Pages tagged redis:

redis - Google Code

Redis is a key-value database. It is similar to memcached but the dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in memcached, but also lists and sets with atomic operations to push/pop elements.
“Redis is a key-value database. It is similar to memcached but the dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in memcached, but also lists and sets with atomic operations to push/pop elements. “In order to be very fast but at the same time persistent the whole dataset is taken in memory and from time to time and/or when a number of changes to the dataset are performed it is written asynchronously on disk. You may lost the last few queries that is acceptable in many applications but it is as fast as an in memory DB (beta 6 of Redis includes initial support for master-slave replication in order to solve this problem by redundancy).”
A nice fast K/V data store, with some nice list/set features.
TwitterAlikeExample - redis - Google Code
Case study on Redis
Monk is a glue framework for web development in Ruby. It’s truly modular by relying on the best tool for each job. It’s also pretty fast thanks to Rack and Sinatra.
Sinatra is a tiny and flexible tool. It can be used to write super simple web applications like an API or a fully-fledged, highly interactive website. As you develop more applications using Sinatra, you will start to find some patterns: You apply a similar structure to all of your projects (where to put your routes, whether to use classic or modular style, etc.) You also find some other common bits you need to set up a logger, configure reloading on development mode, and more. You need to hook up your persistence layer of choice. Wiring in your desired testing suite. It’s easy to see how time-consuming this can be when you want to start a new project with the minimum amount of work. That’s why we wrote a tool that could enable us to get started on a new project in no time. The result is a command line tool that lets you create a new project out of an existing skeleton. The default skeleton we ship does all the work for you, and you can just dive into your code.
Glue for Rack + Sinatra
A probarlo, via maxwell
Why I like Redis
Like mongodb but lives in memory with replication and periodic store-to-disk. Like memcached but with data structures. Great for non-critical data or replicated critical data.
Introducing Resque - GitHub
バッググランドジョブを管理する Resque の紹介
Introducing Redis: a fast key-value database | Zen and the Art of Programming
paperplanes. A Collection Of Redis Use Cases
Redis' particular way of treating data requires some rethinking how to store your data to benefit from speed, atomicity and its data types. I've already written about Redis in abundance, this post's purpose is to compliment them with real-world scenarios. Maybe you can gather some ideas on how to deal with things.
Weil Redis praktisch ist.
Redis tutorial, April 2010 - by Simon Willison
posted by thraxil:
Awesome tutorial.
These slides and notes were originally written to accompany a three hour Redis tutorial I gave at the NoSQL Europe conference on the 22nd of April 2010.
README - redis - Google Code
a database implementing a dictionary, where every key is associated with a value. every single value has a type. The following types are supported: * Strings * Lists * Sets * Sorted Set (since version 1.1)
maybe the guy is not suitable to address such compare?
Persistent in-memory key value database compared to memcached
tructures and algorithms. Indeed both algorithms and data structures in Redis are properly choosed in order to obtain the best performance.
A fast, fuzzy, full-text index using Redis | is entirely based on a data-structure server called Redis. Redis is one of several new key-value databases which break away from traditional relational data architecture. It is simple, flexible, and blazingly fast. So why not use the tools we have already?
redis.smembers("word:" + metaphone("python"))
Interesting post about being able to search data in redis using indexing and phonetic algorthms.
LakTEK – Real-time Collaborative Editing with Web Sockets, Node.js & Redis - (Lakshan Perera)