Pages tagged shell:

Terminal Tip: Backup Delicious Bookmarks from the Shell

You can alternatively create a manual backup at any time by simply navigating your web browser to, entering your Delicious credentials when prompted, and then saving the resulting xml to a file.
Open++ Help
Tools (Produktiv Programmieren)
Open++ is a shell context menu extension that allows you to quickly open the target file or folder with the predefined commands in Windows Explorer. It adds a submenu with customized menu items to the shell context menu when you right click a file or folder icon, or a folder background in Windows Explorer. Open++ submenu is similar to the standard "Send To" menu but is much more advanced, since it allows you to customize the Title, Program, Arguments, Working Directory, Icon, Associated File Types for all commands that are added to the shell context menu.
context menu customizer
Free utility Open++ adds a new submenu to your right-click context menu with advanced options for adding virtually any function you could want
Command Prompt, register/unregister, copy path, run with params....
Expect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Tips for Writing Efficient Bash Scripts | HACKTUX
Ten great tips for being efficient in bash.
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Pipe Viewer - good coders code, great reuse
create progress bars for common unix commands.
via hackernews
Pipe Viewer als Fortschrittsanzeige für CLI.
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again
linux commands
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: Netcat - good coders code, great reuse
Home - j - GitHub
j keeps track of where you’ve been, and how much time you spend there. Source it into your .bashrc, and then you can say j foo to jump to the most used directory that has the substring (actually regex) foo in i
j is a "learning cd", a shell/awk script that captures your directory changes and remembers the most frequently visited directories, allowing you to hop to them with a simple 'j dirname', no matter where you are in the filesystem.
Tool to jump around directories
j is replacement for cd that learns the directories you use most often
Awk and Sed One-Liners Explained
Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
Very useful bash and commands tips.
Linux tips every geek should know
Useful Uses Of netcat | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
This short article shows some useful netcat commands. netcat is known as the TCP/IP swiss army knife. From the netcat man page: netcat is a simple unix utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in capabilities.
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Huge searchable archive of unix commands for the command line. This is on the distant to do list.
mintty - Google Code
MinTTY is a terminal emulator for Cygwin. It is based on code from PuTTY 0.60 by Simon Tatham and team.
An Xterm-compatible terminal emulator for Cygwin based on code from PuTTY
Code Project: Build an Ncurses UI with Python | TuxRadar
Picture the scene: you're logged into a remote server via SSH, or you've installed a new graphics card and you're left staring at the command line. You need to enter a command, but you can't remember the zillion options that go along with it. You're stuck - all you can do is consult the manual pages and pore through pages of waffl
Lord of the REPLs
supports multiple languages but still kinda alpha
Shell pour les langages scriptés (dont Scheme, Scala, et Python)
Command line made easy: five simple recipes for grep - Ars Technica
Ars Technica: The Art of Technology * All * Apple * Business * Gadgets * Gaming * Hardware * Microsoft * Open Source * Science * Tech Policy * More o Media o Software o Security o Staff o Telecom o Web * News * Guides * Reviews * Customize o Choose site theme: White Black o Choose body font: Arial Helvetica * OpenForum * Login/Join Open Ended : Ars covers the world of open source
Mommy, I found it! — 15 Practical Linux Find Command Examples
find / -name passwd
Usi del comando find
using FIND
findを極める! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
find . -empty
micha's resty at master - GitHub
rest from the command line (bash+curl)
Very, very cool. Fire up a local REST host pointing to any service, and then GET /blogs.json etc from the command line.
Little command line REST interface that you can use in pipelines. [Sublime :-) ]
resty is a RESTful HTTP friendly wrapper around curl
emson… » 18 Useful bash scripts for web developers
a few scripts, that I find really useful for speeding up my web development time. I’ve been building up this list as I needed to use them - so they maybe a little raw.
Using bash scripts to become a more efficient web developer
Here are a few scripts, that I find really useful for speeding up my web development time. I’ve been building up this list as I needed to use them - so they maybe a little raw. For example often clients send me images with filenames that don’t match my naming standard, so running the appropriate script really helps keep me focussed on the job in hand and not waste too much time reformatting filenames etc.
Bash&シェルスクリプトを極めるテクニックまとめ - SourceForge.JP Magazine
(1)Bashをカスタマイズして使いこなす, (2)シェルスクリプトを使いこなすテクニック, (3)Bash以外の高機能シェルもある
erikfrey's bashreduce at master - GitHub
whoah, wtf.
