Pages tagged trac:

ClueMapper – Trac

ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc.
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc. The website for ClueMapper is at
"ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc."
プログラマの思索: RedmineとTracの機能比較
でも、僕はTracの運用は面倒だと思っている。 マイルストーンとバージョンを一致させる意味は、Redmineの「バージョン」に紐づく全チケットが終了ステータスになれば、いつでもリリースできるということだ。