Pages tagged sysadmin:

Devoted Geek » Blog Archive The ultimate guide to tweaking useless Windows XP services

"Today we are going to focus in on some default XP services that are completely useless, or close to it." YOU DON'T SAY
Windows XP services explained Windows XP is made up of a bunch of different applications running side by side. ...
Home - Chef - Opscode Open Source Wiki
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?") :: Clone your Ubuntu installation onto a new hard disk
Clone your Ubuntu installation onto a new hard disk
use gddrescue to clone disk: ddrescue -v /dev/olddisk /dev/newdisk
Killer open source monitoring tools | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2008-11-24 | By Paul Venezia
info world network management
Fortunately, there are a plethora of good tools, both commercial and open source that can shine much-needed light into your environment. Because good and free always beats good and costly, I've compiled a list of my favorite open source tools that prove their worth day in and day out in networks of any size. From network and server monitoring to trending, graphing, and even switch and router configuration backups, these utilities will see you through.
Complete Backup and Restore Using “tar” Command |
We've all made mistakes during our configuration and at some point wish we could go back in time before the mistake. Now that you have the ultimate setup that
How to create a back up in linux using .tar command.
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Pipe Viewer - good coders code, great reuse
create progress bars for common unix commands.
via hackernews
Pipe Viewer als Fortschrittsanzeige für CLI.
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
vmware-view-open-client - Google Code
The idea's a clever one. Take your Windows desktops, virtualize them in your data center with VMware, and then access them with Linux thin client machines. VMware View Open Client lets you connect from a Linux desktop to remote Windows desktops managed by VMware View. It is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL v 2.1). En klient med öppen källkod lanseras till VMware View. Det ska ge företagets parners möjlighet ta fram individuellt anpassade lösningar. VMware View låter ett företags anställda arbeta med sitt personliga skrivbord, oavsett vilken klient i nätverket de använder. Bolagets IT-avdelning administrerar och lagrar användarnas personliga inställningar direkt i datacentret. Genom att dela med sig av källkoden i klientmjukvaran hoppas WMware ge sina parners möjlighet att vidareutveckla och anpassa åtkomsten till View. View Open Client släpps under GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. Bland specifikationerna hittar vi bland annat f
Svchost Viewer Shows Exactly What Each svchost.exe Instance is Doing :: Mysticgeek’s Realm
どういう svhost.exe が動いているのか調査してくれるツール
Agile Testing: Load Balancing in Amazon EC2 with HAProxy - SSH Programming with Paramiko | Completely Different
"Having spent a lot of time scripting around the binaries and trying to manage timeouts, standard out/in/error pipes, authentication, arguments and options all through ‘’subprocess”, ”popen2”, etc., I’m here to tell you wrapping command line binaries is prone to error, difficult to test, and painful to maintain." Tell me about it. I just about pulled my hair out trying to do sftp from a web-based script.
OpenSSH is the ubiquitous method of remote access for secure remote-machine login and file transfers. Many people — systems administrators, test automation engineers, web developers and others have to use and interact with it daily. Scripting SSH access and file transfers with Python can be frustrating — but the Paramiko module solves that in a powerful way.
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again
linux commands
23 Useful System Applications for Linux | TechCityInc
It’s always great to have Linux Alternatives to popular applications so I’ve decided to write about some of the most useful System applications for Linux including Cd burners, Aniti Virus, FTP solutions and instant messengers that you can download today.
I’ve decided to write about some of the most useful System applications for Linux including Cd burners, Aniti Virus, FTP solutions and instant messengers that you can download today. :: Nix fixes dependency hell on all Linux distributions
NIx is a new way of managing dependencies of packages. It even goes beyond the gentoo portage idea. It's a clean approach to avoid dependency hell.
Computer Repair Utility Kit @ Technibble
Technibble, the Australian site for aspiring computer techies, recently released the second version of its popular Computer Repair Utility Kit, a collection of 57 hand picked tools to help you diagnose and repair your Windows machine. While all of the utilities are freely available online, this all-in-one kit saves you the trouble of searching for and downloading them individually. Most of the applications don't require installation and the kit can be run directly from your thumb drive.
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Netcat - good coders code, great reuse
How to undelete any open, deleted file on linux. | final cog
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem. When a file is deleted in linux, it is simply 'unlinked'. The inode, which contains the file's data, is not deleted until all processes have finished with it. This is why processes can carry on writing to deleted files. (Incidentally, this is why linux can be upgraded without requiring a reboot. Programmes, which have shared libraries open, carry on using the old versions of shared libraries until they finish.)
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem.
"There are many situations where a file has been deleted, yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem."
Si un fichier est effacé mais toujours ouvert par une application, il est très facile de le récupérer.
crafterm's sprinkle at master — GitHub
prinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with, after the base operating system has been installed. For example, to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created. Properties of packages such as their name, type, dependencies, etc, and what packages apply to what machines is described via a domain specific language that Sprinkle executes.
Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with. eg. to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created
Ruby provisioning tool for automating builds and deployments
Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with, after the base operating system has been installed. For example, to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created. Properties of packages such as their name, type, dependencies, etc, and what packages apply to what machines is described via a domain specific language that Sprinkle executes (in fact one of the aims of Sprinkle is to define as concisely as possible a language for installing software).
9 free antivirus programs for Windows - Download Squad
until they stop producing idiots some people
9 free antivirus programs for Windows
5 Cost-Efficient, Flexible Open Source Resources for Cloud Computing
5 Cost-Efficient, Flexible Open Source Resources for Cloud Computing including Eucalyptus and Globus
Enhancing Your Ubuntu Server - NETTUTS
A few weeks ago, I showed you how to setup your very own linux server. Now, I'm going to show you how to add even more functionality.
Useful Uses Of netcat | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
This short article shows some useful netcat commands. netcat is known as the TCP/IP swiss army knife. From the netcat man page: netcat is a simple unix utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in capabilities.
10 Ways to Automatically & Manually Backup MySQL Database | Noupe
10 really useful free Windows system tools | News | TechRadar UK
10 really useful free Windows system tools Essential free programs for your Windows XP or Vista toolkit
10 really useful free Windows system tools
Take the Linux Filesystem Tour | TuxRadar
Take the Linux Filesystem Tour
50 ways to impress your geeky linux friends -
Dicas LINUX interessante, como desmontar drive em uso
Our own Geek Queen Blair Mathis is back with 50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom.
50 ways to increase your Linux knowledge and help you along the way to true geekdom. 1. watch terminal star wars To start this article off right, no Linux user can claim the status of geekhood unless they've seen Star Wars ASCII-style. To watch a fascinating version of Star Wars via the Terminal, type: telnet
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Huge searchable archive of unix commands for the command line. This is on the distant to do list.
Puppet « reductive
Puppet, the configuration management solution. The Puppet framework provides a means to describe IT infrastructure as policy, execute that policy to build services then audit and enforce ongoing changes to the policy.
Zentrales Konfigurations Management
Puppet, the configuration management solution. The Puppet framework provides a means to describe IT infrastructure as policy, execute that policy to build services then audit and enforce ongoing changes to the policy. Puppet helps accomplish the goal of a hands-off, automated infrastructure.  The benefits of automated infrastructure go beyond policy-enforced consistency and auditing.  The impact of hardware failure and other disaster scenarios can be mitigated, as services can be quickly restored by Puppet. In conjunction with virtualizaton, the ability to reliably create new systems running consistent services can be leveraged to create autoscaling applications as well as test systems identical to production environments.
note to self: must try out puppet tomorrow to see if it means no more custom ami's on ec2
All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets
Good list of cheat sheets
10 Special Purpose Linux Distributions |
algunas distros especializadas de linux
More Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
If you've already read and memorised our "Linux tips every geek should know" and "20 all-new tips for KDE 4.2" features, we've picked out 50 more Linux desktop tips for you to enjoy.
5 Things You Don’t Know About User IDs That Will Destroy You at time to bleed by Joe Damato
o3 magazine | Open Source SSL Acceleration
A look at utilizing Open Source projects to build an SSL Accelerator for Web Servers that rivals even the most expensive commercial solutions. Advanced SSL Acceleration, Layer 7 URL Processing and Web Acceleration through gzip off-loading.
When GitHub goes down... — ones zeros majors and minors
How to recover your project if git hub goes down.
Thanks! I am going to cancel my github account so this will be useful
git instaweb --httpd=webrick FTW.
Ubuntu brings advanced Screen features to the masses - Ars Technica
Transparent generering av konfigurationsfiler är rätt metod att överbygga svårigheter, inte att skriva dum-GUI:n som abstraherar bort allt under dem! Trappor, inte teleportrar!
Great intro to screen for those who have never really mastered its use.
iostat -x « domas mituzas: vaporware, inc.
Securing a Web server
from ibm developerworks
Backup your Database in Git | Viget Extend
When you think about it, a database dump is just SQL code, so why not manage it the same way you manage the rest of your code — in a source code manager? Setting such a scheme up is dead simple. On your production server, with git installed:
Mommy, I found it! — 15 Practical Linux Find Command Examples
find / -name passwd
Usi del comando find
using FIND
Downloads: gCalCron Automates Your Linux System with Google Calendar
gcalcron allows you to issue terminal commands to a computer through Google Calendar.
run terminal commands in ubuntu using cron and scheduled by google calendar
Nice is a tad insecure (well as secure as your google account!)
Nodeta » Blog Archive » Stopping your Rails application with Phusion Passenger
Tips on displaying a downtime message during system maintenance
blog dds: 2009.03.04 - Parallelizing Jobs with xargs
With multi-core processors sitting idle most of the time and workloads always increasing, it's important to have easy ways to make the CPUs earn their money's worth. My colleague Georgios Gousios told me today how the Unix xargs command can help in this regard. The GNU xargs command that comes with Linux and the one distributed with FreeBSD support a -P option through which one can specify the number of jobs to run in parallel. Using this flag (perhaps in conjunction with -n to limit the number of arguments passed to the executing program), makes it easy to fire commands in parallel in a controlled fashion.
