Pages tagged vcard:

32 Amazing Mini vCard Websites with Slick Javascript Animation | Queness

Slick Javascript Animation
Have a look at these beautifully crafted javascript animated vcard websites. It's simple, beautiful and simply inspiring!
30 Impressive vCard Web Designs
A vCard is an electronic business card that uses a standard format. Some individuals have taken to creating simple, typically one-page, sites that center around their vCard. These sites contain minimal content, usually just basic information about the individual (i.e. job title) and contact information (i.e. mailing addresses and links to social media profiles). Designer and Blogger, Tim Van Damme, started this web design trend, and for a lack of a better term, I’ll call them vCard sites.
vCard collezione fantastica
Portfolio Design Trends: vCard Websites |
In this collection, you’ll find some impressive vCard sites for inspiration, templates, themes for WordPress and tutorials on how to create your vCard portfolio.
Portfolio Design Trends: vCard Websites | -
Microformats: What, Why, and How - Nettuts+
SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers - » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site