Pages tagged speech:

Barack Obama's inauguration speech ... crafted by 27-year-old in Starbucks | World news | The Guardian

Must get interview
Jon Favreau
Guardian profile of Jon Favreau, head speechwriter for President Barack Obama.
eine art meta-"making of" mitsamt vorstellung eines engen mitarbeiter von barack obama
Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address - Yahoo! News
Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address on Tuesday, as delivered.
YouTube - 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes
lol.. interesting
40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes | Overthinking It
Obama's inaugural speech -
4 mr.hoffer students ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is obama's speech in words & in video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d:-P
The text of Obama's inaugural speech
the art of the commencement speech, an archive
" Though some of these wonderful remarks were given decades ago, we believe they are as relevant and important, perhaps increasingly so, as the more current speeches. Thus we encourage you to read them all, recognizing and celebrating your own constant commencement into tomorrow, finding ways to place it firmly within the context of progress for all humankind."
including Barack Obama, Toni Morrison, John F. Kennedy etc
The commencement ceremony affirms each student's search for knowledge. It often includes a graduation speech which seeks to put their recent hard (or not so hard) work into the context of their future. Many of us hear one or two commencement addresses as graduates or listen to a handful as spectators. Yet -- as we graduate from one year to another, one relationship to another, one experience to another -- we always are learning. Though these myriad departures and arrivals of everyday existence are seldom met with ceremony, words traditionally reserved for momentous occasions may ring true and inspirational at any hour. That's why we created this unique archive of commencement addresses, selecting an eclectic menu of twenty nine extraordinary speeches from the thousands that we have reviewed since beginning work on this initiative in 1989.
Make Better Presentations - The Anatomy of a Good Speech |
comparing a good presentation to
Tips on making a better presentation.
I’ve been thinking about the anatomy of presentations, and what we can do to improve how we’re doing what we do.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama inauguration | Text and video: Obama inaugural speech
The full text of Barack Obama's speech on his inauguration as US president.
Inauguration Speech Generator
Make your own Inauguration Speech. Is it too easy?
In case you fancy writing your own inauguration speech...!
Always on the side of the egg - Haaretz - Israel News
Always on the side of the egg - Haaretz - Israel News englishenglish middleeast politics education literature news israel speech
Dear Speakers - James Duncan Davidson
"Getting up on stage and speaking is a difficult and demanding thing to do. It’s natural to be nervous and for that nervousness to show. It’s also hard to know how what you are doing up there on stage is perceived by the audience."
Tips for presenters form a conference photographer. Good advice.
Some advice for speakers
Thoughts from a conference photographer on speaking... (as he photographed speakers)
The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination | Harvard Magazine
J.K. Rowling: "I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea."
speech by JK Rowling to Harvard graduates passing out day quite inspiring
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.
fantastic speech i should watch every day
"So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. -- You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. " -- J. K. Rowling
How to Give a Great Talk
While I'm preparing, I try to extract the main takeaways -- that is, the most important points of my talk, the points I most want the audience to remember. Those points will form the talk's skeleton. By not using notes, you force yourself to understand your takeaways very clearly. The reason you have to be so clear on them is that if you don't know what they are, your talk will have no structure, and you'll have a hard time remembering it when you do it live.
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Want to know how to handle all of these?
"It applies in all walks of life. Church services and prayer books are full of three-part lists. Research has shown that people know a prayer is finished when it ends with them praying for three things. They know to say 'Amen' and don't have to be prompted." Also, it is economical - a third word is the earliest point at which a possible connection, implied by the first two, is confirmed. If you carry on listing items, say speech-writing experts, you risk being criticised for "going on and on". It can be th
Palin's Resignation: The Edited Version |
Just how poorly constructed was Sarah Palin?s good-bye speech? V.F. editor Wayne Lawson whips it into publishable shape, with a lot of help from his red pencil.
*howling with laughter*
"If you watched Sarah Palin’s resignation speech, you know one thing: her high-priced speechwriters moved back to the Beltway long ago. Just how poorly constructed was the governor’s holiday-weekend address? We asked V.F.’s red-pencil-wielding executive literary editor, Wayne Lawson, together with representatives from the research and copy departments, to whip it into publishable shape. Here is the colorful result."
