Pages tagged plugins:

57+ Free Image Gallery, Slideshow And Lightbox Solutions | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch - NETTUTS

Como criar um plugin que mostra pordutos do OS Commerce no Wordpress
Wordpress Theme Generatorとは違うのか・・
Pop! simple pop menus with jQuery
jQZoom Evolution, javascript image magnifier
Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework.
Nice magnifier effect - good for product pages
The Power of WordPress and jQuery: 30+ Useful Plugins & Tutorials
jQuery is ideal because it can create impressive animations and interactions while being simple to understand and easy to use. WordPress awesomeness lies in its fact that it can be customized to power any type of site you like! But what happens when you combine the power of jQuery with WordPress, the possibilities are infinite.
wordpress plugin reviews
clicktoflash - Google Code
A webkit plugin to prevent the automatic loading of Flash movies in your browser.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
Safari plugin to prevent automatic loading of flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
To block flash from automatically loading
"WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content."
webkit / safari plug-in to block automatic loading of flash contents
Easy Slider 1.5 - The Easiest jQuery Plugin For Sliding Images and Content | Css Globe
New version of my Easy Slider plugin for jQuery is here. This is one of the my rare scripts that make it to their second version. In this case version 1.5 All of the features here are result of your comments, so if you have more ideas, keep
jQuery listnav plugin - javascript navigation control to manage alphabetical lists
Javascript navigation control to manage alphabetical lists
10+ Most Interesting And Useful jQuery plugins - January 2009 | AjaxLine
e we review 10 latest and most interesting jQuery plugins of January 2009.
wilq32 - jQuery plugin: Wilq32.RotateImage
Roter billeder vha. jQuery på almindelige HTML-sider
Rotação de imagens, imagens inclinadas
rotate images with jquery (+ animation!)
tipsy - Facebook-style tooltip plugin for jQuery
Top 10 jQuery plugins for Form Usability « Steve Reynolds
The TTFTitles WordPress Plugin @ WordPress Plugins
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts.
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts, thus circumventing the problem of guessing what fonts your end-users might have installed.
Tweet! Put Twitter on your site with jQuery widget
Put Twitter on your site with this simple, unobtrusive jQuery widget.
Tweet! put twitter on your website with tweet!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery. Demo displaying three
15 Great Flickr Extensions for Firefox
Access Flickr! Better Flickr - several Greasemonkey scripts such as photo magnifier, thumbnail enhancer, rich edit and more into one convenient extension. Fireflix - A sidebar extension that works with Flickr. Flickr - A simple extension that adds the ability to search Flickr photos directly from your browser. Flickr Auto Page. Flickr Buddy Flickr Gallery Plus! Flickr Original Flickr Themr Flickrfox FlickrSpaceBall FlickrTrans - Right click on any image on any site, and you can load it to your Flickr account and then use it Fotofox - A photo upload manager that allows you to drag and drop images from your system into the extension, add tags, set privacy and more; then you can upload them to over 40 different photo sites including Flickr. Lockr - Share content from Flickr with users on Facebook without them having to log into Flickr. Uploadr for Flickr - Gives you the ability to upload images you find on various websites directly to your Flickr account.
Flickr Firefox extensions.
Ubiquity: Make Ubiquity Your Ultimate Firefox Commander
Supersized - Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin | Build Internet!
26 Essential Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers | instantShift
It’s no secret that web designers and developers love Firefox! Firefox provides an endless amount of functionality that you simply won’t find in any other
jQuery Price Format Plugin
Did you like it? So...
jQuery Price Format Plugin
alter ego
Sometimes you want a single object to behave differently depending on what state it’s in. For instance, a traffic light has a different color depending on whether it is informing people that they should stop, slow down, or proceed. Or a user account object might behave differently depending on whether the account is in the “confirmed” state. AlterEgo can help you set up these state-based object “personalities”. AlterEgo will help you to define a set of valid states for your objects, and to define the allowable transitions between states. The real strength of AlterEgo, however, is in defining separate behaviors for each state that the object is in. Underneath the covers, AlterEgo will arrange for your object to delegate to a different state object depending on what state it is in. You can either explicitly define these state objects as classes, or use a concise DSL provided by AlterEgo.
A state machine plugin which allows each state to have different methods and behaviours.
AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other Ruby state machine libraries in that it focuses on providing polymorphic behavior based on object state.
AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other Ruby state machine libraries in that it focuses on providing polymorphic behavior based on object state. In effect, it makes it easy to give an object different “personalities” depending on the state it is in.
"AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other Ruby state machine libraries in that it focuses on providing polymorphic behavior based on object state. In effect, it makes it easy to give an object different “personalities” depending on the state it is in."
30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks | instantShift
Tips and tutorials for customising wordpress comments
30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip jQuery plugin. Making tooltips simple!
Shared with
A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin -
WordPress Resources: The Ultimate Collection » DivitoDesign
As I am a WordPress user by heart, I have a large list of Wordpress related bookmarks. Many of these bookmarks have proven their value over time and I am pretty sure they will be helpful for you too. Welcome to the Ultimate Collection of WordPress Resources.
some important resources on the wordpress basics bundled together
WordPress Resources
Best Firefox Extensions: 13 Money and Time Saving FireFox Add-ons! || Technology Nerd
some really useful looking ones like gmail manager for multiple gmail accounts
Image Source: Mouserunner Ten's and Hundreds of Firefox plugins are released by individual developers every day. I looked through and found ...
Technology Nerd
Translate: New Rails I18n Plugin with a Nice Web UI - Newsdesk developer blog
Using jQuery to Style Design Elements: 20 Impressive Plugins | DevSnippets
20 WordPress Tricks to Improve Your Blog
Blogging, WordPress
WordPress › Art Direction « WordPress Plugins
"Per-post styles for new age art direction." This plugin allows you to have global archive and single page per-post styles.
wordpress plugin for per post styles
"This plugin allows you to have global archive and single page per-post styles."
"Per-post styles for new age art direction." This plugin allows you to have global archive and single page per-post styles.
Announcing BeautyTips, a jQuery Tooltip Plugin | Lullabot
kind of a badass tooltip plugin but, of course, IE is not going to properly support it for awhile
BeautyTips, a Tooltip Plugin for JQuery
3 jQuery Twitter Plugins - Add Tweets To Your Website
Facebook Connect Plugin Directory - Facebook Developers Wiki
RPX supports Facebook Connect, MySpace, OpenID and other logins
20+ Firefox Plugins to Enhance Your YouTube Experience
from mashable
Here are over 20 Firefox plugins that will let you save your favorite videos before they disappear, stop them from autoplaying when you come to a page, and more.
GIMPをパワーアップさせるプラグインいろいろ | DesignWalker
CompareNetworks jQuery'd Bread Crumb - jBreadCrumb
This collapsible breadcrumb was developed to deal with deeply nested, verbosely named pages. Rather than limit the amount of elements shown on the sever side, we decided to go with a client side solution for usability and SEO reasons. It also turned out nice to look at and fun to play with. It is smart in the sense that it collapses based upon the amount and length of the elements in the set. The breadcrumb uses a semitransparent .png overlay to achieve the gradient effect seen on the elements. Visually, it helps to show a "peek" at what is underneath.
miga de pan dinámica
HOW TO: Make Firefox Your Productivity Machine
or even Google’s Chrome browser (disclaimer: I may write this post for
We won’t mention Internet Explorer here. Nor Opera or even Google’s Chrome browser (disclaimer: I may write this post for Chrome in a few months once they have extensions available). Today, we’re going to take a look at Firefox - the browser we all are should be using.
Creating PDF Documents in Ruby on Rails | Ruby on Rails
10 Quick Win jQuery Plugins | Steve Reynolds Blog
MDK : Quicklook for markdown
A Quicklook plugin that adds support (and spotlight) for .markdown files.
You Still Can’t Create a jQuery Plugin? - NETTUTS
Tynt - Tracer
Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari
post direct-to-twitter from safari. auto-fills with the current site. auto-shortens long urls.
Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari
Twitter extension for Safari
Is this a hack or safe to use?
post direct-to-twitter from safari
13 Plugins to Make Gedit a More Useful Text Editor [Linux] |
13 Plugins to Make Gedit a More Useful Text Editor [Linux] | ubuntu editor plugins text plugin tools linux Tips Software
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome I have designed this plugin to lazyload a whole UI extension with javascript, images, css files and get a callback when all files are loaded.
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome
10 Greasemonkey scripts you shouldn't browse without - Download Squad
10 nützliche greasemonky-scripts
JQuery File Upload Plugin - RonnieSan
20 Most interesting jQuery Plugins - February 2009 | AjaxLine
6 jQuery Chart Plugins For Your App | Steve Reynolds Blog
charting and plotting with jquery.
15 jQuery Plugins to Fix and Beautify Browser Issues | DevSnippets
7 jQuery Effects to Sell More Templates - In the Woods
jQuery Delay Plugin -
10 Most Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Developers | AjaxLine
In this review we collected most interesting Firefox plugins which covers almost all needs of web developer.
Delicious: Facette Adds Real Organization to Delicious Bookmarks
Windows only so far....
JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
Recopilatorio de JQuery
JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie Plugins
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
JavaScript library
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations at Learning jQuery
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials -
Form Validation
Editable (jQuery Editable Plugin)
This looks like the plugin/page that was used in the jQuery Drupal presentations at Drupalcon
Editable (jQuery Editable Plugin) -
Currently it can convert any tag (span, div, p and ...) to text input, password, textarea, drop-down list.
All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
Hi, today i will show a monster collection of jQuery resources you’ll ever need to create that amazing site for one of your clients or for one of your personal projects.
All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer -
Great resource for awesome jquery sliders
15 Useful Twitter Hacks and Plug-Ins For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
15 Useful Twitter Hacks and Plug-Ins For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine -
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress - NETTUTS
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress
jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’ - James Padolsey
jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’
I remember googling for something of this nature a while ago but all I found were countless attempts using the cols and/or rows attribute of the textarea, thus making it pretty useless if you weren’t using a fixed-width font. Inspired by Jason Frame’s method, I’ve created an animating ‘autoResize’ jQuery plugin. Although it was inspired by his plugin it has a few slight differences, most notably the way in which the off-screen "testing" takes place. In his plugin (apparently inspired by Facebook’s implementation) a DIV is created off-screen and is filled with the textarea’s value whenever it changes. The height of this DIV is retrieved and then applied to the textarea. My plugin makes use of the scrollTop DOM property to gain the true height of the text and then applies that directly (or via animation) to the textarea.
Groject - Jquery.ImageSwitch
An image transition plugin for jQuery. Ripe for overuse, but could be lovely if handled judiciously.
What it does The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects. Why using this With jQuery, it’s so easy to create simple effect such as fade in, move object around… unfortunately when you need to create an effect for image switching, it will require a bit more to create an attractive effect. That isn’t difficult but it isn’t simple and sometimes it’s kind of mess your code up as you need to manage more codes.
14 jQuery Plugins for Working with Images
Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks)
Article on the Twitter vs. Google debate.
It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
During the past few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion about whether Twitter's "real time search" could pose a threat to Google. While I am not sure if Twitter poses a threat to Google, I think it is clear that real-time search is increasingly important. And you can be sure that Google knows it. Will Google try to acquire Twitter, or take some other approach? Time will tell, but rather that wait, I decided to get realtime twitter search results on Google today. I created a Greasemonkey user script that does exactly this. It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started -
qTip - The jQuery tooltip plugin - Home - (Current beta: 1.0.0-beta1)
The jQuery tooltip plugin
tooltip plugin
Sunday Morning : jQuery + Google Translation
SundayMorning is a jQuery plugin which allow site-owners to offer their visitors a easy and fancy way to translate their contents.
16 Great Music Add-Ons for Firefox
There are numerous FirefoxFirefox reviews add-ons to help enhance your music listening experience. From those that enable you to control your online or desktop
There are numerous FirefoxFirefox reviewsFirefox reviews add-ons to help enhance your music listening experience. From those that enable you to control your online or desktop media player, to tools to help you fill in gaps in your album art collection, or tweet your current song to your TwitterTwitter reviewsTwitter reviews followers, here are 16 great Firefox music add-ons to get your groove on.
SitePoint » More than 10 “Must Have” WordPress Plugins
What makes WordPress so beautiful? The plugins developed by the many WP enthusiasts. These plugins help you transform a blog into a genuine rich-media experience by adding to your site interactive elements that appeal to your community.
mobile version of your site that is only active on mobile devices is a snap wi
20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queries
Easy Tooltip - jQuery plugin | Css Globe
By default this plugin will read the title attribute of the element and convert it into fade-in tooltip that you can style any way you want. Important note, it doesn't have to be an anchor tag. You can apply this script to any element(s) you want.
10+ Best Firefox Addons for Security and Privacy |
TabRenamizer and Page Title Eraser - Do your tabs give you away? Why not change their names with TabRenamizer or remove the names all together with Page Title Eraser? Both these addons let you play with the tab titles so that you can change them according to your will.
30 Awesome Design Enhancing jQuery Plugins | Line25
tal cual
18 WordPress Plugins for RSS Management & Tweaks
Here are 18 WordPress plugins to help you manage your blog's RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) enables site owners to automatically syndicate their content to readers in an easily digestible format. There are a number of WordPressWordPress reviewsWordPress reviews plugins to help you manage your blog’s RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Twitter Search Results on Google for Greasemonkey
Nice feature to get recent Twitter results along with usual search results in Google.
Google hack
"It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page (...) It matches the language of the Google search results (based on the 'hl' url parameter). So if you are searching Google France, it will list only french tweets, etc."
31 Wordpress Plugins To Enhance Your Blog and Life | The Daily Anchor | Marketing and Advertising Blog
From The Daily Anchor dated 23 Mar 2009
security, plugin management, antispam, more
10 Popular Web Designer Tools for Firefox | Firefox Facts
FireFox add-ons for Web Design
Thanks to Firefox and some of the great add-ons that have been developed for it, your browser is your best friend when it comes to web site design. From CSS tools, to promoting your domain, here are 10 of the most popular web designer tools for Firefox.
10 Best jQuery Plugins - March 2009 | AjaxLine
Today we present new collection of the most interesting jQuery plugins for the last month.
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML tables.
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
simple jQuery tooltip plugin
jQuery tool tip
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
e.. learning....
Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable at Learning jQuery
Most if not all of the jQuery plugins out there have some level of customization. But very few of the plugin authors have mastered the very particular art involved. Achieving the "optimum level" of customization is a bit of a balancing act… go too far either way and you've got an unusable plugin!
