækre drupal themes
ธีมดูเป้า เอาไปพัฒนาต่อจ้ะ
0xFE - 11111110b - 0376 - 254 b9#9: Desktop Notifications with WebKit
Desktop notifications through web browser
Notifications in WebKit
Filament Group Lab Example From Page from: Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers - A Use for Polygonal CSS?
css tooltip
The All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything - Dive Into HTML5
Appendix A: All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything
If you want the guts of how Modernizr HTML5 CSS3 feature detection works...
4 Steps To a Professional Database Design | ProgrammerFish - Everything that's programmed!
Just as you require a blueprint to build a house, you will need a database blueprint in order to implement a database successfully .
Top Job Boards for Web Developers and Designers | Web Resources | WebAppers
Are you a freelancer? Would you like to find some freelance works related to Web Development or Web Design? There are loads of job boards out there, but how many of them are actually built for web developers and designers? And How many of them are acutally popular? Here is a list of the top job boards for web developers and designers.
Compare Online College Degrees : 60+ Free Programming Tools
CSS 3 Modules
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS | Tutorialzine demo
Cassandra By Example | Rackspace Cloud Computing & Hosting
Maybe I should learn to use Cassandra someday.
CSS Infos
DressUp! Avatars Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
freebies, tutorials, share ur designs
High Scalability - High Scalability - 7 Lessons Learned While Building Reddit to 270 Million Page Views a Month
7 Lessons Learned While Building Reddit to 270 Million Page Views a Month
Projekktor Zwei - Free HTML5 video player - home
Trailer (Ogg/Theora + MP4/VP6 fallback) 2/4 00:52 | 01:26
pure javascript driven HTML5 video experience. FlAsH is used only whenever there´s no native H.264 support available. In such cases a minimalistic SWF which mimics an HTML5 video element as simple as possible
Sweet, free, open source HTML5 video kit!
13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions | Tutorials
13 CSS techniques for creating JavaScript-like interactions
13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions
The Man in Blue > JS-909: A drum machine in JavaScript
"there was but one thing I could do: make a drum machine. Without libraries. Without Flash."
Ridiculously cool - a drum machine in JavaScript. Die, Flash, die.
there was but one thing I could do: make a drum machine. Without libraries. Without Flash. I'm fully aware that there's much better ways of working with sound on the Web, but I'm also fully aware that I like making useless toys. The result of these two realisations? JS-909.
The WebM Project : The WebM Project : Welcome to the WebM Project
The WebM Project : Google VP8
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone.
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone. The WebM launch is supported by Mozilla, Opera, Google and more than forty other publishers, software and hardware vendors.
- Network World
15 分钟做一个APP
Winning entries from the 2008 annual Ruby on Rails coding contest.
15 amazing Web apps built in 48 hours: Earlier this month, the Rails Rumble 2008 announced the eight winners of its programming competition where teams of up to four people had 48 hours to build original (and somewhat complete) Web apps. Ruby on Rails is perhaps best known as the app development platform that built Twitter. But competitions like the Rumble prove how powerful the young platform can be. Here, we showcase the competition winners along with other cool apps of enterprise appeal from the 130 qualifying entries. Winners were selected by an open vote on the Internet and were judged on appearance, completeness, innovation and usefulness.
15 ruby on rails web apps
15 amazing Web apps built in 48 hours
Ajax Spy | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
How to create a spy effect (diggspy) as seen on the first version of QuickSnapper. However I did promise I would demonstrate how to ajaxify the spy. Here it is.
Tutorials and screencasts
Opera Unite reinvents the Web
From Opera's Site Opera Unite reinvents the Web Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser. For Web developers, Opera Unite services are based on the same open Web standards as Web sites today. This dramatically simplifies the complexity of authoring cutting-edge Web services. With Opera Unite, creating a full Web service is now as easy as coding a Web page.
Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser.
jm: bridging your desktop to the cloud (UPDATE) Annotated link
DOMLint - Test suite against HTML/DOM conflicts
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch: Week 2 - NETTUTS
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch: Week 2 - NETTUTS
i like the layout and the colors
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch: Week 2
Video JS | HTML5 Video Player
Another JavaScript library for dealing with the video support shenanigans across browsers.
looks like a nice player.
Video JS is a javascript-based video player that uses the HTML5 video functionality built into advanced browsers. In general, the benefit of using an HTML5 player is a consistent look between browsers.
The Blog of John A. De Goes - Journal - Good API Design: Part 1
HTML5 Watch
html examples
Collecting examples of creative, innovative, and unexpected use of emerging web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.
Redesign Your Portfolio Site: 4 Tips To Make It Better And Get More Business | Freelance Folder
Boas dicas para redesign (ou design) de sites de portfólio, mas que podem ser aplicadas a qualquer site.
Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery - Smashing Magazine
Learn how to create these wonderful “one-click” tools to extend the functionality of your browser and interact with web services.
Carrer Blog: CSS Mini Reset
Making a Donation Center With PHP, MySQL and PayPal’s APIs – Tutorialzine
PayPal provides numerous APIs and integration options for third-party developers. One of these is the Donation button, which you can generate straight from PayPal’s site and include directly into your pages. Conversion rate for these buttons is typically minimal, but the right incentive can make a big difference. The idea is to have a dedicated Donation Center. This is a place, where you get to see what a difference your donation would make, and a list of people who have already donated. After choosing the amount you wish to donate and clicking the button, you are redirected to to complete the transaction. After this is done, you are redirected back to the donation center where you can fill a form and get included in the official Donor List.
Django Advent
new version, new story
Скрипт интернет-магазина Simpla CMS
Bring Down IE 6: Calling time on IE6
More of the same. It must be done.
yes please!
Making Google Maps more accessible | 456 Berea Street
It has become very popular to use the Google Maps API to add maps to websites. While the maps work fine for most users, unfortunately Google Maps does not by default work without JavaScript – when there is no JavaScript support, you don’t get a map.
How to easily make google maps accessible with the fall back Google static Maps API
It is quite easy (but not very common) to provide a fallback for users who do not have JavaScript enabled in their browser by using the Google Static Maps API.
Tupil Code Blog » Blog Archive » Look ma, no callbacks!
"Arrows are a concept from functional programming, and we’ll see how they can make our life in Javascript a lot easier. Our code uses the excellent Arrowlets library. It’s still alpha code, but it’s already quite useful."
