Pages tagged relationship:

Dating 101: Five Things Super-Happy Couples Do Every Day -- Yahoo! Personals

Success in a relationship involves five daily habits that'll keey you and your mate satisfied. Rekindle love with dating tips from the experts and couples who have salvaged relationships on the rocks.
Dating Guide: 40 Things You Can Learn About a Guy in 10 Minutes -- Yahoo! Personals
Dating Advice: Top 10 Relationship Tips -- Yahoo! Personals
Making a connection when you first start dating is generally easy compared to maintaining the connection in the long term. Here, the country's top love experts offer up their best advice -- for free!
Dating 101: The Truth About Why Men Cheat -- Yahoo! Personals;_ylc=X3oDMTQ1dGpxbzBoBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDMjAyMzc3NTIxNARrA0RhdGluZyAxMDE6IFRoZSBUcnV0aCBBYm91dCBXaHkgTWVuIENoZWF0BHNlYwNmcF90b2RheQRzbGsDZGF0aW5nLTEwMS10aGUtdHJ1dGgtYWJvdXQtd2h5LW1lbi1jaGVhdAR6egNhYmM-
What makes men cheat? A marriage counselor surveyed 200 husbands to find out the real reasons behind infidelity. Find out the signs that your partner may be having an affair, and how to prevent a man from cheating in the first place.
RLL CHEATING This is a list of reasons why men cheat from the point of view of men, which I thought might be helpful for Erin. Some of the reasons could help her create questions for her survey.
50 Reasons to Date a Geek 50 reasons to date a geek (via @crashbox) love it *grin* all true..
Kinda serious. Mirror:
50 Reasons to Date a Geek
best of craigslist : Girls Piss Me Off
Pssst.... it is "sentence"