Pages tagged reference:

Films : All - NFB

biblioteca de peliculas, documentales, on-line
National Film Board of Canada >> shorts
Microsoft SDKs
Links to many of Microsoft's SDKs
beardposter_lg.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000x1324 pixels)
Webタイポグラフィまとめ - Archiva
文字周りのノウハウまとめ。 本当に良くまとまってます
1000 novels everyone must read | Books |
Data Mining with R: learning by case studies
R is a really excellent tool ... i use it to analyse performance data from tuning sessions ....
AJAX APIs Playground
Guia completo das APIs do Google Code.
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | Ten Tiny Things Every Small Business Owner Should Do in 2009
Need to pop these on my list
squawkfox » 6 Words That Make Your Resume Suck
via squakfox
30 Popular Photoshop Tutorials of 2008 | Webdesigner Depot
It seems that just over the last year the quality of Photoshop tutorials have really improved. There have always been a plethora of Photoshop tutorial sites
Melhores tutoriais do ano de 2008, eleitos pelo webdesigner depot!
It seems that just over the last year the quality of Photoshop tutorials have really improved. There have always been a plethora of Photoshop tutorial sites
Main page - Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Tutorial with Interactive Java Applets
e area of genetic algorithms is very wide, it is not possible to cover everything in these pages. But you should get some idea, what the genetic algorithms are and what they could be useful for. Do not expect any sophisticated mathematic
nycgo / this is new york city™
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises
Great site keeping tabs on Obama's campaign promises.
via waxy
"PolitiFact has compiled about 500 promises that Barack Obama made during the campaign and is tracking their progress on our Obameter. We rate their status as No Action, In the Works or Stalled. Once we find action is completed, we rate them Promise Kept, Compromise or Promise Broken."
How to Pick a Language
Interesting article about how to pick a language
computer programming langugage
Home - Who Runs Gov - Government directory
site du washington post sur l'administration obama (participatif)
Awesome site provided by the Washington Post that provides in-depth information on many of Washington's inside elite. offers a unique look at the world of Washington through its key players and personalities.
Washington Post experiment
Top 50 Linux Alternatives to Popular Apps -
good list of rarely mentioned apps.
UIデザインガイドラインのまとめ : could
Apple을 비롯한 여러가지 업체에서 제공하는 UI가이드라인에 대한 정보
Movable Type Developer's Toolbox | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
By Steven Snell Because we have published several other comprehensive resources for developers of other content management systems (CMSs), we didn’t want to forget Movable Type. Like the other CMSs we have featured, Movable Type
Psychotronic Titles
B-Movie title screens
Titres de films ... Nickédelics !
Mark's Blog : The Case of the Slooooow System
The Case of the Slooooow System
25 Free, Game Changing Open Source Resources | OStatic
Devoted Geek » Blog Archive The ultimate guide to tweaking useless Windows XP services
"Today we are going to focus in on some default XP services that are completely useless, or close to it." YOU DON'T SAY
Windows XP services explained Windows XP is made up of a bunch of different applications running side by side. ...
Social Media Statistics: Welcome to Social Media Statistics
as it says!
Wiki-esque stats for major socnets, including demographic info
Wiki de estatísticas de mídias sociais
Academic Earth
lectures top academics
Best of the Year (BOTY) 2008 | Netdiver Magazine
5 Design and Interaction Reference Books you should have available | Tutorial9 - Tutorial Bliss.
Books to buy/order from library
The author details Web Design and Interaction Design books for beginner to advanced readers.
Talking to a Wiimote in Ubuntu 8.10
ResearchBuzz » Cookin’ With Google
Stunning Examples of Light On Dark Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Good design ref.
Homepage of Michael Goerz » Blog Archive » Python Refcard
Python 2.5 リファレンス一覧カード
Dive into Python 3
"This site is optimized for Lynx just because fuck you. I'm told it also looks nice in graphical browsers." And PapayaWhip.
Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
Very good free e-book introducing Ubuntu.
"A wonderful and clear introduction to Ubuntu, to Linux, and to many concepts and details that may otherwise be difficult for newcomers to grasp ... Useful for anyone, whether you are learning for the first time or you just need a reference to refresh your memory." —Matthew Helmke, Administrator,
DIY Lighting Hacks for Digital Photographers
In this post I’ve found 10 DIY Flash and Lighting Hacks that put some of these lighting techniques within the grasp of the rest of us. Some are more involved than others but all are fun and will provide you with some new lighting gear to experiment with.
includes lights, reflectors, diffusers and flash diffusers - all using items that you could pick up at hardware and craft stores
FireScope is a Firefox add-on that integrates with Firebug, to extend it with reference material for HTML and CSS.
Download - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
interessante Infos, Ubuntu ist die beste OS
The PDF Edition of Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is available entirely free of charge. It is practically identical to the Print Edition.
Anatomy of a Program in Memory : Gustavo Duarte
the concepts are generic, examples are mostly from Linux and Windows on 32-bit x86.
Excelente artículo de Gustavo Duarte sobre la administración de memoria.
Article intéressant et illustré sur la manière dont les systèmes d'exploitation gèrent la mémoire des processus.
Napping: the expert's guide | Life and style | The Guardian
For years, napping has been derided as a sign of laziness. We are "caught" napping or "found asleep at the switch". But lately it has garnered new respect, thanks to scientific evidence that midday dozing benefits both mental acuity and overall health. A slew of recent studies have shown that naps boost alertness, creativity, mood, and productivity in the later hours of the day.
What the Web knows about you
If you're not concerned about privacy in the age of the Internet yet, you should. Don't want to take my word for it? Then read this.
What information is available about you in cyberspace? Where does it come from, and what risks does it present? Computerworld's Robert L. Mitchell set out to see just how much he could find about himself online. What he discovered is frightening.
The web is fast becoming the collective knowledge base of all of humanity, for better or for worse.
The 100 Most Popular Twitter applications | blending the mix
Ok, so the title is a little sensationalist, but I had to get you here somehow so you could see the most bookmarked web-based Twitter applications of the
各種チートシートまとめ - goinger的日記
Essential Java resources
Learn to use this package and its open-source cousi
Recursos de java en un mundo lleno de mierda
What You Need to Know About jQuery 1.3 - NETTUTS
Reject Database for iPhone Developer
BBC - Archive Project - The Genesis of Doctor Who
documents interns, fotos...en què s'explica el procés de creació de la sèrie Dr. Who (ara molt popular)
"Explore the origins of a TV legend with this collection of documents and images. It's now the number one family favourite, but 'Doctor Who' had a difficult birth, emerging from the imagination of some of BBC Drama's top minds. Here, we tell the story of the creation of 'Doctor Who' from the very beginning, starting with a report on the possibility of making science fiction for television and leading up to the moment a new drama series is announced in the pages of 'Radio Times'."
PhilPapers: Online research in philosophy
Huge repository of papers in academic philosophy
PhilPapers is a comprehensive directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers. We monitor journals in many areas of philosophy, as well as archives and personal pages. We also accept articles directly from users, who can provide links or upload copies. Some features require that you sign in first, but creating an account is easy and free.
An index of current research in philosophy. Also offers forums, discussion groups, and advanced bibliographic tools for philosophers.
30 Essential Controls
pretty much a overview of anything you could need
energy-scale-100-orders-of-magnitud.jpg (JPEG Image, 1008x876 pixels)
The energy scale..kind of like circle of fifths
Scale representation of magnitude energy, usually in Earthquakes.
jQuery Cheat Sheet - NETTUTS
jQuery Cheat Sheet - NETTUTS -
Using Boot Camp to install Windows 7 on your Mac: The Complete Walkthrough - Simple Help
bootcamp windows7
A complete walkthrough - Movies and TV to Watch Instantly on Netflix
netflix for impatient people
Yahoo!百科事典 - 無料のオンライン百科事典
7 Super Secret Google Search Engines You Never Knew About |
15 Websites to Trace People Online |
There are many websites that search standard social networks like MySpace or Facebook, but Piple is one resource that conducts a “deep web” dig for the name you’re looking for on “non-typical sites.” The search results from Piple are pretty impressive. Y
the private world of yesterday is now an online world with open access to social networks, government databases, and public records.
pentru tine cu drag
100 Vim commands every programmer should know
Since the 70’s, Vi is one of the programmer’s best friend. Nevermind you’re new to Vi or not, here’s a big list of 100 useful commands, organized by topic, which will make your coder life better.
คำสั่งพื้นฐานของ vi
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
17 designers favorite fonts | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
The best fonts from 17 great designers Everyone has their favorite fonts. Fonts that are very versatile and work well for a variety of projects. With that in mind we asked some very well known designers and digital artists what their top 3 serif and top
Web Design+ — Tips and advice on web standards development
Very useful tip for clearing floated divs
The online home of Harry Roberts, freelance front-end developer.
A Twitter Mini-Guide: 60+ Useful Twitter Resources | WebGeek
New to Twitter? Looking for some ways to get more out of your Twitter experience? For a while now, I’ve been putting together a list of helpful tools and resources for Twitter. I don’t claim to be an expert on Twitter, but I know a thing or two, and I found each of these pretty useful and/or interesting. Hopefully you’ll find something useful on this list.
A Coding Fool: jQuery 1.3 Cheat Sheet
Global is the new private
the most popular javascript frameworks & APIs to see how they differ in terms of global namespace pollution.
Provided by Shaurya during the solution development for Target Safety
Are You Making These 10 PHP Mistakes? - NETTUTS
Main Page - Digital Foundations
Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite.
Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite (see FLOSS manuals at )
bauhaus et software
Wiki as pedagogy
Introduction to Media Design: "Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite. Textbooks and software manuals on today’s market do not include art and design history or visual principles. This book synthesizes historical examples and traditional studio foundation exercises into smart, well-paced software exercises. See it for yourself in Chapter 5, where we explore Illustrator's Color Picker through Joseph Albers’ color exercises. Digital media texts about Adobe Creative Suite, whether they are “Bibles”, “For Dummies” or “Classroom in a Books”, focus on tools and production tips. Digital Foundations is the only textbook that teaches visual skills through production tools."
Etsy :: The Storque :: How-To :: The Etsy Seller Handbook: All Our How-Tos about Selling
Dear Sellers! Below you'll find a handy index of all the useful How-Tos about Selling on Etsy. We're calling it the Seller Handbook. We'll be adding all new how-tos for sellers to this index. You can also search the Storque tags for "Seller Handbook"...
How The Kernel Manages Your Memory : Gustavo Duarte
Distribution of the name in the US -
Surname map of US, geneology
60+ Resources For Entrepreneurs To Step Up and Take Charge | Applicant - The Advice Bank
Gotta love these lists
100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas | Online College Blog and School Reviews
Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day.
Striking Web Sites with Font Stacks that Inspire - Inspiration Bit - Python Threads and the Global Interpreter Lock
interesting interesting!
oach the problem with what is now the near ubiquitous solution to the concurrency “problem”: Threads, a
more on the python-thread shennanigans. Better than most, but like many, seems to ignore GUI programming. Did webdev eat *everything* else?
WordPressのテーマのファイル構成一覧と解説(2.7対応版) | コリス
(2.7対応版) | コリス
2008 - The best sites of the year | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
Os melhores sites do ano
20 Windows 7 Tweaks & Tips – Every Secret Uncovered to Date | Maximum PC
Windows 7 shortcuts
Emacs ビギナーに贈る、これからバリバリ使い隊!!人のための設定講座 その1。 - 日々、とんは語る。
7 Websites You Should Go To For iPhone Apps Reviews |
50 Skills Every Real Geek Should Have - Page 1 | Maximum PC
Every Real Geek Should Have - Page 1 | Maximum PC - useful, random bits
Color Correction with Photoshop in 7 Easy Steps
Cookstr - Recipes
Eine viel schönere Seite als
Browse for recipes by course ingredient cuisine method, etc.
Python Rocks! and other rants
Great little intro to python - SSH Programming with Paramiko | Completely Different
"Having spent a lot of time scripting around the binaries and trying to manage timeouts, standard out/in/error pipes, authentication, arguments and options all through ‘’subprocess”, ”popen2”, etc., I’m here to tell you wrapping command line binaries is prone to error, difficult to test, and painful to maintain." Tell me about it. I just about pulled my hair out trying to do sftp from a web-based script.
OpenSSH is the ubiquitous method of remote access for secure remote-machine login and file transfers. Many people — systems administrators, test automation engineers, web developers and others have to use and interact with it daily. Scripting SSH access and file transfers with Python can be frustrating — but the Paramiko module solves that in a powerful way.
matrix-social_media_examples.jpg (image)
For Entrepreneurial skills
Google Next Victim Of Creative Destruction? (GOOG)
The web has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to evolve and leave embedded franchises struggling or in the dirt. Prodigy, AOL were early candidates. Today Yahoo and Ebay are struggling, and I think Google is tipping down the same path. This cycle of creative destruction — more recently framed as the innovators dilemma — is both fascinating and hugely dislocating for businesses. To see this immense franchises melt before your very eyes — is hard to say the least. • Community-powered gem compatibility for ruby 1.9
great way to determine gem compatibility
“The Ruby community needs your help. Install Ruby 1.9.1 then try out your favourite gems and provide feedback here”
Is it Ruby 1.9? Listing Ruby Gems and showing their Ruby 1.9 compatibility
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again
linux commands
Presentation Tips
For the thesis people out there, and to other entrepreneurs who needs to present things... >_<
Tufte gives presentation tips. cool
edward tufte
Useful pointers on giving presentations from Edward Tufte. Although I disagree on "always provide a handout," this list does appear to pre-date the days of easy DIY wikis and Google sites.
Some great tips for your next presentation. Ignore these at your peril:
Over 30 Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.
WhatTheFont! « MyFonts
aplicatie de recunoscut fonturi
know what it is? Submit an image to WhatTheFont
Font identifier tool.
15 Websites To Sharpen Your Business Skills | Freelance Folder
OwnerIQ: Product user manuals, help, forums tips and tutorials.
Locate hard-to-find user manuals, discover new features, and realize the potential of the products you rely on. OwnerIQ pairs self-help and product information with a growing community of engaged product owners.
OwnerIQ goes a step beyond SafeManuals by providing not only manuals, but also extended on-site information about your products. You can use the site without registration to quickly locate manuals and accompanying literature for products you own. Registration adds the ability to ask questions in the product forums and create a profile of all your devices and manuals. Additionally, if there's a recall or update for any product you've added to your profile, OwnerIQ will send you an email notification.
Perdeu o manual do seu aparelho? Seus problemas acabaram! É só visitar o OwnerIQ, informar a marca e modelo e pronto!
Product user manuals, help, forums tips and tutorials.
git-cheat-sheet-large.png (PNG Image, 3300x2550 pixels)
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.
"Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies" (This page lists several advanced web features, like data URIs, for instance, and offers recommendations on when it may be safe to use them.)
Requested Reading Recommendations — School of Visual Arts — MFA in Interaction Design
wow Gold!
Highly recommended reading list of books on interaction design:
twtbase - Twitter Application Database
Application Databace
An Intensive Exploration Of jQuery - NETTUTS
Antennapedia - Journal migration tool
Antennapedia - Journal migration tool
Instructions on migrating your LJ (with comments and icons) to an LJ analog like IJ.
I've written a command-line tool for migrating journal entries from any LJ-style server to any other LJ-style server. This tool needs testers. It should run on any system with a recent Python installed. That means OS X out of the box, most Linux distros, and any Windows system where the user has installed python.
another lj backup tool, this one will also transfer the backup to another lj-compatible server
Is the Relational Database Doomed? - ReadWriteWeb
Recently, a lot of new non-relational databases have cropped up both inside and outside the cloud.
Article about where key/value databases should be used over relational databases, with some examples of dbs available.
purpose of the key/value databases. is the paradigm changing these days?
Windows 7: The Complete Guide
Fresh Logo Design Inspiration - LogoGala
The Directory
Looks like something to explore
design studios
Skip the Sleeping Pills -- These 6 All-Natural Herbs Can Ease Your Insomnia - Healthy Living on Shine
Next time you're having trouble getting to sleep, try out one of these herbals remedies -- way gentler than the chemical alternatives, but for many people, still effective.
25 Font-tastic Type Resources for Web Designers | Build Internet!
Great Typographic Start!
Ask SM [PHP]: Form Validation, Converting MySQL to XML | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ask SM sobre PHP: Validacion de formularios, MySQLtoXML y mas ... form validation & converting mysql to xml
Change you can download: a billion in secret Congressional reports - Wikileaks
Congressional reports made public...
The 6,780 reports, current as of this month, comprise over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation, from the U.S. relationship with Israel to the financial collapse. Nearly 2,300 of the reports were updated in the last 12 months, while the oldest report goes back to 1990. The release represents the total output of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) electronically available to Congressional offices. The CRS is Congress's analytical agency and has a budget in excess of $100M per year.
RGBa Browser Support
Too bad it doesn't work in shitty IE..
RGBa is a way to declare a color in CSS that includes alpha transparency support. Since IE supports conditional stylesheets, we can bust out those and a proprietary Microsoft CSS filter to accomplish the same result.
Vet Help Direct - Interactive Qualified Vet Advice
Does your pet need a vet? Step by step questions to help you decide
VetHelpDirect is a web-based assessment tool for determining whether or not your pet needs veterinary care, as well as getting reliable information about various animal behaviors and conditions.
15 Tips for Great Candlelight Photography
chances of capturing any movement (both of your subject, the flames of candles and movement
Have you ever tried to photograph a candle lit scene with your digital camera? The results can be stunning with the warm glow of flickering flames reflecting off your subjects face (can you feel the romance?) but the shooting in such a low light environment make it can make it a challenging situation. Here are a few tips on how to get that perfect candle light portrait!
100 Awesome Niche Photo Sites You’ve Never Heard Of | Art Career
The Internet is full of wonderful resources for both amateur and professional photographers. Among these resources, you’ll find a variety of websites that have a narrow, focused approach.
40+ Useful & Handy Web Designer’s Web Services & Tools
99 ways to make your computer blazingly fast
ple way to incre
5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
t remem
Indian Matchboxes : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Matchboxes from the Subcontinent.
This dude collected a crap load of matchboxes.
Optimizing Code for Speed
This document will focus on optimizing code to run faster. However, as you will see later, doing this may involve having to optimize the code in a different aspect. Furthermore, often when programmers are trying to optimize one aspect of a program, they are doing so in order to increase speed.
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio ...
Half technical, half intuitive, the design process is tough to explain. But that’s my job—I’m a design writer. I write so you don’t have to, putting into words the work that you’d rather do than write about. But write you must—website copy, proposals, captions, emails to clients—and though the worse designers are at it, the more work I get, in the spirit of collaboration I’m going to share my secrets. So what if it puts me out of a job.
20 tips for better conference speaking ~ Authentic Boredom
Authentic Boredom
Medpedia - Welcome
Interesting Resources to learn Object Oriented Design
Most people are not aware of the fact that Perl has support for object-oriented programming. If you've used another object-oriented programming language such as Java or C++ or been exposed to object-orientation, t
This is a small list with some basic references about Object Oriented Design process and it includes an UML guide, some articles about how to write OO javascript, PHP and Perl code. I also included some video tutorials about an useful introduction to OO PHP. If you have some interest link to suggest about this topic, please leave a comment, thanks!
When can I use...
Comprehensive listing of support for upcoming web features by the five major browsers.
the art of the commencement speech, an archive
" Though some of these wonderful remarks were given decades ago, we believe they are as relevant and important, perhaps increasingly so, as the more current speeches. Thus we encourage you to read them all, recognizing and celebrating your own constant commencement into tomorrow, finding ways to place it firmly within the context of progress for all humankind."
including Barack Obama, Toni Morrison, John F. Kennedy etc
The commencement ceremony affirms each student's search for knowledge. It often includes a graduation speech which seeks to put their recent hard (or not so hard) work into the context of their future. Many of us hear one or two commencement addresses as graduates or listen to a handful as spectators. Yet -- as we graduate from one year to another, one relationship to another, one experience to another -- we always are learning. Though these myriad departures and arrivals of everyday existence are seldom met with ceremony, words traditionally reserved for momentous occasions may ring true and inspirational at any hour. That's why we created this unique archive of commencement addresses, selecting an eclectic menu of twenty nine extraordinary speeches from the thousands that we have reviewed since beginning work on this initiative in 1989.
22 Website Designs Inspired by | Webdesigner Depot | Webdesigner Depot
Apple is one of the most creative and innovative companies in the world. It's no surprise why many software companies and web designers follow the Apple. The Apple website is one of the greatest websites ever developed. With it's ease of use, it's functionality and the beautiful environment it creates.
Priit Haamer > Blog > Ruby dictionary for Mac OS X
"install extra dictionary into Mac OS X with Ruby documentation and get system-wide access to API docs"
This is a pretty neat way to peruse the Ruby API, as a custom OS X dictionary. : Palm Developer Network - Palm webOS from O'Reilly Media
Overview of webOS
Palm® webOS™ is Palm's next generation operating system. Designed around an incredibly fast and beautiful user experience and optimized for the multi-tasking user, webOS integrates the power of a window-based operating system with the simplicity of a browser. Applications are built using standard web technologies and languages, but have access to device-based services and data.
First chapter of upcoming book on Palm's new webOS
The first chapter of an O'Reilly book on developing JavaScript-based webapps for Palm's new webOS
Details of how Palm is leveraging widespread knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript to ease development on their new platform.
Things you may not know about jQuery - James Padolsey
Top 100 Creative Writing Blogs | Best Colleges Online
jim...sadly your blog is not on here....YET! although...i guess your blog isn't really geared towards writing...
Creative writing blogs.
Tutsplus Dashboard
web and design
rom graphics to web development, audio to video and more, get the skills you want from our family of tutorial and resource sites. Need more? We also offer a Plus program where you can access source files and bonus tutorials.
From graphics to web development, audio to video and more, get the skills you want from our family of tutorial and resource sites. Need more? We also offer a Plus program where you can access source files and bonus tutorials.
Ruby on Rails 2.3 Release Notes
Rails 2.3 delivers a variety of new and improved features, including pervasive Rack integration, refreshed support for Rails Engines, nested transactions for Active Record, dynamic and default scopes, unified rendering, more efficient routing, application templates, and quiet backtraces. This list covers the major upgrades, but doesn’t include every little bug fix and change. If you want to see everything, check out the list of commits in the main Rails repository on GitHub or review the CHANGELOG files for the individual Rails components.
40 Free Tutorials on Advanced Drawing Techniques - VECTORTUTS
tutorial de tecnicas de dibujo
StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide - Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment
CSS Standards & Best Practices | Dezinerfolio
Tips on CSS usage
CSS is something that is extensively used on almost every site. Lets take some time to ensure that our stylesheets are built with some good standards.&nbsp;
How To: Turn Your Linux Rig into a Streaming Media Center | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Turn Your Linux Rig into a Streaming Media Center.
Welcome to the official 1911 Census website
The 1911 census is a record of everyone who lived in England and Wales in 1911. It provides a unique snapshot of the lives of your ancestors. brings this vast resource to you online, so that you can search the census simply and quickly to discover how your family lived in the past.
Welcome to the official 1911 Census website
The 1911 census is a record of everyone who lived in England and Wales in 1911. It provides a unique snapshot of the lives of your ancestors. brings this vast resource to you online, so that you can search the census simply and quickly to discover how your family lived in the past. Search through the census index to find an ancestor, or to find out who lived in your house.
1901 census
Vunky Search
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Landing a Better Job
ingle resume and CV into a giant, OCR-scanned database; others merely search out candidates on job sites using specific word criteria. Either way, having the right words on your resume prevents being cut in the first round like some warbly-voiced would-be Idol contestant. On the other hand, the humans who actually read through your cover letter, resume, and ap
100+ Language Learning Sites
Course Information | Introduction to Compilers
siek! Free!
Programming Textbooks
6 Ways to Get Much More Out of GIMP | OStatic
GIMP:stä enemmän irti. Paljon lähteitä GIMP:in tehokkaaseen käyttöön, aina onlinekirjoista lähtien.
50 seriously useful Windows 7 tips | News | TechRadar UK
50 seriously useful Windows 7 tips It's the mother lode of Windows 7 tweaks and tricks! : TechRadar UK
Legal Guide for Bloggers | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Whether you're a newly minted blogger or a relative old-timer, you've been seeing more and more stories pop up every day about bloggers getting in trouble for what they post.
7 Free Resources for Eye-Popping Graphics and Animation
PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout (2CO) | Md Emran Hasan (phpfour)
PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout (2CO)
Explanations to common Java exceptions
Top 10 Professional Sample Code Websites For Programmers |
Most programmers are not just desktop programmers, web programmers or scripting gurus - they are often all of the above. Over time, most software developers find that it’s much easier to re-use code components than it is to recreate the wheel every time you write an application. Over time, these developers typically archive a library of these reusable modules in order to save time the next time they need to do the same task.
HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet - Nihilogic
The Pac-Man Dossier
Sehr interessante Abhandlung über die Mechanik des Spiels „Pac Man“.
This web page is dedicated to providing Pac-Man players of all skill levels with the most complete and detailed study of the game possible. New discoveries found during the research for this page in December 2008 have allowed for the clearest view yet of the actual ghost behavior and pathfinding logic used by the game.
[everything you may not know about PacMan]
A First Course in Linear Algebra (A Free Textbook)
ASCIIcasts - Recent Episodes
A variety of short articles about Ruby and Rails based on Ryan Bates’ Railcasts.
I really like Ryan Bates’s Railscasts, but videos aren’t the easiest thing to search through when you’re trying to search for a single tip or line of Ruby code to add to your own site. ASCIIcasts are text versions of each Railscast, each with a link to the original video. I hope you find them useful. You can keep up to date with new episodes on Twitter.
- Store norske leksikon
Leksikonet er gratis tilgjengelig for alle og finansieres gjennom en kombinasjon av annonser, donasjoner og støtte.
25 brilliant wine label, bottle & package designs | Design daily news
Giz Explains: Why More Megapixels Isn't Always More Better
Some good info on megapixels from Gizmodo
Why More Megapixels Isn't Always More Better
Explanation of why a digital camera with more megapixels isn't necessarily better.
Between all the new digital cameras pooped out b4 the upcoming PMA show & the crazy cameras buried inside cellphones @ MWC, it's a good time to see why more megapixels isn't necessarily better. So, the nutshell explanation of how a digital camera works is that light lands on a sensor, which converts the light into electrical charges. Depending on the camera, how the light reaches the sensor may seem different; digital SLRs house a complicated pentaprism & mirror system that swings out of the way, while the inside of a compact point & shoot is mechanically far simpler. The sensor fundamentals stay the same = where most of the MP machismo comes from. When U squeeze the shutter button, the sensor is exposed to light for however long you have the exposure time set for. Common metaphor » sensor works » like an array of buckets ( pixels) that collect light, & the amount collected is turned in2 an electrical charge, which is converted in2 data. 2 two major types of sensors, CCD & APS (CMOS).
The Ultimate Open Courseware Toolset: 60+ Directories, Search Engines, and Web Tools | The .Edu Toolbox
educational resources shared openly
lista de directórios, motores de pesquisa, ferramentas e outros para ajudar no ensino
Self-Education Resource List
The internet is an invaluable resource to self-educated learners. Below is a list of some of the most helpful sites out there including opencourseware materials, free libraries, learning communities, educational tools, and more.
10 Essential Money Skills for a Bad Economy | Zen Habits
When it comes to money, the best defense is a good offense. The best way to avoid fallout from the national economy is to take control of your personal economy. By developing smart financial habits, you can remain calm even in the midst of a financial crisis. (Well, mostly calm, anyhow.)
Compare and discuss the %age budget breakdowns.
JD, writing at Zen Habits.
10 Steps To The Perfect Portfolio Website | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Introducing Joomla [Server Side Essentials]
Introducción a Joomla.
Nice intro to the Joomla Content Management System and Open Source project.
Joomla is one of the most popular open source content management systems that exist today. In this step by step tutorial, Andrew demonstrates how easy it is to get started.
Awk and Sed One-Liners Explained
Logica Web Developer Handbook — Tips and advice on web standards development
Welcome to Logicas Web Developer Handbook. This is, in no particular order, an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems — a way to tackle development in the cleanest, most accessible and semantic way possible. By using WDH, the aim is to standardise practices throughout an organisation; from accessibility to hacks, WDH covers the best ways to tackle a variety of dev problems.
10 Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)
Giz Explains: Why Lenses Are the Real Key to Stunning Photos
Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report
U.S. News has collected data from more than 1,400 colleges to bring you this year's rankings
check out the best places to attend college!
US News and World Report ranks colleges
Part I: Query Input - Google Guide
Como hacer la búsqueda de google más fácil y funcional.
The guide to sound effects
This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects.
Check it out!
Welcome to the Guide to Sound Effects! This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects, and we hope you find it inspiring.
How to make all kinds of sounds in your studio/home. An excellent foley resource.
UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention : UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
Google Mapで、「消滅の危機にある言語」の使用地域が見られるページ (UNESCO website)
WebAIM: WCAG 2.0 Checklist
WCAG 2.0 Checklist
Email: Simple Guidelines for Workday Quality Over Quantity
Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
Object Computing, Inc. — Java News Brief — March 2009
Clojure is a LISP implementation for the Java Virtual Machine.
"The goal of this article is to provide a fairly comprehensive introduction to the Clojure programming language."
Things You Need To Know To Become An Apt Guru - Make Tech Easier
This site helps you with things you need to know to become an Apt Guru.
Quite possibly the most distinguishing feature of Debian-based Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, etc) is their package system - APT. Also
Unicode In 5 Minutes - Second Life Wiki
Type Theory
Maxwell Lord is a talented young artist and designer from Zelenograd, Russia near Moscow. His work is full of intricate details and elaborate hand lettering.
Type Theory is a journal of contemporary typography featuring news, views, reviews and interviews.
Tons of great typography and design elements.
So you want a dynamic form
super(ContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
How to Fold a T Shirt in Two Seconds - wikiHow
In today's increasingly casual fashion world, the trusty t-shirt is a staple of just about every wardrobe. While t-shirts are relatively hassle-free to care for, it's still quite a chore to fold a laundry load full of them--it's no wonder so many people just stuff them in a drawer or throw them on the floor. Fortunately it's easier than you may think to keep your t-shirts wrinkle-free. Follow these steps to fold a t-shirt in two seconds.
JavaScript Reference (beta)
Javascript reference
Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center
Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center -
maybe something of note in here
if, like me, you were wondering why the safari javascript docs never show up in google apart from some weird apple PR, then it's coz they are hidden behind the freewall on ADC.
Top 50 photography websites by Photocritic
A disagreeably facetious type glossary
7 jQuery Effects to Sell More Templates - In the Woods
Leksikon - Gyldendals åbne encyklopædi - Den Store Danske
Dagen i dag 4. marts 2009 1935 Bent Larsen Den danske skakspiller Bent Larsen blev født. Han er Danmarks stærkeste skakspiller gennem tiderne, stormester 195
Dagen i dag 3. marts 2009 2007 Alexandra Alexandra indgik ægteskab med Martin Jørgensen, trådte ud af kongehuset og har ikke længere titel af prinsesse.
Ubuntu: Ubuntu Pocket Guide Available as a Free Download
In the midst of the current financial crunch, the popular, free Linux distribution Ubuntu has never looked more attractive. If you've considered switching, a free copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide is the perfect place to start. Written by Keir Thomas, author of Ubuntu Kung Fu, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference covers all the beginner-to-expert knowledge you'll need to make the move to Ubuntu. We've featured excerpts from Thomas' Ubuntu Kung Fu two times at Lifehacker, and the Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference offers the same level of Ubuntu expertise to anyone interested in or already living the Ubuntu life.
Game/AI: AAAI Library online
Old Book Art
massive theme based on GridFocus by
ilustraciones de libros viejos.
List of confidence tricks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Get-rich-quick schemes are extremely varied. For example, fake franchises, real estate "sure things", get-rich-quick books, wealth-building seminars, self-help gurus, sure-fire inventions, useless products, chain letters, fortune tellers, quack doctors, miracle pharmaceuticals, Nigerian money scams, charms and talismans are all used to separate the mark from his money. Variations include the pyramid scheme, Ponzi scheme and Matrix sale.
they keep changing and often contain elements of more than one type. This list should not be considered complete, but covers the most well-known confidence tricks. Throughout this list, the perpetrator of the confidence trick is frequently called a "con artist" or simply "artist", and the intended victim called a "mark".
Confidence tricks are difficult to classify, because they keep changing and often contain elements of more than one type. This list should not be considered complete, but covers the most well-known confidence tricks. Throughout this list, the perpetrator of the confidence trick is frequently called a "con artist" or simply "artist", and the intended victim called a "mark".
scam prototypes
gun mistakes
Mistakes in gun portrayal in movies and comics.
Gun mistakes writers and movies make.
I made a partial list below (I'm sure Duane Thomas can add to it) of dumb things I see in novels and comics and movies in the area of firearms. A few of these (for dramatic license) I make myself. But they're still dumb.
Vim Links of Worth and Valor
SitePoint » The 5 Most Under-Used HTML Tags
確率論、統計学関連のWeb上の資料 - Seeking for my unique color.
50 Brilliant Design Articles of 2008 in 23 Categories + 40 Reader Submitted Posts | The Design Cubicle
Comprehensive Listing of Metalworking, Metal Fabrication, Welding, Fabrication, Machining, Blacksmithing, Foundry and Forge Projects, Jewelry Making
Two Days Without Mac OS X Leopard: Ubuntu 8.10 Review | the Tux Geek
How to get ubuntu more like Mac OS
I love open-source and I really admire Linux for what it is and what it stands for. But I'm a Mac user. Can I last two days only with Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex?
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Comparing OSX Leopard to Ubuntu 8.10
Dobbs Code Talk - 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read (At Least Twice)
10 articoli che ogni architetto software e/o sviluppatore DEVE leggere
Papers on Programming
初級者のための英語学習法まとめ - モトログ
この文章は、下記のような人が読むと参考になると思います。 * 効率よく英語学習したい人 * 学校の勉強では英語は苦手だったけど英語出来るようになりたいと思ってる人 * スクールに通ってはみたものの今ひとつ身に付かなかった人 * これまで何回も英語にチャレンジしてきてるけどいつも挫折してしまう人
CustomGuide - Free Computer Training Quick References, Cheat Sheets
Free Computer Training Quick References, Cheat Sheets
10+ Web Resources to Make Web Designer’s Life Easy | Desizn Tech
10+ Web Resources to Make Web Designer’s Life Easy
Google Power Searching Tips for Students and Universities
How to research more efficiently in Google
has links to several tutorials on google search, how to use it more effectively as wells as scholarly searches
1160 + Ajax/Javascript/Dhtml examples and demos to download
africa_in_perspective_map.jpg 604×786 pixels
Africa is larger than china, argentina, us, india and western europe together.
Word List: Definitions of Color Words
I came across this list of “colorful” words while looking up adjectives. The list seems to go on forever with words like “primrose” and “xanthic” and their definitions.
"This list contains 168 definitions of obscure colour terms using combinations of 'normal' colours of the rainbow and descriptive adjectives; e.g. cardinal = deep scarlet red; russet = reddish brown. Note that most English speakers outside the U.S. spell colour with the added British 'u' rather than the American version color. Don't worry if the colours (or colors) in your universe don't match up with the definitions I've given for these words, though - I've been known to have skewed perceptions of reality ..."
Tweet Your Message to a Larger Audience with Hashtags
Average SAT (with standard error) for the 133 most popular entries for "favorite music" on facebook. The vertical axis doesn't mean anything.
counting crows? really?
Python Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes
python language references
Academics invent a mathematical equation for why people procrastinate - Telegraph
It might seem an idle pastime but academics have come up with a mathematical equation for why people procrastinate.
The psychologist, from the University of Calgary, has subsequently formed an equation for why people procrastinate, which began by studying 250 college students. The equation is U=EV/ID. The 'U' stands for utility, or the desire to complete a given task. It is equal to the product of E, the expectation of success, and V the value of completion, divided by the product of I, the immediacy of the task, and D, the personal sensitivity to delay. Prof Steel says procrastination is becoming a bigger issue because many more jobs are "self-structured", with people setting their own schedules. This means that people tend to postpone things with delayed rewards in favour of activities that offer immediate rewards. "Procastinators tend to live fro today rather than tomorrow. for short term gain for long term pain" he writes. Until now, psychologists have generally linked procrastination to perfectionists who avoid tasks rather than produce less than perfect products.
The equation is U=EV/ID.
Prof Piers Steel, a Canadian academic who has spent more than 10 years studying why people put off until tomorrow what they could do today, believes that the notion that procrastinators are either perfectionists or just lazy is wrong. Prof Steel, who admits to becoming distracted by computer games himself, argues in a new book that those prone to putting things off suffer from a vice of their own - impulsiveness.
Blog Archive - 40+ Beautiful Hand-Drawn Websites - CSS Built - CSS Gallery with Best Design
Hand-drawing websites are very popular on today’s design. Some of well-known web company applies on these techniques to make a beautiful hand-drawn website for their clients. collects 40+ hand-drawn websites for your inspiration. Be inspired and enjoy!
85+ Tools & Resources for Freelancers and Web Workers
alerted when an invoice is overdue and numerous other features
Deciding to become a freelance worker can be a scary proposition. Sure there is an allure to picking what projects you work on, but it can also be stressful not knowing where your next paycheck will come from. Luckily there are numerous resources out there that not only help you find more work, but also loads of tools to help you do your job more efficiently with a professional edge.
Periodic Table of Typefaces
50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know | Mac|Life
Byline:&nbsp;Mac|Life StaffEnhanced Teaser:&nbsp;geekLike a champion cyclist knows bike parts,a car buff knows model years, and a sports fan knows win-loss records, all Mac geeks worth the title must know these things. digg_url =
How to Get Bruce Lee Like Strength Without Ever Going to a Gym | Zen Habits
Article about exercise and Bruce Lee.
60+ Most Beautiful and Creative Business Cards Design | Naldz Graphics
Business Card is a card printed or engraved with a person's name and business affiliation. Normally attach on it could be information such like title, address, telephone number and even logo of a company or private. Using Business card is useful in a way to promote yourself on other people. Are you planning to make your own business card but don't have any idea or some inspirations to start? Here's a showcase of 60+ Most Beautiful and Creative Business Cards Designs to enhance more your creativity and get inspired. cards cardscardscards cards cardscardscards businesscards businesscard graphics art identity
60+ Most Beautiful and Creative Business Cards Design
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Google Analytics IQ Lessons
100 Twitter Tools to Help You Achieve All Your Goals | Best Online Colleges
What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
Dave Woods - Freelance Web Designer UK » 10 CSS Tips Every Web Developer Should Know
’ve written a fair few articles over the past year and thought it might be useful for any new subscribers and visitors to see a summary of the most useful ones
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture | UX Booth
Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture. Along the way we’ll share some of the tweeters, books, and resources we found useful for budding information architects. Even if you’re familiar with the discipline already, you can probably pick up something you’ve missed.
toolkit audit IA
Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture.
7 Essential SEO Cheat Sheets
Periodic Table of Typefaces on the Behance Network
WeFollow: A User Powered Twitter Directory
Founded by Kevin Rose
A User Powered Twitter Directory
How to fix the most common Linux problems | TuxRadar
43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Icones Free
You may be interested in our latest article 43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets This is the post dedicated to the creative examples of high quality free icon sets. In this post, we will give you an idea in one place to see an incredible collection of icon sets to get viewers attention. We are listing 43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets. It will help you to boost up your creative men who are willing to create the new icon set or specially willing to have his new icon design for the client or himself. The usage of color scheme, illustration and look and feel of all of these icons are really cool and impressive. These icons are also available to use anywhere you want but we suggest that don’t forget to read the license detail before using anyone below. This list is not long in numbers, but I promise you that when you start watching them it will must inspire you as amazingly designed icons.
Novo Dango Icon Set FTW!!! ^^ Ahahahaha (Clannad fans rejoice!) -
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25 Excellent And Useful Adobe AIR Tutorials & Resources - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
10 Ways to Automatically & Manually Backup MySQL Database | Noupe
28 Must Read Articles For Growing Your Freelance Design Business | The Design Cubicle
Best Digital Camera: Experts recommend the best digital cameras
20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners | How-To
Tips For Beginners
refresher tips on css
100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration
Web Apps - index of web applications and online tools - Go2web20
How the Linux kernel works | TuxRadar
eso, explicado con ejemplos de codigo (skel)
How the Linux kernel works | TuxRadar
How the Linux kernel works In depth: My trusty Oxford Dictionary defines a kernel as "a softer, usually edible part of a nut" but offers as a second meaning: "The central or most important part of something." (Incidentally, it's this first definition that gives rise to the contrasting name 'shell', meaning, in Linux-speak, a command interpreter.)
Quick Usability Checklist | UX Booth
Simple but useful checklist for websites. Certainly not a comprehensive list, but a good starting point.
Take the Linux Filesystem Tour | TuxRadar
Take the Linux Filesystem Tour
Perfect Portions - Love Food Hate Waste
推薦元: * たぶん良書。 * タイトルに「フリー (自由な) ソフトウェア」と入っているけど、内容はそれほど自由ソフトウェア運動に傾倒しているわけでもない。むしろ、中立な立場を貫きつつ、自由ソフトウェア運動への敬意と配慮を見せているのだろう。タイトルもその一貫。 * ライセンス条文の選択については内容が少なめに抑えてあるっぽい。異論が出ない範囲にあえて留めたのかもしれない。 * 一方で、著作権譲渡 (日記2004年4/13分) にきちんと言及してるあたり、すばらしい。 * こういう文書を読むと、新規性とかそういう研究的なことは全然考えないで (というか知らないで) ただただソフトウェアの面白さに傾倒してた学部生〜修士課程の頃を思い出す。
Article Print | Planning and Ideas | This Old House,,20250928,00.html
Free ASP.NET MVC eBook Tutorial - ScottGu's Blog
Best Music Albums Ever - Top Album List with Covers - Esquire
...according to Esquire. Not such a bad list, actually; and surprisingly well-rounded and eclectic.
Kick off's Music Week with our unranked, incomplete, yet highly tasteful and informative list of the records your music collection requires. How many have you listened to?
Top album list... hope to own them all one day
Everything You Need to Get Started With MySQL - NETTUTS
Everything You Need to Get Started With MySQL - NETTUTS
10 Great Social Sites for Resume Building
Creating the perfect resume is not easy. Luckily, there are a number of online resources dedicated to helping you create outstanding resumes.
"Here are 10 great social sites with unique features that let you create your own resume-like profile, edit your resume online, get it reviewed by experts, print it, share it on social networks, and much more."
CSS Codes : CSS Code Snippets for Web Designers & Developers : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
» CSS Codes : CSS Code Snippets for Web Designers & Developers. Web design blog with graphics and web design resources, lists of graphic design tools, utilities, and other web site design resources, including Web Design and Development articles and creative resources and links to great web design resources on topics.
15 Microscopic Images from Inside the Human Body [photography]
Get up close and personal with your innards with these 15 amazing 3D-body shots. Almost all of the following images were captured using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), a type of electron microscope that uses a beam of high-energy electrons to scan surfaces of images. The electron beam of the SEM interacts with atoms near or at the surface of the sample to be viewed, resulting in a very high-resolution, 3D-image. Magnification levels range from x 25 (about the same as a hand lens) to about x 250,000. Incredible details of 1 to 5 nm in size can be detected. Max Knoll was the first person to create an SEM image of silicone steel in 1935; over the next 30 years, a number of scientists worked to further develop the instrument, and in 1965 the first SEM was delivered to DuPont by the Cambridge Instrument Company as the “Stereoscan.” Here you’ll experience the power of SEM in a journey of self-discovery that starts in your head, travels down through the chest and ends in the bowels of
15 kaunista mikroskooppikuvaa ihmisen kehon sisältä.
Gitを使いこなすための20のコマンド - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Get Wireframing: The All-In-One Guide | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
Wireframing is a great tool to incorporate into your projects as it allows for rapid prototyping and helps to pinpoint any potential problems. I personally find it invaluable on projects to have a visual representation of content, hierarchy and layout. Overall it’s an excellent step to incorporate into your project before the design process begins for both you and your clients.
Getting Started With Ruby On Rails | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Interactive map of Linux kernel
Popular Topics - The Tax Law Offices of Fred Daily
Academic Hacker News
Financial Times has developed a business search engine which searches news, magazine, television, radio, and expert commentary and allows users to focus their search on clusters
A business news search engine that provides semantic web features. For example, breaks the results into categories.
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10 Galleries of Creative Logos | Build Internet!
Web Design, Development, and Business
20 Sites That Brought CSS into the Mainstream [Design Practice]
How to Fix Memory Leaks in Java | Javalobby
# nt a better summary of heap statistics. # Sort objects by retained heap. In other words, some tools can tell you the memory usage of an object and all other objects that are referenced by it, as well as list the objects referenced by other objects. This makes it much faster to diagnose the cause of a memory leak.
How to Fix Memory Leaks in Java | Javalobby
thorough tutorial on identifying and fixing memory leaks, focused on Java
Learning Vim The Pragmatic Way
Joe Martinez Learning Vim The Pragmatic Way
33 Nicely Designed And Well-Colored But Simple Web Designs - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
HowTo: EC2 for Poets
The goal is to make cloud computing less mysterious by helping people through the process of setting up a server on Amazon EC2.
The Ruby Object Model - Structure and Semantics
Useful article explaining the inner workings of objects, classes, metaclasses, etc.
Playboy Archive
4 Principles of Good Design for Websites | My Ink Blog
MyInkBlog, March 21, 2009. Unread.
XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet - OWASP
Welcome! » Tagalus
Get and set definitions for #tags - A dictionary for (hash)tags
Twitter hashtag dictionary
way to define hashtags for Twitter
Tagalus lets users define tags so that others can understand what they're talking about. Other users can vote on definitions and decide which best describes the given tag.
defines hashtags
Typeface Anatomy and Glossary | FontShop
10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know - Nettuts+
10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know
I should look into these!
100 Movies to See Before You Die - Yahoo! Movies
The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter | Webdesigner Depot
We’ve compiled an alphabetized glossary here for you so that you can just scan down the list and find the term that you are looking for, as well as a list of popular Twitter applications and instructions for incorporating Twitter into your website and blogs.
A post that is a tutorial for a beginner on twitter
Great site explaining twitter
Academic Reference and Research Index, accessing selected reference sites
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
23 Ultimate Collection Of Useful Ajax Tutorials & Resources
43 Really Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Excellent 3d Effects - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Magento SEO - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
Adobe - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Technology Center
Ensuring that search engines can crawl and index your rich Internet applications (RIAs)—so that your content can be found by others—is of critical importance to building and maintaining an online presence. While Adobe and the leading search engines are making significant strides in making SWF content more searchable, you can take additional steps now to improve your search ranking positions further. The SEO Technology Center helps explain what the challenges are and provides practical steps, examples, and best practices that you can follow to overcome them.
Search Engine Optimization Technology Center
White Space: How to Get it ‘Right’ | Think Vitamin
Active and Passive White Space White Space is often used to create a balanced, harmonious layout. One that just ‘feels’ right. It can also be used to take the reader on a journey through the design. In the same way a photographer leaves ‘looking room’ in a portrait shot, by positioning the subject o! the centre of the frame and having them looking into the remaining space, a designer can do this to increase the effectiveness of their design. Another way of looking at white space is by how a reader, or user, reacts to it. White space can not only be used by the designer to create harmony and balance in design, or to help position a brand, but it can be used to lead a reader from one element to another. This is called Active White Space
Fonts: Killer Typography Tools and Free Font Downloads
Whether you're putting together a resume, flyer, or web page, everyone needs to find and compare fonts some time. Here are some tools that can help you find the perfect font.
3 Buck Bites | Cheap Eats for Food Lovers!
Website met eten tot 3.99 dollar.
Discover the “Cool” of CSS: 25 Advanced CSS Techniques | Desizn Tech
Discover the “Cool” of CSS: 25 Advanced CSS Techniques
100 Terrific Web Design Cheat Sheets that Will Save you Time, Money and Mistakes - Web Design Schools Guide
Most web designers know that cheat sheets are incredibly useful. You can use them for quick reference, easy learning, and more. In this list, we’ve compiled an incredible collection of the 100 best and most useful cheat sheets out there.
Nihongodict: Free Online English ⇆ Japanese Dictionary
Awesome japanese/english dictionary
maiasa binbin
Welcome to Nihongodict, a free online English ⇆ Japanese dictionary. To get started, type a word in English or Japanese (any script, including romaji) in the box above.
E-Books Directory - Categorized Books, Short Reviews, Free Downloads
E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet. You can submit and promote your own ebooks, add comments on already posted books or just browse through the directory and download anything you need.
Education: Academic Earth Aggregates Lectures from MIT, Harvard, Yale, and Others
Flash Tutorials - Flashtuts+
It’s all about quality tutorials for Adobe Flash. Whether you want to learn how to create awesome Flash animations and interfaces, bone up on your Actionscript to create games and apps, or just get started developing with Flash, we’ve got you covered!
Flashtuts+ joins Psdtuts+, Vectortuts+, Audiotuts+, Aetuts+ and Nettuts+ as Envato’s newest Tuts+ site. It’s all about quality tutorials for Adobe Flash. Whether you want to learn how to create awesome Flash animations and interfaces, bone up on your Actionscript to create games and apps, or just get started developing with Flash, we’ve got you covered! Keep reading to learn a little bit more about the new editor of Flashtuts+ and what we’ll be offering on the site.
Bighow: handbook to online journalism
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, and citizen journalists. The handbook covers basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing.
To read in my spare time .....
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing. Contents: The handbook covers the basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
How to keep a house plant alive
Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need ...
"Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need light, water, support, nutrients, and an adequate air supply."
Moserware: How .NET Regular Expressions Really Work
In the Woods - The Importance of Color in Web Design
All too often, I see a great design concept with a poor choice of colors. Part of what makes a great web design “great” is layout, typography and color. When each of these aspects work to compliment each other, great design is born.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Use jQuery
How To: Use BitTorrent Like a Pro
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments.
SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
If there's nothing in here about Unicode symbols, I'm filing a complaint.
Designers are still complaining about the limitations of Web typography. Is their case valid, and will it be in the future? What myths are there about web typography and how do we dispel them?
web typography resources
Create a new social networking site in few hours using pinax platform (django). — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
An interesting talk on reusable apps and an article on installing Pinax
SXSW Interactive 2009 - a set on Flickr
Sketchnotes captured on-site and live in a Moleskine pocket sketchbook while attending SXSW Interactive, March 13-17, 2009 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Hive Five: Five Best Mind Mapping Applications
Twitter tools and Firefox plugins that are uncannilly usefull it will blow you off your **** :D |
This makes your time on Twitter a pure joy, as these help people identify with others. This article will focus on explaining the cool tools that litterally & awesomely extend features offered by Twitter.
YouTube - Did You Know
Learn10 - Power up your learning...
Learn10 - Power up your learning...
Tips about learning
Learn10 gives you a learning habit that's hard to kick. 10 new words; everywhere, every day.
Most common passwords list from 3 databases
List of most commonly used passwords
A detailed password analysis of compromised passwords from myspace, phpbb, and
21 Advanced Photoshop Tips, Tricks and Tutorials Roundup
In this article, you'll find several simple but effective photo enchancing techniques on topics such as how to choose the best image format for web or how to create croplet for repeatedly image editing process.
Gadling teaches you to read the Cyrillic alphabet in 5 minutes
via @kristinbutler
It used to be that when I saw Russian words like this-- компью́тер, студе́нт, па́спорт-- my eyes skipped over them like yours probably just did. But the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used in Slavic languages like Russian as well as non-Slavic languages like Kazakh and Mongolian, is easy to learn. Given the number of English cognates in Russian (the language we'll focus on here), learning the Cyrillic alphabet allows you to read and understand dozens of words in Russian, including the three above (computer, student, and passport, respectively).
15 Roles Every Startup Needs Filled
Rails Searchable API Doc
Woot! Finally a neat and nice rails rdoc!
API Documentation Search facility for Ruby On Rails
"SlideMagnet is all about slides. Our mantra: be generous. We are here to help you thrive and succeed with your next presentation. That’s our purpose, that’s our mission, and that’s why we exist."
advice on good presentations
How to make effective presentations
How to Design Programs, Second Edition
Bad programming is easy. Idiots can learn it in 21 days, even if they are dummies.
great book
10 Best Libraries for generating PDF Files | AjaxLine
Lifehacker - Beyond Life Hacks: Reusable Solutions to Common Productivity Problems - Habits
Let's face it: when you've run into serious productivity roadblocks like procrastination, distraction, and overwhelmed paralysis, keyboard shortcuts and index cards aren't going to save you—only better patterns of behavior will.
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web
Huge searchable archive of unix commands for the command line. This is on the distant to do list.
50 Fabulous Web Tools for Group Projects | Rated Colleges
This list of web tools is ideal for anyone working on a group project, whether you’re looking for task management support, scheduling and calendar organization, or just a place to collect all your materials and brainstorms.
a blog post with 50 tools for online collaboration. looks good.