Google Press Center: Press Release
Retweeting @google: Here's Larry Page's UMich commencement address (May 2): [from]
From Larry Page's U. of Michigan Commencement Address: You never loose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. [from]
La URL original ya no esta buena ya la modifique
BlindSpeak™ - Send Synthesized Messages Online!
Tradutor de som e vox
一个在线文字转语音(text-to-speech )并能将转换结果发送至 e-mail 的服务。 输入或粘贴欲转换的文字后,可以先行试听,输入收件人 email 地址点击"speak"按钮后,blindspeak 就会将转换成的mp3 格式的音频文件发送至收件人邮箱,每个音频文件地址的有效期为30天,过期自动失效。在文字转语音(text-to-speech )方面,blindspeak 还做得比较简单,人声、语速还不能进行更多设置,但是在发邮件方面,blindspeak 使文本信息转换成语音信息
mensajes en mp3
Media Resources Prepared School Remarks
actually a really good speech encouraging the kids to be proactive about their education. "Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future."
Text of Barack Obama's Speech to America's Schoolchildren
Click here to go to the White House website to see the remarks the President will make to schoolchildren on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.
Obama Health Care Speech: FULL VIDEO, TEXT
health care
President Obama's health care speech delivered on September 9, 2009 compliments of Huffington Post.
A great speech
Full transcript and video of Obama's September 2009 healthcare speech.
s always open.
A lot of promises.
We are not here to fear the future, we are here to shape the future.
Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner:Popular Videos
stanford video
William Safire's Finest Speech - William Safire - Gawker
Written for President Nixon, just in case the Apollo 11 astronauts were marooned on the Moon's surface
speech written for case that Aldrin and Armstrong were to stay stranded on the moon
"Columnist and presidential speechwriter Bill Safire was one of only three non-disloyal Jews President Nixon could name. Here is the speech he drafted for Nixon to read in case the Apollo 11 Astronauts became stranded on the moon!"
sistema che ti permette di scegliere le parole e poi il politico le pronuncia. componi la frase e lui la dice.
UK Prime Ministerial candidates say (almost) anything
コンピュータ界の有名人スピーチ - What is your value?
未来に先回りして点と点を繋げて見ることはできない、君たちにできるのは過去を振り返って繋げることだけなんだ。だからこそバラバラの点であっても将来それが何らかのかたちで必ず繋がっていくと信じなくてはならない。自分の根性、運命、人生、カルマ…何でもいい、とにかく信じること。点と点が自分の歩んでいく道の途上のどこかで必ずひとつに繋がっていく、そう信じることで君たちは確信を持って己の心の赴くまま生きていくことができる。結果、人と違う道を行くことになってもそれは同じ。信じることで全てのことは、間違いなく変わるんです.... 皆さんも自分がやって好きなことを見つけなきゃいけない。それは仕事も恋愛も根本は同じで、君たちもこれから仕事が人生の大きなパートを占めていくだろうけど自分が本当に心の底から満足を得たいなら進む道はただ一つ、自分が素晴しいと信じる仕事をやる、それしかない。そして素晴らしい仕事をしたいと思うなら進むべき道はただ一つ、好きなことを仕事にすることなんですね。まだ見つかってないなら探し続ければいい。落ち着いてしまっちゃ駄目.... ほかの誰もが『そんなcrazyなことはできない』と思うアイデアであれば、競争相手はほとんどいないということ 自信を持て。頻繁に失敗しろ。不可能に対して健全な疑念を持て。君たちにはエンジニアリング、テクノロジー、ビジネスの能力を活用して世界を変える大いなるチャンスがある。重要なことをしろ。楽しめ。さもなければ成功は望めない。旅をしろ。中国・アフリカ・インドがお薦めだ。そこには驚くべきことが沢山ある
7 Little Tricks To Speak In Public With No Fear - Stepcase Lifehack
There was once a time when I had no fear. I was 11 years old and I entered a story telling competition. I was confidently telling the story and captured
Still feel that lingering fear when speaking in Public? There is no need for that. Stepcase Lifehack presents you with 7 tricks to take the fear away, or even better, prevent it from getting to you at all.
YouTube - President Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration and Address
Video de la investidura de Barack Obama
Jurament i discurs del dia de la investidura de Barack Obama.
History Being Made..!
Obama's Inauguration Speech
Obama's 2009 inaugural address
The White House - Blog Post - President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.
