Pages tagged wealth:

Wealthy men give women more orgasms - Times Online

Study on 5000 people across China. “Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research. [...] The study is certain to prove controversial, suggesting that women are inherently programmed to be gold-diggers." Replicated in Germany and USA.
gest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partne
Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.
Hilarious! Now I understand why my wife has a constant smile :-)
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"Felix Dennis, publishing tycoon, has written a guide to becoming a multi-millionaire. All you need is thick skin, cunning - and a work ethic"
Good quote: "If you are unwilling to fail, sometimes publicly, and even catastrophically, you stand little chance of ever getting rich." Reminds me of this quote from Lazarus Long: "People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. It is the poor jerk who is shy a half slug who must tighten his belt." As a bit of a pod who sometimes finds it all too easy to "turn off" my human concerns, and an on-again-off-again workaholic who was literally ridiculed by my friends for my study and work habits, I am very inspired by what he has to say.
excerpt from publishing tycoon Felix Dennis's book about how to get rich
Hidden Millionaires: Lessons From Unconventional Money Management - Quicken® Personal Finance
The last generation of frugal millionaires saw the careful preservation of cash and conservative personal finance as essential to survival. These rich individuals gained their wealth slowly through careful planning and extreme saving. By living below their means, these individuals created freedom in their lives, and a buffer from the economic problems over the last decades. Precursors to the newest generation of frugal, yet generous millionaires, the following individuals broke many myths regarding the way that wealth can be generated and spent.
Achieving Fame, Wealth And Beauty Are Psychological Dead Ends, Study Says
"What's "striking and paradoxical" about this research, he says, is that it shows that reaching materialistic and image-related milestones actually contributes to ill-being; despite their accomplishments, individuals experience more negative emotions like shame and anger and more physical symptoms of anxiety such as headaches, stomachaches, and loss of energy. By contrast, individuals who value personal growth, close relationships, community involvement, and physical health are more satisfied as they meet success in those areas."
A Simple Way to Become Wealthy - Yahoo! Finance
RT @draenews: Del A Simple Way to Become Wealthy - Yahoo! Finance:
"I gave excuses why I couldn't invest and then he said something that changed my thinking: saving and investing isn't hard. You just have to treat it like a bill. 'To max out your Roth IRA, divide by 12 and send that amount each month. Even easier, go to the finance office and set up an automatic allotment from your paycheck, and YOU'LL NEVER THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN.' [Perfect!] It's not that I didn't have enough money to invest. I just wasn't prioritizing how I used it. This forced me to make it part of my budget. That 15 minute conversation changed my life and might just make me a millionaire. Three reasons you should consider automatic investing. 1. It's easy. No remembering. Set it up once, and it gets done. 2. There's no emotional barrier. It's difficult to write a check each month when you have current wants. This helps you stick to long term plans. 3. You don't try to time the market. For the average investor, dollar cost averaging is best.
My first real job was as a junior enlisted member of the United States Air Force. I had great benefits, but as a low ranking
A Simple Way to Become Wealthy
5 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires on Shine