Pages tagged spain:

Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Historica > Presentación

Biblioteca de premsa històrica espanyola
Se trata de una Biblioteca virtual de prensa histórica española, promovida por el Ministerio de Cultura y las Comunidades Autónomas. Así, podemos consultar ejemplares raros y únicos de periódicos y revistas digitalizados de mucha antigüedad
hemeroteca historica de prensa
Marta Cerdá Alimbau
Vasavas designer
great typography, collaboration with alex trochut
Selgas Cano Architecture Office by Iwan Baan | ArchDaily
your new office sucks next to this.
beautiful architecture offices in spain
Once again, Iwan Baan amaze us with this great project between the woods by Spanish practice Selgas Cano: Their own architecture office.
Visualizing empires decline on Vimeo
"This is mainly an experimentation with soft bodies using toxi's verlet springs. The data refers to the evolution of the top 4 maritime empires of the XIX and XX centuries by extent. The visual emphasis is on their decline." [Via: "The fall of empires A visualization of the decline of the world's four maritime empires (British, Portuguese, French, Spanish) from 1800 to 2009."]
his is mainly an experimentation with soft bodies using toxi's verlet springs. The data refers to the evolution of the top 4 maritime empires of the XIX and XX centuries by extent. The visual emphasis is on their decline. More on that project
Holy Week - The Big Picture -
Holy Week - The Big Picture
Christian communities around the world are currently celebrating Holy Week - both the last week of Lent and the week before Easter. Holy Week commemorates the last week of the earthly life of Jesus Christ culminating in his crucifixion on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Observances range from the elaborate and fanciful to simple and reverential, and vary a great deal between communities, regions, countries, and churches. Collected here are a small sample of photographs from Holy Week observances around the world
astonishing easter images
religious photos
holy shit
Adiós, clase media, adiós · ELPAÍ
Retrato de un país en crisis · ELPAÍ
Brutal artículo acerca de la crisis en España. BUENÍSIMO!!!!!!!!!!
La situación en España en 2010, vista por un americano (ex del Washington Post)
Tras recorrer España en las últimas semanas, el ex director adjunto del 'The Washington Post' ofrece su retrato de la crisis.
Retrato de un país en crisis Tras recorrer España en las últimas semanas, el periodista estadounidense Phil Bennett ofrece su retrato de la crisis. El relato incluye entrevistas a Salgado, Rajoy y Rato, pero también a empresarios, trabajadores y parados. Esta es la visión de España del ex director adjunto del 'The Washington Post'
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