20+ ways to create javascript modal windows and dialog boxes | Design Label
10 Best jQuery Datepickers Plugins | AjaxLine
10 Excellent ToolTip Plugins with jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
7 jQuery Plugins to Manipulate TEXTAREAs | Steve Reynolds Blog
7 jQuery Plugins to Manipulate TEXTAREAs | Steve Reynolds Blog
Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
Save your opt-out preference permanently With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses. The plugin lets you keep your opt-out status for this browser even when you clear all cookies.
jQuery GalleryView - by Jack Anderson
OmniGrid - Advanced DataGrid based on Mootools
Grid para mootools
10 Best jQuery Menu Plugins | AjaxLine
jQuery Menu: Dropdown, iPod Drilldown, and Flyout styles with ARIA Support and ThemeRoller Ready | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print.
the iPod-style menu provides easy navigation of complex nested structures with any number of levels. The entire menu sits within a fixed-size area, and when a node is selected, by default a "Back" link appears below the menu to allow navigation to previous (parent) menus, or set options to show breadcrumb links above the menu options to both deliver feedback and allow quick access to nodes higher up in the hierarchy. A lateral iPod-style slide transition reinforces the notion that you're moving forward into more granular data, or backward into higher-level data. This menu is specifically useful in traversing deeply nested hierarchies, particularly those more than three levels deep. It also provides a more usable alternative to multi-level fly-out menus, which can present challenges to those with limited manual dexterity.
Cool Menu
Top 10 Tips for WordPress Plugin Developers
zie titel
For all WordPress plugin developers out there: here are the top 10 tips to make your job easier.
A fancy search suggestion
nicely designed autosuggest results drop down!
WordPress › Redirection « WordPress Plugins
URL-Redirecting, 404 Tracking, 301 Weiterleitungen, ... -- Scheint ein sehr mächtiges Plugin zu sein.
If you are moving from an existing website into WordPress, your URLs will probably be different. This plugin is useful for adding 301 redirects to make sure that users can end up in the right place.
Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.
TwitterAuth: For Near-Instant Twitter Apps - Intridea Development Blog
Neat gem that uses Twitter as the login authentication for your app. Interesting idea and makes it one less thing to worry about when building a secured app.
TwitterAuth is a Rails plugin that provides a full external authentication stack for Rails applications utilizing Twitter.
10 Impressive Techniques to Spice up your WordPress Theme | DevSnippets
10 Impressive Techniques to Spice up your WordPress Theme
Técnicas para darle vida las plantillas de WordPress
wordpress jquery techniques
10 Best jQuery Sliders | AjaxLine
Os 20 melhores sliders em jquery
10 Exceptional WordPress Hacks | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
25+ jQuery Plugins that enhance and beautify HTML form elements | Queness
WPML » Using WordPress to build full multilingual websites
Wordpressiin useampi kieli
Must add plugin
WPML is a WordPress plugin that can turn any WordPress or WordPressMU site into a full featured multilingual content management system.
Huge List Of Highly Extensible Photoshop Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
use asap
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development | Vandelay Design Blog
One of the great things about using WordPress as a content management system is the huge community of users and all of the resources that are available. While all plugins could be used by theme developers, the ones featured in this post have features that can be especially helpful for various aspects of theme development.
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development
Temų demonstravimo įskiepiai
A great list of plugins for people developing (or just hacking up) Wordpress themes.
11 jQuery Plugins to Enhance HTML Dropdowns | Steve Reynolds Blog
jQuery topLink Plugin
ImageSwitch | HieuUK
The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects.
10 jQuery and non-jQuery javascript Rich Text Editors | Queness
10 amazing free rich text editors that will boost your website functionality.
I hope you all love this resource. :)
20 Excellent Plugins for Safari | Webdesigner Depot
Excellent reasons to switch from Firefox. From Webdesigner Depot
Safari actually does support plugins. While the choice is nowhere near as extensive as that of Firefox, there is still a good variety of them to choose from.
These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and the list goes on. Each browser comes with its own
Kevin: Delicious plugins, bookmarking plugins and ad blockers. It's all here. A good collection of plugins for Apple's Safari browser.
Opensource - AJAX - Jqtransform - jQuery form plugin
Преобразование стилей html элементов ввода данных
Ultimate Collection Of Useful Photoshop Plug-Ins | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ultimate Collection Of Useful Photoshop Plug-Ins
Minimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
"jQuery makes our lives easier. So much so that it's tempting to use it all the time, inadvertently slowing our page load times (cue YSlow and Hammerhead). Combining, compressing, and delivering scripts at the end of your page helps in the HTTP request department. On the file size front, below are jQuery plugins that give solid bang for your performance buck."
Plugins JQuery en menos de 4k: tabs, carrusel, loader, dropdown...
5 Must-Try Tumblr Extras
"5 Must-Try Tumblr Extras" - Jennifer Van Grove [Mashable] [from]
jQuery Link Repository
As I start on my venture to really start using jQuery a lot more outside of simple form validation, I wanted to share some really great links I found lately that once again got me fired up about jQuery. This is part of my initial research into more jQuery as we’re going to be using it extensively in our new redesign for the .com I am working at so might as well dig more in now. I’ve used jQuery in the past and know its power & philosophy behind unobtrusive JavaScript and JQuery, but have not yet worked on anything extremely extensive outside aiding to help create a custom validation control in MVC using jQuery in the past. Personally (some agree, some don’t) I think the jQuery Site’s tutorials & API docs are only “fair” at this point in time, so you need a lot of links to supplement the learning process. While yes, you keep hearing that jQuery makes things “easier”, no matter what you hear, the learning curve is a still bit steep at first for even some of the best developers I’ve
colección muy extensa de recursos jquery: tutoriales, plugins, repositorios, bla bla bla...
A Crash-Course in WordPress Plugin Development - Nettuts+
Despite an extensive codex, many WordPress users remain unfamiliar with how to create their own custom plugins. In today's screencast, we'll start from scratch and build our first usable plugin. For this example, we'll write a simple "tuts formatting" function that allows a blog editor to more easily format articles.
Despite an extensive codex, many WordPress users remain unfamiliar with how to create their own custom plugins. In today's screencast, we'll start from scratch
18 Useful Plugins & Hacks To Protect Your WordPress Blog |
I rolled up the autocomplete plugin (Rein + Yehuda) of my last few posts with the Facebook style text list (Guillermo) of my autobox post. We’re calling it Autobox2: click here to see the demo. Then, download it: Updated 12/11 (see comments) Although it is missing some of the behavior of autobox1, it’s a more solid and extendable implementation. It also fixes what is in my mind the most glaring problem of autobox1, the fact that it needed the entire list in the initial ajax call. Autobox2 makes AJAX calls the same way that the autocomplete one does, makes a server call with the current contents of the input box. This is the way you would expect. I will no longer be releasing any more changes to Autobox1 and you can consider it deprecated. (I’ve noted this on the main Autobox1 post.) As to the implementation, it is based on the Rein and Yehuda’s autocomplete plugin as detailed in 2 previous posts. There were a few things borrowe
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress
Troys: One Twitter Script to Rule Them All - ReadWriteWeb
4 Over the past year, all the major tech blogs have done round-up articles of great Greasemonkey scripts to use with Twitter (including us). What this says about Twitter's ...
Un script Greasemonkey pour améliorer la page Twitter
One Twitter Script to Rule Them All
RT @cofiem: Troy's twitter script - replies! RT! settings galore! [from]
20 More Excellent AJAX Effects You Should Know - Nettuts+
Back in October we wowed you with 20 Excellent Ajax Effects You Should Know. The post went on to become one of the most popular ever published at Nettuts+. This
paintnet:psdplugin []
פאגין לפיינטנט המאפשר לפתוח קבצי פוטושופ
The Paintnet plugin doesn't replicate all of the numerous functions of the .PSD file, just the ones that relate to functionality within Paint.NET. You can work with layers, load masks, and open a variety of color modes and profiles. Because of the limited integration with the .PSD file, the plugin is best suited for pulling a .PSD file into Paint.Net and converting it to be used in your Paint.NET workflow.
FullCalendar - Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin
calendario en jquery
jquery calendar
18 jQuery scripts and tutorials to improve your portfolio | Design daily news
9 Ways to Make Your WordPress Blog “Smart” | Weblog Tools Collection
Many of you might be confused by the title and the term “smart”. To me a “smart” blog is a blog that behaves differently depending on its visitors’ behavior and characteristics. A simple example of this is a blog that displays a list of today’s most popular posts on the sidebar. The list changes based on visitors’ behavior so to this is definitely a smart blog feature. There are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that do this for you automatically (e.g. Top 10), but that is not the point. The point here is that having the ability to morph your blog per visitor activity can assist you in meeting your conversion goals (whatever they may be). A list of popular posts is quite a simple feature, so let me take you to another level by showing you more ways to make your blog smart.
10 Best jQuery Plugins for working with Tables | AjaxLine
TableSorter, Colorize, tableRowCheckboxToggle, TablePagination, JQTreeTable, jQuery table2csv, jQuery Table Display, FireScopeGrid, SearchTable, tableLib,
Check out top 10 jquery plugins for working with tables
Dr Nic’s Testing outbound emails with Cucumber
Testing emails con cucumber. Testing all fuc*** time :-)
Nice article from Dr Nic on testing outbound email using cucumber and email-spec. I've tried it and it works like a treat.
13 Beneficial Wordpress Plugins For Your Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
RT @jeremyjaymes: New Post: 13 Beneficial Wordpress Plugins For Your Design Blog (via @behoff) [from]
Below I explore and discuss the benefits of 13 Wordpress plugins that I have personally used on The Design Cubicle that will give your site an extra boost and provide a better experience for your visitors (plus some other great additions you can add).
ActiveRecord Optimization with Scrooge -
Plugin that monitors the fields you're actually using from queries you make and over time dynamically adjusts your queries to retrieve only the fields you need. Apparently includes some magic to go re-query for more fields if you attempt to use one you hadn't loaded in the trimmed query. Amazing-looking stuff, though since we're currently using a DB on the same machine, transferring lots of extra data isn't nearly as expensive.
Dynamic query optimization is a hotbed of research in the database industry. Each and every query you execute goes through a rigorous optimization phase which tries to squeeze every last bit of performance: deciding which indexes to use, the execution order and sort order to minimize the number in-memory tables, etc. However, one thing the database has no access to is the application layer knowledge of which data the user is actually using after it is retrieved. Often times, the query fetches all of the columns when only a few are required, which is exactly the pattern that Lourens Naudé is seeking to optimize with his new plugin: scrooge.
Dynamic Query Optimization
10 Essential Plugins Every Modern Wordpress Site Should Have | Freelance Folder
40 WordPress Plugins to Improve your Blog’s Performance - WPZOOM
jQuery UI Development & Planning Wiki / Essential Controls List
Which controls are provided from jQuery UI? Which controls are provided by a jQuery plugin?
Essential Controls List
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack | mobiForge
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack is a complete toolkit from dotMobi to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow users to edit the site or write new posts when out and about.
wordpress bloss fit für mobilde devices machen
jPlayer : the only CSS styleable jQuery mp3 player plugin
jPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to: * play and control mp3 files in your webpage * create and style an mp3 player using just HTML and CSS * add sound effects to your jQuery projects All of this with no visible Flash.
jPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to: * play and control mp3 files in your webpage * create and style an mp3 player using just HTML and CSS * add sound effects to your jQuery projects All of this with no visible Flash.
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
Customize Your Community Wordpress Plugin - Sugarrae
Allows you to customize the back-end of wordpress.
The 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
The 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier
10 Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers You Might Not Know Of | Lists | Tutorial Blog
Make your HTML elements stand out with jquery expose
Fade background behalve specifiek element
Make your HTML elements stand out
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts
Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress
Custom fields
6 Flexible jQuery Plugins To Control Webpage Layouts Easily
Huge List of Adobe Illustrator Plugins & Filters & Tools : Graphic Design Blog & Graphics News Blog
» Huge List of Adobe Illustrator Plugins & Filters & Tools. Blog about graphics, graphic design, web design, graphic design tutorials, tips, articles, photoshop, images, filters, plugins, and other graphics tools.
Hg-Git Mercurial Plugin
ability to push to and pull from a Git server repository from Hg
[extensions] hgext.bookmarks = hgext.hg-git = [path-to]/hg-git
5 Speedy Tips For Faster Browsing In Firefox |
If you've ever used Firefox you'll appreciate the fact that it's incredibly easy to use and intuitive right out of the box.  This is perhaps one of the key
From Make Use Of: Here are 5 excellent tips to make browsing even smoother and faster on Firefox.
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
10 Wordpress Plugins Guaranteed to Save You Time
MooTools based FileManager / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
filemanager FTP attraverso il browser
40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins | Noupe
Some very handy Wordpress plugin's in here and certainly something that I will be taking a closer look at.
Great list of plugins
45+ Beautiful Light Abstract Photoshop Brush Sets | Creative Nerds
PhotoShop brush strokes
Samuel Garneau dot com - jQuery : Slide Panel
The Ultimate Drupal Toolbox: 150+ Themes, Modules & Resources | Noupe
Drupal is one of the most popular CMSs out there, and it's no surprise considering how extensible it is. You can customize almost every aspect of it through the
Drupal is one of the most popular CMSs out there, and it’s no surprise considering how extensible it is. You can customize almost every aspect of it through the use of themes, plugins, and a little custom coding. Below are more than 150 resources to help you do just that, from themes to plugins to examples of sites running on Drupal.
A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess « Position Absolute
e solution that works with every form. Figuring out how to display errors is not a simple task. This is something I tried to remedy with this script. When an error needs to be displayed, the script creates a div and positions it in the top right corner of the input. This way you don’t have to worry about your HTML form structure. The rounded corner and shadow are done with CSS3 and degrade well in non compliant browsers. There is no images needed. When you submit a form, it will look for inp
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design -
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
jqPlot is a plotting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line and bar charts with many features including: * Numerous chart style options. * Date axes with customizable formatting. * Rotated axis text. * Automatic trend line computation. * Tooltips and data point highlighting. * Sensible defaults for ease of use. jqPlot is an open source project by Chris Leonello
Gráficos diversos com jQuery [EXCELENTE]
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
may be relevant to my interests...
jquery library for charts
jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
really good looking UI stuff for jquery
"jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for today's websites. This single JavaScript file weighs only 5.8 Kb"
10 Wordpress Plugins That Will Increase Your Search Engine Ranking
13 Simply Useful Wordpress Plugins That Can Make Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
This is another post about useful wordpress plugins. There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence. But it’s totally up to you that how you can make your wordpress blog more strong and powerful using different plugins to give your blog readers an amazing and wonderful experience.