The xargs -P flag can also be useful for parellelizing commands that depend on a large number of high-latency systems. Only a week ago I spent hours to write a script that would resolve IP addresses into host names in parallel. (Yes, I know the that comes with the Apache web server distribution, and the speedup it provides leaves a lot to be desired.) Had I known the -P xargs option, I would have finished my task in minutes.
Multicore-Systeme mit xargs sauber auslasten.
Server Fault
stackoverflow, but for sysadmin
A system administration Q&A community created by the same guy as Stack Overflow (Jeff Atwood).
Social site for Sys Admins to ask questions
Server Fault is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for system administrators and IT professionals – regardless of platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.
10 must-have Linux web-based tools - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339296024,00.htm
There's no shortage of web-centric Linux tools -- the trick is figuring out which ones are best for your needs. This article offers a list of those that Jack Wallen thinks are the cream of the crop.
Introduction - NasBackup
is an open source backup solution. It is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up MS Windows desktop PCs, laptops and servers to network disks. NasBackup is a highly configurable solution and easy to install and maintain.
Flashrom - coreboot
this bookmark brought from the home.
flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
flabrom via linux
flashrom is a utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
Does just what the title says- it can flash numerous BIOS ROMs- tons of manufacturers and supposedly some graphics cards as well.
How to disable the Autorun functionality in Windows
The purpose of Autorun The main purpose of Autorun is to provide a software response to hardware actions that you start on a computer. Autorun has the following features: * Double-Click * Contextual Menu * AutoPlay These features are typically called from removable media or from network shares. During AutoPlay, the Autorun.inf file from the media is parsed. This file specifies which commands the system runs. Many companies use this functionality to start their installers.
How to disable the Autorun functionality
10 Things to do After Installing Ubuntu Linux | Ubuntu Linux Help
Some simple customization tips for a fresh ubuntu installation to make it a productive, useful, desktop os that helps meet the needs of most.
My primary reason for using Ubuntu Linux, is that I find it a far more productive, cost effective and customizable system. Everyone has their own reasons and
Hivelogic - Using /usr/local
Information on configuring your *nix system to contain information in /usr/local and the benefits thereof.
20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know
20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know
About Rip
Rip is an attempt to create a next generation packaging system for Ruby.
Tools of the Modern Python Hacker: Virtualenv, Fabric and Pip
Ksplice - Ksplice Uptrack
Ksplice Uptrack is a new service that lets you effortlessly keep your systems up to date and secure, without rebooting. Once you’ve completed the easy installation process, your system will be set up to receive rebootless updates instead of traditional, disruptive updates. Learn more.
Ksplice Uptrack is a new service that lets you effortlessly keep your systems up to date and secure, without rebooting. Once you’ve completed the easy installation process, your system will be set up to receive rebootless updates instead of traditional, disruptive updates.
This software lets you update your linux system without the need for a reboot. Looks pretty promising, available for ubuntu now.
Newegg - Power Supply Calculator
เว็บคำนวน Power Supply อีกแห่ง
Work out the PSU you need when building your pC
Calcular a potência da fonte, para as peças que deseja utilizar.
The PSU Wattage we recommend only gives you a general idea on what to consider while selecting a power supply. PCI cards, External devices, USB and Firewire devices, Cooling fans and other components may need more power.
Carsonified » Get Started with DNS
Good DNS tutorial for students or anyone wanting to understand DNS basics.
How to get a night's sleep without shit happening ‎(Software Engineering Tips)‎
The 10 most useful Linux commands - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339297366,00.htm
The 10 most useful Linux commands
Maybe the command line isn’t your favorite place to hang out, but to be an effective Linux admin, you need to be able to wield a few essential commands. These 10 commands are guaranteed to simplify your Linux admin life.
Get the key facts on a wide range of technologies, techniques, strategies, and skills with the help of these concise, need-to-know lists.
10 Linux backup utilities
A dependable backup tool is not a luxury - everyone needs to have one. But that doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune to get the feature set that meets your needs. Jack Wallen introduces some great Linux backup solutions, including a few that are cross platform.
Top 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices
AllowUsers root vivek jerry
MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries. Here are very useful tips for all mysql DBA’s, Developers these tips are noted from MySQL Camp 2006 suggested by mysql community experts.
# # Don’t use DISTINCT when you have or could use GROUP BY
Don’t use deprecated features
Set Up Your Server Right, Part 1 « Envy Labs
how to setup ubuntu server "right" really good guide on basics of setting up server
I am going to go through a series of blog posts explaining a lot of tips, tricks, and best practices for setting up a single server and the general small infrastructures. Today we are going to hit the basics — what I consider to be the bare minimum necessary to get an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server ready to go and serving your rails application
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power users. Here are a few tips you should try out if you are an avid Ubuntu user:
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power
Deployment Script Spring Cleaning - GitHub
information on speeding up Capistrano deployment scripts
A great article with chunks of details regarding how github reduced their deploy time from 15 minutes to 14 seconds. w00t!
