Pages tagged roi:

Social Media Metrics Superlist: Measurement, ROI, & Key Statistics Resources
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study - O'Reilly Radar

"So what about the actual business numbers? Namecheap's site traffic increased more than 10 percent in December, driving a 20 percent increase in domain registrations. In addition, Michelle says, "The increase in Twitter followers allowed us to see a 30 percent increase in traffic when we ran a Super Bowl promo on Twitter [in February]."
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign?
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn where users or companies interact with others in the community. Social media news campaigns push content out onto larger social news networking sites like Digg and Reddit. While both of these are types of social media marketing, the results are anything but similar. The main concept behind social media networking is that users can connect and communicate with each other. Usually a successful social media networking campaign isn’t judged by the traffic sent, but by the relationships built.
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign?
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and
Social Media Networking campaigns article.
Calculating Twitter's ROI for Marketers - Advertising Age - Digital: Columns
What's the bigger idea: social media as marketing stimulus or social media as a way to innovate business processes? It's both.
The ROI of being social at work | The AppGap
Decades of psycho-social research on team work suggests that effective teams have both strong task-based behaviour as well as good social cohesion.
Decades of psycho-social research on team work suggests that effective teams have both strong task-based behaviour as well as good social cohesion. “A high-performance team works together to achieve mutual goals, recognizes that each member is accountable and committed to achieving team goals, communicates effectively with each other, shares the joy of achievement and the pain of not meeting goals, shares information, helps each other, and recognizes that the success of the group is dependent upon each individual”
Marketers Moving to Social Media - eMarketer
Seth's Blog: Return on Design
The challenge of building your product around breakthrough design is that the design has to in fact be a breakthrough. And that means spending far more time or money than your competitors who are merely seeking a positive return.
Return on design
Social Media ROI - Zygote @ Egg Co.
How can we measure success and returns from social media campaigns?
teen sex analogy
Solid presentation on how to approach social media marketing from a quantitative perspective. Most interesting are the examples of different types of social media campaigns to drive different business goals. There is no one-size-fits all social media marketing campaign.
The ROI for Social Media Is Zero - ClickZ
The ROI for Social Media is Zero
People's conversations are not media; they can't be purchased as such by advertisers. In other words, people don't talk whenever advertisers want them to and they won't say whatever advertisers tell them to -- so it isn't "media" like TV, print, and radio.
Study: CPG ROI May Be Measurable in Facebook, MySpace - Advertising Age - Digital
Great article from Advertising Age re: Social Media/Networking ROI, real $$ and campaign discussed
Determining the ROI of Enterprise 2.0 | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
ROI Interprise
Positively Paula: 10 Tips for Social Media Marketers
There have been many chapters in the book of my life, some sad but most really happy. I’m now at the end of another chapter and it is bittersweet. I’m leaving H&R Block to become the General Manager of a new online shopping site that will be launching this fall. I’m excited to start this new chapter as it is fulfilling one of my dreams, but, sad to leave behind a great brand and wonderful colleagues.
Social Networking Media ROI Calculator
Social Networking Media ROI Calculator
How To Optimize For Conversion In Organic Search Results
Great read on conversation
Integrate and improve SEO and website usability (using web analytics) and create a synergy that will improve the conversion rates of websites.
Making Millions via Twitter: @DellOutlet Surpasses $2 Million in Sales
"It took nearly two years to reach $2 million in Twitter-based revenue, and only six months to go from $1 million to $2 million." Can you make some twitter-exclusive offers?
t took nearly two years to reach $2 million in Twitter-based revenue, and only six months to go from $1 million to $2 million. Dell has since embraced social media on multiple accounts ( And as one of the first companies to successfully utilize Twitter as a business platform, it has been a trendsetter for other companies on Twitter like @JetBlue and @Zappos. We think it’s important to note that while $2 million is a lot of money, it still pales in comparison to the $61 billion in revenue that the entire company generated in 2008. Regardless, @DellOutlet still is fundamental proof that Twitter can be a lucrative platform for companies big and small. It’s a win-win for both the consumer (who get a great deal) and the company (who makes more money).
took 18 months to reap $1 million in revenue, then only 6 months to go from $1 million to $2 million
New Study Finds Correlation Between Social Media and Financial Success
A new study released by enterprise wiki provider Wetpaint and the Altimeter Group shows that the brands most engaged in social media are also experiencing higher financial success rates than those of their non-engaged peers. To determine this relationship, the study focused on 100 companies from the 2008 BusinessWeek/Interbrand Best Global Brands survey and the various social media platforms they used like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis, and forums. Although it's difficult to prove for certain that the companies' involvement in social media has led to their increased revenues, the implication behind the new data is that it has.