5 Useful WordPress Functions You Didn’t Know Existed — Nathan Rice
15 jQuery Plugins to enhance your HTML form elements
Paul Irish » jQuery idleTimer plugin
There are a few cases where you want to know if the user is idle. Namely: * You want to preload more assets * You want to grab their attention to pull them back * You want close their banking session after 5 minutes of inactivity. (Jerk!) * You want the site to sneak off the screen and see if they notice ;-)
jQuery idleTimer plugin
Wpazo | The Best WordPress Stuff
Nice link aggregator!
The Best WordPress Stuff.
Web site wpazo, a collection of Wordpress resources (yeah, I've been sitting on a backlog of Wordpress links recently).
Introducing MooTools ScrollSpy
MooTools ScrollSpy
I’ve been excited to release this plugin for a long time. MooTools ScrollSpy is a unique but simple MooTools plugin that listens to page scrolling and fires events based on where the user has scrolled to in the page. Now you can fire specific functionality with just a few simple parameters.
ลูกเล่น เจ๋งๆ
Plugin per MooTools che intercetta lo scrolling della pagina ed è in grado di attivare specifici eventi in base alla posizione in cui si trova l’utente nell’operazione di scorrimento.
JQuery: Die 22 besten Modal - Fenster Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
13 Must-Have Add-ons To Strengthen Firebug
Designstuff, Extensions, Plugins
Pixelmatrix Design – Announcing Uniform
A plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
Custom browser form controls with jQuery. Nice.
As a UI designer, I have to deal with form controls quite a bit. I hate how I can’t make selects, checkboxes, and radio buttons look consistent in all the browsers, so I wrote a plugin to solve just that. Introducing Uniform, a plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
jQuery plugin that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
A mouse gesture library written soley in javascript with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you.
jQuery Splitter Plugin
divs con anchura y altura variables
Updated jquery splitter jquery 1.3
A resizable splitter plugin for jQuery.
Splitter en jQuery horizontal, vertical sur plusieurs panneaux ou colonnes
10 Easy ways to fix common WordPress headaches | theWPresser
SWFUpload jQuery Plugin : Adam Royle
A jQuery plugin for SWFUpload
When I first stumbled across SWFUpload about two years ago I was impressed by how easy it was to implement. However, their example code has always bugged me as being rather crap, having to assign a separate global event handler for each event, and the lack of multiple handlers for a single event.
Top 10 WordPress Plugins to Promote Your Social Media Profiles
10 Things You can Do with WordPress Besides Blogging — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks
Today you’re going to learn 10 things you can do with WordPress besides blogging, and whether you’re a WordPress newbie or longtime veteran - I guarantee that you will learn something after reading this post!
Great article. See the title for a good description
7. Start a Discussion Forum A discussion forum is probably one of the greatest sources of content you could ever ask for! It’s the epitomy of give and take online, usually people asking for help, and experts answering questions to give their expertise (and signature links) greater exposure. There are countless hacks and plugins for integrating a “stand-alone” forum or bulletin boards into WordPress, but most people I’ve talked to don’t know that you can can actually create an entire forum inside WordPress itself!
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging - WordPress themes, plugins and blogging resources
30+ Useful Ajax Lightbox and Modal Dialog Solutions | Dottony
Modal dialog, windows or a popular term lightbox is an unobtrusive ajax solution for displaying the content inside the page itself, it overcome the constraint
Ad Management Plug-Ins And Tutorials For Your Website | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ad Management plugins
Almost everyone out there who runs a website has toyed with the idea of selling ads on their website. So many options are available. Dozens of ad and affiliate networks exist, and you have different ad formats to consider. Should you sell text ads or banner ads? Should you allow Flash ads? What about ads with sound, pop-ups or floating ads? People have so many decisions to make that they often just end up slapping on some AdSense code and calling it a day. And that’s fine.
Ways and Links to improve the Typography of your Wordpress site | theWPresser
A few plugins that are supposed to make implementing different fonts on your #wordpress blog easier...
35 Absolutely Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Designers And Developers
10 Really Interesting jQuery Plugins | Queness
I handpicked these plugins from jQuery website. I found them really cool and some of them simply a good stuff to enhance website frontend user interface, usability and capability. Awesome plugins I must say.
Author: kevin | Source: queness | Date: 23 Jun 2009 javascript, usability
10+ useful jQuery Plugins for web development | Queness
10 nützliche JQuery-Plugins für z.B. Formulare und/oder Farbauswahl
Viele nützliche jQuery Plugins
Jquery pluginy
31 Useful Twitter Plugins For Wordpress To Choose From | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Wordpress Plugin Templates « Fire Studios
s have become my new addiction in the WP environment, thus I've noticed that I'm using the same few beginning steps every time. This led me to create a template file so that I just open, edit, and continue on my merry way of coding my plugin. I'm posting these templates for free use no matter what you're working on. I'll even be a nice guy and let you repost them as your own.
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design -
Some great ideas for plugins here.
Wordpress 2.8 And 10 Things That You Should Know Before/After You Upgrade
There are a lot of exciting new features in Wordpress 2.8. Here, we list down 10 things that you should know before and after you upgrade, and also some tips for the theme/plugin developer.
7 MooTools Plugins You Should Use on Every Website
15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites
List of Really Useful Plugins For jQuery Developers | W3Avenue
Five jQuery Galleries And Slideshows
What’s a web site without an image gallery these days? Galleries are used for products and portfolios and they have been getting sleeker, faster and lighter over time. jQuery plugins are available for almost every function you can think of, everything from widgets to animation effects. As a designer, there are many functions I’d like to add to a web site, however I don’t have the technical prowess to program or put it together, but I do know enough to slot some jQuery onto the page. Thankfully there are many developers out there who generously share their work and there are indeed some fabulous galleries and slideshows available as plugins. Here are five sleek offerings which are available for free and are easy to implement on your site.
22 Extremely Useful Tools for Web Designers and Developers | Queness
22 free tools for web design
QuickFlip jQuery Plugin | Jon Raasch’s Blog
Plugin em JQuery que gira uma layer com conteúdo "dos dois lados"
QuickFlip is a jQuery plugin I wrote that uses a CSS trick to cause a div, paragraph or any other piece of HTML markup to flip like a card. With a result similar to the UI animation on the iPhone, this jQuery plugin is easily integrated into your webpage to make any portion appear to flip and show its back.
# k Says: November 21st, 2008 at 9:24 am great plugin, it really provides interactive touch # bronius Says: December 4th, 2008 at 9:40 pm Yes, very slick– thanks for sharing it! note to the wayward developer: - do provide a height/width in css for your panels– without it, it swaps but doesn’t smoothly flip - front and back should be of the same size - clip your content with overflow: hidden if you’re unable to reliably stuff your content into a certain size.
15 jQuery Plugins For A Better Photo Gallery And Slideshow
Photo Gallery And Slideshow
Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the best way to showcase your images/photos to your readers. There are a lot of different methods to create them and today we are going to look into different jQuery plugins that can be used to create a better photo gallery.
33 Promising Web Development And Social Network Firefox 3.5 Plugins | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Blend, a jQuery plugin effect for CSS backgrounds
Cool rollover / hover effect
Blend Images on hover for CSS Backgrounds
jQuery plugin effect for CSS backgrounds
John Resig - Easy Retweet Button
Ever since I saw the JavaScript API I've been wanting to build a simple script for tracking the number of people visiting a blog post from Twitter. This past weekend I built a little script for doing just that - and in a completely unobtrusive manner. The script itself is completely standalone (no dependencies) and can be included in any page relatively painlessly. Additionally, since it's just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it's completely themeable and customizable to the style of your site.
Starter | Jumpstart Your jQuery Plugin Development
Jumpstart Your jQuery Plugin
boedesign – ottawa based web dabbler » Blog Archive » Gritter for jQuery (Growl)
I’ve been hunting for a good jQuery Growl look-a-like plugin for some time, but I just can’t seem to find one that looks the exact same as the one for Mac OS, so like most web dabblers would do, I decided to roll my own. For those who don’t know what Growl is, it’s basically a notification bubble/popup that appears in the top right of your desktop – examples can be found here. Think of it as calling the alert() function in JavaScript, only it’s not a modal, it’s subtle and it doesn’t look like dog shit.
nice little info bubble controlled by jquery
very cool and the kind of things I have been looking for
tutorial about growl similar function to web pages
MeeNews :: A newsletter plugin for wordpress
Çok beğendim, deneyebilirim
WordPress Newsletter Plugin: - Completely Customizable, with the coolest design. - Add yours email lists or a subscribers list. - Without programming knowledge. - Clean and user friendly interface. - Compatible with WordPress 2.7 or greater. - Perfect for great looking e-mails.
Create a Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal Sliding Content Website with jQuery | Queness
Create a content sliding website that slide vertically, horizontally or diagonally. This is one of the famous techniques used by most of the porfolio websites.
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins | Queness
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins
5 Useful And Creative Ways To Use WordPress Widgets | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
If you've been reading some of the previous WordPress-related articles here on Smashing Magazine, you'll know that WordPress is much more than a blogging platform.
10 Interesting lightweight jQuery plugins for web developers
vTip | Vertigo Project
vTip is designed to quickly provide very lightweight (706b js, 272b CSS, 270b image) tooltips to users of jQuery. The zip includes everything you need (including an example page), as well as jQuery for the examples to work.
para usar con javasctipt y jquery
vTip is designed to quickly provide very lightweight (706b js, 272b CSS, 270b image) tooltips to users of jQuery. The zip includes everything you need (including an example page), as well as jQuery for the examples to work. Using the jQuery framwork any element with a class of vtip will have it’s title attribute turned into a sleek, customizable tooltip without the klunk and loading time of a large tooltip script. Version 2 introduces a minified version meaning the entire script is now 44% smaller.
tool tips
15+ Useful Firefox SEO Tools For Serious Bloggers And Web Designers
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is the process of structuring your web page so that search engines can reach, read and index your page in a higher ranking and finally bring more organic traffic to you. So, who should perform SEO for our websites, the web designers or the bloggers? Obviously, SEO should be done by web designers as well as the bloggers. Why i said so? Web designers should design the page structure so that the page can easily be read and indexed by search engine while the bloggers should make sure the articles contain keywords that can really generate traffic.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is the process of structuring your web page so that search engines can reach, read and index your page in a higher ranking and finally bring more organic traffic to you.
101 Killer Wordpress Plugins to Meet Anyone’s Needs - Webitect
Sommario di plugin importanti in ambiente WP
Wordpress is easily the best and most robust blogging platform available today. Part of the reason for the success and “staple” status of Wordpress is due to the availability of thousands of plugins that can take your blogging experience from novice to pro overnight.
The Autopsy Of WordPress As CMS With 25 Great WP Plugins & Designs | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
good tips on wordpress
WordPress clearly need no introduction for web devotees like us. Starting out from just a humble blogging platform in 2003, it had grow exponentially into a popular platform not only being used extensively by bloggers but designers and developers too. WordPress have since then become the rice bowl for many Netizens. Whether it’s through blogging, designing WordPress templates, converting PSD to WordPress style XHTML or creating corporate sites, no one could argue that it’s indeed one of the most important platform on the web today.
Ready for use: CSS3 Template Layout | Fyrdility
I’m happy to announce the latest project I’ve been working on: A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module. For those of you unfamiliar with this specification, it provides a relatively easy way to make a table-like layout using CSS. Until recently it was known as the “CSS Advanced Layout Module”. The spec is still a “working draft”, so it can still change significantly. But while that status hasn’t stopped browsers from implementing other CSS3 modules, so far none have tried implementing this one. Inspired by Eric Meyer’s Call for a layout system as well as his suggestion that many CSS features can be made to work using JavaScript, I went to work. Why wait for browsers to implement something when we can have JavaScript take care of it today? The advantages to using this system include: * Source independence, so there’s lots of possibilities with the same markup * All the benefits of a table-like design without the drawbacks * Instant overvie
CSS3 Template Layout
A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module.
10 Image and Gallery Lightbox Solutions for Wordpress - Plugins : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Image and Gallery Lightbox Solutions for Wordpress
some lightbox plug-ins for WordPress
Catch My Fame » Blog Archive » jQuery Before/After Plugin
Pretty nifty before/after image slider in javascript
About a month ago I was reading the New York Times online and they had an article which showed a road in Brooklyn that had been reconstructed to make it safer and more pleasing to the eye. To show the difference in the reconstruction project, they showed a before and after picture using Flash that let the visitor drag a slider over the images, which were sandwiched with one on top of the other, so that you could easily see how dramatic the changes were. I immediately thought that this could be done in JavaScript using jQuery, so I set out to do it.
25 Fresh and New jQuery Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
25 Fresh and New jQuery Plugins and Tutorials
QuickFlip 2: The jQuery Flipping Plugin Made Faster and Simpler | Jon Raasch's Blog
The jQuery Flipping Plugin Made Faster and Simpler
Top Twitter WordPress Plugin Roundup | Chicago Web Design
15 Plugins to Unleash the Invincible Power of jQuery and Wordpress
Impress Your Friends With These 20 jQuery Tutorials | Spyre Studios
60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox | tripwire magazine
Más de 60 utilidades jquery.
60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
10 great jQuery Form plugins
View 10 of my favorite jQuery plugins which i mostly use with web forms. These can enhance the functionality and look of web form elements.
jQuery is one of my favorite javascript client library. We can do more with writing minimal code. Nearly in every project I need to style up web forms or create rules for validation on form elements. Without jQuery it was very harder and longer way to do by writing a lot of lines of code. jQuery solve this as there are many useful form plugins I can use and enhance my web forms easily. Some of those plugins are reviewed as below.
AirBlog — A Paper Trail For Your Models
PaperTrail lets you track changes to your Rails app’s models’ data. It’s good for auditing or versioning. You can see how a model looked at any stage in its lifecycle and even undelete it after it’s been destroyed.
acts_as_versioned simply_audited
15 New jQuery Plugins To Help You Conquer The Web | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
OK, so these plugins may not help you actually conquer.....well, anything really but they'll certainly make your website look and work great!
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level | Web Designer Online
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to help distinguish your website from the rest! Use these stunning functions to add some spice to your site.
Anything Zoomer | Calendar
Chris Coyier's Anything Zoomer
JQuery Zoom Plugin
15 Essential Wordpress Plugins for Aspiring Designers
You're not going to be able to create a professional WordPress blog with great work and creativity alone, you're also going to need some rather nifty plugins.
25+ Create Amazing Image Effects with Some of the Best jQuery Plugins Available | tripwire magazine
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and, Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used Ja
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and, Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like Wordpress and Drupal.The community is providing a huge amount of free plugins making it possible to find good solutions to nearny any need you may have. This article will introduce you to more than 25 jQuery plugins providing enhancements to how you can display images on your web pages. This is essential for creating dynamic state of the art web solutions. Lets get started!