Git based capistrano deployment
Super User
Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration required
Make a bootable USB installer for Windows XP, Vista, 7 with WinToFlash
Welcome - هو عبارة عن قرص إقلاع يسمح لك بالجمع مابين العديد من توزيعات لينكس والحصول عليها من الإنترنت ومن مكان واحد is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection - without having to know ahead of time what you'll want to boot. Once you can, you never need to update your boot disk again!
How to find un-indexed queries in MySQL, without using the log at Xaprb
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Apps Status Dashboard
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. For all other information or to report a problem, please visit the Google Apps Help Centers
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps.
when gmail goes down ...
Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Drupal Check / Drupal quick tips and tricks before going live!
Fantastic list of snippets to work through before deploying a live Drupal site. Feel the urge to add 'never eat yellow snow'
Things to check on your Drupal site before you go live with it.
Speaking UNIX: Stayin' alive with Screen
good explanation of how one might use the unix screen command
Service Wrapper,可以用于包装bat成为一个Windows Service
YAJSW is a java centric implementation of the java service wrapper by tanuki (JSW). It aims at being mostly configuration compliant with the original. It should therefore be easy to switch from JSW to YAJSW. JSW is a wonderful software I have been using for some time in production. So why yet another framework ? The main reason is that I need a better integration within my java job scheduling framework (rzomx) As of the next version the license of JSW will change making it impossible for me to use it in rzomx I may need win64 support, which is currently not available or not free for JSW.
Yet Another Java Service Wrapper YAJSW allows one to install any application as windows service or posix daemon and to monitor it.
mxcl's homebrew at masterbrew - GitHub
a package manager for osx using ruby git
alternative to macports
Neat approach to package management for OS X
Products - Patchmate - Fullerton Enterprises
PatchMatePro XP - For Windows XP SP1, SP2, or SP3 PatchMatePro XP is a program that simplifies patching, securing and installing all the basic applications you need when setting up a new system from scratch! PatchMateXP is incorporated into PatchMatePro XP. Finally, everything you need is on ONE CD! No more visiting websites and downloading all the applications you normally install on every system you build. Just bring along your PatchMatePro XP CD everywhere you go and you'll be ready to finish installing any new system from scratch!
Actualizaciones para Windows XP y Windows 2003
PatchMateXP offers a radically simplified—albeit all or nothing—approach to updating your Windows installation. Updated monthly, PatchMateXP is meant to be burned onto a CD and run from within Windows. It applies every update release for Windows. If you need granular control over your updates to avoid known complications with your hardware, peripherals, or software and a particular Windows update you'll definitely want to skip PatchMateXP and check out the tools above for more selective installation. PatchMateXP is a free tool, Windows only.
PatchMate is a program that automatically applies Microsoft security hot-fixes from CD to your WinXP computer with little or no user-intervention. PatchMate can install in as little as 5 minutes depending on system configuration.
Updating your Windows install over a slow connection, or as part of multiple installations, can be a time-consuming pain. PatchMateXP bundles all current updates onto an easy to use deployment disk. We've covered methods of slipstreaming and creating your own custom Windows update disks before, with tools like Windows Update Maker, AutoPatcher, and nLite. PatchMateXP offers a radically simplified—albeit all or nothing—approach to updating your Windows installation. Updated monthly, PatchMateXP is meant to be burned onto a CD and run from within Windows. It applies every update release for Windows. If you need granular control over your updates to avoid known complications with your hardware, peripherals, or software and a particular Windows update you'll definitely want to skip PatchMateXP and check out the tools above for more selective installation. PatchMateXP is a free tool, Windows only.
PatchMate is a program that automatically applies Microsoft security hot-fixes from CD to your computer with little or no user-intervention.
Get a CD full of all the latest patches (updated monthly)
SSH advanced techniques, part II
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt | LinDesk
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt
Most Linux ‘gurus’ spend a lot of time working in the terminal. If you belong to that group, this post is for you. This is a tutorial to configure the terminal prompt to the best possible value for your use. Note: This tutorial is for bash users – these instructions will not work in other shells.You must have seen the prompt if you have use the terminal – it is the first few characters in each line. Usually, it will be…Editing the prompt is very simple – you just have to edit a shell variable. To see the current prompt’s value, open a shell and type the command…
good prompt ideas
Tarsnap public beta
"Tarsnap is an implementation of my idea of a perfect online backup service. After many months in private beta testing, tarsnap is now publicly available for BSD, Linux, and other UNIX-like operating systems."
Tarsnap is an implementation of my idea of a perfect online backup service.
Encrypted snapshotted remote backup. Good to see that competition is thriving in this/these space(s)
System Administrator Interview Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheets - Packet Life
System Administrator Cheat Sheet
Five Best Software Update Tools - software updates - Lifehacker
How We Made GitHub Fast - GitHub
25+ Useful Linux and Unix Cheat sheets @ Techie Blogger
memcache-top - Project Hosting on Google Code
I wanted a simple command-line tool to be able to grab real-time stats from memcache (memcached, I know, I know), and output it in a view something like top. I couldn't find anything like it, so I wrote one myself in perl. When writing it, I tried to keep it simple, portable, and lightweight. (No memcached perl modules required! I tried to keep it to modules I thought would be preinstalled on almost any modern system. It's also fairly polite - non-critical modules get checked, and if they aren't installed, the functionality is disabled without spewing errors or dying.) I realize it's not written well. But, hey, at least it exists, right? Until the day I released it, there wasn't any comparable tool like it for memcached. It gives you the basic stats, and not too much else. (You can specify thresholds, for instance, and it'll change color to red if you exceed the thresholds. You can also choose the refresh/ sleep time, and whether to show immediate (per second) stats, or lifetime stats.
