Pages tagged rimming:

lazy_daze: J2 fic; Creeping Around In My Head

Written because it's every J2 author's obligation to write living-together-fic! The pornographic parts of this (which, I grant, is most of it) played out very nicely in my head while I was on a London bus crossing Waterloo Bridge and listening to Jordan Knight's 'Give It To You' as part of [info]keepaofthecheez's rather fabulous From J With Love fanmixes. Check them out, for lo, awesome.
In which Jensen moves in, and Jared just can't resist.
It's driving Jared pretty crazy, having Jensen around all the time. He thought it would be okay, because hell, he's spent hours and hours around Jensen before both on-set and off; he's been able to handle being his friend, being his coworker, and wanting to fuck him senseless all really well. He's kept his sanity admirably, and he's happy just carrying on as he is, content with being almost 100% sure nothing's ever going to happen, fine with just looking and daydreaming on occasion.
It's driving Jared pretty crazy, having Jensen around all the time. He thought it would be okay, because hell, he's spent hours and hours around Jensen before both on-set and off; he's been able to handle being his friend, being his coworker, and wanting to fuck him senseless all really well.
Jared's finding living with Jensen a little hard. 4300 words
It's driving Jared pretty crazy, having Jensen around all the time.
Written because it's every J2 author's obligation to write living-together-fic!