Amazing Image Effects with jQuery
Ultimate Ecommerce Starter Kits for Wordpress Users
Today, we are going to look into various themes, plugins and tutorials to build your own Wordpress Ecommerce website.
Ultimate Ecommerce Starter Kits for Wordpress Users -
AnythingZoomer jQuery Plugin | CSS-Tricks
You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it. I’m not going to tell you what you should use it for or elaborate use-case scenarios. Your own creativity can help you there.
A rather nice looking zoom tool using jQuery and CSS.
Clever little jQuery plugin for magnifying images and text
You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it.
15 Resources for Setting Up an E-Commerce Site with WordPress
Set up a shop with a shopping cart with wordpress
16 Impressive Flash-Like Javascript Animation Inspirations, Tutorials and Plugins | Queness
Create impressive animation with javascript, I have gathred a collection of websites that uses flash-like animation and also tutorials, plugins and frameworks that will definitely blow you away.
Round Corners jQuery Plugin
jQuery UI Selectmenu: An ARIA-Accessible Plugin for Styling a Custom HTML Select Element | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print.
Expand table rows with jQuery - jExpand plugin
jExpand is ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that will make your tables expandable. Typical for line of business applications, this feature can help you organize tables better. This way, tables can hold more information such as images, lists, diagrams and other elements.
A-Z of Free Photoshop Plugins and Filters | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
he Photoshop community is choc-full of many free resources, tutorials, tips and techniques, .psd files and even Actions. There is one area that it sadly lacks in, and that is free plugins and filters.
The Photoshop community is choc-full of many free resources, tutorials, tips and techniques, .psd files and even Actions. There is one area that it sadly
horinaja for scriptaculous or jQuery
horinaja for scriptaculous or jQuery
"Horinaja is a slide-show ready-to-use for scriptaculous/prototype or jQuery. Horinaja is innovant because he use your mouse wheel for a best navigation." Very cool.
jquery week-calendar | redredred
pretty amazing
The jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar in your application. It is built on top of jquery and jquery ui and is inspired by other online weekly calendars such as google calendar
Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part IV: snipmate.vim - good coders code, great reuse, or, or want surround.vim:
In-Field Labels: A Better Way + jQuery Plugin | Fuel Your Coding
Last week I was dealing with a unique problem. I needed to set focus to a username field, but the field had an in-field label. The script was set to clear out
25 jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Tutorials and Plugins | Vandelay Design Blog
25 jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Tutorials and Plugins
jQuery image galleries and sliders are very common on portfolio sites and are also useful for any other type of site for displaying images and photos. Fortunately, adding a jQuery gallery does not have to be difficult, even if you don’t have much experience with JavaScript and jQuery. In this post we’ll see tutorials and plugins that can provide you with the resources that you need to get a gallery of slider on your site.
galerias de imagenes con jQuery
* o and build a [...] o
JoobsBox is the most flexible framework for job boards, allowing community expand it to unlimited needs.
Plateforme web open source d'offres d'emploi développée en PHP avec le framework Zend.
jQuery plugins that a programmer need everybody | PHP tutorials and Scripts Collection
20 New examples of advanced jQuery UI's in action. |
Giva Labs - Linkselect jQuery Plug-in | Giva
Giva Labs - Linkselect jQuery Plug-in | Giva
19 Essential WordPress Plugins That Every Professional Website Should Use | CHROMATIC
Whether you own a professional WordPress website or build them for other people, here is the definitive list of must-have, free WordPress plugins for professional WordPress websites.
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know About
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know About
10 Most Downloaded Wordpress Plugins of All Time | Best Design Options
plugins most popular
Best Design Options
Speeding up Google Analytics load times with a jQuery plugin | Geekology
To keep the Google Analytics code from interfering with page rendering you can use jQuery to load and execute the ga.js file. The ‘jquery.geekga.js
Speeding up Google Analytics
jQueryでワンランクアップするWordpressのプラグイン・チュートリアルいろいろ | DesignWalker
30+ New Useful WordPress Tricks & Hacks | Wordpress
As an experienced WordPress user, we keep ourselves updated with the development of the core, plugin releases and useful WordPress tips and tricks shared by
cool info and wordpress plugins
WordPress › Short URL Plugin « WordPress Plugins
"allows you to create shorter URL's and keeps track of how many times a link has been clicked. It's useful for managing downloads, keeping track of outbound links and for masking URL's. Clicking the Clear All Clicks button will reset the count for each entry. Visit the plugin page for more information about this plugin."
Short URL allows you to create shorter URL's and keeps track of how many times a link has been clicked. It's useful for managing downloads, keeping track of outbound links and for masking URL's. Clicking the Clear All Clicks button will reset the count for each entry. Version 2.7.1 includes pagination of links, easier setup of htaccess (permalinks) and allows admins to pass variables to their redirects. It also allows customisation of the permalink so you're no longer limited to /u/23.
"Short URL allows you to create shorter URL's and keeps track of how many times a link has been clicked. It's useful for managing downloads, keeping track of outbound links and for masking URL's"
12 jquery tooltip for web developer
12 jquery tooltip for web developer
10 Safari plugins that could make you drop Firefox
10 plugins safari
6 jQuery growl-like notification systems |
Ultimate list of 17 really useful WordPress plugins
resources for web blogs etc
PHP Team: 10 jQuery Datagrid Plugins
AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin | CSS-Tricks
Posted from: CSS-Tricks
Just what the world needs, another jQuery slider. YAWN. I know, check this one out though, it's got lots of cool features. Here on CSS-Tricks, I've created a
50+ Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes and Plugins | tripwire magazine
22 Beautiful jQuery Plugins for Web Designers | Tutorial9
This collection of jQuery plugins might come in handy next time you’re building a site. This post highlights some of the more aesthetic plugins online that can add a spark of creativity into your web design.
This collection of jQuery plugins might come in handy next time you're building a site. This post highlights some of the more aesthetic plugins online that can add a spark of creativity into your web design.
Kyle Pott » Make Your Wordpress Blog Mobile Compliant in One Step
Great wordpress blog tip for mobile compatability!
Mobile phones (especially those with web browsing capabilities) are becoming very pervasive. The percentage of visitors reading your blog from a mobile phone is probably growing exponentially. The best part about the technique I’m going to show you is that it is not going to cost you anything to display a mobile version of your blog.
You may have noticed that this blog now has a mobile version for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You may also have noticed that there is a second mobile format for all other smart phones, too. Thanks to the ease-of-use of Wordpress, you can make your blog mobile compliant in about five minutes and without writing one line of code.
Top 35 Plugins of Wordpress to Share Your Blog Post | Tools |
When ever you write something on your blog you always want to share it with others, even your blog readers want the same (if they like it off course) . To do
27 Firefox Addons For Power Blogging - slodive
These plug-ins are for the blogger who knows exactly what he or she needs to get the job done quick and efficiently. Helping to automate certain tasks is a must when deadlines are looming and with these Firefox add ons you will do just that. This list also serves as a great way for casual bloggers to find new techniques that may turn one into a power blogger.
RequestPolicy Font Finder FireFTP FireShot Dummy Lipsum
13 Essential Wordpress related Firefox Extensions (make blogging easy) : Speckyboy Design Magazine
This extension can be used to install plugins or themes on your WordPress blog with a single click. It adds a new entry to the popup context menu for links to .zip files, clicking it installs the plugin or theme file on the Wordpress blog you have configured in the addons settings (the type – plugin/theme – is determined automatically).
Plugins That Make Wordpress Into A Company Intranet |
Wordpress has become a great platform for a wide range of website needs. Originally designed for blogging it is now a common package for full fledged content management systems and even complete web based applications
utiliser wordpress pour intranet/boite
Wordpress has become a great platform for a wide range of website needs. Originally designed for blogging it is now a common package for full fledged content management systems and even complete web based applications.
Tweetable - a jQuery plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Tweetable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to display your twitter feed on your site quickly and easily. More than just displaying the feeds you can highlight @replys as well as links being dynamically generated for ease of use.
Display your twitter feed on your site with a jQuery plugin.
Para mostrar los twits en tu site con jQuery
show twitter feed with jquery
20 Most Commonly Used Plugins on Wordpress Blogs
9 WordPress Hacks to Encourage User Interactivity | Vandelay Design Blog
"nofollow" href="<?php echo urlencode("Currently reading: "); ?><?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="Share this article with your Twitter follower
more WP
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
Multi-Author Blogs are a popular trend that is spreading rapidly in the blogging industry. It is getting hard to keep up with the fresh content for one man bloggers therefore more and more blogs are now seeking for guest authors, co-authors, and multi-authors. This is not only a great way to expand your blog’s content, but it is a great way to attract different type of audiences. While it is a great way to produce fresh content, Managing a Multi-Author blog is no easy task. You have to make sure that the authors post on time, they have the appropriate permissions and control, and so much more. Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
Pretty checkboxes with jQuery | Aaron Weyenberg
I was working on a project recently where form checkboxes were required, but the standard UI would not do. I needed something a little more engaging. So in this short tut, I’ll show how to turn this…
20 jQuery Plugins and Tutorials to Enhance Forms : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Display Thumbnails For Related Posts in Wordpress | Build Internet!
Brilliant tip Zach! I had actually just implemented something very similar on my soon-to-be-launched redesign when I came across this post. I also added a bit of jQuery so that I could have a conventional list of related posts with one image showing next to the list, and then on mouseover the image changes depending on the link being hovered.
Yet Another Related Post
Articles similaires sous forme d'image
CMS your WordPress with these 10 plugins
Must have extensions for using WordPress as a CMS
There are 2 ways to make WordPress into a better CMS. The first way involves a lot more time spent building your theme and ultimately a lot more cost. The second way uses third party plugins to extend your CMS’ functionality.
9 Most Useful jQuery Plugins.
9lessons is a popular programming blog maintained by from Srinivas Tamada. Topics focus on programming, tutorials, jquery, ajax, php, mysql, javascript, jsp, database, java and resources 9 lessons.
Kwicks for jQuery and an awesome horizontal animated menu | AEXT.NET
jQuery Horizontal Menu
jQuery 橫向動態導航選單
95+ Exceptionally Useful jQuery Plugins, Tutorials and Cheat Sheets | tripwire magazine
95+ Exceptionally Useful jQuery Plugins, Tutorials and Cheat Sheets [from]
If you’re serious about creating state of the art dynamic web solutions using jQuery this is the right place for you! Fortunately for all of us highly skilled developers have dedicated their precious time and passion to create open source frameworks that encapsulate most of the browser related difficulties and in many ways these make difficult parts of client side scripting fun and it is not a nightmare any more. This article will briefly introduce you to the Javascript framework jQuery and then provide excellent examples of the low hanging fruits waiting for you if you’re starting to use jQuery. jQuery is just one of several frameworks that all have powerful features. Why focus on Javascript frameworks anyway? Because they provide NEED TO HAVE functionality out of the box that can be accessed so easily you wont believe it. Trust me the effects you’re going to roll out soon will impress your co-workers, friends and most important your customers
7 Very Simple Tips and Tricks for getting More out of WordPress - Inspect Element
21 Simple and Useful jQuery Tutorials You Might Have Missed | Queness
20 jQuery Plugins/Techniques For Web Designers And Developers - Codefusion Lab
12 Flash-like jQuery Effects | Dev Words
One of the brilliant things about jQuery is the ease in which you can implement animations. A few years ago anything that looked even the smallest bit
Top 160 Wordpress Plugin
Top 160 Wordpress Plugin
31 Refreshing Jquery Techniques/Plugins - Codefusion Lab
15 Great jQuery Plugins For Better Table Manipulation
40 Super-Neat JavaScript Plugins - Nettuts+
Custom Checkboxes Images Lightbox Youíre probably very familiar with Lightbox. If not, this is used to display overlay images on the current page.
10 incredible JQuery navigation menus
10 incredible JQuery navigation menus
30+ Fresh & Amazing jQuery Plugins & Tutorials
Here are 30+ fresh and amazing jQuery plugins and tutorials which i have hand-picked from jQuery articles or plugins published in last 30 days on the interwebs. If you are looking for latest on jQuery, then this is a must read for you.
35 Stylish And Modern Wordpress Plugins Using jQuery UI | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Excellent wordpress plugins harnessing the power of jQuery!
wordpress jquery
20 Fresh jQuery Plugins to Enhance your User Interface
jQuery UI Multiselect
jQuery UI Multiselect -
Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget It depends on jQuery 1.3 and jQuery UI 1.7. The widget is styleable using Themeroller. It works in an unobtrusive fashion, by just turning html multiple select inputs into a sexier equivalent. There's no extra markup needed. For installation instructions please have a look at the corresponding blogpost Source code is available at Github In case you are looking for the original version, it has been moved here Bleeding Edge Demo is always available here (thanks to Github Pages)
Converts html multiple select inputs into slicker interfaces. It makes searching within the options possible which is very functional for large lists & selected items can be re-ordered by drag’n drops.
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness -
Best jQuery Plugins - August 2009 | AjaxLine
Best jQuery Plugins
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Best jQuery Plugins - August 2009
15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins You Need
I regularly receive questions about the plugins that I use on the Wordpress installation here at Site Sketch 101.
How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress « Smashing Magazine
Facebook is one of those Web phenomena that impress everyone with numbers. To cite some: about 250 million users are on Facebook, and together they spend more than 5 billion minutes on Facebook… every day. These numbers suggest that we should start thinking about how to use Facebook for blogging or vice versa.
How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress
emplates. You can change the language manu
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images [from]
**flickr annotation plugin
In a recent post, I wrote about jQuery plugins that let you easily add a stylish galleries and slideshows to your site. Today, we have six plugins that let you add some cool functionality and interesting effects to images. As a designer, I found plugins like this to be so useful because I would never be able to write or develop functionality like this myself. So thank you generous developer community for sharing all this great work. And now on to the plugins… jParallax jParallax turns a selected element into a ‘window.’ Through this window you can see a number of absolutely positioned layers. The layers move in response to the mouse, giving a parallax effect. The parallax effect was utilized on the popular Silverback application website last year. To download the plugin and see working demos, visit the plugin website.
facybox 1.0
facebook like divs and images
doesn't do prev/next however
FamSpam's facebox is great, but the visual is too facebookish (well that's the way they wanted it). Fancybox is great, but programmatically dealing with it is hard (you have to create an element on the fly and trigger a click on it). So, instead of using one or another, a mashup was created. Basically is a facebox with fancybox look.
