Pages tagged topsy:


Twitter search.
A search engine powered by tweets
Topsy nutzt Tweets und Retweets zur allgemeinen Indexierung der Web-Inhalte. Bei der Social Media-Suchmaschine kommt es nicht auf die Zahl der Twitter-Follower (Abonnnenten) an. Was machen rund 30 Millionen Twitterer weltweit immer häufiger? Sie posten ohne Ende Linktipps und indexieren damit indirekt relevanten Content. Auf dieses Prinzip setzt Topsy auf.
Sehr gute Suchmaschine, um herauszufinden, wer über welches Thema twittert
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web
Twitter has around 30m users
Topsy is a search engine that has a fundamentally new way of finding good results: Twitter users.
New search engine Topsy, which has been in stealth development for three years, launches, well, now. Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined ...
Topsy Search Launches: ReTweets Are The New Currency Of The Web [from]
" Before Google, search engines like AltaVista determined relevance based on how well a web page matched the query. Then came Google, which views the web as a network of documents. Today, all search engines analyze linking behavior around the web. When a web page is linked to a lot, it’s given more influence than other pages competing for attention around the same topics/keywords. Jeff Jarvis summed it all up nicely in 2005 “In this new world, links are currency. Links grant authority. Links build branding. Links equal value.” There’s lots more to it, but the notion that links create value is what drives Internet search. "