Pages tagged schemes:

Color Wheel Pro: Sample Color Schemes

This page contains examples of pre-made color schemes included with Color Wheel Pro. The sample color schemes include HTML color codes, so that you can copy/paste them directly into your web pages. Click here to download Color Wheel Pro: color-wheel-pro.exe (1.96 MB) Analogous Color Schemes Analogous color schemes use colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. One color is used as a dominant color while others are used to enrich the scheme. Energy Color scheme: Energy F7AFB3 FFA8AC F7C4AF FFC0A8 FBDBAC FFDCA8 F15F66 FF5159 F1885F FF8151 F1B75F FFBA51 EA151E FF000B EA5015 FF4700 EA9515 FF9A00 9A0E14 A80007 9A350E A82E00 9A620E A86500 Aqua Color scheme: Aqua BAEDD3 A8FFD4 BAEDED A8FFFF BAD3ED A8D4FF 74DCA8 51FFA9 74DCDC 51FFFF 74A8DC 51A9FF 33CB80 00FF82 33CBCB 00FFFF 3380CB 51A9FF 228654 00A855 228686 00A8A8 225486 0055A8 Sunny Color scheme: Sunny F7D9AF FFDBA8 F7E8AF FFECA8 F7F5AF FFFCA8 F1B55F FFB851 F