Pages tagged proofreading:

Designers Toolbox: Proof Reading Marks

A little list of proofreading marks that could come in handy.
Proof Reading Marks
Ghostwriter Dad - 10 Tips for Powerful Proofreading
Few people would ever say proof-reading’s fun. Although a good edit does little to invite party hats or balloons, it is essential to effective writing.
10 quick tips on proofing and editing..
14 Foolproof Proofreading Tips for Bloggers — Copyblogger
“Proofreading is vitally important, hard to do well, and tedious as hell.” ~Brian Clark That’s the best quote I’ve ever heard about proofreading, but I’d like to extend Brian’s remarks a bit. In fact, I’ve got 14 tips that are just about guaranteed to make you a better proofreader, and maybe make the task a tad less terrible. Ready? You’re still watching for those typos, right?
Not just for editors!