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Kurt Vonnegut Motivational Posters | Sloshspot Blog

At once a optimist and a cynic, Vonnegut's love for humanity recognized and embraced each of its shortcomings. With his satirical blend of science fiction and humanism, Vonnegut gifted us with his clever one-liners and pearls of wisdom mixed in with the occasional dirty drawing. Following are a few of the gems he cast along the way, in the only acceptable format for true widom these days, the motivational poster.
Motivational posters with quotes of Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut explains drama | Derek Sivers
I was at a Kurt Vonnegut talk in New York a few years ago. Talking about writing, life, and everything. He explained why people have such a need for drama in their life. He said, “People have been hearing fantastic stories since time began. The problem is, they think life is supposed to be like the stories. Let's look at a few examples.”
I was at a Kurt Vonnegut talk in New York a few years ago. Talking about writing, life, and everything. He explained why people have such a need for drama in their life. .He said, “People have been hearing fantastic stories since time began. The problem is, they think life is supposed to be like the stories. Let's look at a few examples.”
Kurt Vonnegut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In his book Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction, Vonnegut listed eight rules for writing a short story..."
Kurt Vonnegut's eight rules for writing short stories.
Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
Letters of Note: Slaughterhouse Five
vonnegut on slaughterhouse five : "On about February 14th the Americans came over, followed by the R.A.F. their combined labors killed 250,000 people in twenty-four hours and destroyed all of Dresden -- possibly the world's most beautiful city. But not me. "
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s letter home describe the real-life Slaughterhouse Five scenario of his POW internment during WWII.