40+ Must-See Resources And Inspirational Collections For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In March - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Handy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop | How-To | Smashing Magazine
GIMP is the favorite graphics editing program of many designers and graphic artists. It is free and compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux (the two big reasons for its popularity). It has a wide array
A few handy tips on making Gimp a bit more usable.
how to make GIMP behave like photoshop ... notes about plug ins, layers, etc.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Old Gadgets - Wired How-To Wiki
Tiene unos enlaces de herramientas o algo asi para los caneles de reciclaje
A h
in case you haven't seen it already.
Lifehacker - A Master List of Free Online Language Lessons - Language
Open Culture has a comprehensive list of totally free resources for anyone looking to learn a language though audio files. Whether you're brushing up your Yiddish or delving into Dutch, you'll find a free feed here.
questions hunch
What is Hunch? Hunch is a decision-making tool that's customized for you. After asking you 10 questions or less, Hunch will provide a concrete result for decisions of every kind. Because Hunch is powered by user input, it gets smarter each time someone contributes to it.
8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs | CSS | Smashing Magazine
100+ Massive CSS Toolbox | CSS Tools | Tools
Kids.Net.Au - Search engine for kids, children, parents, educators and teachers - Searching sites designed for kids that are child safe. Includes a Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Toy Store.
Search engine for kids, children, parents, educators and teachers - Searching sites designed for kids that are child safe. Includes a Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Toy Store.
Kid sites and info good for kids and educators
Analysis: Which URL Shortening Service Should You Use?
Interesting analysis on URL shortening services. Good recommendations.
Which is the best to use, when so many are offered and new ones seem to appear each day?
29 Web Design Blogs You Must Follow | [Re]
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to. The web design industry is always changing, so as a web designer, it is important to always be ahead of the curve. These blogs are always coming up with cutting edge new ideas and providing free tools for web designers such as wordpress themes, templates and icon designs. Follow them on RSS or check them out on Twitter.
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to.
Blogs com assuntos relevantes para o webdesign
10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques
8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs
14 Incredibly Useful Web Design Cheat Sheets
web design cheat sheets
A useful set of cheat sheets for web designers.
20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tuts for Everyday Project | Noupe
25 Rare Wordpress Templates 2009
45 Amazing Type Faces - Typographic Portraits | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Beer! - a set on Flickr
vintage beer cans
Il set di birre vintage ritratte e raccolte da Lance Wilson
Photos de canettes de bière du monde entier.
Collection de 163 packshots de canettes de bière
Adobe AIR Developer's Toolbox: Resources And Tutorials | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Are you an AIR developer? Then you are going to WANT to check out this incredible list of AIR aids
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Your website is designed, the CMS works, content has been added and the client is happy. It’s time to take the website live. Or is
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
12 Excellent And Useful Design Process Tutorials @ SmashingApps
12 Excellent And Useful Design Process Tutorials @ SmashingApps -
12 Excellent And Useful Design Process Tutorials
Nolo: Law Books, Legal Forms and Legal Software
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
Diseño de sitios web
10 papers you need to read | Science for SEO
This is a list of my top 10 freely available papers on the topic of information retrieval. You will notice that they are rather old, but the techniques used described and the findings are not always dated. Those that dated are important nonetheless because they provide a good foundation to understanding why things are as they are in information retrieval these days.
The Best of Instructables Volume 1 (The Online Edition)
The Best of Instructables Volume 1 Instructables is a place where artists, bicyclists, crafters, engineers, modders, co...
30 high-quality free fonts for professional designs | Design daily news
30 high-quality free fonts for professional designs!!!!
Even though you’ll have to pay for the best fonts, like Helvetica or Univers, the web is full of quality fonts that are perfectly suitable for professional design work. The fonts are classified to make the page easier to scan. Sans-serif fonts 1. Miso miso 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 2. Quicksand quicksand 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 3. Com4t Fine Regular com4t fine regular 4. Alte Haas Grotesk alte haas grotesk 5. Comfortaa comfortaa 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 6. Museo Sans museo sans 7. 078MKSD Medium Condensed 078mksd medium condensed 8. Mayberry Pro Semi-Bold mayberry 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 9. SpecialK specialk 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs Semi-Serif fonts 10. Museo Semi-Serif museo semi-serif 11. Gauntlet gauntlet 30 high quality free fonts for professional designs 12. Fertigo Pro fertigo pro 13. Inconsolata inconsolata 30 high quality free font
30 fonts
Even though you'll have to pay for the best fonts, like Helvetica or Univers, the web is full of quality fonts that are perfectly suitable for professional
Programmer Competency Matrix | IndianGeek
Basic sorting, searching and data structure traversal and retrieval algorithms
pretty cool
Sorting Algorithm Animations
Django Best Practices — Django Best Practices
Django Best Practices This is a living document of best practices in developing and deploying with the Django Web framework. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices we’ve honed after years of working with the framework. It is a fork of the great django-reusable-app-docs project started by Brian Rosner and Eric Holscher regarding best practices for writing and maintaining reusable Django apps.
qw-cheatsheet-print-zoom.jpg (JPEG Image, 660x728 pixels)
just in case you happen to go back in time and want to be awesome
Classic Mistakes Enumerated
Classic mistakes in development and team leadership
#34: Overestimated savings from new tools or methods. Organizations seldom improve their productivity in giant leaps, no matter how good or how many new tools or methods they adopt. Be
Some ineffective development practices have been chosen so often, by so many people, with such predictable, bad results that they deserve to be called "classic mistakes." Most of the mistakes have a seductive appeal. Do you need to rescue a project that's behind schedule? Add more people! Do you want to reduce your schedule? Schedule more aggressively! Is one of your key contributors aggravating the rest of the team? Wait until the end of the project to fire him! Do you have a rush project to complete? Take whatever developers are available right now and get started as soon as possible!
The Art of CSS Positioning Warm welcomes to our very first guest poster Rob MacKay! CSS Positioning is one thing I used to struggle with, hopefully I can help you understand how positioning works and what it’s affected by, and iron out some of those kinks.
etween browsers where elements vanish, don’t show or are a few pixels out of alignment, it’s normally because you are guilty of using margin and padding for positioning
CSS Positioning is one thing I used to struggle with, hopefully I can help you understand how positioning works and what it’s affected by, and iron out some of those kinks.
The Art of CSS Positioning
All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets
Good list of cheat sheets
10 Special Purpose Linux Distributions |
algunas distros especializadas de linux
無料で読めるLinux本ベスト20 - YAMDAS現更新履歴
More Linux tips every geek should know | TuxRadar
If you've already read and memorised our "Linux tips every geek should know" and "20 all-new tips for KDE 4.2" features, we've picked out 50 more Linux desktop tips for you to enjoy.
50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice -
criticism of 'The Element of Style'
Eloquent rant against Strunk & White.
'The Elements of Style does not deserve the enormous esteem in which it is held by American college graduates. Its advice ranges from limp platitudes to inconsistent nonsense. Its enormous influence has not improved American students' grasp of English grammar; it has significantly degraded it.'
HA! On the other hand I would strongly recommend reading a book whose style is intentionally derived from this one: 'The Elements of Programming Style' by Kernighan and Plauger. Yes, *that* B.Kernighan.
Kunsten å koke et egg | Populærkjemi fra Kjemisk Institutt | UiO
Äggkokning med hjälp av Kjemisk institutt UiO
cooking the perfect egg: lay eggs in cooking water and use the time-generator to get the time.
Wie man ein Ei kocht.
Selezionare la circonferenza (?) dell'uovo), come si vuole il tuorlo, la temperatura a cui è, a quanti metri sul livello del mare ci troviamo...
Name that Color - Chirag Mehta :
Chirag Mehta - Personal Web Log - 'blog - Chime Softwares - Indian Blogger live from Saint Petersburg, Florida, St. Pete, FL
Color picker - the cool part is the inclusion of a long list of color names and the 'closest' named color from the list is shown against your color. You can also pick a color by name and it will display.
Best free services online | Ask Metafilter
The Tools Artists Use
What are some of your favorite drawing tools (pens, pencils, markers, drawing tablet, all of the above)? I love pens
entrevistas art ferramentas
The Tools Artists Use interviews artists from a variety of disciplines to highlight the tools and materials used in creating their art.
para ilustradores... em ingles
20 registry hacks to make your PC more awesome | News | TechRadar UK
Different registry tweaks to do random things. Encryption etc.
Feature Column from the AMS
A nice refresher for Bézier curves
Easter Shortcuts: 30 Fascinating Mac Tips « AppStorm
The Mother of All Lists - 600+ Lists On Anything You Can Think Of | MyMarketer
Categories: Animals, Art, Blogging, Books, Business, Crafts, Design, eCommerce, Education, Email, Employment, Entertainment, Environment, Exercise, Family,
20 Best jQuery Tutorials - March 2009 | AjaxLine
Top 10 Myths About Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
takes time to load.... but versatile views
click and roll over for pop stats of any region in the world
International comparisons of economies and societies tend to be undertaken at the country level; statistics refer to gross national product, for example, while health and education levels tend similarly to be measured and debated in national terms. However, economic performance and social indicators can vary within countries every bit as much as they do between countries. Understanding the differences and similarities in regional economic structures is essential for designing effective strategies which improve regional competitiveness and in turn increase sustainable national growth. Regions in OECD countries are classified on two territorial levels to facilitate greater comparability of regions at the same territorial level. The higher level (TL2) consists of 335 large regions. All the regions are defined within national borders and in most of the cases correspond to administrative regions.
いろいろな色の名前が分かるサイト色々 | コリス
各国の伝統色 日本、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、ギリシャ、フランスなど
70+ Practical Cheat Sheats For Web Designers And Developers
Great cheat sheets for some of the key areas in dreamweaver, css, javascript, mysql, python... etc
10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks - Business Center - PC World
50 Sites That Will Help You To Become a Better Designer | Dzine Blog
Lista com sites úteis para buscar referências de dsign web.
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
Looking for a customer service number? will get you there FAST!
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Every freelancer needs clients. We rely on them, nurture our relationships with them, and provide a quality of service that keeps then coming back. And we can never have enough of them! The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has one purpose: to massively increase your source of potential clients and potential jobs. This list, like Isaac Newton, stands on the shoulders of giants. The original Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has been valuable and much visited since April 2007. Your hundreds of comments have greatly added to its value. This list is a thorough update, removing dead links, adding new sites, and taking on board many of the suggestions from your comments.
Details of the different types of jobs.
The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
8 Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces « Usability Post
Good reference material on UIs. It's an often overlooked aspect to good design.
Tips and insights into good design and usability.
jQuery selectors and attribute selectors reference and examples | Pamaya - Web Design & Development North Wales - Software Development, Graphic Design and Branding
jQuery selectors and attribute selectors reference and examples
jQuery selectors and attribute selectors are some of the best features jQuery has to offer when it comes to DOM manipulation. Read this article to view a full table with examples.
The following table lists the different methods you have available to you to select nodes when using jQuery. All of the listed selectors should be wrapped in the following to stop your jQuery scripts conflicting with other libraries:
WallStatsDATlarge.jpg (JPEG Image, 3500x2334 pixels)
cool visual on where tax dollars are spent
The Best Niche Social Media News Sites Right Now | 10e20 Blog
The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).
Chris Winfield - Niche sites that will send traffic with good content
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for this list so I decided to put it here. The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).
Coding Horror: The Eight Levels of Programmers
via @indrayam FF post
프로그래머에 관한 이야기
Home › The Personal Web Design Degree
Great strides have been made towards teaching web development, but what about design? The personal web design degree is an open edu
Great strides have been made towards teaching web development, but what about design? The personal web design degree is an open education curriculum that teaches both beginning web designers and seasoned print designers design within the context of the web.
Personal Web Design Degree
デザインを魅力的なものにする、シンプルな10個のテクニック | コリス
web design tips
145 new quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
145 new quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
"tagged cheat sheet links"
25 Places to Find Awesome Stock Photos — Free and Cheap! | Design Links | Tutorial Blog
Looking for stock photos? Check this post for oodles of resources.
40 Amazing Online Photography Magazines | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Photogs, take note.
Main Page - MobileDesign
Mobile UI design resources, patterns, devices, and so forth.
8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs • Blog Archive • AisleOne
I wrote this article for Smashing Magazine and it was published last Friday on their site. I'm re-publishing it here for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.
Main Page - ActionScriptWiki
Perfonmance tips on AS3
Welcome to the ActionScript Wiki. The ActionScript Wiki contains information about ActionScript optimizations, data structures and code snippets.
Amateur Snapper | Photography tips, tricks and tutorials
Hive Five: Five Best Linux Distributions
There are many, many Linux distributions, and a lot of unique reasons to like them. Read on to see which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date.
Herman Miller
a crowd sourcing site, in beta, which aims to answer tricky and interesting questions, so getting a feel for the view of the crowd. useful thing to try and do, very odd site design, unfriendly and unclear but arty!! not tried it but watch this space....
Herman Millers ThoughtPile application, bundling user generated ideas on new topics every day.
Sonatype Blog » Summary of Maven How-Tos
Summary of Maven How-Tos
10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
100+ Massive Wordpress Tutorial Collection | tripwire magazine
100+ Massive Wordpress Tutorial Collection
In this article tripwire magazine provides one of the most comprehensive compilations of Tutorials for Wordpress. The article is mainly focused on version 2.7+ but most resources will be relevant for earlier versions as well. Wordpress is without discussion one of the most popular blogging and publishing platforms ever. Mastering both simple and advanced Wordpress techniques will enable you to create blog solutions that are highly accessible and attractive to your target audience. Read on and take control over Wordpress.
In this article tripwire magazine provides one of the most comprehensive compilations of Tutorials for Wordpress : search craigslist like a madman
coolest craigslist search ever! : search craigslist like a madman
World Digital Library Home
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Opened in April 2009
Ruby on Rails Documentation
Search for Recipes by Ingredient - Recipe Puppy
thanks to lifehacker for this link
Search engine for finding recipes based on what you have in the house!
retinart - The Grammar Cheat Sheet
win some bar bets
thoughts on graphic design, creativity and beauty
101 Examples of Text Treatments on the Web | Webdesigner Depot
Text Web Design
64 Things Every Geek Should Know -
What is Vertical Align?
Web Design
CSS has a property called vertical align. It can be a bit confusing when you first learn about it, so I thought we could go through it’s use a little bit. The basic usage is like this:
Lifehacker - Six Ways You Should Be Using Twitter (that Don't Involve Breakfast) - Feature
Twitter has become a nationwide phenomenon, and like any phenom, all the Twitter talk grows quickly tiresome. But despite what you may think, Twitter isn't just for narcissists; it's actually insanely useful.
Welcome to the Tricki | Tricki
Wiki-style site that is intended to develop into a large store of useful mathematical problem-solving techniques. :: Vim regexes are awesome
Some good regex tips for vim. Via @sam_stokes
Página Inicial da Biblioteca Digital Mundial
Biblioteca digital mundial :: UNESCO
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
derwiki - What I Wish I Had Known About Developing C/C++ From Linux Before I Started
64 Things Every Geek Should Know
pagina interesante sobre tecnologia
Creating Consistently Colorful User Experiences: Part 1, Theory | UX Booth
10 Principles of the Logo Design Masters - Vectortuts+
15 Favorite E-Books for Web Design and Development | TutorialFeed
Lifehacker - Essential Tools for Starting Up Your Side Business - Entrepreneurial
Tagline Guru • List of Slogans
Better by Adobe.
"Copyright for Educators," is designed to help educators learn about Fair Use and what they can and can't do within the category of, "Teaching" in the Copyright Act.
A site with streaming videos and downloadable checklists for copyright and Fair Use
Under the Copyright Act, there is nothing more intriguing and exciting for educators than Fair Use. Fair Use is the concept that if you are doing something for the greater good of society, like teaching, then your needs supersede the ownership rights of the copyright holder under the Copyright Act. Teachers, and by association, students, can legally use music, websites, video, print, images, and the whole realm of copyrighted materials for the purposes of teaching.
50+ Ruby-related Blogs to Read | RubyLearning Blog
RubyLearning Blog
Lifehacker - Top 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu
Google Translate
Google's free online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages. This translator supports: English, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
JavaScript for hackers - Opera Developer Community
Introduction I love to use JavaScript in unexpected ways, to create code that looks like it shouldn't work but does, or produces some unexpected behavior. This may sound trivial, but the results I've found lead to some very useful techniques. Each of the techniques described can be used for XSS filter evasion, which was my original intention when developing them. However, learning such JavaScript can dramatically increase your knowledge of the language, helping you become better at cleaning up input, and increase web application security. So read on and enjoy my weird and wonderful JavaScript hacks. RegExp replace can execute code When using regular expressions with replace the second argument supports a function assignment. In Opera it seems you can use this argument to execute code. For example, check out the code snippet below: 'XSS'.replace(/XSS/g,alert) This results in alert('XSS'); this works because the match from the RegExp is passed to the alert function as an argument. N
I love to use JavaScript in unexpected ways, to create code that looks like it shouldn't work but does, or produces some unexpected behavior. This may sound trivial, but the results I've found lead to some very useful techniques. Each of the techniques described can be used for XSS filter evasion, which was my original intention when developing them. However, learning such JavaScript can dramatically increase your knowledge of the language, helping you become better at cleaning up input, and increase web application security.
DrupalCon DC 2009 Videos |
DrupalCon DC 2009 Video
Annotated link
The WHATWG Blog » Blog Archive » The Road to HTML 5: Link Relations
Some good information here about how to describe links in you webpage. Most of them aren't implemented yet, but may be worth adding for forward compatibility.
Welcome back to my semi-regular column, "The Road to HTML 5," where I'll try to explain some of the new elements, attributes, and other features in the upcoming HTML 5 specification.
Regular links (<a href>) simply point to another page. Link relations are a way to explain why you're pointing to another page. They finish the sentence "I'm pointing to this other page because..."
A refrence article about HTML5 Link Relations.
50 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Brain’s Performance | Best Online Colleges
Even if you think you’re pretty smart or have a good memory, your brain is begging you to work it to its full potential. Getting stuck in the same routine, never exercising and eating junk food are all brain killers that decrease good cognitive function and increase your chances of memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s. But with these 50 tips and ideas for flexing your brain power, you’ll be able to boost performance right now and in the future. | revolution in the streets!
ugh lots of fun shit to read when i'm being a goth etc.
Dead At Your Age – Deaths of interesting people at your age
Congratulations! You've just outlived some interesting people. Tell us your date of birth, and we'll tell you who they were.
The Lazy Rule of Thirds | Whimsical Fashion Photography
photo theory
it is echoed
World Digital Library
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Sammlung digitalisierter historischer Dokumente
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Das Digitalisierungsprojekt der UNESCO hat Material aus einer Vielzahl renommierter Bibliotheken, Schriftensammlungen und Archiven aus der ganzen Welt versammelt. "Das kollektive Gedächtnis der Menschheit bewahren und das interkulturelle Verständnis fördern" ist das Ziel dieses Projekts
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress
12 Content Management Systems Recommended by Readers
Los lectores de la revista en línea DesginMag recomiendan estos sistemas para administrar el contenido de un sitio web ya sea para blog, comercio electrónico, portal, etc. Muy buenas recomendaciones.
Ajaxian » CSS Browser Hacks
CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Swine Influenza (Flu)
28 cases
"Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been identified in the United States. Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection also have been identified internationally. The current U.S. case count is provided below."
Quis Nostrud
Tutorials for learning the JavaScript language.
Collection of simple JS tutorials
Chapter 1 * Hello World (1.1.html) * Writing to the document window (1.2.html) * Striped Tables (1.3.html) Chapter 2 * Using a variable (2.1.html) * Using a variable, part II (2.2.html) * Creating Arrays (2.3.html) * Array Methods Test Page Chapter 3 * Using conditional statements (3.1.html) * A basic function (3.2.html) * A simple quiz (3.3.html) * Do/While Loop Chapter 4 * Today's date (4.1.html) * Date to String Script * Print Current Time * Regular Expression Tester * Sample Regular Expressions Chapter 5 * A simple quiz revisited (5.1.html) * jQuery Enhanced Headlines (5.2.html) * Auto Pull-Quotes (5.3.html) * jQuery Selectors Test Bed * jQuery Content Functions Test Bed Chapter 6 * Striped tables with rollover (6.1.html) * One page FAQ (6.2.html) * Events Test Bed Chapter 7 * Image Rollovers (7.1.html) * Photo Gallery (7.2.html) * Photo Gallery -- Advanced (7.2.
The 10 Coolest Foreign Words The English Language Needs |
Have you ever blurted out, "Wow, that guy is just" and then were left floundering with nothing to say? Well, it's not always your fault. English doesn't have words for every situation, or even the ones that happen every damned day. Fortunately, other languages usually do. And since we already borrow words from them (just recently we've taken "schadenfreude," the German word for pleasure in someone else's misfortune) here's a few that we need to pick up right away.
How cost-effective is it to make pantry staples from scratch? - By Jennifer Reese - Slate Magazine
Although I love to cook, I've always secretly, darkly, suspected it is costlier to craft at home what you can buy at Ralph's. Obviously, homemade bread tastes better than Wonder, but does playing Martha Stewart really save you money? While packaged food is
It's easy to find recipes for homemade yogurt, granola, and other common groceries, but far harder to know, cent for cent, if making them really saves money. One Slate writer did the math for us. Jennifer Reese is a dedicated home cook, but was suspicious that there were some home recipes on which she couldn't beat the big-time manufacturers for cost. So she tried out notable recipes for bagels, cream cheese, yogurt, jam, crackers, and granola, and compared her cost to a standard grocery store price, as well as noted how they tasted side by side. Here's Reese's revelation about Alton Brown's granola recipe pitted against even a premium brand like Bear Naked:
FACEBOOK FAIL: How to Use Facebook Privacy Settings and Avoid Disaster
Oooh. You need this handy guide from mashable!
Ubuntu brings advanced Screen features to the masses - Ars Technica
Transparent generering av konfigurationsfiler är rätt metod att överbygga svårigheter, inte att skriva dum-GUI:n som abstraherar bort allt under dem! Trappor, inte teleportrar!
Great intro to screen for those who have never really mastered its use.
Paul Irish » Browser-specific CSS hacks
I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe.
"I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe."
The Art of Crafting Beautiful Stylesheets «
Erik Spiekermann’s Typo Tips | The FontFeed
The FontFeed is a daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world. Eat up.
With the inven­tion of “desk­top pub­lish­ing”, design­ers found them­selves set­ting type on their com­put­ers for the first time. Until then, they had made type spec­i­fi­ca­tions for type­set­ters and left the job up to the pro­fes­sion­als. As a result, you can still see clas­sic inac­cu­ra­cies in type­set­ting, even in top-​quality printed matter. Here you will find some tips from Erik Spiek­er­mann, designer of FF Meta®, Meta Design founder, co-​author of “Stop Steal­ing Sheep”, and a FontShop founder, which will pre­vent some of the more obvi­ous blun­ders.
Succinct and useful typography guidelines for everyone laying pixels on the web. Read the comments for the back and forth over the “padded en” vs the em dash. Is the em dash dying?
50+ Promising Collection Of Resources And Inspirations For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In April @ SmashingApps
sobre diseño web y diseño de imagenes
tutoriais úteis
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers - Packing list generator
Packwhiz will generate a comprehensive custom list based on your destination, means of transportation, type of accommodation, etc. Just pull out a suitcase and start packing. Your to-do list will even include a reminder to take out the trash, so that you can go on and leave the house all confident that this time you did not forget a thing
Packing list generator
Generates packing lists!
Entrepreneur interviews you must listen to :
7 Ways to Build Trust on a Portfolio Site
7 Ways to Build Trust on a Portfolio Site
In the Woods - Examples and Tips for Great HTML/CSS Formatting
Examples and Tips
RT @IsaacVanName: Examples and #Tips for Great #HTML/#CSS #Formatting (via @rilwis) [from]
An overlooked aspect of websites is the formatting of HTML and CSS documents. This affects validation, SEO, and visual ease of use. Visual ease of use is the last thing most authors tend to keep in mind, but it’s still very important.
一日で学ぶ jQuery ( ラボブログ )
10 Great CSS Selectors you must know | TutorialFeed
Explicación de los diferentes opciones css. Sencillos y claros ejemplos. Eso sí, en perfecto inglés...
10 Great CSS Selectors you must know!!!!!! <----
The Manuals - Free Manuals Online
5.770.000 Free Manuals !
The Manuals - Free Manuals Online
motore di ricerca per trovare in rete manuali scaricabili gratuitamente
Alternatives to SQL Databases []
Traditional SQL databases with "ACID" properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) give strong guarantees about what happens when data is stored and retrieved. These guarantees make it easier for application developers, freeing them from thinking about exactly how the data is stored and indexed, or even which database is running. However, these guarantees come with a cost.
WU Essential 30-Part Guide to Abandoned Places | WebUrbanist
WebUrbanist has covered everything from abandoned wonders of the world to the illicit art of exploring deserted places. These thirty-three core articles cover hundreds of abandoned buildings, vehicles, towns and cities from around the world - highly organized, summarized and collected for the very first time. Consider this our must-bookmark essential guide to the world of haunting abandoned places and daring urban exploration. 7 Abandoned Wonders of America (Part Two - Part Three): Most Americans don’t realize just how close their nearest abandonment might be. Some of these remarkable abandoned buildings and places - from prisons and asylums to entire islands - may be closer than you think. 7 Abandoned Wonders of the European Union: While American abandonments are impressive, European ones can be even more so. Some of them have long pasts and beautiful spaces filled with intrigue and many played critical roles during pivotal points of world history. 7 Abandoned Wonders of the Former
9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design - Psdtuts+
Make sure you scroll down.
Buyer's Guide (time-ordered) - Mac Guides
This page provides a product summary for each Apple model, ordered by the amount of time that has past since its last update, relative to the average amount of time that has passed between previous updates to that model, historically. The intent is to clearly indicate which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months.
which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months
Learn how to make a screenshot /
Great explanation for taking a screenshot of the computer screen.
PLOT: Table of Contents
“Programming Language for Old Timers (PLOT) is a new dialect of Lisp designed by Dave Moon in February 2006, and thoroughly revised and simplified November 2007 and March 2008. I have been developing PLOT as a hobby, with the idea of for once having a programming language which does everything the right way. You know it is right when both simplicity and power are maximized, while at the same time confusion and the need for kludges are minimized.”
A LISP-style programming language by David A. Moon.
Notable features: - structural macros
The Many Uses of Vodka
Oh, I am so making a vodka face toner.
#16. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the urushiol oil from your skin.
Some good tips in here
Interesting uses Edition
iPhone Dev 101: Useful Cocoa Development Resources
The Effective Strategy For Choosing Right Domain Names | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Naming is linguistic design, and a good domain name is an important part of the overall design of a website. A name plays a prominent role when people discover, remember, think about, talk about, search for, or navigate to a website. It establishes a theme for the branding of a website before people even visit it for the first time. Coming up with a good domain name requires a combination of strategy, imagination and good linguistic design practice. You’ll find some basic pieces of advice all over the Web, and it’s worth mentioning those right away. Ideally, your domain name should be: * Short * Catchy and memorable, * Easy to pronounce, * Easy to spell, * Not too similar to competing domain names, * Not a violation of someone else’s trademark.
Blue Screen of Death Survival Guide: Every Error Explained | Maximum PC
Not Again: 24 Great Films Too Painful To Watch Twice | Film | A.V. Club,2048/
How cost-effective is it to make pantry staples from scratch? - By Jennifer Reese - Slate Magazine
A writer tries to answer a question I often ask myself. Is it actually always cheaper or tastier to make your own staples?
- By Jennifer Reese - Slate Magazine
(the previous three links were from this article)
Svenska Akademiens Ordlista SAOL
Svenska akademien
svenska akademins ordlista på nätet
Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) visar hur ord stavas och böjs – och ibland hur de uttalas och vad de betyder.
Ask Lifehacker: How Do I Setup a One-Way File Sync Backup?
Mostly windows based
Anthropology: The Art of Building a Successful Social Site - ReadWriteWeb
Spolsky on how to make a successful social site
Subscribe to ReadWriteWeb * Subscribe to RWW via RSS * Follow @rww on Twitter * Join the RWW FriendFeed Room *
Coderholic » Blog Archive » Top 10 Freelance Developer Job Sites
find freelance writing work (hopfully) I must spend time here to find out more
list of freelance jobs......
Rails Boost: Rails Template Generator
Quickly and easily generate Rails 2.3 templates to get your app up, fucking fast.
This is a neat service centered around the new rails template feature.
Generate a "one-liner" that will build and configure a boot strapped Rails app! Requires Rails 2.3+
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
The gadgets you love don't always love you back—at least when it comes to battery life. But you can get more from your laptop, your iPod, your phone, and other devices with these 10 techniques. Photo by conskeptical. 10. Turn C batteries into Ds with quarters Only a few things ever need D batteries, but who has them handy when you need those things? If you've got some slightly more handy C batteries around, you only need a few quarters to turn them into makeshift Ds. You won't get the same longevity, and you'll have to part with up to $1.50 for a bit, but it works, and it might just turn you into the family hero when you rescue that seemingly useless big-lens flashlight. 9. Keep your iPod "held" and updated If you haven't hit the "Update" button since you got your iPod, old or new, fire up iTunes and do so—the newest firmware, in many cases, can boost your battery life. Once you've done that, run through Playlist Magazine's battery saving tips, which include keeping backlighting, th
The Do’s & Don’ts of Modern Web Design • Relevant, snacksized web design resources
Do's & don'ts van webdesign
Smart tricks to make you a Photoshop black belt | News | TechRadar UK
find new tricks and different ways to do things
11 Tiny and Useful Free Menubar Applications for Mac |
11 โปรแกรมฟรีมินิๆ แปะบนเมนูบาร์ของแมค
85+ of the Best Twitterers Designers Should Follow
There are thousands of designers on Twitter (Twitter reviews) tweeting about everything from ongoing projects to their personal lives. But only a small percentage of those tweet about design topics of interest to other designers and design addicts. These people cover everything from their design process to their own projects, and design resources from all over the web. Below is a list of more than 85 of those Twitterers
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Escape Mundanity
15 Wonderfully Creative Uses for PHP - Nettuts+
How to Get Started with iPhone Dev | Webdesigner Depot
List of Really Useful Tools for CSS Developers | W3Avenue
css tools
Build Your Own WordPress Themes the Easy Way
WordPress is by far one of the most favored blogging tools, and WordPress themes are certainly popular. A custom theme
Make a wordpress theme
Many Eyes: Visualization Options
Need this for class.
Finding the right way view your data is as much an art as a science. The visualizations provided on Many Eyes range from the ordinary to the experimental. We're deliberately providing a wide array of possibilities since this is an experimental site...
Finding the right way view your data is as much an art as a science. The visualizations provided on Many Eyes range from the ordinary to the experimental. We're deliberately providing a wide array of possibilities since this is an experimental site—and expect to see more soon!
cool collection of visualizations
A List Apart: Articles: Taking the Guesswork Out of Design
How a Graphic Design consultant should operate.
Creativity breathes life into successful websites. However, creative ideas and solutions can sometimes seem like guesswork—and guessing is risky business. So what can designers do to show clients they’re using a solid strategy and have the best intentions? The following exercises are a great way to start discussing and documenting aspects of design to help clients shed their fear of creativity and encourage them to join the design process.
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【コンテンツ(抜粋)】 端子名。 マクド原価一覧。 首都圏路線図。 色彩表。 靴紐の結び方。 広告関連会社の相関図。 ピザのレシピ。 天皇家系図。 3期以上存在するアニメ一覧(抜粋)2008/08/10現在。 各国の歴代首相&歴代大統領。 ゲーム機の大きさ比較。 新年金制度でもらえる年金額。 犬年齢早見表。 エロゲー声優一覧。 オーブンでエビフライの作り方。 色盲検査。 幼女強姦被害者とエロゲーの歴史。 風呂敷の包み方。 袴の着方。 ひげの名前。 ネクタイの結び方。 一分で描ける乳首の描き方。 週刊少年ジャンプアシスタント系統図Rev5.8。 オナニーの仕方でわかる性格診断。 東京拘置所の刑場図。 電脳悪魔絵師金子一馬の悪魔のドット絵講座。 髪の毛の描き方。 DV冤罪フロチャート。 都道府県ごとの自殺、老衰による死者の割合。 SEX四十八手。 牛肉の部位。 母親のためのエロ本の隠し場所。 国別ピザの人口。 浴衣の着方。 磯野家家系図。 海外で人気の日本マンガランキング200804-06米英独仏中。 救命措置の流れ(心肺蘇生法とAEDの使用)。 日、米、独、国連の道路標識の概要。
Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » Deconstructing Analysis Techniques
Analysis is that oft-glossed over, but extremely important step in the research process that sits between observation (data gathering) and our design insights or recommendations. In many respects, analysis is crucial to realizing the value of our research since good analysis can salvage something from bad research, but the converse is not so true. This is where the literature tends to fall a little silent, jumping over the analysis techniques straight to a discussion of how best to document and communicate the findings from analysis. This article seeks to begin to redress that imbalance by breaking down the analysis black box into its major sub-techniques.
Great overview of analysis techniques for any type of data
37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About | FlowingData
You might not know it, but there are actually a ton of data and visualization blogs out there. I'm a bit of a feed addict subscribing to just about anything with a chart or a mention of statistics on it (and naturally have to do some feed-cleaning every now and then). In a follow up to my short list last year, here are the data-ish blogs, some old and some new, that continue to post interesting stuff.
100 Best iPhone Apps for Serious Self-Learners - Learn-gasm
Those who constantly strive to learn more from the world around them, who can’t pass up an opportunity to pour over a book or dictionary, or who take classes just to learn a bit more are a special breed. For those with an iPhone, the chances for learning just got a lot greater. No matter if you love literature, science, nature, arts, foreign languages and travel, medicine, or Christian studies, there are apps that will enhance your ability to expand your knowledge base.
iphone apps education tools learning
The Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs? : : ProofHQ - Product Blog
mejores blogs de diseño grafico
FPO: For Print Only
20 CSS Short Hands You'll Love
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
cs252r Record
Advanced Functional Programming - Fall 2006
These pages are a record of the in-class discussions for the graduate class "Advanced Functional Programming" given at Harvard University in the Fall of 2006.
The Ultimate Mac Setup for Web Designers (60 Apps) « AppStorm
There’s little doubt that OS X is a popular platform for web designers - it offers an enormous range of software for designing, managing, developing and publishing websites. Whether you prefer to use an all-in-one environment for designing websites or a range of different applications, there’s a tool to suit you perfectly.
Much of the software covered is fairly multi-purpose, suited to a variety of tasks.
53 Mind-blowing Uses of Typography - Psdtuts+
Crucial Concepts Behind Advanced Regular Expressions | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Pictures of Animals -- Animal Photos!
animal photos
Internet Memes
An interactive view of the all the memes that swept across the internet and burrowed in our zeitgeist. Built from Wikipedia and Memelabs, open for you to add and maintain.
Timeline of internet memes
Dancing Baby, Susan Boyle, etc.絶対入れたいFirefoxアドオン最強50選
Saving Money: 112 Ways To Save Money
From the Desk of David Pogue - Pogue’s Photography Tips and Tricks -
David Pogue’s list of “The Best Photography Tricks of All Time.”
Konami Code Sites
Konami Code Sites
Facebook's is awesome
up up, down down... you know the rest
jQuery Cheat Sheet
Html and Xhtml cheat sheets | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Half an Hour: Blogs in Education
An article Stephen Downes is/was preparing for submission to a forthcoming STRIDE handbook for The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
What is a blog? Why use blogs in education? How to use blogging in Learning?
What is a Blog?Definition, good practices, ... For education purpose.
Stephen Downes
A blog is a personal website that contains content organized like a journal or a diary. Each entry is dated, and the entries are displayed on the web page in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent entry is posted at the top. Readers catch up with blogs by starting at the top and reading down until they encounter material they’re already read. Though blogs are typically thought of as personal journals, there is no limit to what may be covered in a blog. It is common for people to write blogs to describe their work, their hobbies, their pets, social and political issues, or news and current events. And while blogs are typically the work of one individual, blogs combining contributions of several people, ‘group blogs’, are also popular.
Why and how to use blogs in the classroom.
Neighborhoods - Mapping L.A. - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times
know your LA hoods
Mapping LAs neighborhoods
100 Awesome Blogs By Some of the World’s Smartest People | Online
50+ Excellent Posters about Design | Design was here
An excellent poster on our wall would certainly catch our attention and even inspire us. For the design aspect of us here’s a collection of excellent of excellent posters that most likely you would like to be hanged on your wall and also suit your taste buds for design. The posters mostly tells what Design is about on their personal views and how they apply it on their daily lives. I’ve spent a few hours gathering these excellent posters to share to everyone. I hope you’ll find them inspirational for yourselves as well, and maybe create one of your own and share it to us.
An excellent poster on our wall would certainly catch our attention and even inspire us. For the design aspect of us here’s a collection of excellent of excellent posters that most likely you would like to be hanged on your wall and also suit your taste buds for design.
Literary Tweets: 100+ of the Best Authors on Twitter
There are Twitter users covering virtually every niche out there. Authors are no exception. Here are over 100 writers who are active on the service.
Typographic Lock-ups & Enclosures | Type Theory
Type Theory is a journal of contemporary typography featuring news, views, reviews and interviews.
logo designer, good ideas etc.
Flash vs. Silverlight: What Suits Your Needs Best? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A detailed comparison of Flash and Silverlight with good explanations of the technology.
smashing magazine
The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media.: The Social Path
Envy: Don’t be dissuaded by other people “doing it better than you.” I don't actually think it is Envy, but more of a lack of self-worth / perfectionism, at least among the Indies that I know. But I guess that wouldn't fit into a 7 Deadly Sins list.
The Geography of a Recession - Interactive Graphic -
The Ultimate Guide to .htaccess Files - Nettuts+
Minden, amit tudni szerettél volna a .htaccess-ről, de sosem merted megkérdezni
Best sites online to watch movies for free
The Internet may have killed the music industry, but a handful of companies are stepping in to guarantee that the same fate doesn't befall the film industry. It's a simple formula: offer top quality streaming for free or low cost with minimal advertising and the experience is much more pleasurable than pirating.
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - PSDTUTS
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop
Creating a Touching Story Scene in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ -
Presentation Zen: Making presentations in the TED style
Making presentations in the TED style
22 Extremely Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets
iconos x rev
Free Programming Books
Septivium - Ask MetaFilter’s best introductory books
To a variety of fields, for laypeople
Photoshop: Learn a New Photoshop Trick with VunkySearch
50 Best Sites To Get Design Inspiration | Dzine Blog
has also links for many good sites on right side
25 One Page Portfolio Websites of Designers on Twitter | The Design Cubicle
Your Rights: How To Report Merchants For Requiring A Minimum Purchase Or Making You Show ID
Stores are violating their contract with the credit card companies if they set minimum or maximum charges, or force you to show ID in addition to your credit card (with the obvious exception being for age-limited purchases). Depending on your state and your card issuer, surcharges or "convenience fees" may be banned as well. The best way to straighten these guys out is to report them to the credit card company. [US Info]
So awesome.
ant must not require, or post signs indicating that it requires, a minimum or maximum transaction ammount to accept a
Apparently it's against Visa's policy to require ID.
The Journalist's Guide to Twitter
30 HTML Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
By and large, an excellent article.
good list
30 HTML Best Practices for Beginners
ColoRotate: Home
Very nice flash tool for playing with colour pallets, beautiful user interface. I haven't played with it much yet, but it's definitely an interesting approach. Looking forward to the release of the CS4 plugins later this year.
Why Does Clean Markup Matter in Web Design? | Webdesigner Depot
14 Great Photography Tips, Tutorials and Videos From Around the Web
From Around the Web
14 Great Photography Tips, Tutorials and Videos From Around the Web
Usability.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful Usability Cheat Sheets & Checklists — Best Web Design Schools
Is your Web site primed for any viewer? How do you know? The nicest thing about a usable Web site is that it’s just a good thing to do for others so they can easily read your online information. The other side to usability is that it can increase your search engine standings so more people can find your Web site. The following list of cheat sheets and checklists are fairly recent; however, some older usability checklists are useful for older sites that haven’t been upgraded. You can find cheat sheets and checklists for forms, blogs and more below, all listed in alphabetical order. 1. 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website: Use this Smashing Magazine list to double-check your site’s usability before you launch. 2. 15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of: This list of usability papers in PDF format will put you well ahead of the pack. 3. 25-point Website Usability Checklist: A concise list of checkpoints to make sure your site is usable. 4. Checklist for Us
Wordpress Function/Tag Lookup Tool
Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast | WPLookup
»Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast«: eine webbasierte Suchfunktion für das WordPress-API. Sehr nützlich.
WPLookup is just a simple WordPress theme/plugin development tool for finding the documentation you want quickly.
Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast
23 Useful Ruby 1.9 Links and Resources
It's approaching two weeks now since Ruby 1.9.1 was released, bringing with it not only a whole stack of extra performance and a new VM, but also a lot of compatibility issues. No pain, no gain! Thankfully, the Ruby community in its typical way has got to blogging, writing scripts, and what not, resulting in a flurry of useful links and resources for those brave enough to test the Ruby 1.9.1 waters. So here come 23 useful Ruby 1.9.1 links and resources! If you have any others you wish to add, please leave a comment as people will be checking those out too.
75+ Truly Remarkable Typography Resources | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
links a varios recirsos de tipografia
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Recapture the web's brain-expanding potential with these free resources for educating yourself online.
Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
40 Most Useful Travel Websites That Can Save You a Fortune | Wise Bread
Wise Bread
Traveling doesn't have to break the bank (in fact, you can travel for free), and there are plenty of places that'll help you find the best vacation for your budget. Get discounts and the insider scoop with these great resources. Don't forget to ask for free travel upgrades.
あなたのLinuxマシンをセキュアにするために知っておくべきiptablesのルール10選 - IT業界を - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20389167,00.htm
- IT業界を - ZDNet Japan
Help:Wikipedia: The Missing Manual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the wiki manual
Help:Wikipedia: The Missing Manual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The full text of the O'Reilly book
everything you wanted to know about creating wikipedia pages!
By John Broughton. The first printing of the first edition of the book Wikipedia: The Missing Manual is now (January 25, 2009) also a set of wiki pages in the Help: namespace of Wikipedia.
Designers Toolbox: Proof Reading Marks
A little list of proofreading marks that could come in handy.
Proof Reading Marks
Hivelogic - Top 10 Programming Fonts
Top 10 Programming Fonts
Here’s a round-up of the top 10 readily-available monospace fonts for your coding enjoyment, with descriptions, visual examples and samples, and download links for each.
list of fonts
Dan Benjamin's top 10 list of monospace fonts for development
jQuery vs MooTools: Choosing Between Two Great JavaScript Frameworks
Interessante Gegenüberstellung der unterschiedlichen Konzepte beider Bibliotheken.
Django tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering |
Django tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering
It's a clever solution because you end up defining what doesn't get cached instead of what does get cached.
The Git Parable
Uma história para descrever o funcionamento interno do Git
simple, but extremely powerful system. Most people try to teach Git by demonstrating a few dozen commands and then yelling “tadaaaaa.” I believe this method is flawed. Such a treatment may leave you with the ability to use Git to perform simple tasks, but the Git commands will still feel like magical incantations. Doing anything out of the ordinary will be terrifying. Until you understand the concepts upon which Git is built, you’ll feel like a stranger in a foreign land.
"The following parable will take you on a journey through the creation of a Git-like system from the ground up. Understanding the concepts presented here will be the most valuable thing you can do to prepare yourself to harness the full power of Git. The concepts themselves are quite simple, but allow for an amazing wealth of functionality to spring into existence. Read this parable all the way through and you should have very little trouble mastering the various Git commands and wielding the awesome power that Git makes available to you."
'The following parable will take you on a journey through the creation of a Git-like system from the ground up.'
Ultimate Drupal Tutorial Collection | Mogdesign
Tutti parlano bene di Drupal, però continuano a usare Wordpress. Forse un giorno sarà il caso di andare a vedere cosa c'è di reale in Drupal e per quali applicazioni è realmente adatto.
50 Excellent Circular Logos | Webdesigner Depot
1741723.gif (GIF Image, 1415x2000 pixels)
List of Really Useful Free Tools For JavaScript Developers | W3Avenue
List of Really Useful Free Tools For JavaScript Developers
Nice collection of tools for Javascript Development.
15 Terminal commands to supercharge OS X | News | TechRadar UK
10 Best CSS Practices to Improve Your Code | Webdesigner Depot
10 boas práticas em CSS!!!
Writing clean, super-manageable CSS is simple when you start off on the right foot and make your code easier to maintain and edit later on. Here are 11 tips for speeding up the process, writing CSS that is slimmer, faster and less likely to give you a headache.
InfoQ: Recommended TDD Tutorials
Recommended TDD Tutorials
Recently, Dave Nicolette consolidated a list of recommended TDD tutorials from a discussion on the Extreme Programming group. Here is a sneak peak at the consolidated list with categorization for quickly getting started with Test Driven Development.
Programming Scala
NOOP.NL: Social Media Blogs Top 200
Well, here it is... the Social Media Blogs Top 200. Forget the AdAge Power 150, forget BlogRank's Top 100 Blogs, forget eCairn's Top 150 Blogs, and forget WinningTheWeb IM Top Blogs. This is the real thing. The best list of...
Vim Recipes: Table of Contents
Vim tutorial
definition of Twitter-tags, what do they mean?
Ever seen a hashtag on Twitter, and wondered what it is all about? Now you can look it up, and cast your vote on the definitions. And if you don't like the definitions, or none exists, you can create your own in seconds.
definition of Twitter-tags, what do they mean?
Useful for when you see a hashtag trending and have no idea what it means.
CSS3 Exciting Functions and Features: 30+ Useful Tutorials | Noupe
With version three of CSS, many exciting features will be implemented. CSS3 leads to greater flexibility and makes it much easier to recreate previously complex effects.
De lo nuevo que se pede hacer con CSS3 que ya se puede ver en los navegadores actualizados... pero de aquí a que IE actualice para esto, y lo que es peor, de aquí a que mis clientes actualicen su IE6 :(
How to manage a small web project: a simple approach
How to Create Screencasts - Nettuts+
At least a few times each week, I'm emailed about how I create the video tutorials that show up on the site each week. I think many of you are under the
100 Tips about All Adobe CS4 Applications | Layers Magazine
apparently really good - must read sometime
recommended by @feesh (Trish at CAES).. .Must read when we get CS4 (James says soon?) | Top 50 Text Acronyms Parents Should Know 052009
Top 50 Text Acronyms Parents Should Know 052009
100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges
"Twitter is a fun and useful tool, but there are a lot of quirks, rules, and standards that come along with it. To be effective on Twitter, you’ll need to learn the lingo, mechanics, and the ins and outs of interacting with followers. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tips that can help you do just that."
A good categorized list that has tons of relevant links and short explanations that are enough to be helpful but not so much as to be overwhelming.
great minimal website inspiration gallery
siiimple is a minimalist design gallery - for simple lover’s of design
siiimple is a minimalist design gallery - for simple lover’s of design. some guy named einstein said once: “everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.” not sure exactly what that means, but it seems like it makes sense…
web design
25 Signs You’ve Got a Strong SM Consultant or Agency » The Buzz Bin
Advice to marketers on choosing social media consultants.
by Beth Harte (cross-posted on the Harte of Marketing) and Geoff Livingston Our original post Top 25 Ways to Tell ...
1) Believes in the generous web and practices cross-linking in their blog (example: Kami Huyse) 2) Highlights others’ work in their blog (example: Chris Brogan) 3) Integrates social media as part of larger marketing strategy(example: Razorfish) 4) Doesn’t pretend to be an expert in all things digital; instead simply focuses on what he/she/they do best (example: Common Craft) 5) Gives away best practices in an effort to educate, grow social media in general (example: Todd Defren/SHIFT Communications) 7) Will tell you that there is no magic bullet for determining social media ROI and that you need to go further to accurately monitor, measure and determine the effectiveness of social media. (example: K.D. Paine). 8) Understands that social media is an important part of the larger word of mouth marketing principles (example: Ogilvy’s John Bell) etc...
How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.
50+ Google and Yahoo Search Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
This post is intended as a comprehensive guide to Google and Yahoo search shortcuts providing a cheat sheet of over 50 shortcuts and comparing the two search engines.
Awesome Google and Yahoo Cheat sheets!
A 20 Minute Intro to Typography Basics - Psdtuts+
Typography plays a big role in graphic design and can be one of the hardest things to get right. My aim here is to introduce some of the basics and the most
good to animate
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL. SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It should be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.
<form> <keygen name="pubkey" challenge="randomchars"> <input type="submit" name="createcert" value="Generate"> </form>
html <keygen>
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL. SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It should be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimalism in Web Design
Entity Code - A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Entities Codes
60 Gorgeous Vector Business Cards - Vectortuts+
Gorgeous VeBusiness Cardscto
The mini-canvas of the business card doesn't leave much space to play with, but designers are constantly pushing the creative boundaries in their business card designs. Check out this collection of 60 gorgeous examples of great business card designs, all constructed with vibrant and crisp vector artwork.
The mini-canvas of the business card doesn't leave much space to play with, but designers are constantly pushing the creative boundaries in their business card
Vector Business Cards
Review Careers By Cluster
TransAccess teach this to CHS May 2009 Explore different careers.
Useful for career studies (intermediate/middle/secondary)
careers can be searched by job cluster or by career interest/skill; would need to be used by students who have a more clear idea of their interest/skill or cluster because there are an overwhelming number of choices.
Free career site for h.s. and m.s. can examine careers by "cluster"
after selecting 3 interests, realistic, investigative enterprising - match interests - select animal scientists- select state at bottom
Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use VIM Like a Pro
Good tutorial for Vim
10 Promising CSS Framework That Worth A Look
WE all know that a good CSS Framework can help us and save our development time. Today, i am going to share 10 most promising CSS Framework that worth a look.
Most of web designers should heard about “CSS Framework”, and some web designers had tried them before. Just like other programming and scripting language, CSS do have some repeat code that can be packed together to ease our daily job. When use properly, CSS Framework may cut down your development time. On the other hand, it may cause extra works and time if you choose the wrong framework for your project. There are a lot of open source CSS Framework, and you can easily reach them by using Google.
10 Super Useful Tools for Choosing the Right Color Palette | Web Design Ledger
cool color tools
Going Freelance: The Pros & Cons With “Top Web Designers” | Noupe
Making the choice to go freelance (or independent as I prefer to call it) is a tough choice, I wish I had more knowledge about the pros vs cons when I made the
20 Time-Saving Tips to Improve Designer's Workflow | How-To | Smashing Magazine
From Smashing Magazine.
Improve Design Workflow
Want to save some time? Of course you do! You are probably always looking for ways to do this faster and make that easier, it’s human nature! One of the best ways to save time is experience. The more experience you have, the more comfortable you are working, the more you have developed your own best methods, and with experience you know how to better avoid mistakes and disasters. So always stay hard at what you do and you will definitely save more than “just” time! However, regardless of your experience level, there are ways to speed up the common design tasks. You should find some of these not-so-well-known tips and strategies listed below very helpful for your workflow. And please feel free to suggest more ideas in the comments to this post!
Building a Hackintosh Apple Can't Sue You For
References for tools to allow a non-Apple machine to run unmodified Leopard installer.
Potential Mac Mini replacement for my Media Center.
Blue Screen of Death Survival Guide: Every Error Explained - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about Blue Screen of Death Survival Guide: Every Error Explained.
MovieStinger | Post-Credits Scene Database, Movie/Video Game News and Reviews!
Post-Credits Scene Database
If you want to see if a movie has stuff within or after the credits before you go to the theatre, look here first.
Facebook Pages vs Facebook Groups: What's the Difference?
Not a lot of new info, just reiterates our stance: Pages for brands, groups for organzing on a personal or small issue basis
The Best How-To and DIY Sites - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2347650,00.asp
Looking for answers, tips, or instructions? These Web sites have them. They can show you how to do just about anything.
Reviews by PC Magazine
21 Essential Steps to Make Your PC Better/Faster/Stronger | Maximum PC
Copyright Information & Resources - Copyright Clearance Center
video from CCC with "Jim the librarian" explaining copyright to a co-worker. 2009
A copyright basics information video that covers the basics of copyright law for corporate users.
patronising to the extreme - didn't know they made them this way still!
Copyright Information & Resources - Copyright Clearance Center
free copyright video to use with students or staff
Good video explaining copyright basics
Functions overview - PHP.JS
Use PHP functions in JavaScript
php functions converted to js
The CSS Overflow Property
Indrukwekkend (web) portfolio
Microsoft's search engine
Microsoft's new search engine
CSS - Contents and compatibility - mobile Home
Government Data in XML (web services etc)
More datasets courtesy of uncle Sam.