4 Most Important PHP Security Measures | PHP | Server-Side Magazine
As recently as a month ago I was a victim of a state of mind I call Analytics Dismissal Disorder. This mindset is common after hearing about the importance of analytics, installing the tracking code and then getting overwhelmed by all of the graphs and scary numbers. When I suffered from analytics dismissal disorder (which my doctors called A.D.D. for short), I knew Google Analytics was important but avoided the extra effort necessary to learn how to get the most out of the software. This post explains what I needed to learn to get over this.
$clean_message = strip_tags($_POST['txtComment']);
How to Integrate Twitter to WordPress Blog Comments
Wouldn’t it be cool if the commenter provides URL to their twitter profile in the website URL field, and you can add a link to a cute little icon with “Follow Me!” text right next to their comment?
Create a Zip File Using PHP
Lekker zippen met PHP
Best JavaScript Tree Widgets | AjaxLine
Best Javascript Tree Menu Widgets
The name says everything
hich implements the J.Q.Walker II layout algorit
gist: 44410 — GitHub
Multiple Domains für eine Anwendung à la *.domain.irgendwo.
# 1) Point * in your DNS setup to your server. # # 2) Setup an Apache vhost to catch the star pointer: # # <VirtualHost *:80> # ServerName * # </VirtualHost> # # 3) Set the current account from the subdomain class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_current_account private def set_current_account @current_account = Account.find_by_subdomain(request.subdomains.first) end end # 4) Tie all top-level requests off the current account class CustomersController < ApplicationController def index @customers = @current_account.customers end end
How To Use Icons On Your Web Site
From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page.
RT @problogger: Reading: How To Use Icons On Your Web Site - [from]
"Icons have been used in design since, well, since design began. From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page."
Icons have been used in design since, well, since design began. From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page.
John Resig - CSS Animations and JavaScript
Apple, and the WebKit team, have recently proposed two different additions to CSS: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations.
Apple, and the WebKit team, have recently proposed two different additions to CSS: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations. The two specifications are confusingly named - and it's hard to tell what the difference is between them at first glance. However, to put it simply: CSS Transitions are easy to use, while CSS Animations are made for programmers. CSS Transitions CSS Transitions provide you with the ability to force CSS property changing to occur smoothly over a period of time, rather than immediately and coarsely.
Rail Spikes: Testing SSL in Rails
def test_get_new_with_http_should_redirect_to_ssl @request.env['HTTPS'] = nil get :new assert_redirected_to "https://" + + @request.request_uri end
@request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on'
Here’s a quick tip for how to test that your application is using SSL correctly.
Icon Sets for Web Developers - Share your favorites here so we have one big useful page to bookmark! : web_design
- Share your favorites here so we have one big useful page to bookmark! : web_design
BaseJS: A Mobile (Safari) Javascript Framework | iPhoneized
When Paul Armstrong started searching for Javascript frameworks for iPhone optimized web development, he wasn't satisfied with what was available. While the
Hierarquia de arquivos em Themes de Wordpress |
Para criar um bom theme para Wordpress, você precisa conhecer bem a estrutura de arquivos que são utilizados no construir estes themes. São usados vários arquivos que setorizam as várias funcionalidades do blog ou site.
Simple Wins : Daytime Running Lights
Background on jchrisa's Toast (standalone chat app in CouchDB+JS+HTML)
The point is to show how CouchDB's "databasey" features, because they are implemented using HTTP, can be leveraged to make powerful end-user experiences, with just a minimum of code.
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials - Free IT Tuttorials & Learning Resources
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials - Free IT Tuttorials & Learning Resources
.htaccess What, Why, When and How | KomunitasWeb
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
.htaccess is a file with a power to override certain configurations in the Apache httpd.conf file. If you’re using shared hosting, then you don’t have access to Apache main configuration. So most of shared hosting will provide you with .htaccess file.
RT @cameronolivier: The What, Why, When & How of .htaccess [from] :: Clojure 1, PHP 0
Annotated link
Building your own blog in clojure.
APNG « Devthought
APNG is very flexible when it comes to the method of displaying the various animation frames.
APNG provides simple frame-based animation functionality. It?s main goal is solve the problem of animating alpha-transparent images (PNG format).
A gorgeous blog!
Web 開発者の責任 (翻訳): Days on the Moon
Web 開発者の圧倒的多数は、一度もブラウザベンダにバグ報告を登録したことがないばかりか、ブラウザのナイトリー版を使ったことさえありません。これは恥じるべきことです。考えてみれば、ブラウザの何が異常かを評価するのに、ブラウザでの開発に日々を費やす人ほどその資格がある人というのはほとんどいないのです。 ブラウザのバグを登録せず、ナイトリーでのテストもしないプロの開発者を見たとき、私は特に驚きました。ほとんどの開発者の主な仕事のひとつに、クロスブラウザの問題を取り繕うことがあります。よって、バグの数を減らす (そして仕事を劇的に単純化する) ことは最優先事項になります。 私は個人的に全主要ブラウザベンダにバグ報告を登録してきて、良い報告を生み出すいくつかの特徴に気づきました。
assertTrue( ): Two techniques for faster JavaScript
The two most important pieces of advice I can give on speeding up browser scripts, then, are: 1. Never hand-parse a string. 2. Don't do DOM operations in loops (and in general, don't do DOM operations!).
1. Never hand-parse a string. 2. Don't do DOM operations in loops (and in general, don't do DOM operations!).
I like things that go fast, and that includes code that runs fast. With JavaScript (and Java, too), that can be a challenge. So much the better, though. I like challenges too. When someone asks me what's the single best way to speed up "a slow script," naturally I want to know what the script is spending most of its time doing. In browser scripting, it's typical that a "slow" script operation either involves tedious string parsing of some kind, or DOM operations. That's if you don't count programmer-insanity sorts of things, like creating a regular expression object over and over again in a loop.
assertTrue( )
Obtrusive JavaScript Checker 0.7 - support for JavaScript links, inline event information and summary report - Robert’s talk - Web development and Internet trends
Gran herramienta que te ahorrará bastante tiempo
10 Checks to the Perfect WordPress theme - WP Engineer
ArticleHereComesTheSun - doctype - Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin - Google Code
Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin
"In other words, don't define a window-level function called sun(). It will absolutely kill your page's performance, because at least one modern-day browser will think you want Java, because of a 'feature' invented by Netscape in 1997."
