Pages tagged threesome:

emilyray: Fic: Not Exactly What You Planned

Spencer remembered it like this: they were ten, and they were playing with an old half-deflated soccer ball, and Spencer threw it to Ryan, and Ryan didn’t catch it because Ryan couldn’t catch and also because Spencer threw it further than he meant to, and the ball went into the road. Ryan ran after it. Spencer saw the car and ran after Ryan. He didn’t remember anything after that. He didn’t know if Ryan remembered it differently.
Spencer remembered it like this: they were ten, and they were playing with an old half-deflated soccer ball, and Spencer threw it to Ryan, and Ryan didn’t catch it because Ryan couldn’t catch and also because Spencer threw it further than he meant to, and the ball went into the road.
Where Spencer died when he was little and Ryan is the only one who can see him, that is until Brendon shows up. 4,800 Words
Spencer's dead. He's haunting Ryan. Enter Brendon.
What if Spencer was dead and then there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost?
A while ago I was talking about what if Spencer was dead and then there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost? This is the only time of year I can get away with actually writing that, so here you go: it's a ghostfic!
Spencer is a ghost
Threesome involving Spencer's ghost.
Spencer died when he was ten, and he's stayed with Ryan ever since, but he knows Ryan needs somebody else in his life (and maybe so does Spencer).
Brendon gaped at him and the stranger looked back with several different expressions chasing each other over his face - surprise, amusement, confusion, slow shock - and just as Brendon finally managed to demand, “Who the hell are you?” the stranger blurted, “You can see me?”
What if Spencer was dead and there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost? Totally not as creepy and/or depressing as it sounds.