Pages tagged twitteranalytics:

Twitter Analytics for "Analytics": Juice Analytics

Excellent discussion on what is interesting in analytics.
Twitter’s wild popularity hasn’t obscured the fact that the service needs to eventually make money. The concept of “Twitter analytics” as a revenue stream has come up often enough to make my ears itch and my nose burn.
TwitThis'); //--> Twitter’s wild popularity hasn’t obscured the fact that the service needs to eventually make money. The concept of “Twitter analytics” as a revenue stream has come up often ...
Despite all the activity, I haven’t yet seen a solution that offers the kind of valuable analytics that a company could use to understand the Twitter conversation relevant to their business. The applications above are either focused on the measurement of individual Twitter users or offer a high-level tracking of words and phases in the general conversation. They treat tweets as transactions — How many? How valuable? Who’s listening? Who’s responding?