Pages tagged typo:

17 designers favorite fonts | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials

The best fonts from 17 great designers Everyone has their favorite fonts. Fonts that are very versatile and work well for a variety of projects. With that in mind we asked some very well known designers and digital artists what their top 3 serif and top
Erik Spiekermann’s Typo Tips | The FontFeed
The FontFeed is a daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world. Eat up.
With the inven­tion of “desk­top pub­lish­ing”, design­ers found them­selves set­ting type on their com­put­ers for the first time. Until then, they had made type spec­i­fi­ca­tions for type­set­ters and left the job up to the pro­fes­sion­als. As a result, you can still see clas­sic inac­cu­ra­cies in type­set­ting, even in top-​quality printed matter. Here you will find some tips from Erik Spiek­er­mann, designer of FF Meta®, Meta Design founder, co-​author of “Stop Steal­ing Sheep”, and a FontShop founder, which will pre­vent some of the more obvi­ous blun­ders.
Succinct and useful typography guidelines for everyone laying pixels on the web. Read the comments for the back and forth over the “padded en” vs the em dash. Is the em dash dying?
Typefacts | Typografie verstehen
Auf dieser Website fasse ich typografisches Wissen auf eine verständliche und ansprechende Art zusammen und veranschauliche es mit interessanten Beispielen, die Lust auf Schrift machen.
Auf dieser Website fasse ich typografisches Wissen auf eine verständliche und ansprechende Art zusammen und veranschauliche es mit interessanten Beispielen, die Lust auf Schrift machen. (Das rote W ist z.B. aus der Schrift Zaner). Und wer das Wissen vertiefen möchte, findet zu jedem Thema eine Vielzahl weiterführender Links zu Büchern und Websites. Viel Spaß!
Nicht viel Neues, aber verständlich und kompakt erzählt.
Typografie verstehen
53 Mind-blowing Uses of Typography - Psdtuts+
FontJazz - Embed fonts on web pages
any font embed on website with javascript
60+ Awesome Grunge Font That Every Designer Should Collect
65 Popular And Professional Free Fonts For Creative Typography | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
65 fuentes gratuitas... otra selección donde aparecen las de siempre + alguna nueva
The Next Serif Trend
In the past, we’ve been told not to use serif fonts due to its readability on low resolution monitors and poor rendering in WindowsXP. Now, with display technology advancing and IE7+ supporting ClearType by default, I think it is about time to change that rule. Take a look at the example sites that I’ve collected, you will probably agree with me that serif typeface will be the next web font trend
serif web-safe fonts increasing
In the past, we’ve been told not to use serif fonts due to its readability on low resolution monitors and poor rendering in WindowsXP. Now, with display technology advancing and IE7+ supporting ClearType by default, I think it is about time to change that rule. Take a look at the example sites that I’ve collected, you will probably agree with me that serif typeface will be the next web font trend.
Die gefühlte Lesbarkeit | Design Tagebuch
Serife gegen Groteske: die Lehrbuch-Meinung unterstellt beharrlich Qualitätsunterschiede, die offenkundig nicht existieren. Eine neue Studie zeigt: Viel wichtiger als die oft beschworene “objektive” Lesbarkeit ist, was eine Schriftart ausstrahlt – ihr „Look and Feel”.
Web Typography: Font Embedding Services « Noupe
There are a lot of options out there for using other-than-websafe fonts in your website designs. Dynamic text replacement methods or resorting to very long fontstacks (where most of your visitors won’t see the font you wanted anyway) have long been the standard for using anything other than websafe fonts. But the @font-face function changes all that. With most major, modern browsers now compatible with it, services are cropping up all over for providing the fonts you want to embed on your site without eating up your bandwidth and server space. One of the biggest hurdles these services help to overcome is the licensing issues related to embedding certain fonts on your website. While many fonts (especially open source fonts) have licenses that allow for embedding, others strictly prohibit it. Webfont services work with the type foundries to provide fonts for embedding while also providing the security that foundries insist upon. Currently, there are four such services available, thoug
The Font Kingdom: Search, Explore, Create, and Download Fonts for Free
フォント同士を交配させて新しいフォントの誕生を見る ( DLは不可能 )
50 First-class & New Downloadable Fonts For Professional Designs
Code Free Font | Fontfabric™
Code free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos.
Franco-Provencal, Fre
Description: Code free font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters, logos.