Map/Reduce in a bash script... hahahahahahaha
MapReduce done in BASH! Awesome!
Some mad bash magic for distributing stuff.
interesting hack -- apply Map-Reduce idioms to UNIX command lines across multiple machines or cores (via jzawodny, who's obviously looking at a lot of command line stuff recently ;)
bpython - fancy curses interface to the Python interpreter
bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Unix-like operating systems.
Syntaxhighlighting, Autocomplete, etc.
The 10 most useful Linux commands - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339297366,00.htm
The 10 most useful Linux commands
Maybe the command line isn’t your favorite place to hang out, but to be an effective Linux admin, you need to be able to wield a few essential commands. These 10 commands are guaranteed to simplify your Linux admin life. – the Blog · Mapreduce Bash Script
One night at the pub we discussed whether one could replace Hadoop (a massive and comprehensive implementation of Mapreduce) with a single bash script, an awk command, sort, and a sprinkling of netcat. This turned into a weekend project dubbed bashreduce.
Hardcoded version of push
Map-Reduce implemented as a bash script!
MapReduce in a Bash Script
One night at the pub we discussed whether one could replace Hadoop (a massive and comprehensive implementation of Mapreduce) with a single bash script, an awk command, sort, and a sprinkling of netcat. This turned into a weekend project dubbed bashreduce
Map Reduce implemented in bash using sort, awk, grep, join.
4 Websites to Learn Cool Linux Command Line Tricks |
Currently Browsing: [from]
IRB: Let’s Bone Up On The Interactive Ruby Shell
IRB articles
Useful examples of awk usage
How to Debug Bash Scripts | Ayman Hourieh's Blog
On how to trace Bash script execution.
Tagaholic - Hirb - Irb On The Good Stuff
Irb is a great place for interacting with Ruby. Unfortunately, even with the colorful help of wirble, it's not so great for visualizing the output of those interactions. Hirb aims to change that.
View mini framework for irb.
8 Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts – Make Tech Easier
1. Show Happy face upon successful execution
JavaScript shell scripting /
JavaScript shell scripting /
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook
Speaking UNIX: Stayin' alive with Screen
good explanation of how one might use the unix screen command
Ralph Arvesen : Copy Path Shell Extension
Display the context menu and notice the new Copy Path menu.
hich implements the IContextMenu and IShellExtInit interfaces in .NET 2.0. I plan to cleanup the code and create a codeproject article but that task always falls to the bottom, so I'm providing the util without code in case anyone finds it useful.
Neat tool!
This Windows application injects a "Copy Path" menu that displays when you right-click a folder in Windows Explorer. Freeware.
created a File Link shell extension in C++ a while back that allows you to copy path-info (full path, location, filename, UNC) for one or more files to the clipboard .
BashPitfalls - Greg's Wiki
How to Be Faster at the Linux Command Line | HACKTUX
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt | LinDesk
Customizing the Terminal: The Prompt
Most Linux ‘gurus’ spend a lot of time working in the terminal. If you belong to that group, this post is for you. This is a tutorial to configure the terminal prompt to the best possible value for your use. Note: This tutorial is for bash users – these instructions will not work in other shells.You must have seen the prompt if you have use the terminal – it is the first few characters in each line. Usually, it will be…Editing the prompt is very simple – you just have to edit a shell variable. To see the current prompt’s value, open a shell and type the command…
good prompt ideas
Famous Perl One-Liners Explained, Part I - good coders code, great reuse
also links to sed and awk oneliners
pimping out git log - Bart's Blog
Très joli git log --graph à consommer sans modération
You can run the following to add it to your ~/.gitconfig: git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset
I love this custom log view for git
A 'revisited' guide to GNU Screen LG #168
e. Screen allows you to manage several interactive shell instances within the same "window". By using different keyb
Handy features like screenrc configuration for status line and auto-start settings, as well as terminal sharing using screen.
hardstatus alwayslastline 2 hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{=kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B}%Y-%m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]' 3 4 # Default screens 5 screen -t shell1 0 6 screen -t shell2 1 7 screen -t server 2 ssh me@myserver
Elite Log File Scrolling with Color Syntax
Script lets you scroll logfiles automatically colorized making them a TON easier to read at a glance!
