Pages tagged typographie:

42 Amazing Resources for Inspirational Typography : Speckyboy Design Magazine

There are many theories to what constitutes good typography, its not as simple as choosing an appropriate font and setting it in the style of a particular project, that would be too easy. Theories and tutorials are one thing, putting typography into perfect practice is another, and is perhaps the hardest part of any design. Every designer you ask will give you a different answer to what constitutes good type, where is the benchmark? Below you will find the best typography sites, rich full of inspiration, tutorials, theories, free fonts, good practices… everything you could possibly need related to typography.
» 70+ High-Quality Free Fonts for Designers WebAir Blog
» 70+ High-Quality Free Fonts for Designers WebAir Blog
20 Creative and Unique Typefaces
awesome typefaces
fonts typography free font resources design inspiration typefaces creative typographie
We live in a world surrounded by Times New Roman, Arial and Helvetica, typefaces so functional that they have long since become boring. In this article, you will find very creative fonts that surely push the limits of uniqueness.
Die gefühlte Lesbarkeit | Design Tagebuch
Serife gegen Groteske: die Lehrbuch-Meinung unterstellt beharrlich Qualitätsunterschiede, die offenkundig nicht existieren. Eine neue Studie zeigt: Viel wichtiger als die oft beschworene “objektive” Lesbarkeit ist, was eine Schriftart ausstrahlt – ihr „Look and Feel”.