Listado de direcciones del gobierno de EEUU con WebServices que permiten acceder a informacion publica
The Simple Dollar » Preparing Your Information for Disaster
emergency planning lifehacks preparedness disaster
See Wolfram Alpha in Action: Our Screenshots - ReadWriteWeb
one of the most popular bookmarks... new search engine
More information about Wolfram Alpha the search engine. Video of the launch presentation included.
Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new
Screenshot und Video zu Wolfram Alpha.
NerdDinner Tutorial
visual studio needed
An excellent introduction to ASP.NET MVC by means of implementing an actual application.
Square root of x divided by zero: The speed, size and dependability of programming languages
Interesting graphs of languages lining up code size with speed. Use at your own risk.
How To Tie A Tie from
World Map of Power Plugs and Sockets
Are you planning to use your notebook abroad? If yes, you may want to check what type of power plugs and sockets are used in the part of the world you are travelling to. All EUROCOM Notebooks come with AC adapters switching between 110V and 240V allowing the notebooks to be used all over the world. However, you may not be able to use the US/Canadian power plug overseas. Please check what type of power plug and socket is used in a country of your destination. You may want to buy a foreign plug in your local electronics store before you travel abroad.
""les prises electriques dans le monde"
Check what type of power plug and socket is used in a country of your destination. You may want to buy a foreign plug in your local electronics store before you travel abroad.
10 HTML Tag Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit
HTML Web Design
29 Excellent Typography Tutorials for Designers
Bons tutoriais de tipografia
Typography Design Web
JavaScriptでよく使う書き方。 - こせきの技術日記
var m = ("abcccd".match(/ab(c+)/)||[])[1];
Essential Guide To Regular Expressions: Tools and Tutorials | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Regular expressions are an essential part of any programmer’s toolkit. They can be very handy when you need to identify, replace or modify text, words,
Essential Guide To Regular Expressions: Tools and Tutorials
The CSS Box Model
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jQuery Ajax tutorials, jQuery UI examples and more! - The Ultimate jQuery List
jQuery Ajax tutorials to jQuery UI examples, you've found the ultimate list of tutorials and plugins for jQuery! Everything from Ajax file uploaders to RSS feed plugins, all on one of the longest pages you'll ever scroll.
TRUECAR - The Authority on New Car Pricing
Nice way to display recent prices on sold cars.
Find the price people are paying for cars.
Ultimate Guide to Delicious Social Bookmarking
My favorite social media tool is social bookmarking service Delicious. I’ve always been an avid researcher and Delicious allows me to discover, save, organize and share information that I find online like no other service. It’s the engine of many of the blog posts I put together. Delicious is an especially good tool for marketers. Not only are is it an excellent tool for research and data mining, but it can also be a great vehicle for driving website traffic- articles that make it to the popular page(s) of Delicious can deliver large amounts of traffic to a website. The bookmarking feature of Delicious when compared to social news sites such as Digg and Stumbleupon can also lead to a steadier flow of traffic and repeat traffic over time as people return to pages they have bookmarked on Delicious. In this post, I’ve pulled together a very comprehensive collection of tutorials, advice, resources, tips and tools to help you use Delicious to enhance your marketing, research and other
lidt lisom facebook:)
RT @mashable: Love this gorgeous image of all the Twitter tools: (We review most of em here: [from]
CSSline - All about excellent css sites.
15 Great Resources for Learning Adobe InDesign - Vectortuts+
Porque me estoy enamorando un poco de indesign
10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web | Webdesigner Depot
Whether it’s your portfolio, a blog, a marketing web site, or a collection of games, we all want to attract visitors to our website and to ensure that they have a pleasant experience. Usability measures the level of a user’s experience and can be characterized by how easily a given task can be completed; whether it’s done with prior knowledge, or by having the user learn a new way to interact. I think Jakob Nielson probably explained it best when he said: “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word “usability” also refers to methods for improving ease–of–use during the design process.” In this article I hope to give you some form of a usability checklist, covering topics from form design to simple navigation tips that you can apply to any Web project.
10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web
Hackido: Install Ruby Rails on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
web development that doesn`t hurt ?
jaunty install guide for rails
10 Essential SQL Tips for Developers - Nettuts+
MIT Database Systems (6.830) TA Course Notes - marcua's blog
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Navigate * Website * Twitter * Subscribe * Archives * Random Subscribe by Email MIT Database Systems (6.830) TA Course Notes In Fall 2008, I had the pleasure of TAing Database Systems with Sam Madden, Mike Stonebraker, and Evan Jones. I figured that I could take notes to help students follow the lectures while clarifying any confusing points that were raised during discussion. It would also help me avoid the embarrassment of forgetting something mentioned during a lecture and having students explain it to me during office hours:). I decided to take notes in plain text, mostly out of laziness. This turned out to be a challenge for drawing things like query plans, but forced me to distill explanations into a conversational tone that provided an alternative to traditional diagrams. Some students in the class told me that they benefited from and enjoyed the notes, and so I decided to open them up for reuse
Useful Usability: 15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of
25 Media People You Should Follow on Twitter - Advertising Age - MediaWorks
Advertising Age
social media
Johannes Eva - Viola, Alto, Bratsche - ♫♬♪♫♬♫♬♪
Ubuntu Guide
Homepage von Johannes Eva
Good guide on how to install and configure Ubuntu Jaunty. It contains information for 64 bits systems, i.e. how to install and run 32 bit applications.
A complete guide to install and configure Ubuntu 9.04.
nice setup guide for jaunty
Project Potpourri: Infocard: Useful Knots
I often need knots. I have often learned the knots I need. But these two things never happen close enough together to result in long term knowledge storage. This Make blog post gave me the idea of collecting a few useful ones and putting them on wallet card.
knots diy reference howto lifehacks
emson… » 18 Useful bash scripts for web developers
a few scripts, that I find really useful for speeding up my web development time. I’ve been building up this list as I needed to use them - so they maybe a little raw.
Using bash scripts to become a more efficient web developer
Here are a few scripts, that I find really useful for speeding up my web development time. I’ve been building up this list as I needed to use them - so they maybe a little raw. For example often clients send me images with filenames that don’t match my naming standard, so running the appropriate script really helps keep me focussed on the job in hand and not waste too much time reformatting filenames etc.
More than 25 Excellent Tips to Improve jQuery | MaX's Blog
I have just found this article on the internet and it has a lot of great tips. some of them I was already aware of them and some are not. It will be modified a little bit and I may add more tips. This article was originally written by Jon Hobbs-Smith
How to Create an Identity Package in Illustrator - Vectortuts+
In this Illustrator CS4 tutorial I'll show you how to create an Identity Package including: business cards, letterhead, and envelopes, all in Illustrator. In
Entity Code - A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Entities Codes
EntityCode A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Symbol Entities Codes
Codes for HTML symbols
Decent reference.
Gadget Teardowns
OS X Keyboard shortcuts (Leopard)
UX Madness - 20 Fantastic Resources For User Experience Know How | Inspired Magazine
for future exploration
Web Performance Best Practices
"..Page Speed evaluates performance from the client point of view, typically measured as the page load time.."
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Welcome | Wordnik
An ongoing project devoted to discovering all the words and everything about them
Show show words are used (both in terms of definitions and usage, including real-time)
Mayflower | Moving Checklist
Check list for moving
Moving Checklist, Tips, Planner, Find Moving Companies and More - One Simple Move
Moving Checklist, Tips, Planner, Find Moving Companies and More - One Simple Move
Here's a website that can help you prepare to move
Flickr: New York Public Library's Photostream
Ficly - A better, shorter story
The art of creating stories and the craft of sharing them. Inspired by the written word and the authors that link words and phrases together to form tales.
Ficly is a place for playing with story-telling; a collaborative environment where anyone can pick up a narrative thread and weave a prequel or sequel.
Ficly is a place for playing with story-telling; a collaborative environment where anyone can pick up a narrative thread and weave a prequel or sequel. You can start a story or jump into someone else's tale. The possibilities are endless, and in some cases, so are the stories.
short story collaboration site, write prequels or sequels to the work of others.
130+ Enormous Twitter Toolbox | Twitter Tools | Tools
comprehensive Twitter Toolboxes
Interview Questions & Answers |
Interview Questions
How to Write an Equality Method in Java
"This article describes a technique for overriding the equals method that preserves the contract of equals even when subclassses of concrete classes add new fields. "
Grid Systems – Making grids in Illustrator :
Grid Systems – Making grids in Illustrator
Why REST ? | /var/log/mind
The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide - VKI Studios Blog
google analytics power user guide
Excellent how-to for Google Analytics. Suggest this along with Google's Conversion University YouTube videos.
The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide.
Make a Stealth Camera Bag - Wired How-To Wiki
Sometimes you need a fancy camera bag, with a tripod strap and little slots with which to pamper your memory cards. You need a waterproof hood, a padded strap and a big fat StealMe™ logo on the front.
Make a Stealth Camera Bag From Wired How-To Wiki Jump to: navigation, search The puzzle pieces await assembly. All photos by Charlie Sorrel/Wired. The puzzle pieces await assembly. All photos by Charlie Sorrel/Wired. Sometimes you need a fancy camera bag, with a tripod strap and little slots with which to pamper your memory cards. You need a waterproof hood, a padded strap and a big fat StealMe™ logo on the front.
Common Java Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using Java-based utilities from projects such as Apache Commons, Apache Lucene, and Apache Velocity. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to combine common open-source Java utilities to create powerful Java applications and tools, the Common Java Cookbook is for you.
Moserware: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
Convinced from spending hours reading rave reviews, Bob eagerly clicked "Proceed to Checkout" for his gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk and... Whoa! What just happened?
Matt Sears | 20 Clojure Links To Get You Up To Speed
Clojure is a functional programming language for the Java Virtual Machine with several powerful features for building concurrent applications. In addition, Clojure is fast, robust, and a powerful general-purpose programming language. A dialect of Lisp, Clojure embraces traditional code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system, plus some syntactic sugar tailored to Java.
iPhone Stencil Kit | Design Commission
Quickly sketch out iPhone UI prototypes.
jQuery Basics - jQuery for Beginners - jQuery Tutorial - jQuery 101
I have been getting familiar with jQuery recently and the more I get into it, the more I'm impressed with it. When I first heard about jQuery I was definitely
jQuery Basics
Building a Forum From Scratch with Ruby on Rails - Nettuts+
Forum From Scratch with Ruby on Rails - Nettuts+
Today, we will be building a simple forum using Ruby on Rails, and we will be working up from the basics covering things like authentication and more advanced
Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B « Software++
50 Websites to follow if you’re into Web Design | The Interactive Wall
Interactive jQuery selector tester
Test your jQuery selector
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Graffiti from Pompeii
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
For the "some things never change" file.
Cryptographic Right Answers
"list of recommendations for using cryptography which, if followed, will make sure you get things right in the vast majority of situations"
Thanks to my background as FreeBSD Security Officer, as a cryptographic researcher, and as the author of the Tarsnap secure online backup system, I am frequently asked for advice on using cryptography as a component in secure systems. While some people argue that you should never use cryptographic primitives directly and that trying to teach people cryptography just makes them more likely to shoot themselves in their proverbial feet, I come from a proud academic background and am sufficiently optimistic about humankind that I think it's a good idea to spread some knowledge around. In light of this, I've put together a list of "Cryptographically Right Answers" -- which is to say, a list of recommendations for using cryptography which, if followed, will make sure you get things right in the vast majority of situations.
Recommendations about cryptography
The Top 10 Most Absurd Time Covers of The Past 40 Years: Mr. Luce's mag does satanism, porn, crack, Pokemon, and more! - Reason Magazine
They forgot the 2 Aug 82 "Scarlet H" Herpes cover (but, then, Reason would, wouldn't it?),16641,19820802,00.html
From William Randolph Hearst's ginned up hysterical stories about marijuana to the "10-cent plague" comic book scare of the 1950s to The New York Times warning of "cocaine-crazed Negroes" raping white women across the Southern countryside, the media has always whipped up anxiety and increased readership via thinly sourced exposes of the next great threat to the American way of life.
As a service to future historians of the long, slow death of the newsweekly, Reason offers this Top 10 list of the most horrifying, silly, irresponsible, or downright ridiculous Time cover panics from the past 40 years.
" publication has done a better (by which we mean worse) job of scaring the crap out of post-baby boomer America than Time.." 10. June 19, 1972: The Occult Revival \ 9. April 5, 1976: The Porno Plague \ 8. August 6, 1984: The Population Curse \ 7. September 15, 1986: Drugs: The Enemy Within \ 6. May 7, 1990: Dirty Words \ 5. May 13, 1991: Crack Kids \ 4. July 3, 1995: Cyberporn: On a Screen Near You \ 3. Nov 22, 1999: Pokemon! \ 2. March 19, 2001: The Columbine Effect \ 1. June 7, 2004: Overcoming Obesity in America \
Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | Technique: Seasoning Cast Iron
Complex and Sophisticated Lettering Designs Photoshop Tutorials
photoshop tutorial designs and letter
Do you know these Double-click Tricks in Excel? | Pointy Haired Dilbert: Charting & Excel Tips -
Useful tips for Excel double-clickers.
Helen Bradley - Pro Photoshop and Photography: Understanding the basics of Sharpening in Photoshop
Sharpening is one of those everyday tasks that most photos can benefit from. In this post I'll explain what sharpening is, when you should perform it and how to do it. The information here, although it is explained using Photoshop, is relevant to all photo editing programs. Sharpening does as its name suggests and sharpens the image making it look crisper and making the edges in the image more distinct.
Facebook | Facebook Marketing Solutions
something you might want to check out if you haven't found this already
collection of marketing campaigns and other stuff curated by the facbook folks.
30 Creative And Eye-Catching Web Designer Portfolios | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
How AJAX Works: 10 Practical Uses For AJAX | Noupe
Bash&シェルスクリプトを極めるテクニックまとめ - SourceForge.JP Magazine
(1)Bashをカスタマイズして使いこなす, (2)シェルスクリプトを使いこなすテクニック, (3)Bash以外の高機能シェルもある
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike |
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike
Cheat Codes for Everyday Life, and How to Use Them
Unixmen - Linux howto and Tutorials - Great themes for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty jackalope
Unixmen - Linux howto and Tutorials - Great themes for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty jackalope - - So you want to use python on the mac?
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In a complete tangent from my numerous other projects, I’ve had a few people ask me recently about python on the mac, how to get started/etc.
40+ Helpful Resources On User Interface Design Patterns | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
40 Essential iPhone Applications For Web Designers
50 Excellent 3D Adobe Illustrator Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
10 Easy ways to fix common WordPress headaches | theWPresser
24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
As a follow-up to "30 HTML and CSS Best Practices", this week, we'll review JavaScript! Once you've reviewed the list, be sure to let us know what little tips you've come across!
100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know | Tools
100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know
100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know Google is the most powerful search engine available, but when it comes to searching for something specific, Google may churn out general results for some. For instance, a search for a song in Google may return the singer, the lyrics and even fan sites – depending on the keywords you entered.
serch engins
30 Top Sources of Typography Inspiration
10 astonishing CSS hacks and techniques
Well, I guess that almost all of you knows CSS and what it can do for you. But some astonishing techniques still remains obscure for a lot of developers. In this article, let’s see 10 cross browser css techniques to definitely enhance your designs.
ブログやメールの文章力をアップ! 執筆に役立つページ3つ - はてなブックマークニュース
「使えるUIパターンをまとめたサイト40選!」という記事があったので本当に使えるものだけ選んでみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
21 Adobe Air Apps For Designers And Social Media Addicts | Creative Nerds
nder to search our entire database of nearly 1 million named colors and more than 300,00 user created color palettes.
For Adobe Addicts
Adobe air apps are just simply great it enables any one with knowledge within ajax, Flash, JavaScript and HTML to be able to create a desktop widget, which
Lots of useful one there
Enable tethering shortcut found - iPhone 3.0 is Live! | 9 to 5 Mac
defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
British Newspapers - Home
Search British Newspapers from 1800-1900. Many with free content
Explore two million pages of 19th century newspapers
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging - WordPress themes, plugins and blogging resources
iPhone 3.0 Software Walkthrough | The iPhone Blog
This looks interesting. Might be worth passing on to others depending on how well they keep this updated.
50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a P | Marketing | article on social marketing strategy.
Git Cheat Sheets JP
100+ 3.0 Hidden Features - Mac Forums
25 Excellent Typography Tools for the Serious Designer
Tie-Knot.gif (GIF Image, 600x600 pixels)
Tie a tie know howto, windsor, shell, etc.
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An awesome app. wow!
mapa TOKYO
Digging Into WordPress
Learn how to take your WordPress skills to the next level.
iPhone 3.0 Update: 10 Hidden Features - PC World
iPhone 3.0 Update: 10 Hidden Features #iPhone [from]
It has been a crazy night trying to download the latest iPhone update, with many people reporting that they are unable to access Apple's servers due to unusually high traffic. But Apple's servers are now up to scratch and everybody should have the 3.0 software update installed on their iPhone and iPod Touch.
Robert Kaplan reviews and posits theories of geographical determinism in international relations. Some cool theories here. "The wisdom of geographical determinism endures across the chasm of a century because it recognizes that the most profound struggles of humanity are not about ideas but about control over territory, specifically the heartland and rimlands of Eurasia. Of course, ideas matter, and they span geography. And yet there is a certain geographic logic to where certain ideas take hold. Communist Eastern Europe, Mongolia, China, and North Korea were all contiguous to the great land power of the Soviet Union. Classic fascism was a predominantly European affair. And liberalism nurtured its deepest roots in the United States and Great Britain, essentially island nations and sea powers both. Such determinism is easy to hate but hard to dismiss. "
oh, I must find and read that MacKinder article. What a hypothesis! fabulously heady stuff.
Robert Kaplan on the return of geography.
We all must learn to think like Victorians. That is what must guide and inform our newly rediscovered realism. Geographical determinists must be seated at the same honored table as liberal humanists, thereby merging the analogies of Vietnam and Munich. Embracing the dictates and limitations of geography will be especially hard for Americans, who like to think that no constraint, natural or otherwise, applies to them. But denying the facts of geography only invites disasters that, in turn, make us victims of geography. Better, instead, to look hard at the map for ingenious ways to stretch the limits it imposes, which will make any support for liberal principles in the world far more effective. Amid the revenge of geography, that is the essence of realism and the crux of wise policymaking—working near the edge of what is possible, without slipping into the precipice.
How Geography Determines Human Conflict in the World
People and ideas influence events, but geography largely determines them, now more than ever. To understand the coming struggles, it’s time to dust off the Victorian thinkers who knew the physical world best. A journalist who has covered the ends of the Earth offers a guide to the relief map—and a primer on the next phase of conflict. By Robert D. Kaplan
Tagaholic - Demystifying Irb's Commands
Irb is one of the most commonly used standard ruby libraries, yet most don’t seem to know much about it. I’ve lost count of the number of blog posts that explain some irb “tricks” or “secret” config options. This is the first in a series that aims to make irb less magical and more accessible.
Explore Google Search
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here&#039;s a glimpse at what they do, the features they&#039;ve built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
Explore Google Search: Movies, weather, public data, earthquake information and more. Check out these 15 second search tips from Google to help you save time and get the most of your online experience.
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience. Here's a glimpse at what they do, the features they've built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
Interior Paint Calculator | Calculators | How-To -,30810,,00.html
Spot UVs, Proofs, Roll Folds and Other Printing Terminology Explained - Psdtuts+
The world of printing and all the techniques and terminology associated with it can be complicated. Often it can take a while to understand and learn these through years of graphic design experience.
The world of printing and all the techniques and terminology associated with it can be complicated. Often it can take a while to understand and learn these
The Ultimate Wordpress 2.8 Optimization Guide
Having a blog that’s snappy &amp; responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers &amp; potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.
Guia de optimizacion de WordPress 2.8
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.
A Detailed Look at the Z-Index CSS Property | Impressive Webs
z-index is probably the CSS property that is more speedily abandoned than any other. Very often — when I previously didn’t understand z-index — I would try to apply it to an element, hoping that the element would automatically “jump” to the top in the page’s stacking order.
Most CSS properties that a web developer deals with regularly are instantaneous in their application to elements on the page. For example, when you add the background-color or font-size property to an element on your page, in most cases you will see the results immediately upon page refresh. But other CSS properties are not quite as “plug and play” as we would like. The z-index property is one example of the latter. I would venture to guess that z-index is probably the CSS property that is more speedily abandoned than any other. Very often — when I previously didn’t understand z-index — I would try to apply it to an element, hoping that the element would automatically “jump” to the top in the page’s stacking order. But that didn’t happen, so I would abandon that method and try some other way to solve the problem. Maybe you’ve had the same experience. Hopefully this article will clear up some misunderstandings regarding z-index.
According to W3schools, “The z-index property sets the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of another element with lower stack order.”
A Detailed Look at the Z-Index CSS Property
The z-index property sets the stack order of an element.
『Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書』開発プロジェクト - LPI-Japan - エルピーアイジャパン
した。 この「Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書(Ver1.0.1)」は、多くの教育機関から、Linuxによるサーバーの構築を「基礎」から学習するための教材や学習環境の整備に対するご要望があり、開発したものです。 本教科書の目的は、LPICレベル2の201試験と202試験の学習範囲
25+ Useful Infographics for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
A great collection of inforgraphics. Really inspiring.
Infographics can be a great way to quickly reference information. Instead of pouring over figures and long reports to decipher data, an infographic can
Chronicling America - The Library of Congress
Search and view newspaper pages from 1880-1922.
50 Inspiring Examples of Minimalism in Web Design
The sophisticated image of minimalism has always been a popular style of design. In webdesign a minimalist site is stripped naked of eye candy and fancy colours or effects, leaving the underlying structure exposed. The key to a beautiful minimalist site is a solid and structured layout, as well as focus on stylish and well designed typography. These 50 examples showcase some of the best minimal site designs out there on the web.
Minimalism in Web Design
15 jQuery Plugins To Create An User Friendly Tooltip
404 Best Practices
A 404 error on the web is what a web server responds with when it is tasked with serving up a resource that it can’t find.
JavaScript tests, compatibility tables and examples
phew. praise be to the universality of javascript.
"In this web site I have collected various JavaScript tests, to display code samples, have them run and check web browser compatibility." (This page tests various advanced JavaScript operators against common browsers.)
A report on compatibility of various JavaScript features & functionality against common web browsers.
40+ Essential Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets | tripwire magazine
Tattoos |
where you get ur tatt says a lot about you
Tattoos are an excellent way to turn a single drunken decision into a lifetime of disfigurement and regret, which normally requires a car. Tattoos are associated with criminal gangs, the armed forces, and whiny white teenagers desperate for attention. Attempts to get all three to attend a common "Tattoo Conference" have unfortunately failed.
» Top10 Simplest jQuery Tutorials WebAir Blog
10 Ways to Instantly Increase Your jQuery Performance - Nettuts+
his article will present ten easy steps that will instantly improve your script's performance. Don't worry; there isn't anything too difficult here. Everyone can apply these methods! When you're finished reading, please let us know your speed tips.
A Visual Expedition Inside the Linux File Systems
How to Tie a Tie | The Art of Manliness
Cost of living: Compare prices in two cities -
100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists | Best Colleges Online
Tipster / Latest Tips
Python Tutorial
35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web Design | CSS | Smashing Magazine
35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web Design
Why are There 60 Minutes in an Hour? | Scienceray
Porqué hay 60 minutos en una hora.
What’s On My Food?
Lists detailed info on pesticides that are on foods.
Select food and find out what's in it! - Mobileconfigs für dein iPhone |
the easiest way to enable iPhone Tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhone
User Experience Design @ MindTree: How to create a Style Guide with ease
Guia de criação de um style guide para web sites.
Web Nerd Terminology (Explained)
Esta enlace es para aprender terminos
Great technology glossary to use when explaining Web technology to the less-initiated…
Gmail: Tips
Restaurant Recipes at Home-Cooked Prices | Wise Bread Friday Q&A 2009-06-19: Mac OS X Process Memory Statistics
Welcome back to another Friday Q&A. Now that WWDC is behind us, I'm back on track to bring you more juicy highly-technical goodness. Maybe I can even get back to doing one a week.... This week I'm going to take André Pang's suggestion of discussing process memory statistics (the stuff you see in Activity Monitor or top) in Mac OS X. Memory Structure Before I can discuss what the stats mean, I first have to discuss just how memory actually works on a modern operating system. If you already know the difference between physical memory and virtual address space, understand how file mapping works, etc., then feel free to skip ahead. Ram, Memory, Activity Monitor.
Description of the memory management of OS X from the user perspective
ジャンル別ゲームの作り方とアルゴリズムまとめ - Logic Edge
Webware 100 2009 - CNET;txt
Some great online services and ideas of now and the future!
How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary
If you want to make a personal decision that only you can make like whether or not you should start a business, try putting into writing a list of arguments for and against the idea. If that fails, consider divination. Suppose you have studied the idea from all angles, have done all your homework, and worked out all the consequences and pros and cons in your mind, and yet still remain indecisive. You now must follow your heart and tell your brain to shut up. The multitude of available divination techniques are very useful for determining your own semi-conscious desires, as they each present a complete ambiguous and random pattern that your own subconscious will assign meaning to.
50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Writing Skills | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Effective writing skills are to a writer what petrol is to a car. Like the petrol and car relationship, without solid skills writers cannot move ahead. These skills don’t come overnight, and they require patience and determination. You have to work smart and hard to acquire them. Only with experience, you can enter the realm of effective, always-in-demand writers.
Research: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
53 Jquery Tutorials, Resources, Tips And Tricks: Ultimate Collection | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
title-jquery-tutorialsIf for whatever reason you don’t know jQuery, it is a “write less, do more” JavaScript library. It has many Ajax and JavaScript features to allow you enhance semantic coding and user experience.
Come back to this for basic Jquery tutorials
15 Must Read Articles for CSS Beginners
This collection of 15 articles pulls together some of the best must read blog posts for anyone looking to get started with CSS styling.
45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there's a lot to keep track
Creating Consistently Colorful User Experiences, Part 3: The Craft | UX Booth
Kids’ why questions
Interessante Website, die typische WARUM-Fragen der Kinder beantwortet (englisch)
site for parents to help answer those "Why" questions from your kids
A nifty site that tries to make accessible the answers to young children's "why" questions, like "Why is the ocean salty?"
80+ Must-Read Design Blogs to Enhance your Creativity and your Career | Creative Opera Design Blog: Creative Advice and Inspiration for Graphic Designers and Web Designers
Blog to inspire
6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations
6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations
Low Level Bit Hacks You Absolutely Must Know - good coders code, great reuse
good coders code, great reuse
Five Minute Upgrade – Making Your Design Pop | Build Internet!
Web Design, Development, and Business
Quick steps to polish a design
nice tips for the fine touches that will make your designs stand out from the crowd
CSS3 – a big storm is coming | Reinhold Weber
NASA - ASTER Imagery
What to Read Now. And Why
What to Read Now. And Why.
60+ Incredible Tutorials And Resources Collections For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In June @ SmashingApps
List of Really Useful Plugins For jQuery Developers | W3Avenue
30 Essential Tools for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
For designers nothing can be more handy than effective and time saving tools supporting their creative process. Of cause dependant on the specific needs free web-based tools can significantly help you accomplish tasks such as color selecting, color p
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy [Fine Structure Constant] [Schrödinger's cat] [Frequency]
video science curious
これだけは覚えておきたい、Twitter検索で使える便利なオプションまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Index — Django Design Patterns
Lifehacker - Learn a New Knot and Expand Your Dress Tie Repertoire - Fashion Hacks
comments are the best part - these guys take their ties seriously
more cool tie knots (dress up)
Expand your dress tie repertoire here.
Eat Right Web: 18 Great Cooking Resources
画像で見るウェブデザインのプロセスいろいろ | DesignWalker
画像で見るウェブデザインのプロセスいろいろ | DesignWalker
programming | Quotes Archive
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Fifty Books for Our Times | Newsweek Books |
We know it's insane. We know people will ask why on earth we think that an 1875 British satirical novel is the book you need to read right now—or, for that matter, why it even made the cut. The fact is, no one needs another best-of list telling you how great The Great Gatsby is. What we do need, in a world with precious little time to read (and think), is to know which books—new or old, fiction or nonfiction—open a window on the times we live in, whether they deal directly with the issues of today or simply help us see ourselves in new and surprising ways. Which is why we'd like you to sit down with Anthony Trollope, and these 49 other remarkably trenchant voices.
VocabSushi: The better way to build your vocabulary | Contextual Examples From the Daily News
The better way to build your vocabulary | Contextual Examples From the Daily News
CSS Cheat Sheet Wallpaper in Helvetica | theWPresser
I was looking around for a good CSS cheat sheet yesterday and I thought OK why do I have to open and close this .pdf file every time why don't i just put it as a wallpaper on one of my monitors...
Stopping the CSS positioning panic (Part 1) « The CSS Blog, just CSS. (Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Resources and more!)
Best tutorial on css positioning that I've been
Nice example of a rounded corner menu
Extra Pair of Hands - Email Address Length FAQ
Interesting documentation on permissible and common lengths for email addresses, including a link to a metafilter thread with some statistics and a delightful vintage advertisement for electronic mail.
A useful FAQ about email address lengths - what is the length of the average email address, what is the longest email address possible etc.
The math people catalog EVERYTHING.
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Download the cheat sheet for free!
SEO(検索エンジン最適化)に役立つ日本語対応のツール集 | コリス
145 Ultimate Round-Up Of Photoshop Tutorials and Resources | Tutorials | instantShift
Ultimate Round-Up Of Photoshop Tutorials and Resources
100+ Minimal and Typographic Package Designs | BittBox
100 Outstanding Login Forms | Design Reviver
100 Outstanding Login Forms | Design Reviver
Different Examples of Login Forms
Great collection of login forms to show you & inspire you that Login Forms can look sexy
FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
From everyone's favourite magazine editor...
Tips on using python's datetime module
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do.
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do. I have come to adopt some extra usage guidelines in order to preserve my sanity:
Important timezone brokenness in Python. PHP5's DateTime continues to be my gold standard for timezone wrangling.
Tips on using python's datetime module
250 RSS Feeds For Every Graphic, Web Designers And Bloggers To Subscribe At | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Web Designers And Bloggers
Keryx (X)HTML Elements Best Practice Sheet
Todos elementos ( Creio eu ) de HTML
Human-Centered Design Toolkit - Case Studies - IDEO
Sitio con la metodología de IDEO !Increible¡
10 ways to make your wordpress theme look like pro. » GoSee-Design › lifestory of a freelance team
Here I list some of the hidden features I discovered that can enhance your theme.
50+ Tools To Make You a More Efficient & Organized Designer | Design Reviver
Pet Health Library Veterinarian Approved Cats | Dogs | Horses| Fish | Rabbits | Reptiles| Ferrets| Exotics | Chinchillas| Symptoms| Causes | Diagnosis | Treatment | PetMD
- jQuery - The easy way to navigate - Webdesign und Webentwicklung im Webstandard-Blog
css jQuery menu
Lifehacker - Anticipate Your Interviewer's Next Question to Ace Your Job Interview - Interview
8 Common First Aid Mistakes And Myths That Make Things Worse » Health Watch Center
Service Design Tools | Communication methods supporting design processes
Max Design - standards based web design, development and training » CSS cascade - a simple step-by-step presentation
Here is a presentation I gave on the CSS cascade at a company training session recently. A simple ste-by-step tutorial on the CSS cascade - for web designers and developers who are new to CSS or have struggled with the Cascade.
Max Design - standards based web design, development and training
WiseStart | UK's top startpage. Reach everything with just one click.
Motor de Busca do Google muito bom
God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs
God is Imaginary
Spring Cleaning Tips-– Smart Spring Cleaning Tricks
Recommended Books for your User Experience and Usability Library | UX Booth
A Whole Lotta Nothing: Weight loss tips for geeks
I'm halfway through a big bet and I just weighed in at a tad over 210 pounds this morning, right on schedule for winning my bet. Getting down to 220lbs from 230 at the start of the year was easy, but the rest of the pounds were much harder. I'm now on a pretty good weight loss streak of a couple pounds per week with no end in sight. Different things work for different people but I thought I'd share what worked for me in the hopes that maybe one or more of these tips will help your own weight loss as well.
Further advice for when I get off my ass and drop the gut.
mnot’s Web log: What to Look For in a HTTP Proxy/Cache
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories - Simple Solar Circuits
recent snippets - code snippets wiki /
This is a community-maintained collection of reusable code snippets. Contribute something without logging in, or improve existing contributions. All code is dedicated to the public domain unless otherwise specified.
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui
JSON: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Use It | Blog | Custom-Built Professional Web Development and Design | Ennui
Stephen Marsland
Stephen Marsland, Massey University
"I've written a textbook ... there are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here."
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
"I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here. Where special datasets are used they are provided with the code, and there are links to additional datasets at the bottom of the page."
Ten Simple Rules for Choosing the Perfect CMS + Excellent Options | Noupe
Artigo que discute algumas variedades de CMS
nice list of CMS tools
The content management system you choose can really make a huge difference in how much time you (or your clients) spend keeping a site updated and maintained. There’s a huge variety out there—some estimates put the number at around 1700 different options. Some are great…some, not so much. Below are ten useful guidelines to consider when choosing a CMS, followed by rundowns on ten great CMS options available and how they stack up based on the guidelines.
Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition
Anyone who works with LaTeX knows how time-consuming it can be to find a symbol in symbols-a4.pdf that you just can't memorize. Detexify is an attempt to simplify this search.
LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition
super neato
Gives Latex syntax for characters by hand-drawing them.
12 Essential Security Tips and Hacks for WordPress
Facebook for Business SuperGuide
Facebook has certainly garnered a lot of attention these past weeks- first with it’s new vanity URL feature and then with it’s changed privacy features. Facebook’s vanity URL feature - particularly for Facebook pages - is of particular interest to businesses. As Facebook continues it’s explosive growth heading towards 250 million active users, more and more businesses are hoping to leverage Facebook for serious business purposes. Facebook’s new feature allows businesses to create a custom url for their business page - something that wasn’t possible until now. (If you haven’t gotten your custom name, read Facebook expert Mari Smith’s post: How To Secure Your Facebook Username (Vanity URL).) Want to sharpen your skills and learn how to really leverage Facebook to grow your business? Below I’ve put together a comprehensive collection of resources, tips and advice on how to use Facebook for business purposes including: 1. General Guides, Tutorials and Help 2. Facebook Pages an
Newegg - Power Supply Calculator
เว็บคำนวน Power Supply อีกแห่ง
Work out the PSU you need when building your pC
Calcular a potência da fonte, para as peças que deseja utilizar.
The PSU Wattage we recommend only gives you a general idea on what to consider while selecting a power supply. PCI cards, External devices, USB and Firewire devices, Cooling fans and other components may need more power.
CSS 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | CSS, Freebies | Smashing Magazine
CSS3 Cheat Sheet(PDF)
Smashing Magazine
Carsonified » Get Started with DNS
Good DNS tutorial for students or anyone wanting to understand DNS basics.
10 Key SEO Strategies Every Facebook Page Owner Should Know
50 Creative and Inspirational Personal Portfolio Websites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
50 Creative and Inspirational Personal Portfolio Websites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Creative Portfolio designs
Carsonified » 23 Essential HTML 5 Resources
101 Muppets of Sesame Street | National Post
How many do you recognize?
30 iPhone Apps with Sexy Interfaces « AppStorm
Beautiful and Functional Too!
An Explanation of Photoshop Blend Modes
great explanations plus photos to show you or download and "play along"
An Explanation of Photoshop Blend Modes
WA State Congressional delegation tracker
Legistalker combs a variety of news, social networking, and government sites to pool information about members of the U.S. Congress. Searching for a Senator or Representative will return mentions of that individual in the media, Twitter updates, YouTube videos, Capitol Words—a nifty weighted cloud of the words they've used in interviews and floor speeches—and their voting record which includes what they've introduced and votes yes or no on.
Breaks down references to U.S. representatives and senators in the news, on Twitter, and on YouTube.
An accountable government requires an informed citizenry. Every day, Congress relies more and more on the Internet to communicate with the world. Legistalker makes it easy for you to stay on top of what your elected officials say and how they vote. Legistalker was created by Forum One Communications as an entry for the Apps for America competition. The ever-growing database is updated every 20 seconds, and relies on data from Twitter, YouTube, Capitol Words, literally hundreds of different news sources, and others.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: iモードブラウザ 2.0まとめ
iモードブラウザ 2.0まとめ
The Typography Manual - For the iPhone and iPod Touch
The Typography Manual has several useful features and resources for designers, including a visual type anatomy glossary, a font size ruler, an em calculator, and enough content to fill a 60 page book.
Yay for nerd pedantry
Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
CSS style guide with FAQs on CSS code, cascading style sheet problems, CSS coding techniques and example CSS navigation code.
NASA - NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
The Autopsy Of WordPress As CMS With 25 Great WP Plugins & Designs | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
good tips on wordpress
WordPress clearly need no introduction for web devotees like us. Starting out from just a humble blogging platform in 2003, it had grow exponentially into a popular platform not only being used extensively by bloggers but designers and developers too. WordPress have since then become the rice bowl for many Netizens. Whether it’s through blogging, designing WordPress templates, converting PSD to WordPress style XHTML or creating corporate sites, no one could argue that it’s indeed one of the most important platform on the web today.
Carsonified » 30 Essential CSS3 Resources
Web designers around the world are extremely excited about the power of CSS3 and the creative freedom it offers. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 29 resources for you to learn more.
50 Examples of Vintage Typography | Webdesigner Depot
Colección de carteles viejos
50 ejemplos de tipografía Vintage
UptownMaker: 18 Essential Skills for a Maker
How to get HTML5 working in IE and Firefox 2 | html5doctor
The second approach is to serve Gecko XHTML. I’ve found this to be the easier approach if you’re either generating a page dynamically using something like PHP, or if you can create your own .htaccess file to make use of mod_rewrite.
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic a-grade browsers are: IE8 and below, and Firefox 2 and Camino 1 (these two browsers use the same rendering engine, which is why they’re both affected).
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic [...]
Solución a HTML5 en IE6
Goofram - Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time!
Give it a try.
Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time!
5 Fun and Practical Htaccess Solutions - Nettuts+
Fun and Practical Htaccess Solution
Htaccess files are plain-text configuration files used by the Apache HTTP web server. They allow users to set directory level options without requiring access to the httpd.conf file. As such it is required that your server uses Apache, and a web host that allows htaccess files (the most popular hosts do). I assume a basic working knowledge of htaccess, but if you need to freshen up check out this article by Joseph Pecoraro
10 Usability Lessons from Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think | UX Booth
"Many people in the usability community regard Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition as the laypersons usability bible. This book explains briefly and concisely everything one needs to know about getting started with web usability. For more advanced users, it’s a great refresher course."
Korte samenvatting van het boek "Don't make me think!" van Steve Krug (aanrader)
Portable 12V Air Conditioner --Cheap and easy!!/
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the site, my Dad owns an electric 1979 Ford Courier pickup, and is cool enough to let me drive it around. We absolutely love it, and wouldn't trade it for a Tesla Roadster, but one of the few problems with electric cars is heating and cooling. In a gas car, heat is provided by the 80% of the gas that is wasted as heat, and air conditioning is provided by a crankshaft-driven compressor system. Many EVs use hair dryer elements and fans for heat, and some, ours included, feature a powerful gasoline-burning heater.
This project is my dad&#039;s $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the...
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the...
DIY air conditioner
Periodic Table of the Operators
Being a comprehensive and complete enumeration of the Operatic Elements of the Perl 6 Language, assembled and drawn with dedication and diligence by M. Lentczner as a service to both the Community and the Republic. May this simple presentation with various illustrative devices increase Knowledge & Understanding amongst practitioners in the art of Software. Third Edition, February 14th, Two Thousand Nine
Perl 6 operators
Perl 6 Language Operatic Elements
Main Page - Fanlore
Fanlore is a multi-authored website that any fan can easily contribute to. We want to record both the history and current state of our fan communities - fan works, fan activities, fan terminology, individual fans and fannish-related events.
Welcome to the Fanlore wiki! Fanlore is a multi-authored site for, about and by fans and fan communities that create and consume fanworks.
Fanlore is a multi-authored site for, about and by fans and fan communities that create and consume fanworks.
25 Fresh and New jQuery Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
25 Fresh and New jQuery Plugins and Tutorials
rwhdj.jpg (JPEG Image, 1440x2040 pixels)
Computer Hardware Chart: Hard Drives, Ports, Processor Card Slots, Processor Card Sockets, etc.
rwhdj.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 1440x2040 Pixel)
A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools « Tech7.Net
Computer_hardware_poster_1_7_by_Sonic840.png (PNG Image, 1280x1813 pixels)
Images of various computer hardware components
Computer hardware poster 1.7 by ~Sonic840 on deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.
HTML5 drag and drop in Firefox 3.5 – 0xDECAFBAD
Since it’s so fundamental, offering drag and drop in web applications has been a no-brainer ever since browsers first offered mouse events in DHTML. But, although mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup made it possible, the implementation has been limited to the bounds of the browser window. Additionally, since these events refer only to the object being dragged, there’s a challenge to find the subject of the drop when the interaction is completed.
Drag and drop is one of the most fundamental interactions afforded by graphical user interfaces. In one gesture, it allows users to pair the selection of an object with the execution of an action, often including a second object in the operation. It’s a simple yet powerful UI concept used to support copying, list reordering, deletion (ala the Trash / Recycle Bin), and even the creation of link relationships.
23 Extremely Helpful Wordpress Help Sheets And Resources | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
d there
This list features not only wordpress help sheets, but also SEO optimization articles, online theme generator and coding tips showing where you can look further if you've got problems with coding. - We found it so you don't have to!
User manual and other support documents including instruction manuals, user guides, operators manual, and how-to information. - We found it so you don't have to!
Manuais de instrução
A website that allows you to find manuals for products online.
Different Ways To Format CSS | CSS-Tricks
This post will focus on the different ways to format CSS, which differs from the different ways to organize CSS. Definitely related concepts, but I think
10 More Cool Things You Can Do With YouTube Videos
Like it says
There are plenty of sites that allow you to view and upload videos and share your memories, experiences and knowledge with the world. However, with its
27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
携帯サイト制作の時に勉強になるサイトとか、あれこれ。|linker journal|linker
Matt Legend Gemmell – iPhone Development Emergency Guide
This is an emergency guide to iPhone software development, i.e. a guide for competent developers who haven’t written code for the iPhone platform before, and just want to get started right now.
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
Essential Etiquette Advice and Information for Worldwide Travel at Travel Etiquette (UK)
Behaviour and customs vary greatly from country to country. We discuss the correct travel etiquette so that you won't be caught out.
30 Handy Cheat Sheets and Reference Guides for Web Professionals | Webdesigner Depot
Cheat sheets and reference guides are useful for both beginners and advanced web professionals. They can be used to help you remember syntax or as a tool to aid in memorization. In this post, we aim to cover the reference guides for all of the most commonly used platforms, software and coding languages. Below you’ll find a compilation of the 30 most useful and well-organized cheat sheets, checklists and reference guides. If you know of a useful cheat sheet that we haven’t covered here, please share the link in the comments’ section at the end of the article.
The Soldier in Later Medieval England
Database of soldiers who fought in wars during the Medieval era, including the Hundred Years War. Not sure how to use this just yet...
A team led by Dr. Adrian Bell and Prof. Anne Curry, with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, have put up a stunning new database of military service records of medieval soldiers serving from 1369 and 1453: While the database’s primary purpose seems to be exploring the lives of individual soldiers of note, There are great many potential applications for large observation (large-n) quantitative studies of conflict and health. Variables in the database include: First Name, Last Name, Status, Rank, Captain’s Name, Commander’s Name, Year of Service, Nature of Activity, Reference Number, and Membrane. Read the project details for more information.
Seven e-Learning and Teaching Resources
While the down economy continues to hurt funding to our schools, more and more teachers are looking to web-based services to help educate their students. Whether it's through ...
Insanely Simple Country Codes for International Calling
Insanely brilliant. Via @seldo.
Simple, elegant, and very useful. Brilliant.
Secret recipes of America's favorite restaurants | Free Restaurant Recipes | Cooking Forum | Copycat Recipes
Secret recipes of America's favorite restaurants | Free Restaurant Recipes | Cooking Forum | Copycat Recipes
20 User Experience Books you should own |
For people who make things for people who use things...
13 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes | Web Design Ledger
jQuery 1.3 Cheatsheet
jQuery 1.3のオンラインチートシート
The 10 most useful Linux commands - Program - Linux - Builder AU,339028299,339297366,00.htm
The 10 most useful Linux commands
Maybe the command line isn’t your favorite place to hang out, but to be an effective Linux admin, you need to be able to wield a few essential commands. These 10 commands are guaranteed to simplify your Linux admin life.
The complete guide to creating widgets in WordPress 2.8
Qualche consiglio avanzato su come dare all'utente più controllo sul display del widget all'interno del pannello di controllo.
15+ CSS Tips and Tricks | Queness
A list of CSS tips and tricks that will make your life so much easier! I have also make a list of CSS shorthands for your convenience.
Twitter 101 for Business — A Special Guide
A mini site from Twitter explaining what Twitter is and why individuals and organizations may want to use it.
This is a great guide for twitters and business twitters! the filename extension database
sitio ideal para quienes se rompen la cabeza buscando el software indicado que abra un tipo de archivo desconocido. Su base de datos brinda información detallada de prácticamente cualquier extensión: tipo, categoría, descripción, software con el cual abrir el archivo, etc. Además si utilizas Firefox disponen de un search plugin que te facilitará las búsquedas. Uno de los mayores inconvenientes de esta web es que los resultados privilegian la descarga de software propietario por encima de opciones confiables y funcionables de software libre.
filename extension database
The idea of the "Mathesaurus" is to provide a quick reference for switching to open-source mathematical computation environments for computer algebra, numeric processing and data visualisation.
"The idea of the "Mathesaurus" is to provide a quick reference for switching to open-source mathematical computation environments for computer algebra, numeric processing and data visualisation."
Urban Dictionary: World War II
According to the protagonist in Kurt Vonnegut's "Timequake": "...The world's second unsucessful attempt to commit suicide."
This is truly amazing.
terse yet comprehensive AND humourous
70 Inspirational Single Page Website Designs | Showcases | instantShift
10 Best UX (User Experience) Design Blogs : Web 2.0 : Technology :
Pharo Open Source Smalltalk - Home
A Squeak fork
a fork from the Squeak open-source Smalltalk. We decided to start Pharo because as active Squeakers, and responsible for Squeak 3.9, we felt the need to reconsider choices made. We want to create a better Smalltalk and be free to enhance it without fear of backwards compatibility. Deciding to start Pharo was not easy because we invested a lot in Squeak (some of us wrote several books on Squeak and in particular Squeak By Example ) and we like the Squeak community, but this is really important for us to open a new space. We want Pharo to be an excellent Smalltalk concerned with software engineering practices. We also want Pharo to be agile and be able to evolve. We hope you will like it and help make it better.
Favorite Places
google maps favorite places
Un nuevo servicio de Google. Bueno, no sabemos si es nuevo pero lo hemos descubierto esta semana. Google Favorite Places: Unos cuantos famosos nos muestran (sobre Google Maps, por supuesto) algunos de sus lugares favoritos. Siempre hemos pensado que Google (o los chinos, en este puto hay discrepancias en el estudio), dominarán el mundo.
Explore the favorite places of local experts from cities around the world. Find out where they like to go, and why, from their own perspectives.
Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash 関連ドキュメントの日本語訳 : Media Technology Labs (MTL) : メディアテクノロジーラボ ブログ
GoogleAnalytics を利用して Flash コンテンツ上でのユーザ操作やアクセス解析をする方法は以前からありましたが、それをもっと簡単に使えるように Googleさんと Adobe さんが協力して整備して提供してくれることになりましたね。 それが先日発表された「Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash」というコンポーネントです。
use Google Analytics for flash
The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter Part II | Webdesigner Depot
The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter Part II
We published the Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter at just at the right time when everyone wanted to know about this Twitter thing, how to start using it, and how to sleeve it into their websites and blogs.
Discussing PHP Frameworks: What, When, Why and Which? | Noupe
"Within the past few years as PHP has evolved as the scripting language of choice by most developers, [...]" - aha. Und die Top Five der PHP-Frameworks sind: The Zend Framework (built for coporate-level development); CakePHP (Ruby on Rails for PHP); Symfony (main objective is to create enterprise-level applications ... like Askeet and Yahoo! Bookmarks - wtf?); CodeIgniter (ease-of-use, performance, speed, small footprint, shared hosting); Seagull (used for building web, command lind and GUI apps, extremely easy to use) - auch wenn der Artikel irgendwie quark ist, so scheinen CodeIgniter und Seagull vielleicht fast einen Blick wert.
100 Years of Design Manifestos -- Social Design Notes
Pro Git - Table of Contents
Scott Chacon's CC licensed book on Git.
15 PHP regular expressions for web developers
The R programming language for programmers coming from other programming languages
Creative Review - The best film titles ever made
Best Opening Credits, OBB, for research
In our August issue, Adam Lee Davies looks at the continuing rise of the film title sequence since its artistic resurgence in the 1990s. In his article, Better Than the Film?, he talks to many of the genre's leading practioners such as Kyle Cooper and Garson Yu. For CR Blog, Davies has selected 30 of the best title sequences ever made...
How to Buy a Mattress * Get Rich Slowly
tips from someone in the mattress business
Text Rotation with CSS
Web designers: You are now free to design.
Thankfully, many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. Even better? We can make it work in Internet Explorer (back to version 5.5 even).
30 Logo Designs Using Gradient 3D Effects - Inspiration:Part 3 | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
- Inspiration:Part 3 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -
How To Use Twitter(Twitterの使い方) - カイ士伝
HTML 5 Reset Stylesheet | HTML5 Doctor
Photoshop Tutorials -
Compare Parking Rates Daily/Monthly Garages Lots NYC Boston New York
Compare Parking Rates Daily/Monthly Garages Lots NYC Boston New York
You need to park your car and you're crunched for time. You're not in a position to comparison shop parking rates. Thankfully BestParking has already crunched the numbers for you and can help you find the best rate.
21 Great Advertising Networks For Publishers | How To Split An Atom
Federated Media - Rep Agency
InfoQ: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
InfoQ: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
Our Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians
A page with evidence to the contrary tat the founding fathers were as Christian or as intent on impressing Christian values into the Constitution and the newly created American government.
One of the most common statements from the "Religious Right" is that they want this country to "return to the Christian principles on which it was founded". However, a little research into American history will show that this statement is a lie. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States had little use for Christianity, and many were strongly opposed to it. They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. They were Deists who did not believe the bible was true.
The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States had little use for Christianity, and many were strongly opposed to it. They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity.
Some of them may have been deists at best, but most of them abhorred religion and everything it entails.
Ghostwriter Dad - 10 Tips for Powerful Proofreading
Few people would ever say proof-reading’s fun. Although a good edit does little to invite party hats or balloons, it is essential to effective writing.
10 quick tips on proofing and editing..
49 Top Sites And Collections To Find Free Icon Sets | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Free icons
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Great places for FREE ICONS!
Carsonified » How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Carsonified » How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
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Locate hard-to-find user manuals, discover new features, and realize the potential of the products you rely on. ManualsOnline pairs self-help and product information with a growing community of engaged product owners.
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5 Web Accessibility Improvement Tools | UX Booth
Over the past few weeks we’ve been showcasing some amazing articles, tools, and videos in our Resources section. Our twitter followers have gotten a taste of these resources and have let us know they are really enjoying them! Today I would like to share some tools with you that focus on accessibility, a very important sector of user experience.
The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference.
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference. Chances are you don't know the ins and outs of every single connector or piece of computer hardware you'll come across (even if you do have experience), and while we're sure the poster could cover even more territory (if we're being picky), it's a pretty great visual reference.
50 Useful Mind-Mapping Tools for College Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
By Emily Thomas As a hardworking student, you've got a lot to organize, including essays, exams, deadlines, and class schedules, not to mention your social and
As a hardworking student, you’ve got a lot to organize, including essays, exams, deadlines, and class schedules, not to mention your social and personal life–plus any part-time jobs you may have taken on. In an effort to keep you more organized, we’ve generated this list of 50 useful mind-mapping tools that are designed to help you see your ideas more clearly, analyze and outline research papers, become more efficient when you study, and get inspired to be more creative in your work. - Das Online-Wörterbuch. Über 4,5 Mio Wörter. Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Deutsch.
Über 4,5 Mio Wörter. Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Deutsch. Neu: Deutsche Rechtschreibung online
Wörterbuch Deutsch + 7 zweisprachige Wörterbücher
Dictionaries in different languages - Online-Wörterbuch für die Sprachen Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Französisch, Französisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Spanisch, Spanisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Italienisch, Italienisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Polnisch, Polnisch-Deutsch, Französisch-Englisch, Englisch-Französisch, Spanisch-Englisch, Englisch-Spanisch, Deutsch-Russisch, Russisch-Deutsch, deutsche Rechtschreibung.