Bash shortcuts « Tales From a Cold Network Admin
"The $(</path/to/a/file) #Thanks Croooow This isn’t exactly a variable, more a method of reading files, but it is optimized beyond the cat command to work with bash scripts "
SynJunkie: Command-Line Kung Fu
net stop
Speaking UNIX: 10 great tools for any UNIX system
The universe of UNIX tools changes constantly. Here are 10 tools -- some you may have overlooked and some new -- to tinker with.
Linux makina batean interesgarri izan daitezkeen komandoak
Update Twitter and FriendFeed from the Linux command line
Summary: Learn how to use GNU Wget and cURL to send status updates to Twitter and FriendFeed without the use of a Twitter desktop application, and follow feeds from both Twitter and FriendFeed right from the Linux® command line. This article was updated on 31 Oct 2008 to correct a coding error in the wget command under "Adding a tweet using GNU Wget and cURL." --Ed.
Command line tricks for smart geeks | TuxRadar Linux simon/woof.html
argparse - Google Code
The argparse module provides an easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools, which knows how to: * parse the arguments and flags from sys.argv * convert arg strings into objects for your program * format and print informative help messages * and much more... The argparse module improves on the standard library optparse module in a number of ways including: * handling positional arguments * supporting sub-commands * allowing alternative option prefixes like + and / * handling zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments * producing more informative usage messages * providing a much simpler interface for custom types and actions
Enhanced command line parsing in Python.
[ Zsh ]
Une page avec plein d'astuces pour zsh
A Unix Utility You Should Know About: lsof - good coders code, great reuse
This is the third post in the article series about Unix and Linux utilities that you should know about. In ...
Command Center | Linuxコマンドがすばやく探せる、そのまま使える。 - banq
Windows の基本的なコマンド集 - IT戦記
Tux Training » Blog Archive » How to have a lightweight, beautiful, functional terminal
uptime | awk '{print $2,$3, $4}'
Configuration for rxvt in X to have better colors and fonts
Lazy Linux: 10 важных практических приёмов для администраторов
Освойте эти 10 практических приемов и станьте самым лучшим администратором Linux-систем во Вселенной. Узнайте о туннелях SSH, VNC, восстановлении паролей и консольном шпионаже и воспроизводите затем эти приёмы на своих машинах.
Terminal Tip: Make Any Linux Directory into an ISO File
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz&mdash;creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course). [via]
Linux newbies might appreciate knowing that you need no software app to create burn-able CD images of a particular directory on your system. One terminal command--mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz—creates a compressed ISO for easy backup (replace the italicized sections with your CD label and directory, of course)
Shell Editor | jsFiddle | to test your JavaScript code
INX Is Not X : A command line and console Linux "Live CD" based on a minimal Ubuntu, without the X window system graphical interface. INX has some surprising capabilities...
Apprendre la console bash
Linux à vocation pédagogique, uniquement en ligne de commande.
Lifehacker - Use a Different Color for the Root Shell Prompt - Terminal
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
My Extravagant Zsh Prompt / Steve Losh
I gotta try zsh. Via /drewr
UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits
Avoid piping a grep to wc -l in order to count the number of lines of output. The -c option to grep gives a count of lines that match the specified pattern and is generally faster than a pipe to wc, as in the following example:
DreamPie: The Python shell you've always dreamed about!
DreamPie is a Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun.
Screen? A must for SSH ~ Mattias Geniar
If you've ever used SSH to connect to a server, you 'll know its limitations: if you want to open a new window, you'll need to create a second SSH connection to the server. And if the connection breaks during the SSH tunnel, you've lost your progress. This is where Screen comes in.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: シェルの仕組み(前編)
Top Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained - good coders code, great reuse
Useful Bash shell one liners with explanations
The A-Z of Programming Languages: Bourne shell, or sh - a-z of programming languages - Computerworld
An in-depth interview with Steve Bourne, creator of the Bourne shell, or sh
Set Operations in the Unix Shell Simplified - good coders code, great reuse
Very useful bash examples of operations with sets
10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX Shell Scripts
mysqlでいちいちshow databasesとか打つのがめんどい→readlineのマクロで解決 - (ひ)メモ
Cubic Reality » Download CubicExplorer
Featured Desktop: Windows Vista with a Live Thumbnail Sidebar
Reader MERSC tricked out a Windows desktop with ObjectDock's full-sized taskbar thumbnails, which previews open documents (including live video) on the dock. Above the left-docked taskbar, MERSC has an embedded to-do list pinned to the desktop, always in view, along with system monitoring tools and the current time using Samurize. When MERSC maximizes a window, the Emerge Shell Replacement keeps the dock and to-do list visible at all times. Here's the rundown of what's on this desktop, and a look at it with a maximized window.
