Pages tagged rdfa:

Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar

Good news for microformats, support of google can make a large difference
Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFaby Timothy M. O'Brien| comments: 8On Tuesday, Google introduced a feature called Rich Snippets which provides users with a convenient summary of a ... はてなブックマーク - Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann rdf
Breakdown on Google Microformats
An explanation of RDFa and the impending Google support for the markup.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Rich Snippets
Now, time for some Q&A with the team: If I mark up my pages, does that guarantee I'll get Rich Snippets? No. We will be rolling this out gradually, and as always we will use our own algorithms and policies to determine relevant snippets for users' queries. We will use structured data when we are able to determine that it helps users find answers sooner. And because you're providing the data on your pages, you should anticipate that other websites and other tools (browsers, phones) might use this data as well. You can let us know that you're interested in participating by filling out this form. What about other existing microformats? Will you support other types of information besides reviews and people? Not every microformat corresponds to data that's useful to show in a search result, but we do plan to support more of the existing microformats and define RDFa equivalents. What's next?
RDFa for HTML Authors
W3 documentation on RDFa for HTML – important read considering Google's recent announcement it will support RDFa and microformats in search results.
Home - Common Tag
"Common Tag is an open tagging format developed to make content more connected, discoverable and engaging. Unlike free-text tags, Common Tags are references to unique, well-defined concepts, complete with metadata and their own URLs. With Common Tag, site owners can more easily create topic hubs, cross-promote their content, and enrich their pages with free data, images and widgets."
Marking up structured data - Webmasters/Site owners Help
A List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa
A List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa II
The Open Graph Protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same functionality as a Facebook Page. While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a single technology which provides enough information to richly represent any web page within the social graph. The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol which has informed many of the technical design decisions.
Open Graph protocol - Facebook Developers
The Open Graph protocol enables you to integrate your web pages into the social graph. It is currently designed for web pages representing profiles of real-world things — things like movies, sports teams, celebrities, and restaurants. Once your pages become objects in the graph, users can establish connections to your pages as they do with Facebook Pages. Based on the structured data you provide via the Open Graph protocol, your pages show up richly across Facebook: in user profiles, within search results and in News Feed.
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol from a Web Developer’s Perspective
A great breakdown of Open Graph's potential impact on the Web and the possibilities available for developers
Really great take on why the Facebook Graph API is exciting and different than anything before it.
good overview
Four items as the key benefits to the web as a whole from the F8 announcements 1. No 24-hour caching limit 2. An API that is realtime and isn’t just about content 3. The Open Graph protocol 4. OAuth 2.0
Open Graph Protocol primer by @Carnage4Life. RDFa, social objects, semantic web & social graph all come together.
Why Facebook's Open Graph protocol is good news for the open web...