Pages tagged strobist:

DIY Lighting Hacks for Digital Photographers

In this post I’ve found 10 DIY Flash and Lighting Hacks that put some of these lighting techniques within the grasp of the rest of us. Some are more involved than others but all are fun and will provide you with some new lighting gear to experiment with.
includes lights, reflectors, diffusers and flash diffusers - all using items that you could pick up at hardware and craft stores
Strobist: Working Around the House
[Lighting your house for pictures.]
Strobist: Food Photography Made Easy: The Lunch Box
a light box for food photography
Shooting vittles can be as complex as you want to make it. But it is pretty easy to get elegant, well-lit food photographs with almost no money out of pocket. Hit the jump for a gastronomic update on a Strobist cheapskate classic.
Food Photography Made Easy: The Lunch Box
e, that one sheet of paper makes a huge difference. By default, it will not overpower the main ligh
Home - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers
Home - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers -
Online Lighting Diagram Creator for photographers
Online photographic lighting diagram generator. Photoshop file can be downloaded for offline usage.
Criação de diagramas de esquemas de luz para fotógrafos
Creator / Home - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers
Lighting diagram creator - drag & drop items on a grid to setup a photo shoot
Photography lighting diagrams made easy with this online tool: use the drop down menus, select objects, drag them, rotate them, change their layers then export your diagram to JPEG or save its URL.