Der Schulbuchverlag Ernst Klett bringt ab sofort unter seiner Wörterbuchmarke Pons ein kostenloses Onlinenachschlagewerk zur deutschen Rechtschreibung. Konkurrent Duden reagiert mit Überlegungen, seine Rechtschreibkorrektur als Internetanwendung anzubieten, allerdings nicht gratis.
Lifehacker - Getting Started With Canning, aka Home Food Preservation - canning
Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment | Morethanseven
the stack I _should_ be using.
30 Information Packed UX and IA Resources | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
Resources on using the official GitHub API. This site contains documentation on the major API sections and libraries you can use to make use of GitHub with your programs and scripts.
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
free programming books
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
The Browser | the world in a window
the world in a window
MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries. Here are very useful tips for all mysql DBA’s, Developers these tips are noted from MySQL Camp 2006 suggested by mysql community experts.
# # Don’t use DISTINCT when you have or could use GROUP BY
Don’t use deprecated features
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75+ Excellent Collection of Tutorials, Inspirations And Resources For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In July @ SmashingApps
Gran recopilación de diseños
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
HOW TO: Use the Web for Socially Responsible Shopping
9 sites that offer information for the conscious consumer about the companies and products we buy every day.
The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition
HOW TO: Customize Your YouTube Channel
The Do’s and Don’ts of Dark Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
A few tips to make your next dark website design appeal to a broader audience, while letting you, the designer, express your creativity.
Do's and Dont's
Alex Faaborg - » The New Firefox Icon
Later this week we will be shipping the first Release Candidate build of Firefox 3.5, which is currently in the process of being evaluated by our exceptional QA team and testing community. This also means that we are now ready to finalize the design of the new Firefox icon. I want to thank everyone who provided feedback on the icon during the design process. But more importantly I want to thank the new icon’s creator Anthony Piraino from the Iconfactory. He did a great job with the design work, he very quickly adapted iterations as we changed our direction and sent feedback, and he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed by a completely transparent process that designers often find to be a bit uncomfortable.
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Firefox 3.5のicon、資料作成時に利用。
33+ Online Resources to Learn CSS | [Re]
resources to learn css
How to Naturally Reset Your Sleep Cycle In One Night | Wise Bread
Simply stop eating during the 12-16 hour period before you want to be awake. Once you start eating again, your internal clock will be reset as though it is the start of a new day.  Your body will consider the time you break your fast as your new "morning." For example, if you want to start waking up at 2:00 am, you should start fasting between 10:00 am or 2:00 pm the previous day, and don't break your fast until you wake up at 2:00 am. Make sure you eat a nice healthy meal to jumpstart your system. Another example: If you are travelling from Los Angeles to Tokyo, figure out when breakfast is served in Tokyo, and don't eat for the 12-16 hours before Tokyo's breakfast time.
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MagMe - Online Magazines | Publish and Read Magazines Online
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MagMe is an online service platform that provides a free distribution channel for digital publications. Revistas en Línea
The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2350553,00.asp
Best sites of 2009!
40 Superb Psychology Blogs | PsyBlog
Forty of the best psychology blogs, chosen to give you a broad sweep of the most interesting content being produced online right now. The list is split
40 Superb Psychology Blogs
Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ? - CSS-Tricks
Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning
Finsta left a question in the forums: I am fairly new to web design and I could never master the differences in positioning of elements. I know there are
Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ? | CSS-Tricks
Printed books on User Experience free to read online » The UX Bookmark
a good resource to stop by, when thinking about changes in your user interface.
Seth's Blog: The bandwidth-sync correlation that's worth thinking about
very nice mapping of network & platform
Here are a dozen or so forms of communication, arranged on two axes.
Reason why webinars are so valued
nice way to understand why Broadband is key.
Popular CSS Snippets
Site com partes ou peços ou snippets (tudo a mesma coisa) de códigos CSS para webdesign
The 5-Minute CSS Mobile Makeover • Perishable Press
More people are surfing the Web via mobile device than ever before. It’s just so convenient to have that mobile access to anything you need. Sadly, most websites have not yet considered their mobile visitors, who probably move on to the next site before trying to make sense of a jumbled mess.
Stop ignoring your mobile visitors! Be a part of the thriving Mobile Web by making your site mobile-friendly. This tutorial explains everything you need to know!
appsfire: easily share your favorite selection of iPhone apps with anyone.
Easily share your favorite selection of iPhone apps with anyone.
Learning to Text: Don’t LOL at Death, and Other Tips -
Quick! Tell Us What KUTGW Means
In many offices, a working knowledge of text-speak is becoming de rigueur. And at home, parents need to know the lingo in order to keep up with—and sometimes police—their children.
LShift Ltd. » Tracing Python memory leaks
CSS Typography Reference Sheet - Get Creative with your Headlines! : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Reference tables of CSS properties and sample texts (web safe)
size conversion chart
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power users. Here are a few tips you should try out if you are an avid Ubuntu user:
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power
UI Pattern Documentation Review - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
User interface (UI) patterns have the potential to make software development more efficient. The prospect of such efficiency gains has led to interest in user interface (UI) patterns by individuals and organizations looking for ways to increase quality while at the same time reducing the costs associated with software development. The very nature of UI patterns requires that they be familiar to end-users. An individual UI pattern is a discrete, repeatable unit of user experience. I refer to collection of patterns as a library.
CityMove - The best place to find a mover
100% free! Post your moving job and let movers compete for your business. You can delete your job or change details at any time.
Moving Companies Ratings, Movers, New York, NYC, Manhattan, National.
Mastering CSS, Part 2: Advanced Techniques and Tools | CSS | Smashing Magazine
In Part 1: Styling Design Elements we covered the basics of web design with CSS. In Part 2 we’re offering up some more advanced techniques and effects you can achieve with CSS. Everything from creating your own online apps (like calendars) to styling web pages for use with the iPhone to some basics of working with CSS3 is covered here.
Nine Essential Characteristics of Good UX Designers
Nine Essential Characteristics of Good UX Designers
What makes a good UX Designer / Information Architect
100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography - Photography Colleges
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Web design Q&A - Doctype
Nytt forum för webbutvecklare
Doctype is a free question and answer site for web designers. You can ask questions about CSS, HTML, web design and email design.
Carsonified » 17 Awesome Web Developer Cheat Sheets
I am sure we have all been in the situation where we’ve learned a new piece of software and only a couple of weeks later we’ve forgotten all but the basic commands. This happened to me recently when moving back to SVN after working with Git. Thankfully I have a handful of “cheat sheets” that I call upon at these times.
17 Awesome Web Developer Cheat Sheets
cheat sheets for all sorts of foo
Really Useful Classes And Libraries For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
led on Microsoft
4 Websites to Learn Cool Linux Command Line Tricks |
Currently Browsing: [from]
FSI Language Courses - Home
Public domain versions of language courses from the Foreign Service Institute.
The manual Excerpt in WordPress. What, why, how, tips and plugins -
WordPress excerpts, which are not excerpts in the common sense of the word, make a WordPress site easier to browse and its content easier to discover. When also used as META descriptions, good excerpts bring more and better traffic from search engines.
Tutorial on excerpts in wordpress
Repeat "A-E-I-O-U" to Read Faster - Reading - Lifehacker
10 Simple Steps to Better Photoshop Performance | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Facebook’s New Privacy Features: A Complete Guide
30 PHP Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
Mindcipher: Challenge Yourself...
65 Must-Know CSS Strategies and Tutorials - Webitect
Some good tutorials and resources on CSS
Introduction To LED Lighting |
AjaxCase - Ajax Examples And Demos Collection - Latest Ajax
AjaxCase is the best collection of Ajax examples and demos around the web. you could find many useful ajax examples and demos on AjaxCase, the ones you can use in almost every project you will be working on.
Ferramentas Web
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50 Amazing Ramen Noodle Recipes | College Survival Guide Part 1
College Suvival Guide Part I: 50 Amazing Ramen Noodle Recipes
The Failing Point – …Write A Long Business Plan
Under no circumstances should you...Write A Long Business Plan
# Who are you? # What is the problem you are going to solve? # What is your solution? # Why will the market accept your solution? # What does the competition look like? # Who are your customers? # What are the details of your product? # How will you acquire customers? # What is your best approximation for the financials of the business? # What are the risks/challenges? # What’s the timeline? # Bonus: What’s The Exit Plan?
While business plans are important, writing a long one isn't such a good idea. It makes sense really, especially for new businesses there is so much uncertainty that big complex models of revenue and cost projections can be nothing but farcical.
Screws and Nails
Here are tips and suggestions to help you do a better job when using common fasteners like screws and nails.
Here are tips and suggestions to help you do a better job when using common fasteners like screws and nails. Although there is nothing complex about a nail or a screw, many are misused.
Selecting the best fastener for the job
8 Web Usability and Best Practices for Beginners | Desizn Tech
Top 6 Torrent Alternatives To The Pirate Bay
Carsonified » 10 User Interface Design Fundamentals
Taming Advanced CSS Selectors | CSS | Smashing Magazine
23+ Excellent Tutorials For WordPress Theme Developers
23+ Excellent Tutorials For WordPress Theme Developers
Dicas de WordPress
Tutorials zum Erstellen von WordPress-Themes
RT @bkmacdaddy 23+ Excellent Tutorials For #WordPress Theme Developers - [from]
250+ Resources to Help You Become a CSS Expert | Webdesigner Depot
CSS is the second-most-important thing you can master when it comes to web design, right after HTML. And the capabilities of CSS can be staggering (especially with the new CSS3 standard already making appearances in some browsers). If you can imagine it, it’s likely someone has already figured out how to do it with CSS.
21 Really Useful & Handy PHP Code Snippets
generating random passwords, encoding email adds, etc.
The Web Design Process Start to Finish - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Portfolio of award winning web designer Lee Munroe. Specialising in creative web design and innovative web solutions for your business - The Web Design Process Start to Finish
Very useful overview of the design process - IN114
Design P
The Web Design Process Start to Finish
I’ve always found it interesting reading the design process of others (David Airey, Contrast, Brian Hoff). It’s good to have an insight into others work, to see if I can learn anything from their process but also for curiosity. So I’ve put together a break down of my design process, using a recent project as a real life example, Newsgroup Direct. Overview I was recently hired by Newsgroup Direct (NGD), a leading Usenet newsgroup service provider, to revamp their website, make it more modern and improve signups. Old Here is their previous design. Planning Planner The first thing that happens when I get an enquiry is I send the potential client a website planner. The website planner, a series of questions I have listed in a Word document, will gather requirements for the project. The key objectives of the planner: * Find out who the client is and what they do * Who their target market/user is * Who their competition is * What deliverables they want from me * Tim
Typography, fonts, & lettering news aggregator
type news and content aggregator
Web Design: Minimalistic Sites | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Para elaborar site da, referências...
25+ jQuery Tutorials Roundup | ExtraTuts
25+ jQuery Tutorials Roundup | ExtraTuts
jQuery Tutorials Roundup
IRB: Let’s Bone Up On The Interactive Ruby Shell
IRB articles
Top 10 Blogs for Writers - The 2008/2009 Winners
100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library | The Art of Manliness
Molds On Food: Are They Dangerous?
When you can eat things with mold on them.
How Should You Handle Food with Mold on It? Buying small amounts and using food quickly can help prevent mold growth. But when you see moldy food: * Don’t sniff the moldy item. This can cause respiratory trouble. * If food is covered with mold, discard it. Put it into a small paper bag or wrap it in plastic and dispose in a covered trash can that children and animals can’t get into. * Clean the refrigerator or pantry at the spot where the food was stored. * Check nearby items the moldy food might have touched. Mold spreads quickly in fruits and vegetables. * See the attached chart “Moldy Food: When to Use, When to Discard.”
The USDA takes it's stand.
The Golden Hour Calculator | Sunrise and Sunset information for photographers
Para calcular la «hora mágica» para fotografiar.
Discover when the golden hour is at your current location, explore visually how the golden hour changes with the seasons and where you are in the world. The Golden Hour (sometimes referred to as the Magic Hour) is often defined as the first and last hour of sunlight in the day when the special quality of light yields particularly beautiful photographs."
Massive Regular Expressions Toolbox | tripwire magazine
regular expression tutorial
I hate regular expressions almost as much as I rely on them. If you're a noob (or a seasoned, scarred victim like me), there's much to find useful here.
Regular expressions (”regex’s” for short) are sets of symbols and syntactic elements used to match patterns of text and they are pretty powerful. Regular expressions have been around for a very long time (in computer industry scale) and was first introduced as part of the powerful UNIX search tool grep.
30 Amazing Retro Posters and Flyers | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Posters retro, muito bacana os visuais
This week I ran into some cool retro designs for posters, fliers and brochures. I thought I would share them for my next Retrography Post. I love the style and feel of this ‘old paper look’ they all kind of have. I keep seeing the coolest gig posters and
Carsonified » How to Get Started with the Twitter API
How to Get Started with the Twitter API
Thanks to some very nice open source libraries for quite a few programming languages, interacting with the Twitter API has become exceedingly simple. In this article we’ll be looking at different ways to pull in data from Twitter.
Social Advertising Best Practices
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance:
Social Advertising Best Practices PDF from IAB [from]
Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18.
by IAB
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance: * Reach: Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18. (Nielsen “Global Faces and Networked Places,” March 9, 2009; MediaPost Blogs Research Brief, “Social Networking Is No Respecter of Age,” March 18, 2009.) * Relationships: Social media's strength is in the personal connections it enables, the peer-to-peer contact, providing reasons for consumers to visit regularly and for extended periods of time. * Relevance: Consumers are extremely engaged with the content and connections that their friends are creating because of its personal relevance.
5 Ways to Spice Up Your Gmail Signature
Essential Tips for Designing an Effective Homepage
In this article, we'll go over some web design tips for designing homepages and uncover some of the vital steps required to construct a powerful and successful front page.
from Twitter
6 Steps to Kill Your Community — Matt Mullenweg
Some platforms claim to increase your user engagement, get you more comments, increase your traffic, and more, through means that I consider short-sighted and harmful. This guide tells you how to increase the number of comments you get by 400-1,000% and ruin whatever shred of community you had on your site.
Fonts available for @font-face embedding -
The website dedicated to webfonts & @font-face embedding
16 Cheat Sheets on 16 Essential Topics for Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
10 Reasons to Politely Decline a Web Design Gig - Webmonkey
Read: 10 Reasons to Politely Decline a Web Design Gig [from]
Useful examples of awk usage
A comprehensive list to Silverlight Controls for developers
실버라이트 컨트롤모음
The web site and blog of Tim Heuer, Program Manager for Microsoft Silverlight. A great resource for learning Silverlight development and other Microsoft related technology.
Unicode table for you
Social Media Brasil - Cobertura oficial 2009
Site do maior evento de mídias sociais do Brasil.
Your Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
How To: Kick Your Torrent Addiction With Usenet - Usenet how to - Gizmodo
Usenet: Everyone's heard of it, nobody uses it. This is ridiculous. Not only is it a fantastic way to download&mdash;it's not that hard to use. Here's how to drop your torrent habit once and for all, with Usenet.
Top 10 Tricks MacGyver Would Be Proud Of - MacGyver - Lifehacker
Out in the countryside, MacGyver and the son of an esteemed diplomat are tired, exhausted, and hungry after dismantling a tank and escaping a military prison with corrugated cardboard, vanilla extract, and a magnet-tipped screwdriver. They have no matches or fuel to start a fire, but they did ransack a few items from the galley kitchen on the way out. With a 9-volt battery or cellphone sparked against some steel wool, or a pop-top can and chocolate, they're well on their way to getting a little flame built. (Original posts: chocolate and Coke, cellphone battery, steel wool and 9-volt).
When they draw up the Complete History of Lifehacking, Angus MacGyver will certainly merit a chapter. We pay tribute to the creative can-do secret agent this week with 10 tricks that make extraordinary use of truly common objects.
60 Beautiful Logo Designs For Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces
Typedia is a resource to classify, categorize, and connect typefaces.
If this gets the depth of the community behind it, it could be a fantastic typographical resource.
Carsonified » How to Create Totally Secure Cookies
How to Create Totally Secure Cookies
Securing cookies and sessions is vital to keeping an application secure. Many tutorials have been written on the subject, but as the internet (and browsers loading it) evolve so do the methods you can use to keep your application secure. In this article we’re going to break down the various components of a cookie and what they mean for security. This will include limiting the cookie to certain domains and paths on those domains, choosing what information to store, and protecting the cookie from cross site scripting exploits. In a second article we will go into more depth in how to protect everyone’s favorite cookie, the session ID.
Methodologie Web Canvas
v swissmiss
Nice overview of web canvas sizes and their audiences
A canvas of websafe browser sizes.
Current statistics of user's screen size laid out in a nice visual representation. Definitely worth checking out.
Shows canvas with pixel size
Referencia Hardware
Trending Topics: Hot Wikipedia Topics - Powered by Hadoop & EC2
A search engine for trending topics. Built by Data Wrangling with Cloudera Hadoop shows some massive data processing habilities.
awesome website that mines wikipedia traffic levels
Baseline - a designer framework by
'Build with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. '
Build with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. Baseline start with several files to reset the browser default behavior, build a basic typographic layout — including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements — and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website, it grew up to become a full typographic framework for the web using “real” baseline grid as it’s foundation.
113 Design Guidelines for Homepage Usability (Nielsen Norman Group)
Get High Now
visual and audio mind benders
45 Inspirational Corporate Website Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
As you already seen in our previous showcase of Corporate Website Designs that a perfect layout, A good design and nice resources can produce a creative output. Layout, textures and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of excellent designs. However, When it comes to corporate website design you need to take care about many things which includes simplicity, readability, presentation and accessibility. In this presentation, you’ll find variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational corporate designs which is easy to accessible and convenient to approachable. The main purpose here is to stimulate your creativity and to inspire your imagination to design or redesign your work site to show your skills to potential clients.
How to Debug Bash Scripts | Ayman Hourieh's Blog
On how to trace Bash script execution.
User Experience Publications | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
Continuing on my series of answering common questions I have created a post list user experience publications. This is a question that keeps coming up in discussion is about User Experience resources, specifically about publications. So here is a list of industry publications which I read on a semi-regular basis, most of which I subscribe to their feed or email newsletter. I am hoping you find these useful.
Find the right website size for every audience with the Web Canvas | Methodologie
Encuentra el tamaño perfecto para tu website con Web Canvas
Wallpaper Roundup: Getting Things Done with Workflows and Quadrants
Whether you're gearing up for the start of the school year or you're plugging along at your 9 to 5 like usual, we've got a roundup of productivity-centric wallpaper to help you keep focused. Note: The "Full Size" link directly under the picture only shows you the full size of the sample image we uploaded for this gallery. You need to click on the name of the particular wallpaper in the right hand column to access the full range of sizes at the source site or click on "Direct Link to Largest Available Image" to jump right to the biggest size available. Not keen on the gallery layout? See all the larger images on one page here.
Gavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly
This was originally written for the Phil Inch's Game Developer's Magazine and after getting lots of positive feedback I expanded and improved it. I have spent a lot of time working on this and would appreciate hearing from you if you like it.
Essential Learning for Ruby and Rails - Nettuts+
Ruby is rapidly becoming the preferred programming language for many developers. With that said, let's look at some of the best tutorials, videos and books to
CSS code structure for HTML 5: some useful guidelines
In this post I want to illustrate some useful guidelines about how to implement a well organized CSS code structure in view of introduction of HTML 5 markup language. They are not general rules but simple suggestions you can follow in order to improve the readability, manageability, and general organization of CSS code. These suggestions are especially useful if you have to work on complex CSS files that otherwise can be difficult to manage. I prefer to separate CSS code in three distinct sections: a first section that contains general HTML tags; a second section that contains structure tags; a last section with custom classes.
30 Designers, Portfolios + Work You Must-See and Bookmark!
30 high-quality design portfolios and work samples that you must have a peek at and bookmark. It's work like this below that keeps us inspired, motivated and moving forward in our industry.
Git: Your New Best Friend [Server Side Essentials]
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Version control is the process of recording the history of changes to files as they are modified. Users can go back in time and get old versions and identify where changes were introduced (people sometimes refer to version control tools as time machines). This means that it’s easier to: * protect against changes—accidental or otherwise—and be able to access a known good version of a file * track down problems and make fixes to previous versions of files * allow more than one person to modify project files simultaneously (programmers refer to this as parallel development) * retrieve an older set of files (if requested by a customer or manager, for example)
Good advice on branches for web development (production, release, maintenance, etc).
How to set upand use GIT
introduction intro to git
This article introduces version control and Git without assuming you have any prior knowledge or programming experience. Because of its introductory nature, certain details are simplified or omitted and the use of the Git Graphical User Interface (Git GUI) is emphasized. Afterwards the reader should be able to use Git for basic version control and know where to locate further information.
Really Useful Tools For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
Whether you are a PHP novice or an experienced developer; tools that you use have direct impact on your productivity. W3Avenue has compiled a list of really useful extensions & tools for PHP developers that will help you speed up development and significantly improve overall quality of your code.
Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee - How to make coffee - Gizmodo
Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee
Can't see us getting a coffee grinder in the workplace
Six Tips For Improving High Bounce / Low Conversion Web Pages | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
If you want to have high performing web pages make sure that you: 1. Have a clear understanding of what the purpose of that page is and 2a. a clearer understanding of what drove customers to the page and 2b. what they want to accomplish to ensure that 3. #1 and #2 are in alignment. Glory will be yours!
A very detailed article with links to all relevant tools for finding out how to improve conversions, what people are looking for on a website, where do they click etc
@newsycombinator: "Fixing high bounce / low conversion web pages" (from
Six Tips For Improving High Bounce / Low Conversion Web Pages (via @vousa) [from]
If Famous Graphic Artists Were Web Designers... | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
graphics, webdesign inspiration
pekna inspiracia, uplne ine ako bezne webiky... weby porovnavane so znamymi obrazmi znamych umelcov podla stylu :) ako by asi ten umelec nadizajnoval dnes web
20 Fascinating Ancient Maps
Every Typography Lover's Toolshed of Resources
10 Awesome Websites That Help You Discover the Best Web Apps | Inspired Magazine
WebApps, BestOf, Websites
// If you're watching the blogosphere close enough, you can observe a new trend coming along pretty quick - the application blog, whether is focused on
5 Habits to Help You Complete Your Project in Record Time - Webitect
Everybody wants to be more productive. Productivity translates to success, whether you’re a freelancer or an employee. Here are five powerful ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time.
How to Make Any Food
every recipe ever
“On Rake” by John Barnette
A grab-bag of other bad usage I’ve seen recently:
I’ve been reading a lot of Rakefiles lately, and it’s obvious that the folks writing them think of Rake as An Engine For Encapsulating Tasks. That’s fine, but it’s only part of what Rake can do.
Mac OS X v10.6: About incompatible software
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard is designed to protect your Mac from certain incompatible software that can quit unexpectedly or cause other issues in Mac OS X v10.6. When you install Snow Leopard or migrate to Snow Leopard, known-incompatible software is moved to a folder named Incompatible Software on your hard drive. Snow Leopard also prevents known-incompatible software from opening. If you see an "Incompatible software" message, contact the software's vendor or visit their website for a later, compatible version.
"During installation, Snow Leopard moves known-incompatible software to a folder named Incompatible Software at the root level of the hard drive. If you see this folder on your Mac, use the table below to check with the software vendor to see if any Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard-compatible updates are available."
40 Fresh & Beautiful Websites for Design Inspiration | Pixelactic
Python Debugging Techniques | Ayman Hourieh's Blog
code.interact(), Python debugger and logging
und the current line. Let's give it a try:
MAIN : Daniel Park
Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Dan spent his youth playing soccer, shooting things with his slingshot, and working on his art. In 2002, he moved to New York City to further his studies at the School of Visual Arts under the guidance of Tom Woodruff. His interests range from theology and film to the UFC.
Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts - Troubleshooting Dell, HP, Sony, eMachines, IBM, Compaq and Gateway PC's
This page offers links to flowcharts for PC diagnostics, excerpted from my book. The non-active links are for charts that are included in the book but not available online. The published book contains seventeen flowcharts for computer diagnostics plus a short text for every chart expanding on the decision points. The troubleshooting process is the same for an expensive Sony or IBM, or a downmarket eMachines or Gateway. Dell and HP (who purchased Compaq) manufacture PC's in a wide range of price points, but you have to go through the same troubleshooting steps for the cheap ones as the expensive ones if you want to correctly identify and repair the failure.
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances - Annoyances - Lifehacker
ext page inline without having to reload. Each of the extensions works a little differently, and
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances
Home - Kitchen Monki
We built Kitchen Monki to be a hard-core productivity tool. Use it to organize your own recipes. Use it to share recipes among your friends. Or our favorite, use it to automate grocery list preparation.
Computer Repair Flowchart | Boing Boing Gadgets
Diagramas de flujo para diagnosis de problemas de ordenador
10 Killer Flash Tips For Beginners | Tools
adobe flash beginnings.
“Why Should We Hire You” Interview Question and Answers
HOW TO: Find the Name of That Song
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Ever had that tune you just couldn’t get out of your head, but you couldn’t remember the darn title or who the heck performed the track? Well there’s an app for that.
Ever had that tune you just couldn’t get out of your head, but you couldn’t remember the darn title or who the heck performed the track? Well there’s an app for that. Actually, there are several. In this feature we’ll look at several services that can help you name that tune. We’re still waiting on the app that can actually banish that annoyingly catchy song from your mind, but until then at least you can be armed with knowledge.'s Top Trending Links - Web Trend Map
The Web Trend Map community curates meaningful link trends by choosing sources they trust.
Flickr - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME,28804,1918031_1918016,00.html
the best websites of 2008
Best Websites 2009 - TIME
HealthBase - Powered by NetBase
Health meta search engine
This site aggregates search results from all sorts of medical sites so you get a lot of info in one place.
- Powered by NetBase
Learn 3 Excellent JavaScript Libraries at Once - Nettuts+
ry time an element the element with an ID of maintrigger is clicked, a new div element needs to be appended to the paragraph element containing the text "clicked". This simple demo touches all of the basic functionality requirements including accessing elements, hooking up events and appending elements except that of AJAX abstraction and will let us get a feel for each library.
"JavaScript frameworks are a boon when you have lots of ideas to turn into functional, clean code. And with the meteoric rise of web applications using AJAX technology, frameworks like jQuery are necessary to reduce the time you spend implementing the required functionality..."
HTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.
Edited Contributions - Programmer 97-things
Pre-alpha book release
# Fulfill Your Ambitions with Open Source by Richard Monson-Haefel # Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say by Kevlin Henney
Take the Marine Corps Fitness Test | The Art of Manliness
In order to get the highest possible score on the test you’d have to perform 20 pull-ups, do 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and run 3 miles in 18:00 minutes.
Elég fitt vagy?
Today we're going to give ourselves a gut check by taking a physical fitness test. 200906253026
18 Useful Tricks To Speed Up WordPress & Boost Performance
18 Useful Tricks To Speed Up WordPress & Boost Performance -
6. Optimize Your MySQL Database Optimizing your MySQL Database can make a difference in your load time. There are two ways of doing this. One way is manual hard core way. Another way is a plugin. To do it manually, you need to go to phpMyAdmin and select your database. Then towards the bottom, click check all to select all tables and then towards the center of the screen, there is a drop down menu, click optimize tables there. Optimize MySQL Database
<?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries in <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds.
HTML 5 pocket book
Thank you Jeremy Keith.
@adactio’s HTML5 pocketbook from dConstruct 2009 HTML5 workshop
HTML 5 pocket book -
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Programmer 97-things
Nette Übersicht über 97 Sachen die jeder Programmierer wissen sollte :) - Provides freight audit for clients who ship cargo via ocean freight and the refunds are paid to clients directly from the service providers.If your company is not paid a refund, our service at Ocean Freight Refunds Inc. (OFR) is free of charge.
database_software [Internet Mindmap]
Good list
list of many database softwares and categorized
Liste de logiciels de bases de données classés par modèle de gestion de l'information (relationnel, XML, RDF...)
TEDTalks as of 09.02.09
Thought of opml as I saw this spreadsheet.
Interesting talks about interesting things by interesting people
Big collection of Regular Expressions Toolbox "regex" |
TechPosters: Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
świetne, sporo cheatsheet'ów
Ruby's Metaprogramming Toolbox
5 Websites To Keep A Kid Busy & Happy
Sometimes you just have to get some work done, when all your child wants to do is play with you. While playing with your kid should be your top priority, you can’t always neglect your work. Being a parent sure isn’t easy. I’ve had a colleague who sometimes had to bring her 3 year old son to work when the nanny was sick and no one else was available to take care of him. We all helped keeping him busy and now and then he would also enjoy some games on the computer. Here are five ways to distract your child for a few minutes when you absolutely need it.
40 Must Have Cheat Sheets for effective Web Designers | tripwire magazine
As a follwoup on the article 40+ Essential Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets it is now time to deliver a similar package to Web Designers. Creating Web Designs isn't easy at all as it is first of all a creative process. To get the creative pro
Web design cheat sheets
40 Must Have Cheat Sheets for effective Web Designers | tripwire magazine
Software Carpentry: Index
Software Carpentry is an intensive introduction to basic software development practices for scientists and engineers
Some notes on software carpentry
HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Woork
A simple visual grid with a list of all HTML tags and their related attributes supported by HTML versions 4.01 and/or 5.
HTML5 きたよー
Como crear buenos iconos para tus aplicaciones iphone
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform. The App store with it’s more than 70.000 apps have become quite the crowded bazaar. As an interface designer i cannot but marvel at the emphasis this has put on the delicate art of icon design. Read on as i take you through some do’s and don’ts of App Icon Design.
Best practices for design iPhone app icons
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform.
Computer Repair Flowcharts
Many DC area consultants use flowcharts and work flows in their jobs. If you’re interested in following the diagnostic process of computer repair specialists, take a look at these flowcharts by Morris Rosenthal. They illustrate many of my thought processes when fixing a computer problem.
50 Inspiring Web Application and Service Web Site Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.
30+ Fresh & Amazing jQuery Plugins & Tutorials
Here are 30+ fresh and amazing jQuery plugins and tutorials which i have hand-picked from jQuery articles or plugins published in last 30 days on the interwebs. If you are looking for latest on jQuery, then this is a must read for you.
25 Excellent Collection Of jQuery Tutorials | Tutorials |
According to jQuery dot com, jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax
CeeVee - quick & painless résumé management
TechPosters: Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
Detecting HTML5 Features - Dive Into HTML5
100 Fantastic Resources For Web Designers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
If you know nothing about HTML, this is where you start - www ...
HTML Goodies Tutorials
Cheat Sheets -
Reference Sheets for multiple purposes - wiki markup, Firewall ports, ...
HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
Guide to HTML5 Hiccups
HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
55+ Seriously Useful Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets | tripwire magazine
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
An astoundingly, uncannily accurate description of how IT professionals think
Few people notice this, but for IT groups respect is the currency of the realm. IT pros do not squander this currency. Those whom they do not believe are worthy of their respect might instead be treated to professional courtesy, a friendly demeanor or the acceptance of authority. Gaining respect is not a matter of being the boss and has nothing to do with being likeable or sociable; whether you talk, eat or smell right; or any measure that isn't directly related to the work. The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done, including the elegance and practicality of his solutions and suggestions. IT pros always and without fail, quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.
On managaging geeks and IT departments. This should be mandatory reading for every manager.
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Geeks are smart and creative, but they are also egocentric, antisocial, managerially and business-challenged, victim-prone, bullheaded and credit-whoring.
25 Places to Watch the Fall TV Season Online
Carsonified » How Colour Communicates Meaning
Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / Hack2Work
o que fazer e o que nao fazer no design para aumentar uma marca sem aumentar o logo.
Ways to improve the way you work
PHPの開発効率を上げる10個の関数 - PHP,MySQL,Flexな日々+イラストとか
WordPress Cheat Sheet - Nettuts+
JavaScript Framework Matrix - Overview with functions and examples
The JavaScript Framework Matrix shall give you an overview of popular JavaScript frameworks and their functions. There are various examples for the frameworks and every snippet contains links to the official documentation. The choice of a framework depends on many factors and can't be made of this document only. The matrix shall solely demonstrate the different API styles and functionalities of the JavaScript libraries.
Keyboard shortcuts
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment -- A Syllabus
Transmedia storytelling Henry Jenkins
lots of interesting looking links and articles
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
The Edgar Allan Poe Digital Collection
Edgar Allan Poe digital collection with annotated manuscripts, letters, books belonging to Poe.
Ekin Ertaç
wordpress tag チートシート
Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
La liste de toutes les commandes wordpress pour réaliser son propre thème (lien direct: )
Free Complete Wordpress Cheat Sheet
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Five consumer laws you really ought to know
Helpful summary of consumer protections in the UK. Plenty more to know, but this bare-bones summary is a great start.
The Data Liberation Front (the Data Liberation Front)
We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome.
"We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome." :-D
We intend for this site to be a central location for information on how to move your data in and out of Google products. Welcome. The Data Liberation Front The Data Liberation Front is an engineering team at Google whose singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products. We do this because we believe that any data that you create in or import into a product is your own. We help and consult other engineering teams within Google on how to "liberate" their products. This is our mission statement
How To Correct Banding In Your Gradients Using Photoshop - slodive
How To Correct Banding In Your Gradients Using Photoshop - slodive -
Einfach aber effektiv - wie man den Übergang des Farbverlauf.s in Photoshop fließender macht
Correct Banding In Your Gradients Using Photoshop
Design Resources & Inspiration
A tutorial that shows how to get rid of banding in gradients.
Want to know what a phrase or idiom means?
traductor frases diccionario inglés
OpenSolaris vs Linux | TuxRadar
he exciting features of this operating system outweigh the trouble of learning another Unix environment with other tools?
14 Great Cheat Sheets & Posters to Make You a Software Wizard
Voting America: United States Politics, 1840-2008
This site comes from the University of Richmond. Use it to find maps of all presidential elections from 1840-2008.
16 Favorite Cheat Sheets for Web Design and Development | TutorialFeed
web designer cheatsheet
web design
The Z-Index CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look « Smashing Magazine
ue Box Gold Box
CSS Property: A Comprehensive Look « Smashing Magazine
Z-index CSS Property
50 Fascinating Lectures All About Your Brain | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Naming Tips (Software Engineering Tips)
"Name physical things what they are, not what they're doing"
Drupal Check / Drupal quick tips and tricks before going live!
Fantastic list of snippets to work through before deploying a live Drupal site. Feel the urge to add 'never eat yellow snow'
Things to check on your Drupal site before you go live with it.
Dive Into Python 3
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook - Firefox - Lifehacker
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook
Your netbook's screen is tiny and processor less than mighty, so you want to maximize the web page viewing area without any performance-killing Firefox extensions. Here's how to consolidate Firefox 3.5's chrome for your Windows or Linux-based netbook.
Single-Loop Knots
300+ Resources to Help You Become a WordPress Expert | Webdesigner Depot
While WordPress is incredibly powerful and easy to use on its most basic levels, it can also get pretty complicated, pretty quickly. Below are more than 300 resources to help you master WordPress no matter what your skill level is.
WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms available today. And for good reason. It's powerful enough to be a complete CMS, has every feature or
Finer Things in Mac
Found through Daring Fireball
*Actually Useful* Windows Keyboard Shortcuts - including new Windows 7 tricks. : technology
some may interpret it as
atajos de teclado de windows
Noticias de última generación.
news from research universities
49 Amazing Resources for Free Vector Graphics : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Your search for free Vector graphics is over. Below we have compiled a list of the best free web sites to freely download Vectors, most of the sites don’t qualify into a category, we’ll call them general, but in the second half of the post you will find specialized resources dedicated to vector logos, brands, cartoons and icons.
英語を話す時にカタカナ英語をそのまま使って通じなかった経験はありませんか? 我々の身の回りに溢れている "英語のようなことば" の多くは英語ではなかったり,英語であっても英語の本来の意味とは異なる "和製英語" です。和製英語は外国から入ってきた日用品や美容関係のことば、車の用語に特に多いので、英会話や英語のライティング、英作文、翻訳等を行う時には十分注意しましょう。
biztools / FrontPage
We want this wiki to reflect the collective wisdom of you, the start-up community, regarding business resources you found useful. As such we want to avoid companies promoting their own resources (albeit free ones) because it wouldn't be in line with the purpose of this wiki. However, if you have a few startups who have happily used your resources then encourage them to contribute to the wiki!
Business Resources for Startups As startups are notoriously short on time we thought what better way to maximise their productivity than by providing them with the most relevant business resources all in one place! Even better, why not ask the teams involved in the startups themselves to share their good experiences with resources they ACTUALLY used? Us folks at Seedcamp have included each resource with a list of start-ups that have found them useful. If a startup cannot back-up a resource it should not be included here. Companies that have contributed to this wiki include: Atomico Ventures, Entrip, HyperNumbers, Speedsell, Stupelix, TAG, Toksta, TV Pixie, uberVU, Yoose, Wasabi Ventures, Zoombu
10 Ways to Use .htaccess to Speed Up WordPress |
Gelada Express | 11 5084 6606
entrega cerveja gelada em casa de madruga!
quanta praticidade... daqui a pouco a gente definitivamente não vai precisar sair de casa mesmo!
vc liga e recebe a cerveja gelada em casa :D
iPhoneSDK他 開発メモのまとめと言うか目次 2009.08.17版 - iPhoneSDK他 開発メモ
主に自分用に色々なiPhoneSDK開発テクニックや電子工作や色々な開発関連のメモを書いてます。 他にもゲームや便利アプリ等の紹介や、iPhoneOS以外の話題も書いていきたいと思います。
iphone 開発まとめ
Online Database of Social Media Policies
Visual Search Galleries - Bing
New Bing feature: Visual Search Earlier this week, Microsoft added a new feature to the Bing search engine. It's called Visual Search and it's useful for those cases where you just can't find the words ... but you know it when you see it. The idea is that you can do searches using images instead of text. I've often had this problem when trying to look up a particular type of bird I've seen, for instance. It also works well with dog or cat breeds, electronics, automobiles and a number of other things. The Visual Search gallery is still in beta, but it looks like it could morph into an interesting and handy option.
wmsn-06-09.png (PNG Image, 1024x537 pixels) - Welcome
Can record call history when calling a 1800 number
Deep Dialing: Tired of pressing 1 for this and 2 for that? We've mapped out the phone menus for hundreds of companies. Find the spot you need to call, then click, and we'll automatically connect you.
connect more quickly to customer service reps and record the conversation
Instructify » Blog Archive » Top 5 citation applications
Article by Bill Ferris about the top 5 citation applications
The AHT Guide to Hamburger and Cheeseburger Styles | A Hamburger Today
We toss around references to different burger styles on this site all the time, but it occurred to me that we've never really set them out all in one place for easy reference. I'm doing that now. Here's a list of all the burger styles we could think of. If there's something here we're missing, chime in with a comment. Here goes, in no particular order our guide to hamburger and cheeseburger styles...
via beijingboyce (twitter) .... foodie blog in hamburger niche
My Aha! moments in Drupal theming | Lullabot
Nice summary of tricky, "if you don't get it, you don't get it" Drupal customization options
Parallel Programming in Haskell: A Reading List « Control.Monad.Writer
Here’s my basic “How to learn about parallel programming in Haskell” reading list.
A haskell reading material
"Guión coloreado" de la película UP, de Disney Pixar
Hi-res pictures for Up (by Pixar)
UP's team
Docu-View: Free Online Documentaries
Documentation collection...worth checking!
cludes BusinessWeek,, The Ec
This site aggregates good quality documentaries from around the web and lets you watch them online. There are currently around 500 free documentary movies and videos and more being added periodically. The videos are nicely organized into categories with popular videos highlighted on the homepage. :: Learning is now simple
5 Great Sites with Free Video Lectures from Top Colleges
check these out
Learning is a pursuit which can only be positive for us. Even if we learn something that we don't think we need to know, it may serve you in an unexpected way
3 ways to make your site stand out from the crowd « Boagworld
swissmiss | Arial versus Helvetica
Here’s a nifty little graphic showing the difference between Arial and Helvetica.
Website Features That You Can Easily Offload
offload certain site features to share the burden. In this article, you’ll read about six site features you can easily offload, and the web services that you can use for them
The Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - Blogs - Lifehacker
The Art of zen-coding: Bringing Snippets to a New Level - Monday By Noon
It doesn’t stop there. zen-coding has included an even more elaborate set of possibilities on top of valid CSS selectors.
I've rigged up some similar snippets that make my workflow in TextMate irreplaceable. Might have to install these snippets to get a broader range though.
How to Switch from Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Traffic - Step by Step Guide
header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: $new_url");
Tutorial on how to migrate from Blogger to Wordpress.
Meta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Meta tags are a great way for webmasters to provide search engines with information about their sites. Meta tags can be used to provide information to all sorts of clients, and each system processes o
google seo tips
Meta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Google meta tag use information
Metasploit Unleashed - Mastering the Framework
Metasploit Bible (free)
37 Tested PHP, Perl, and JavaScript Regular Expressions
AggData | AggData
The goal of AggData is to play a small part in making this sought-out data more accessible, portable and reliable.
great source for aggregated data
AggData is short for aggregate data, which means a set of data that is collected together in one place. On this site, the AggData will come in the form of a list of records, where each record has details about a specific object in the group.
data aggregated by web scraping
another free data library.
16 Design Blogs For Learning Illustrator | Creative Nerds
blogs sobre tutoriales de illustrator solo, la hostia¡!
jQuery Visual Cheat Sheet
jQuery Cheat Sheet
Leo's Chronicle: ぜひ押さえておきたいコンピューターサイエンスの教科書
Men's Health Nutrition Awards - Foods + Features - The Great Chef Playbook
15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of | Useful Usability
Here's a list of 15 valuable Usability Papers in PDF form that you might not have heard of, but should know and can use:I thought I'd list a few helpful papers I use from time to time when going about my usability work. Some of these you may have he
I have to check these.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
Definitions of algorithms, data structures, and classical Computer Science problems. Some entries have links to implementations and more information.
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css チュートリアル
9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On.
Techies are too often tempted by the lure of new technology, leaving perfectly good hardware drifting in the wake of compulsive upgrading. And while we love getting new gadgets as much as the next geek, we also like how a new purchase gives us the opportunity to take apart and tinker with our older gear in the Lab. Whether it’s by soldering circuit boards or loading open-source firmware, we pride ourselves on being able to stretch the lifespan of older electronics by performing undocumented (and sometimes warranty-breaking) hardware hacks.
Dark Roasted Blend: Spectacular Steampunk Art Update, Part 2
The Ultimate Programming Cheat Sheet List For Web Designers And Developers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
eBMJ -- Statistics at Square One
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Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner:Popular Videos
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Pathfinder Development » Ruby and Rails Style Guide
Ruby and Rails Style Guide
kay with using braces for a multi-line block if you are using the result of the entire statement i
Anscombe's quartet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Automates the trademark registration process.
Free Trademark Search Online | Protect Business Name | Interesting Name Ideas | Trademarkia
Showcase Of 25 Retro Themed Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, April through September 2009 - Best of - Lifehacker
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer savvy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the third quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the winner's web site.
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15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers
15+ Blogs To Follow For jQuery Lovers
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Album Spotter
locate artist albums and more
jQuery Enlightenment | by Cody Lindley | 1st Edition | based on jQuery 1.3.2
Sounds just what I need to take my jQuery to the next level. All the technical authors are people I follow/admire/respect.
jQuery Enlightenment was written to express, in short-order, the concepts essential to intermediate and advanced jQuery development. Its purpose is to instill in you, the reader, the knowledge that jQuery developers take as common development knowledge. Each chapter contains concepts critical to becoming a seasoned jQuery developer. This was written for three types of readers. The first reader is the person who has read all of the introductory books on jQuery and is looking for the next logical read. The second type of reader is the JavaScript developer, already versed in another solution, but is now trying to quickly learn jQuery. For these types of readers this is exactly the book you wish every library had available. The third reader is me, the author. I genuinely crafted this book so that it could be used as my own personal reference source to jQuery concepts.
jQuery Enlightenment
jquery by example $15
# Not limited to a single ready() event # Attaching/removing events using bind() and unbind() # Programmatically invoke a specific handler via short event methods # jQuery normalizes the event object # Grokking event namespacing # Grokking event delegation # Applying event handlers to DOM elements regardless of DOM updates using live() # Adding a function to several event handlers # Cancel default browser behavior with preventDefault() # Cancel event propagation with stopPropagation() # Cancel default browser behavior and event propagation via return false # Create custom events and trigger them via trigger() # Cloning events as well as DOM eleme
64 high-ranked blogs for developers « Dottoro
e ab
10 Easy jQuery Tricks for Designers
Take a look at ten simple, effective, and useful tricks and techniques from several excellent jQuery developers and sites around the web that leverage the library to take your designs to another level.
Great jquery tips. The scrollable demo is neat:
There are plenty of jQuery tricks and techniques out there, and the vast and powerful jQuery library can meet almost anyone’s JavaScript’ing needs. Since jQuery makes JavaScript accessible to designers who want to add simple interaction and visual techniques into their design without knowing extensive programming knowledge, it’s worth a few moments to explore this excellent library. As any designer knows, adding small bits of extra visual detail and user-friendliness can add professionalism and appeal to any web design. In addition, for designers that sell templates, WordPress themes, and other types of web designs, the use of jQuery in a design can be a great selling point. Let’s take a look at ten simple, effective, and useful tricks and techniques from several excellent jQuery developers and sites around the web that leverage the library to take your designs to another level.
30 Resources to Find the Data You Need | FlowingData
Let's say you have this idea for a visualization or application, or you're just curious about some trend. But you have a problem. You can't find the data, and without the data, you can't even start. This is a guide and a list of sources for where you can find that data you're looking for. There's a lot out there. Universities Being a graduate student, I always look to the library for books and resources. Many libraries are amping up their technology and have some expansive data archives. Many statistics departments also tend to keep a list of data somewhere.
HOW TO: Get Started with Google Wave
Google Wave has arrived. The real-time communication platform has been one of the hottest and most anticipated products in the tech and social media space for
Mashable proves yet again that they are a great source of information on all things to do with Social Networking, including Google Wave.
Flash HTML設定のまとめ | エントリー | _level0.KAYAC
実践JavaScript - 株式会社ALBERT 社内勉強会資料
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古本の買取価格はどこが一番高いのか? | 古本買取価格比較レポート
「 買取サイトの平均買取価格1,262円に対して、 ブックオフ店舗(ブックマーケットを除く)の平均は2,176円でした。 この結果だけみれば店舗のほうが買取価格が高いですが、 近所のブックオフ店が高価買取か分からないし自分で持ち込む必要があります。 一方の古本買取サイトならネット申し込みでカンタンですが、 買取価格が安い場合でも返送料が高いのであきらめるしかありません。 どちらも一長一短がありますが、 もし近所に複数のブックオフ店があるなら比較してみるといいかもしれません。 持ち込むのがタイヘンだったり近所に店舗がないときは、 今回の調査でもっとも高価買取だった livedoorリサイクル が良さそうです。 」
Welcome to the World Press Photo Contest Archive
Archivo de los Premios World Press Photo desde 1955 a hoy.
For over fifty years the World Press Photo contest has captured images of our times. Our archive of winning photos is not only a record of more than half a century of human history, but a showcase of successive styles in photography and reportage. The archive gallery comprises some 10,000 images. It includes photos that have become icons, by some of the leading names in the profession. World Press Photo has put them online with the aim of sharing our knowledge, resources and experience with the widest possible network. This site was made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Foundation and VSB Foundation.
HowToLearnMoreScalability - memcached - Learn more about scalablity - Project Hosting on Google Code
95 websites you should totally bookmark today | News | TechRadar UK
95 websites you should totally bookmark today Best sites for fun, learning, creating and much more : TechRadar UK
Google Code Samples
Birdsall’s Massive Twitter Sites & Tools Directory - Birdsall Social Media
Just spent about 3 hours using some of the resources here. Must have
Massive is hardly enough to describe this compendium of Twitter stuff
Every day I run across some cool new site for Twitter. Who would have thought that micro-blogging would inspire so many random data mines & apps? I’ve compiled several published lists, my bookmarks & links I’ve been sent – so I can’t claim to be the origin of this list. Keep in mind, many of [...]
TED University: 100 Websites You Should Know and Use - TED Talks
The Web is constantly turning out new and extraordinary services many of us are unfamiliar with. During TED University at this spring's TED2007 in Monterey, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, offered an ultra-fast-moving ride through sites in many different areas, from art, design and illustration, to daily news, blogs and curiosity. Now, by popular demand, here's his list of 100 websites you should know and use.
Machine Language For Beginners
An old book teaching the basics of assembly programming including explanations for the beginner of binary numbers etc.
5 Tricks That Make You More Attractive to Clients | FreelanceFolder
140 Amazing Photoshop Actions sets and Tutorials - Web Design Blog 09
Web Design Blog 09 - Free vector graphics, silhouettes and vector icons, graphic design and best designers. Download illustrations of sexy anime girls, shapes & brushes for PS CS3, backgrounds, textures, wallpapers.
FAQ形式によるJavaScriptの本質がわかる超入門 - 風と宇宙とプログラム
JavaScript の言語仕様周辺のまとめ
Carsonified » 9 Ways to Take Your Site from One to One Million Users
In this video from The Future of Web Apps London (FOWA), Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, WeFollow and Revision3, shares 9 things he did to increase his users to 1,000,000 and beyond.
by Kevin Rose
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers | Online Universities Weblog
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers | Online Universities Weblog
Color Psychology In Creative Design | Mert TOL
2009-10-05, by Mert Tol, "It’s worth repeating that the single most important thing you can do to build appeal, mood, and ambiance for your site is to select an appropriate color scheme. There really are no awful colors—any color can look attractive when placed with appropriate color companions. Even though web colors are mixed differently than traditional media, that doesn’t mean that you need to learn all new theories to make color work on the web; the old theories about pleasing color schemes still hold true. [...]"
It's worth repeating that the single most important thing you can do to build appeal, mood, and ambiance for your site is to select an appropriate color scheme.
What's Inside a Cup of Coffee?
10 useful video sites to teach you new tech skills | News | TechRadar UK
10 useful video sites to teach you new tech skills
jQuery Lesson Series: Introduction to Selectors –
Lecciones de Jquery
SEOmoz | SEO Cheat Sheet: Anatomy of A URL
SEO topline
One topic that seems simple but that generates a ton of questions here on SEOmoz is URLs. I've created a 1-page sheet all about the URL and how to optimize it.
URLs: How to construct them, how to optimize them, what the pieces are, etc. In the spirit of great SEOmoz cheat sheets like Danny's web developer cheat sheet, I've decided to put together a 1-page guide to all things URL
Anatomy of A URL [from]
ALA | marsbestfree2009
2009 Eleventh Annual List RUSA Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS)
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot
Contiene una información muy completa de redes sociales, videos, fotos... Genial
Artikel zur Geschichte der Social Media
In this article, we’ll review the history and evolution of social media from its humble beginnings to the present day.
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot -
IBM Study: The end of advertising as we know it
its past. The push for control of attention, creativity, measurements and inventory will reshape the advertising value chain and shift the balance of power.
Research report w/ PDF download by IBM Research on the future of ad models
Based on IBM global surveys there are four change drivers shifting control within the ad industry: 1. Attention – Consumers are increasingly in control of how they view, interact with and filter advertising in a multichannel world. 2. Creativity – Thanks to technology, the rising popularity of user-generated and peer-delivered content, and new ad revenue-sharing models (e.g., YouTube, Crackle, Current TV), amateurs and semi- professionals are now creating lower-cost advertising content. 3. Measurement – Advertisers are demanding more individual-specific and involvement- based measurements, putting pressure on the traditional mass-market model. 4. Advertising inventories – Will be bought and sold through efficient exchanges, bypassing traditional intermediaries.
# Attention – Consumers are increasingly in control of how they view, interact with and filter advertising in a multichannel world. # Creativity – Thanks to technology, the rising popularity of user-generated and peer-delivered content, and new ad revenue-sharing models (e.g., YouTube, Crackle, Current TV), amateurs and semi- professionals are now creating lower-cost advertising content. # Measurement – Advertisers are demanding more individual-specific and involvement- based measurements, putting pressure on the traditional mass-market model. # Advertising inventories – Will be bought and sold through efficient exchanges, bypassing traditional intermediaries.
and a significant share of ad space is sold through auctions and exchanges. Advertisers know who viewed and acted on an ad, and pay based on real impact rather than estimated “impressions.” Consumers self-select which ads they watch and share preferred ads with peers. User-generated advertising is as prevalent (and appealing) as agency-created spots.
html5doctor - HTML5.JP
『HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。』
html5doctor ( )とは、Richard Clark 氏、Bruce Lawson 氏、Jack Osborne 氏、Mike Robinson 氏、Remy Sharp 氏、Tom Leadbetter 氏といった HTML5 に関して著名な方々が共同で運営しているサイトです。<html>5doctor は、HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。 HTML5.JP では、html5doctor の許可を頂き、記事アーカイブの日本語訳を掲載しましたので、ぜひ、HTML5 の理解にお役立てください。
次世代HTML標準 HTML5情報サイト
How to distribute elements horizontally using CSS –
"In this post I want to reply to a frequently asked question that I receive from my readers about how to distribute horizontally a certain number of elements within a main container using CSS. This problem is not particularly complex and can be solved simply using the CSS selector :first-child."
alinhas div na horizontal com hack ie
Kutuları yatayda sıralamak için güzel bir ipucu. Tek sorun ie6 :D
In this post I want to reply to a frequently asked question that I receive from my readers about how to distribute horizontally a certain number of elements within a main container using CSS. This problem is not particularly complex and can be solved simply using the CSS selector :first-child.