The White House Blog, January 21, 2009
America: In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations. Thank you. God bless you. And
Writing Good English: A talk by William Zinsser to foreign students at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism | The American Scholar
"The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the florid language of ancient Rome. The other is Anglo-Saxon, the plain languages of England and northern Europe. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free."
good writing models
俳優経験者が指南する「人前で上手く話すためのティップス10選」 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20395906,00.htm
JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure | Video on
i love this.
JK Rowling
inspirational commencement speech
Diagramming the Obama Sentence - The Millions
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Want to know how to handle all of these?
But rather than being all about creative flair a good speech-writer uses a number of techniques to get a point across. And these verbal tools are not only useful at the lectern, anyone can use them in everyday situations, from handling a boisterous child to reasoning with a traffic warden. This is because speech-writing is the language of persuasion. And the average day largely consists of trying to persuade people, says Dr Max Atkinson, a communications consultant and author of Speech-Making and Presentation Made Easy.
A brilliant speech can go down in history. But most of us write words the world will never listen to. Can speech-writing teach us skills for dealing with tricky situations in everyday life?
Max Atkinson
Some tips on good speech techniques
Pure CSS speech bubbles – Nicolas Gallagher
Don't work in IE6, though...
Progressive enhancement: pure CSS speech bubbles – Nicolas Gallagher — Blog & Ephemera
Speech bubbles are a popular effect but many tutorials rely on presentational HTML or JavaScript. This tutorial contains various forms of speech bubble effect created with CSS2.1 and enhanced with CSS3. No images, no JavaScript and it can be applied to your existing semantic HTML.
IVONA Text-To-Speech by IVO Software
this site can be dangerous in a fun time wasting kind of way. ideal for long boring meetings.
Obama Victory Speech - VIDEO, TEXT
An analysis of Obama's victory speech.
linked: A NEW AMERICA [from]
Beautiful. I really enjoyed it.
“Eradicate this Fortification!” & 22 Other Tips for Delivering a Great Speech | Redfin Corporate Blog
Eradicate this fortification!
at Redfin Corporate Blog
Dicas para uma boa apresentação.
404 Blog Not Found:惰訳 - Barack Obama Inauguration Speech in Full
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Obama inauguration | Text and video: Obama inaugural speech
on this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord, on this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics
Obama speech. Use for Hopes and Dreams as well as writing to argue and persuade
Barack Obama has been sworn in as the 44th US president. Here is his inauguration speech in full.
The full text of Barack Obama's speech on his inauguration as US president.
Many Eyes: Obama Inauguration Speech Word Tree
visualisiert Text in Baumdiagramm
obama word tree
interactive map to explore the speech
Barack Obama: Our Moment Is Now, full speech
Obama Dec 27
50 Incredible, Historical Speeches You Should Watch Online | Online Universities
50 discursos históricos disponibles online – Juan Diego Polo (wwwhatsnew)
村上春樹: 常に卵の側に
Rest in Peas: The Unrecognized Death of Speech Recognition - robertfortner's posterous
The accuracy of computer speech recognition flat-lined in 2001, before reaching human levels. The funding plug was pulled, but no funeral, no text-to-speech eulogy followed. Words never meant very much to computers—which made them ten times more error-prone than humans. Humans expected that computer understanding of language would lead to artificially intelligent machines, inevitably and quickly. But the mispredicted words of speech recognition have rewritten that narrative. We just haven’t recognized it yet. In 2001 recognition accuracy topped out at 80%, far short of HAL-like levels of comprehension. Adding data or computing power made no difference. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University checked again in 2006 and found the situation unchanged. With human discrimination as high as 98%, the unclosed gap left little basis for conversation.
In passing, interesting-looking thing about why computers can't understand language.
link to scientific article which shows low accuracy of 2006 products
Speech recognition flatlined at 80% accuracy in 2001, and you'd be forgiven for concluding it will never get better: – iconmaster (iconmaster)
The accuracy of computer speech recognition flat-lined in 2001, before reaching human levels. The funding plug was pulled, but no funeral, no text-to-speech eulogy followed. Words never meant very much to computers—which made them ten times more error-prone than humans. Humans expected that computer understanding of language would lead to artificially intelligent machines, inevitably and quickly. But the mispredicted words of speech recognition have rewritten that narrative. We just haven’t recognized it yet.
Food for The Eagle - Adam Savage's speech to Harvard Humanism Society- Boing Boing