JVM considered harmfull
Browsers are fucked up man. FUCKED UP. Stuff like this makes me smile though.
mmalone's django-caching at master - GitHub
"Mike Malone shares code used by Pownce to add QuerySet level caching to Django. It’s a smart implementation—a CachingQuerySet class inspects the arguments passed to get(), and if they’re just a straight forward exact PK lookup hits memcache for the object before hitting the database. Signals are used to invalidate the cache."
Some examples of transparently caching things in Django. An example Django app that uses custom managers, fields, and QuerySets to transparently cache objects.
Some examples of transparently caching things in Django.
mmalone's django-caching app
Dragon Labs » Rainbows » The Demo
I downloaded the Demo Folder = DL Rainbows Demo . Companion to CSS-Trick button maker. May have more options but not an app.
w to u
The Labs showcases some of our research and development with web technologies like JavaScript and CSS. We also release tutorials and resources to help other web developers enrich the web.
Texto em degrade
Page Speed Home
Google code: Page Speed Home
Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
Google Page Speed
"Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them."
jQuery - 35+ praktycznych przykładów! | Create WWW
Web Development For The iPhone And iPad: Getting Started - Smashing Magazine
iphone ipad tools
I know that most discussion about the iPhone OS platform centers on native applications. But you can still create powerful, native-looking applications using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. This article focuses on three phases of building and optimizing your website: design, coding and testing.
Smokescreen |
Flash ... without the plugin
Comparing E-mail Address Validating Regular Expressions
It would be interesting to expore how evolutionary computation would perform in this domain.
Finding the best regular expression for validating e-mail addresses
Email Regexps
James Watts and Francisco Jose Martin Moreno are the first to develop one which passes all of the tests. /^([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$/i
Regular expressions for testing email addresses. Oh my!
WTF is HTML5 (Infographic)
WTF is HTML5 and Why We Should All Care (Infographic)
The Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding - Smashing Magazine
It is arguable that there is no goal in web design more satisfying than getting a beautiful and intuitive design to look exactly the same in every currently-used...
Cross-Browser Testing: A Detailed Review Of Tools And Services - Smashing Magazine
"As you probably know, cross-browser testing is an important part of any developer’s routine. As the number of browsers increase, and they certainly have in recent years, the need for automatic tools that can assist us in the process becomes ever greater. In this article, we present an overview of different cross-browser testing applications and services."... "This is not just a list of available tools, but rather a comprehensive analysis based on my experience with each of them. For the impatient among you, a summary table is at the end summarizing key metrics and unique features for each service. But if you’re interested in my personal experience with these tools, then read on. Probably the most important metric of these services is the capture delay, which I measured for the URL stackoverflow, with the following browsers enabled: Firefox, IE, Chrome and Safari."
Cross-Browser Testing: A Detailed Review Of Tools And Services #css #crossbrowser #fav
Adobe BrowserLabやMicrosoft Expression Web SuperPreviewなどの複数ブラウザでの表示チェックのためのツール/サービス8つを比較しています
As you probably know, cross-browser testing is an important part of any developer's routine. As the number of browsers increase, and they certainly have in recent...
How to Debug Your jQuery Code
Debug JQuery
jQueryのコードを Firebugを使ってデバッグする方法のレクチャー記事です。
Different tools and techniques for improving jQuery code with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
"Images show things down immensely - get rid of them"
The CSS white-space Property Explained
A New Type of Phishing Attack « Aza on Design
@caryblack Makes me paranoid.
Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack - via @dustice
jLayout — JavaScript Layout Algorithms -
The jLayout JavaScript library provides layout algorithms for laying out components. A component is an abstraction; it can be implemented in many ways, for example as items in a HTML5 Canvas drawing or as HTML elements. The jLayout library allows you to focus on drawing the individual components instead of on how to arrange them on your screen. The library currently provides four layout algorithms: border, which lays out components in five different regions; grid, which lays out components in a user defined grid, flex-grid which offers a grid with flexible column and row sizes, and flow which flows components in a user defined direction. Using the grid and flex-grid algorithms you can also create horizontal and vertical layouts. A jQuery plugin to lay out (X)HTML elements is also available.
font dragr | A HTML5 web app for testing custom fonts | The CSS Ninja
Drag and drop your truetype (ttf), opentype (otf), scalable vector graphics (svg) or Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts in the left hand side module and it will be added to the list.
Quickly test those new fonts
Works only in Firefox
The Ultimate Roundup of Indispensable and Helpful HTML5 Tutorials
10 PHP code snippets for working with strings
Ultimate List of HTML5 and CSS3 Tools | Admix Web
HTML5 and CSS3 are really revolutionizing the worlds of web development and web design, because they are bringing so many new features to work with to the fields. I have been spending much of my time working with both HTML5 and CSS3 in order to learn more about the two, and have learned that you can do everything from animation to rounded corners to amazing effects and fonts to easy offline line capabilities. In this post, I tried to collect some great tools that can help you to master these new features of both HTML5 and CSS3, by putting together an ultimate list of tools. Even though many of these features are not fully supported yet, as web developers and designers we should always be thinking about the future! I hope you find these tools helpful! Enjoy!
An awesome list of tutorials for HTML5 and CSS3
Herramientas CSS3 y HTML5, algunas bien bizarras
Free iPad CSS layout with landscape/portrait orientation modes
Custom post types in WordPress
Custom post types
9 Magic Methods for PHP | Carsonified
construct, destruct, get, call, etc.
RT @draenews: Del 9 Magic Methods for PHP | Carsonified:
Pajinate – A jQuery Pagination Plugin « The Silver Lining
paging mit jquery
Pajinate is a simple and flexible jQuery plugin that allows you to divide long lists or areas of content into multiple separate pages. Not only is it a simpler alternative to server-side implementations, the time between paginated-page loads is almost nil (up to a reasonable page-size of course).
PAra agregar paginación a listas largas
jQuery Globalization Plugin from Microsoft - ScottGu's Blog
Plugin lanzado por microsoft que permite trabajar con i18n y jquery. Muy bueno
Dragdealer JS
Dragdealer JS // this is very nice
The Ultimate HTML5 Toolbox: 60+ Articles, Tutorials, Resources and Inspiring Showcases | CreativeFan
"A service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will."