Dynamic Drive DHTML scripts- jQuery Scroll to Top Control
DatePicker - jQuery plugin
Calendario tanto ate para combobox
Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- jQuery Image Magnify
Site Logo Script- Click here for a DHTML script that creates a static logo image, positioned in the lower right corner of the browser.
aumentar imagens, efeito javascrip
jQuery Image Magnify enables any image on the page to be magnified by a desired factor when clicked on, via a sleek zoom in/out effect. The enlarged image is centered on the user's screen until dismissed.
CSS Library
kinda like just enlarges once you click on it without the load image and next/previous/close buttons
Turn your jQuery code into a richer, unit testable, plugin —
It took me a little while before I gave jquery plugins a go, thinking it will be complex and I won’t have time. But, it turns out to be really simple, elegant and useful for both simple and complicated scenarios.
Ótimo tutorial que mostra desde a criação de um simples plugin à criação de testes unitários
Might use fireunit instead of QUnit
zen-coding - Project Hosting on Google Code
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins for TextMate and NetBeans. They are using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
textmate plugins for zen coding
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers
Event calendars and date pickers are really useful plugins for web applications. Wordpress does have a date picker, which allow bloggers to schedule the article. I am a big fan of jQuery, so i always use jQuery Calendar plugins to accomplish my tasks when the clients asked me to implement an event caldendar for them. In this article, i would like to share 9 really useful jQuery Event Calendar and Date Picker plugins that every web designers and developers should know.
9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers
Wordpressに入れておくべき、基本的なプラグイン「これは入れておかないと損するよ」という、実用性重視のプラグインの紹介。 セキュリティ対策【Akismet】スパムコメントを、除外する。元から入っているプラグインなので、有効化すべし。 API キーが必要なので、面倒くさがらず、画面の指示に従い登録しましょう。ちなみに、他にwordpressのサイトを立ち上げた場合でも、再び、同じキーが使えますよ。 【Secure Wor...
Google Has A Solution For Internet Explorer: Turn It Into Chrome
"Yes, it’s both hilarious and awesome (or hilariously awesome, if you will) that Google seems to dislike IE so much that it has spent its own time improving it."
Woah! IE6 Hacks be gone? RT @mike9r: New IE plugin from Google plugin puts Chrome's rendering engine INTO IE [from]
ll difference is pretty small since Chrome is designed to give resources back to y
People hate IE6; they've made that abundantly clear on the web. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still stuck using it for reasons such ...
30 Best jQuery Photo Plugins - Sliders, Slideshow, Galleries
Best jQuery Tutorials for June 2009 | AjaxLine
20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and Tricks : Speckyboy Design Magazine
20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and Tricks
15 Attractive Javascript Carousel Plugins | Queness
37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins | Listelog
Wordpress Web Optimization: 15 Tips And Plugins To Monitor, Speed Up And Optimize Your Wordpress Blog
Optimize and monitor your Wordpress blog is necessary so that you can reduce the load time, bandwidth and server usage. This article discuss 15 tips and plugins to preform Wordpress web optimization.
unnecessary plugins can also remove the unwanted hooks. Hooks are provided by Wordpress to allow the plugi
20 Fantastic Latest jQuery Plugins
20 Fantastic Latest jQuery Plugins
33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment Section | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
I went further and found 33 Wordpress plugins, which can be used effectively to power up and evolve comment form possibilities and security.
25 Useful jQuery Tooltip Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Vários Tools Tips (Balões do mal)
jquery tooltips 25 jquery tooltips
100++ jQuery Tutorial and Plugin Collections on September | Queness
100++ jQuery Tutorial and Plugin Collections on September | Queness -
Embeddable Waves: The Google Wave WordPress Plugin
One of the more intriguing aspects of Google Wave – the much anticipated communication and collaboration platform that debuts later this month – is the fact that Waves can be embedded anywhere on the Web. Waves, in case you’re not familiar, are essentially individual threaded conversations that take place within Google Wave. So, when we’re talking about an embeddable Wave, it means a conversation that can be placed on other websites, with the same functionality as it would have within Wave itself. Since some developers already have access to Google Wave, we’re now able to show you what this functionality looks like – and how you may be seeing it in the future – via a WordPress plugin that has already been built for easily embedding Waves in blog posts.
List of Really Useful Plugins and Resources For MooTools | W3Avenue
also has links to other mootools sites
QueryLoader – preload your website in style - Gaya Design
Web site que oferece o arquivo para download e a página para visualização de um preloader feito em JQuery !
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: Loading page or have an animated image that spins. Why can't there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I've gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: “Loading page” or have an animated image that spins. Why can’t there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I’ve gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.
13 Great Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Admin Area | Pro Blog Design
13 plugins pour gonfler votre administration Wordpress
50+ jQuery Plugins for Form Enhancements | tripwire magazine
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submit the information you’re trying to collect. In this article I have collected a number of really essential jQuery Form Enhancements. A few cheat sheets have been added as well.
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submi
Relevance Blog : 10 Must-Have Rails Plugins and Gems (2009 Edition)
Juice - The intelligent add-on for Firefox
Juice is a free browser plugin that delivers rich, contextually relevant content to a sidebar area of your browser.
Great for sorting through mass of content for what you're actually looking for
Seems like Zemanta, but operates like Head Up (I think).
10 Essential Wordpress Plugins For New Wordpress Installation
* CSS * Ecommerce * Insipiration * Javascript * PHP * Resources * SEO * Templates * Tools * Tutorial * Typography * Wordpress
WP DB Backup
30 Wordpress Plugins To Help You Improve Your Sidebar | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
WP Carousel
10+ WordPress plugins for developers
In the Woods – 20 jQuery Plugins Worth Implementing into your Themes
8 of the Best Social Media Extensions for Joomla
rs you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable
Social Media Extensions Recommendations
Joomla (Joomla)! is a CMS powerhouse, but the core does not include any social media integration other than RSS feeds. With a free download and easy installation, any Joomla! administrator can quickly integrate with popular social media applications. In addition to driving traffic to your site, integrating your Joomla! site with social media applications shows your readers you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable (or you think it is) and it’s worth sharing. Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience – Mac.AppStorm
35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience [from]
Safari Addons
HOW TO: Integrate Facebook With Your Blog
facebook integration
Themes and Plugins For Extreme WordPress Functionality | W3Avenue
把WordPress变成论坛, wiki等
8 ways to make Wordpress easier to use for your clients
If you use Wordpress as a CMS for your clients’ websites, you’ve probably faced that issue: regular people find Wordpress hard to use. Yes, it is quite user-friendly, but apparently not enough for people who double-click on links when browsing or worst, enter their website’s url in Google to get there. To make it easier for these people to maintain their own website, I would suggest the following tips.
10 Cool Extensions for Google Chrome
A few posts back we saw how to download and install Google Chrome extensions in the developer version. Do go through that post again and come back here. In this post we will check out some of the coolest extensions to download and use with Google Chrome. The population may be small but the seeds of popularity are being sown with these baby steps.
85 wordpress plugins for blogging journalists | Online Journalism Blog
Having reached a potential plateau in my addiction to Wordpress plugins* I thought I should blog about the plugins I use, those I've installed in preparation
Plugin Check
Check my mozilla firefox plugins to make sure they're up to date.
Insanely Awesome ExpressionEngine Tools You Can’t Live Without | Viget Inspire
Structure for ExpressionEngine
Structure is a new way to build ExpressionEngine sites. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates “static” and “listing” pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. Now, traditional page style content and multiple entry pages can live within the same area. Your clients & authors will rejoice.
Statische Seiten verwalten und anlegen!
Best jQuery plugins - September 2009 | AjaxLine
This is a great list of plugins - I have one running on my blog (a pretty simple one) that allows me to animate the pic there without hitting the page size too hard. Can't wait to start playing with the rest of these....
jQuery Approach by Scott Robbin
Proximity-based effects
Approach is a jQuery plugin that allows you to animate style properties based on the cursor’s proximity to an object. It works in a very similar manner to jQuery animate, however it animates over distance instead of time.
List of all WP action hooks and filters || Adam Brown, BYU Political Science
40+ Quite Useful Wordpress Plugins using jQuery | tripwire magazine
Bring Wordpress and jQuery together really makes sense and the plugins for Wordpress you’ll find here will make your blog theme more powerful and dynamic. Please leave a comment if I missed plugins that deserve to be here!
Top 10 WordPress plugins to monetize your blog
Making money blogging is a common dream to many bloggers. But sadly, only a few bloggers actually make money from blogging. The fact that you will make money depends of many factors, as such as your site traffic, the quality of your content, the power of your network, and many more. Althought tools will not bring you results without any work, they can make your life easier or help you to optimize your online income. In this article, I have selected the Top 10 WordPress plugins for monetizing your blog.
10 Important Tips to Optimize Wordpress for Search Engines | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment SectionHow To Create Your [...]
jQuery listmenu plugin - javascript list navigation menu control
10 Most Useful Google Plugins for WordPress |
useful and useless ;)
top 10 plugins for wordpress.
12 Useful FireFox Plugins For Safe Browsing | Smashing Downloads
Being secure, on the web specially is something we all need. There are thousands of risks roaming and getting evolved in shape of different malwares, viruses,
Being secure, on the web specially is something we all need. There are thousands of risks roaming and getting evolved in shape of different malwares, viruses, file & more. Since these things come via your browser and majority of us use firefox, here are some of the best and useful plugins/add-ons which can help you be safe on the internet. --
Top 10 Most Common Coding Mistakes in WordPress Plugins « planetOzh
10+ astonishing jQuery resources to spice up your website
Más de 10 sorprendentes recursos jQuery.
jQuery is a very powerful Javascript framework that allow you to built functionnal and extremely good looking webistes. In this article, I have selected 10+ jQuery resources to spice up your website.
jQuery is a very powerful Javascript framework that allow you to built functionnal and extremely good looking webistes. In this article, I have selected 10+ jQuery resources to spice up your - Show/Hide a nice login panel, Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery, Create a better jQuery stylesheet switcher, Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery, Chat with jQuery and PHP, Beautiful tag clouds with jQuery and flir, Fading colors with jQuery, Twitter-like login panel using jQuery, Disappearing “Scroll to top” link with jQuery and CSS, Using jQuery to recreate the product slider from Apple's website, Create an astonishing image rotator with jQuery,
7 jQuery Plugins to Really Enhance Users Experience
jQuery Plugins to Really Enhance Users Experience
mâcher le travail comme une bibliographie de jquery
8 Powerful Wordpress Plugins You Probably Don’t Use But Should @ SmashingApps
There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence.
35 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins « Noupe
RT @wpstudios: RT @nicholaspatten Tutorial: jQuery: 35 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins. [from]
Google Wave Add-on for Firefox at That Smith
15 Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQuery
Pour faire des chouettes boutons radios.
CSS is great and when it is combined with powerful JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, you can achieve some really amazing things. Combining these two together will let you enhance the user experience by providing more intuitive and responsive web interface. Here are 15 ways you can use jQuery to improvee CSS techniques.
Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQuery
jQuery fade and slide toggle plugin « Position Absolute
The jquery slidetoggle() is great, but one thing I always thought it was missing is some opacity fading in the sliding animation. When I was coding this iteration of position absolute I wanted this kind of animation so I went there and coded it. This is a very small plugin, but I still find the effect cooler than a regular sliding.
fade and slide toggle plugin « Position Absolute
jQuery fade and slide toggle plugin
Contactable - A jQuery Plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
WordPress › W3 Total Cache « WordPress Plugins
W3 Total Cache
Ten Most Popular Firefox Plugins of Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
including "webdeveloper", "firebug" (for debugging code), and fireftp (online secure ftp)
14 jQuery Plugins for Enhanced Content Viewing | Web Design Ledger
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent solution. With jQuery you can easily create accordion style content boxes, image galleries, and content sliders. Here are 14 excellent jQuery plugins for adding this type of functionality to your site.
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent
5 Plugins To Make Your WordPress Blog Blazing Fast
Another amazing post about WordPress Plugins. Can't get enough of testing out new plugins.
20 Best Wordpress Typography Plugins To Enhance Readability | Wordpress
Whether you just want more control over how the basic text on your site shows up or you want to do something a bit more advanced, there’s surely a plugin available to help. There are plugins to better handle things like hyphens and long URLS, plugins to replace text with images (whether in headlines or to avoid censorship), and plugins to let you add print-centric elements, like drop caps and pull quotes, to your posts.
10 Most Wanted Category Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
In this article we will share the most wanted category hacks and plugins for WordPress which you can use in your themes. These snippets of codes are a lifesaver in many situations when it comes to modifying a theme.
Some useful stuff in here, especially about selecting and excluding categories.
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress | W3Mag
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress
The best plugins for adding social bookmarking to Wordpress blog
A jQuery Plugin for Zoomable, Interactive Maps | Raleigh Web Design & Development | New Media Campaigns
25 Hand Picked Best jQuery based Wordpress Plugins | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
In this post you’ll find out about amazing WordPress plugins based on jQuery UI. jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Below is a list of 25 surprisingly amazing best jQuery based WordPress plugins. I hope you will like the list and will use one of these plugins on your blog . Feel free to Subscribe if you would like to be informed for the latest posts.
12 Essential Plugins that Extend WordPress as a CMS | Web Design Ledger
35 More Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniques « Noupe
35 More Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniques
30 Amazing jQuery Plugins To Play With Tables | jQuery Wisdom
Create a Simple Infinite Carousel with jQuery
This tutorial will show you how to create a infinite carousel script with jQuery. It also have a simple autorotate script that will rotate items in the carousel.
slide show...
Create a Simple Infinite Carousel with jQuery -
How to Improve your Wordpress Theme with 9 Useful Plugins –
Recopilacion 9 plugins para wp
26 awesome Firefox add-ons for web workers
CSS Tools Coda Plugin - Monday By Noon
I’ve been using Coda on a more consistent basis lately, primarily due to the inclusion of third party plugins. As I work, I’ll find myself missing a few features from TextMate bundles. Since it’s terribly easy to write your own Coda plugin, I’m going to make a consistent effort to write and maintain a small library of plugins over the coming months.
"That tool uses CSSTidy to allow a simple transformation of your CSS formatting. It will retain any comments, and leaves all properties as written (instead of converting to shorthand, for example.) Basically, CSS Tools brings that functionality to Coda. You’re able to convert a style sheet from single line to multi line and vice versa. You’re also able to compress your CSS if you’d like."