20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips
Process Blocker for Windows
The aim of this project is to create an ideal administration tool which can prevent running any application in Windows. The development process is divided into a series of stages, each of them being indicated in the roadmap section. The project is targeted at the corporate audience and, among other things, sets a goal to develop powerful features for remote administration of all domain computers at once. The project started on October 20, 2008.
I Will Teach You How To Be Rich
10 Free Server & Network Monitoring Tools that Kick Ass
Elite Log File Scrolling with Color Syntax
Script lets you scroll logfiles automatically colorized making them a TON easier to read at a glance!
11 Top Open-source Resources for Cloud Computing
[digg=] Open-source software has been on the rise at many businesses during the extended economic downturn, and one of the ...
Jet Profiler for MySQL
Is real-time query performance and diagnostics tool for the MySQL database server.
Java desktop graphical MySQLprofiler. Free version.
Real-time query performance and diagnostics tool for the MySQL database server.
Linux: Should You Use Twice the Amount of Ram as Swap Space?
<DigitalKiwi> caseyd:
Linux: Should You Use Twice the Amount of Ram as Swap Space?
SynJunkie: Command-Line Kung Fu
net stop
Speaking UNIX: 10 great tools for any UNIX system
The universe of UNIX tools changes constantly. Here are 10 tools -- some you may have overlooked and some new -- to tinker with.
Linux makina batean interesgarri izan daitezkeen komandoak
Apps Status Dashboard
The lord speaks [from]
Gmail Status Page
Google Apps Status Dashboard enables users and businesses to monitor the status of individual Google Apps services. Users of Google Apps can now view the status of individual services such as Gmail/Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Video for businesses. Administrators of Google Apps Premier Edition, Standard Edition, Partner and Education Edition can also view status of the Admin Control Panel.
To check GMail
Command line tricks for smart geeks | TuxRadar Linux simon/woof.html
An Engineer's Guide to DNS (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
(part 2)
In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the "dark matter" of the internet. It's hard to observe the DNS directly yet it exerts an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart. Because it's so difficult to probe people tend to take it for granted, which I think is a mistake. DNS problems can hurt the speed and reliability of your applications without you even noticing. In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
s an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart. Because it's so difficult to probe people tend to take it for granted, which I think is a mistake. DNS problems can hurt the speed and reliability of your applications without you even noticing. In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the "dark matter" of the internet. It's hard to observe the DNS directly yet it exerts an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart.
This is a unique YDN blog post.
How to Fix Your Relatives' Terrible Computer - Repair - Lifehacker
SHODAN - Computer Search Engine
Computer Search Engine
SHODAN lets you find servers/ routers/ etc. The data in the index covers web servers, FTP, Telnet and SSH services.
SHODAN lets you find servers/ routers/ etc. by using the simple search bar up above. Most of the data in the index covers web servers at the moment, but there is some data on FTP, Telnet and SSH services as well. Let me know which services interest you the most and I'll prioritize them in my scanning.
Using Google Public DNS 这种 ip 完全没有记的必要,加到书签里仅仅是为了纪念这个 dns 诞生的日子
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS
When you type into your browser's address bar, you expect nothing less than to be taken to Wikipedia. Chances are you're not giving much thought to the work being done in the background by the Domain Name System, or DNS.
Today, as part of our ongoing effort to make the web faster, we're launching our own public DNS resolver called Google Public DNS, and we invite you to try it out.
Distributed Logging: Syslog-ng & Splunk -
stream live logs from your Ruby, Haproxy, and Nginx processes into your Splunk database for easy debugging and profiling. Of course, same procedures apply to any other process on a remote server - make it log to syslog, and you can route it to Splunk!
Product: Scribe - Facebook's Scalable Logging System | High Scalability
The 10 most useful Linux commands | 10 Things |
Development to Deployment in Django @ Irrational Exuberance
In my quest to find the ultimate deployment methodology for Django, this is one of the better ones I've found.
django deployment tutorial
it different, but I find that it saves a few precious moments of thinking to just keep a standardized project template somewhere (instead of using djangoadmin startproject to create new projects).
Anatomy of Linux process management
Mike Taylor - Why Debian Is Not My Favourite Operating System
1.1. How can I add a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-get install package 1.2. How can I upgrade my installation to the latest version? That's easy! Just use: apt-get dist-upgrade 1.3. How can I search for a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-cache search keyword Why not apt-get search keyword? Shut up, be happy. That's just how it is.
The annoyances of the Debian's package management..I've come across some of these before, but I still prefer Debian over alternatives..
