Pages tagged schmoop:

oxoniensis: Supernatural fic: if we keep living this fast, no one will have time to die

all over the USA. wincest. first time, slowly
In Nevada, he falls in love. He won't realize for months, but when he does and looks back, it is in Nevada, that evening by the roadside, hip to hip with Dean leaning against the car, an ache in his belly he doesn't understand and that food doesn't fill.
5,512 words. "First time, falling in love with a side of monster-hunting"
In Nevada, he falls in love. He won't realize for months, but when he does and looks back, it is in Nevada, that evening by the roadside, hip to hip with Dean leaning against the car, an ache in his belly he doesn't understand and that food doesn't fill. He remembers, details clear years later. When everything else is a blur. The warmth of Dean's flank and the moment he discovered Dean was beautiful.
First time, falling in love with side helping of monsters.
First time, falling in love with a side of monster-hunting
Sometimes things just happen, a natural progression of events, and even if Sam didn't see it happening this way in advance, when he looks back, he sees it was obvious. He understands now, that everything he's said and done and every look he's given Dean has been leading here.
vorpalblades: FIC: just a coat of paint underneath the fly on the wall
So there’s a new kid in town. Doesn’t mean anything changes.
So there’s a new kid in town. Doesn’t mean anything changes
Misha's reactions to his first weeks on set with the boys and to the internet
So there’s a new kid in town. Doesn’t mean anything changes. Misha’s POV of the OTP.
So there’s a new kid in town. Doesn’t mean anything changes. Misha POV of J2.
So there’s a new kid in town. Doesn’t mean anything changes. 928 words This fic is absolutely perfect. Misha's POV is an excellent choice.
vorpalblades: FIC: Put That Thing Back Where It Came From (or so help me)
Summary: Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room.
Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room. Written for [info]j2_everafter based on Monsters, Inc.
j2 monster's inc rewrite
really adorable fic that isn't too too over the top in cuteness.
Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room. Written for j2_everafter based on Monsters, Inc.
Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room.
Summary: Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room. Written for j2_everafter based on Monsters, Inc.
The One with Monsters Inc
by vorpalblades. Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room. Written for j2_everafter based on Monsters, Inc.
monsters inc - sequel
monsters inc. jensen is a monster.
underneath the weight of it all (j2, adult.) master post.
cute. jared has multiple personalities. meets jensen while at college. the relationship is the main focus here.
Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again." Wherein Jared has Dissociative Identity Disorder.
"Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again." Fantastic multiple-personality fic that works on every level.
ared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again.
Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again.
Title: underneath the weight of it all Author: [info]_mournthewicked Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: Adult. Warnings: Angst, mentions of graphic violence, dub-con. And also schmoop? Word Count: ~ 31,000 Disclaimer: This is not real. Fiction, people. Summary: Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again.
Jensen has a wickedly hot one-night stand with some guy, not knowing that he's only met one of Jared's alter-egos. DID!Jared is pretty fascinating: "Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again."
Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again
What if Chad, Sandy, and Sam were all alternate personalities for Jared? And what if Jensen met Sam first?
belyste: Say You're Mine (J2, NC-17) Master Post
It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on.
It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother,
"It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother."
It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned.
Summary: It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on.
It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate. But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother.
Word count: 56,600 Summary: It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on.
atimi: Practically Perfect in Every Way - 1/2
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins for [info]j2_everafter
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. [[LiveJournal, Mature Locked]]
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world.
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world because ensen is too perfect to be true.
Summary: Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world.
annella: Masterpost: Counting the Steps to the Door of Your Heart
Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it?
Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it? 44,5K Very cute story.
Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it? NC-17
by Anella. Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it?
chopchica rec
Summary: Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it?
"Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it?"
with_a_kay: Title: My Name Is TroubleAuthor: chashFa
Fabulous post-Supernatural story. The boys are estranged: Jensen is a reclusive B-lister, and Jared has bowed out of acting and is teaching high school physics in Ithaca. But something in Jensen's life unexpectedly brings them back together and gives them the chance to make amends. The banter is excellent, and the angst well-written, as per usual with Chash's fics. Totally recommended! Also: Danneel is awesome.
Six years after Supernatural ends, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki find themselves in completely separate lives after a falling out. It's possible neither of them has ever really recovered from the other. But an unexpected turn in Jensen's life brings them back together to sort themselves out again.
My Name is Trouble by chash. Six years after Supernatural ends, the boys don’t really speak. When Jensen has to leave his home, however, he can only think of one place to go. It’s chash and it’s Big Bang. This is what you call a no-brainer. Big bang.
Summary: Six years after Supernatural ends, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki find themselves in completely separate lives after a falling out. It's possible neither of them has ever really recovered from the other. But an unexpected turn in Jensen's life brings them back together to sort themselves out again.
There's a stalker! And a little bit of angst that is mostly past! And Danneel is awesome.
need $ to build an ark - white face paint and glass boxes and devil wind
Dean gets hit with a curse, and can't talk
Dean gets hit with a curse, and can't talk. **Mute!Dean is pretty awesome, and I love how even though Dean can't talk, he's still completely *Dean*.
They're twenty miles out of town when Sam turns down the tape and asks if they can stop for some frozen custard and Dean doesn't answer him.