Wordpress Multi Languages: 5 Plugins To Built A Multilingual Website
Wordpress Multi Languages: 5 Plugins To Built A Multilingual Website
5 plugins för att göra site på flera språk i WordPress
Wordpress Multi Languages: 5 Plugins To Built A Multilingual Website -
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
How To Easily Create Your Own URL Shortener With WordPress
This morning I set Outspoken Media up with it’s own URL “shortening service” so to speak and Lisa thought you guys might want to know how I did it. With all the talk of Tweet-Jacking and concerns regarding the branding you’re doing for URL shortening services instead of yourself, it only makes sense to create your own internal URL shortening service if at all possible.
url shortener to use own link
Coda: A Collection of 120+ Plugins, Clips, Snippets and Tuts For Designers and Developers
Now, I’ve collected 120 of the best resources about Panic’s Coda: they include tutorials, clips, snippets, plugins and more.
Plugins and tips for Coda
20 of the best resources about Panic’s Coda: they include tutorials, clips, snippets, plugins and more.
20 Most Sexiest Jquery Plugins and Tutorials – Designzzz
Ten gadgets to make Google Wave more productive - and fun!
Amazing jQuery Hover Effects | jQuery Wisdom
Amazing jQuery Hover Effects | jQuery Wisdom -
Let hovers effects communicate and interact with the users. This collection of my handpicked amazing jQuery Hover effect plugins and tutorials will help you bring great interactivity and usability into your website.
Collection d'effets hover.
10 Useful Text Enhancing Plugins for WordPress | Web Design Ledger
Out of the box, WordPress is an amazing product and comes loaded with tons of features. However, one area that might be lacking is text formatting. There's not
jParse - jQuery XML Parse Plugin
jParse is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly and easily parse XML.
Top 20 Essential Firefox Add-ons Web Designers
Top 20 Essential Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers
Top 10 Wordpress Security Plugins | Tools |
seguridad para wordpress
WP Plugins - Premium WordPress Plugins
A brand new way of getting Wordpress app store for WP.
Welcome to the WordPress App Store You've reached the home of Premium WordPress plugins - so whether you're after a great WordPress plugin that you can't find anywhere else, or are a plugin author looking to share your skills at a fair price, we've got the works!
MailChimp Newsletter Integration
10 Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme You Have Ever Known | AEXT.NET
10 New Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme -
Nov 12 10 Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme You Have Ever Known Categories: List, Resources, Themes & Layouts | 30 Comments Do you know what the most difference between the hard-working wordpress theme developer and the lazier one is? The hard-working always finds the ways to restrict plugin using for his theme, but the lazier one just needs a plugin that can use for his theme and save his time is fine. However, sometime, there are wordpress plugins that two kind of designer above must use.
10 WordPress Plugins to Help Build Community
The expression of community has changed considerably since the emergence of social media technologies, but its basic foundation — the notion of individuals exchanging information, ideas, and opinions — remains firmly intact. Today, one of the most widely-used tools in developing these types of exchanges online is WordPress (WordPress), the popular blogging and publishing platform. Part of its appeal is the ease with which users can build advanced functionality into their sites with plugins. If you’re interested in building a community around your site, there are plenty of third-party add-ons that can help create one.
7 Tools To Integrate Twitter With Your Wordpress Blog |
If it’s just twittering you want, then be sure to check out this post on twitter services or these twitter tools that will get you into the twitter elite. If however you want your blog and twitter account to seamlessly merge into a single platform to get your word out, here are a bunch of twitter extenders that will effortlessly popularise your blog among all your twitter followers, and beyond.
Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery
20+ Easy to Use jQuery Text Effects and Animations : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Hacking at 0300 : Understanding jQuery UI widgets: A tutorial
Understanding jQuery UI widgets: A tutorial Last updated 2009-06-07 This was written largely to help me make sense of using UI to create my own widgets, but I hope it may help others. "Widget" to me means a user-interface element, like a button or something more complicated like a popup date picker, but in jQuery UI terms it means a class, members of which are associated with HTML elements; things like Draggable and Sortable. In fact, not everything that I would have called a widget uses $.widget; the UI datepicker does not.
Plugins And Tutorials To Enhance The Images Of Your Website With jQuery | PV.M Garage
In modern Web Development the Javascript Frameworks have a great spread for their versatility and for their usability. I daily use jQuery, maybe the most famous framework, to make rich my websites. In this post I’ve collected some resources that can be useful to enhance the images in many web projects. A complete list of plugins and tutorials that will be useful to improve the quality of your next works. Enjoy! Don’t forget, you are free to suggest additional resources in the comments to this post.
Plugins And Tutorials To Enhance The Images Of Your Website With jQuery | PV.M Garage -
In modern Web Development the Javascript Frameworks have a great spread for their versatility and for their usability. I daily use jQuery, maybe the most famous framework, to make rich my websites.
In modern Web Development the Javascript Frameworks have a great spread for their versatility and for their usability. I daily use jQuery, maybe the most famous framework, to make rich my websites. In this post I’ve collected some resources that can be useful to enhance the images in many web projects. A complete list of plugins and tutorials that will be useful to improve the quality of your next works. Enjoy! Don’t forget, you are free to suggest additional resources in the comments to this post. Plugins and Scripts Supersized – Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin So, what exactly does Supersized do? Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio; cycles Images/backgrounds via slideshow with transitions and preloading; navigation controls allow for pause/play and forward/back jQuery plugins and tutorial for the images Direct Link Live Demo ThickBox 3.1 ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. It
10 Pretty Useful and Cool jQuery Plugins
Pretty Useful and Cool
10 Pretty Useful and Cool jQuery Plugins
There are new jQuery plugin being released everyday. In this post, I have found 10 jQuery Plugins that are pretty useful and also pretty cool concept.
This list is pretty nice and more recent. All of the plugins seem to be pretty dialed in and compatible with all the major browsers
12 Excellent jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms | Web Design Ledger
Web Design Ledger
jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms
Useful WordPress Plugins for Statistics |
jQSlickWrap - Slick text wrapping for jQuery
cool way to wrap text around non-square images!
Clever jQuery plugin which allows text to wrap around irregularly shaped images, by processing the image with canvas and rewriting it as a sequence of floated horizontal bars of different widths.
text wrap
jQSlickWrap is a plugin for jQuery which enables you to easily and accurately wrap your text around the content of floated images. It's as simple as $('img').slickWrap();
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact,
Excellent Tutorials to Utilize the Power of WordPress and Facebook
facebook and WP
Facebook can play a crucial role in your blog’s growth as it is one of the largest social media network on the web. In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage. We will organize this tutorial in the method from easiest to hardest, so bare with us.
In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage.
5 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins Were Born in November 2009 | AEXT.NET
jQuery Slider plugin (Safari style) « Design it. Develop it. Use it.
sliders with jquery
jQuery Slider plugin
jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin. Below you can find demos and documentation.
30 Best Eclipse Plugins | AjaxLine
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact, "WordPress is infinitely extensible" as Matt Mullenweg says. In this post, we'll examine twenty-one really useful plugins to take your blog to the next level.
A Definitive Collection of 800+ Categorized Photoshop Tutorials, Plugins and Brushes
Erik Hinterbichler » Herald
Herald is a notification plugin for, Apple's Mac OS X email client. Inspired by the excellent Mail.appetizer plugin, Herald shows you popup notifications whenever you receive new Mail. It also allows you to perform common actions directly from within the notification window, including deleting messages, initiating replies, viewing messages in Mail, or marking messages as read.
Use WordPress to Create Amazing Sites - Wordpress Arena
Use WordPress to Create Amazing Sites - Wordpress Arena -
jQuery Plugins For A Better User Interface | jQuery Wisdom
Learn How To Create Your Own jQuery Plugin
Learn How To Create Your Own jQuery Plugin [from]
jQuery Highlight Plugin | bartaz @ GitHub
crazy useful
$("body p").highlight("jQuery highlight plugin");
bxSlider | jQuery Content Slider
slider javascript
check auto slide
Ask the Expert – Using Wordpress to Build Large Scale Websites with Derek Herman | Design Informer
10 Best WordPress Plugins - March 2009 | AjaxLine
jQuery Captify Demo (v1.1.3)
ptify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer.
Caption en Imágenes
Añade Caption a tus imagenes con jquery de una manera muy sencilla
Captify is a plugin for jQuery to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer. Captify was inspired by ImageCaptions, another jQuery plugin for displaying captions like these. The goal of Captify is to be easy to use, small/simple, and completely ready for use in production environments (unlike ImageCaptions at the moment). Also, it's only 2.3kb!
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
10 Wordpress Security Plugins To Keep Your Blog Safe « | Web Design Magazine
How to Build a Star Ratings jQuery Plugin | Switch on the Code
star rating javascript tutorial
New WordPress plugin: WP-Clickmap | Roger Stringer's Blog
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you’ll be able to go to your blog’s admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what’s not.
Find out how folks are using your new theme and be able to determine what types of tweaks might need to be made to it with this extremely useful plugin.
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you'll be able to go to your blog's admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what's not. It's had some interesting results on the sites I've run it on so far, and wanted to share it here for people to download and play around with.
40+ jQuery Plugins Improving Your Website Look and Feel | tripwire magazine
(no description)
With simple steps and limited programmer skills jQuery will allow you to add goodies to your website you would'nt even allow yourself to dream about! This post is listing a lot of really cool plugins you can simply download and setup to impress your visitors!
25 Incredible jQuery Slider Tutorials and Plugins |
15 Handpicked Fresh and Useful jQuery Tutorials
15 Handpicked Fresh and Useful jQuery Tutorials
jQuery has really simplified the work flow for web designers. Even someone with basic javascript understanding can use it. These tutorials are proof of that. In
Lazy Load Enabled With FadeIn Effect
Lazy Load Image lazy loader plugin for jQuery.
Delays Loading of Images with Lazy Loader jQuery Plugin
Essential Wordpress Plugin Development Resources, Tutorials and Guides : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Übersicht über viele WP-Plugin Tutorials
This article covers Wordpress Plugin Development, from tutorials, useful resources, how-tos, guides and some cheat sheets.
23 Best jQuery Facebook Style Plugins | jQuery Wisdom
These jQuery plugins help designes to create facebbok style UI with ease
RSS grid overlay - a jQuery plugin | badlyDrawnToy
Keep Your WordPress Blog Fresh With Content From Twitter and FriendFeed
Keep Your WordPress Blog Fresh With Content From Twitter and FriendFeed
The Wordpress plugin pulls recent content from Twitter or FriendFeed.
10 new WordPress plugins you might want to test - Blogsessive
These look cool.
10 Essential Firefox Plugins for the Infosec Professional |
I’ve moved to Chrome and Safari as my primary browsers, but nothing compares to Firefox when it comes to functionality and plugin support. Shown below are the information security related plugins I recommend any infosec professional (or enthusiast) install upon spinning up a new Firefox instance.
Simplest jQuery Slideshow -
Simple, timed slideshow. Easy
Simple version
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年1月 | コリス
10 jQuery snippets for efficient developers
image load detection
tips and trick code
jQuery is by far my favorite Javascript framework, which allows developers to create stunning visual effects, manipulate data properly, and much more. In this article, I have compiled 10 extremely useful jQuery snippets.
jQuery snippets for web developers
Optimizing WordPress for Search Engines
ø 15+ Useful Firefox Addons For Web Developers | ø
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant “Top 10″ list, here’s a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet.
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant "Top 10" list, here's a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet. Dust-Me Selectors Dust-Me Selectors helps you find unus
Preloading Images with jQuery and JavaScript | Engineered Web
Preload de Imagens com javascript e jQuery.
Meerkat - A jQuery Plugin
Meerkat, depending on the options you have set, will slide or fade in from the top or bottom of the browser window and remain in its fixed position while the rest of the page will scroll normally.
Meerkat, named for its pop up like behavior, is a jQuery plugin created by Jarod Taylor.
Do it yourself: 12 Wordpress Solutions Without Using Plugins-
Les plugins ne sont pas toujours la meilleure solution : trop lourds, pas conformes aux attentes. Mettre les mains dans le cambouis, c'est bien aussi !
Using a lot of plugins isn’t recommended if you’re going to boost your blog performance. Also, if you build your needs yourself as much as possible, you will have more control on what you are looking for. In this post, we have featured 12 practical Wordpress solutions that you won’t need any plugins to implement them.
Web, Design, and Webdesign
Do it yourself: 12 Wordpress Solutions Without Using Plugins- -
jQuery Roundabout
Para hacer animaciones de html en jquery
Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. (And now, not just turntables, but many shapes!) In its simplest configuration, Roundabout works with ordered- and unordered-lists, however after some quick configuration, Roundabout can work with an set of nested elements.
Star Rating widget for jQuery UI
The Star Rating widget is a plugin for the jQuery javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes or select options
Stjärn - betyg
10 Useful jQuery Form Validation Techniques and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
The hoverFlow Plugin - A Solution to Animation Queue Buildup in jQuery
Another Solution to Animation Queue Buildup in jQuery Or: Why do hover animations continue after I stop hovering? Over at, Brandon Aaron published a quick tip on how to prevent animation queue buildup in hover animations. Since I was not satisfied with his solution, I tried to find another. After taking some wrong paths and learning a lot about jQuery's animation (queue) system, I think I finally found a good solution. The last locigal step was to wrap it up into a nice jQuery plugin - and so hoverFlow was born.
hoverFlow is a jQuery plugin that avoids animation queue buildup in hover animations. The plugin honors a single mouseover/-out with a full animation cycle while still preventing the continuation of the animation after the mouse has stopped moving.
A solution to animations building up after MouseOver.
The plugin honors a single mouseover/-out with a full animation cycle while preventing animation queue buildup.
How to Create a Firefox Plugin
Generic firefox/gecko plugin framework
5 New Useful jQuery Plugins For Your Next Projects | AEXT.NET
5 New Useful jQuery Plugins For Your Next Projects | AEXT.NET -
Programming, Designing and Blogging
Top WordPress hacks of 2009
Wordpress Hacks
Top WordPress hacks of 2009
10 Popular jQuery Plugins in 2009 You Can’t Miss –
Popular plugings jQuery
18 Latest jQuery Plugins for Your Next Project | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
jQuery Autosave
jQuery Auto Save form elements
Plugin for auto submitting (saving) a form onchange.
20 Extremely Useful WordPress Plugins [ part 2 ] | WPSMASH | Best WordPress Resources
Best Premium WordPress Themes | Web Design & WordPress Resources
20 Useful Wordpress Plugins
40+ новых и полезных jquery-модулей (с tutorial) / jQuery / Хабрахабр
На досуге немного закопался в дебри jquery и на страницах небеизвестного Smashing Magazine нашёл очень любопытную августовсую статейку. Удивлён, что столь полезный материал ещё не появился на Хабре. Исправляю несправедливость своей версией данной статьи.
