Pages tagged trend:

More Web Design Trends For 2009 | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine

More Web Design Trends For 2009
Last week we presented 10 Web Design Trends For 2009, our review of the most promising developments and techniques in web design that may become big in 2009. In the first part we covered embossing letters (”letterpress”), rich user interfaces, PNG transparency, big typography, carousels and media blocks. This post is the second part of our review. It presents design trends for 2009 in terms of layouts, visual approaches and design elements. Please notice that this post showcases trends and developments that were extensively covered in our previous articles (e.g. handwriting, retro and vintage etc.) and therefore weren’t covered in this post (they are all linked in the overview, so feel free to explore these single posts as well). Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!
Springwise | Our selection of new business ideas for 2009 and beyond
Information Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 4 - Final Beta
The newest webtrends map.. great work. (kris)
The fina beta of the web trend map, a fantastic work trying to explain how the web is distributed right now
mapas de tendências estilo metrô
What The Trend? Find out WHY terms are trending on Twitter
Find out what's trending on Twitter and why. For each trend, we give you a quick explanation of WHY it's trending (these blurbs are edited by you!) You can also see the latest tweets, Flickr photos and news stories.'s Top Trending Links - Web Trend Map
The Web Trend Map community curates meaningful link trends by choosing sources they trust.
Top 5 Twitter Trends to Watch Right Now
Alright. Agree on the most of the trends.
2010年に備えて、知っておきたいウェブデザインのトレンド | コリス
2010年に向けて押さえておきたいウェブデザインのトレンドの14のポイントをWeb Design Ledgerから紹介します。 Web Design
2009年 上半期デザイントレンドまとめのまとめ | DesignWalker
Trend Tracker: Current and emerging Twitter trends presented to you by the forward-thinking Palm® Pre™.
excelente herramienta de trackeo de twitter
Aplicación simple e intuitiva que permite realizar un seguimiento en tiempo real de las tendencias en Twitter con dos particularidades: permite comparar el número de menciones de cada tag así como el origen geográfico de los mismos.
트위터를 이용한 이슈 트렌드
Permite ver la tendencia de uso de palabras en Twitter
Bokeh Effect in Web Design: 30 Excellent Examples and Tutorials | Spyre Studios
iA » What’s Next in Web Design?
I’ve been asked by the Italian magazine L’Espresso to write an article on The Future of Web Design. Here is the English text. Thinking about what’s next online is fun because everything you wish to come true will come true. While commercial products obey to the laws of the market, which in part are influenced by [...]
MyFonts: Top 10 fonts of 2009
As for typography itself: the quest for quality in font design that we reported last year has continued. Many fonts were updated and improved, while new typefaces are getting ever more sophisticated. This newsletter lists the year’s ten most successful typefaces from a variety of genres.
Werbung: Das Komplexitätsproblem von Social-Media-Marketing »
Werbung auf Social Networks will weiterhin nicht so recht abheben. Sind daran die ignoranten Werbeauftraggeber schuld? Die phantasielosen Website-Betreiber? Oder liegt der Grund vielleicht doch ganz woanders? Ist Social Media vielleicht viel komplexer und neuartiger, als wir alle denken? Kein Zweifel: Social Media ist das Medienphänomen unserer Dekade. Viele Millionen von Internetusern verbringen erstaunliche Mengen von Zeit auf Facebook, Youtube, unzähligen Blogs und Diskussionsforen.
Grundlagenartikel, der die Unterschiede zwischen 1:n und n:n-Kommunikation erläutert
Werbung auf Social Networks will weiterhin nicht so recht abheben. Sind daran die ignoranten Werbeauftraggeber schuld? Die phantasielosen Website-Betreiber? Oder liegt der Grund vielleicht doch ganz woanders? Ist Social Media vielleicht viel komplexer und neuartiger, als wir alle denken? Kein Zweifel: Social Media ist das Medienphänomen unserer Dekade. Viele Millionen von Internetusern verbringen erstaunliche Mengen von Zeit auf Facebook, Youtube, unzähligen Blogs und Diskussionsforen.
What the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch
2009年のウェブデザインのトレンド:レイアウト編 | コリス
Hyperlinking the Real World (Redux) - ReadWriteWeb
Reading: Hyperlinking the Real World [from]
Retweeting @Hirkani: Ljubljana on Read Write Web: [from]
a new system that will allow camera phone users to hyperlink the real world
European researchers working on the MOBVIS project have developed a new system that will allow camera phone users to hyperlink the real world. Intéressant en situation de mobilité, notamment pour les piétons.
Ooooh that's how I wish my world could be!
あらゆるものを変える可能性のある知っておくべき15個の最新テクノロジー - GIGAZINE
Photoshop Vip » 2010年のウェブデザインのトレンド21個を徹底解剖