Using Linux - Linux Administration Basics - Linode Library
This document presents a collection of common issues and useful tips for Linux system administration. Whether you're new to system administration or have been maintaining systems for some time, we hope these tips are helpful regardless of your background or choice in Linux distributions.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: サーバのネットワーク速度の調査/測定方法
ethtool しらなかった.
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: lsof - good coders code, great reuse
This is the third post in the article series about Unix and Linux utilities that you should know about. In ...
- Home
home attribute changer
Awesome utility to change the dates on your files.
Ajusta atributos de archivos (como fecha/hora).
Using Nginx as a load balancer
Configuring nginx as load balancer
Automate EC2 Instance Setup with user-data Scripts -
The Ubuntu and Debian EC2 images published on allow you to send in a startup script using the EC2 user-data parameter when you run a new instance. This functionality is useful for automating the installation and configuration of software on EC2 instances.
The Scale-Out Blog: Simple HA with PostgreSQL Point-In-Time Recovery
O mica documentatie cum sa faci un warm standby server PostgreSQL pentru HA ca sa replici o baza de date
Lazy Linux: 10 важных практических приёмов для администраторов
Освойте эти 10 практических приемов и станьте самым лучшим администратором Linux-систем во Вселенной. Узнайте о туннелях SSH, VNC, восстановлении паролей и консольном шпионаже и воспроизводите затем эти приёмы на своих машинах.
Cómo montamos Menéame en Amazon EC2 « Ricardo Galli, de software libre
Can You Top This? 15 Practical Linux Top Command Examples
teractive top c
Terminal Tip: Make Any Linux Directory into an ISO File
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz&mdash;creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course). [via]
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz—creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course)
Measuring & Optimizing I/O Performance -
Typically excellent post from Ilya Grigorik.
An indepth look at disk i/o throughut, measurement and performance monitoring within Linux
INX Is Not X : A command line and console Linux "Live CD" based on a minimal Ubuntu, without the X window system graphical interface. INX has some surprising capabilities...
Apprendre la console bash
Linux à vocation pédagogique, uniquement en ligne de commande.
10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr
500 Internal Server Error
Jonathan Ellis's Programming Blog - Spyced: Linux performance basics
Good, quick introduction to vmstat, iostat, and top for checking Linux performance stats.
what ought to be common knowledge about vmstat, iostat, and top
Lifehacker - Use a Different Color for the Root Shell Prompt - Terminal
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
Tsunami UDP Protocol
Annotated link
libcloud python library - a unified interface to cloud server providers
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python."
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python "
libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python
Tuning MySQL Performance with MySQLTuner | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Perl script for reporting back on your MySQL config.
Debugging and Tuning MySQL performance
Handy script to gather suggestions on mysql tuning
Bulletproof backups for MySQL | Carsonified
Great comment on using XFS and snapshots to reduce downtime.
How to find per-process I/O statistics on Linux at Xaprb
Stay curious!
UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits
Avoid piping a grep to wc -l in order to count the number of lines of output. The -c option to grep gives a count of lines that match the specified pattern and is generally faster than a pipe to wc, as in the following example:
Techniques for Mastering cURL | Nettuts+
cURL is a tool for transferring files and data with URL syntax, supporting many protocols including HTTP, FTP, TELNET and more
The 3 pillars of our Rails Monitoring Stack
The 3 pillars of our Rails monitoring stack We break Rails monitoring into the 3 parts below (along with the tools we use): Process Monitoring System Performance Exception Notifications
Hadoop Live CD at
OpenSolaris Project: Hadoop Live CD
Nmap 5.00 Release Notes
Documentacion Nmap 5.0
Nmap has finally gotten a major update after many years. Every network administrator should be familiar with this tool.
Insecure.Org is pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 from
Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices
Vagrant - Welcome
creation and
Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
Chef: Suck on my chocolate salty balls
Interop: Authenticate Linux Clients with Active Directory
AT A GLANCE: How authentication works in Windows and Linux Using Samba and Winbind Implementation strategies Walking through the Linux-to-Active Directory integrationItem
Article from technet.
YouTube - Shouting in the Datacenter
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: Category: Science & Technology Tags: analytics dtrace fishworks sun shouting disks microsystems solaris opensolaris zfs storage 7000 7110 7210 7310 7410
"Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency"
Effect of shouting on hard drive performance
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: http://blogs...