Video WTF - Questions and answers about video production, video cameras, editing, publishing, et cetera.
A collaboratively moderated place to ask and answer questions about video cameras, editing, production, publishing, promotion, etc.
"A collaboratively moderated place to ask and answer questions about video cameras, editing, production, publishing, promotion, etc. "
A free book on how statisticians think about data. Uses R programming language.
The book is intended as an upper level undergraduate or introductory graduate textbook in statistical thinking with a likelihood emphasis for students with a good knowledge of calculus and the ability to think abstractly. By "statistical thinking" is meant a focus on ideas that statisticians care about as opposed to technical details of how to put those ideas into practice. The book does contain technical details, but they are not the focus. By "likelihood emphasis" is meant that the likelihood function and likelihood principle are unifying ideas throughout the text.
25 Cheat Sheets Web Developer Should Have . | ExtraTuts
25 Cheat Sheets Web Developer Should Have .
Cheat sheets is very important few references sheets that web developer should have , so this is a collection of 25 Cheat sheet , we hope it will help saving your time .
23 Brilliant Web Apps To Simplify Designer’s Work Life @ SmashingApps
Brilliant Web Apps
BashPitfalls - Greg's Wiki
IE 6で泣かないための、9つのCSSハック(1/3) - @IT
Galileo Computing :: Linux – Das umfassende Handbuch - openbook
Dieses umfassende Handbuch bietet Ihnen nahezu vollständiges Linux-Wissen. Von der Administration des Systems über die Shell bis hin zu Netzwerkkonfiguration, Sicherheitsthemen und einem ausführlichen BSD-Teil werden Sie nichts missen. Das Buch ist geeignet für Nutzer aller gängigen Linux-Distributionen.
30 Complete Photoshop Guides for Beginners | 10Steps.SG
Some beautiful tutorials available on many design blogs (including mine) may not be so detailed as they are mainly written for readers with some basic Photoshop knowledge. So what about those that are totally new to Photoshop? Here is an ultimate list of 30 beginner’s guides, leading you to become a better Photoshop user.
Some beautiful tutorials available on many design blogs may not be so detailed as they are mainly written for readers with some basic Photoshop knowledge.
The Ultimate List of Niche Social Networks « Internet Marketing Blog
As participation marketing continues to gain traction as the most effective way to market a website, niche social networks are emerging as a crucial part of that strategy. While Facebook and Twitter can play an integral part in social media campaigns, they don’t always have the best targeted users and groups. Whereas, niche social networks, like cork’d and Social Workout, provide highly targeted communities for marketers.
Walk or Bus? - Visualmotive
Minutes until the next bus
Kid activities, family friendly hotels, travel reviews-Trekaroo
can do reviews and earn gift card
Sift through the New York Times bestseller lists and buy books.
From the New York Times Bestseller Lists
Top 10 New York Times Bestseller
Nice hack of NY Times/Amazon/YUI etc.
A mashup that combines NY Times bestseller list with title info from
CSS Font-Size: em vs. px vs. pt vs. percent / Kyle Schaeffer's Web Design Blog
CSS Font-Size
Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | Lobster to Sweet & Sour: How To Make 6 Stir-Fry Sauces
Plagiarism Checkers: 5 Free Websites To Catch The Copycats
Rausfinden, wo die Kopien sind.
Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online
Free online dictionary, thesaurus, spanish-english and medical dictionaries, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and many more high-quality Merriam-Webster language resources.
Lambda Calculus (at Safalra's Website)
al introduction to lambda calculus
americas-best-young-entrepreneurs-2009: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
America's Best Young Entrepreneurs 2009--via Yahoo! Finance (Congrats to @Shama!!!) [from]
Book of Odds - The Odds of Everyday Life
This is an interesting site focusing on odds and statistics.
CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 « Smashing Magazine
CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8
One of the most bizarre statistical facts in relation to browser use has to be the virtual widespread numbers that currently exist in the use of Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8. As of this writing, Internet Explorer holds about a 65% market share combined across all their currently used browsers. In the web development community, this number is much lower, showing about a 40% share.
ASP.NET MVC Cheat Sheets
Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 ASP.NET MVC: The Request-Handling Pipeline ASP.NET MVC: View Cheat Sheet ASP.NET MVC: Controller Cheat Sheet ASP.NET MVC: Framework Cheat Sheet ASP.NET MVC: Proven Practices Cheat Sheet
Jetpack Flight Log » High Quality Ruby on Rails Example Applications
Sometimes to best way to get up to speed with a new technology is to learn by example. Here is a list of fully featured, production ready example applications I have compiled that I consider to be of very decent quality.
Map of the Day - National Geographic Magazine
15 Examples of Modern Web Design - Design, Inspiration and Technology Blog
Oct 14 '09 The flexibility of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allows web developers to design stunning websites that look great and are easy to navigate. This post features our favorite examples of beautiful and creative website designs from all over the world.
100 Best Professors Who Blog | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Blogging Professors
Prof's that Blog ChipDB - integrated circuit quick reference
Online reference for integrated circuits. Very quick reference (as opposed to loading up the 30 MB PDF which is a scan of photocopied document that look liked it was stored in somebody's back pocket).
Negative space in logo design | Logo Design Love
Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
thorough guide to html5 including batch encoding and degrading gracefully
Cool Illustrated Facial Expressions | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Expresiones faciales
List of all WP action hooks and filters || Adam Brown, BYU Political Science
Pedagogic periodic table
Shows real life uses of all the elements in the periodic table
what elements are used for
30 Top Photoshop Tutorial Websites For Web Designers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
The internet is swarming with tutorial websites, many of which are to do with or provide photoshop tutorials. Ive done the hard bit and separated the best ones from the ever growing crowd.
Family Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 2009
We’re marking the occasion by honoring 10 categories of 10 noteworthy sites each (plus one to make 101, of course). With this 10th roundup of meritorious sites, we’ve also sought to break the mold a bit and encompass more of the “Web 2.0″ sites that are paving the way for changes in online genealogy over the next 10 years. Something had to give, however, to keep our count at a manageable 101, so we’ve omitted some old favorites—still worth bookmarking, nonetheless—and several excellent foreign research sites of interest to genealogists with that particular ancestry. Sites that are mostly free but where you might still wind up pulling out your credit card for some purchase or other are marked with a $. Subscription-only sites and those where you have to pay for any meaningful results are indicated with $$
Best in 10 areas for searching family history (many free sites includes but also includes $$$ subscribed resources)
Family Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 2009
Your ShowtimeFu is Strong -
ShowtimeFu will show you every movie playing nearby with showtimes and theaters. You can filter your search by what time you'd like the movie to begin and/or end, select specific movies and select specific theaters. With each listing you'll see how long the movie is, the average rating on RottenTomatoes and the time you should expect the movie to end.ShowtimeFu will show you every movie playing nearby with showtimes and theaters. You can filter your search by what time you'd like the movie to begin and/or end, select specific movies and select specific theaters. With each listing you'll see how long the movie is, the average rating on RottenTomatoes and the time you should expect the movie to end.
Famous Perl One-Liners Explained, Part I - good coders code, great reuse
also links to sed and awk oneliners
Cheat Sheets - Packet Life
System Administrator Cheat Sheet
Master List (A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples)
.:: eGlossary Terms ::.
The McGraw Hill Mathematics eGlossary provides written and verbal definitions and explanations of mathematics terms. The glossary is divided by grade level. Select your grade level then the first letter of the term for which you need an explanation. The explanation is offered in text form as well as verbal (click the speaker icon to listen). The eGlossary is also available in other languages including Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.
Multilingual glossary with hundreds of math terms defined in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, English, Hmong, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese. Just select a letter of the alphabet to get a list of mathematical terms beginning with that letter, choose a language, and click on a term. The response will be a chart listing the term in English, the term in whatever language you chose, and the definition in your chosen language. Many definitions are accompanied by illustrations.
This site was kind of neat because it listed all the key mathematical terms starting with 6th grade. It makes the terms easily accessible.
As the title implies, it is written for those with experience in programming, ranging from those who've just taken a course to professionals in the field
A Quick, Painless Tutorial and Reference on the R Statistical Package
Rails in a Nutshell
Rails in a Nutshell is a concise introduction to Rails, an overview of commands and configurations, and a guide to the parts of Rails you’ll be using every day.
Android Avalanche: A Complete List Of The Android Phones So Far
For an idea of how quickly and with what breadth the Android phone parade is coming, here is a list of Android phones so far. And it is growing rapidly.
Looking to try out the Android platform? TechCrunch made a list of available devices.
Left vs Right (World) | David McCandless & Stefanie Posavec | Information Is Beautiful
um. hm. i don't agree with a bunch of this, but... the info flow is interesting.
left vs right stats information info
Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects - visualized!
CMSC491D Design Patterns In Java
All The Developer’s Books You Ever Wanted | Jeez Tech
Here is a big list of downloadable, programming related, books in PDF format for your everyday reference and advice. We tried to cover as many as we could think
list of downloadable, programming related, books in PDF format
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
Web fonts and standards – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
@font-face { font-family: "Watusi"; src: url("") format("truetype"); } h1 { font-family: "Watusi", sans-serif; }
Web fonts and standards
Top 100 Graphic Design Blogs
Lifehacker's Complete Guide to Windows 7 - Windows - Lifehacker
Windows 7 officially launches today, but we've been testing, tweaking, customizing, fixing, and writing about this OS for a year now. We present here a guide to everything we've learned about the OS, from first install to final settings change.
51 Web Apps for Web Designers and Developers – Web.AppStorm
Great resources
Web design and development has significantly changed over the years, as have the tools and technologies involved. With these advancements come tools to make our lives easier, provide higher quality work and better services for our clients. Communication and collaboration over vast distances is no longer painfully frustrating (or impossible) and project or task management is now easier than ever.
A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors - Identify The Right Cable Easily
A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors
Computer cables can be confusing so here's a visual guide that will help you identify cables, connectors and converters that came with your computers and other electronic gadgets.
We help you find the perfect gadget | Measy
Helps you find the perfect gadget.
ネットで出来るだけ物を安く買える方法やサイトを調べた - かちびと.net
A people's history of the internet: from Arpanet in 1969 to today | Technology |
500 Internal Server Error
KAI.JAEGER.BLOG : JavaScript for people who are in a hurry
25+ Useful Linux and Unix Cheat sheets @ Techie Blogger
6 Pro Photographers Share Their Most Guarded Digital Secrets | Mac|Life
10 Tools for (20)10
Once again this year, there are a number of tools appearing for the first time on the list, so in this article I am going to highlight briefly 10 of these new tools that I think are useful, innovative, cost effective and certainly worth considering for 2010.
Commas: Extended Rules for Using Commas - The OWL at Purdue
Free guide for use of commas and other writing tips.
Rules for when to use and not to use commas.
これ以上ないというぐらいに詳しい動画の作り方マニュアルが、「酔拳の王 だんげの方」でまとめられていました。
Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe - Telegraph
Proposed by Rob Pommer on in 2007, this states: “A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.”
The internet has matured into a world of its own, and like the real world, it obeys certain immutable laws. Here are 10 of the most important.
Discount Usability: 20 Years (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
e the fight
Simple user testing with 5 participants, paper prototyping, and heuristic evaluation offer a cheap, fast, and early focus on usability, as well as many rounds of iterative design.
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E@5=5B8B5;L=>!!!!!!!! to englisch
MacFixIt - CNET Reviews
Today marks a big change at MacFixIt. All articles are now available free-of-charge, allowing anyone to access the most timely, comprehensive and unbiased library of Mac-related repair and troubleshooting advice available online. This is a milestone in the history of MacFixIt. This change is a direct result of our acquisition by CNET and allows us to provide a broader range of coverage, in addition to drawing on a new pool of knowledge and resources. We will continue to provide timely and relevant reporting of Mac-related hardware and software issues and will be adding new features we're sure you'll enjoy and appreciate.
Sysomos | In-Depth Look at the 5% of Most Active Twitter
When Sysomos published its initial "Inside Twitter" report last month that looked at the people on Twitter and how it was being used, we discovered that 5% of users accounted for 75% of all activity. This finding was based on indexing 11.5 million accounts, and then looking at the top 5% users who accounted for most number of Tweets.
We found that 32% of all tweets made by the most active Twitter users were generated by machine bots that posted more than 150 tweets/day. The actual percentage of machine-generated tweets among the most active users is probably higher than 32% because there many bots that update less than 150 times/day. Based on our previous "Inside Twitter" report and this report on the most active users, 24% or one-quarter of all tweets overall, are generated by these very active bots. Many of these bots, however, are not spam, with some examples being @diggupdates, @deliciousrecent, @imdb, @twitseeker, @rosehose, @ladyreporter, @nieuwslijstnl, @dogbook, @ combatsi. The last three on the list - news updates from Netherlands (@nieuwslijstnl), real-time updates on what pets are doing (@dogbook), and updates from Second Life game (@combatsi) - each generate more than 2,000 tweets/day and rank as the most active bots.
Machine bots ≠ SPAM. Sysomos study says 32% of tweets by most active users are by robot but includes useful services! [from]
5% most active twitter users
Typography resource for all things typographic | The Design Cubicle
RT @behoff: Typography resource for all things typographic [from]
There’s a Better Way to ReTweet!
use 'via @' instead of 'RT @' and more details
Tips for using “via @”
Could this be the next RT?
There’s a Better Way to ReTweet! - [from]
by Miles Tinsley - follow him at @milestinsley Retweeting is a popular way to share a useful or interesting tweet. The concept is beautifully simple, but
via or RT I guess via is the better way, time to start trying it out [from]
The 10 best educational websites - Times Online
Times Online from the UK suggests 10 great educational web sites.
10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read
21 Beautiful And Creative Navigation Menus | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Beautiful And Creative Navigation Menus
100 Best Blogs for Econ Students
Here, you’ll find the 100 best blogs for economics students to read.
Modern CSS Layouts: The Essential Characteristics « Smashing Magazine
five characteristics of modern CSS websites: * Progressively enhanced, * Adaptive to diverse users, * Modular, * Efficient, * Typographically rich. In part 2 of this article, coming soon, we’ll go over the techniques and tools that will help you implement these important characteristics on your CSS-based Web pages.
The Master List of New Windows 7 Shortcuts - Windows - Lifehacker
Owned? Legal terms of video hosting services compared « Advancing Usability
Ein guter Überblick von Nutzungsbedingungen der großen Videoplattformen.
100 Incredible Open Lectures for Math Geeks | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Lalala, math, some of these I should watch sometime.
While many math geeks out there may have been teased for their love of numbers, it’s math that makes the world go round, defining everything from the economy to how the universe itself operates. You can indulge your love of mathematics in these great lectures and lecture series. Some are meant to review the basics and others will keep you on the cutting edge of what renowned researchers are doing in the field, but all will help you expand your knowledge and spend a few hours enjoying a topic you love.
100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School | Online Colleges
HTML5: The Basics (1 of 4) | Design Shack
HTML5 - passo a passo 1
Visual Cheat Sheet: CSS Compatiblity with Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 | TutorialFeed
IE 6,7,8
IE6/7/8で異なるCSSの対応状況をCSS2.1, CSS3ごとにまとめたチートシート
The Official Netflix Blog: Encoding for streaming
Users Place More Weight on Design
good web design keeps users
Qu'est-ce qui fait principalement fuir les visiteurs d'un site web en 2009 ? Pour 51% c'est le temps de chargement, pour 25% c'est un contenu de mauvaise qualité, et pour 24% c'est la mocheté du site. Concernant le design, c'était moins de 7% des personnes interrogées en 2007 qui fuyaient pour cause d'interface ratée.
The demand for good web design is increasing, revealed a recent Webcopyplus online poll. Almost 25% of web users indicated "poor visual presentation" as the number one element that drives them away from websites. Only 6.6% of web users who participated in a similar 2007 online poll indicated "poor visual presentation" as the main reason to abandon a website. That equates to a 267% increase during the two-year period.
web design
What Does It All Mean? - Dive Into HTML5
A concise overview of HTML 5.
How-to: recycle your old gadgets
Free Adobe Application Tutorials | Artistic | Logo Design | Photoshop | Layers Magazine | LitCharts Study Guides | The faster, downloadable alternative to SparkNotes
"Everything you need from a SparkNote - in just 10 pages" #delicious
study notes for books like Animal Farm, Jane Eyre, The Giver, etc.
LitCharts Study Guides The faster, downloadable alternative to SparkNotes
Navigation Markup After Content
I am not an SEO expert. I said not long ago that I believe it's mostly just a matter of common sense. However, I do find the subject interesting. Being the #1
I am not an SEO expert. I said not long ago that I believe it’s mostly just a matter of common sense. However, I do find the subject interesting. Being the #1 result for a search term is a big deal. It can mean big bucks. For those of us with clients, they desire this and look to us to help. So if there are reasonable steps we can take to help with this, I think we should. One of the SEO principals that really seems to make sense to me, is having the most important content on the page as close to the top of the HTML markup as possible.
Concurrency Hazards: Solving 11 Likely Problems In Your Multithreaded Code
Solving 11 Likely Problems In Your Multithreaded Code
MSDN Library 2008/11 - Joe Duffy
Server-side programs have long had to deal with a fundamentally concurrent programming model, and as multicore processors become more commonplace, client-side programs will have to as well. Along with the addition of concurrency comes the responsibility for ensuring safety. In other words, programs must continue to achieve the same level of robustness and reliability in the face of large amounts of logical concurrency and ever-changing degrees of physical hardware parallelism.
15 Free Guides That Really Teach You USEFUL Stuff
Mostly Internet or tech-related free publications from
Think of this as your personal help desk for all of the things you always wanted to do with your laptop.
html5-cheat-sheet.pdf (application/pdf Object)
HTML5 Cheat sheet.
ตารางรวม Tag HTML5
CSS techniques web developer should use | ExtraTuts
CSS techniques web developer should use
iPhone開発。まずはサンプルを動かしてみよう - @IT
Knowing how tools you use work under the covers is a huge win for every developer out there and Merb is small and clean enough for everyone to understand it in a short period of time. You can learn a lot about HTTP, web frameworks design and even hidden gems of Ruby web servers (how many of you know that Thin can actually serve requests in threads and not block the event loop?).
CyanogenMod Wiki
CyanogenMod is a customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for various handsets based on the HTC Dream.
WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet –
WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet is the new document, of the Visual Cheat Sheet family, that contains a practical reference guide to WordPress 2.8. This cheat sheet (5 pages) contains the full reference guide to WP Template Tags with detailed descriptions and sample code. The simple visual style I used to design this sheet allows you to find at a glance everything you are looking for.
"WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet"
Google Press Center: Twitter Directory
All the different Google accounts on Twitter
Google accounts on Twitter published October 31
One Hundred Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (Part 1) - You’re the Boss Blog -
Surely it's a struggle to teach thoughtfulness, but I love this.
Interesting! My favorite: "If a table is not ready within a reasonable length of time, offer a free drink and/or amuse-bouche. The guests may be tired and hungry and thirsty, and they did everything right"
reek from perfume or cigarettes. People want to smell the food and beverage. 37. Do not d
HTML5 を学ぶための情報源まとめ | WWW WATCH
現代的なPerlの記述方法一覧 + α - Perl入門~サンプルコードによるPerl入門~
Dive Deeper into Wave - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Découvrir la nouvelle application offerte par Google, un espace de travail collaboratif rempli d'applications très variées
Guide to Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave is a comprehensive user manual by Gina Trapani with Adam Pash. Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes.
Guia de uso de Google Wave
Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Read more about The Complete Guide to Google Wave.
Gina Trapani is a force for good.
Why dolphins are deep thinkers | Science | The Guardian
The more we study dolphins, the brighter they turn out to be. By Anuschka de Rohan
Research of Lingerie Industry Web Design: Trends and 33 Sexy Examples | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
All you should really know about Autoconf and Automake | GNU Smalltalk
Quick discussion of autoconf and automake (nerd esoterica).
For script to automate, see
Put This On
Intriguing men's fashion blog - dressing like a grown-up
4 Ways News Organizations are Using Twitter Lists
"Twitter lists are giving news sites the ability to curate news and further open up to Twitter users that can help them to gather news."
Applied Mathematical Programming
This book is the main text for 15.053 Introduction to Optimization taught at MIT. To make the book available online, most chapters have been re-typeset. Chapters 6, 7 and 10 were not, but are still available (as direct scans of the original chapters).
Book on Optimization used for teaching in MIT
Applied Mathematical Programming by Bradley, Hax, and Magnanti (Addison-Wesley, 1977) This book is the main text for 15.053 Introduction to Optimization taught at MIT.
2010年に備えて、知っておきたいウェブデザインのトレンド | コリス
2010年に向けて押さえておきたいウェブデザインのトレンドの14のポイントをWeb Design Ledgerから紹介します。 Web Design
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Facebook Seattle Engineering Road Show: Mike Shroepfer on Engineering at Scale at Facebook
Article summarizing presentation by Facebook on some of their scaling challenges and solutions.
Wondermark » Archive » #566; Supernatural Collective Nouns.
A racket of banshees. A congress of ghosts... (h/t TNH)
A vexation of zombies.
101 Muppets of Sesame Street | National Post
| National Post
140 Google Interview Questions | Seattle Interview Coach
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions.
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions. Many of our clients have interviewed and received Google job offers. Contact us for a free 15 minute interview analysis before your Google interview.
Pro Git - Table of Contents
Wordpress Custom Fields and Hacks for Bloggers
Dicas boas!!
50 Examples of Effective Uses of Typography Within Web Design : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Wordpress Template Designer CheatSheet / Wordpress / SPLASHnology - Web Design & Web Technology Community
informações sobre a estrutura para gerar um tema para wordpress
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
IBMがWebアプリケーションのUIガイドラインとHTML/CSSのソースコードを公開 - Publickey
Simply Scala
Got Reception?
Find out what the reception is like for the carrier you're interested in BEFORE you buy their phone.
users put in data of where they get cell signal and for what service they have
Crowdsourced cellular coverage maps
Too much interference, too many dropped calls, poor signal, just 1 bar, barely 2 bars and oftentimes no coverage.Where have all the signals gone?..
cell phone coverage
5 Habits to Break Before It's Too Late - Healthy Living on Shine
You want to live a long, full life -- to be young and lean forever. But you could be doing yourself more harm than good. Getty Images by JJ Virgin "Someday," you say, "I'm going to get my health back on track, after this next…
IE6、IE7、IE8におけるCSSの違いまとめ | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
:: Oscar Celma ::
* Found: 783 * Not Found: 218
This is a quick hack I did in the Vancouver airport while waiting for my connection flight YVR->MX . I flew from Tokyo, because I was attending the ISMIR 2009 conference
The Font Kingdom: Search, Explore, Create, and Download Fonts for Free
50+ Useful CSS Professional Techniques | Dzinepress
As we know most of the Web designers and developers only scratch the surface of the potent language that is CSS (cascade style sheet), like programming languages, CSS has a quite simple learning twister, normally being used more often in every web project. CSS as language giving many advantages even working in table based design or table-less designs, most of the time our designed pages can easily change after replace a css file with another one. When we working on latest trends, Tab Navigation has been one of the essential element in any contemporary web layout. In order to make sure visitors can properly navigate through the website through our used techniques, here in listed CSS stuff we offering some best and most useful Cascade style sheets with source files which can help for more inspiring developments.
CSS as language giving many advantages even working in table based design or table-less designs, most of the time our designed pages can easily change after replace a css file with another one. When we working on latest trends, Tab Navigation has been one of the essential element in any contemporary web layout. In order to make sure visitors can properly navigate through the website through our used techniques, here in listed CSS stuff we offering some best and most useful Cascade style sheets with source files which can help for more inspiring developments.
listona di servizi sui css... per non rimanere senza....
Página twitteada por Chava [Desertor] ;D
25+ Astounding Typography Tutorials | Tutorial Lounge
Today evening we're With amazing listing of Typography Tutorials using different designing tools, Photoshop contribution is more then other tools like InDesign, Cenima 4d and Adobe Illustrator, there is designing as vector and 3D typography as well with amazing training tutorials.
Windows 7: The Complete Guide - Windows 7 guide - Gizmodo
Bash shortcuts « Tales From a Cold Network Admin
"The $(</path/to/a/file) #Thanks Croooow This isn’t exactly a variable, more a method of reading files, but it is optimized beyond the cat command to work with bash scripts "
16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog
Wordpress overload. Good list of sites.
16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog
17 Hours of JavaScript from the Masters - Nettuts+
rs of JavaScript from the Mast
Facebook Game Scams Appear on Phone Bills - TIME,8599,1935698,00.html
iPhone初めての人に教えてあげたいちょっとした事 働くモノニュース : 人生VIP職人ブログwww
Safariの方位磁石は N(ネスケ)とE(Internet Explorer)の間を指している Tutorial: page 1
Optimisation et ordre du code AS3
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark | Inspired Magazine
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark
// The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest
The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest social media & social marketing blogs out there! Please leave some suggestions & feedback in the comments area.
How to Develop Your Photography Skills: 11 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
Theme Park Maps
Some maps are large and may take up to a minute to download.
Writing good documentation (part 1)
Google Wave Info » Blog Archive » Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience | Spyre Studios
5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience
Simple tips for a good UX. These are obvious wins...
50 Serious Games for Social Change
pskomoroch's dataset Bookmarks on Delicious
Resource list of public datasets
How Do You Keep Your Email Address Private? - Email - Lifehacker
Tijdelijk email adressen maken
keeping your email address private
useful list of privacy features of several email services.
Reader Jonathan sent us this snazzy graph he made comparing different disposable email services, which got us wondering: What do you use to keep your primary email address out of the public (and spammer's) eye?
Security: Lessons Learned from a Hacked Gmail Account Prescription Drugs; Side Effects, Benefits & User Ratings
RateADrug, The users guide to prescription medications and side effects. Comparing RX and complementary medicine; providing best health treatment options at lowest cost, expert help, community resources, patient testimonials, educational and healthcare opportunities.
View or submit ratings on effectiveness and side effects on Rx drugs and alternative treatments
The community site for sharing experiences and learning about risks and benefits of prescription medications and alternative treatments - Where users identify, evaluate and rate over 7000 prescription drugs and alternative treatments The community site for sharing experiences and learning about risks and benefits of prescription medications and alternative treatments Take control of your health. Be informed. * Learn about newly discovered side effects and alternative treatments * Participate in anonymous public studies and share your experiences with others * Rate your medications to receive personalized benefits and side effects scores * Email your survey reports to your doctors and family members to keep them updated on your health issues
Fixing Poor MySQL Default Configuration Values (by Jeremy Zawodny)
4 tips buenos para mejorar el desempeño de MySQL.
MySQL configuration variables that have defaults which have proven to be problematic in a high-volume production environment
Learn the Basics of Regular Expression Searches - Search Operators - Lifehacker
SynJunkie: Command-Line Kung Fu
net stop
3 drivers of growth for your business model. Choose one. | VentureBeat
Every startup needs to pick a major among three drivers of growth. It's simply too hard to focus on more ...
10 common mistakes using robots.txt on your website | Houston Web Designer & SEO - Tips on Website Development & Website Marketing tips and Strategies
How Domains and URLs Relate to Search Engine Optimization - SEO - letscounthedays
URLs Relate to Search Engine Optimization
The Online Portfolio of Shay Howe
The History of the Internet in a Nutshell
Die Internetgeschichte BEBILDERT.
gesamtentwicklung, sehr gute zahlen, erste social media erwähnung, blogs, webseiten etc.
Wirklich guter Überblick über die Geschichte des Internet
Secrets your dentist doesn't want you to know -- DailyFinance
O que o seu dentista não quer que você saiba. MUITO BOM.
Metaprogramming in Ruby: It’s All About the Self « Katz Got Your Tongue?
Very clearly written
Metaprogramming in Ruby: It’s All About the Self
Brushing Up On Photoshop’s Brush Tool | Smashing Magazine
NASA PlanetQuest Historic Timeline
Historic Timeline on our Quest for New Worlds (Interactive)
Essential Mac OS X applications
Just a bunch of helpful links, books, and pages. For those days when you ask, "How Can I Become A Programmer" : programming
A bit of wheat in the comments.
25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rails, MySQL and jQuery Developer
100 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Education journals
17 Things Worth Knowing About Your Cat - The Oatmeal -
cat site
Great infographic - cats have some pretty awesome powers.
Do Speedy Math in Your Head - Wired How-To Wiki
(1+8 = 9) 8 If it is a double digit number like 88, where it's:
The 100 Best Books of the Decade - Times Online
"The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" by Junot Diaz is in "The 100 Best Books of the Decade - @TheTimes
100 The Position by Meg Wolitzer (2005) An hilarious, serious novel about sex and love and family.
Cloud Computing Ecosystem Map - Appirio
Glossary | HTML5 Doctor
A comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5
"We wanted to provide a comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5, so we've created a glossary. We'll be adding to this in the coming weeks to make it more comprehensive."
Glosary HTML 5
10 Java Regular Expression Examples You Should Know | Regular Expressions
Regular expression is an art of the programing, it’s hard to debug , learn and understand, but the powerful features are still attract many developers to code regular expression. Let’s explore the following 10 practical regular expression
Top 20 Earning Web Design Websites | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
10 Blogs to Help You Become a Photography Expert | Web Design Ledger
Speaking UNIX: 10 great tools for any UNIX system
The universe of UNIX tools changes constantly. Here are 10 tools -- some you may have overlooked and some new -- to tinker with.
Linux makina batean interesgarri izan daitezkeen komandoak
Top 10 Tutorials To Learn PSD To HTML Conversion | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
share it?
The Best Places To Find Your Next Free Book Online - Free books online - io9
So, have you bought an ebook reader? I keep thinking about maybe doing that someday, but it's so expensive. . . I'm waiting for someone to tell me why I can't keep living without one.
In the Woods - A Closer Look at SQL Joins
JOINs em Mysql
XPath - Blog - Open Source -
HTML5 Features at a Glance
Bookmaplet: Easy online street address mapping
This is an address mapping bookmarlet for your browser. It allows you to quickly view a map of any physical address you come across online without having to leave the page you are on.
Main page; A website supporting the bookmaplet, a bookmarklet that puts an overlay on a webpage with a map centered on a street address that was highlighted on the page. Powered by Google App Engine.
Highlight a street address on a webpage, click the bookmaplet, and its location will be shown on a map without having to leave the webpage
Bookmaplet is a quick and easy way to get a Google Maps snapshot of an address on a website—without having to leave the page. Simply drag “Map this address” graphic to your browser’s toolbar. Then highlight any online address, and a small window will appear that maps the location.
bookmarklet that takes an address and finds it on a map
bookmarklet for mapping addresses
Bookmaplet allows you to highlight a street address on a webpage, click the bookmaplet, and its location will be shown on a map.
50+ Free iPhone Apps to Make You Richer
PaperCube - Peter Bergström
"PaperCube is a new experimental tool exploring the visual navigation of academic citation networks."
Terrific visualization tool for exploring connections between authors and citations.
Incredibly pertinent on bibliometry. Nice.
Haskell: The Confusing Parts
If you’re used to the C family of languages, or the closely related family of “scripting languages,” Haskell’s syntax (mainly) is a bit baffling at first. For some people, it can even seem like it’s sneaking out from under you every time you think you understand it. This is sort of a FAQ for people who are new to Haskell, or scared away by its syntax.
25 Facebook Tips and Tricks you should be aware of
15 Useful Resources to Get Clued Up on HTML5
500 Internal Server Error
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
"Deep in the bowels of the internet, I came across an exhaustive list of interesting Wikipedia articles by Ray Cadaster. It’s brilliant reading when you’re bored, so I got his permission to post the top 50 here."
Command line tricks for smart geeks | TuxRadar Linux simon/woof.html
11 Outstanding Sites That Will Improve Your Photography | The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource
great site
Really cool sites that help the amateur photographer - from editing and composition to fun add-ons.
An Engineer's Guide to DNS (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
(part 2)
In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the "dark matter" of the internet. It's hard to observe the DNS directly yet it exerts an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart. Because it's so difficult to probe people tend to take it for granted, which I think is a mistake. DNS problems can hurt the speed and reliability of your applications without you even noticing. In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
s an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart. Because it's so difficult to probe people tend to take it for granted, which I think is a mistake. DNS problems can hurt the speed and reliability of your applications without you even noticing. In this article we'll take a look at the behavior of the DNS and walk through some experiments you can run to gather valuable data about your users' network performance.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the "dark matter" of the internet. It's hard to observe the DNS directly yet it exerts an obscure, pervasive influence without which everything would fly apart.
This is a unique YDN blog post.
Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag - Noupe
GridFox in Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag
Handy list of web development goodies.
The Blueprints, reference image database, with more than 37000 blueprints, templates, 3/4/5-views and drawings - The largest free blueprint collection on the Internet, more than 36000 blueprints online.
9 Ways to Visualize Proportions – A Guide | FlowingData
Nice summary of some data visualization techniques
visualization data charts
"figure out what graph or chart suits your data best"
Nice range of options for viewing fractions... ratios...
An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Web Usability : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Book on web usability.
You Don’t Know Anything About Regular Expressions: A Complete Guide - Nettuts+
Regular expressions can be scary...really scary. Fortunately, once you memorize what each symbol represents, the fear quickly subsides. If you fit the title
Radio Shack Catalogs
An Archive of 1939 to 2005 Radio Shack Catalogs. Flip-through every page, of every Radio Shack Catalog.
Archive of old Radio Shack catalogs
archive of catalogs
This website is dedicated to America's technology store... RadioShack. For over 65 years, RadioShack produced an outstanding catalog, surpassing the catalog of all rival electronics and technology companies. Through the years, this catalog expanded to contain a mix of hi-fidelity stereos, amplifiers, radios, phonographs, speakers, TVs, CBs, communication equipment, computers, electronic components, antennas, electronic test equipment, educational kits, toys, gadgets, batteries, and more. Products from the RadioShack catalog were purchased by the everyday consumer, hobbyist, and professional. At this website you will be able to view these old Radio Shack catalogs...year by by page. What's unique about this website is that the catalogs are presented as a VIRTUAL catalog, in a "page-flipping" format. This gives you the experience of paging-through an actual Radio Shack catalog.
io9 - A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology - Zombies
A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology
Using Views Relationships, Arguments, and Attachments | DrupalEasy
FFmpeg made easy | TuxRadar
Various example ffmpeg commands
You Don’t Know Anything About Regular Expressions: A Complete Guide - Nettuts+
Learn regular expressions once and for all
a detailed overview of regex
Daring Fireball: A Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs
Good regular expression to user for grabbing a url
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave, found via Church Tech Matters. Search Cheat Sheet This is a quick guide to the operators and restricts supported by wave search. Keywords about:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] occur
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
30 Must Have WebDesign Books In Your Christmas Wishlist | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Google Wave コンプリートガイド - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Categories of electronic circuits
Welcome to our Website! We are here to show You how to make various interesting electronic devices on your own. Some of the devices are: Amplifiers, Power sources, Metal detectors, Alarms, Insect repellant, light, sound or touch sensitive devices, Whistle responder which produces sound when called by a whistle and our visitor's favorite Light and LED devices… We can’t name them all right here, so we suggest You browse through our collection of diagrams on your own
Build over 400 electronic devices by yourself. All circuits are grouped into several categories.
Plans for all manner of electronic devices!
25 Blogs To Help You Stay Current With Social Media | FreelanceFolder
Guy Kawasaki's list of 25 top social media blogs
22 ecommerce platforms to sell your products online
o you are looking to sell some products on the Internet and you don’t know where to start? Then this article is for you, but also for designers looking for the best solution to offer their clients. Let me know in the comments if I forgot something.
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
50 most interesting wikipedia articles
YjWta.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x767 pixels)
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Chart Suggestions - A Thought Starter
Chart Suggestions - A Thought-Starter. What would you like to show
Yubin Kim » Blog Archive » Vim tips: stuff I wish I knew when I first started - Her likes, dislikes and things she is indifferent to
considers any number preceded by 0 to be octal (unless it contains an 8 or 9). Similarly, any number prefixed by 0x is considered hexadecimal. If you wish to change this behaviou
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61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.
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5 Essential Things to Do When Deciding On Your Business Idea
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#30 may be true, but I can't see it myself.
18 cool sites and apps that teach you about space | Webware - CNET
Listattuna hyviä avaruuteen liittyviä saitteja.
Few topics interest me more than space. Though I'll admit that I don't know nearly as much as I would like, it has always been my goal to learn about the universe. I bet I'm not alone. That's why I'm sharing this list of 18 space sites. They all offer something neat. And they're all informative.
Royal Society
3.5 centuries of science in an interactive timeline
A brit tudományos akadémia 2010-ben ünnepli alapításának 350. évfordulóját, ebből az alkalomból egy időszalagon elhelyezve számos történelmi jelentőségű publikációját hozta nyilvánosságra. - *
Interactive Science TimeLine
How to Evaluate What CMS to Use
Content Management Systems (CMS) have evolved into more than just publishing content, but managing your workflow as well. CMS’s nowadays allow you to easily conceive, edit, index, and publish content, while giving designers and developers more flexibility in customizing their look and functionality. Although there are many that require advanced skills to operate successfully, this article is going to cover a select few that offer a balance between design, code, and end-user usability.
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this amused me (also via @projct vand via FF peeps) [from]
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Historia de la programación, lenguajes y manuales originales en pdf.
7 Super Foods - Pure and Simple
How HTML5 Will Change the Way You Use the Web - HTML5 - Lifehacker
Artículo que explica algunas de las características de HTML5.
Firefox and Safari partially support it, Google's Wave and Chrome projects are banking on it, and most web developers are ecstatic about what it means. It's HTML5, and if you're not exactly sure what it is, here's an explainer.
What is HTML5? Some kind of really fancy link tag? HTML5 is a specification for how the web's core language, HTML, should be formatted and utilized to deliver text, images, multimedia, web apps, search forms, and anything else you see in your browser. In some ways, it's mostly a core set of standards that only web developers really need to know. In other ways, it's a major revision to how the web is put together. Not every web site will use it, but those that do will have better support across modern desktop and mobile browsers (that is, everything except Internet Explorer).買い方まとめ - トップページ
欧米式の住所の書き方を説明しているページ *
20+ Must have documents for Designers and Developers | Creative Repository
VIDEO: Google Wave Gets Explained
List of Algorithms
Using Google Public DNS 这种 ip 完全没有记的必要,加到书签里仅仅是为了纪念这个 dns 诞生的日子
Frequently Forgotten Fundamental Facts about Software Engineering
"We know these things to be true"... about software engineering
grumpy old men ...
Everyone involved in the production, design and specification of software should be required to read and understand every item on this list. home - movieclips
a site where you can find a movie clip for any lesson!
14 Best Times to Make Major Purchases
When it comes to major purchases - like cars, computers, airline tickets - simply buying them whenever rarely get you the best deal.
Flickr Photo Download: Low cost flying
Comparison between low cost and regular airline infographic
Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense: Scientific American
A brief description on how one senator beleives that the idea of greenhouses gases endangering our environment is a hoax, and our envirnment is really in no danger.
John Rennie (Chefredakteur), Scientific American: Evidence for human interference with Earth's climate continues to | John Rennie, der seit 15 Jahren Chefredakteur bei SciAm ist, geht darin kompakt aber umfassend auf sieben Argumente ein, die man immer wieder findet: 1. CO2 ist nur ein Spurengas, kann gar nichts am Klima ändern; bzw. der Menschenanteil ist zu klein | 2. Der "hockey stick", der den Temperaturanstieg zeigt, ist widerlegt, außerdem war es im Mittelalter wärmer | 3. Seit 10 Jahren ist die Erde nicht wärmer geworden | 4. Sonne oder kosmische Strahlung sind die Ursache der Erwärmung | 5. Klimatologen haben sich verschworen um die Wahrheit zu verstecken | 6. Klimatologen sind nur geldgeil/wollen Achtung | 7. Technologische Anwendungen wie Geoengineering wären viel effektiver als CO2-Reduzierung
a partial list of the contrarians' bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them
"a partial list of the contrarians' bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them."
22 Tools You Should Keep in Your Car | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Click Here
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Our Documents - Home
8th Grade history -- US documents
Repositories of Primary Sources
A listing of over 5000 websites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources for the research scholar. All links have been tested for correctness and appropriateness. Links added or revised within the last thirty days or so are marked {New}. Please use this form or e-mail to add entries, provide corrections, or make comments on its utility. Those who have recently submitted new and revised entries are acknowledged. Guidelines for the inclusion of sites on this list are available.
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Jalopnik Car Care: How To Decode Your Car's VIN
How To Decode Your Car's VIN - How To Decode A VIN
The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools | BrandsAmongMany
list of twitter accounts
FindABetterBank - A free, unbiased tool to compare banks in the US
10 things you should know about moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 | 10 Things |
Wandermelon: Where the Journey Begins…
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination. Focuses on the five-star experience. Read more:
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination.
10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites
10 layouts de blog mto bons
Everyone tries to be different when creating their own website where their portfolio will be displayed, and lately it seem that more and more people have been choosing to have a little blog together with their portfolio. The trend of blogging got to desig
On API Design Guidelines
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On API Design Guidelines, Books, Java, Neuroning
Mac 101: Building a bootable diagnostic and repair flash drive
It's a good idea to have a strategy in place in case of emergencies. If your hard drive tosses you errors, behaves badly or doesn't even appear, what to do? If programs crash at random, you need to be ready. You can prepare for this by creating a bootable flash drive containing some diagnostic and repair utilities.
Does Poker Playing make you Short, Fat and Ugly?
Financial Times Lexicon - The definitive glossary of economic, financial and business terms
Financial Times Lexicon
Browse thousands of words and phrases selected by Financial Times editors and suggest new terms for the glossary.
- The definitive glossary of economic, financial and business terms
Everything You Need to Know About the !important CSS Declaration | Impressive Webs
Interesting article for when and where to use the !important declaration
The !important CSS DeclarationRecently I came across a few articles that mentioned the CSS !important declaration, and there was a little bit of confusion over what it actually did, and how it could be used, as expressed in the user comments on those articles.
Everything You Need to Know About the !important CSS Declaration (via @gopalraju) [from]
Comprehensive article covering the !important CSS statement.
best of craigslist : Tips For Clueless People Who Get Mugged
Good advice from NYC cop.
Anyway, here's some helpful tips for the next time someone jacks your shit. 1) Pay attention. Granted, you weren't paying attention to start with or you wouldn't have gotten mugged, but now that you've been hit from behind / had a gun shoved in your face, pay attention. 2) Follow directions. Give the friendly mugger what he wants. Don't talk back or fight. In all likelyhood, you're a pussy hipster retard, and are, by NYC law, unarmed. 3) You've been paying attention right? Remember some simple things in this order: sex, clothing color, clothing type, headwear, and direction of flight. … In conclusion: Don't be stupid, pay attention, call the cops, and don't be a dick.
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Science: [So what? So everything] - Homepage
Science for parents of primary kids - UK government website.
You Can Negotiate Anything * Get Rich Slowly
16 bitchin' commands and shortcuts for Twitter | Blog | Econsultancy
assertTrue( ): NoSQL Required Reading
Starting from Dynamo, ending with (roughly) follow @nosqlupdate on Twitter.
Materials that you need to read in order to get started with NoSQL
List of resources to read to get up-to-speed on the NoSQL movement.
Ten Powerful Linux Commands -
20++ jQuery Introduction Tutorials and Resources for Beginners
jQuery für Anfänger
jQuery is an amazing Javascript library that makes it easy to create astonishing web effect in just a few lines of code. This post gathered all useful jQuery tutorials to kick start your learning process.
Useful Run Commands For Windows Vista and XP -
Like everyone said, time is gold. Every single second is precious and time is not to be wasted. You know, it usually takes you at least 10 seconds to open a windows programs. With today tip, you can probably open any programs within 5 seconds. So now I’m going to show you a list of general and common commands that you can use in the Run option from the start menu (Start > Run box). I consider this tip somewhat advanced, but if you get this into your head early on and spend more time familiarizing yourself, you can be a PRO in computing shortcuts!
Giz Explains: What Everyone Should Know About Cameras - Camera guide - Gizmodo
Role of chess in improving your character
Most Popular How-To Features of 2009 - How To - Lifehacker
15 Photoshop Tips (I Bet) You Don't Know | dezign Musings
15 Top Logo Inspiration Galleries | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
inspiratie voor logo's
sitios para inspiración de logotipos, muy buenos casi todos, mejores: logomoose, logoinspire
A logo is a visual representation of a brand's core service a lack of inspiration maybe due to a lack of clarity of the service, product or goal of the company. A company lacking a strong memorable logo is a company lacking focus and vision. Design Inspiration is great if you are stuck for ideas, so here is a list of galleries featuring great logos. Of course you don’t copy the idea straight out, hence the word “Inspiration” when we look at these galleries.
145 new quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
Useful cheat sheets for some of the most widely used
Learn To Fucking Spell | I Am Paddy
A bit liberal with the profanity, but nevertheless an excellent piece by Paddy Donnelly on the infuriating experience of reading misspelled writing. He's right, of course: if you want anyone to take you seriously you had better learn to spell correctly.
no, really.
Beginning Engineers Checklist
# To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
NEVER loan out your copies of: * `The Art of Electronics' (Horowitz & Hill, Cambridge University Press) (you do HAVE a copy don't you?) * 'Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components or Ingenious Mechanisms for Designers and Inventors * The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1..3 Boxed Set
Harish Mallipeddi's Blog - CouchDB naked
Good explanation of how CouchDB indexes.
how couchdb b-trees work internally
Essential Android Apps - - Gizmodo
PORTUGUÊS EXACTO – o sítio da Língua Portuguesa
Um site que esclarece todas as dúvidas relacionadas com o Português, incluindo as mudanças introduzidas pelo Acordo Ortográfico.
A Collection of HTML5 Resources and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Mike Taylor - Why Debian Is Not My Favourite Operating System
1.1. How can I add a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-get install package 1.2. How can I upgrade my installation to the latest version? That's easy! Just use: apt-get dist-upgrade 1.3. How can I search for a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-cache search keyword Why not apt-get search keyword? Shut up, be happy. That's just how it is.
The annoyances of the Debian's package management..I've come across some of these before, but I still prefer Debian over alternatives..
Display | Modern Graphic Design Collection and Bookstore
Web Design: Awesome Magazine Style Sites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
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Firefox 拡張開発にあたり、使った拡張や参考になった拡張など - 8時40分が超えられない - subtech
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Scrabble dictionary - SOWPODS / TWL - free versions. Look up wordfinder for finding words in the official scrabble players dictionary. We offer multiple scrabble dictionaries including sowpods and twl.
100+ Sites to Download Everything Online | Super Geek Land
Edible Geometry (1)
Different names for the many variations of pasta Pasta is architecture designed for the taste buds. Every single shape is a brick, different in form, consistency and color, to create an extraordinary construction, both physical and mental, a true expression of taste...
"Illustration of over 150 different Italian pasta shapes"
Brilliant. Now I shall keep this for reference when I want to make my own pasta.
Illustration of over 150 different Italian pasta shapes
10 CSS Snippets to Save Precious Time | Blog Oh Blog
Optimizing WordPress for Search Engines
ø 15+ Useful Firefox Addons For Web Developers | ø
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant “Top 10″ list, here’s a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet.
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant "Top 10" list, here's a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet. Dust-Me Selectors Dust-Me Selectors helps you find unus
What is the secret to effective parenting? " BCI blog
What is the secret to effective parenting?
Twitterの公式RT、非公式RT、QTの違いを分かりやすく図で描いてみた - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
Top 50 free software for Windows
Top 50 free software for Windows
Just another Globalthoughtz | Right to Information weblog
Elenco di software gratuiti da avere sul proprio pc
» How to reduce your PSD files size using Photoshop Idle Together
The FP Global Thinkers Book Club | Foreign Policy
Secret Perl Operators - good coders code, great reuse
A goatse operator? .p
Fun Facts » Dozen and one Brain Hacks that will super tune your brain in a week
Simple list about what is good for brain, nothing new, but good round up.
Mahamritunjay Mantra
50 of the world's best design blogs - Times Online
Top 50 design blogs
35 Ultimate Useful CSS Cheats to Streamline Web Development | Tutorial Lounge
WOW - any time I can gets helpful 'hacks', etc for CSS!!
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | Google Maps
Fascinating site where you can overlay historic maps onto Google Earth images; compare and contrast then and now. Very cool.
Top 25 Clean and Minimal Web Designs
Clean and minimal designs are my favorite type of design style - they have a very classy, professional, and timeless look to them that really appeals! With more and more designers adopting this type of style there are now lots of great clean and mini
Top 25 Clean and Minimal Web Designs -
College Crunch - School Research, Degree Options, Career Planning, University & College Reviews
f you are like most college students, you want to have a second set of eyes look over…
School Research, Degree Options, Career Planning, University & College Reviews
like the layout
The best college resource online ever -- according to the website.
Unique way to use wordpress recommended by Randa Clay
CSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites - Noupe
By Tim Wright and TJ Kelly CSS is the best thing to happen to the web since Tim Berners-Lee. It's simple, powerful, and easy to use. But even with all its simplicity,...
Telstra's 3Rs of Social Media Engagement
The Australian telecom Telstra recently released to the web the social media guide they designed for their employees. It's an animated graphic novel! I think they score points for both attributes (using visuals effectively and releasing it publicly).
Telstra - Austrian telecom - published social media guide for their employees
Telstras multimediale Schiene ... sehr gute Lösung!
C Craft - Preface
Demesne - Home Improvement and Maintenance - Homeowner Resource
Demesne is an information-only website dedicated to collecting information about topics that concern homeowners. Our goal is to demystify what it takes to maintain and improve our personal space and protect it the best way possible. We present real information based on experience and research in a clear, simple format without flashing gizmos, banner advertising, or popups.
Demesne is an information-only website dedicated to collecting information about topics that concern homeowners.
The 15 Best Articles For Designers in 2009 | Design Reviver
10 Javascript Resources - From Noob to Pro | Jon Raasch’s Blog
hen I started developing I was fortunate enough to have an experienced friend who pointed me to all the right articles, websites, etc. The right tools make all the difference and this educational jumpstart was exactly what I needed to hit the ground running. Now that I’ve gathered a good deal of Javascript knowledge and used a wide variety of Javascript resources, I’d like to share these so that others can experience the same benefit I did. And don’t stop reading if you already know Javascript inside and out: there’s resources here for all skill levels, from noob to pro. 1. Mozilla Developer Center Mozilla Developer Center Skill Level: Noob to pro Format: Website The Mozilla Development Center should be your starting point for all things Javascript. Beginners should start with the Core Javascript Guide. Javascript can be a really confusing language at first and going through each of these pages will make you comfortable with Javascript’s peculiar syntax and methods. (It’s way bett
_why's Estate
The collected works of Mr Stiff.
Wooji Juice: JavaScript for C & Python programmers
This is an introduction to JavaScript. There are plenty of these on the web, but most of them appear to be for non-programmers, teaching the building-blocks of programming as JavaScript uses them. And that's fine, because many people who have never programmed in their lives, find themselves needing a tiny bit of script for their web page, and need to start somewhere.
著作権放棄の業者向けWordPress2.8管理画面マニュアルを配布します - かちびと.net
The small calendar 2010 (en) « Grafish Design's Blog
The small calendar 2010 (en) « Grafish Design's Blog
[ Zsh ]
Une page avec plein d'astuces pour zsh
Emacs初心者向け記事へのリンク集 - ’(rubikitch wanna be (a . lisper))
The 100 Most Popular Photoshop Tutorials 2009
Popular Photoshop Tutorials
Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: Audio
Free Tools for the SQL Server DBA Part 2 - SQL Server Central
The Simple Dollar » 12 Clever Substitutions That Save Money (Nearly) Effortlessly
One of my favorite ways to trim money from my spending is to find simple little substitutes for my regular expenses. If I can trim a few bucks from the cost of household supplies, routine purchases, and other things like that, over the long run, that can add up to a lot of money with virtually no change in my life. Here are twelve of my favorites (not including my “infamous” homemade laundry detergent).
A List Apart: Articles: Findings from the Web Design Survey, 2008
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent. Last year, 30,055 of you did just that, taking time out of your busy day to answer the sometimes detailed and often thought-provoking questions in the second A List Apart Survey.