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: Jsonduit - Transformez tout site web en un flux JSON Consommable:
Any data, anywhere. JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will. Feeds are created from one or more source URLs and a custom transform, written in JavaScript, that can manipulate the data before the feed is served. JSonduit also provides a hosting service for web widgets so that any site can easily display JSonduit feeds. In fact, the recent/popular lists you see below are widgets served by the JSonduit service; all done in a couple of lines of JavaScript (go ahead, view the page source!).
JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will.
Switching to Chrome? Download these Extensions | Nettuts+
Extensiones/plugins para Google Chrome
Chrome features a vast collection of extensions at the moment. It also regularly beats its opponents in various speed and compatibility tests, while the great set of developer tools promoted the browser to a very interesting solution for web enthusiasts. But does it have enough ‘extension power’ to overcome Firefox? Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own min
Les extensions de développement essentielles (Chrome)
Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own mind!
chrome extensions
24 Irresistible jQuery Tips to Power Up Your JavaScript Skills | tripwire magazine
A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js Code - good coders code, great reuse
muy bueno
"This is just amazing. In 20 lines of node.js code and 10 minutes of time I was able to write a HTTP proxy. And it scales well, too. It's not a blocking HTTP proxy, it's event driven and asynchronous, meaning hundreds of people can use simultaneously and it will work well."
This is just amazing. In 20 lines of node.js code and 10 minutes of time I was able to write a HTTP proxy. And it scales well, too. It's not a blocking HTTP proxy, it's event driven and asynchronous, meaning hundreds of people can use simultaneously and it will work well.
Flickr Photo Download: HTML5 (Infographic)
Flickr Photo Download: HTML5 (Infographic)
What is HTML5 and why we should all care: Infographic: #trends via @dorait; @avinashkaushik
Getting Started - Google Font API - Google Code
This guide explains how to use the Google Font API to add web fonts to your pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style.
Advice on CSS you'll wish your mother told you
css reset
9 Photoshop Editing Tips Web Developers Should Know
9 Photoshop Editing Tips Web Developers Should Know // #n00b
Here are common tasks and processes that web developers often need to deal with when working on a web design/web interface using Photoshop.
Jo JavaScript Application Framework for HTML5
jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo does * Embrace JavaScript's object model and loosely typed nature * Leverage CSS3 to handle as much of the pretty presentation and animation as possible * Provide a consistent and modular event model between objects * Wrap DOM and device-specific events into a cohesive gesture system * Insulate developers from different persistent storage solutions * Play nicely with other libraries like PhoneGap jo doesn't * Use a lot of resources * Depend on other frameworks * Have a lot of browser dependent code * Require detailed knowledge of the DOM * Force you to deeper into its framework than you want to go * Use $ and other arcane looking symbols in place of proper identifiers Author Dave Balmer:, follow @balmer on Twitter, or email Downloads Available from GitHub as a git repo or a zip file. Philosophy If you want to jam an exi
Start Using CSS3 Today: Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Nice round up of all the best trick including a great 3D tower effect
Sexy Tooltips with Just CSS
Thus, we’re going to look at how using the evolving CSS standard can enhance some lovely cross-browser tooltips.
Liquid Particles - canvas experiment
HTML5/canvas demo, 500 particles to play around with.
Liquid Particles using HTML5 (via @richbugger)
Pretty cool! RT @marcofolio: RT @richbugger Liquid Particles using HTML5 << Sweet!
String | Create a multi-language website or app | myGengo
If you’re building a multi-language website or app, you probably use language files. When you change content in one language file, you need to remember to update the other language files. Even with source control, this can get messy pretty quickly if you have many languages, many translators or a large site. We encountered these problems ourselves and needed a tool to keep things organized - so we built String.
String manages your language files - from PHP to PO to Rails to iPhone apps. Import and export easily.
Basic Web Page Background Techniques with CSS
Basic Web Page Background Techniques with CSS -
Snap: A Haskell Web Framework: Home
Snap Framework: a web framework for Haskell
Snap is a simple web development framework for unix systems, written in the Haskell programming language. A fast HTTP server library with an optional high-concurrency backend using the libev event loop library A sensible and clean monad for web programming An XML-based templating system for generating HTML
What is Snap? Snap is a simple web development framework for unix systems, written in the Haskell programming language. Snap is well-documented and has a test suite with a high level of code coverage, but it is early-stage software with still-evolving interfaces. Snap is therefore likely to be most appropriate for early adopters and potential contributors.
30 Useful Web-Based Applications for Designers | Most Inspired: Design Inspiration Blog
RT @rkiker: 30 Useful Web-Based Applications for Designers with menu, font, css, and color tools
A web application is an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network. They may also mean a computer software application that is hosted in a browser-controlled environment or coded in a browser-supported language (such as JavaScript,
CSS3 Watch
Demo: CSS3 Buttons
jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects.
tons of good ajax techniques...
How to do jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL Projects. Topics focus on Programming, Jquery, Ajax, PHP, Demos, Web Design, Javascript and MySQL
A Collection of jQuery and Ajax Tutorials with live demos, tutorials posted on 9lessons blog.
jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
The 20 year wait is over. Now you can build your forms with HTML5 and make them look and behave like you want. This completely new set of tools weighs only 5.63 Kb and you can load it from a free content delivery network.
Form Validierung dank jQuery & HTML 5.
Tero Piirainen has released jQuery Tools 1.2. Includes HTML5 form shim! – Dion Almaer (dalmaer)
How I Build PHP Applications | Eric Harrison
Drupal Cheat Sheet Desktop Wallpaper - Smashing Magazine
ScriptJunkie Home
25 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins of May 2010
jQuery is one of the most famous, free and open source JavaScript library in use today. jQuery is a lightweight, cross-browser JavaScript library which is
That’s the reason, we always try to showcase fresh and useful jQuery plugins developed in every month. In our last month’s post, we wrapped up 20 Best and Useful jquery Plugins of April 2010 and received lots of appreciation. Even this time, I hope you will find here another fresh piece of work. So, have a look on SaveDelete’s compilation of 25 Best and Useful jQuery Plugins of May 2010 and I am sure that there plugins would offer better options for your web projects.