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency - it increases when you shout at the disks...
stephdau: Okay, if not fake, this is scary AND amazing for hardware geeks: ♻ @xutopia: Who knew? Don't shout at your hard disks:
Top Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained - good coders code, great reuse
Useful Bash shell one liners with explanations
How To Quickly Set Up Ubuntu 8.04 loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb and Nginx | BeeBuzz
"This post is the starting point of a series of posts in which I’m going to provide you with all the commands you’ll need to set up an Ubuntu 8.04 server loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb proxied by Nginx. In the same series, I’ll also cover: The basic configuration of Postfix (mail) The use of Imagemagick to create dynamically a captcha for your application The configuration of Bind9 in order to play with the url CNAME"
xkcd: Devotion to Duty
When it comes to devotion to duty, no matter what the obstacles are, duty is a duty ^_^
Application Monitor - checks running programs
for report server
Application Monitor is a program that constantly checks the processes previously chosen by the user, and when it detects that one of those processes has stopped working it will start it again. With Application Monitor you will always be sure that your important processes are running. AppMonitor has been developed keeping in mind all those admin and power users who use programs that must always been running (such as webserver, database, mailserver, p2p) and that don't have a built-in restart function.
monitor application and restart if it crashes
Switched to Python Fabric | Es Tea Double Eye
The 14 best Linux distros | News | TechRadar UK
The 14 best Linux distros Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu and more - which is your choice? : TechRadar UK
AWS Elastic Load Balancer Tutorial | Lead Thinking
protocol=http, lb-port=80, instance-port=80
adding elb to amazon servers
load balancing
You can load balance your Mysql cluster – however ELB is outside Amazon’s firewall and isn’t integrated with it. This means that to load balance Mysql you need to open it up to the world and rely on strong credentials to keep your data secure, rather than firewall rules.
We’ve been using the new Amazon Load Balancers (ELB) for Socialmod, and since there’s not much information out there on the subject, I thought a blog post would be in order.
Amazon Web Services Blog: Manage Amazon EC2 With New Web-Based AWS Management Console
Today we’re announcing the availability of the Web-based AWS Management Console, which in this first release provides management of your Amazon EC2 environment via a point-and-click interface. A number of management tools already exist: for example a popular Firefox extension known as Elasticfox; however as you read more of this post I believe you’ll agree that the new console is compelling--especially when it’s time to log in as a new AWS developer.
Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips - Techwawwe's posterous
"Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips" via @cti97 #htaccess #webdeveloper :: Speed up your Internet access using Squid's refresh patterns
Cómo jugar con los refrescos de caché para diferentes tipos de archivos en un proxy squid.
Will look into implementing this at the office some time...
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.(iso|avi|wav|mp3|mp4|mpeg|swf|flv|x-flv)$ 43200 90% 432000 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.(deb|rpm|exe|zip|tar|tgz|ram|rar|bin|ppt|doc|tiff)$ 10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private refresh_pattern -i \.index.(html|htm)$ 0 40% 10080 refresh_pattern -i \.(html|htm|css|js)$ 1440 40% 40320 refresh_pattern . 0 40% 40320
Lifehacker - PatchMateXP Creates a Windows Update CD - Windows
Windows only: Updating your Windows install over a slow connection, or as part of multiple installations, can be a time-consuming pain. PatchMateXP bundles all current updates onto an easy to use deployment disk.
How to Compare Hosted DNS Providers (with Data!) [Lesson] | LearnHub
10 tips for sensible systems administration
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX®, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Divertido y didáctico artículo donde una serie de reflexiones de Benjamin Franklin son aplicadas a la administración de sistemas.
Benjamin Franklin: scientist, scholar, statesman, and . . . systems administrator? Yes, 200 years or so before the birth of UNIX, Franklin scribed sage advice to keep systems humming. Here are 10 of Franklin's more notable tips.
Slashdot | How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer?
How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer? -- article related to Ask Slashdot, Windows, and IT.
Interesting, most of the comments are related to a soon to fail HD (with suggestions to test it)
LDAP basics
CodeProject: Task Manager Extension 2.0. Free source code and programming help
Task Manager Extension. This is a Windows Task Manager (NT/2000/XP/2003) plug-in. It adds lots of useful features to the standard Task Manager. It can show process modules, memory map, used handles, open files, file properties and a lot of other info!
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info! It is very useful in many situations.
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info!
Never Installed a Firewall on Ubuntu? Try Firestarter - The Community's Center for Security
Firestarter is a friendly graphical interface that allows you to configure a software firewall in Linux using the built-in IPtables/IPchains utilities. It is an open source GUI firewall program. The software aims to combine ease of use with powerful features, therefore serving both Linux desktop users and system administrators.
Setting up Sun VirtualBox 6 under Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid « Reformed Musings
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 0
How to install Virtual Box on Ubuntu Intrepid :: Automatically process new files with fsniper
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen. This makes fsniper both more immediate than an hourly cron job and more efficient.
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen.
Introduction to GNU Screen
session is shared
NILFS: A File System to Make SSDs Scream | Linux Magazine
<p>The 2.6.30 kernel is chock full of next-gen file systems. One such example is NILFS, a new log-structured file system that dramatically improves write performance. </p>
10 iptables rules to help secure your Linux box | 10 Things |
allow you to actually work normally on your desktop. All network traffic going out of your machine will be allowed out, but all TCP/IP traffic coming into your m
Mastering iptables could take a while, but if you have a few rules to cover the basic security needs, you’ll be well on your way to protecting your Linux system. Jack Wallen explains some key rules to get you started.
Features: * Secure and enhance performance to your Terminal Server and workstations by preventing execution of chosen applications. * Prevent access to any application by executable filename. * Freeware!
bloquea aplicaciones de windows
Instantly and easily lock access to applications in any environment - Utilidad gratuita para bloquear la ejecución de aplicaciones
# Secure and enhance performance to your Terminal Server and workstations by preventing execution of chosen applications. # Prevent access to any application by executable filename. # Freeware!
