Pages tagged ripping:

Downloads: bitRipper is a Dead Simple Solution for DVD Ripping

easy ripper. i haven;t tried it yet
Downloads: DVDSmith Movie Backup Copies Everything or Just Video Easily
para copiar DVD's en la compu!
DVDのコピーガードを解除して、ディスクイメージとしてマウントしてくれる『Fairmount』 | Macの手書き説明書
市販のDVDは違法にコピーされないよう暗号化されており、そのままFinderでデスクトップなどにファイルをコピーしても、動画内にノイズが走り碌に見られないようになっています。 しかしFairMountを使えば暗号を解除した状態でマウントしてくれて、後は煮るなり焼くなり思うがままです。
How To: Rip Blu-ray Discs
The Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need
The Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need | Maximum PC
We’ve become so accustomed to the ease and convenience of iTunes and blink-and-you-miss-’em CD rips that we forget how in the mid-1990s, ripping a CD was a time-consuming process fraught with peril. Shoot, ripping a single disc to a 128Kbps MP3 could take eight hours on a 200MHz Pentium! Fast forward a decade and faster hardware and better software have made CD ripping so mainstream your mom does it. Now, ripping DVDs is our great challenge. Copying and transcoding the disc’s video into more efficient formats involves math an order of magnitude scarier than what’s required to rip audio CDs. A machine that will rip the latest Miley Cyrus CD in mere moments could take hours to extract and convert your copy of Alien vs. Predator to an iPod-friendly format. But with the right software, a quad-core-equipped PC, and a little know-how, you can cut your disc-rip time from hours to 30 minutes. Plenty of tricks and traps still await first-time rippers, but we’ll show you the basics and then wal
dvd ripper instructions
Lifehacker - AutoBrake Automates DVD Ripping - dvd ripping
Windows only: Rip your media hassle free with AutoBrake, a handy tool for automating HandBrake the free DVD ripping tool Lifehacker readers love. Once you take a few minutes to set up AutoBrake by selecting where you want your video files to be saved and what quality you'd like the files to be ripped at, from there out it's fire and forget. You pop a DVD into the DVD drive and AutoBrake starts the ripping process. From start to finish it requires no input from you. Neither AutoBrake nor HandBrake have any built in tools for breaking DVD encryption to allow you to back up your DVDs, for that you'll need an application like previously reviewed DVD43 to act as a mediator. For another great tool to make your media ripping effortless check out our own homegrown DVD Rip, which automates DVD Shrink in a similar manner. AutoBrake is freeware and requires HandBrake. AutoBrake is Windows only.
Lifehacker - AcidRip for Linux Rips DVDs with Two-Click Ease - dvd ripping
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words.
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words. Okay, that's a bit of overstatement, especially if you like to have a lot of fine-grain control over how your video files turn out. But AcidRip works as a two-click ripper if you want it to. Load a DVD in your drive, start AcidRip, hit the "Load" button in the upper-right corner, then hit "Start" at the bottom. After a good wait, the kind you're used to if you've done this before, an .AVI file of the longest track on your DVD arrives in your home directory, looking like the standard-quality, 700MB-ish video we hear is all over the file sharing networks these days.
AutoBrake is a simple program designed to automate the transcoding of video from DVD discs using a freely available program, 'HandBrake'.
Lifehacker - Back Up and Play Your Wii Games From an External Hard Drive - Wii
A disc that never leaves the case can never be scratched. Save your Wii games to an external hard drive with this handy tutorial for speedier and scratch-free playback.
How To Copy a DVD with VLC 1.0 :: the How-To Geek
Need a small section of a DVD to play in class? The new version of VLC, the open source media player now has this functionality. Go to view then advanced controls once installed.
VLC 1.0 Records Video from DVDs - DVD - Lifehacker
How To Rip DVDs with VLC :: the How-To Geek
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To Geek
How To: Rip Your Music Like a Pro - How To - Gizmodo
For most people, dropping a CD into their disc drive and clicking
For most people, dropping a CD into their disc drive and clicking "Import" in iTunes is good enough. For music freaks, though, it's not—and with good reason. Here's how to digitize your tunes, the right way. First off, some reasons to take this road: iTunes is a decent audio encoder, and it'll get your music from point A—the CD—to points B, C and D—your computer, your MP3 player and your backup drive—without much trouble. But it'll do it with a less-than-great encoder, with occasionally inconsistent tagging, with album art that'll only work on Apple devices, and without support for the best lossless audio formats and MP3 encoding options, which you probably want, whether you know it or not. In short, the ripping process deserves a little more care than iTunes or Windows Media player can give it. You can pay people for this, which feels dumb and wasteful, or you can do it yourself. It's not difficult, at all. Here's what you do:
how to rip music perfectly
Five Best DVD-Ripping Tools - dvd ripping - Lifehacker
You pay good money for your DVDs, but they're hardly the only format you need these days. These five ripping tools ensure you can back them up, keep them on your media server, and load them on your favorite portable player.
Beyond HandBrake's defaults | Entertainment & HDTV | Playlist | Macworld
Suppose you want to go beyond the defaults—tweak HandBrake to produce videos that take up less room on your iPod, dispense with a movie’s closing credits, or bear subtitles? It’s all possible with HandBrake, but it takes some tweaking. And tweaking HandBrake is what this article is all about.
how to use handbrake
How to make the most of Handbrake as a video ripper on OSX
The Complete Guide to Ripping and Converting Flash Videos - Ripping - Lifehacker
Download YouTube Video
A good amount of video files online are flash or FLV format. They need to be converted whether for playing on Windows Media Player WMA/WMV/ASF or burning to a DVD to play in a DVD player.
Whether you want to save and watch a Flash video offline, convert a Flash music video for your MP3 player, or do something else entirely, learning how to rip and convert Flash videos is a useful skill. Here's how it works.
Handbrake 0.9.3 - DVD Ripping on Ubuntu « Spare Clock Cycles
The Hassle-Free Guide to Ripping Your Blu-Ray Collection
Tutorial prático ensinando como ripar discos Blu-Ray.
How To Rip and Clean Your Analog Audio Collection - Tested
Tips that work for vinyl and other sources.