Reader MERSC tricked out a Windows desktop with ObjectDock's full-sized taskbar thumbnails which previews open documents including live video on
Erwin Waterlander, WCD Wherever Change Directory
changes directory from a large tree, allowing instant jumps ( pretty handy, all shells shoudl have this, especially if you take the time to make a meaningful directory structure : just enough for some things like: program/bc audio/ipt au*/w*edit
Wcd is a program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump to it. By default wcd searches for a directory with a name that begins with what has been typed, but the use of wildcards is also fully supported.
kmb-tips: Советы по Linux
Viewing sfbashrc
Some awesome aliases to add to bashrc
Moo0 - 14 freeware and 1 shareware
Moo0 RightClicker is a set of enhancements on the context menu (right click menu) of Windows Explorer. It adds many useful functionalities like duplicating current explorer window, open/move to/copy to bookmarked folders, hiding default context menus, and so forth.
SSH tip: Automatic Reverse Tunnels for Workflow Simplification |
googlecl - Project Hosting on Google Code
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line.
"GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line."
command line interface to google services
googlecl brings Google services to the command line "google calendar today # List events for today only"
command line tool for manipulating calendar, contacts, etc. was just arguing w/ a coworker over not wanting to use google calender for my textual, scripty, unixy personal process for managing calendar commitments. this could be the bridge
Try Erlang
Erlang is a programming language created in the Computer Science lab at Ericsson in Sweden in the late 1980s. The above prompt represents an Erlang shell, where you can try the full power of Erlang (well, sort of). To start this tutorial please type ok.. Please note that in Erlang every instruction must be terminated by a DOT (.), and to have it evaluated type Enter.!
"Erlang is a programming language created in the Computer Science lab at Ericsson in Sweden in the late 1980s. The above prompt represents an Erlang shell, where you can try the full power of Erlang (well, sort of). To start this tutorial please type ok.."
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say: $ google picasa create --title "My album" ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more. GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs.
Ksplice » The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners - System administration and software blog
things I did not know ... like the '..' operator. Neato.
Terminal Tips and Tricks For Mac OS X - Super User
Cool collection of tricks, even I found new ones
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
ExampleScripts - googlecl - Example commands and tasks GoogleCL can do. - Project Hosting on Google Code
This will be useful once they get GReader
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
Google CL is a Python (Python) application that makes Google Data API calls through the command line.
Awk by example, Part 1 --
In defense of awk In this series of articles, I'm going to turn you into a proficient awk coder. I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird. Those unfamiliar with the language may hear "awk" and think of a mess of code so backwards and antiquated that it's capable of driving even the most knowledgeable UNIX guru to the brink of insanity (causing him to repeatedly yelp "kill -9!" as he runs for coffee machine).
3 shell scripts: Kill weasel words, avoid the passive, eliminate duplicates
Even in this example, I personally have no problem with using we.
#!/bin/bash weasels="many|various|very|fairly|several|extremely\ |exceedingly|quite|remarkably|few|surprisingly\ |mostly|largely|huge|tiny|((are|is) a number)\ |excellent|interestingly|significantly\ |substantially|clearly|vast|relatively|completely" wordfile="" # Check for an alternate weasel file if [ -f $HOME/etc/words/weasels ]; then wordfile="$HOME/etc/words/weasels" fi if [ -f $WORDSDIR/weasels ]; then wordfile="$WORDSDIR/weasels" fi if [ -f words/weasels ]; then wordfile="words/weasels" fi if [ ! "$wordfile" = "" ]; then weasels="xyzabc123"; for w in `cat $wordfile`; do weasels="$weasels|$w" done fi if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo "usage: `basename $0` <file> ..." exit fi egrep -i -n --color "\\b($weasels)\\b" $* exit $?
Kill weasel words, avoid the passive, eliminate duplicates