La première étude qui montre qu'il y a un lien entre l'utilisation des social medias et les résultats financiers des entreprises. A montrer aux marques pour les motiver à s'impliquer dans la plateforme
MediaPost Publications Study: Social Media Pays 07/21/2009
New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performance « Altimeter Group : Digital Strategy by Charlene Li, co-author of “Groundswell”
New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performance
Answers to Social Media Questions You Should Know - Online Marketing Blog
Discussion of Costs and Benefits of Companies Having a Social Networking Presence
A few ways to discover where your customers are on the social web include: * Participation * Social Media Monitoring * Logging existing traffic and behaviors to your web site from social media web sites. * Surveys of your existing customers * Referencing demographic information supplied by social media sites that offer advertising. * Third party data sources
In the course of providing consulting services and conducting training programs for companies on social media marketing & PR or a combination of SEO and
Social Media ROI: Dell's $3m on Twitter and Four Better Examples
Dell revenues from Twitter surpass $3m Ebay found in 2006 that participants in online communities spend 54% more than non-community users.
Telling your reluctant boss that social media is worth using because Dell made $3 million on Twitter, however, runs the risk of encouraging e-commerce broadcast as the model for engagement in conversation. Other, more conversational, examples of ROI make important additions to conversations about Dell and social media. (They also concern a lot more money.)
GReader share: Social Media ROI: Dell's $3m on Twitter and Four Better Examples [from]
More on Dell's Twitter profitability
How to Track Your Twitter ROI : Technology : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
If you're using Twitter for business, there will come a point when you, or those you report to, will want proof that your Twitter efforts have a tangible return on investment (ROI).
Quelques outils pour monitorer son activité sur Twitter. Je ne les ai pas encore essayés, mais ça à l'air pas mal.
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
Lots Twitter measurement ideas here!
The Five Biggest Mistakes in Measuring Social Media - ClickZ
Basic advice on measuring social media
Big Mistake No. 1: Assuming Your Fans/Followers Will See a Post
Attention world: It is now time to take social media seriously.
TWITTER FEVER: 5 Red Hot Twitter Trends to Track
Twitter trends, hop on board!
Twitter apps tools
We’ll show you why your Twitter thermometer should be set to map geolocation, prepared for yet another Twitter app to shut its doors, unsurprised to find the demand for content analysis growing, poised for another shocking Twitter policy, and ready to see Twitter on the big screen.
But Twitter (Twitter), by its nature, can be very ephemeral. Just like styles that are in one minute and out the next, so too do Twitter trends evolve over time. That’s why we have a whole new batch of Twitter trends that are currently red hot.
Social Media Measurement Lags Adoption - eMarketer
Despite widespread adoption of social media, measurement still lags. Only 16% of those polled said they currently measured ROI for their social media programs. More than four in 10 respondents did not even know whether the social tools they were using had ROI measurement capabilities.
Measuring the success of social media marketing can be difficult, but using a variety of hard and soft ROI metrics is one solution. For example, distributing a coupon via a social network and monitoring its redemption can put a concrete number on social success. And marketers can also assign a dollar value to soft metrics, such as number of fans or followers, to measure ROI.
"Despite widespread adoption of social media, measurement still lags. Only 16% of those polled said they currently measured ROI for their social media programs. More than four in 10 respondents did not even know whether the social tools they were using had ROI measurement capabilities."
HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI
With a great PPT embedded.
Measuring ROI on social media is difficult, and recent surveys have found that most people don't do it. Use our guide to learn how to measure ROI the right way.
STATS: 84% of Social Media Programs Don’t Measure ROI
84% of respondents said they don’t currently measure the ROI (return on investment) of their social media programs. 106743 Even less encouraging, more than 40% of respondents said they didn’t even know whether they could track ROI from their social tools. This is worrisome because it indicates that industries and professionals are adopting technology without actually taking into account how it will impact their business and what value it will add.
It’s easy to say, “social media will improve customer retention” — and in fact that might be true for a number of businesses, but without proper ways to measure how these tools work, making them more effective and efficient becomes difficult. Moreover, without having an ROI strategy in place, businesses might be more willing to drop social technologies or treat them as a short-term fad. For social media and social technology to really work, businesses need to be able to measure its impact, positive and negative.
Part of the problem with new communciations is quantifying effectiveness. What is the cost of using new media and how do we measure return?
Want to Figure Out Your Social Media ROI? Consider a Plan. | Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog
Good post from Beth Harte.