Dean get cursed into being mute. 10K Really brings out the love between those two! Great fic.
Dean is suddenly whammied with a silencing hex.
dean losses his voice. curse.
Dean is suddenly unable to speak, for no reason he and Sam can see; but his voice comes through clearly in this little gem of a tale, with fantastic brotherly bickering, a couple of terrific OCs, and excellent Sam POV. Plus a truly exquisite ending.
Dean loses his voice and their rapport is only moderately impaired.
Mute!Dean crack.
juice817: Little Bit of Inertia, Little Bit of Momentum Master Post
Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again.
22,200 words. Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again.
"You stopped coming the year after Jared wasn't here," she said, coming to a halt directly in front of him. "He wasn't here and you were absolutely unbearable for months, wouldn't even acknowledge Megan's – oh!" Donna covered her mouth with her hand, eyes wide. "You didn't even open it, did you? You thought it was Jared's and threw it away without even checking to see if you were right." She shook her head and smacked his arm, hard. "Stubborn little shit."
Summary: Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again. Author: Juice817 spn_j2_bigbang 2009
: Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again.
Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again. (the beard!jared fic [<---wtf?])
Summary: Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again.
Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again. [A story about misunderstanding and love! So cute and worth reading xD!]
Jensen has been avoiding his former best friend Jared for nearly ten years, but with their moms being best friends too, it couldn't last forever. When Jensen is roped into a summer in the woods, he learns that things were maybe not what he'd thought way back when. And that maybe you really can go home again. ~22,200 words.
Simple Pleasures
- Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Summary: Jensen loves Jared's bed. Aithor: Destina
Jensen loves Jared's bed. [[LiveJournal]]
Summary: Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Jensen loves Jared's bed on Sunday mornings. Sweet.
deirdre_c: SPN Fic: By All Means, Rome - Master Post
28K. Jared Padalecki is an American living in Rome and writing for a celebrity gossip magazine. One night he rescues a stranger off the street who turns out to be mega-star Jensen Ackles, two-time Oscar winner and notorious recluse. Jared thinks he can trick Jensen into giving him the story of a lifetime. Will he succeed? Or will twenty-four hours spent together in Rome change Jared’s life story forever? An AU based on the classic film, Roman Holiday.
when in rome - j2au
summary: Jared Padalecki is an American living in Rome and writing for a celebrity gossip magazine. One night he rescues a stranger off the street who turns out to be mega-star Jensen Ackles, two-time Oscar winner and notorious recluse. Jared thinks he can trick Jensen into giving him the story of a lifetime. Will he succeed? Or will twenty-four hours spent together in Rome change Jared’s life story forever? An AU based on the classic film, Roman Holiday.
Jared Padalecki is an American living in Rome and writing for a celebrity gossip magazine. One night he rescues a stranger off the street who turns out to be mega-star Jensen Ackles, two-time Oscar winner and notorious recluse. Jared thinks he can trick Jensen into giving him the story of a lifetime. Will he succeed? Or will twenty-four hours spent together in Rome change Jared’s life story forever? An AU based on the classic film, Roman Holiday.
Supernatural J2 RPS, Jared/Jensen. Tabloid reporter Jared rescues a dude being mugged in Rome, and it turns out to be Very Famous Actor Jensen. He decides he's stumbled on the scoop of his life, pretends he doesn't recognize him, and spends a day showing him the city. Here there be smut + cheesy cuteness. Roman Holiday plot, 4 parts.
An AU based on the classic film, Roman Holiday.
__tiana__: a theory of convergence | R | jared/jensen [master post]
:AU. Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it.
characters: Jared/Jensen, Katie, Danneel, Misha rating: R for language and sexual situations length: 24,470ish words The basic premise here is that Jared is a working-class boy who falls for rich and brilliant soon to be graduating college boy Jensen. The story is sweet and entertaining, but I was brought up short by the realistic tone used to tell a story that reads to me like it takes place in a fantasy world. Both Jared and Jensen come off like very innocent and earnest boys from the 1950s, and the issues around Jared's class background are very glossed over (massive understatement). It's well-written in other ways, but too far from reality for me--you might love it, who knows!
"Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it. (Verrry loose adaptation of the movie Say Anything.)"
Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it. (Verrry loose adaptation of the movie Say Anything.)
Summary:AU. Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it. (Verrry loose adaptation of the movie Say Anything.)
24,470ish words Summary:AU. Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it. (Verrry loose adaptation of the movie Say Anything.)
AU. Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it. Word count: 24470
AU. Jared grew up in Barnes, Texas, home of prestigious Wilson College. He knows everyone in town, and they know him. Jensen Ackles, star student of Wilson, is the name everyone knows, but the person nobody does. He's graduating at the top of the class and is leaving town in just twelve weeks for a research fellowship in California. After seeing Jensen around town for four years, Jared finally decides to bite the bullet and ask him out. Nobody is so sure this is a good idea, including Jared's best friends Katie and Danneel, and Jensen's roommate Misha and his brother Josh. Can a college brain and a townie who hasn't quite figured out his next steps fit together? The road is bumpy, but it might just be worth it. (Verrry loose adaptation of the movie Say Anything.)