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it's up to each of us to stand up and repre
"This year’s findings paint a clearer picture of the distinctions between full-time and freelance web professionals: how you work, what you earn, and what you love about the job. "
The Believer - Donald Barthelme’s Syllabus
There was a time when I fought against an impatience with reading, concealing, with partisanship, the fissures in my education. I confused difficulty with duplicity, and that which didn’t come easily, I often scorned. Then, in my last year of college in Gainesville, Florida, I was given secondhand a list of eighty-one books, the recommendations of Donald Barthelme to his students. Barthelme’s only guidance, passed on by Padgett Powell, one of Barthelme’s former students at the University of Houston and my teacher at the time, was to attack the books “in no particular order, just read them,” which is exactly what I, in my confident illiteracy, resolved to do.
81 new reading ideas.
Design Something Every Day! - Smashing Magazine
As designers, we're all trying to get better at what we do. We surf the Web daily for hours trying to find useful tips and tricks to enhance our design skills. But...
Crie alguma coisa todos os dias do ano para tornar-se melhor como profissional
diseña alo todos los días
Practical Uses of CSS3 | Viget Inspire
5 tricks for wicked good writing on Shine
Tips from Constance Hale.
"Trick #1: Write in English, not Jargon. ... Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. ... Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. ... Trick #4: Avoid fluff. ... Trick #5: Find the right pitch."
Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. Nouns are cornerstones of writing—they give us characters, images, and themes. Search for the most evocative and exact. Why choose “house” when the options include cottage, shack, duplex, dacha, bungalow, and bachelor’s pad? (Stay away from abstractions like abode, dwelling, domicile, or residence.) Beware clusters of abstract nouns. When a principal wrote to parents urging a “communication facilitation skills development intervention,” he should have asked them “to help kids write better.” Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. All verbs are either static (to be, to seem, to become) or dynamic (to whistle, to waffle, to wonder). Static verbs pour out naturally when we write—“is” clutters most first drafts. But dynamic verbs give writing action, power, drama. Do a verb brush-up on every draft, tossing out static verbs and perking up your prose.
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The 50 Best Movies of 2009 - Inside Movies
How To: Make Your PC and Mac Share Stuff Like Best Friends - Mac pc filesharing - Gizmodo
Networking is stupid. You'd think it'd be real darn easy to share stuff between PCs and Macs, but it's not as nearly simple as it should be. So, here's how to make 'em talk and share stuff like best friends.の基礎の基礎を理解していますか?|TCP/IPまるわかり
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 * Keyboard shortcuts MP3 Downloads: 100 Greatest Indie Rock Albums of All Time
Learning via Primary Historical Sources
This is a Phase II expansion grant from the National Science Foundation (2008-2011). The goal of the project is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate projects based on primary historical sources in Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Logic and Computer Science courses.
This is a Phase II expansion grant from the National Science Foundation (2008-2011). The goal of the project is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate projects based on primary historical sources in Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Logic and Computer Science courses. This is a collaborative project between Mathematics (Math) and Computer Science (CS) faculty at New Mexico State University (NMSU) and Colorado State University at Pueblo (CSU-P).
Learning Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science via Primary Historical Sources
The goal of the project is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate projects based on primary historical sources in Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Logic and Computer Science courses.
Ebooks -
Windows Vista 搭載パソコンを買ってきてやったことまとめ - IT戦記
From Here to Tweeternity: A Practical Guide to Getting Started on Twitter - Stepcase Lifehack
Praktični vodič za twiteraše
iPhone開発で役立ちそうなチュートリアルの紹介 - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
25 CSS books you must beg for, borrow, or steal! | Uncoverr
Ever feel overwhelmed with the immense amount of choices of books when trying to learn CSS? Well, we’re here to help. we’ve compiled a list of the 25 very best CSS books in no particular order.
spring cleaning for your sewing machine « Craft Nectar
7 jQuery Cheatsheets For Every Designer & Developer to Have | TutZone
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
Designs of the Year: 2009
Los diseños de web del 2009 explicados
Rock For Health - News
How to Find Anything Online: Become an Internet Research Expert | Webdesigner Depot
Facebook Guide Book – How To, Tips and Instructions by Mashable
"Facebook is the world's leading social network, with over 300 million users and more than 900 employees. But how do you get the most out of it? To answer this question and more, Mashable has created The Facebook Guide Book, a complete collection of resources to help you master Facebook."
Comprehensive Facebook Guide Book.
100 Featured Learning Professionals Online
selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
RT @c4lpt 100 Featured Learning Professionals Online #edchat #education [from]
100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
Here is a selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world
Charts: Flowchart Decides Which Chart Style is Best for Your Data
Brainstorm #9 Logo Process | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
En form för logoprocess
Untitled Page
Seven Helpful Techniques That Every Adobe Illustrator Artist Should Know - Vectortuts+
Let's look at seven useful Illustrator techniques to accomplish easily. These may seem tedious to resolve issues for the beginning Illustrator user. While many of these techniques are rudimentary, even advanced artists may learn a tip or two they didn't know.
Review of 2009: 100 great articles
100 nettilähdettä sosiaalisen median opetuskäytöstä vuodelta 2009
"Review of 2009: 100 great resources At the end of 2008 I produced my review of the year by listing 100 resources I enjoyed during the year. This proved quite popular, so I have done it again this year. I have selected 100 resources - articles postings, PDFs, presentations, videos etc - about (workplace and academic) learning, tools or technologies that I found of interest or practical use or made me think! The 100 resources are listed below, chronologically by the month in which they appeared. "
Jane Knight's elearning review
Kurt Vonnegut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In his book Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction, Vonnegut listed eight rules for writing a short story..."
Kurt Vonnegut's eight rules for writing short stories.
Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
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リストの1番目にあげられているSMASHING MAGAZINEのTwitterアカウントも様々なサイトの注目記事をつぶやいてくれるのでオススメ
The Most Linked to Pages of Top Design Blogs
just creative design
Yahoo! Site Explorer has a function that allows you to see the most linked to pages from any website so I ran through some of the top design blogs and compiled their most popular pages here.
Yahoo! Site Explorer has a function that allows you to see the most linked to pages from any website so I ran through some of the top design blogs and
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Command Center | Linuxコマンドがすばやく探せる、そのまま使える。 - banq
The Beautiful Art of Japanese Web Design –
第97回 これだけは押さえておきたいエクセルの知識  前編 - bingo_nakanishiの他言語出身者のためのPerl入門
Excelで覚えておきたい知識といえば、条件付き書式とCOUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP関数たちかな。
Kent's Korner: Decorators
def repeat3(f): ... def inner(*args, **kwds): ... f(*args, **kwds) ... f(*args, **kwds) ... return f(*args, **kwds) ... return inner
Decorators simply illustrated
kpreid: Brain-dump for the beginning JavaScript programmer
Some pretty weird things I didn't know about in here.
The Most Popular Posts of 2009 | Webdesigner Depot
As 09' comes to an end, we’re taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.
The Most Popular Posts of 2009 | **Great read! [from]
As 2009 draws to an end, we are taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.
101 Lectures for Your Open Source Education | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
By Amber Hensley As a college student, open source philosophy has a lot to offer you. You can not only take advantage of the great resources open source has, but also become a part of a movement that shares more freedom of ideas. In these lectures, you’ll learn more about the open source philosophy and what it can be used for.
As a college student, open source philosophy has a lot to offer you. You can not only take advantage of the great resources open source has, but also become a part of a movement that shares more freedom of ideas. In these lectures, you’ll learn more about the open source philosophy and what it can be used for.
How To Make Thermite: - How To Do Stuff
Top 50 Blog Posts on Usability, Web Design & Development Resources & Cheat Sheets of 2008 | Blog
Sql Antipatterns Strike Back
"Common blunders of SQL database design, queries, and software development. Presented as a tutorial at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009."
5 Things You MUST Do Before a Job Interview
So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven’t yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to pull it together at the last minute.
Google Code Blog: Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: Using Timers Effectively
article about long vs. short javascript timers, etc
25 BEST Sites for Free Educational Videos
RefSeek's guide to the 25 best online resources for finding and viewing educational videos. With the exception of BrainPOP and Cosmeo, all listed sites offer their extensive video libraries for free and without registration.
100+ Sites for Learning about Business
Lista , Sites Grátis para Aprender sobre Negócios
5 Essential Sites for Professional Photographers
5 Essential Sites for Professional Photographers -
The world of professional photography has come a long way since the days of the darkroom and Ektachrome film. Although there are traditionalists who still swear by film photography, advances in technology have brought photography to a whole new level, both in process and product. In addition to innovation in photography equipment, there are many valuable resources online that are becoming essential tools for professional photographers.
20 Basic Illustrator Tutorials Every Beginner Should See
Book | Digging into WordPress
There is much to learn about the World’s most popular publishing platform. From your first steps of learning about WordPress all the way through maintaining a site throughout the years, this book is packed with truly practical information.
Book on WP. Came recommended by John Saddington (@human3rror).
This looks like a great option for learning more about WordPress.
Spice Advice
The Best Times to Buy Anything, All Year Round - Buying - Lifehacker
You're always hearing about off-season, post-peak times to save money on purchases and food, but it always arrives too late. We've compiled a timeline and lots of best-time-to-buy suggestions into one post to help you plan a more frugal 2010.
shopping, purchasing, discounts, sales, year
Vineet Gupta: NoSql Databases – Part 1 - Landscape
At Directi, we are taking a hard look at the way our applications need to store and retrieve data, and whether we really need to use a traditional RDBMS for all scenarios. This does not mean that we will eschew relational systems altogether. What it means is that we will use the best tool for the job – we will use non-relational options wherever needed and not throw everything at a relational database with a mindless one-size-fits-all approach. ... ... This post covers the current landscape of the NoSQL space. In a subsequent post, I intend to cover in more detail the various problem areas addressed by NoSQL systems and the specific algorithms used.
Really detailed description of a number of NoSQL solutions. Interesting reading on Cassandra and Voldemort.
This post covers the current landscape of the NoSQL space. In a subsequent post, I intend to cover in more detail the various problem areas addressed by NoSQL systems and the specific algorithms used.
10-things-not-to-buy-in-2010: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Interesting, I wonder if these predictions will come true?
10 yrs. ago, most homes relied on dial-up connections to get to the web and iPods, cool flat-screen televisions and the Nintendo Wii didn't exist.
Online Free Touch Typing Program | senselang
JSF sucks « Incremental Operations
A google cache exists at
a hate list of hate articles against the hated jsf, chronicled over time
25 High-Quality, Adobe Illustrator Tutorials for Creating Cute Characters - Vectortuts+
create characters
You Don't Need to Regularly Reinstall Windows; Here's Why - Crapware - Lifehacker
Summary (my version): Don't install crap programs, keep your system clean, defrag it once in a while, and know what you're downloading from where/whom. Pretty simple. Got it? Good
The reality is that Windows doesn't slow down if you just take care of your PC a little more. Follow these procedures, and you won't have to wonder if spending hours backing up data, installing from disc, and re-installing your essential applications is really necessary.
git ready » converting from svn
Instead of contributing to the mass of tutorials already written about the subject, I figured I would take the easy useful way out and compose a list of great tutorials on how to accomplish a migration to Git for those who are familiar with SVN. If you have more links, please comment away and I’ll add them in.
Some tutorials and other resources related to migrating from SVN to Git
links on how to use git and svn together
52 ways to make extra money - Smart Spending Blog - MSN Money
100 Quotes Every Geek Should Know | GeekDad |
Social Media Today | 10 Ways to Get Serious About Social Media
a must read
Consumer Action Handbook - View Handbook
A site for consumer protection and with links to government agencies and resources for the consumer.
Consumer Action Handbook, including the consumer topics, the directory listings, the sample complaint letter, and the index.
buying car/home, identity theft, credit, consumer complaints
11 Ways to Visualize Changes Over Time – A Guide | FlowingData
52 Weeks of UX
10 Additional Typography Mistakes
ASCII Table - The Pronunciation Guide
list of known pronunciations of various ASCII punctuation marks
Ce site contient toutes les tables ascii/unicode/etc... Mais aussi LA table de prononciation (en anglais) des signes ASCII. Exemple: ! exclamation (mark), (ex)clam, excl, wow, hey, boing, bang, shout, yell, shriek, pling, factorial, ball-bat, smash, cuss, store, potion (NetHack), not (UNIX) (C), dammit (UNIX) # pound, pound sign, number, number sign, sharp, octothorpe, hash, (garden) fence, crunch, mesh, hex, flash, grid, pig-pen, tictactoe, scratch (mark), (garden) gate, hak, oof, rake, sink (NetHack), corridor (NetHack), unequal, punch mark
ASCII punctuation characters and their various pronunciations. e.g., the entry for **Exclamation point** (!) lists: > exclamation (mark), (ex)clam, excl, wow, hey, boing, bang, shout, yell, shriek, pling, factorial, ball-bat, smash, cuss, store, potion (NetHack), not (UNIX) (C), dammit (UNIX) That last one has a footnote: "as in 'quit, dammit!' while exiting vi and hoping one hasn't clobbered a file too badly."
How to pronounce characters like !, ", !?, */, etc
Comparing presidential approval ratings over the decades.
Annotated link
25 Mind Blowing Social Media Infographics
33 Tutorials to Unleash the Photoshop Beast in You | Smashing Downloads
When it comes to graphic designing, Adobe Photoshop is the best application to work with. The possibilities it provides are endless, it all comes down to how creative you can be. Of-course, you need to learn the techniques by giving it dedicated time and when you do become a pro, it’s fun all over. Either you’re a great photoshop guru or not, everyone does need a bit of inspiration, an idea that can make your line of work much more fun. I have here compiled a list of 30 of the best photoshop tutorials that can turn your work upside down. Let’s get started
Mais um apanhado
Let’s Try to Find All 200 Parameters in Google Algorithm | Search Engine Journal
Muy buen articulo sobre SEO
I am sure Googlers should be enjoying this: hardly can they say a word, there follows a wealth of guessed and speculations. This time Matt Cutts is said to have
17 Reasons Why Your Mac Runs Slower Than it Should
How to speed up your computer.
useful advise...
Buying Health Insurance on Your Own -
Perfection kills » Understanding delete
A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to glance through Stoyan Stefanov’s Object-Oriented Javascript. The book had an exceptionally high rating on Amazon (12 reviews with 5 stars), so I was curious to see if it was something worth recommending. I started reading through chapter on functions, and really enjoyed the way things were explained there; the flow of examples was structured in such nice, progressive way, it seemed even beginners would grasp it easily. However, almost immediately I stumbled upon an interesting misconception present throughout the entire chapter — deleting functions. There were some other mistakes (such as the difference between function declarations and function expressions), but we aren’t going to talk about them now. The book claims that “function is treated as a normal variable—it can be copied to a different variable and even deleted.”. Following that explanation, there is this example:
Description of the delete statement in Javascript and how it really works.
The 31 Places to Go in 2010 -
It listed Nepal is an probable place to visit
29 Resources for Freelance Designers Operating on a Tight Budget –
29 Resources for Freelance Designers Operating on a Tight Budget
of highly-useful resources and web apps that have been created with freelance designers and developers in mind. But for many freelancers, especially those who are just getting started, pricing can be an issue. In this post we’ll feature 29 resources that are not only very useful fore freelancers, but also extremely affordable. Many of them are free or offer a free plan, and the others are priced below the competition. Hopefully you will find some resources here that will help you to save time and make your work more efficient and effective. If you have suggestions of other resources asi
There are plenty of highly-useful resources and web apps that have been created with freelance designers and developers in mind. But for many freelancers, especially those who are just getting started, pricing can be an issue. In this post we’ll feature 29 resources that are not only very useful fore freelancers, but also extremely affordable. Many of them are free or offer a free plan, and the others are priced below the competition.Hopefully you wil
Tweet Crunch | Latest news from Twitter and Micro Blogging
Latest news from Twitter and Micro Blogging
HINT.FM / Fernanda Viegas & Martin Wattenberg
This is the collaboration site of Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg. We invent new ways for people to think and talk about data. As technologists we ask, Can visualization help people think collectively? Can visualization move beyond numbers into the realm of words and images? As artists we seek the joy of revelation. Can visualization tell never-before-told stories? Can it uncover truths about color, memory, and sensuality?
"This is the collaboration site of Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg."
jQuery - Quick Guide, Reference Manual
This page lists down all the jQuery APIs at one place for your easy access. So my recommendation is to bookmark for future use.
jquery cheatsheet
Cryptic Ruby Global Variables and Their Meanings | Purify Blog
100 Best (Free) Science Documentaries Online | Online Universities
"Documentales de ciencia"
Mixed bag of science documentaries.
jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet — Future Colors
jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet
Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? - Smashing Magazine
Website security is an interesting topic and should be high on the radar of anyone who has a Web presence under their control. Ineffective Web security leads to all
CAPHIS | Top 100 Health Websites You Can Trust
The purpose of the CAPHIS Top 100 List is to provide CAPHIS members and other librarians with a resource to use in their daily practice and teaching. Secondly, it is our contribution to the Medical Library Association so that the headquarters staff can refer individuals to a list of quality health web sites. Our goal is to have a limited number of resources that meet the quality criteria for currency, credibility, content, audience, etc., as described on our website. These lists of resources expand upon the MLA Top Ten List.
keep you good
11 Useful jQuery Powered WordPress Plugins | Web Design Ledger
We all know the kind of dynamic and engaging functionality that jQuery can add to a user interface, but integrating jQuery does require some technical know-how. This isn’t a big deal for many of us, but some WordPress users prefer the simplicity of a plugin. The purpose of this article is to help you discover some of the useful WordPress plugins available that gives you jQuery powered functionality in an easy to implement package. Carousel Gallery (jQuery) for Wordpress wordpress jquery plugin This plugin builds on the builtin Wordpress gallery, and replaces any gallery inserted using the tag with a neat jQuery powered carousel. By carousel it means you can browse through all the pictures in the gallery and they’ll slide from the right to the left and seamlessly start over at the end. jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries wordpress jquery plugin jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize ima
Some fantastic JQuery plugins for WordPress development
Série de plugins em jQuery para Wordpress, incluindo galerias.
40 Essential Drupal Modules | Nick Lewis: The Blog
modulos de drupal
40+ Essential Drupal Modules
Logo Design A to Z - B | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Fantastic Information Architecture and Data Visualization Resources - Noupe
Below are a collection of resources to get you going down the information architecture and data visualization path. Whether you just want to become more familiar with infographics and data visualizations for occasional use or are thinking of making it a career, the resources below will surely come in handy. There are also some beautiful examples and more roundups to see even more fantastic graphics.
By Cameron Chapman Information architecture can be a daunting subject for designers who've never tried it before. Also, creating successful infographics and...
Measuring Measures: Learning About Statistical Learning
20-plus Amazing Fitness Blogs to Inspire You
<img src="" /> <small>Let yourself become inspired to fitness.</small>
Ventonegro » Blog Archive » Bibliography of Programming Languages Implementation
Bibliography of Programming Languages Implementation
24 Great Blogs for JavaScript developers
Copyright Questions & Answers
Includes occasional library jobs dealing with copyright or licensing.
Blog by Lesley Ellen Harris who focuses on copyright and its impact on libraries and is a frequent contributor to listservs and SLA.
Copyright blog
SitePoint » Vital Information For A Web Design Project Request Form
Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective
Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective September 15th, 2009 I was standing in line at a local electronics store the other day when I struck up a conversation with the guy ahead of me who had a basket full of battery chargers and AA rechargeable batteries. It turns out he had decided to replace all of the batteries in his house with the rechargeable kind. Between the batteries and the chargers this guy plunked down over a hundred bucks!
Rechargeables are best for frequently-used, high-current-draw devices (cellphone, for example). Anything with infrequent battery changes (clocks etc), will take practically forever to reach break-even on costs using rechargeables.
It makes more sense to use alkaline batteries for low-draw devices like wall clocks because they lose power at a much slower rate than rechargeable batteries.
I realize many people want to convert to rechargeable batteries for environmental reasons, which is fair enough. But the truth of the matter is this: when cost is the primary discriminator, low current-draw devices simply don’t warrant the extra expense of rechargeable batteries. That’s because the batteries of low current-draw devices are typically changed so infrequently that the payback period for equivalent rechargeable batteries would be too far long to justify the investment!
EmacsWiki: Emacs Nifty Tricks
go back and forth between locations in buffers or across buffers
A list of nifty emacs tricks.
The Ultimate Guide to CSS Typography | Three Styles
Typography is often overlooked in todays design specifically by web developers. It really is a shame because CSS gives us so much control over our type. That being said, we our limited to certain “web safe” typefaces but that shouldn’t decrease our creativity. Here are a few CSS tips for typography on the web.
CSS HappyLife ZERO
CSS HappyLife ZEROは、CSS初心者・中級者の方を対象にしたリファレンスやレイアウト講座など、CSSに関するアレコレがつまったサイトです。
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland Lee Munroe
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe -
Tips and hacks for creating your own Wordpress theme
Khan Academy
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere. We have 1000+ videos on YouTube covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, chemistry, biology and finance which have been recorded by Salman Khan. » Blog Archive » A successful Git branching model
moving master with --no-ff
A well described branching model for git
16 useful Mac cheat Sheets @smashingtips
16 useful Mac cheat Sheets @smashingtips -
The Most Relevant Identity Work of the Decade - Brand New
The Most Relevant Identity Work of the Decade - Brand New -
O Brand New fez um apanhado das identidades visuais/logos mais importantes e relevantes da década. Aquelas que realmente fizeram diferença no mercado mundial, aquelas que mexeram com a cabeça dos designers e dos consumidores.
Brand New: Opinions on corporate and brand identity work. A division of UnderConsideration.
25 Tutorials and Resources for Learning jQuery UI - Speckyboy Design Magazine
There are many many tutorials and plugins for the jQuery core, but not so many that focus on jQuery UI. jQuery UI has been criticized in the past for its lack of documentation and support, but times have changed. Accompanied by its content rich website, in-depth docs and, especially, support from the jQuery community as a whole, jQuery UI has become huge and has never been easier to use. This post has been written as an introduction and reference for the amazing jQuery UI.
W3C cheatsheet
Nützliche Informationen über W3C-Standards und allgemeine Tipps rund um Typographie und Barrierefreiheit.
Nützliche Kurzübersichten und Suchfunktionen für W3C-Standards.
Lookup various W3C code bits.
Sexy HTML List Tricks • Perishable Press
Liste in HTML umsetzen
HTML Listen
Most bookmarked site
Unlocking innovation |
UK government stats online
UK government opens up its data - using Drupal!
100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing | Online Colleges
Design Trends (Predictions) in 2010
Design Trends (Predictions) in 2010
I agree with Serif fonts, rounded corners and mobile design.
bbk14-15_850.jpg (JPEG Image, 1707x1100 pixels)
CheatSheet de expresiones regulares
Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference Card Directory | - Cheat Sheets for Developers.
Browse Cheat Sheets
cssの情報・まとめ - かちびと.net
Color Theory Quick Reference Poster
PHP Design - Biggest Database Oversights - Justin Carmony's Blog
One in particular now has grown out of hand so bad that we've decided to start from scratch for a whole new version. Why? Lets say you have 3000+ php files, and your boss says "Hrm, we're seeing some problems with performance. Can you display at the bottom of each page the # of queries you use on that page?" If you coded your entire project like the example above, you would be totally screwed. You would have to find each and every mysql_query() and add some counter at the end. It would be a managing Nightmare. So how cold you solve this problem?
300&65 Ampersands
An ampersand for every season.
SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers - » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site
Build a DIY Portable Air Conditioner - Summer - Lifehacker
cosas que me gustaria hacer
Instructables user CameronSS has a guide to building a portable air conditioner out of materials that you may already have in your garage (if you don't, he lists the average cost for each part and where it can be purchased), including a portable cooler, 12V battery, fans, and a generous helping of ice. Plenty of pictures and sage advice from his father guide you through the building process, and CameronSS ends the instructions with a list of potential modifications to improve the already great gadget.
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis - Home
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
Innovative course at NYU-Poly that discusses Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis . The course is split into six 2 week modules where an industry expert comes in and teachers a portion of the course. The website has all the course materials and even some of the lectures in video format.
Rails Searchable API Doc
search easy and good looking Rails api documentation
Smart search, beautifully packed
Gizmodo - Why We Need Audiophiles - Audiophiles
This is Michael Fremer. He's listening to "Avalon" by Roxy Music on his $350,000 stereo system. It sounds excellent. He's a bit crazy, but if you love music, you need him.
Top 10 Tools for Better Reading, Online and Off - Reading - Lifehacker
Top 10 ferramentas para uma melhor leitura, Online and Off
10 formas de mejorara la lectura
100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers
100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers: Annotated link
Random Thoughts and Articles
Web and IPhone apps
Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers:
100 tools for teachers
My Twittonary – Every Twitter Term and Tool I Can Find
Extensive list, color coded list of terms, shorthands and tools.
fun, insightful info
Photography: Avoid Mediocre Portraits with These Tricks
Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips
Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips -
Find The Right JavaScript Solution With A 7-Step Test - Smashing Magazine
By far the most important item here is how well the solution works with JavaScript turned off. Too many developers do not think about this. How well are styles ingrained with the code? If a look and feel change requires a JavaScript change, that's a dealbreaker (sorry, Tina). Is the JS code usable without a mouse; is keyboard navigation fully available? (this isn't just an accessibility issue, it's also power user productivity enhancer). Also, KNOW THE CODE.
CSS Reset: Ways and Advantages | Inspiring Pixel
reseteando la CSS antes de comenzar
CSS Reset or Reset CSS are one of the best ways to ensure you have a consistent web layout and design across all browsers. In this post we discuss the different ways and the advantages or disadvantages of using them.
Turning the Pages - History of Science - The Royal Society
3D virtual browsing. Interface it a bit clunky, but I heart me some virtual books.
Welcome to our gallery of Turning the Pages™ presentations - high-quality digital facsimiles of manuscripts which replicate the physical experience of reading the original works as closely as possible. We hope that these will give you a flavour of the fascinating and diverse range of material held within our collections. We will be adding more items soon. Launch Turning the Pages™ 2.0 * Full 3D version - high end, full functionality. (Need help?) * Silverlight version - if you cannot use the 3D version, try this one. (Need help?) * Accessible version - if you're still having difficulty, try this version. (Need help?) The Turning the Pages™ Library currently includes these manuscripts. William Stukeley's Life of Newton Thomas Paine's iron bridge design Woolsthorpe Paine letter The Constitutions of Carolina Anatomical drawings of the human lymphatic system The fundamental constitutions of Carolina Foot Richard Waller's watercolours of English flowers and grasses
Welcome to our gallery of Turning the Pages™ presentations - high-quality digital facsimiles of manuscripts which replicate the physical experience of reading the original works as closely as possible.
Welcome to our gallery of Turning the Pages™ presentations - high-quality digital facsimiles of manuscripts which replicate the physical experience of reading the original works as closely as possible. We hope that these will give you a flavour of the fascinating and diverse range of material held within our collections. We will be adding more items soon.
The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS
Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates
Consigli a zio Bill
If I ever have a blog I want to be searchable
What do you get for Bill Gates, the richest person in the world? How about a little free SEO advice for his new blog? It could use some. Bill, I went looking
Website monitoring status - Public API Status
"an easily-interpreted heads-up display of 26 popular third party APIs. The big boys like Facebook, Twitter and Flickr are all present and accounted for, and other services like Salesforce, and Posterous are supported also."
Unlocking innovation |
"Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We want to work with you to make it better. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you.[...]"
ça y est ! le site open data UK est public !
Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We want to work with you to make it better. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you.
cdecl: C gibberish ↔ English
47 Sites Every Recording Musician Should Visit - Audiotuts+
In a recent “Open Mic” we asked you, “Which music-related sites do you visit regularly?” This article is a summary of the great suggestions given in the comments to that article. You can make the list even longer by commenting on this article.
9 Tips For Working with MySQL Databases » DevSnippets
Top 10 Best Social Media Presentations –
Philip Guo - Geek behaviors present during conversations
This is pretty funny, and true.
"This article presents some common behaviors I've observed from my past few years of interactions with geeks, nerds, and other highly-smart technical people. For brevity, I will simply use the term "geek" throughout this article as a catch-all term for such people. I don't mean to pass any value judgments on people who exhibit such behaviors; these are simply my observations and personal theories for why these behaviors occur."
The Book of Body Language
What is a Wiki? [Content]
Good article about wikis
On this site I got information on what a Wiki is.
Site Point
Good article on expaining what a Wiki is. Study this to see how this could be tied onto future web pages/sites that I create.
Timeline: The evolution of life - life - 14 July 2009 - New Scientist
Evolution explained
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms.
Annotated link
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms. There are problems with each of these methods. The fossil record is like a movie with most of the frames cut out. Because it is so incomplete, it can be difficult to establish exactly when particular evolutionary changes happened
» 22 Questions to Ask Before Developing a Website :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
5 Free Online Services to Send an Email to a Fax Machine
The Easiest Way to Build your First iPhone App | Nettuts+
Where To Find Social Media Power Users
Where To Find Social Media Power Users -
technical tools
While having great content and an appropriate message are crucial for success on social media news sites, having a quality user help with promotion is essential to build momentum
jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation
Why is Marijuana Illegal?
Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug. The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. You'll see below that the very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate. You'll also see that the history of marijuana's criminalization is filled with: * Racism * Fear * Protection of Corporate Profits * Yellow Journalism * Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators * Personal Career Advancement and Greed These are the actual reasons marijuana is illegal.
important and relevant history everyone should know
Top 10 of Top 10 GTD Lists : Getting Things Done
Listas sobre GTD
Word Wise: One (Isn't) the Loneliest Number
A cut 'n' save special: Some of the phrases I see a lot that can easily be replaced with one word without losing meaning are: at all times: replace with always at the present time: replace with now or currently...
How to use one word instead of several.
Phrases that can be replaced with single words.
A cut 'n' save special: Some of the phrases I see a lot that can easily be replaced with one word without losing meaning.
"Some of the phrases I see a lot that can easily be replaced with one word without losing meaning…"
Via Winer; a nice list of longish phrases that can be replaced by a single word without loss of meaning. Useful for Twitter, or, indeed, for any writing.
cut 'n' save special: Some of the phrases I see a lot that can easily be replaced with one word without losing meaning.
A cut 'n' save special: Some of the phrases I see a lot that can easily be replaced with one word without losing meaning For use in twitter
A cut 'n' save special: Some of the phrases I see a lot that can easily be replaced with one word without losing meaning are
Add power to Word searches with regular expressions - Help and How-to - Microsoft Office Online
Recommended by Lifehacker
Perl基礎文法最速マスター - Perl入門~サンプルコードによるPerl入門~
SSW Rules to Better Interfaces
jQuery source viewer
I was sick and tired of having to scroll through a raw copy of jQuery everytime I wanted to view a me
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Guide: How Iran is ruled
Why Iran has such a sh1t government
concise and straight forward explanation of a decidedly complicated government
How Iran is ruled
Note:50% of the adult population is missing. So that's all what they call democracy
JavaScript基礎文法最速マスター - なんとなく日記
From Voodoo to GeForce: The Awesome History of 3D Graphics | Maximum PC
Color Theory For Designers, Part 2: Understanding Concepts And Terminology - Smashing Magazine
An introduction to CSS3 | Zen Elements
Uma introdução bem legal ao CSS3.
PHP基礎文法最速マスター | Shin x blog
Fasion Shot とか Silhouettes and Gradients とか Miodern Art とか試したい
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist, Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist : FindMeByIP : what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist
11 Outstanding Online Resources for Web Developers
From Fish to Infinity - Opinionator Blog -
A debut column on math features an introduction to numbers, from upsides (they're efficient) to down (they're ethereal).
I’ll be writing about the elements of mathematics, from pre-school to grad school, for anyone out there who’d like to have a second chance at the subject — but this time from an adult perspective. It’s not intended to be remedial. The goal is to give you a better feeling for what math is all about and why it’s so enthralling to those who get it.
Gmail: Tips
Revised Font Stack | A Way Back
‘Serious efforts are being made to get more typeface choices on the web to enhance web typography. Still, most of us prefer web-safe fonts like: Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman and Arial. Though choices are limited, yet the number can be increased by exploring other pre-installed fonts’.
RESURCH+ORG is my epic collection of links, references, insights, and inspirations that I have compiled while writing The Skepdad Blog. Many of these are sites I read, books I reference, documents I consult, or information I find otherwise useful and interesting. I've put it here specifically to be a central hub of information (hopefully useful for others) for all things skeptical, science, secular, parenting, educational, or otherwise tangential to that. Many more links have been suggested by helpful readers.
HUGE collection of skeptic resources. Might impressive.
Good list of skeptic blogs/podcasts/books/etc...
Eat This, Not That - The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution From Men's Health
Best and Worst Restaurants
Que comer y que no en las diferentes cadenas de restaurants.
Enterprise Social Media Useage Policies and Guidelines |
Nice blog on policies and guidelines for Enterprise Social Media
Política de uso de Social Media empresariales y directrices
corporate social media guidelines | Unique Bird Photography | Bird Art
bird photos. by Rick Lieder.
very cool photos
An ordinary bird feeder, an ordinary day: and the ordinary, beautiful, eternal ballet of survival, flight, and falling, the aerial acrobats forever in motion, a rush of speed and feathers past the wondering human eye. spacer
Press Pots: Coffee Worth the Effort - The Atlantic Food Channel
hink cleanup is easy enough. Depending on where I am, I put coffee grounds (not espresso grounds) down the sink drain. This h
10 Things Clients Look For In a Design Portfolio - Noupe
By Thursday Bram There's no formula for a perfect portfolio. There's no format that's guaranteed to land you clients, as long as you follow it. However, there are...
How to Clip, Sort, and Cite the Entire Web with Zotero - Information - Lifehacker
Zotero is, at its heart, a citation manager. It was designed to facilitate research and to make organizing and including that research in essays and publications pain free. As such, it's an excellent tool for any scholar, researcher, or student to have in their toolbox. Its utility extends well beyond preparing to write a paper, however, as it allows you to grab nearly anything off the web and insert it into the Zotero system.
If you're looking for a way to organize all the information you find and research you do online, and you've had enough with bookmarking, copying and pasting, and cobbled-together techniques not cutting it, Zotero is a comprehensive information manager for Firefox.
Apple Publications Style Guide 2008
Expression usage guide for iPod etc.
The 2008 edition.
"The Apple Publications Style Guide provides editorial guidelines for text in Apple instructional publications, technical documentation, reference information, training programs, and the software user interface." Useful for third party developers as well, especially when you need to reference to some kind of unit/hardware that involves Apple.
Apple publications style guide
Apple's in-house style and usage guide.
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer.
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer. Here are some things you will need to know. Cocoa vs. Cocoa Touch Cocoa is the Mac development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, the Application Kit (a.k.a. AppKit), and Core Data. Cocoa Touch is the iPhone development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, UIKit, and Core Data. (“iPhone” here means devices running the iPhone OS, including the iPod touch and iPad.) On Stack Overflow, please don't tag your question cocoa unless it has to do with Cocoa. It's OK to put an iPhone question there as long as it's about something that exists on both platforms. Tagging an iPhone-specific question “cocoa” is inaccurate, and wastes the time of Mac-only programmers like myself. (You wouldn't want me to tag my Mac-specific questions “cocoa-touch”, would you?) Critically important things Memory management is based on ownership. (These rules don't apply under garbage collection. If you're using or supporting GC, see the G
disambiguating the confusing obctive-c/CF ecosystem conventions and terminology
HTMLで図まで描ける!進化した「HTML5」ってどんなもの? - はてなブックマークニュース
100+ Resources for WordPress Theme Developers –
One of the great things about working with WordPress and developing your own themes is the community and all of the resources that are available. If you’re not sure how to do something or looking to see what solutions other theme designers and developers are using, you can find plenty of infomation and tutorials to help.
How to Drastically Improve Your Designs | Design Informer
This post covers the concept of design and what is a graphic designer. It will also give you six excellent tips on how you can drastically improve your designs.
Design is everywhere. We see it in on billboards as we drive down the street. When we go to a restaurant and look at the menus, we see it. When we sit down on our couch and watch television, it’s visible on the commercials, advertisements, and even the movies and TV shows. It is all around us and it stimulates and motivates much of our decisions subconsciously every day. The encyclopedia refers to graphic design as, “the process of communicating visually using text and images to present information. Graphic design practice embraces a range of cognitive skills, aesthetics and crafts, including typography, visual arts and page layout. Like other forms of design, graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.” Toothpaste What is design? What is design? To design is much more than assembling, ordering, or editing. To design is to add value and meaning to something, whether it be a men, a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
Received this from Frances as a design reference.
" is a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry."
Applying Mathematics To Web Design - Smashing Magazine
“Mathematics is beautiful.” This may sound absurd to people who wince at numbers and equations. But some of the most beautiful things in nature and our universe...
by @SmashingMag
"Layouts featured in this post were created specifically for the purpose of this article. During the design process we made sure that all of the designs shown in this article are essentially mathematical in nature; that is, they exhibit order, symmetry and limitation. We also have followed the Web design algorithm in this process — the designs have distinct themes, styles and elements. To keep things simple and clear, we tried to stick to minimalist designs and also preferred single-page layouts. Obviously, examples in this article are supposed to serve as a simple foundation for your designs and not as the finished designs."
Top 10 Tools for Finding Cool Stuff Nearby - Local - Lifehacker
Codex Sinaiticus - See The Manuscript | Genesis |
Wow, oldest bible goes online
ה-Codex Sinaiticus הוא העותק הקדום ביותר של התנ"ך, שהודפס במאה הרביעית. לאחרונה הועלה לאינטרנט עותק סרוק שלו, שמאפשר לעיין בברית החדשה והישנה (ביוונית), לראשונה מזה 100 שנה.
Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1,600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. The Codex Sinaiticus Project is an international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience for the first time.
Useful PDF Search Engine For Programmers and Designers (about 7.500.000 Manuals)
24 Best Practices for AJAX Implementations | Nettuts+
Implementing AJAX technology can be a hit or miss thing. Do it well and you'll have users raving over the slickness it provides to the general user experience
Forgotten CSS selectors | 456 Berea Street
Forgotten CSS selectors
Well, the market share of IE 6 is now finally at a level where we as developers can say that a site “supporting” IE 6 does not mean “looking pixel perfect”. Fortunately more and more clients understand this as well. IE 7 has been out for well over three years and IE 9 is on the horizon, so I think it’s time to revive those CSS selectors that you never got to use just because IE 6 doesn’t understand them.
Developing Sites With AJAX: Design Challenges and Common Issues - Smashing Magazine
CSS3 Click Chart by Impressive Webs
UNIX tips: Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits
Avoid piping a grep to wc -l in order to count the number of lines of output. The -c option to grep gives a count of lines that match the specified pattern and is generally faster than a pipe to wc, as in the following example:
Very useful for students who don't know electronics.
Electronics tutorials, including ohm's law, resistor color codes power law, breadboards
complete learning material for beginning electronics
ネットビジネスに必要な要素をまとめた一枚の図が良い感じ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
What are the most useful websites on the web? : AskReddit
Full Screen Weather : Weather Underground
mapas com previsões meteorológicas, também dos Açores
Top 40 Ways to Take Notes Online | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Detta är ju något jag konstant experimenterar med också. Defenitivt värt att undersöka!
Regular note-taking is one of the most productive habits a person can practice.  The ability to take notes online and access them anytime, from any ...
29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m Trying to Avoid Real Work | Marc and Angel Hack Life
29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m Trying to Avoid Real Work
You don’t always have to work hard to be productive.  Productivity can simply be the side effect of doing the right things. So here’s a ...
Refining Data Tables :: UXmatters
After forms, data tables are likely the next most ubiquitous interface element designers create when constructing Web applications. Users often need to add, edit, delete, search for, and browse through lists of people, places, or things within Web applications. As a result, the design of tables plays a crucial role in such an application’s overall usefulness and usability.
Great filter examples from Luke Wroblewski.
luke w
40+ Stylish and Trendy Icon Sets
Ubuntu: A User's Look at Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
New to Ubuntu 8.10 is a nifty seamless encryption feature. It's always been possible to encrypt individual files/folders in Ubuntu but it involved creating a key pair and then individually encrypting files. To view or edit the file, it was necessary to decrypt it and then re-encrypt it again if changes were made. Messy. The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private Follow the prompts shown and then log out and back in again. Once the desktop reappears, you'll see a new Private directory in your /home folder, where you can save data, as with any other directory.
A review, with interesting tips
The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private
The Life Cycle of a Wireframe | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
For those who are looking for my slides from the Puget Sound SIGCHI lecture and for those who missed it but are curious, here is my presentation. It focuses specifically on my personal process for creating wireframes. There are 4 parts to my process, each has a series of deliverables that feed into it and principals I try to keep in mind, the outcome is either a single or a series of IA deliverables. My overall strategy for IA is 3 step process; understanding the problem (note: not merely identifying the problem but really understanding it), find a solution (there may be more than one solution, but there is often only one right solution), and present the solution (a large part of your job as a IA is presenting your work so the client can understand the results).
AIGA Design Archives
Encompassing more than 20,000 selections from special collections and AIGA's annual juried design competitions since 1924, AIGA Design Archives is one of the richest online resources available to those who practice, study and appreciate great design.
AIGA Design Archives
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web - Photography Colleges
100 Best Free Photography Tools on the Web
mathematics support for students - mathcentre
web support estudiants de matematiques
This is a UK-based site with leaflets and booklets to download, revision exercises with answers, maths video tutorials, and other resources, for students needing maths help in Bioscience, Business, Economics, Engineering, Heath Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Mathematics and Statistics.
We are a group of people who run university maths support centres, who teach maths, and who design new media products for learning. We come from the Universities of Loughborough, Leeds and Coventry, from the Educational Broadcasting Services Trust, and from UK Learning and Teaching Support Networks. We have setup mathcentre to deliver mathematics support materials, free of charge, to students, teachers, lecturers and everyone looking for post-16 maths help. mathcentre gives you the opportunity to study important areas of pre-university mathematics, which you may have studied before or may be new to you - the maths you know you'll need for your course.
LearningXL | 100 Fun & Useful Search Engines for Writers
Created by retired Capilano College prof Kilian Crawford. A very good list, organized by types of engines, with useful notes on each. I found some useful new engines from this list.
# Mooter: Your results are categorized using a mind map to give your experience a little more variety. # ChaCha: If researching online drains your creativity and inspiration, use the personality-driven ChaCha for help. # Searchbots: This fun search engine lets you personalize your search experience. # Trooker: Browse and search for videos on
Amazon Filler Item Finder - Find Cheap Filler Items for FREE Amazon Shipping
Amazon Filler Item Finder. Find Cheap Filler Items for FREE Shipping
Common Queries Tree
Common MySQL Queries
Common MySQL Queries (Extending Chapter 9 of Get it Done with MySQL 5&6)
Common Queries,Common MySQL Queries,Common SQL Queries
10 Google Interview Questions » My Tech Interviews
Interesting puzzles.
20 Instant Upgrades to Make Chrome Better than Firefox | Maximum PC
Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer? Probably a good many of you, and the reason why Firefox has been so hard to supplant as the No. 2 gateway to the Web is because Mozilla had the foresight to make it extensible. Thousands of add-ons exist allowing users to custom tailor the open- source browser however they see fit, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so.
Newbie Fashion Tips for Grown-Up Men - Stepcase Lifehack
for fools like me
A Visual Git Reference
some day I need to read these things
Google Buzz Tips
paperplanes. A Collection Of Redis Use Cases
Redis' particular way of treating data requires some rethinking how to store your data to benefit from speed, atomicity and its data types. I've already written about Redis in abundance, this post's purpose is to compliment them with real-world scenarios. Maybe you can gather some ideas on how to deal with things.
Weil Redis praktisch ist.
10 Useful Google Spreadsheet Formulas You Must Know –
"10 Useful #Google #Spreadsheet Formulas You Must Know –"
Google Spreadsheet is a powerful and free tool to manage complex spreadsheets. This tutorial illustrates ten useful formulas you must know to help you simplify the way you work in Google Spreadsheet.
100 Free Open Courseware Classes About Open Source Everything
The eco machine that can magic water out of thin air | Environment | The Observer
Household machine to draw water out of the air
The solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air. ... Their creation, the WaterMill, uses the electricity of about three light bulbs to condense moisture from the air and purify it into clean drinking water.
thanks to a firm of eco-inventors from Canada who claim to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air.
Canadian firm of eco-inventors claims to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortages
New Ebook: Twitter For Beginners | From The Crow's Nest
For the last few months, I’ve been focused on how to help people understand and use Twitter for business. As part of my preparation to speak at the WritersUA conference about using Twitter, I developed a new ebook, Twitter for Beginners. I’m pleased to share this ebook with...
Murphy Laws Site - Graphic Design Laws
murphys laws
The best designs never survive contact with the client.
Murphy Laws Site - Graphic Design Laws
34: Form design, layout, and presentation with CSS - Opera Developer Community
The Seven Deadly Sins Of JavaScript Implementation - Smashing Magazine
by @SmashingMag
Using JavaScript has become increasingly easy over the last few years. Whereas back in the day we needed to know the quirks of every browser, now many libraries such as jQuery, YUI, Dojo and MooTools allow someone who doesn’t even know JavaScript to spruce up boring HTML documents with impressive and shiny effects. By piggy-backing on the CSS selector engine, we have moved away from the complexity and inconsistencies of the DOM and made things much easier.
Using JavaScript has become increasingly easy over the last few years. Whereas back in the day we needed to know the quirks of every browser, now many libraries such as jQuery, YUI, Dojo and MooTools allow someone who doesn’t even know JavaScript to spruce up boring HTML documents with impressive and shiny effects.
E-Commerce Design Resources: The Ultimate Round-Up | Graphics
P-based, open-source shopping cart tha
The Mariana Trench To Scale [Pic] | I Am Bored
Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucking deep.
WordPress : 10+ life saving SQL queries
les SQL de base pour gérer son blog sur wordpress
Même si il ya beaucoup de choses que vous pouvez faire dans WordPress, parfois vous avez besoin d'une solution rapide pour corriger un problème spécifique. Dans ces cas, travailler directement sur la base de données peut être salvateur. Voici donc 10 requêtes SQL extrêmement utiles pour WordPress.
Ten rules for writing fiction(part two) | Books |
Inspired by Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules of Writing, our survey of established authors' tips for successful authorship continues.
10 Rules for Writing Fiction - Part 2
Top 15 newspaper sites of 2008 » Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism
Top 15 US-based Newspaper Sites - - The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post... [from]
Nmap 5.00 Release Notes
Documentacion Nmap 5.0
Nmap has finally gotten a major update after many years. Every network administrator should be familiar with this tool.
Insecure.Org is pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 from
携帯各キャリアの固有IDについて (全キャリア対応) - ぱらめでぃうす
100 Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark |
lecture video sites
Svær link-liste til masse video som både kan brukes nyttig, semi-nyttig og totalt unyttig! ;-)
15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers
A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.”
Pogue’s Photography Tips and Tricks - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Some pretty valuable tricks you can use to improve your photography.
It’s a crazy time of year to be finishing a book. But in between present wrapping and tree trimming, that’s exactly what I’m doing. It’s a book on digital photography, which, as you probably know, is among my favorite hobbies.
15 Best Websites that can make you a Web Designer | SaveDelete
The Missing Google Analytics Manual
Google has done a fabulous job putting together learning materials for their Google Analytics IQ Lessons – where you can follow the lessons in order to pass their GA IQ individual certification test. But the following will help you get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics. Initial Setup of Google Analytics Google Analytics Setup Checklist Google Analytics IQ Lessons from Google’s Conversion University with videos A Video Tutorial to Google Analytics Setup Google’s Support Installation Guide How to speed up your website when using Google Analytics 8 Stupid Things Webmasters Do To Mess Up Their Analytics Google Analytics Custom Variables Overview How to Link Google Analytics to your AdWords Account Video: How to Setup Google Analytics with Flash Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications Tools to Be Sure Your Website Is Tagged Properly SiteScan for Google Analytics Web Analytic
50+ CSS Techniques Designers Should Know
The Principles of Great Design
re two examples of sites that I feel take each of these principles into consideration to produce fantastic de
16 Free Must-Read eBooks About Social Media | pamorama
16 social media ebooks van Pamorama, blog
Llibres recomanats sobre social media
15 Awesome Google Services You Never Knew Existed | Mac|Life
Whether you're sending an email in Gmail, finding directions to that fancy restaurant using Google Maps, or pretending to be a part of the latest microblogging craze with Google Buzz, the G-word is everywhere. Well, it turns out that there is also a whole library of Google web applications and services stacked up behind the everyday services you may have come to take for granted.
Type Tips—short, quick tips on all things web typography from Harry Roberts of CSS Wizardry
Short, quick tips on all things web typography.
A selection of short typography tips: Line length matters, Pay attention to your leading, Use a baseline grid, Type talks, Use a grid.
How to get better at UI design
++++ Self training
So... you want to be a web developer? - Download Squad
I had the most interesting conversation with one of my friends the other day. Adam: "Whew... finally finished with my latest web project!" Friend (in awe): "Whoa! That's awesome! How did you make that?" Now, of course, this project of mine was a full-fledged ASP.NET web application; a simple question like "how did you make that" could easily end up with me not only explaining what I did, but how I did it, and which tools and technologies I used. That way, instead of wondering about the magic that makes all those fancy programs out there on the internet work, my friend could understand exactly what goes on to make that happen. Well, that couldn't hurt, right? Adam: "Do you really want to know? I'm warning you... this could get messy." Now, at this point, my friend gives me one of those funny looks like I'm completely crazy. But being a web developer, I'm already used to that. Friend: "Well, sure..." And so it begins. Step 1: Tools of the Trade Adam: "Well, the first thing we
Last Freeware version: All Programs (listed alphabetically)
The Extreme Searcher's Web Page
I will be using the book and this website for my college course.
Text for 5540
Shakespeare in XML
Shakespeare plays in XML format
Dissecting the WordPress Text Widget - Nettuts+
Dissecting the WordPress Text Widget
In this tutorial, we will take a close look under the hood of the WordPress text widget to uncover the process of creating a widget that can be added to
How Do You Create Your Own Multi-Widget ? - Nettuts+
72 Questions to Ask New Web Design Clients with PDF Chart | BonFX - Logo Designer & Freelance Graphic Designer
How many times have you hung up the phone after a chat with a new prospective client and then immediately slapped your forehead and said “I can’t believe I forgot to ask ______!”. Yes, fill in the blank. You have done this, right? If not, you will shortly. Well, I jotted down my own personal list of forgetful-questions, and did a quick survey of the top 20 results for “questions to ask new web clients” and related searches. Aside from semantic fluctuations, there was zero overlap: we all ask the same stuff. So I present below the best 72 questions to ask prospective web design clients, along with a PDF chart.
How many times have you hung up the phone after a chat with a new prospective client and then immediately slapped your forehead and said “I can’t believe I forgot to ask ______!”. Yes, fill in the blank. You have done this, right? If not, you will shortly. Well, I jotted down my own personal list of forgetful-questions, and did a quick survey of the top 20 results for “questions to ask new web clients” and related searches. Aside from semantic fluctuations, there was zero overlap: we all ask the same stuff. So I present below the best 72 questions to ask prospective web design clients, along with a PDF chart. Get your graphic design brain moving When I brainstormed the list, it was initially very group-oriented and linear, as the brainstorm process naturally is. However, I chose to mix the list results up deliberately for several reasons: * When a list is in random order, you actually have to read it * Random lists will stimulate the brainstorming process in you * Ordered
Do A Total Background Check On Yourself - The Consumerist
List of multiple agencies that have information about you
The Complete iPhone Development Toolbox | iPhone.AppStorm
Nobody could argue that the iPhone has been a revolutionary product in the cell phone industry. A fantastic SDK and third-party application support has enabled programmers to release thousands of apps to millions of people around the world. There are some fantastic apps available and many people are making a living from developing for the iPhone. In this “ultimate toolkit”, we’re showing you everything you need to get started; books, tutorials, software resources, screencasts, podcasts, blogs, forums, conferences, software libraries, design kits, icons, and even where to hire a developer if you decide not to go it alone! I hope you enjoy the roundup, and feel well equipped to embark on iPhone development will a full set of resources at your disposal.
Everything you need to get started; books, tutorials, software resources, screencasts, podcasts, blogs, forums, conferences, software libraries, design kits, icons, and even where to hire a developer if you decide not to go it alone!
Woodworks Library
Free woodworking pdfs
understanding wood
The Art Browser | Full Lists of Artists by Movement
Artistas por movimentos (relativo mas útil)
10 Small Things You May Not Know About Javascript |
Kid Safe Search Sites
The Basics of CSS3
Breakdown of the Blogosphere
Facts and figures on the Blogosphere
Planning to use this on Jim Mora - National Radio , 3rd March , 2010
The Best of Journalism (2009) - Conor Friedersdorf - Metablog - True/Slant
Throughout 2009, I kept a running list of the best journalism I encountered. Although I endeavored to remain as impartial as possible, note that I've been an employee of The Atlantic, that I'd eagerly write for numerous publications that received awards, that I have too many friends/acquaintances/professional contacts in journalism [...]