10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source « Paul Irish
If jQuery is just the "magic black-box" to you, have a watch of this brilliant screen cast -> – Oliver Gosling (goslingoweb)
jQuery Essentials
quick jquery slideshow
Excellent jQuery tutorial: (via @ricmrodrigues) – Use jQuery (usejquery)
Nice introduction to jQuery.
Fight with Spam: 15+ Free Captcha Solutions
A 'Captcha' is a challenge-response test most often placed within web forms to determine whether the user is human or a spam bot.
Less.js Will Obsolete CSS
If you design websites you may have heard of interesting tools called CSS pre-processors. A couple of great ones are LESS and SASS. I helped Alexis, the creator of LESS with the design of the language and built the public site.
Learn HTML5: 10 Must Read Lessons
HTML 5 Lessons.
30 best practices to boost your web application performance - Web User Interface Architect
Ajax Image Uploading (With Less Suck) | CSS-Tricks
upload obrazka
Be a CSS Team Player: CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development
Keep your sanity while creating and maintaining CSS in a team environment
by @emilylewis
jQuery FormLabels Plugin | Andrei Zharau
Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 1/3 | Web 2.0
A List Apart: Articles: Stop Forking with CSS3
Introducing a script (eCSStender) that deals with CSS3 and translates it to expressions that older browsers can handle. May be a nice thing to use.
Is a library the solution? Will be useful for a while though.
HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu |
HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu | -
The 10 HTML Tags Beginners Aren’t Using | Nettuts+
Let's go back to the basics for this one. Everyone reading this at least knows what HTML is. I believe that, no matter what experience level someone has, reviewing the foundation can help increase knowledge. It also helps to hone skills, especially with the constantly evolving technologies that drives the Internet. There has also been a lot of talk of change with HTML 5. Every tag that I mention below is supported in both HTML 4.01 and HTML 5. While some of these tags are already widely used; I would like to challenge some of the ways that we use and think about them.
The State of HTML5 Apps
RT @draenews: Del The State of HTML5 Apps:
Intérêt du HTML 5 pour les Webapps.
The state of #HTML5 apps
Designing a RESTful Web Application - Quandy Factory
useful collection of thoughts
HTML5Rocks - Home
common css mistakes - work blog -
jQuery.validity is an elegant and powerful jQuery plug-in you can use to setup client-side form validation. Instead of writing validation manually or balancing some unwieldy server-side framework, validity allows you to design client-side validation in a manner that feels natural and straightforward.
HTML5 presentation
RT @deliciouspb: #HTML5 presentation
Good overview of HTML5 and the possibilities.
CSS for iPhone 4 (Retina display) « Thomas Maier – web & communication designer
iPhone4のRetina Displayに対応させたCSSを読ませるlinkタグの書き方
RT @wpSEO: Ein extra CSS für iPhone 4 einbinden #css
This is how you target the iPhone 4 with specific CSS
Top 15 Wordpress Plugins to Make Your Blog Secure | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Mojebus’ jStackmenu By Seamus P. H. Leahy
jQuery Stack menu like Apple Snow Leopard Dock.
Google Storage for Developers - Google Code
Got the Google Store invite: - Need to find time to play with it...
Google Storage for Developers is a RESTful service for storing and accessing your data on Google's infrastructure. The service combines the performance and scalability of Google's cloud with advanced security and sharing capabilities. Highlights include:
The Essential Magento eCommerce Toolkit | Web.AppStorm
eCommerce / Online shop
Facebook | BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance
Site speed is one of the most critical company goals for Facebook. In 2009, we successfully made Facebook site twice as fast, which was blogged in this post. Several key innovations from our engineering team made this possible. In this blog post, I will describe one of the secret weapons we used called BigPipe that underlies this great technology achievement.
Pretty cool way of building webpages from facebook to make it super fast.
BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the dynamic web page serving system. The general idea is to decompose web pages into small chunks called pagelets, and pipeline them through several execution stages inside web servers and browsers. This is similar to the pipelining performed by most modern microprocessors: multiple instructions are pipelined through different execution units of the processor to achieve the best performance. Although BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the existing web serving process, it does not require changing existing web browsers or servers; it is implemented entirely in PHP and JavaScript.
Site speed is one of the most critical company goals for Facebook. In 2009, we successfully made Facebook site twice as fast, which was blogged in this post. Several key innovations from our engineering team made this possible. In this blog post, I will describe one of the secret weapons we used called BigPipe that underlies this great technology achievement. BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the dynamic web page serving system. The general idea is to decompose web pages into small chunks called pagelets, and pipeline them through several execution stages inside web servers and browsers. This is similar to the pipelining performed by most modern microprocessors: multiple instructions are pipelined through different execution units of the processor to achieve the best performance. Although BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the existing web serving process, it does not require changing existing web browsers or servers; it is implemented entirely in PHP and JavaScript.
this, is boomerang
Medición de rendimiento de sitios web
A tool that helps determine not just response and performance, but helps with client side "perceived" performance. Which can be two different cases.
boomerang is a piece of javascript that you add to your web pages, where it measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view. It has the ability to send this data back to your server for further analysis. With boomerang, you find out exactly how fast your users think your site is.
Interesting tool allowing measurement of perceived speed of a web site on the client side.
Boomerang measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view.
Accessible Text CAPTCHAs: 157,500,799 logic questions
Weg met de captcha's met afbeeldingen #accessibility #textcaptcha
"This site provides a web service to generate text-based CAPTCHAs, based on simple logic questions."
Text Captcha is an accessible alternative to standard captcha methods and relies on logic.
How to build a web widget (using jQuery) - Alex Marandon
Muy interesante
I Got 99 Problems, but Developing Ain't One
Wired: With intelligent thoughts on tech industry, conventions and even Martha Stewart, Wired is a must-read for any well-rounded Web developer.
11 Top CSS Editors Reviewed | Tools
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: RT @ouark: Le top des éditeurs CSS
10 iPhone Apps Every Web Designer Should Know About
cloudhead's http-console at master - GitHub
"Speak HTTP like a local"—a simple, intuitive HTTP REPL
interact with a website via a console http verbs
""Speak HTTP like a local"—a simple, intuitive HTTP REPL". Hint: you don't need to install npm to use this, just git clone the repo and run bin/http-console directly
http-console is a simple and intuitive interface for speaking the HTTP protocol.
