Pages tagged repository:

Subversionリポジトリのバックアップ方法いろいろ - ぱせらんメモ

I' Been to Ubuntu: Extra Repositories for Ubuntu 8.10 You Might Want
useful apps and repositories for ubuntu
March 2009 15-16
lots of fun stuff...
Unixmen - Linux howto and Tutorials - Great themes for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty jackalope
Unixmen - Linux howto and Tutorials - Great themes for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty jackalope -
4store - Scalable RDF storage
4store was designed by Steve Harris and developed at Garlik to underpin their Semantic Web applications
4store is a fast, scalable clustered RDF database
4store is an efficient, scalable and stable RDF database
4store, an efficient, scalable and stable RDF database 4store was designed by Steve Harris and developed at Garlik to underpin their Semantic Web applications. It has been providing the base platform for around 3 years. At times holding and running queries over databases of 15GT, supporting a Web application used by thousands of people.
"4store was designed by Steve Harris and developed at Garlik to underpin their Semantic Web applications. It has been providing the base platform for around 3 years. At times holding and running queries over databases of 15GT, supporting a Web application used by thousands of people." V2 Beta - GetDeb - Welcome
GetDeb is an unofficial project with the mission to provide the latest open source and freeware applications for the current Ubuntu Linux release, in an easy to install manner.
Software you want
Software for Ubuntu Linux
15 Fantastic Finds on the Google Code Repository
Google Code Repository is a section of Google that, just like SourceForge, allows developers to upload their code for others to use under license. The repository was launched in 2006 and after searching through its archives, I found a number of interesting scripts and other goodies that would be an asset in any website owner/website builder’s arsenal.
Using Git with a central repository
Beginners guide. Very good introduction.
starter for using a central git repo
Looks like the model we should use to start our migration away from svn.
Mercurial や Git が使える無料のリポジトリサービスを集めてみた - kwatchの日記
無料で使える Git のリポジトリサービス。 install したところで止まってて、まだ実用レベルに入れてないけど。
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