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
MediaPost Publications 100 Ways To Measure Social Media 11/17/2009
100 Ways To Measure Social Media - 11/17/2009
Social Media ROI Examples & Video « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
pagina widgets
Social Media Analytics: Twitter: Quantitative & Qualitative Metrics | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Thought provoking article and some nice recommended LPI for measuring your Twitter influence
twitter analitics
Inside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz's Marketing Blog: 100 Ways to Measure Social Media
a great list of ideas from David Berkowitz
At most of the events I've been to lately, measurement continues to be a hot topic. The first question that comes up is, "What can I measure?" That's where this cheat sheet can come in handy: a list of 100 thought-starters.
Measuring Social Media Marketing
In working with our various clients at New Marketing Labs, we like to start with measurement as it aligns to goals. We’re always excited that people want to work with us, but we also want to make sure their time isn’t wasted by simply “doing social media.”
Chris Brogan outlines interesting ideas - could help with future clients
Beware Social Media Snake Oil - BusinessWeek
Hordes of marketing "experts" are promoting the value of wikis, social networks, and blogs. All the hype may obscure the real potential of these online tools
Hordes of marketing "experts" are promoting the value of wikis, social networks, and blogs. All the hype may obscure the real potential of these online tools
This is why claiming to be an "expert" in social media is not an option - I had a love/hate response while reading this article.
For business, the rising popularity of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media Web sites presents a tantalizing opportunity. As millions of people flock to these online services to chat, flirt, swap photos, and network, companies have the chance to tune in to billions of digital conversations.
Their pronouncements follow a rigid gospel: Be transparent, engage with your customers, break down silos. Yet these strictures don't always make business sense.
The Journalist's Guide to Maximizing Personal Social Media ROI
Cómo usan Twitter cinco periodistas
35 social media KPIs to help measure engagement | Blog | Econsultancy
Way of "measuring" impact?
A good laundry list of potential measurements for a social media program
A list of social interaction metrics / KPIs 1. Alerts (register and response rates / by channel / CTR / post click activity) 2. Bookmarks (onsite, offsite) 3. Comments 4. Downloads 5. Email subscriptions 6. Fans (become a fan of something / someone) 7. Favourites (add an item to favourites) 8. Feedback (via the site) 9. Followers (follow something / someone) 10. Forward to a friend 11. Groups (create / join / total number of groups / group activity) 12. Install widget 13. Invite / Refer 14. Key page activity 15. Love / Like this 16. Messaging 17. Personalisation 18. Posts 19. Profile 20. Print page 21. Ratings 22. Registered users 23. Report spam / abuse 24. Reviews 25. Settings 26. Social media sharing / participation 27. Tagging 28. Testimonials 29. Time spent on key pages 30. Time spent on site 31. Total contributors 32. Uploads 33. Views 34. Widgets 35. Wishlists
measure engagement
KPIs rather than looking for ROI of social media engagement
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
# Lack of social media literacy amongst workers. Anecdotally, the farther a business is from the technology industry, the less likely that line workers will be familiar with the latest software innovations.
social computing adoption curve dion hinchcliffe
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing [from]
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Get A Yardstick | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Fostering human relationships between customers and businesses is immeasurable, but important!
Effective Analytics Measure Altitude Branding
Ah, measurement. How we love to have a gauge of whether what we’re doing is working or not. No more telling me that you can’t measure the impact of social media. Here’s a pile of metrics you can consider. Try benchmarking them before you start your online outreach or community efforts, and tracking them throughout and after.
Blah..Blah..Blog..Rantings by Merle: "Are Your Ears Burning?- 20 Tools for Tracking Social Media Marketing"
20 Tools for Tracking Social Media Marketing"
Blah..Blah..Blog..Rantings by Merle: "Are Your Ears Burning?- 20 Tools for Tracking Social Media Marketing"
Some of the measuring and tracking tools at our disposal. "Online reputation management" tools, as they're often referred to, will help us to define keywords, or phraseswe you wish to track and then watches for any mention of our company name, products, or services.
how to measure traffic
How To Create Measurable Objectives | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
lots of people forget the planning phase in social media programs
Altitude Branding / 21.12.09
Great post from Amber Naslund on creating measurable objectives.
The Maturation of Social Media ROI
The debate over measuring social media investment inspired many brands to cannonball into popular social networks and join the proverbial conversation without a plan or strategic objectives defined. At the same time, the lack of ROI standards unnerved many executives, preventing any form of experimentation until their questions and concerns were addressed. In 2010, we’re entering a new era of social media marketing — one based on information, rationalization, and resolve. Business leaders simply need clarity in a time of abundant options and scarcity of experience. As many of us can attest, we report to executives who have no desire to measure intangible credos rooted in transparency and authenticity. In the end, they simply want to calculate the return on investment and associate social media programs with real-world business performance metrics. Over the years, our exploration and experience has redefined the traditional metrics and created hybrid models that will prove critical t
The debate over measuring social media investment inspired many brands to cannonball into popular social networks and join the proverbial conversation without a plan or strategic objectives defined. At the same time, the lack of ROI standards unnerved many executives, preventing any form of experimentation until their questions and concerns were addressed.