"HTTP-console est un outil en ligne de commande qui vous permet de faire des requêtes HTTP et d'examiner la réponse. C'est donc une sorte de Curl, mais son mode interactif en fait un outil très pratique si vous avez à débugger une API Rest. Pour ceux qui préfèrent les interfaces web à la ligne de commande, vous pouvez regarder ("
18 Fresh Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries - WaltPad
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries - WaltPad
One area of Web design that is going to become more important in the coming years is high DPI
the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers
250 Quick Web Design Tips (Part 1)
You may or may not know some of the tips below — and you may or may not agree with everything listed — but hopefully it will give you some ideas for your own sites. This is the first part of a 2-part series.
HiFi Regex Tester - Live JavaScript Regular Expression Tester
HiFi Regex Tester - Live JavaScript Regular Expression Tester – Javascript News (del_javascript)
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc() ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
CSS 로 크기 따위 계산하기..
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc()
Make more of your mockups - Mocksup
nice application which turns static designs into clickable prototypes.
The Best Web Development Frameworks
RT @deliciouspb: The Best Web Development Frameworks
Goodbye, headaches. Hello, menus!
Sistema de menus do WordPress 3.0
WordPress 3.0 will introduce a new navigation menu system. Sure, there are some limitations with this system. However, with a set standard, new plugins will likely emerge to fill in the gaps.
add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menu' ); function register_my_menu() { register_nav_menu( 'primary-menu', __( 'Primary Menu' ) ); }
Make more of your mockups - Mocksup
nice application which turns static designs into clickable prototypes.
The Best Web Development Frameworks
Web Development Framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of a Websites, Web applications and Web services. Many frameworks
framework collection for php css etc
Create A Professional Portfolio Using WordPress 3.0 Custom Post Types | Voosh Themes
RT @teddyrised: Create A Professional Portfolio Using WordPress 3.0 Custom Post Types *Life saver!
Importante para aprender a mexer com WP 3
Utilissimo tutorial su come creare un Custom Post Type in Wordpress 3.0
45+ Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers
The Plumbing Revolution: Developers' Improving Toolbox - graysky
Links to a several cloud-ish online business tools in here, and some of them look like pretty good ideas.
FAQ Pages: Best Practices and Examples - Noupe
Decision-Making Models In Web Development - Smashing Magazine
While some people naturally make good decisions, others struggle and need the support of a model or framework, in the same way that some people naturally make balanced Web designs and others prefer the help of a layout grid.
Why you Should be using PHP’s PDO for Database Access | Nettuts+
Many PHP programmers learned how to access databases by using either the mysql or mysqli extensions. Since PHP 5.1, there’s been a better way. PHP Data Objects (PDO) provide methods for prepared statements and working with objects that will make you far more productive!
This is an eazy to learn tutorial for PDO.
Many PHP programmers learned how to access databases by using either the mysql or mysqli extensions. Since PHP 5.1, there's been a better way. PHP Data Objects
ripe for SQL Injection!
HTML5 And Flash: Why It’s Not A War, And Why Flash Won’t Die - Smashing Magazine
Discussion on Flash vs HTML5
With all of the buzz going on in our Web community about HTML5 and Flash, I've decided to dive into the fray and offer my thoughts as a 10-year veteran of both Web...
Simulate Slow Internet Connection while Testing your Apps
plugin para firefox que te permite controlar tu velocidad de conexion (tambien en la red local) para poder testar tus paginas
Langsame Internetverbindung simulieren (Firefox)
simulation small bandwidth
HTML5 Microdata: Welcome to the Machine | Nettuts+
I don’t think it is hyperbole to say that HTML5 will change the way that you think about web development. I welcome many of the changes as they make development easier, and the user experience richer. With any change, though, there is certain to be a bit of trepidation and controversy. One addition that certainly is not without its controversy is the Microdata specification, but I believe the benefits of this very simple specification are going to change how you look at your mark-up in the very near future.
un tuto
Liminal Existence: Beautiful Lines
An unobtrusive approach to presenting properly sized text for any reading device that might happen upon your carefully written text. First, if you're not already, drop everything and size all your text in ems. Your text should be 1.0 em, everything else in ems as appropriate.
Wikidot & CSS3: Infobox with Pure CSS 3D Ribbon
Иконки. Скачать иконки для сайта. Бесплатные иконки. Иконки в формате PNG
Поиск по бесплатным иконкам. Также см. для преобразования картинок в .ico файлы
Fake - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
Realizar testes de navegação
Data URIs make CSS sprites obsolete | NCZOnline
* Skip to content * Home * Blog * Writing * Speaking * Downloads * About * Contact
jQuery Fundamentals
Microsoft WebMatrix
build websites tutorial
Kit gratuito de Microsoft incluyendo todo lo necesario para crear webs en Windows.
Microsoft /Web * Microsoft Home * Sign In * * * Home * Platform o The Framework o The Server o The Database o The Tools * Inspiration o The Story o Sandbox o Videos * Jump Start * Get Web Apps o Featured Apps o Browse All o Submit App * Get Hosting o Frequently Asked Questions * Join Programs o For Web Professionals o For Startups * Find an Expert * Downloads o Web Platform Installer By downloading and using the Web Platform Installer (Web PI), you agree to the license terms for the Web PI. System requirements. FREE Get the Microsoft Web Platform * WebMatrix * Overview * Features * Workspaces * Learn * Download Now
WebMatrix: Brandnew free All-In-One Web Development Kit #Microsoft,
jQuery Fundamentals
Great Ways to Learn jQuery » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
Great Ways to Learn jQuery
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
Prefix or Posthack /by @meyerweb via @alistapart #css #css3 #webdesign
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
So the next time you find yourself grumbling about declaring the same thing four times, once for each browser, remember that the pain is temporary. It’s a little like a vaccine—the shot hurts now, true, but it’s really not that bad in comparison to the disease it prevents.
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
5 jQuery Calendar Plugins that can be used on Websites
5 jQuery Calendar Plugins that can be used on Websites -
Object-Oriented PHP for Beginners | Nettuts+
A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
So the next time you find yourself grumbling about declaring the same thing four times, once for each browser, remember that the pain is temporary. It’s a little like a vaccine—the shot hurts now, true, but it’s really not that bad in comparison to the disease it prevents.
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Finally, WordPress 3.0 has been released. Now you can download the latest stable version to test it out on your localhost or development server before upgrade on your live server. This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme - TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features.