Throughout 2009, I kept a running list of the best journalism I encountered. Although I endeavored to remain as impartial as possible, note that I’ve been an employee of The Atlantic, that I’d eagerly write for numerous publications that received awards, that I have too many friends/acquaintances/professional contacts in journalism to disclose them all, and that the number of pieces I miss every year far exceeds the number I’m able to read.
Search the PopSci Archives | Popular Science
Popular Science archives.
"We've partnered with Google to offer our entire 137-year archive for free browsing. "
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set - Master Tool Kit - with VIDEO - Popular Mechanics
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set
stuff. I've seen it make threads take that I had given up for dead. It's saved me from having to rethread a part many times. I always carry a tube.
Future of CSS: The Flexible Box Model is a website for web developers and designers, providing tips, tutorials, resources and inspiration.
El modelo de cajas flexibles en CSS.
10 unexpected online user behaviours to look out for
task in mind. This means their tunnel vision is already on, they
PHP Tutorials Examples Introduction to PHP and MySQL
Open Source Open World
Open source is a concept of free sharing of technical information that has been around for much longer than most of us would imagine. When we think of open source today, we usually think of software. As wonderful and widely used as open source software is, according to Linus Torvalds, "the future is open source everything." From foods and beverages to scientific and health research studies and advanced technological innovations, the world has turned to open source.
really informative
Quick Guide to Every Herb and Spice in the Cupboard | Apartment Therapy The Kitchn
Convert centiliter to centiliter - Volume and Capacity Units Conversion
What should I be charging for webdesign? | James Larkin
How long is a piece of string? One of the most common questions I see on IWF and on web design and web development forums is the age old
Link Development Training: How Link Building for SEO is Like Picking Up a Girl | Search and Social Media Marketing Consultant
re important and the basic criteria for estab
Gettin' hit by traffic...not cars. Information on internet marketing tools, search marketing news. Commentary, tips and tutorials on pay-per-click, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, and recent industry events with a little bit of humor and sarcasm.
gadzooks this is excellent... sweet!
Link development is tough. Not everyone can create amazing linkbait, as easy as the experts make it sound. It’s not an easy proposition to get people to link to your website if you’re a local realtor, mortgage broker, or holistic doctor for that matter. It is POSSIBLE though with the right approach to actually solicit and develop links that will help your search engine rankings. From LOTS of trial and error, here’s the process I’ve developed for training link developers to become true link ninjas that will hunt and pursue links that actually make a site rank high for targeted terms.
Super Bowl Commercials | Adland
100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists | Rated Colleges
important research document
Rated Colleges Top Rated Online Colleges and Universities 100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists Posted By Site Administrator You don’t have to be a professional economist to do some really great research on the web. Whether you’re looking into historical trends, modern buying patterns or the latest stats on the global financial market you won’t find any shortage of information to keep you interested. Here are 100 great resources to utilize that can help you find, organize and understand your economic research. General Tools These tools offer some great general research material, help getting it all organized and some essential search capabilities. Internet Resources for Economists: This extensive list will direct you towards journals, economic research institutions, software and more that can be helpful in your search for information. American Economic Association: Here you’ll find a wealth of resources including journals, papers and links to members who may be able to he
101 Essential Resources For Freelancers | Applicant - The Advice Bank
# Must Read Articles For Freelancers # Blogs Freelancers Should Subscribe To # Forums For Freelancers # Where To Find Freelancing Gigs # Useful Tools For Freelancers # Freelancer Survey Results
Top 25 (Non-Obvious) Ways RSS Can Make Your Life Easier
f you’re looking for ways to more fully incorporate RSS into your technology repertoire, here are 25 applications, sites and ideas that can help you make the most of RSS. There are tons of little ways you can use RSS feeds to help you make your daily tasks, errands and life in general a little easier.
Image Quality Database
DxO Labs’ Image Quality Database (IQ Database) allows you to access a large set of image quality measurements that DxO Labs has performed on more than 30 commercial digital cameras.
DxO Labs’ Image Quality Database (IQ Database) allows you to access a large set of image quality measurements that DxO Labs has performed on more than 30 commercial digital cameras. (We will regularly update this section with additional performance data for other commercial products as they become available.) The DxOMark Sensor scale and its three constituent metrics shown in the DxOMark section aggregate the full set of measurement data from the IQ Database.
Good resource on javascript
How to Give a Presentation Part I: It's Not About You | Psychology Today
Google - public data
The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings. Explore the data Students, journalists, policy makers and everyone else can play with the tool to create visualizations of public data, link to them, or embed them in their own webpages. Embedded charts and links can update automatically so you’re always sharing the latest available data.
40 Outstanding Photo Manipulation Tutorials - Noupe
Photo manipulation is an art that requires lots of patience along with the expertise in Photoshop and other photo editing tools. With your creativity and imagination,...
Uncovering jQuery's Hidden Features | Nettuts+
jQuery is not always as it appears. There's a lot of cool stuff going on under the surface, and there are many methods just waiting to be discovered, and many potential usages of jQuery's API that you may not have considered before. In this article I'll be taking you through a few of the not-so-obvious things I've discovered about jQuery.
A great article that uncovers some of the mysteries in jQuery.
CSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator
Sir Shambling: Welcome to Deep Soul Heaven
soul music
Deep Soul and Southern Soul Music Heaven. All about the artists, labels, discographies, biographies, pictures, articles, reviews and more. A resource center for info on the best sounds ever made.
Google - public data
Limited data but nice and clear interface
Datasets and visualization
The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.
Graficación animada desde diferentes fuentes de info pública
Why Executives Don’t “Get” Social Media | Minnov8: Minnesota Innovation in Internet and Web Technology
Your boss, executive client or any other leader with whom you’re dealing (or perhaps even you, yourself) may not intuitively understand social media. This is not because of a lack of understanding or the technical acumen to use some internet connected device and hosted software, but more likely because they don’t feel the need to put forth the effort or energy to embrace it (or why anyone else would goof with social media, for that matter). As social media continues to accelerate as a method of connecting people to one another as well as to news, information and other snippets of value, I keep thinking about people who aren’t all that social, are not inherently “connectors,” or are folks who are simply not all that interested in connecting with other people in some virtual way. Years ago I always thought not being social was, well, being antisocial. Being one of the weirdos who smell bad and can’t be trusted around small animals or children. The guys you see leaving Blockbuster on a
Good to use when talking to the c-level about SM
Your boss, executive client or any other leader with whom you're dealing (or perhaps even you, yourself) may not intuitively understand social media. This is
Your boss, executive client or any other leader with whom you’re dealing (or perhaps even you, yourself) may not intuitively understand social media. This is not because of a lack of understanding or the technical acumen to use some internet connected device and hosted software, but more likely because you don’t feel the need to put forth the effort or energy to embrace it (or why anyone else would for that matter).
100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars | Online Universities
Undergraduates and grad students alike will appreciate the usefulness of these search engines that allow them to find books, journal articles and even primary source material for whatever kind of research they’re working on and that return only serious, academic results so time isn’t wasted on unprofessional resources.
Graffiti Wall Distillation: Tourist Scams, 2005
n accosted many times, but never with success. Although I wouldn’t recommend this tactic to everyone, here’s my secret: If you are forced to walk somewhere dodgy, such as the Albayzin or Sacromonte areas of Granada in Spain (tiny thousand-year-old streets, a labyrinth where masked thieves — usually little punk kids — like to prey), one thing I’ve found that works is putting on the “Oh man, what have I done?!” face. This is the kind of face one may have as they are thinking to themselves: “Oh man, I shouldn’t have hit that last person so hard...I wonder if they’re dead?” Imagine it. It’s the face of a person who has absolutely cracked, gone off the deep end, and just killed someone. This may sound really weird, but trust me, if you wear
Interesting list of scams perpetrated on travelers. I always ask myself if I am just lucky or actually more careful -- apart from the occasional over-charging taxi, nothing has ever happened to me.
Cover yourself against travel scams
Setting rather than Resetting Default Styling | Carsonified
thors start with a clean slate. From there, they most often write rules to style elements that were originally styled by the browser’s styles sheet, but overwritten by the reset file. In short, many elements are styled three times: 1. by the brow
Aha! Moments When Learning Git | BetterExplained
git staging and branching
Git is a fast, flexible but challenging distributed version control system. Before jumping in: Understand regular version control Understand
Alignment - Formulate Information Design
Guidelines for form design.
Reference: Periodic Table of Typefaces Schools You on Fonts
John Resig - How do Mobile Browsers Behave?
Mobile Browsers Compatibility Table
A study on how mobile browsers work...
Dark Roasted Blend: Medieval Suits of Armor
Guiding Principles for UX Designers | UX Magazine
15 Desktop & Online Wireframing Tools | UX Booth
mocking web pages., wireframes blog - [tweensy]TweensyOriginalの使い方:和訳してみる
AS3 用アニメーションライブラリの使い方
Helpful Photography Cheat Sheets to Make Your Life Easier | Resources
Teach Philosophy 101 > Home
"This site presents strategies and resources for faculty members and graduate assistants who are teaching Introduction to Philosophy courses; it also includes material of interest to college faculty generally. The mission of TΦ101 is to provide free, user-friendly resources to the academic community."
My Website
Designing for the Web – Contents
BBC News - The top 100 sites on the internet
RT @estima7: BBC가 선정한 인터넷TOP 100 미국중심이지만 분류를 잘해놨네요. 세력분포를 이해할 수 있어 좋음!
Opera Logo with CSS · David DeSandro
I love this, it renders beautifully in Safari 4 and is an IE fail!
Fonctionnalités d’un blog, plugins Wordpress : le minimum vital en 2008. | Presse-Citron
Plugins wordpress
Ce site référence un tas de conseil pratiques afin de bien construire un blog sous WP
The Top 100 Classic Web Sites - Apps and Services - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2328651,00.asp
These online tools can simplify your life and your workflow.
PC Magazine's definitive list of the best and most trustworthy Web sites of 2008.
20 Most Popular Open Source Software Ever | tripwire magazine
We take a close look at the cream of the crop: 20 invaluable and indispensable open source applications that you really should be using, if you’re not already. The vast majority of them are cross-platform and absolutely 100% free!
20 Most Popular Open Source Software Ever These days, you can quite easily buy a brand-spanking-new computer and install all the software you need for free, using applications offered under the Open Software License. You can get a free image editor, a free sound editor, a free word processor, media player, file archiver, PDF creator… the list goes on and on and on. While some of these free apps do not offer quite the same level of polished functionality as their commercial rivals, others far exceed the capabilities of everything else on the market. Below, we take a close look at the cream of the crop: 20 invaluable and indispensable open source applications that you really should be using, if you’re not already. The vast majority of them are cross-platform and absolutely 100% free! You’re bound to find several that are perfectly suited to your needs. 1. WordPress 1-wordpress WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform, used by a staggering 202 million websites. As simple
Good list of applications. Free, Open-Source applications
Ars Technica System Guide: September 2008 Edition - Ars Technica
The kids are headed back to school, which means that it's time for an upgrade. After all, nobody wants to be at a framerate disadvantage vs. the rest of the dorm. So whether you're building a system for work or for play, you'll find the right recommendation inside.
10 WordPress Tips & Tricks for Your Comment Page | Lists | Tutorial Blog
A Themer's Cheatsheet | Development Seed
Executive Bomb
telephone / email loopup
"Welcome to, start your Executive Email Carpet Bombs here!"
To avoid sabotage by a company submitting mis-leading or false details, entries to the database are added on top of those already within the database. The most recent entries will be displayed first, but ALL entries will be displayed. Entries will only be removed if they are confirmed to be so far outdated that they are little use to anyone. If you are 100% sure that information in the database is incorrect then you can email us using the address on the contact page. This ensures that any falsely submitted details (we can't confirm them all) will not overwrite any other details about the same company.
Enter a company name and get executive email addresses
Adobe - ColdFusion 8: Introduction and Advanced Development
The project-based introductory and advanced curriculums for Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 are designed to teach experienced web developers how to create dynamic, database-driven web applications using ColdFusion 8 software. Introduction to ColdFusion 8 This course covers the basics of ColdFusion and focuses on best practices and design, while stressing the importance of usability, optimization, and performance. Advanced ColdFusion 8 Development This course is designed to teach you how to take full advantage of ColdFusion 8 while building web applications. The course focuses on best practices and design, stressing the importance of usability, code reuse, performance, and scalability. Adobe ColdFusion 8 for Education free licensing Adobe ColdFusion 8 for Education is available free to educational customers to use for learning purposes only and not for production purposes. This includes all qualified students, faculty, and staff of eligible education institutions. Learn more
Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems - Nathan Hurst's Blog
Good discussion in the comments as well.
The Ultimate Excel Cheatsheet
extensive help for excel user
Should really mark this one private
Keyboard Shortcuts, Function cheatsheets, Formula cheatsheets, Tips and VBA sample code
Data Compression Explained
10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the Invisible Web
he Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines. Most of us think that that search powerhouses like Google and Bing are like the Great Oracle…they see everything. Unfortunately, they can’t because they aren’t divine at all; they are just web spiders who index pages by following one hyperlink after the other. But there are some places where a spider cannot enter. Take library databases which need a password for access. Or even pages that belong to private networks of organizations. Dynamically generated web pages in response to a query are often left un-indexed by search engine spiders.
Designing for the Web: A book by Mark Boulton
Designing for the web, a book by Mark Boulton, is now available online for free!
"A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the principles of graphic design."
Mathematics Books | Math-Blog
the best math books for the subject at hand
Mathematics is wonderful!
40 Powerful CSS Tools And Generators To Automate Your Workflow | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
40 Powerful CSS Tools And Generators To Automate Your Workflow
Ask H&FJ: Four Ways to Mix Fonts
Is there a way to know what fonts will work together? Building a palette is an intuitive process, but expanding a typographic duet to three, four, or even five voices can be daunting. Here are four tips for navigating the typographic ocean, all built around H&FJ's Highly Scientific First Principle of Combining Fonts: keep one thing consistent, and let one thing vary.
Basic CSS3 Techniques That You Should Know
We'll be looking at a few of the essential things you need to know about CSS3. With all of these new features, it's important to place emphasis on the most important ones to get you up to speed.
where is my milk from?
RT @dogfishbeer:Thanks to @beerwars and @foodinc care about beer & food; now find out where milk in you fridge is from!
You'd be surprised. Did you know different brands of milk often come from the same dairy - and the same cows? Often, the same dairy provides milk for store and brand names, only differentiating them by their label! Most dairy products, especially milk have a state and plant code. Go get the milk out of your fridge and, and find out which dairy it comes from.
C-SPAN Video Library (Beta)
This could be a great tool for google hearings and stuff like that.
extensive CSPAN archives going way back.
HTML5 structure—div, section & article ・ @boblet
lest I forget (Oli Studholme)
It seems my HTML5 id/class name cheatsheet article interested a few people, so here’s the start of an in-depth look at the document structures that fall out of the HTML5 spec. First, let’s introduce three easily confused HTML5 structural elements:
An in depth look at the HTML5 elements for semantically structuring your pages.
HTML5 yapısal araçları div - section, article
Anti Patterns Catalog
Read Me! | 15 Free Guides That Really Teach You Useful Stuff
15 Free Guides That Really Teach You Useful Stuff
12 – The Idiot’s Guide To Photoshop
Why you only need to test with five users (explained): Measuring Usability
There are a lot of strong opinions about the magic number 5 in usability testing and much has been written about it. Here's another one.
Meet the Pseudo Class Selectors | CSS-Tricks
:last-child, :first-child etc etc
Pseudo class selectors CSS selectors with a colon preceding them. You are probably very familiar with a few of them. Like hover: a:hover { /* Yep, hover is
At Mathalicious, our mission is to help transform the way math is taught by providing you with the best, most meaningful and most relevant math content available.  Our lessons are aligned to traditional state standards.  Unlike most math resources, though, our content emphasizes both conceptual understanding and real-world application.
website with links to myriad lesson plans to make math relevant
Answers the questions - "What does this mean?" and "when will I use this?"
Everything you need to know about HTML5 video and audio - Opera Developer Community
ColorTheory_Screen_White.jpg (JPEG Image, 1224x792 pixels)
Beacon Learning Center
Lesson Plans
Free Stuff - Educational Technology - ICT in Education
87 projects. 10 further resources. 52 applications. 94 contributors. The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. What were the learning outcomes? And did I mention that this is free?!
the site for leaders and managers of educational ICT
User Interface Style Guides | Konigi
About This page describes the authoring and use of style guides created to ensure consistency across a product or web site. The style guide may covers anything from branding, usage of colors, and page layout, to development practices and standards.
User Interface style guides resource
This page describes the authoring and use of style guides created to ensure consistency across a product or web site. The style guide may covers anything from branding, usage of colors, and page layout, to development practices and standards.
What music do your favorite bands listen to? | NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
"I always like to wonder about what my favorite musicians listen to. It helps me discover new music and it’s also fun to find out what music inspires the musicians that have inspired me."
NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
U-handblog: Bag making for newbies. Part 1 - Sewing Terms is blog of bag-making supplier
On U-handblog
Top 10 Google Apps Marketplace Apps - google apps marketplace - Lifehacker
A list of 10 apps from Google by Lifehacker
Google's Apps suite for domain owners and businesses has finally received some star treatment with the launch of the Apps Marketplace. Which Google-friendly apps are free, worth the cost, and entirely useful? These 10 are definitely worth a look.
41 Great Looking Free WordPress Themes
para cuando haga mi blog con wordpress
Computational Knowledge Engine
Get Into the Rhythm: 50 Open Courseware Collections for Musicians |
Cursos de música de graça
Finding a place to take free classes can be a bonus for musicians struggling to pay the rent. The following open courseware collections include classes, entire courses, and lessons that are sure to please the musician in you. Select from college courses from some of the top-ranked universities, educational open courseware collections, music schools, and even podcasts and webcasts.
HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles
RT @tweetlicius: HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles -
My Top List of Java Tools | Javalobby
8 Common CSS Mistakes and How to Fix Them - Blog
To keep in mind: mistake 5 (we should use html5 simple <!doctype html>, and mistake 7 (we should be using overflow: hidden)
Guilty as charged. I guess.
by @photoshoptalent
BBC Wildlife Magazine
Welcome to the complete collection of our Photo Masterclasses. Just click on the images below to download a PDF of each masterclass and your photography skills will soon improve with our experts' advice. » Blog Archive » 14 websites to make you a more intelligent person
How the Health Care Overhaul Could Affect You - Graphic -
FreshBump - 10 Design Quotes Designed
To get you through Monday: "10 Design Quotes visualized" ( – Jan Jursa (IATV)
There's no shortage of uninspiring quotes punishing our eyes and ears on a daily basis. Blame advertising, or HR, or your annoying Facebook 'friend' who won't stop posting on your wall. These pithy statements bombard us by the hour, often in miniscule type, often completely irrelevant to our lives. Freshbump has commissioned 10 designers to stop the madness. Feast your eyes on 10 creative quotes, presented how they should be. Visually.
Snake oil? Scientific evidence for health supplements | Information Is Beautiful
play with the interactive version | find out more about this image | post a comment This image is a balloon race. The higher a bubble, the greater the
scientific evidence for popular health supplements [chart]
A graphical representation of the scientific evidence for or against particular health supplements. Vitamin C seems to be quite far down the list :).
An open letter to conservatives | AmericanDad's Blog
"Let me provide some expamples -- by no means an exhaustive list -- of where the Right as gotten itself stuck in a swamp of hypocrisy, hyperbole, historical inaccuracy and hatred..."
Everyone should read this, regardless of party affiliation.
many many references to GOP shenanigans
best blog entry ever
Repeating Calendar
Research Tools
Teaching information access skills cannot be done in a vacuum. It must relate to the learning environment by actively engaging students to gather and process information in a meaningful way. The Big6 and WebQuest are two frameworks you can use in research. In addition, students need to know whether or not the information is reliable, how to cite resources, and understand copyright. The following guides and activities are designed to help teachers and students examine Websites and their content.
40 Useful Print-Ready Cheat Sheet For Web Developers | Back to Essentials
opers to help them co
David Mamet's Master Class Memo to the Writers of The Unit | Movieline
16 Most Fatal Killer Poisonous Plants | WebEcoist
QuicklyCode - Cheat Sheets and programming stuff
Programming cheat sheets, with functions, keywords, etc.
RT @webochronik: QuicklyCode - Cheat Sheets and programming stuff
CSS Opacity: A Comprehensive Reference | Impressive Webs Toronto
Mainland China service availability
您对我很少参加院里的会议一直十分不满,我理解您的不满,但我坚持不参加,因为这些会议,大量的都只是充斥着官话套话的官僚会议,少量的学术会议中确也偶有闪光的思想,但总体而言,为这些会议花时间至少对我来讲是不值得的,我不能像买彩票一样去开会以增加学术性收益。等到哪天院里的学术活动正常化了,基本去行政化了,而不是您这个处长教授一手遮天了,我可能很愿意参加各类活动,包括会议。 大致回顾这六年来自己的工作,自省从未在学校、院里、课堂、会议上有过任何反人类言行,也从未有过违反学术伦理、教师伦理、滥用学术自由之言行,实在找不出停课的正当理由。那么,薛刚凌院长,您能否拿出正当的合乎学术规范的程序来告知我为什么停我的课?为什么侵犯我上课工作的权利?为什么侵犯部分学生听我的课的权利? 我不揣冒昧地猜想,中国政法大学可能并不需要一位以扼杀学术自由、扼杀教授自由、取缔教授自治为己任的法学院院长。 法学院教师:萧瀚 2010年3月21日
Blog the Web | Teach the Web
Leslie Jensen-Inman
Jeffrey Brown
lots of resources. wow.
Main Page - Copyright for Librarians
Note: March 24, 2010 - Cambridge, Mass., and Rome, Italy - The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University today announced the launch of a new online, open access curriculum, “Copyright for Librarians” ( <> ), developed in conjunction with “Copyright for Librarians” aims to inform librarians about copyright law in general, as well as the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries, especially those in developing and transition countries.
Copyright for Librarians online course
Modules for self-directed study of copyright for librarians.
Copyright for Librarians is a joint project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL), a consortium of libraries from 50 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. The goal of the project is to provide librarians in developing and transitional countries information concerning copyright law.
Module based course for librarians and other educators created by Harverd and eIFL
More specifically, it aspires to inform librarians concerning: * copyright law in general * the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries * how librarians in the future could most effectively participate in the processes by which copyright law is interpreted and shaped.
What to Do When Someone Steals Your Work - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
website may be reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of Your Legal
What to do when someone steals your work. Nice post at Freelance Switch. [from]
11 Sites to Make Money Selling Old Gadgets
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP), part of the USDA, combines scientific research and the nutritional needs of the American public. Special interest: Dietary Guidelines for Americans | The Food Guide Pyramid | Interactive Healthy Eating Index | Nutrition Insights.
Resources aimed at developing and promoting dietary guidance with links to MyPyramid, dietary guides, nutrition insights and other resources; many aimed at consumers.
The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) works to improve the health and well-being of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers. CNPP is an agency of USDA's Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services.
has data on food costs, customizable food pyramids, ect
What Emacs Commands Do You Use Most and Find Most Useful? : programming
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using | Nettuts+
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using
So you’ve been playing with jQuery for a while now, you’re starting to get the hang of it, and you’re really liking it! Are you ready to take your jQuery knowledge to level two? Today, I’ll demonstrate twenty functions and features you probably haven’t seen before! 1 after() / before() Sometimes you want to insert something into the DOM, but you don’t have any good hooks to do it with; append() or prepend() aren’t going to cut it and you don’t want to add an extra element or id. These two functions might be what you need. They allow you to insert elements into the DOM just before or after another element, so the new element is a sibling of the older one. view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); 2. $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this is go about #child')); $('#child').after($('<p />')).text('This becomes a sibling of #child')); $('#child').before($('<p />')).text('Same here, but this
これからemacsを使い始めたい人へ送るチュートリアル 第1回 - Unix的なアレ
Dissecting iTunes links
For the latest release of Consume, we wanted to include two buttons: one that linked to all our apps on the App Store, and another that let users easily write a review on iTunes. These both seem like common things iPhone developers would want to do, so we decided to share the results of our research. Some of the information contained below is obvious for experienced iTunes users, while other links are rarer.
Wedding Photography - Tutorials for Wedding Photographers
Tutorials for Wedding Photographers
10 New jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
10 New #jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
git ready » what git is not
There are obviously many reasons why Git is awesome (and why it sucks too), and there comes a point where it helps to dispel some of the rumors and issues surrounding Git. The following list attempts to show what Git is not.
git resource
GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
Stepping on Toes: The Delicate Art of Talking to Faculty about Questionable Assignments | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
how librarians can suggest to teachers that students not have scavenger hunt assignments in the library, especially ones that disallow online database articles
librarians talking about how to talk to help faculty write better assignments
Excellent post about talking to faculty about problem assignments, including my personal favorite: "You can't use any online or Web-based sources."
e=mc2: 103 years later, Einstein's proven right - Yahoo! News
For those keen to know more: the computations involve "envisioning space and time as part of a four-dimensional crystal lattice, with discrete points spaced along columns and rows."
"Until now, this has been a hypothesis," France's National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) said proudly in a press release.
According to the conventional model of particle physics, protons and neutrons comprise smaller particles known as quarks, which in turn are bound by gluons. The odd thing is this: the mass of gluons is zero and the mass of quarks is only five percent. Where, therefore, is the missing 95 percent? The answer, according to the study published in the US journal Science on Thursday, comes from the energy from the movements and interactions of quarks and gluons.
jQuery Tutorial for Beginners: Nothing But the Goods | Impressive Webs Toronto
Introductory tutorial for using jQuery. Very readable.
20 Weird Logos That Work (and Why They Do) | Bite-Dose
I like these logos - well most of them
31 Steps to a Financial Tuneup - Interactive Feature -
Coding Horror: Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes
Coding technique without error
guide to 25 of the most dangerous programming mistakes - a must read!
Where Is The Fold
Browser Size
Wonderfully useful tool. End the debate!
Great tool
NumberQuotes - Get a quote, make a point
NumberQuotes Get a quote and make your point Ever need a good quote to add scale to a number? You know, you’re giving a presentation on sales and you want to give a number some scale.
Make Firefox Remember Passwords without a Bookmarklet
/ :: The Periodic Table of Periodic Tables /
Household: How to Extend the Life of Fresh Cut Flowers
Learn how to use vim's more advanced features via these great video casts.
Check it out @seansawyer People that make sites like this get all of my respect /via @Stammy
video tutorials on using VIM
Everything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video
This article will cover absolutely everything there is to know about video on the iPhone...where to get it, formats, converting, video apps, video hacks, video accessories, and more.
Everything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video [from]
A bit techy, but lots of good info including links to video conversion tools
Thanks to Original Vlate for the heads up on this next one. And this next one is titled Everything you need to know and more about iPhone Video over on and well the article covers what the title says. So if you are someone looking to learn more about iPhone video from Formats and codec to Video Converting Tools to even where to get video plus more - this is a really nice article Kudos to the guys at iSmashphone.
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords - Passwords - Lifehacker
f you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it?
Web Design - HTML5 & CSS3 Checklist
10+ regular expressions for efficient web development
Useful regular expressions for web validation.
CodeIgniter Library: 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos | Cincinnati SEO Blog
PCパーツや周辺機器の選ぶのに役に立つサイト - 関心空間
JWB's blog: Joel on Software - a summary
누구 블로그
Set Operations in the Unix Shell Simplified - good coders code, great reuse
Very useful bash examples of operations with sets
5 Amazing HTML5 Features to Look Forward to | Geektechnica
5 bijzondere nieuwe features in HTML 5
What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? - Stack Overflow
amazing guide to Vim commands
awesome answer
Advanced technique in VIM, don't just JKHL!
20 jQuery Cheatsheets, Docs and References for Every Occasion - Speckyboy Design Magazine
20 jQuery Cheatsheets, Docs and References for Every Occasion
American Mensa | Top 50
American Mensa's “Top 50” Web Sites 2010
5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head
SWEET MAGIC ETC (er, haven't tried any yet, but THEY LOOK AWESOME)
5 maneiras grátis de encontrar uma música que não sai da sua cabeça.
JavaScript Dojo API Docs
easy to navigate guide with javascript base
10 Very Useful Comparison Sites You Have To Bookmark
RT @draenews 10 Very Useful Comparison Sites You Have To Bookmark:
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Music and Computers, Table of Contents
Free online book with great explanations of some very sophisticated concepts in the world of digital audio.
Music and Computers
nice intro to computer music and audio
Friendly Cheatsheets | Coder-friendly
ElectroMagneticSpectrum1800.jpg (JPEG Image, 2350x1600 pixels)
Electromagnetic spectrum with a lot of histories!!
the electromagnetic spectrum, a radial image with a lot of information
20 Beautiful Examples of Photoshopped Smoke Art and Technique Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
smoke art and tutorials
In this article we are showcasing beautiful examples of smoke art, the very difficult technique of photographing smoke and with Photoshop creating the amazing shapes and coloring which you can see. As well as showing you the beautiful example, we have also collected a lot of useful tutorials to help you get started.
PHP Template Inheritance
100 Tips and Tools for Managing Your Personal Library | PhD American History Online
PhD American History Online
Librarything volledig naar je hand zetten...
Stain Removal Solutions - University of Illinois Extension
"We've already done the dirty work to find all of the right stain solutions, and we've left the rest up to you. "
What to Ask a New Client Wanting a WordPress Theme
Press Theme * 11/24/2008  —  32 Comments *
Top 8 Web 2.0 Security Threats - ReadWriteWeb
Programmatic interfaces of Web 2.0 applications let hackers automate attacks easier. In addition to brute force and CSRF attacks, other examples include the automated retrieval of a large amount of information and the automated opening of accounts. Anti-automation mechanisms like Captchas can help slow down or thwart these types of attacks.
All Design Patterns | Open Source Design Pattern Library
jQuery 1.4.x’s Greatest Hits: Earle’s Picks
Learn How To Pronounce Names Correctly
How to pronounce foreign names.
An online searchable database containing thousands of name pronunciations. Learn how to pronounce names correctly from native speakers. Audio Name Pronunciation Guide and Database
Escuchar online como se pronuncia un nombre
Why Every Company is a Media Company
Why Every Company is a Media Company
Some good examples of non-media companies producing great content - author manages *not* to quote Clay Shirky
Smart businesses like 37 Signals, Whole Foods and, to a lesser extent, Craigie on Main, are beginning to produce content that’s less about their product and more about topics that their customers gravitate to.
Smart businesses like 37 Signals and Whole Foods are producing content that's less about their product and more about topics that their customers gravitate to.
CSS Specificity And Inheritance - Smashing Magazine
NYC Mugged | Exploring all the Best Coffee in New York City
a blog about coffee and coffeeshops in NYC
Go Marshall! woop woop
Lifehacker - Knot Reference Wallet Card Keeps Your Knot Knowledge Fresh - Knots
YouTube Guide: Best YouTube Tips, Hacks and Resources
How to Recycle Anything | Real Simple
Neatorama » Blog Archive » The Evolution of National Flags
flags. where did they come from? how did they get here?
bandeiras, simbolismo etc
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
These pages are saved from the Delicious website.
Essential syntax.
I'm always amazed that more people don't know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here are
Definitive PHP security checklist | sk89q
Jason Nazar’s Blog » Blog Archive » The 7 Ways to Get Traffic on the Web
Research: The Traveler’s Best Friend - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Tips by the frugal traveler on
Best practices for researching a vacation.
essential travel websites
Good set of links for flights, etc
Roundup of CSS Resources - More CSS Resources Than You Can Shake a Stick At : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
This is a large collection of css resources that will help you in your every day web design and development tasks. Below you will find CSS Forums, discussion lists, resources, learning and tutorial sites for css, css blogs, css codes, css snippets, css galleries & showcases, layouts and more.
ホルモン焼の部位と味についてのまとめ : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Geeks Guide to Travel Planning - Wired How-To Wiki
Telephone Number IDentification
Lookup US Telephone Number and find out the location
The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
142/160 for Chrome 5.0.371.0 (Official Build 43900) dev / Mac10.5.8
The HTML5 test score is only an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard. It does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform.
10 Really Outstanding and Useful CSS Grid Systems | Spyre Studios
Checar los grids para elaborar HTML
Strings - Dive into Python 3
When you talk about “text,” you’re probably thinking of “characters and symbols on my computer screen.” But computers don’t deal in characters and symbols; they deal in bits and bytes. Every piece of text you’ve ever seen on a computer screen is actually stored in a particular character encoding. Very roughly speaking, the character encoding provides a mapping between the stuff you see on your screen and the stuff your computer actually stores in memory and on disk. There are many different character encodings, some optimized for particular languages like Russian or Chinese or English, and others that can be used for multiple languages. In reality, it’s more complicated than that. Many characters are common to multiple encodings, but each encoding may use a different sequence of bytes to actually store those characters in memory or on disk. So you can think of the character encoding as a kind of decryption key.
Everything you thought you knew about strings is wrong.
also about UTF-32, UTF-16, UTF-8
Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features | News | TechRadar UK
Most Mac applications have preferences, enabling you to fine-tune certain elements or toggle specific items of functionality. Most also hide things from you, burying potentially useful features under a mound of geek.
Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features Tweak Safari, iTunes and more via the Terminal
tweaks via consola
The Freelancer's iPhone: Productivity solutions for independent professionals
SEO習得のためのチェックリスト(初心者編) | Web担当者Forum
Free Alternatives to 10 Popular Commercial Mac Applications (Part2) |
"Free Alternatives to 10 Popular Commercial Mac Applications (Part2)"
Due to the popularity of my first article regarding free alternatives to commercial Mac applications, I've decided to roll out a second part, shining the
CSS: A tribute to selectors | For A Beautiful Web
About CSS attribute selectors.
advanced selectors
iA » Designing for iPad: Reality Check
With its high pitched light contrast, iPad is a miracle picture book or photo frame—but it (still) doesn’t replace printed matters. If, executed carefully, text on an iPad comes quite close, but it needs a lot of care and specific screen typographic know-how. Web body text sizes (14-16px) feel kind of small on iPad while bigger sizes clash with the canvas dimensions. This leads to all sorts of basic grid restrictions. iPad’s resolution is higher than a regular LCD but still lower than an iPhone which gives the pixel type an unusual “in between” feel.
when you write a text it doesn’t count words but the right column tells you: how much time someone spend to read your text until the cursor position (top number) the total reading time (bottom number)
Experiences designing apps and websites for the iPad
Stack Overflow Launches - Joel on Software
Monday, September 15, 2008 You know what drives me crazy? Programmer Q&A websites. You know what I’m talking about. You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get back: A bunch of links to discussion forums where very unknowledgeable people are struggling with the same problem and getting nowhere, A link to a Q&A site that purports to have the answer, but when you get there, the answer is all encrypted, and you’re being asked to sign up for a paid subscription plan, An old Usenet post with the exact right answer—for Windows 3.1—but it just doesn’t work anymore, And something in Japanese.
You know what drives me crazy? Programmer Q&A websites. (…) You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get back: A bunch of links to discussion forums where very unknowledgeable people are struggling with the same problem and getting nowhere, A link to a Q&A site that purports to have the answer, but when you get there, the answer is all encrypted, and you’re being asked to sign up for a paid subscription plan, An old Usenet post with the exact right answer—for Windows 3.1—but it just doesn’t work anymore, And something in Japanese. The hardest thing about making a new Q&A site is not the programming—it’s the community. You need a large audience of great developers so you have the critical mass it takes to get started. Without critical mass, questions go unanswered and the site becomes a ghost town. I thought the combination of my audience and Jeff’s would bring enough great developers into the site to reach critical mass on day 1
>You know what drives me crazy? Programmer Q&A websites. You know what I’m talking about. You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get back: …
design of the discussion system on Stack Overflow (programming Q&A)
Time Zones
Timezones made usable (by @amyhoy and @thomasfuchs)
Amy Hoy & Thomas Fuchs created another beautiful Javascript/HTML5 website that's earned a place on my bookmark bar.
Nice visualization of timezones.
A nice way to present international timezones.
Never warp your brain with that time zone math again.
PHP: What You Need To Know To Play With The Web - Smashing Magazine
The Basics of Business Card Design | Design Informer
The Basics of Business Card Design | Design Informer -
National Security Agency Releases History of Cold War Intelligence Activities
Excised Very interesting history of a once "black" agency.
Lifehacker - 30-Second DVR Tweak Speeds Up Commercial Skipping - TiVo
30-second commercial skipping on his Comcast DVR:
interesting comment thread on other dvr's including replay history
DVRs have revolutionized the way people watch TV, but if you've always wished your DVR were a little better at skipping commercials, this classic 30-second skip hack is a must. For what it's worth, we realize that these tricks aren't new by any means. Still, we've never featured them here, and the aim of this post is to collect as many of them as possible. Right now, we're aware of two hacks of this kind: one for the TiVo, the other for Comcast DVR.
15 Beater Cars That Won’t Disappoint
If you're buying a used car, it would behoove you to consider cars on this list.
Education World® The Educator's Best Friend
This is a resource I use for my major field, Early Childhood Education. This website is used by teachers to collaborate and discuss issues in the classroom. The website also provides lesson plans.
Education World®. The Educator's Best Friend. The surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer. Dozens of other features...
The Educator's Reference Desk: Resource Guides
The Educator's Reference Desk builds on over a quarter century of experience providing high-quality resources and services to the education community. From the Information Institute of Syracuse, the people who created AskERIC, the Gateway to Educational Materials, and the Virtual Reference Desk, the Educator's Reference Desk brings you the resources you have come to depend on. 2,000+ lesson plans, 3,000+ links to online education information, and 200+ question archive responses.
governmental (US) databases such as Ask Eric, which provide access to over 3000 educational resources (organized by category)
10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks
HTML5 presentation
The 7 Websites Every Man Should Be Reading |
Sure you were on the high school football team and had a wicked Camaro. You may have even done bungee jumping and joined the century club in college. Yet
ha ha ha he he he
nmca: magazine cover archive
he Nation Magazine Cover Archive (NMCA) 表紙
Amazing interface of vintage graphic design magazine covers. It smacks of stealing!
The Simple Dollar » A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Credit Card Interest Rates Reduced
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.
A history of Klingon, the language. - By Arika Okrent - Slate Magazine
Totally serious - a little mad but interesting
A history of the gruff but surprisingly sophisticated invented language and the people who speak it.
The closest thing to 'hello' in the Klingon language is 'What do you want?' Awesome. [from]
Windows Live: Hotmail Enables POP3 for U.S. Users
Pop3 settings for Hotmail
POP3 access for Hotmail
Microsoft has been rolling out POP3 importing access to a number of countries since mid-January, including Canada, the U.K., most of western Europe, and elsewhere. The details you need to plug into your mail client or other webmail account, though, should be the same. Here's the list, as posted by the Windows Live team:
Sam Potts Inc.
How to land a 747. Main Checklist
Would this really be the way?
I've always wanted to know that.
The website of Sam Potts Inc., graphic design office in New York City.
Anatomy of real-time Linux architectures
This article explores some of the Linux architectures that support real-time characteristics and discusses what it really means to be a real-time architecture. Several solutions endow Linux with real-time capabilities, and in this article I examine the thin-kernel (or micro-kernel) approach, the nano-kernel approach, and the resource-kernel approach. Finally, I describe the real-time capabilities in the standard 2.6 kernel and show you how to enable and use them.
very good summary about linux and rt
How to Define a Problem - wikiHow
How to Define a Problem – proyectoweb (proyectoweb)
brief guide to problem solving (Polya based)
Twitter for Research: Why and How to Do It, Including Case Studies
amazing twitter research capabilities.
Twitter for Research: Why and How to Do It, Including Case Studies
30 Web Design SEO Tips for Web Masters - Daily SEO blog
Very important for any designer to remember, or be reminded of. As I finally get closer to starting the redesign of my blog, this is great info to have around
Django Conventions Project | Surfing in Kansas
Django conventions
Welcome to my project on Django Conventions. Below I will try and lay out a list of basic conventions that should be used when creating Reusable Django Applications. Nobody is going to force you to follow these rules, but I think that they will be a good reference point for Best Practices and Conventions. Please contact me if you have any questions or leave comments below. If this page is useful, please feel free to suggest more conventions that are applicable.
Government requests directed to Google and YouTube
Like other technology and communications companies, we regularly receive requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from our services, or provide information about users of our services and products. The map shows the number of requests that we received between July 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009, with certain limitations.
Google vient de publier une carte des requêtes gouvernementales adressées à ses services (de Google donc). Google dévoile, sur un planisphère, le nombre de demandes d'accès aux données privées et le nombre de demandes de suppression de contenus qu'il a reçues de la part de chaque gouvernement - ou presque.
Brazil, Germany, India the top3 in removal requests from Google + Many EU countries. Interesting.
Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine | JS tips
Portfolio of grahic design student Julian Hansen
So you need a typeface? So you need a typeface is an alternative way on how to choose fonts (or just be inspired) for a specific project, not just by browsing through the pages of FontBook. The list is (very loosely) based on the top 50 of the "Die 100 besten schriften". Right click for fullsize, please
Start with "Invitation" and take the first "No" ... =]
So you need a typeface is an alternative way on how to choose fonts (or just be inspired) for a specific project, not just by browsing through the pages of FontBook.
Portfolio of grahic design student Julian Hansen
Julian Hansen, graphic design student from Copenhagen, Denmark. Hello.
infographiclarge_v2.png (PNG Image, 1983x1402 pixels)
So You Need a Typeface
Typeface Search!
asi que necesitas una tipografia?
LukeW | Touch Gesture Reference Guide
nice reference
Le guide complet de la gestuelle pour les interfaces multitouch
Is It Better to Buy or Rent? - Interactive Graphic -
Daylight Hours Explorer
sunlight hours,
flash animation
Advanced Regular Expression Tips and Techniques | Nettuts+
Regular Expressions are the Swiss Army knife for searching through information for certain patterns. They have a wide arsenal of tools, some of which often go undiscovered or underutilized. Today I will show you some advanced tips for working with regular expressions.
FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram
RT @AnnaOBrien The Difference between Nerd, Dork & Geek explained by a Venn Diagram
RT @GreatWhiteSnark FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram
To all of you nerds and geeks who–like me–have been unfairly and inaccurately labeled “dorks,” only to then exhaustively explain the differences among the three to a more-than-skeptical offender, I say: You’re welcome. This nerd/dork/geek/dweeb Venn diagram should save you a lot of time and frustration in the future.
Visual explanation of the difference between geeks, nerds and dorks
This nerd/dork/geek/dweeb Venn diagram should save you a lot of time and frustration in the future.
RT @aljoannes: Postures web: différences entre les geeks, les nerds et les dorks (dessin)
How to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience « Usability Post
How to Listen to the User and Hear the Experience
Active Listening consists of a set of communication techniques
Powerhouse Programs of Linux
Not only is dd a court recognized bit for bit hard drive forensic imaging utility, it is also a great tool for making your own backups. Dd has proven itself time and time again. You can use it to copy CDs and other media. You can also use it to move data to another hard drive or cat out strings stored in RAM. Common Uses
Linux comes packed with some pretty powerful tools. Here is a list of what I consider to be the powerhouse programs of Linux and some common usage for each.
"Here is a list of what I consider to be the powerhouse programs of Linux."
Starring the Computer
a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it).
via marisaolson
Starring the Computer is a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it). Fictional computers don't count (unless they are built out of bits of real computer), so no HAL9000 - sorry.
website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television
iPhoneネイティブアプリ開発の必読リンク5本 | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
| iPhone 3G Wiki blog
100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access « mary & mac design
Em inglês
Blog que lista 100 bibliotecas digitais universitárias com maior intensidade nos EUA. 2009
Colours In Cultures
RT @topfloorstudio: Colours relating to emotion in different Cultures:
Using Git with a central repository
Beginners guide. Very good introduction.
starter for using a central git repo
Looks like the model we should use to start our migration away from svn.
The future of wireframes? « Made by Many
I have a love hate relationship with wireframes. In the last 10 years they’ve been a part of every web project I’ve worked on. There have been times when I can’t imagine how we would have solved a particular problem without them. Yet there are also times when I’ve been completely exasperated at the amount of time and energy they’ve consumed, seemingly to very little reward...
It’s time designers stepped up to the plate and claimed wireframes as their own.
Longform: a blog featuring articles that are too long and too interesting to be read in browser - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
some great articles collected here
A neat idea for long blog posts.
Child and Sibling Selectors | CSS-Tricks
cts an un
the child combinator, the adjacent sibling combinator, and the general sibling combinator
World's Happiest Places
Where in the world do people feel most content with their lives? According to a new report released by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, a Paris-based group of 30 countries with democratic governments that provides economic and social statistics and data, happiness levels are highest in northern European countries. In Depth: See All 10 of the World's Happiest Places Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands rated at the top of the list, ranking first, second and third, respectively. Outside Europe, New Zealand and Canada landed at Nos. 8 and 6, respectively. The United States did not crack the top 10. Switzerland placed seventh and Belgium placed tenth.
World&#39;s Happiest Places [from]
50+ Ultimate Useful Cheat Sheets for Web Developers and Designers | Dzinepress
Cheat-Sheets - Cábula
Index - How To Node is a community supported blog created by Tim Caswell. The purpose of the blog is to teach how to do various tasks in node.js as well as teach fundamental concepts that are needed to write effective code.
Tim Caswell’s open blog for how to learn Node.js.
A Blog dedicated to node.js programming
Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
The chart below shows all available netbooks that, to our knowledge, will natively run Mac OS X.
English Verb Conjugation
Conjugating verbs can be a challenge for people learning the English language. aims to help those people learning English. Type a verb into the engine generates a list of ways that verb can be conjugated. also provides examples of your chosen verb being used in a sentence. provides a widget that you can embed into your blog or website for visitors to use. To install the widget click the on your site link, copy the code provided, and paste it into your blog's template. Applications for Education could be useful for ESL/ELL students as well as native speakers of English who struggle with verb conjugation. If you have students contributing to a group blog, the widget could be a good asset to add to the group blog. - Free Technology for Teachers
English Verb Conjugation - THE ORIGINAL verb conjugation website. 15000 verbs conjugated in all modes, affirmative, interrogative, negative, in all persons, tenses, voices, and forms. Results automatically displayed for all regular verbs, irregular verbs, and modal verbs.
Grid-Based Web Design, Simplified | Design Informer
9 Useful PHP Functions and Features You Need to Know | Nettuts+
Great read on necessary PHP Functions
50 Incredible, Historical Speeches You Should Watch Online | Online Universities
50 discursos históricos disponibles online – Juan Diego Polo (wwwhatsnew)
Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources
HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using
In this “Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources“, you will find articles and tutorials covered on different websites. Demos and examples are also included in this list. I tried my best to collect all useful and related information to put at one place. Still if you find something missing, kindly share it in the comments below.
楽器とかインターフェイスの話 - SLN:blog*
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do - Google Maps - Lifehacker
There's more to Google Maps than a place you double-check your directions. Google's data-stuffed site offers a lot of helpful tools for vacationers, spreadsheet nerds, bikers, and others. Today we're digging into Google's data-rich geo-tool and pulling out some helpful lesser-known features.
RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Geo RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Coding Horror: Beyond RAID
"RAID" is now used as an umbrella term for computer data storage schemes that can divide and replicate data among multiple hard disk drives. The different schemes/architectures are named by the word RAID followed by a number, as in RAID 0, RAID 1, etc. RAID's various designs all involve two key design goals: increased data reliability or increased input/output performance. When multiple physical disks are set up to use RAID technology, they are said to be in a RAID array. This array distributes data across multiple disks, but the array is seen by the computer user and operating system as one single disk.
Gmail gains a to-do list — but it’s not made by Google » VentureBeat
The screenshot in Gmail Labs for the Google Docs gadget makes it look like Google wanted users to create to-do lists in Google Docs and access them through a link in the Google Doc widget in Gmail.
One thing that has been lacking from a productivity perspective however, is a proper to-do list. Today, thanks to the third party service Remember The Milk, you can add one.
Googles online email application Gmail is quickly turning into my main hub on the Internet. Not only does it house my email, it supports instant messaging (including Google Talk and AIMs networks) and thanks to its brilliant Gmail Labs, services such as Google Calendar and Google Docs can be placed in Gmails sidebars as well.
The Differences Between Good Designers and Great Designers
Use good typography
[object Object]
18 Wireframing, Mockup And Prototyping Tools To Plan Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Learn Web Design: Educational Resources for Beginners | Vandelay Design Blog
super completisimo
Learn Web Design: Educational Resources for Beginners | Vandelay Design Blog -
In recent weeks we have published a few posts that focused on graphic design basics: Learn Photoshop and Learn Illustrator. Both of those posts generated a lot of interest from readers, so today we’ll continue with a third post in the series, this one focusing on the basics of web design. Here you will find categorized resources and links for learning HTML, CSS, typography, the design process, and more. If you’re just getting started or looking to brush up on your skills, you may want to bookmark many of these resources.
In recent weeks we have published a few posts that focused on graphic design basics: Learn Photoshop and Learn Illustrator. Both of those posts generated a lot of interest from readers, so today we'll continue with a third post in the series, this one focusing on the basics of web design. Here you will find categorized resources and links for learning HTML, CSS, typography, the design process, and more. If you're just getting started or looking to brush up on your skills, you may want to bookmark many of these resources. Introductory Information and General Learning Resources General resources for learning web design The sites listed below are excellent places to find loads of content aimed at people who are looking to learn more about web design and front end development. Much of the content is free but some of it is available for a membership fee, which may be worth the cost to save yourself some time in tracking down the right resources. W3Schools
Top 10 Free Genealogy Websites to Find Ancestors
A few years ago, during a family reunion, I learned for the first time that my granduncle on my father's side had fought and died in World War II. The story of
LDAP basics
How-to: building services into iPhone applications - Ars Technica
Recovering from service attempts errors delayed @selectors Registering schemes: Adding the handler method
Call other app in my app
How-to: building services into iPhone applications
Premium Wordpress Themes from Theme Atlas
Premium Wordpress Themes
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ah, how exactly this matches what I wonder on a daily basis...
den stora frågan med html5 är när vi kan använda alla features. ger delvis svaren... #w2e – Martin Belak (belak)
What Every Developer Should Know About URLs
FINRA - Tools & Calculators
Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style
Elements Of Twitter Style -
"Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style"
Advice on writing tweets and using Twitter.
Code Standards | Isobar
This document contains normative guidelines for web applications built by the Interface Development practice of Isobar North America (previously Molecular). It is to be readily available to anyone who wishes to check the iterative progress of our best practices.
How-To Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account
this seems a lot harder than it should be.
Fonts for iPad & iPhone | Michael Critz
Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice
63 twitter tips on using twitter better
"Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice"
There are countless tools for Twitter. Looking for a big roundup? This post provides an excellent overview of some of the most popular.
Ubuntu Manual - Home
Getting Started with Ubuntu is a free 165 page ebook produced by a team of writers and editors. The manual covers everything an end-user would need to know about how to use Ubuntu. You can download the ebook for free or order it as a bound book from Lulu.
El nuevo proyecto del Manual de Ubuntu (todavía está incompleto y no traducido al castellano). Inglés.
VI Editor / Linux Terminal Cheat Sheet (PDF) - Smashing Magazine
Hoja de comandos del editor de Linux VIM.
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin
Social media glossary from the Buzz Bin.
The Internet is a melting pot for new tools and trends, i.e. Social Media. For every new tool, new words or phrases are created. As more and more organizations struggle to embrace social media, we ended up cobbling together a quick glossary of terms for them. This is just a starter’s list based on things we’ve been asked. Please feel free to add to the list! (img from Additional resources for social media terms include Mike Sansone’s Glossary of Blogging and Social Media Terms and Social media’s A-Z of social media.
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin [from]
Good reference tool
a good glossary of sm terms
As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On | Magazine |
Mega matéria na Wired
Awesome article in Wired "As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On" via @dougmeacham
7 coisas simples em PHP que alguns ainda complicam « garotosopa
É comum ver scripts com dezenas de linhas de código pra fazer algo extremamente simples. Fica aqui meu apelo desesperado com algumas dicas rápidas.
Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - Language - Lifehacker
RT @lifehacker Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - ..
Scifi Gift Guide: Chilling Books to Read and Share in the Darkness of Winter
Sci Fi
50 Helpful Typography Tools And Resources - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Encore un article dans le genre "the XX ultimate ressources for YYY"... :) Mais Smashing magazine.
Reading '50 Helpful Typography Tools And Resources' (via @smashingmag)
Very nice set
18 Do’s and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web | Spyre Studios
18 Dos and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web
If you’re designing websites for a living or running your business online, there are 18 tips in this article that you should definitely read and remember.