Super Gestures jQuery Plugin | EvanBot is the home to Evan Byrne who is a website designer from Lapeer, MI.
jQuery Keypad
teclado virtual em jquery
Anything Zoomer | Usage
zoom con jquery
Cool zooming control.
jQ plugin om inhoud te zoomen
bxSlider | jQuery Content Slider
Another #jquery slider/carousel plugin for content
AutoSuggest jQuery Plugin |
So I needed to add some auto-completing functionality to my project Build It With Me. I figured it would be easy to find a ready-made jQuery plugin to do the work for me. I was wrong. Naturally I took it upon myself to solve this problem for all of you :) I created this plugin to be as general purpose as possible. As a result it ended up being vastly more customizable than any other jQuery auto-complete plugin. Not only that, I am using actual jQuery. For some reason all the other "jQuery" plugins don't really take advantage of the radness that is jQuery. Consequently, my plugin ended up being dramatically smaller in size (way less code). Just 7kb minified. Have fun with it! AutoSuggest is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that makes auto-completing extremely easy.
The Best jQuery Lightbox Scripts –
The Best jQuery Lightbox Scripts –
jQuery Lightbox
Adam Lowe: VIM Destroys All Other Rails Editors
What you use to edit code is any other tool and it comes down to personal preference. Personally I LOVE Vim. There are hundred different ways you could set up Vim. This is the setup that's worked best for me. Hope you enjoy it as well.
10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms
10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms -
Alright, another post regarding web form, this time, it's javascript plugins that skin and beautify web forms. As a freelance designer, I found it quite frustrating to see different browsers render form elements differently. They don't look the same. We can skin the textbox and button easily, but form elements like drop down list, checkbox, radio button and file upload are pretty hard to customize it. You would need css and javascript skill to skin it.
jQuery 'Notify bar'
SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグイン10 | CREAMU
Google XML Sitemaps Generator
Coda-Slider 2.0 - Niall Doherty's dot biz
Everyone loves the Coda site so why not copy the style.
coda style slider jquery thing
Coda-Slider is a jQuery plugin I first released in September, 2007. It aimed to mimic the slider effect on the promo page for Panic’s Coda software.
15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorials
15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorials
TipTip jQuery Plugin |
TipTip is a very lightweight and intelligent custom tooltip jQuery plugin. It uses ZERO images and is completely customizable via CSS.
jHtmlArea - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for jQuery
html text area
WYSIWYG HTML Editor for jQuery
Are You Ready To Transfer To Chrome? - 30 Irreplaceable Chrome Extensions | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
11 Useful jQuery Powered WordPress Plugins | Web Design Ledger
We all know the kind of dynamic and engaging functionality that jQuery can add to a user interface, but integrating jQuery does require some technical know-how. This isn’t a big deal for many of us, but some WordPress users prefer the simplicity of a plugin. The purpose of this article is to help you discover some of the useful WordPress plugins available that gives you jQuery powered functionality in an easy to implement package. Carousel Gallery (jQuery) for Wordpress wordpress jquery plugin This plugin builds on the builtin Wordpress gallery, and replaces any gallery inserted using the tag with a neat jQuery powered carousel. By carousel it means you can browse through all the pictures in the gallery and they’ll slide from the right to the left and seamlessly start over at the end. jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries wordpress jquery plugin jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize ima
Some fantastic JQuery plugins for WordPress development
Série de plugins em jQuery para Wordpress, incluindo galerias.
14 jquery and CSS demos I wish I knew much before | Web Developer Juice
14 jquery and CSS demos I wish I knew much before
Web Developer Juice
Make the Most of Chrome with These 13 Excellent Extensions - Chrome Extensions - Lifehacker
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we rounded up 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've dug up more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has been around for a bit, we have found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you really should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found eighteen worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, awesome feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
WordPress Plugins: 15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins For 2010
10 NEW WordPress Wanted Hacks and Powerful Techniques » DevSnippets
Some good WP Hacks
10 NEW WordPress Wanted Hacks and Powerful Techniques » DevSnippets
Demo : ThemeRoller Version (jPlayer 0.2.2)
ThemeRoller version !
18 Unique Uses of WordPress and the Plugin or Theme Used | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
10 Ways to Install Accordion Menus in Your Wordpress Theme | Pro Blog Design
10 Ways to Install Accordion Menus in Your Wordpress Theme | Pro Blog Design -
Today you will learn 10 ways to install accordion menus in your Worpress theme! This will help to organize your blog, make your site look more professional, and possibly save you some precious real estate in your layout. Real estate on a blog is as important as it is in the real world (especially in congested areas), you need to make the most out of your space as you can. Accordion menus get their name from the instrument of the same name. Much like the bellows going in and out as someone plays music on an accordion, an accordion menu expands and contracts from user interaction, one section at a time. This way top level names are listed at all times, but sub-categories and child items are only exposed as each section is expanded. Your visitors only see what they need to at any given time.
75+ Top jQuery Plugins to improve Your HTML Forms | tripwire magazine
10 More Essential Plugins Every WordPress Blog Should Have | FreelanceFolder
5 Fresh jQuery Plugins Make You Love Your HTML Forms More | AEXT.NET
Programming, Designing and Blogging
jQuery Plugin Design Patterns: Part I | Fuel Your Coding
30 Stylish jQuery Tooltip Plugins For Catchy Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Y links a muchos más plugins de jquery y wordpress
Tooltips on website are small things which can play a big role in website design. If a tooltip on your website is very well made and looks amazing then it can lift up visitors impression about your website. And that’s why here comes jQuery to help with its well made tooltips. And remember that all those small website design things make your website look better. So this time I will show you my Top 30 of jQuery tooltip plugins. Enjoy!
jQuery.sheet - My = new Object();
jQuery.sheet addresses the web-based spreadsheet or "websheet" in a different, simple, approach - using html, you simply load the sheet from a url, and you save it to a url... Simple. Or write your own approch. jQuery.sheet manages the sheet creation, viewing, and editing processes, you simply build your application around it.
What is jQuery.sheet? jQuery.sheet gives you all sorts of possibilities when it comes to giving your web application a spreadsheet style interface with MS Excel style calculations. jQuery.sheet addresses the web-based spreadsheet or "websheet" in a different, simple, approach - using html, you simply load the sheet from a url, and you save it to a url... Simple. Or write your own approch. jQuery.sheet manages the sheet creation, viewing, and editing processes, you simply build your application around it. jQuery.sheet is also theme-able, using jQuery UI ThemeRoller, so you make the spreadsheet look like you want.For a complete list of all the MS Excel style functions that jQuery.sheet supports, take a look at the Demo, which is the documentation. Why did I start jQuery.sheet? I like a challenge, I like to learn, I like to contribute, and I saw where other attempts at the same thing, although being nice, could be improved. And with the web basically migrating in it's entirety over
45 jQuery Navigation Plugins and Tutorials - Noupe
15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers & Developers
chorme plug in
Extensiones google Chrome
15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers
25 jQuery Plugins for Working with Forms –
16 of the Best Password Management Tools for Firefox 3
Nobody likes having to think up new passwords, which often leads to people using the same ones over and over.  Even if you do come up with some good passwords,
15 Blogs for WordPress Designers and Developers to Follow –
jQuery OpenID Plug-in
The jQuery OpenID Plugin is a free plugin to add easy login support for the most popular OpenID RP's such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, and more. The inspiration for this plugin is based on openid-selector, openid-realselector, and ID Selector. This selector is different because it does not hide the markup details in javascript. Therefore, you can easily add new providers or rearrange the existing ones without digging into the javascript. The login form will still work for normal OpenID logins if javascript is disabled (see screenshot). jQueryOpenIdPlugin The plugin defaults to the first provider in the list which in the above case is a normal OpenID login box. There are two other types of providers, direct providers and username providers. A direct provider does not require any input and will automatically direct you to the provider login page. A user provider assists in building your OpenID URL. For example, Google and Yahoo are direct providers and AOL is a username provider tha
jQuery OpenID Plug-in
7 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Give Your Dashboard A New Look | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
7 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Give Your Dashboard A New Look | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials -
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About » Writing a Vim plugin
Good summary of pros and cons of vimscript vs ruby/python/whatever.
Some things to consider when writing a plugin for vim. Comments describe how to implement some OOP in vimscript. whodathunkit?
wordpress ecommerce plugin and framework
wordpress ecommerce plugin and framework
The free bolt on e-Commerce Plugin is WordPress framework designed to help you sell online. We make setting up shop incredibly easy. Plus we've had over 500,000 downloads!
bxGallery | Simple jQuery Image Gallery
simple jQuery image gallery
Simple gallery using Jquery for blogs/static website..
10 jQuery Plugins for Easier Google Map Installation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
15 jQuery Plugins Giving Web Interfaces Drag ‘N Drop Capabilities | tripwire magazine
gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | About
Sieht nach einem sehr coolen Google Maps Plugin für jQuery aus. Sehr einfach zu nutzen...
jQuery MultiSelect Plugin/Widget with ThemeRoller Support | Eric Hynds - Website Developer
12 Wordpress Plugins to Display and Highlight Code within your Blog : Speckyboy Design Magazine
12 plugins para mostrar codigos en wordpress.
12 Wordpress Plugins to Display and Highlight Code within your Blog
10 Alternative Uses for WordPress | Powerusers
10 Alternative Uses for WordPress
10 Stunning Examples of jQuery Animations
10 Stunning Examples of jQuery Animations
15 jQuery Plugins for Better Web Page Element Layouts - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery
Style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs
Have you ever wished you could style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs? Ever wished you could control the look and feel of your form elements between all browsers?
18 Useful Wordpress Contact Form Plugins
Formularios de contacto para wordpress
Comentários sobre os principais plugins de formulários de contato para Wordpress
jQuery Quicksand plugin
BashFlash - A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard.
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard. Safari only
That's where BashFlash comes into play. BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do. Probably blog or tweet or something.
Kill Safari external Flash process when it uses too much CPU.
BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do.
On 64-bit Macs running Snow Leopard, Safari pushes the Flash plug-in off into its own process. BashFlash lives as a tiny menu app, monitoring this process and warns you (by turning red) if Flash is using a relatively significant amount of processor cycles. You can then use its menu to kill the Flash plug-in. That's hot. Any running Flash content is replaced with the broken plugin icon. Want to get Flash working again? Simply reload the page, or go to a new one. The next time Flash is needed, it'll come back to life.
Fitted: a jQuery Plugin
Clickable blocks of content.
JQuery Form Wizard
The form wizard plugin is a jQuery plugin which can be used to create wizard like page flows for forms without having to reload the page in between wizard steps. The plugin is unobtrusive and gives the developer great freedom on how they set up the flow of the different steps in their wizards, as the plugin supports creating specific routes in the form; depending on the user input.
Multiple Attachments with Validations In Rails with Paperclip - Cordinc Blog
Setting Up Wordpress for SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Setting Up Wordpress for SEO
30 Twitter Hacks and Plugins to Spice Up Your Wordpress Blog
Ways to integrate Twitter and Wordpress
Ketchup Plugin
HOW TO: Integrate Google Buzz Into Your WordPress Blog
We’ve discussed how you can integrate Buzz with your other social networks, but what about integrating Buzz with your blog? If you use a self-hosted WordPress (WordPress) blog (sorry, users), there are already a variety of Google Buzz (Google Buzz) plugins and add-ons available. While it’s clear that people are really taking to using Buzz to share content and communicate, the service will undoubtedly reach more users as its sharing tools are integrated into other social sites. From buttons to social stream in your side bar, here’s how you can integrate Buzz with your WordPress blog. Google Buzz Buttons Mashable (Mashable) started sporting some nifty Buzz buttons a few days ago and lots of our readers have wanted to know how to add a similar feature to their own blogs. As it stands right now, how our Google Buzz buttons work (and how the buttons other sites are using also work) is that they create a share link from that post to Google Reader (Google Reader). As long as
Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part III: matchit.vim - good coders code, great reuse
good coders code, great reuse
jQuery PhotoShoot Plugin 1.0 – Tutorialzine
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder. You can check out the demonstration above, or a nice tutorial on how to use it here.
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
写真撮影っぽいエフェクトがかけられるjQueryプラグイン「Photo Shoot」
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
AWESOME clock!
To use the jDigiClock plugin, include the jQuery library, the jDigiClock source file and jDigiClock core stylesheet file inside the <head> tag of your HTML document
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
35 Useful jQuery Plugins for Slideshows, Graphs and Text Effects - Noupe
By Angel Wardriver jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and
jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and graphs can enhance functionality for the wide range of users. Let’s take a look at 35 powerful and effective jQuery plugins and techniques for slideshows, graphs and text effects.
30 Best jQuery plugins inspired from Twitter and Facebook | Psdeluxe
30 Best jQuery plugins inspired from Twitter and Facebook | Psdeluxe -
A Better jQuery In-Field Label Plugin | Viget Inspire
Great in-field label jQuery plugin (text hints)
YoxView - jQuery image viewer plugin
Cool Jquery sorting
jquery framework for list item replacement with shuffle transition.
cool plugin
All About Tables – jQuery Plugin | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
Design Your Own Wordpress Theme Easily With Constructor
jQuery Plugin: TinyTips 1.0 | Mike Merritt | Digital Inferno
TinyTips is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that gives the ability to add tooltips to pretty much any element on a page. Thoroughly documented and designer friendly.
jQuery Plugin: TinyTips 1.0 | Mike Merritt | Digital Inferno
How to Create a Wordpress Options Panel | Nettuts+
Today, we'll go through the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme, using the excellent WooFramework as an example. Then, we'll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality.
Today, we'll go through the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme. Then, we'll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality.
"We'll go through the entire process of creating an admin options panel for a WordPress theme, using the excellent WooFramework as an example. Then, we'll take things a step further, as we implement jQuery to improve some of the functionality."
25 Amazing and Fresh jQuery Plugins - Speckyboy Design Magazine
20 WordPress Plugin Solutions for Image Handling | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Blog | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Google XML
some good wordpress stuff - jQuery magicpreview plug-in
Muito bom JQuery para forms interativos
Excellent JQuery Plugins To Enhance Form Validation | AntsMagazine.Com
formualire d'autocompletion en jquery
6 Critical WordPress Plugins You Should Have Installed
Lisäominaisuuksia WordPress-blogiin.
Most Wanted Twitter Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
30 Powerful Wordpress Plugins For Blog Administrators | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
some of the most powerful administration plugins for Wordpress » jQuery plugin: Message
This plugin allows you to easily display feedback messages as an unobstrusive overlay. The message fades away automatically after some time, avoiding the need to click an “ok” button or something similar. The user can speed up hiding of the message by moving the mouse or clicking anywhere.
jQuery plugin: Message
Plunging into the sea of jQuery plugins – Part I
A step by step example of creating a jQuery plugin and close examination of jQuery UI interaction plugins.