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent
by @suprotimagarwal
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent – Javascript News (del_javascript)
marcuswestin's store.js at master - GitHub
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
store.js uses localStorage when available, and falls back on globalStorage for earlier versions of Firefox and the userData behavior in IE6 and IE7. No flash to slow down your page load. No cookies to fatten your network requests.
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood — Read more Save Cancel
8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Finally, WordPress 3.0 has been released. Now you can download the latest stable version to test it out on your localhost or development server before upgrade on your live server. This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme - TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features.
Which loads faster? <- Try it. Love it. #webdev #velocity
Which loads faster?: A tool for pitting two sites head to head in terms of page speed – Jacob Gube (sixrevisions)
Comparaisons au niveau de la vitesse de téléchargement
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent
marcuswestin's store.js at master - GitHub
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
store.js uses localStorage when available, and falls back on globalStorage for earlier versions of Firefox and the userData behavior in IE6 and IE7. No flash to slow down your page load. No cookies to fatten your network requests.
8 New Exciting WordPress 3.0 Features | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Finally, WordPress 3.0 has been released. Now you can download the latest stable version to test it out on your localhost or development server before upgrade on your live server. This WordPress 3.0 release is packed with tons of exciting features, like custom post type, better menu management, editor style and many more. It also comes with a new default theme - TwentyTen, that is compatible with most of the new features.
Great jQuery Screencasts to Learn From
Great jQuery Screencasts to Learn From
Best Of: CSS Grid Tools | Cookie Labs
Lo mejor de las herramientas para rejillas CSS.
How to Build a Distance Finder with Google Maps API
We'll make a distance finder. We'll add a Google map to our site, plot two points on it (the user will be able to choose the addresses for these points), compute the distance between them and show the quickest route between them.
permite determinar y trazar la distancia entre dos direcciónes, se podría utilizar para mostrar negocios por cercania. muy bueno
We’ll make a distance finder. We’ll add a Google map to our site, plot two points on it (the user will be able to choose the addresses for these points), compute the distance between them and show the quickest route between them.
How to Build a Distance Finder with Google Maps API
cool distance finder between two addresses build with javascript and google maps api - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine
curl -L -o google-app-engine-django.tar.gz
Best Of: CSS Grid Tools | Cookie Labs
Mobile Browser Cache Limits: Android, iOS, and webOS » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
An assessment of mobile brower cache behaviour and recommendations for improving the chances that your content can be cached for improved performance.
Browser Testing: A Family Tree | Webdesigner Depot
One task drives web professionals to distraction more than almost any other: testing whether their design works equally well in a multitude of browsers and on different devices. The list of browsers and platforms to verify against keeps getting longer, and as designers, our tempers are getting proportionally shorter; IE6 will probably feature in nightmares for years to come! Yet doing our work in an ever-widening range of situations is becoming increasingly important. This article highlights the most common issues that arise when testing with “the usual suspects” and explains why a change in tactics may soon be needed. Your entire perspective on compatibility testing could change.
Mobile Browser Cache Limits: Android, iOS, and webOS » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
An assessment of mobile brower cache behaviour and recommendations for improving the chances that your content can be cached for improved performance.
Not Using jQuery JavaScript Templates? You’re Really Missing Out. - Rey Bango
resizeMyBrowser - Web application
A new online Browser window resize app for Web developers.
jQuery color plugin xcolor - Website and Application Intelligence
jquery color expressions
jQuery color plugin xcolor - Website and Application Intelligence – Delicious Popular (twittilicious)
5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website
Dublin.rdf is worth trying
Position Absolute, web apps and front-end stuff - Optimizing javascript/jQuery loading time, a beginner’s guide «
Ladezeitenoptimierung mit und für jQuery
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 2 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
สร้าง Websote ด้วย html5/css3 โดยไม่ใช้ภาพเลย #ตอนที่ 2
Great 2-page tutorial on building a website with html5 and css3 without images - + #html5 #css3 – quplo (quplo)
20+ Online Tools for Website Validation and Testing
(...) So make it sure that you go through this post and run all the necessary tests on your website before making it live.
Lazy Loading Asyncronous Javascript – Friendly Bit
Externes Script nachladen, ohne die Hostseite zu bremsen
Load external JS file non-blocking and without delaying onload()
Textarea Tricks | CSS-Tricks
textarea { overflow: auto; }
Falling foul of special characters « simon r jones
These days its pretty standard to require support for multiple languages and special characters on your website. But it’s still terribly easy to trip up and make mistakes, usually indicated by weird characters popping up across your web content. Here’s a few tips on how to sort out your character encoding.
Falling foul of special characters « simon r jones
These days its pretty standard to require support for multiple languages and special characters on your website. But it’s still terribly easy to trip up and make mistakes, usually indicated by weird characters popping up across your web content. Here’s a few tips on how to sort out your character encoding.
Drop Shadows with CSS3 | Nimbupani Designs
Cool drop shadows, wrapped.
10 SEO Tips to Remember When Building Your Site
Whether you're starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it's a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. Let us assume that, just like everyone else, you are building a website–after all, the Web is where it is all happening now. As soon as your website goes live–and especially while you are still in the design and development phase–you need to make sure your site’s content will be found through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing where many people go to look for information. Whether you’re starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it’s a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. This article follows up on a previous Six Revisions post called 9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design, sharing with you a few more tips for improving the search engine optimization, s
Aloha Editor - The HTML5 Editor
10 Best iPad Apps for Web Designers | Tools
RT @deliciouspb: 10 Best iPad Apps for Web Designers | Tools
Annotated link
na ja. Ein paar davon hab ich schon, aber ob ich die anderen brauche ...
Aloha Editor - The HTML5 Editor
advanced looks neat but (checking out the demos and docs) I don't see it really competing with CKeditor or even Tiny MCE…
The world's most advanced browser based Editor let's you experience a whole new way of editing. It’s faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented functionalities.
10 life-saving PHP snippets
couple good functions in here. Add to php library.
Web Performant WordPress |
or... How I Increased My WordPress Performance and Got My Page Loads to Under 1 Second.
80% of the time users wait for a web page is because of the frontend. I was sort of thunderstruck with fear. Although we always strive for better, I typically found a 3-5 second page load great and up to 7 seconds acceptable. After recording the show, I stayed up a few hours that night fiddling with The ATX Web Show and increased site performance by ~500%1.