Hay algunos programas que, por más que queramos, no podemos desinstalar (¿alguien dijo Internet Explorer en el fondo?). Sin embargo, podemos hacer todo lo posible por ignorar su existencia. Una de estas medidas es bloquear su ejecución, así no se nos abren accidentalmente, ni por asociación con un tipo de archivo en especial. Para hacerlo de forma fácil, contamos con programas como Application Locker, una aplicación gratuita para Windows. El programa cuenta con una lista pre-determinada de programas a bloquear (por eso tal vez vean algunos que no tienen instalados), pero también pueden agregar sus propios programas. Además de evitar que corran los que no quieren, pueden usar esta herramienta para, por ejemplo, evitar que los niños les usen Firefox o el MSN, o mantenerlos fuera del alcance durante las horas de trabajo (un poco de ayuda a la auto disciplina).
Monitor Your Linux System Stats & Information With Conky |
Linux has a wealth of utilities to help you monitor what your system is up to. You can run commands, use the proc file system and get the exact state of your
Linux has a wealth of utilities to help you monitor what your system is up to. You can run commands, use the proc file system and get the exact state of your system. All this information is of little use if you cannot display it efficiently. You would need a system monitor right? Well let’s take a look at one of my favorite Linux system monitor apps on my system, a system monitor unmatched and unsurpassed by any other when it comes to customization and features. It’s called Conky. Conky can display the stats and information on your desktop or within another window, but trust me, you would want to display it on your desktop! Here are some screenshots of Conky displaying information to give you an idea of what can be achieved with this app.
Monitor Your Linux System Stats with Conky
Moo0 - 14 freeware and 1 shareware
Dead Simple Rails Deployment | blogt✪sk1
with passenger and git
Deploying a Rails app used to suck. Reverse proxies, Mongrel clusters, Monit, etc. Capistrano helped out a lot (once you set it up the first time), but all in
Tim Dysinger » Using Amazon EC2 Metadata as a Simple DNS
Using Amazon EC2 Metadata as a Simple DNS
I use the amazon metadata for creating /etc/hosts and do this on a cron schedule. This does everything I need. Instead of fancy DynDNS tricks or having to run and manage an internal DNS server I just have a ruby script that looks at the metadata ec2 to build /etc/hosts. It's easy. To set it up yourself and try it all you need are 3 easy steps. Step 1- Start each of your instances with unique named key that matches what you want their internal hostname to be. Such as "onion" or "potato" or whatever you want to call them. Step 2- Make sure you have ruby, rubygems and amazon-ec2 (rubygem) installed. Then create a ruby script in /usr/local/sbin/hosts that has the following:
"I use the amazon metadata for creating /etc/hosts and do this on a cron schedule. This does everything I need. Instead of fancy DynDNS tricks or having to run and manage an internal DNS server I just have a ruby script that looks at the metadata ec2 to build /etc/hosts." :: Benchmarking network performance with Network Pipemeter, LMbench, and nuttcp
Network latency and bandwidth are the two metrics most likely to be of interest when you benchmark a network. Even though most service and product advertising focuses on bandwidth, at times the latency can be a more important metric. Here's a look at three projects that include tools to test your network performance: nepim "network pipemeter," LMbench, and nuttcp.
Five Best Computer Diagnostic Tools
Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of hardware and operating system update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free. Here's a look at the five most popular tools for troubleshooting your computer problems. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite diagnostic tool. Below, we've rounded up the top five answers, and now we're back to highlight the most popular computer diagnostic tools among Lifehacker readers.
from Lifehacker
SSH tip: Automatic Reverse Tunnels for Workflow Simplification |
How to Troubleshoot Your Friends’ Computers From Far Away - Tech Support - Lifehacker
Mailinator(tm) Blog: How I sped up my server by a factor of 6
Interesting post about java and concurrency problems, with some nice comments too: – Sergio Bossa (sbtourist)
Ksplice » The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners - System administration and software blog
things I did not know ... like the '..' operator. Neato.
Ksplice » Attack of the Cosmic Rays! - System administration and software blog
a really nice article on debugging
Amazing forensic methods to compare system cache in memory with image on disk.
Stashboard: The open source status dashboard
Stashboard: The open source status dashboard – Antonio Lupetti (Woork)
RT @Woork: Stashboard: The open source status dashboard
Stashboard is a status dashboard for APIs and software services. It's similar to the Amazon AWS Status Page or the Google Apps Status Page. Stashboard was originally written by Twilio to provide status information on its Voice and SMS APIs. Stashboard is designed to provide a generic status dashboard for any hosted service or API. The code can be downloaded, customized, and run on any Google App Engine account.
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP.
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. Much of its verbage and some of its code is based on the (inactive) vboxweb project. phpVirtualBox was created for people (like me) who prefer not to have to log in to their headless VirtualBox host to administer their virtual machines.
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
virtualbox berbasis php
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support
9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support
9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support