- 15% optimistically hope for 5-10% In 2009, those companies that aligned social media investments with revenue estimates: - 5% or less revenue tied to social in 2009 foresee an increase of an additional 5% in 2010 - 6-10% of revenue stemming from social media is expected to increase more than 10% - Those with greater revenues resulting from social engagement expect an escalation of revenue derived from social at 20%
3 New Ways to Measure the Social Web
Tim Trefren is one of the founders of Mixpanel, Inc. a real-time analytics service that helps companies understand how users behave with web applications
Conversion Room: Improve your web-forms and increase conversions
Social Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
Social Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
How to measure ROI from social media campaign
ROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media
Great insights on Social media & ROI [from]
ROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media
Return on engagement – the duration of time spent either in conversation or interacting with social objects, and in turn, what transpired that’s worthy of measurement. Return on participation – the metric tied to measuring and valuing the time spent participating in social media through conversations or the creation of, social objects. Return on involvement – similar to participation, marketers explored touchpoints for documenting states of interaction and tying metrics and potential return of each. Return on attention – In the attention economy, we assess the means to seize attention, hold it and as such measure the responses activities that we engender. Return on trust – A variant on measuring customer loyalty and the likelihood for referrals, a trust barometer establishes the state of trust earned in social media engagement and the prospect of generating advocacy and how it impacts future business.
Social Fans More Likely to Buy - eMarketer
Statistics in early 2010
Great article with stats on why Internet users become Fans/Followers & what that relationship results in in terms of sales.
Social media marketers looking for an indication that their efforts are helping the bottom line will be encouraged by findings from Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate that social friends and followe
Social media marketers looking for an indication that their efforts are helping the bottom line will be encouraged by findings from Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate that social friends and followers feel more inclined to purchase from the brands they are fans of.
10 Social Media Monitoring / Analytics tools for Measuring Social Media
Social Media ROI ? That's a weird term to many of us, right ? Many think that there is no ROI to Social Media, and while this topic is up for debate, I'm saying
social media analytics tools
PR Squared: ROI for Social Media Marketing: It's Complicated
Web Analytics for Social Media - ClickZ
Everything you learned about Web analytics three years ago is now wrong. What to measure in social media.
Web analytics, like much of the marketing world, has tended to focus on the short term, measuring marketing to do better marketing. But social media is different than transaction, and it calls for a different approach to measurement
"It's great to monitor online activity, better to develop reporting around online activity, and better yet to engage customers in their native online habitats."
via jay goulart
Reversing the Enterprise 2.0 Pricing Model - ReadWriteWeb
Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
by Julien le Nestour: Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
Volume-discount pricing structures are simple, tried, and true. So, why aren't they efficient? The reason is because of where returns on investment (ROIs) are located. Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.
13 Truths About Social Media Measurement | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
Annotated link
Rating can be a control, as well as it has to be business-wide. If you are planning to ask around the particular Return on your investment, price, or perhaps impact associated with social media marketing and ways in which to be able to evaluate the idea, I am going to consult how maybe you are proceeding about figuring out those things with regard to additional regions of your company, and ask one to convert or even modify some of those routines up to sociable projects.
How to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance | Social Media Examiner
How to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance #measure – KISSmetrics Tweets (KISSmetrics)
t’s clear that social media is here to stay, and accountable programs must be created to deliver performance and ROI. Here are 3 steps to help you get started
Early efforts in social media marketing have created a tremendous amount of buzz and interest, but surprisingly few case studies focus on monetization.
Social Media Examiner / 19.05.10
How Much Is a Facebook Fan Really Worth?
cuanto cuesta un fan en facebook
Calculan que el fan en Facebook vale 136,38 dólares (Gigaom) – Evento Blog España (eventoblog)
195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies
RT @ToddLebo: RT @tjmccue 195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies – MarketingSherpa (MarketingSherpa)
195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies and growing
6 New Terms to Use When Measuring Social Marketing Efforts
attractions, participations, interactions, actions, transformations, transactions
The ROI of Social Media Marketing: More than Dollars and Cents | Forrester Blogs
Brands are making plenty of money in social media: Dell Outlet’s Twitter account has generated millions for Dell, the Intel Channel Voice community has decreased costs by eliminating the need for expensive in-person events, and P&G used media mix modeling to demonstrate that the community is several times more effective at driving sales than the brands' television ads.