Pages tagged programmers:

Derek Powazek - Programmers are Tiny Gods

Yes. Yes we are.
s, God creates thing
Like designers, if you give a programmer a problem with parameters, they’ll apply every bit of genius they have to solve it in the best possible way. If you tell them how to do it, you’ll suffer the wrath of an angry God.
I've found it best not to tell any professional how to do their job.
30 Most Influential People In Programming | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
its nice website for flash phtoshop dreamweaver programming cn get lot of help from this one....
How I Hire Programmers (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
There are three questions you have when you’re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them? To find out whether someone’s smart, I just have a casual conversation with them. I do everything I can to take off any pressure off: I meet at a cafe, I make it clear it’s not an interview, I do my best to be casual and friendly.
There are three questions you have when you’re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them? Someone who’s smart but doesn’t get stuff done should be your friend, not your employee. You can talk your problems over with them while they procrastinate on their actual job. Someone who gets stuff done but isn’t smart is inefficient: non-smart people get stuff done by doing it the hard way and working with them is slow and frustrating. Someone you can’t work with, you can’t work with.
Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy
I could hack on projects like this and nobody would care at all because I'm a famous programmer, and there is no such thing as famous programmers. I don't exist. I'm an enigma.
2010-06-20 14:47:48 <Acropolis>
There Are No Famous Programmers: via @dandean - wow #yam #dev #fame #philosophy
Let me tell you about this cool new web server. I figured out how to merge the ZeroMQ event polling system with the libtask coroutine library so that you can use libtask to handle tons of TCP/UDP and ZeroMQ sockets in a single thread. I then took this very cool hack, and started building a web server using my Mongrel HTTP parser, but I modified the parser so that the same server on the same port can handle HTTP or Flash XMLSockets transparently. The next step is to get this server to route HTTP and XMLSocket JSON messages to arbitrary ZeroMQ backends. I was inspired by this so much that I registered and may try to bring it back. Not sure how or when though.