How to find even more free stuff | Yahoo! Green
article with top swapping websites
The Power User's Guide to the Windows 7 Taskbar - Taskbar - Lifehacker
Neighborhood Notes
15 Mashup Tools for Your Local Neighborhood
10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux | 10 Things |
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy.
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy...
"Linux has caught up to the needs of today’s user and, in many cases, the media mounting/unmounting is automatic. But not every situation is the same. Here are some tips that should make your Linux life with removable media better."
The Floating-Point Guide - What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Aims to provide both short and simple answers to the common recurring questions of novice programmers about floating-point numbers not 'adding up' correctly, and more in-depth information about how IEEE 754 floats work, when and how to use them correctly, and what to use instead when they are not appropriate.
Javascript feature tests
How to Create Your first WordPress Theme: Part 1 | Graphic and Web Design Blog
インターネットを活用した、ひきこもりのための株式会社の創り方 - グニャラくんのグニャグニャ備忘録@はてな
ネットでひきこもりながら会社を設立する方法について。以下流れ ・定款作成 ・.co.jpドメインの取得 ・公告方法を官報にしつつ、財務諸表のみをWebページに載せて官報掲載代を節約する ・法務局にいく ・登記情報提供サービスで設立を確認する ・法務局に行って印鑑カードを受け取る。 ・e-Taxを通じた、税務署への届出 ・eLTAXを通じた、都税事務所への届出 ・銀行口座を作成(住信SBIネット銀行) ・FAX番号を取得する(D-FAX) ・会社ロゴ作成(Lancers) ・名刺を作る(SuperPrintで注文) ・会計ソフト(弥生会計)で仕訳 ・必要なお金の総額:264,571円(うちロゴデザイン5万円) ・法務局に2回行くだけで株式会社を設立可能
HTML5 Unleashed: Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Four Free Ebooks for Web Developers | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
As we used to think and say over here, sharing knowledge it's a great way to help others. This time we bring to you four free ebooks about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web
Twitter Support
twitter helps
The Official Twitter Commands
Submitted Nov 06, 2008 by crystal The Official Twitter Commands Did you know: you can perform certain actions, like following or marking a friend's update as a favorite, by using the designated Twitter commands? Use the commands listed below from your phone, the web update box, or your favorite third party application.
10 Days In a Carry-On - Slide Show -
RT @clembastow: How to pack for a 10-day trip using only a carry-on suitcase:
Heather Poole, a flight attendant from Los Angeles, demonstrates how to pack enough for a 10-day trip into a single standard carry-on.
STEP ONE Folded clothing takes up too much space. Instead, Ms. Poole tightly rolls everything, which also minimizes wrinkling. This suitcase will hold three pairs of shorts, three pairs of dress pants, one skirt, three pairs of casual pants or jeans, three nightgowns, three bathing suits, one sarong, three lightweight sweaters, four dresses, 10 casual shirts, six dress shirts, a clutch, toiletries and two pairs of shoes. She’ll wear the third pair of shoes, as well as jeans and a longer sweater.
Five Things I Do With Every Ubuntu Installation ~ Linux Fanatics
Linux Fanatics
Everybody uses their desktop a little differently. For me, using Ubuntu means freedom of hassle, believe it or not. Why? Because of some simple things I do with each new Ubuntu installation.
that dedicated home directory is not safe in the event of a fire, backup that home directory
jQuery google api and other google hosted javascript libraries. -
托管在google 上的ajax
Get the latest version of the script tag for the Javascript library of your choice.
The iPad Web Design & Development Toolbox | iPhone.AppStorm
Welcome | Twitter API Explorer -
iPad Cases | iPad Case Finder
iPad のケースが見つかる!
Five Best Personal Landing Pages - Personal Landing Page - Lifehacker
Rethinking Forms in HTML5 | Nettuts+
by @nettuts
20 Fresh High Quality Free Fonts - Smashing Magazine
(via @smashingmag)
Webkit CSS Properties
I've been using/abusing many of these but how do they differ from "filter:alpha(opacity=50)" etc?
-webkit- reference
10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
Embed Videos In Your Web Pages Using HTML5 | Webmonkey |
Do you want to use some HTML5 video tags on your site right now? No problem. Fasten your seat belts, as we’re about to take a tour of the wonderful world of HTML5 video.
from webmonkey
The words David Foster Wallace circled in his dictionary. - - Slate Magazine
David Foster Wallace
A complete list of words that David Foster Wallace circled in his American Heritage Dictionary.
The 7 ½ Steps to Successful Infographics - Articles - MIX Online
RT @mixonline The 7 ½ Steps to Successful Infographics
The right mix of down-to-earth and reach-for-the-starts.
50+ Ways to Search Twitter
Very very good ! 50+ Ways to Search #Twitter - #sm #socialmedia
zoeken op Twitter
CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 Help Cheat Sheets (PDF) - Smashing Magazine
Filament Group Lab Example From Page from: Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers - A Use for Polygonal CSS?
css tooltip
The All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything - Dive Into HTML5
Appendix A: All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything
If you want the guts of how Modernizr HTML5 CSS3 feature detection works...
3 Useful Websites for Free Downloadable Resume Templates
There are a lot of people out there looking for work nowadays. With the economy the way it is, people who are out of work are having a hard time finding new work and kids out of college are having a really hard time starting out. So, you can use all the help you can get. I am going to show you a few sites where you can grab free downloadable resume templates. Some of the templates are in PDF format and some of them are in Word format. The first thing you should do is grab an old copy of your resumé or a list of your past jobs and accomplishments. That will help you immensely when you need to replace the generic information with your own. The first site I found has very generic templates that will allow you to totally customize the resumé. This is just for the formatting, there is little to no content that you will be able to use. These are called Blank Resumé Templates and can be found here: They offer thr
Readings in Database Systems Web Supplement
This book is one of the fundamental database theory books available today. A list of the papers featured in the book, as well as various lecture notes, are listed. Need to track down some of these papers.
What is "this"? - How To Node
Most people that learn JavaScript are coming from a background in another language. This brings with it a view of how the world works that may be different from how it really works in JavaScript. For this and other reasons, JavaScript is often misunderstood. It's not entirely our fault, the language was designed to work like one thing (scheme-like), but look like another (c-like). This article will describe lexical scope and the "this" variable and how to control them rather than be controlled by them when in coding JavaScript.
Everything you ever wanted to know about scopes in Javascript. Closures are key.
Simple, Practical Color Theory | Tutorial9
Teoria das cores
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps | Spyre Studios
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps #mindmap
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps | Spyre Studios – Liza Sperling (lizasperling)
Interesting hack around the secrecy surrounding Apple's bug tracking system. Allows developers to log bugs publicly where other developers can see them, vote them up etc, yet still interact with Radar as needed.
Community bug reports on OS X and iPhone
A while back, I was hoping someone would create a quasi bug report system for closed proprietary products, and have input from the external community to centralize all issues. I've found it.
Tracks bugs reported to Apple by the development community in an open fashion.
An open version of Apple's bug tracking system.
Starting from an external USB storage device (Intel-based Macs)
Best places to live 2008 - Top 100: 1-25 - from MONEY Magazine
Columbia/EC is #8 overall, but Omaha #8 on home affordability, other NE towns (Columbus) on short commute
The world greatest director
онлайн-архив акиры куросавы
kurosawa archive
Free Kurosawa movies
Opened last year by Kyoto’s Ryukoku University, the archive honors Akira Kurosawa, Japan’s celebrated filmmaker who brought us The Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Ikiru, etc. and won an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement in 1989. What will you find here? A good 20,000 items. Screenplays, manuscripts, photos, sketches, newspaper clippings, notes, etc. You won’t find a larger Kurosawa collection on the web.
Akira Kurosawa Digital Archive
CSS 3 Modules
The Ultimate List: 300+ Social Media Statistics
estatísticas das redes sociais
A DIY Web Design Education - Noupe
Great series of resources to take you through web design from soup to nuts.
User Experience
WordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features
RT @nickla: WordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features by @saadbassi /via @sixrevisions
CSS Infos
How to Reuse an Empty Altoids Tin (with pictures) - wikiHow
Altoids candy comes in a variety of small, sturdy metal tins that invite creative reuse. If you have one (or a giant stack) left over, try one of these projects to put it to good use.
wikiHow article about How to Reuse an Empty Altoids Tin.
Electrical What ?!
Frustrated by the difficulty of searching schematic symbols through long lists with little information led to the creation of Electrical What !?, a database of electronic components. Electrical What !? displays all electronic components in a easily scanable and cataloged format. However what truly sets Electrical What !? apart from your average reference book is the ability to search by appearance. Using these tools Electrical What !? hopes to make looking for electronic symbols a breeze.
Electrical symbols for schematics and print reading
Pillbox - prototype pill identification system
enables to search unknown solid-dosage medications (tablets/capsules) based on physical characteristics and images. The system combines high-resolution images of tablets and capsules with FDA-approved appearance information (imprint, shape, color, etc.) to enable users to visually search for and identify an unknown solid dosage pharmaceutical.  This system is designed for use by emergency physicians, first responders, other health care providers, Poison Control Center staff, and concerned citizens.  Annotated link
A site that identifies pills
A Tour through the Visualization Zoo - ACM Queue
Rich survey of advanced data visualization techniques – Maria Popova (brainpicker)
A survey of powerful visualization techniques, from the obvious to the obscure
Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Gallery View
cool site showing front pages of major newspapers
Interactive museum
Search EFF's FOIA Documents | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Freedom Of Information Act Search Engine
EFF's Freedom Of Information Act project has gathered thousands of pages of material. These shed light on controversial government surveillance programs, lobbying practices, and intellectual property initiatives. You can use the EFF FOIA Search Engine below to search and examine the documents' contents. If you find something you think is significant, send us an email:
EFF's document collection-obtained through requests and litigation under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)-covers some controversial government initiatives, including the FBI's Investigative Data Warehouse and DCS 3000 surveillance program and the Department of Homeland Security's Automated Targeting System and ADVISE data-mining project.
EFF's Freedom Of Information Act project has gathered thousands of pages of material. These shed light on controversial government surveillance programs, lobbying practices, and intellectual property initiatives.
Will You See All The HDTV Resolution You Expected? 125 2008 Model Test Results- HD GURU Exclusive » HDGURU.Com
* o November 2008 o October 2008 o September 2008 o August 2008 o July 2008 o June 2008 o May 2008 o April 2008 o March 2008 o February 2008 o January 2008 o December 2007 o November 2007 o October 2007 o September 2007 o August 2007 o July 2007 o May 2007 o April 2007 o February 2007 o January 2007 o December 2006 o November 2006 o October 2006 * Categories o Blu-ray Players o Blu-ray Titles o DVD Players o DVR o HD DVD Players o HD DVD Titles o Laser HDTV o LCD Flat Panel o Microdisplay Rear Projection o OLED o Plasma o Reference Materials o Review o Satellite TV o Uncategorized Will
Written and produced by Gary Merson, the nation's leading expert on high definition television, provides everything you need to know about HDTV including news, reviews, the best viewing distance, choosing the right hdtv, learning how to connect. Learn more about high definition broadcasts, cable, satellite, Blu-ray, HD DVD and all the new technologies.
Google Maps: Quellensammlung | Dr. Web Magazin
Nachdem an dieser Stelle schon einige grundlegende Techniken in Bezug auf Google Maps vorgestellt wurden, folgt hier eine dicke Portion Links und Quellen für alle, die sich eingehender mit der Materie beschäftigen möchten.
Nachdem an dieser Stelle schon einige grundlegende Techniken in Bezug auf Google Maps vorgestellt wurden, folgt hier eine dicke Portion Links und Quellen für alle, die sich eingehender mit der Materie beschäftigen möchten. An erster Stelle stehen die direkt von Google angebotenen Schnittstellen und Anleitungen. Es folgen Beispiele und Anleitungen für zusätzliche Features. Und schließlich gibt es Links zu Communities und sonstigen Tutorials.
The Cleverest Geeky Windows Tricks Everyone Should Know
You might recognize a few of these tips (we've covered most of them here before), but chances are good there's something new in the list for just about everybody. And if you know all of them already? Pat yourself on the back for your masterful geek skills.
Everything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors | News | TechRadar UK
The title says it all - "Everything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors". It would be handy to know which LCD's use which display technology, though I imagine that would be a massive list.
coverleaf - magazines to find, share and enjoy
Ability to clip and save articles
Coverleaf is a free service to browse, search and preview magazines. Purchase print subscriptions and get free digital companion editions, or single digital issues. Join Coverleaf for free to save and share them with friends.
Online Magazine's
Recycling by mail | Yahoo! Green
Resources | Type Directors Club
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We are an international organization for all people who are devoted to excellence in typography, both in print and on screen
Free Printable Maps
Mapas gratuitos y Via @jredrejo #educacion
Welcome to the home of free printable maps for your convenience and download. Printable world map images, physical feature maps, printable map of the USA files, printable US state map pictures, US road map images, and international maps. Geography buffs, bookmark or subscribe and check back often!
Printable maps
«Welcome to the home of free printable maps for your convenience and download. Printable world map images, physical feature maps, printable map of the USA files, printable US state map pictures, US road map images, and international maps.»
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Videogame Remakes by Orioto | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Videogame Remakes by Orioto During a little visit to Fubiz yesterday, I ran into something that really got my attention: Videogame remake wallpapers! These are really incredible and just blew my mind!
AMAZING artwork of famous video games.
5 Tools For Integrating HTML5 Video in Your Website
Viewing sfbashrc
Some awesome aliases to add to bashrc
Chronicling America - The Library of Congress
search and view newspaper pages from 1880-1910
Something similiar (but much smaller of course) for us?
This site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1880-1910 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP).
Library of Congress newspaper resources go way back.
Are You Really an Entrepreneur? - ReadWriteStart
This is one post/chapter in a serialized book called Startup 101. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here. Google the phrase
Do you have a unique service or product? Most entrepreneurs have a pocketful of ideas, many of them viable. But they suffer from the "kid in a candy store" dilemma, not knowing which to choose. The trick is choosing the one that really is a winner and having the discipline (see item #9) to ignore all the others.
Mind Map Flash Viewer
MindMap da Linguagem python 2.5, no formato flash.
Python language map
Top 10 Privacy Tweaks You Should Know About
With all the talk lately about Facebook's flawed privacy systems, it's a good time to consider what you're making available elsewhere on the web and on your system. These 10 settings tweaks and setups make your web life a little less public.
バグを生まないコーディング法、10個の規則でソフト開発を効率化(1/3) ― EE Times Japan
C のコーディング方法の良くまとまったガイドライン.
EE Times Japan
Lifehacker - The Gear and Tactics from Lifehacker's Laptop Bags - laptop bags
Hidden features of Perl - Stack Overflow
"What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work?" The community responds. Great stuff here.
What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work? Guidelines: Try to limit answers the Perl core and not CPAN Please give an example and a short description
特許庁ホームページ / 特許庁では、論文、マニュアル、カタログ、webページ等の非特許文献に記載された、開発されて間もない新しい技術等を技術分野(テーマ)ごとに収集した標準技術集を作成し、特許審査に活用するとともに出願人の事前調査に役立てていただけるよう外部公表しています。
Datenrettung mit Knoppix, Themen-Special im heise Software-Verzeichnis
Erste Hilfe bei verlorenen Daten oder zerstörten Dateisystemen
Themen-Special: Datenrettung mit Knoppix: Die Gründe für Datenverluste sind vielseitig: Festplatten-Crashs, Abstürze, unbedarfte Anwender oder einfach nur Tippfehler des Administrators zerstören binnen Sekunden ganze Dateisysteme oder lassen wertvolle Daten verschwinden. Bootet das Betriebssystem nicht mehr, kann das als Live-DVD ohne Installation lauffähige Knoppix bei der Reparatur und Datenrettung helfen. Systemsoftware > Dateimanagement > Datenrettung
datenrettung knoppix
Python программирование: Полезные ссылки
Набор ссылок на русскоязычные ресурсы о python
Сайт о python программировании
square root
Calculation by hand
Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog » » Sewing Machine Needles & How to Choose Them
The Periodic Table of Typefaces - instant fundas
The Periodic Table of Typefaces is obviously in the style of all the thousands of over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world. This particular table lists 100 of the most popular, influential and notorious typefaces today.
Views: Admissions of Another Sort - Inside Higher Ed
/ Mary W. George (April 13, 2009). It is clear from e-mail, reference encounters, research consultations in my office, and questions that arise in library instruction sessions, that most students simply do not retain the concepts and logic involved in discovering information sources — never mind the principles for evaluating the sources they do turn up.
Featured Firefox Extension: UrlbarExt Adds Super Powers to the Awesome Bar
cool features added to the Awesome Bar, which might make it actually awesome.
InfoQ: Recommended Agile Books
This post is a compilation of recommended Agile books by various Agilists. The recommendations try to cover the entire spectrum of process, people and technology related to Agile. The idea is to make the process of Agile adoption easier and fruitful.
Lifehacker - AlternativeTo Suggests Software Alternatives - Search engines
AlternativeTo Suggests Software Alternatives
100+ Free Open Courseware Links for Writers
This list of 100 free open courseware links can help you improve your essay-writing, fiction, blogging, and even managing your own small business.
iPhone: Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support?
Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support? (Chart from Apple) [from]
Feature matrix for various hardware models.
Handy list to have when deciding what to buy.
When the random urge for live music strikes, your choice of band's usually determined by unreliable indicators, like whether you like the venue, or whether the band has a cool name -- which explains why you're constantly moshing to the Butthole Surfers. Make smarter calls, with
50 Useful Blogs for Writers
A listing of 50 entertaining and educational blogs that deal with writing tips, words of the day, and grammar. A resource for writers of all kinds.
Gizmodo - Windows 7 RC1: 10 Things You Need to Know - Windows 7 RC1
Q:Holy Crap, Microsoft Is Tripping on Acid! A:Yes
Windows 7 has been sounding very promising.
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things | I Can Has Happy
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things
John Gruber on waferbaby
Interesting to see what other people use, and how they use it...
Una entrevista a John Gruber donde cuenta las apps que usa.
JOhn Gruber's setup
Techdirt: Take A Deep Breath: Some Perspective On The Financial Crisis
Comment 42: William: "That, and our economy runs on paper money that the world doesn't accept as currency due to no gold standard. See the financial reasons for war in Iraq and Iran being next due to both economies no longer accepting US Dollars as main trade currency, instead switching to the Euro for its more stable fluctuation in value. When the US buys, the US prints, thus inflating their own economy, essentially taking it out on US citizens, and devaluing the money the foreign sellers recieve. They get tired of taking $9.50 worth of bills at which time of agreement was worth $10; in which time we declare them an international threat and takeover their government to re-establish the dollar as currency to maintain the image in the world. One large economic nation such as China or India stopping trade in US Dollars and our economy is finished." -- Basically
3D: Giz Explains 3D Technologies
CHMKT - Marketing | Cultura | Propaganda | Tendências | Comportamento: Brifando: Parte 1
briefs usados por agências de todo o mundo
Modelos de brief de grandes agências.
Modelo de briefing das agências
Briefing de agencias do mundo =D
PHD Comics: Tales from the Road - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Link to Piled Higher and Deeper
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : What are web standards?
What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview.
from Cathie. What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview. See also this and that. Or just click the “CHANNELS” button in the video above.
The Straight Dope: How would I go about laundering money?
PopTech: What Facebook and Steroid Use Have in Common | Gadget Lab from
Social networking is a phenomenon both online and offline. "Steroid use (in baseball) spread because of the wicked combination of a closed network, or cluster, and positive reinforcement..."
Krebs believes everything is quantifiable as a social network, from steroid use to linked websites to a strand of HIV working its way through the porn industry. He is at the cutting edge of the growing discipline of social network analysis, and creator of InFlow, one of the most advanced social networking software tools. The field has exploded recently as social networks, the complex sets of relationships between members of groups, have formed the backbone of popular Web systems like Facebook and Google's search crawler. Social network analysts use software, like Keyhubs and NetMiner, to uncover how the structure of peoples' connections affect their thoughts and actions.
In the eyes of Valdis Krebs, the bulging bodies of baseball's steroid era reveal a problem exacerbated by a powerful social network.
The field has exploded recently as social networks, the complex sets of relationships between members of groups, have formed the backbone of popular Web systems like Facebook and Google's search crawler. Social network analysts use software, like Keyhubs and NetMiner, to uncover how the structure of peoples' connections affect their thoughts and actions.
Facebook Growth By Age Group: Share of College-Age Users is Declining - O'Reilly Radar
With the U.S. now accounting for only about a third of all Facebook users, we are starting to see a gradual shift away from its original demographic of college-age users (18-25): 46% of all users are 18-25 years old, down from 51% in late May. The number of users in the 18-25 segment is growing, but at a slower pace...
Top 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner
The 1000 most-visited sites on the web
You can see a list of the largest 1000 sites worldwide, based on Unique Visitors (users), as measured by Ad Planner. This list is updated monthly as new Ad Planner datasets are released. The list defines sites as top-level domains.
danh sach 500 website duoc truy cap nhieu nhat(google)
Stats: Interesting assortment: Top 1000 most-visited sites on the web /Via @dkasrel
WTF is HTML5 (Infographic)
WTF is HTML5 and Why We Should All Care (Infographic)
CSS Three — Connecting The Dots - Smashing Magazine
CSS Three — Connecting The Dots - Smashing Magazine
sweet css tips n tricks
Efficiently Rendering CSS | CSS-Tricks
CSS-Tricks | how efficient is the CSS that we write, in terms of how quickly the browser can render it?
Wireframe Showcase - Home
RT @ppixels: #Webdesign Wireframe Showcase
Einztein - Find free online courses
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Design Research | UX Booth
Правила русского языка
правила русского языка
Очередной ресурс-находка. С правилами у меня ведётся постоянная война с переменным успехом. С Грамотой.Ру я так и не подружился по причине крайне убогого интерфейса, попробуем воспользоваться этим источником в борьбе за чистоту языка.
Git Reference
This is the Git reference site. This is meant to be a quick reference for learning and remembering the most important and commonly used Git commands. The commands are organized into sections of the type of operation you may be trying to do, and will preset the common options and commands needed to accomplish these common tasks.
50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tools and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
The Step-by-Step Guide to Digitizing Your Life
Your increasingly digital lifestyle has left your analog media collecting dust. Save it from obsolescence and digitize your life. This guide covers many different kinds of media, so feel free to skip to the section(s) that interest you the most: | 1. Paper | 2. Images | 3. Audio | 4. Video | 5. Storage and Organization |
Recipe Chimp
Recipe Chimp ingredientes
Recipes Search Engine aka "Google Recipes"
Enter what you have in your pantry and get a list of recipes
RecipeChimp is an ingredient-based search engine. All you have to do is enter in some ingredients and they'll show you a ton of tasty recipe options.
Five open-source rails apps to study and learn from
Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide
A Designer’s Guide To Effective Proposals And Invoices - Noupe
ollow up. Whether you want to email or telephone is up to you, and may depend on the type of client you’re dealing with. But get in touch to make sure they received the proposal, and to see if they have any questions. If they haven’t made a decision by this point, try to find out when they’re likely to do so. Then, plan to follow up again af
Freelance contracts and invoices
The CSS white-space Property Explained
Typedia: Learn: Anatomy of a Typeface
partes de la letra en inglés
Collection of Free Programming and Technology Related Books
This post contains the list of sites offering Programming, Information Technology and Computer books which are provided by Publishers and Authors legally and free. You can bookmark this post for future use.
HTML5 and CSS3 Books to Watch for in 2010 | Webdesigner Depot
Great books to look into for the HTML 5. Caution though! What may change in the future?
a list of eleven books that will be released in 2010 that focus on HTML5 and CSS3
Over the past year, new techniques and tricks involving HTML5 and CSS3 enhancements have been shared on a number of websites, giving developers new
Welcome to wikiUNIXan educational platform, online and free with philosophy wiki for learning and assimilation of concepts related to Unix operating systems.
Unix complete wiki Wiki completo sobre unix
LakTEK – Handy Git commands that saves my day
The Ultimate HTML5 Toolbox: 60+ Articles, Tutorials, Resources and Inspiring Showcases | CreativeFan
Beginners Guide to Using the Power of Color in Web Design - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Guia para usar paletas de colores armonicas en diseño web
Ejemplos de webs hechas basandose en el circulo cromatico
Referencia de como usar as cores para o desenvolvimento de interfaces
7 Simple and Useful Command-Line Tips | Nettuts+
One of the most useful, but under-used, tools a web developer has is the command-line. The terminal often scares people away; so here's where we demonstrate
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration -
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch -
実用的な英語を習得する方法 : 目次  « The Wisdom of Crowds – JP
500 Photographers
500 photographers is a weblog that posts 5 active photographers a week for 100 weeks.
Listado de 500 fotografos
Huge Infographics Design Resources: Overview, Principles, Tips and Examples | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Some good resources, including software links and other references.
Hyperpolyglot: Lisp: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp
Lisp Dialects 比較
jQuery 1.4.2 Visual Cheat Sheet –
by @woork
Reference for the jQuery 1.4.2 API.
Advice on CSS you'll wish your mother told you
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6 Free Websites for Learning and Teaching Science
Science education sites
Knife Skills: How to Sharpen a Knife | Serious Eats
"There is nothing more frustrating in the kitchen than a dull knife. Not only does it make prep work a chore and your finished product less attractive, it's also downright dangerous. A dull blade requires more pressure to cut into a food, and can easily slip off of a tough onion skin and into your finger. Ouch. Most home cooks should sharpen their knives at least twice a year, and much more frequently if they use their knives every day. There are three ways to go about it. Read more:"
Map: Where Americans Are Moving -
More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008. The map below visualizes those moves. Click on any county to see comings and goings: black lines indicate net inward movement, red lines net outward movement.
Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography
This bibliography presents selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. Most sources have been published between 2000 and the present; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to sources that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints for published articles in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories. Note that e-prints and published articles may not be identical. See the scope note for further details: (See the scope note for further details.)
Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
This bibliography presents selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. Most sources have been published between 2000 and May 2010, however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to sources that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints for published articles in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories. Note that e-prints and published articles may not be identical. See the scope note for further details
by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Social media demographics
INFOGRAPHIC - #SocialMedia Demographics: Who's Using Which Sites?
Plan Your Trip with
create a personal travel guide
A complete guide to CSS pseudo-classes - Suburban Glory
not too much new stuff but a nice explanation
Beginners Guide to OpenType -- MAGNETSTUDIO
Clean Up the New Ubuntu Grub2 Boot Menu - How-To Geek
Grub2. Configuración del gestor de arranque Grub2.
速報:スティーブ・ジョブズ インタビュー@ D8
A Roundup of 15 Mobile Web Design Tutorials - SloDive
mobile para agenda2
Design Resources & Inspiration
CSS3 Watch
All the sizes of iOS app icons - Neven Mrgan's tumbl
Let’s say you’re working on an icon for an iOS app. The app is universal, so it should run on all iPhones (and iPod touches), and on the iPad. As a designer, you’re used to drawing icons at various sizes; this is a big part of what “icon design” is (as opposed to other types of illustration).
Overview of the various icon sizes for iOS applications
jQuery Fundamentals
jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
The 20 year wait is over. Now you can build your forms with HTML5 and make them look and behave like you want. This completely new set of tools weighs only 5.63 Kb and you can load it from a free content delivery network.
Form Validierung dank jQuery & HTML 5.
Tero Piirainen has released jQuery Tools 1.2. Includes HTML5 form shim! – Dion Almaer (dalmaer)
Effective Search Engine Optimization for Web Designers | Vandelay Design Blog
Drupal Cheat Sheet Desktop Wallpaper - Smashing Magazine
CS242: Course Readings
Tom Morris' wiki » Scala for Hackers
via +
11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products | Freebies
Henry Jones at Web Design Ledger provides 11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products. Each one of these useful graphics maps out keyboard shortcuts for Google applications including: Gmail, Google Reader, Google Calculator, Google Presentations, Google Chrome, Google Spreadsheets, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Documents, Google Search Advanced Operators
11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products 其实, 只要输入框没有获得焦点的情况下俺 shift+/ (即 "?") 就会出现 shortcuts...
The 3 Most Common Uses of Irony - The Oatmeal
A Arte da Ironia
jQuery Essentials
quick jquery slideshow
Excellent jQuery tutorial: (via @ricmrodrigues) – Use jQuery (usejquery)
Nice introduction to jQuery.
The Ultimate Beginner’s Introduction to Exposure | Phototuts+
RT @draenews: Del The Ultimate Beginner’s Introduction to Exposure | Phototuts+:
Cycling Cadence and Bicycle Gearing
Everything you need to know about the internet | Technology | The Observer
In spite of all the answers the internet has given us, its full potential to transform our lives remains the great unknown. Here are the nine key steps to understanding the most powerful tool of our age – and where it's taking us
A Reading List For the Self-Taught Computer Scientist : books
100 Great Tech Talks for Educators | Best Colleges Online
"If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology."
POST - 100 Great Tech Talks for #Educators - - Learn about making #technology work in #education and more in these talks
What’s the Difference Between Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Other Malware?
Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen Malware, Viren, Trojanern, Würmer? Die Aufklärung: – Sergej Müller (wpSEO)
Google I/O 2010
Applications Google
Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below. Session types * 101: 101 sessions don't require previous knowledge of a particular product or technology. They include overviews of a technology and introductions into new areas. * 201: 201 sessions provide a deeper dive into a technology or product. These sessions go beyond the basics and are aimed at developers already familiar with a technology. * 301: 301 sessions assume an advanced understanding of a technology or product. * Fireside Chats: Q&A is often the best part of a session, as it gives developers a chance to ask what's on their minds. Fireside chats are a chance to talk to the product engineering teams. * Tech Talks: Google has a tradition of holding informative Tech Talks on campus that offer insight into an area. In that tradition, Google I/O features Tech Talks on subjects of
Session Videos - Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below.
"Google I/O offered 90+ sessions featuring highly technical, in-depth content covering a number of technologies and developer products. All videos and slides are available below."
Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers And Developers | SpyreStudios
Measuring Measures - blog - Learning about Network Theory
In this post, Drew Conway (a PhD Candidate at New York University, studying networks) and I will walk you through a guide that we hope may be of use to others trying to find their way through network theor
Be a CSS Team Player: CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development
Keep your sanity while creating and maintaining CSS in a team environment
by @emilylewis
aboutprogramming04.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x3000 pixels)
aboutprogramming04.jpg (imagem JPEG, 1200×3000 pixels)
the world of programming infographic
HTML Helper
HTML Helper -
tutorial lessons
20 HTML tutorials
より早くcssやhtmlのコーディングが行えそうな情報いろいろ - かちびと.net
JavaScript Performance Best Practices - Forum Nokia Wiki
javascript performance bestpractices development practices ; Forum Nokia Wiki ;
This article gives good and valuable guidance for improving the JavaScript performance in Web Runtime. The article is a collection of guidelines from various sources.
UX Myths
UX Myths (via @igloodigital)
Tumblr about misconceptions of UX.
A lot of this is common knowledge for most UX designers, but there are still some interesting nuggets of information.
Designing a RESTful Web Application - Quandy Factory
useful collection of thoughts
HTML5Rocks - Home
Flash Game Dojo
Interested in making #flash based #games? Check out Flash Game Dojo, a project by indie devs @adamatomic and @chevyray.
Flash Game Dojo was started in March 2010 by Chevy Ray Johnston and Adam 'Atomic' Saltsman as a way to pool their collective knowledge of ActionScript programming, provide a trusted and benevolent host for SWF files, and to help ease new coders into the murky, shark-infested waters of creating their own Flash games. Flash Game Dojo is an ad-free, not-for-profit enterprise for game design education.
Formerly PLT/Dr Scheme
With Racket, you can script command shells and web servers; you can quickly prototype animations and complex GUIs; regexps and threads are here to serve you. To organize your systems, you can mix and match classes, modules or components. Best of all, you start without writing down types.
Ksplice » The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners - System administration and software blog
things I did not know ... like the '..' operator. Neato.
CSS for iPhone 4 (Retina display) « Thomas Maier – web & communication designer
iPhone4のRetina Displayに対応させたCSSを読ませるlinkタグの書き方
RT @wpSEO: Ein extra CSS für iPhone 4 einbinden #css
This is how you target the iPhone 4 with specific CSS
SEOmoz | All Links are Not Created Equal: 10 Illustrations on Search Engines' Valuation of Links
In this post, I'm going to walk through ten principles of link valuation that can be observed, tested and, in some cases, have been patented.
All Links are Not Created Equal #seo #bm
jQuery Fundamentals
CODE AT GITHUB: ...novice developers who are new to jQuery or the JavaScript language? I’d be failing in my duties if I neglected to mention SitePoint’s books such as the magnificent Simply JavaScript by Kevin Yank and Cameron Adams. However, while you’re waiting for it to be delivered, I can recommend jQuery Fundamentals by Rebecca Murphy. It’s a comprehensive online book which guides you from JavaScript basics through to writing jQuery plugins. Even expert JavaScript developers will find something they didn’t know. The book is excellent. It’s well-written, concise, and contains plenty of examples and JavaScript gotchas. What’s more, it’s free. The sections include: JavaScript basics jQuery basics utility methods events and effects Ajax writing jQuery plugins There’s also a list of links to all the examples. That’s useful when you forget the exact syntax for anonymous self-executing functions or cloning DOM nodes.
Read this soon!
The Essential Magento eCommerce Toolkit | Web.AppStorm
eCommerce / Online shop
Evolution Timeline - AndaBien
AndaBien - Evolution Timeline
To scale.
60 tweaks and hacks for Windows 7, Vista or XP | News | TechRadar UK
60 tweaks and hacks for Windows 7, Vista or XP How to customise your PC to make it run the way you want : TechRadar UK
How to Create a Tumblr Theme (Code Structure)
Come creare una pagina per tumblr
Geek Gardening: A Wired Guide to Domestic Terraforming | Magazine |
"Gardeners are among the world's most charming snobs. Rightly so: As with music and mathematics, the more you know, the more elegant your work. Erudition is valued, and so is a smattering of pretension. If you are a geek looking to put down roots, welcome to gardening. We offer you common ground. Think of it as localized terraforming, if that helps. Before you start, though, contemplate your knees and knuckles, and get ready for hard, sweaty work. As with making babies, people can't really imagine what they are getting into when they plan to tangle with the trowels and hoses. The sketches and explanations on the following pages will inspire you to stake out, nurture, and defend your tiny patch of Earth, feed your loved ones, and even sequester a bit of carbon. How smart is that?"
iPhone Dev Center
iphone系リソース(mobile HIGとか)リンク集
The Top 10 New Cult Movies | LikeMe Daily
Home | Yahoo! Style Guide
I Got 99 Problems, but Developing Ain't One
Wired: With intelligent thoughts on tech industry, conventions and even Martha Stewart, Wired is a must-read for any well-rounded Web developer.
本気で役立つEvernote参考ページを紹介してみる | goryugo, addicted to Evernote
Collection of .NET Framework and Visual Studio Posters
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers
The 5 Most Advanced Search Engines On The Web
Google, TinEye, GazoPa, CompletePlanet, Semantic Search
Optimized Handbrake Presets to Encode Video for Your New iPad or iPhone 4
handbrake settings for iphone 4 / ipad
HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
The State of CSS3 in Email Templates | Nettuts+
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes - CSS3 in
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes – CSS3 in email lives. Ok, so I’m sorry if I made you drop your toast, there. I know you’re thinking, “But… It’s still largely experimental… In the browser, to boot!” Yes, CSS3 support is even more fickle amongst a swag of email clients that can’t even get CSS2 right. But that doesn’t mean that it’s too soon to touch any of it. In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples. So, brush off your toast and let’s get down to business.
In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples.
CSS3 no e-mail marketing
Poynter Online - Digital Journalist Survival Guide: A Glossary of Tech Terms You Should Know
This glossary defines terms related to web standards, programming, online tools.
A very handy explanation from Poynter Online of abbreviations and jargon you may find occasionally confounding
oGMX9.gif (GIF Image, 600x600 pixels)
How to tie a tie
Best Resources for Learning WordPress Development | Design Shack
Best Resources for Learning WordPress Development
Odds are, if you’re a web developer, learning WordPress is either on your todo list or something that you’ve already committed yourself to. Learning to build WordPress themes is an excellent professional move that will open you to a wealth of new clients and personal opportunities. To follow up our article last week on tutorials for learning web design, below is a list of books and free tutorials specifically targeted at learning to develop for WordPress. Whether you’ve never heard of WordPress or are just looking to update your current WordPress skill set, there are plenty of resources below to get you on your way.
CSS3 Best Practices
RT @css3watcher: RT @brunobertolini: RT @yogodoshi: CSS3 Best Practices
Early best practices for CSS3
Awesome Recent Website Redesigns | Webdesigner Depot
It’s always so interesting when you go to a website you’ve been visiting for months or years to find they’ve been redesigned.
It’s always so interesting when you go to a website you’ve been visiting for months or years to find they’ve been redesigned. Some redesigns are immediately evocative of the old design, and can even leave you wondering if they have....
Web デザイン: もっと素敵に!リデザインしたサイトいろいろ
Awesome Recent Website Redesigns
Awesome recent website redesigns
How Secure Is My Password?
Como verificar si tu contraseña es segura
It would take About 700 million years for a desktop PC to crack your password
Decision-Making Models In Web Development - Smashing Magazine
While some people naturally make good decisions, others struggle and need the support of a model or framework, in the same way that some people naturally make balanced Web designs and others prefer the help of a layout grid.
Health Care
A federal government Website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201 is a new online portal where anyone can go to find insurance options in their state, went live. It's a very handy resource for information that used to be difficult to find. It's available to help millions who need insurance find it, and as a resource for those who want to shop around for new options or find out their new benefits under the new law. (a federal government Website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
neutral reference on health insurance under new laws
A History of the Site : Design Is History
History of graphic design. Site is thesis project of Dominic Flask.
Advertising, Identity and Branding, Illustration, Editorial Design, Typography, Infographics, Packaging, Posters, Motion Graphics, Interactive Design, Socially Responsible, and a Legend.
Doctor Finder
初心者さんのためのWebサイト制作に役立つリンク集 | Webクリエイターボックス
Webサイトを作る流れ まずはWebサイトを作る目的を考える 誰のため?何のため?Webサイトを作り始める前に。 サイトマップと呼ばれる構成図を作成 Webサイトの構成図を簡単に作れる便利ツール ワイヤーフレーム(Webサイトのレイアウト)を作成 Webサイトの骨組み: ワイヤーフレームを素早く・手軽に・美しく制作する Photoshopなどでサイトのデザイン ここでやっとコーディング! 今回はこの5番目にあたるコーディングに関するチュートリアルサイトを中心に紹介します。基本は大事です。基本は。ちなみに私がWebの勉強を始めた時に毎日のように見ていたおすすめサイトは、海外では誰もが知っている(はず)の「W3 Schools」です。HTML、CSS、JavaScript、PHPなどなどかなりわかりやすくまとめられています
さまざまなオープンソースライセンスをまとめてみた。 - 乱筆乱文お許し下さいorz
The Most Important Algorithms (Survey)
10 Common Mistakes Made by Novice Web Designers
RT @LevelTen_Colin: 10 Common Mistakes Made by Novice Web Designers -
日本語版 WordPress チートシート | Webクリエイターボックス
Web Speaks: 25 Incredibly Useful CSS Tricks You Should Know
How do emulators work and how are they written? - Stack Overflow
About Pages: Good, Bad, and Missing | UX Booth
Users rarely begin their relationship with a company though its About page. More often than not, they learn about us based on what we do, the product or service that we offer. Why, then, should they want to learn more? About pages help users discover who lives behind the websites we create.
Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
The new captain jumped from the cockpit, fully dressed, and sprinted through the water. A former lifeguard, he kept his eyes on his victim as he headed straight for the owners who were swimming between their anchored sportfisher and the
HTML5 presentation
Demo of HTML5 via a set of "slides". Requires HTML5 enabled browser ...
A demonstration of the new effects of HTML5
RT @doxaras: HTML5Rocks in a nutshell
jQuery Fundamentals
jQuery Fundamentals
Great Ways to Learn jQuery » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
Great Ways to Learn jQuery
Great Ways to Learn jQuery » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
Web Apps - Stack Exchange
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
Get help with Facebook, Google, Gmail, and other web apps.
Web Apps is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for expert and advanced users of web applications. It's 100% free, no registration required.
The Power of jQuery with Ajax
(...) As the web evolves, new technologies are emerging and uniting in remarkable ways. The combination of Ajax and jQuery, in particular, is one of the most powerful unions to date.
Web Apps - Stack Exchange
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
Get help with Facebook, Google, Gmail, and other web apps.
The Power of jQuery with Ajax
(...) As the web evolves, new technologies are emerging and uniting in remarkable ways. The combination of Ajax and jQuery, in particular, is one of the most powerful unions to date.
Web Apps - Stack Exchange
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
Get help with Facebook, Google, Gmail, and other web apps.
The Power of jQuery with Ajax
Web Apps - Stack Exchange might be useful, will take a closer look and let you know
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
The Power of jQuery with Ajax
Web Apps - Stack Exchange might be useful, will take a closer look and let you know
A Beginner’s Guide to Design Patterns | Nettuts+
This is more for programmers than Designers lol - (unless you do both)
MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.087 Practical Programming in C, January IAP 2010 | Home
This course provides a thorough introduction to the C programming language, the workhorse of the UNIX operating system and lingua franca of embedded processors and micro-controllers. The first two weeks will cover basic syntax and grammar, and expose students to practical programming techniques. The remaining lectures will focus on more advanced concepts, such as dynamic memory allocation, concurrency and synchronization, UNIX signals and process control, library development and usage. Daily programming assignments and weekly laboratory exercises are required. Knowledge of C is highly marketable for summer internships, UROPs, and full-time positions in software and embedded systems development.
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent
by @suprotimagarwal
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent – Javascript News (del_javascript)
MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.087 Practical Programming in C, January IAP 2010 | Home
This course provides a thorough introduction to the C programming language, the workhorse of the UNIX operating system and lingua franca of embedded processors and micro-controllers. The first two weeks will cover basic syntax and grammar, and expose students to practical programming techniques. The remaining lectures will focus on more advanced concepts, such as dynamic memory allocation, concurrency and synchronization, UNIX signals and process control, library development and usage. Daily programming assignments and weekly laboratory exercises are required. Knowledge of C is highly marketable for summer internships, UROPs, and full-time positions in software and embedded systems development.
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent
MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.087 Practical Programming in C, January IAP 2010 | Home
This course provides a thorough introduction to the C programming language, the workhorse of the UNIX operating system and lingua franca of embedded processors and micro-controllers. The first two weeks will cover basic syntax and grammar, and expose students to practical programming techniques. The remaining lectures will focus on more advanced concepts, such as dynamic memory allocation, concurrency and synchronization, UNIX signals and process control, library development and usage. Daily programming assignments and weekly laboratory exercises are required. Knowledge of C is highly marketable for summer internships, UROPs, and full-time positions in software and embedded systems development.
HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
RT @deliciouspb: HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
괜찮은 HTML5 캔버스 발표자료... RT @tigerfunk: RT @smashingmag: HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web (Slideshow) - – Wonsuk Lee (Wonsuk73)
The future of web graphics - let Canvas be your best friend
Hacker News | Here's a very quick dump of some things waiting to be read/digested/whatever in ...
Assorted Clojure Resources from Hacker News
Books that will induce a
35 jQuery Animation Tutorials | Vandelay Design Blog
tutorial jquery
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
Loq se puede hacer con el CSS3
CSS3 Design Contest and encouraged designers to experiment and get creative with CSS3. As expected, we have received many creative and original submissions. To choose the winners of the contest, we considered the originality of the technique or approach and its uniqueness. The idea mattered more than the execution
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
35 jQuery Animation Tutorials | Vandelay Design Blog
Creative designers can do some amazing things with jQuery. A wide variety of animation effects are possible, and these 35 tutorials provide excellent learning resources for anyone who is wanting to brush up their skills in this area. You'll find tutorials for creative animated navigation menus, as well as for other types of animation that use jQuery instead of Flash. Animate Image Filling Up Using jQuery
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
まずは基本から・HTML5のCanvasについて参考になったサイトまとめ - かちびと.net
Guia de Referência - Apostila sobre HTML 5
Apostila de html5
A Visie foi escolhida pelo W3C do Brasil para ministrar um treinamento sobre HTML5 para os seus membros e alguns convidados. Para tanto, construímos uma apostila com todo o conteúdo abordado neste nosso curso. Essa apostila está sendo agora publicada sob Creative Commons aqui no Tableless. Esperamos que ajude a comunidade de desenvolvimento web brasileira.
RT @marcoscampelo: Guia sobre HTML5 em português -
FAQ For Librarians - Outreach Wiki
FAQ about Wikipedia for librarians. Very useful for answering frequent criticism. (via @Lankskafferiet ) – Alastair Creelman (alacre)
Info for librarians about Wikipedia -- it's background, its policies, etc. Questions include stuff like: Who owns Wikipedia, How common is vandalism, Is there material on Wikipedia that's unsuitable to children, Does Wikipedia want help from academics, etc...
Plain english explanation of Big O - Stack Overflow
One of the best laypersons explanation of algorithm complexity that I've seen.
Traditional computers can solve problems in polynomial time. Certain things are used in the world because of this. Public Key Cryptography is a prime example. It is computationally hard to find two prime factors of a very large number. If it wasn't, we couldn't use the public key systems we use.
Stack Overflow post about Big O notation
Plain english explanation of Big O - Stack Overflow
Garden Pest Detective from Gardener's Supply
a free and simple to use web service that contains detailed information on pests and diseases that can infect plants in your garden.
gardening pests howto
Garden Pest Detective from Gardener's Supply
a free and simple to use web service that contains detailed information on pests and diseases that can infect plants in your garden.
gardening pests howto
10 life-saving PHP snippets
couple good functions in here. Add to php library.
eat the seasons | food seasons
eat the seasons aims to promote an understanding of food seasons. Each week we list the seasonal foods that are at their peak, and share enlightening facts, useful tips and enticing recipe ideas picked from the web and our favourite books.
Google JavaScript Style Guide 和訳 — Google JavaScript Style Guide 和訳 v0.1 documentation
jQuery Deconstructed
7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
interesting - id not thought about tracking video downloads before
Useful: 7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
jQuery Deconstructed
SECTION : jQuery Core
7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
jQuery Deconstructed
jQueryのコードをインタラクティブ&グラフィカルに読み解いていくことができる『jQuery Deconstructed』
graphical jQuery code
jQueryの日本語の解説サイトと国産のプラグイン集 | コリス
The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Really good tips and apps for helping with moving.
Nice Entity — "Find your character!"
Quick references of most common XHTML entities.
Quick References of Most Common Entities
BBC - GEL (Global Experience Language) - Home
We are evolving a global experience language for the BBC’s digital services. The GEL guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating BBC websites (future iterations will also incorporate mobile and IPTV recommendations).
Guideline da BBC para construção de sites. Tem também alguns design patterns. style guide
Building a Global Experience Language for the BBC We are evolving a global experience language for the BBC’s digital services. The GEL guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating BBC websites (future iterations will also incorporate mobile and IPTV recommendations).
The GEL guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating BBC websites (future iterations will also incorporate mobile and IPTV recommendations).
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites - Smashing Magazine
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites - Smashing Magazine -
jQueryの日本語の解説サイトと国産のプラグイン集 | コリス
The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Film Society of Lincoln Center
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Content Strategy | UX Booth
Consistently publishing content requires that we deal with a foe known as content management. Content management is just what it sounds like: a way to manage the creation and dissemination of content. To systematically do that, it’s imperative that publishers employ what’s (aptly) known as content management systems (CMSs). The most common of kind of which is called a blog.
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Content Strategy
“If [Information Architecture] is the spatial side of information, I see content strategy as the temporal side of the same coin.” - Louis Rosenfeld
15 Killer Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts That Might Surprise You
You might already know these, but they're useful none the less.
Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example
Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
Weil gute mechanische Keyboards etwas tolles sind
This is an awesome resource. Awesome.
More than you ver wanted to know about keyboards.
Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
แนะนำการใช้งาน CSS3: border-image
"Understanding border-image" by @norabrowndesign #tech #webdev – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor)
The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers.
Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example
good examples of Django apps
Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
All different kinds of keyboards
"In my opinion, the best keyboards available have mechanical key switches. They are known as mechanical keyboards, or mechanical key switch
Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
Understanding border-image in CSS - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Looking for something to read? Here's a messy collection of book-recommendation threads on reddit. : books
A guide to 3D display technology: its principles, methods, and dangers
A primer in case you’re not familiar with how 3D works in general.
Even if it feels silly, just indulge me here: close just your right eye. Now just your left. Now your right. It’s like in Wayne’s World: camera one, camera two. You must have noticed that things change position a bit. This, of course, is because your eyes are a few inches apart; this is called the “interocular distance” and it varies from person to person. Note also that when you look at something close, objects appear in double in the background. Look at the corner of the screen. See how the chair or window back there is doubled? It’s because you’re actually rotating your eyes so they both point directly at what you’re focusing on. This is called “convergence,” and it creates a sort of X, the center of the X being what’s being focused on. You’ve probably seen a diagram like this one before:
some info around the 3d tech currently
Whether you buy into the hype or not, it’s plain fact that 3D is everywhere these days. From movies and games to laptops and handhelds, pretty much every screen in the house is going to be 3D-capable in a year or so, even if you opt not to display any 3D content on it. Those of you who choose that path may stop reading now, and come back a little later when you change your mind. Because if you have kids or enjoy movies and games, there will be a point where you’re convinced, perhaps by a single standout piece of media, that 3D is worth it at least some of the time.
Set Up Your Speakers - Wired How-To Wiki
Basic principles of speakers placement
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers #webdesign
Recopilación de libros gratuitos sobre diseño web
web design ebook javascript
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
While you may have to shell our some money for a good web design book, there are a number of them out that have online versions that are totally free.
There’s a never ending supply of information out there for us web designers. If there’s something we need to learn, we can find it in one form or another. Sometimes it may be on a blog or it could be in a book. While you may have to shell our some money for a good web design book, there are a number of them out that have online versions that are totally free. Here are 10 you should find very useful.
Squeeze Hidden Functionality Out of Every Corner of Your Mac with the Option Key
U.S. Copyright Office - Anticircumvention Rulemaking
@jasongreen she might have mentioned it, but the rule says nothing about it – Ira Socol (irasocol)
@budtheteacher – Meredith (msstewart)
Statement of the Librarian of Congress on the Anticircumvention Rulemaking: Text
Jailbreaking and bypassing DVD CSS DRM is now legal for fair use purposes Rulemaking on Exemptions from Prohibition on Circumvention of Technological Measures that Control Access to Copyrighted Works
The Librarian of Congress has announced the classes of works subject to the exemption from the prohibition against circumvention of technological measures that control access to copyrighted works. Persons making noninfringing uses of the following six classes of works will not be subject to the prohibition against circumventing access controls (17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)) until the conclusion of the next rulemaking.
Hey @Canada_Gov I think you should read this -> DMCA exemptions now make it legal to rip DVDs for education
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
web design books
Kan vara ganska bra att ha för gymnasiet
Ten tips for building better Adobe AIR applications > Tutorials > Flash Magazine
Buenas practicas para AIR
Now that we have just launched AIR 2, I figured it would be a good time to look back at all the AIR code I've written over the last few months and pick out some of the best snippets and concepts to share with the community. This article describes ten techniques I've used to improve performance, usability, and security of AIR applications, and to make the development process faster and easier.
Tips on optimizing Flash / AIR performance
How to Hire a Contractor Without Getting Hosed
The Web Book
Want to build Web sites with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL? The Web Book contains all the information you need to create a Web site from scratch. It covers everything from registering a domain name and renting some hosting space, to creating your first HTML page, to building full online database applications with PHP and MySQL. It also tells you how to market and promote your site, and how to make money from it.
intro on data visualization
Introduction to, and history of, datavisualization
Data visualization is a pretty literal term that means, quite simply, the visual representation of quantitative data. In this course we’ll learn common techniques for visualizing data, as well as some strategies for managing information digitally. But first, a brief history.
A brief history of visualization #datavisualization #dataviz
Data Visualization
Although visualization hasn’t been widely recognized as a discipline in and of itself until fairly recently, today’s most popular forms date back nearly two centuries. Geographical exploration, mathematics, and popularized history spurred the creation of early maps, graphs, and timelines as far back as the 1600s; but William Playfair is widely credited as the inventor of the modern chart, having created the first widely distributed line and bar charts in his Commercial and Political Atlas of 1786, and what is generally considered to be the first pie chart in his Statistical Breviary, published in 1801.
Banco de Padrões de Design · Instituto Superior Técnico
Creative Commons License
Padrões de design são soluções testadas e verificadas para problemas comuns de design que podem ser aplicados em contextos específicos. Cada padrão corresponde a um problema que ocorre frequentemente no processo de design e descreve uma solução prática para o solucionar.
SEO業界の専門用語 - 知っておかないと会話できない基本編 | Web担当者Forum