Dave Rupert provides an excellent breakdown of how to speed up your WordPress-powered site. There's no excuse to not spend the time implementing these changes. Even if you're like me, and have already done a lot of the work, I'm willing to bet there's a step or two that will make your site even better. For me, it's the super-duper-easy cut-and-paste improvements to the htacess file to enable gzip and browser caching.
How I Increased My WordPress Performance and Got My Page Loads to Under 1 Second.
30+ Inspiring Website Navigation Menus | Naldz Graphics
10 Missing Features in WordPress
The popular publishing platform, WordPress, recently released its latest major version: WordPress 3.0 (dubbed "Thelonious"). This iteration of WordPress introduces plenty of convenient new features such as drag-and-drop interfaces for building navigation menus (for those not comfortable modifying their theme files), the ability to deploy multiple sites under one installation (by the inclusion of WordPress MU) and a system for making custom content types other than posts and pages.
A List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
"Raphaël is a light-weight JavaScript library that renders dynamic SVG graphics including charts, graphs, vector-based animations, and GUI components right into your web pages. Now, you’re probably thinking, I can already do this with jQuery, Google Charts, or even Flash! While this is true, Raphaël reveals new possibilities not currently available with these other technologies. Let’s learn how to create inline scalable vector images that work across browsers and degrade gracefully."
using code to create graphics
Raphaël is a light-weight JavaScript library that renders dynamic SVG graphics including charts, graphs, vector-based animations, and GUI components right into your web pages.
Met name het voorbeeld van de route op de kaart ...
Introducing WebMatrix - ScottGu's Blog
WebMatrix is a 15MB download (50MB if you don’t have .NET 4 installed) and is quick to install. The 15MB download includes a lightweight development tool, IIS Express, SQL Compact Edition, and a set of ASP.NET extensions that enable you to build standalone ASP.NET Pages using the new Razor syntax, as well as a set of easy to use database and HTML helpers for performing common web-tasks. WebMatrix can be installed side-by-side with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.
Modernizr Test Suite
Modernizr detects feature support across JS APIs and CSS. Now, there is a simple page that shows you what Modernizr thinks of your browser
A List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
html web etc knowledge
A List Apart wrote up the Raphael library.
Hmm, this looks informative. SVG with a little help from Raphaël, by @briansuda - /via @alistapart
Introducing WebMatrix - ScottGu's Blog
Modernizr Test Suite
Modernizr detects feature support across JS APIs and CSS. Now, there is a simple page that shows you what Modernizr thinks of your browser
A List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
A List Apart: Articles:
Introducing WebMatrix - ScottGu's Blog
Nice Entity — "Find your character!"
Quick references of most common XHTML entities.
Quick References of Most Common Entities
Search Analysis with Google Analytics
Tracking and studying searches on your site is a valuable part of site analytics, but many site owners underestimate the benefit of it. Website search analytics can provide advantageous insights into what people are looking for on your site and also what your site looks like in search engine results.
In this guide, we'll go over the fundamentals of search analytics, using Google Analytics as our tool.
JavaScript independent execution environment.
Compact JavaScript runtime environment based on Mozilla Rhino. It adds to Rhino a module system compatible with the CommonJS Modules/1.1 specification. Module library implemented in JavaScript, covering basic functionality such as extensions to the built-in objects, file I/O, logging, persistence, unit testing, client and server-side HTTP support and web framework.
This is the home of RingoJS, the CommonJS-compliant JavaScript platform formerly known as Helma NG.
this, is boomerang
boomerang is a piece of javascript that you add to your web pages, where it measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view. It has the ability to send this data back to your server for further analysis. With boomerang, you find out exactly how fast your users think your site is.
RT @draenews: Del this, is boomerang:
boomerang - measure performance of your site from your end user's pov -
Javascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...
This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash.
Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
แนะนำการใช้งาน CSS3: border-image
"Understanding border-image" by @norabrowndesign #tech #webdev – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor)
The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers.
Javascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
Galactic Plunder This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash. The first level of the game is fully implemented, and the second is in development.
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...
Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
Understanding border-image in CSS - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Javascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
Galactic Plunder This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash. The first level of the game is fully implemented, and the second is in development.
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...
10 More Awesome Web Development Screencasts and Presentations | Nettuts+
The Bits of JavaScript that Every Designer Needs to Know | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Események tesztelése JavaScript alkalmazásokban
Syn is used to simulate user actions such as typing, clicking, dragging the mouse. It creates synthetic events and performs default event behavior.
50 Useful Tools and Resources For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text | How-To
api fancount
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application
The post walks through the process of developing and deploying a simple web application in Clojure. After reading this you should be able to build your own app and deploy it to a production server.
A Real Web Design Application | Jason Santa Maria
A real web design application:
A Real Web Design Application
The web and its related disciplines have grown organically. I think it’s safe to say the web is not the domain of just the geeks anymore—we all live here. And those of us who work here should have sophisticated, native tools to do our jobs.
I'm no pro. The most ambitious design I did was @clusterflock, using firebug and hand coding, but this feels right:
A different way of working.
Experimenting with Node.js - Jeff Kreeftmeijer
If you’re using a browser that supports web sockets, you might see some extra mouse cursors moving around. These are actually other people also looking at this page right now, live, as we speak. If you don’t see anything, try to open up this page in another browser window next to this one and move your mouse in it. This is an experiment I did to play around with Node.js and web sockets. I’ve put everything in a Gist in case you want to try it out yourself. I’ll explain how it works in this article.
If you’re using a browser that supports web sockets, you might see some extra mouse cursors moving around. These are actually other people also looking at this page right now, live, as we speak.
Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application
The post walks through the process of developing and deploying a simple web application in Clojure. After reading this you should be able to build your own app and deploy it to a production server.
BEST OF: 22 Free SEO / Search Engine Tools For Webmasters
50 Useful Tools and Resources For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
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How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text | How-To
api fancount
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Jupiter Consulting provides expert jQuery and JavaScript consulting and development services.
50+ Useful Google Chrome Extensions
Introduction to MySQL Triggers | Nettuts+
Starkers: The completely naked theme for WordPress
Un thème Wordpress nu sans aucune mise en forme. un bon départ pour faire son propre thème