How to create a jQuery plugin
jQuery Lightbox - NETTUTS
jQuery Lightbox | Nettuts+ -
Cost: Free, links backFound Via:
9 Plugins Your Clients Will Love For Their WordPress Website | FreelanceFolder
45 Fresh Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Tools - Smashing Magazine
Fonctionnalités d’un blog, plugins Wordpress : le minimum vital en 2008. | Presse-Citron
Plugins wordpress
Ce site référence un tas de conseil pratiques afin de bien construire un blog sous WP
5 Top jQuery Chart Libraries for Interactive Charts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
jquery 图表插件
10 New jQuery Plugins To Spice Up Your Website | webexpedition18
jQuery is an amazing JavaScript library that makes it easy to create wonderful web effects in just a few lines of code. It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Here are some stunning new jQuery plugins that will make your website fancy and cool.
jQuery Resources for One-Page Portfolios | Vandelay Design Blog
jQuery Resources for One-Page Portfolios | Vandelay Design Blog -
Web Design and Development Blog
Building Community Sites with WordPress: 15 Plugins to Get Started - Noupe
The good news is that there are plenty of great plugins out there that can help you get your visitors more involved in your blog. Some are simple: they let your users submit content they think is useful, or make it easier to have a real discussion in comments. Others are more complex, on par with full-featured social networks like Facebook. All of them can help you create a community surrounding your blog and your content.
WordPress SEO Video - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
I spoke at A4UExpo London last year and will be speaking at the upcoming A4UExpo Amsterdam. One of the sessions I had in the last A4UExpo was the session on WordPress SEO & Optimisation strategies. That entire session was taped, and the A4UExpo guys have been kind enough to allow me to embed it here and show it to all of you, so, please, enjoy!
jQuery SuperBox!
jQuery Superbox! is a script which allows you display windows with the lightbox effect. This script is a plugin for jQuery (1.3.x).
całkiem ładne i claiming accessible
8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 - Mashable
ctly in your reader, as well as letting you group feeds by rank. Also allows you to add your own thoughts on e
8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 -
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers out there. Google Reader, on the other hand, is the most popular subscription reader available. Tie the two together with these great extensions, compiled by Mashable.
Why does there have to be so much choice?! *sigh*
Here are 8 Google Reader extensions for Firefox 3 that notify you when you have unread items, let you comment back to the original blog, and more.
10 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Be Using | Tools
A Crash Course in Creating E-Commerce Websites with WordPress | Graphic and Web Design Blog
How to build an ecommerce site using Wordpress
20 Best And Highly Useful jQuery Tutorials For Designers And Beginners
Scribe: SEO Copywriting Made Simple
"SEO Copywriting Made Simple"
20 Firefox Add-ons for Hackers and Power Users -
super interesante el que simula inyecciones sql
firefox plugins
35 Fresh JavaScript/jQuery Tools and Resources - Noupe
It's time for more JavaScript and jQuery goodies here on Noupe. Today we are featuring fresh JavaScript Development Frameworks, code optimization and minimization...
18 Firefox Add-Ons that Help You Save Money
Let’s face it, times are tough and every penny counts. Instead of just money saving websites, here is a list of 18 Firefox Add-Ons that will help save you money on a daily basis.
5 Plugins to Keep WordPress Secure
Some days ago a reader asked Daniel for advice when his blog got hacked. Daniel recommended some good security measures to keep WordPress safe. In case you missed it, read the post here: What if my WordPress Blog Got Hacked with the Google Redirect?
10 New jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
10 New #jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
CodeIgniter Library: 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos | Cincinnati SEO Blog
Use jQuery - Blog - Brosho 'Design in the Browser' jQuery Plugin
With this Plugin you can style your markup right in your browser with a build-in element selector and CSS editor. Generate the CSS code of altered elements with one click and use it in your own stylesheet.
h one / blog / ui.timepickr.js: An experimental jQuery plugin
h nicer look and feel though, nice job. permalink Josh Nathanson ~ October 8, 2008 at 12:56 p.m. Nice work...even though its still in experimental, its looking great so far. I want to find a project to use this on! permalink Ryan Coughlin ~ October 8,
Javascript time (not date) input widget.
A jQuery time picker, similar to an idea I was playing around with a wee while ago.
"I have seen a bunch of JavaScript "time" pickers, but they seem to always stick to the same approach"
40 Excellent jQuery Plugins To Work With Data Presentation and Grid Layout | AEXT.NET
Minimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
A selection of small but very useful jQuery plugins.
30 Most useful WordPress Plugins - May 2009 | AjaxLine
BugsVoice - turn bugs into opportunities
jQuery.calendarPicker A free ultra-light calendar
CalendarPicker is a unique lightweight jQuery plugin that allows users to change dates using a mouse wheel. In order to use CalendarPicker you also need to include Brandon Aaron’s Mousewheel Plugin that adds mouse wheel support.
TV Library 0.1: Miss Hulu On Boxee? Here’s your fix! | Jake Marsh Is Awesome. OMFG.
Miss Hulu On Boxee? Here’s your fix!
jQuery HTML Table Toolbox - Noupe
Table tools A Super-Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative
jQuery.popeye is an advanced image gallery script built on the JavaScript library jQuery. Use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and offer your users a nice and elegant way to show a big version of your images without leaving the page flow.
muy buena alternativa cuando hay poco espacio para mostrar muchas fotos.
jsPlumb demo
Using jQuery The Sexy Way: 7 Great Techniques For a Slick Layout | DevSnippets
Presentación y muestra de fotos con Jquery. Muy buena para artículos
Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 7
Great rich user interfaces powered by javascript.
Facebook Developers
Social plugins enable you to provide engaging social experiences to your users with just a line of HTML. Because they are hosted by Facebook, the plugins are personalized for all users who are logged into Facebook — even if the users haven't yet signed up for your site.
Facebook Social plugins : The easiest way to add #FB to your site | La façon la + simple d'ajouter FB à votre site
14 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins | Tools
14 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins
Like Button - Facebook Developers
The Like button enables users to make connections to your pages and share content back to their friends on Facebook with one click. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the button can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. For logged-in Facebook users, the button is personalized to highlight friends who have also liked the page. The basic Like button is available via a simple iframe you can drop into your page easily. A fuller-featured Like button is available via the <fb:like> XFBML tag and requires you use the JavaScript SDK. The XFBML version allows users to add a comment to their like as it is posted back to Facebook.
Code to embed 'like' button on websites
Didn't realize creating facebook like buttons is easy! Libs use them?. privacy concerns ?
Come aggiungere il bottone "like" su qualsiasi sito.
40 Useful jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Smashing Magazine
"40 useful but obscure jQuery plug-ins that will hopefully help you improve the user experience on your websites."
boedesign – canadian based web developer eh » Blog Archive » jSquares for jQuery
If you’ve viewed my “lab” section, that is a perfect example of what this is. jSquares is a jQuery plugin that pops up an image and a description in an overlay on hover. It is basically identical to the image grid found on Works like a charm in IE6+, FF 3+, Safari 3+ and Opera 10.
Expandierende Menüs wie auf zu sehen.
Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery | Build Internet!
Picturesurf Gallery is a free service that allows you to upload, link, and share photo galleries anywhere.
plugin วพ ไว้ทำ gallery
Details on the 10 Most Helpful Wordpress Design Blogs | Arbenting
jQuery plugin: Easy List Splitter | Andrea Cima Serniotti
After a couple of hours spent on the lookout for a simple and clean jQuery plugin to columnize lists with no success, I decided to create my own one. It took me a couple of nights but the result is pretty good and hopefully it will help you whenever you need to split a list into different columns.
A voir l'effet du pinceau sur la gauche de l'article
HoverAttribute jQuery plugin « afEkenholm Web Design
Micro Image Gallery: A jQuery Plugin | Codrops
WordPress Caching: What’s the best Caching Plugin? | Tutorial9
They are still re
jQuery SuperBox!
Lifehacker - SkipScreen Lets You Pass Go and Collect Your Download - Firefox Extensions
Sometimes, great stuff has to be hosted on public download services, because the file—or the attention it's getting—is just too much for our meek little personal sites. And the download sites often make it as painful as possible to grab those files. SkipScreen acts as an automated intermediary, jumping through the necessary hoops and entering the key presses required.
31 mind blowing collection of jQuery light box
32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers | Graphic and Web Design Blog
jQuery Plugin : jConfirmAction | - Worth Sharing Bookmarked Webstuff
Nice little popup to get a user to confirm they really want to do that bad bad things. Not to use over board we don't want to treat the people as children.
Plugin that replaces alert box-based confirmation with styled div structure.
Really cool jquery plugin
Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.
Zoomooz.js // this is slick!
New Signature Labs | jCoverflip
Highly Customizable Content Slider
A jQuery coverflow widget to present your content elegantly.
image slider
20 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins of March 2010
jquery 관련
11 Excellent Solutions for Making Your Website Mobile Friendly | Tools
50 Fundamental jQuery Controls, Components and Plugins - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one - a good and concise collection of UI controls,
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need.
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need. Of course, there are plenty of great UI frameworks, kits and libraries that you could use, but none will offer you every component and none of them will be tailored to your own personal preferences and needs. Up until a few months ago my controls had been collected and sourced from various frameworks (Prototype, MooTools, jQuery…), upon review it seemed a little out-dated, some components unnecessary and some controls desperately needed updated. It seemed logical to give the collection a fresh outlook and a uniformity under one framework – I chose jQuery. (I have held on to a few controls that have not been built with jQuery, but for the sake of this post I have omitted them). So, here are my 50 Fundamental jQuery Controls and Rich UI Components…
Useful jQuery Plugin for UI Developers | denbagus blog
The Ultimate Roundup of WordPress Tutorials, Themes and Guides
Today, I prepared a good selection of the best resources to learn WordPress covering every thing from books, tutorials, tricks and tips ... Hope you will enjoy this collection !
Tutorial muy completo sobre Wordpress.
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS | Tutorialzine demo
crossSelect jQuery plugin demo
crossSelect jQuery plugin demo -
combo de multipla selecao
11 Essential WordPress Plugins To Get Your Blog In Motion | Social Media Examiner
Where does blogging fit into your social media mix? Many people I encounter still haven’t taken the time to start a blog for their business. I’ve heard many different reasons for not having a business blog—from not having enough time to insecurity about writing style. Blogging should be one of the cores of your business. It should be right in the middle of your social media mix—the bulls-eye, the main target. It’s important to note that your blog is the hub into which all of your social media networks feed for optimal exposure. Some people feel overwhelmed by the notion of starting and maintaining a blog, so below I discuss 11 essential WordPress plugins to get your blog off to a racing start.
Utilize these WordPress plugins to optimize your blog!
Free Slideshow WordPress Plugin, Slider Wordpress Plugin WP
10 jQuery Plugins to Help with Web Page Layouts | Tools
very helpful!
Every now and then a web project will come up that has special and unique layout requirements, and the current capabilities of CSS just aren’t enough. With projects such as these, jQuery can be your best friend. So here are 10 jQuery plugins to help you out with page layouts.
Dock Content Tutorial with jQuery and jQuery Easing Plugin | Queness
Dock Content Tutorial with jQuery. Hides top navigation with a drop down
This tutorial will show how to create a jQuery dock that positioned at the top of your website, show and hide on mouse over event. By using easeOutBounce from jQuery Easing plugin, the transition effect has greatly enhanced and much more attractive.
dock menu
Best JavaScript Tree Widgets | AjaxLine
Best Javascript Tree Menu Widgets
The name says everything
hich implements the J.Q.Walker II layout algorit
Map Fields - A Rails plugin to ease the importing of CSV files @ Ramblings on Rails
a very nice solution for importing csv files, it handles the mapping which is a very common problem
OMFG!!!! Manbabies are ready!!!!
Ease way to import csv files
Professor Cloud
Cloud Zoom is a jQuery image zoom plugin
Pines Notify
Notification, message
Notificaciones con jquery ui compatible con ThemeRoller
Another cool notifications library/plugin for jQuery
Lightbox_me - Stupidly Simple Lightboxing
Lightbox_me is an essential tool for the jQuery developer's toolbox. Feed it a DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object and it will lightbox it for you, no muss no fuss.
very good api lightbox
20 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Website | Carsonified
Enhance Tables Using One Of 30 Functional jQuery Plugins
BounceBox Notification Plugin With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Notificação estilo alert
jQuery & CSS3
Add Motion To Website: jQuery Animation Plugins From 2010
Pajinate – A jQuery Pagination Plugin « The Silver Lining
paging mit jquery
Pajinate is a simple and flexible jQuery plugin that allows you to divide long lists or areas of content into multiple separate pages. Not only is it a simpler alternative to server-side implementations, the time between paginated-page loads is almost nil (up to a reasonable page-size of course).
PAra agregar paginación a listas largas
Switching to Chrome? Download these Extensions | Nettuts+
Extensiones/plugins para Google Chrome
Chrome features a vast collection of extensions at the moment. It also regularly beats its opponents in various speed and compatibility tests, while the great set of developer tools promoted the browser to a very interesting solution for web enthusiasts. But does it have enough ‘extension power’ to overcome Firefox? Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own min
Les extensions de développement essentielles (Chrome)
Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own mind!
chrome extensions
AeroWindow - Plugin für jQuery - Windows Aero Style für Websites - SOYOS Labs
AeroWindow erstellt Popup-Fenster im Aero Stil, angelehnt an den Style von Window7. Die Popup-Fenster bieten die gewohnten Möglichkeiten und volle Funktionalität analog zu Windows Fenstern. Features * Besonderheit: Live animierter Glossy Aero Look (siehe Header beim Verschieben) * Gewohnte Fenster Buttons: Minimieren, Verkleinern, Maximieren und Schließen * Doppelklick Unterstützung wie in Windows (Maximieren, Verkleinern) * Aktives Fenster wird visuell hervorgehoben, wie in Windows * Vom Anwender stufenlos skalierbare Fenstergröße * Verschiebbare Fenster durch Maus dragging * Gewohntes Z-Order-Management wie in Windows * + Animierte Veränderung der Fenstergröße * + Vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten
ZURB JavaScript Annotation Plugin - ZURB Playground -
Signs of a poorly written jQuery plugin
Signs of a poorly written jQuery plugin
The Ultimate Wordpress Shopping/Ecommerce Toolbox (Plugins and Themes) - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Show Time: 30 jQuery Calendar Date Picker Plugins
10 jQuery Plugins and Techniques for Doing More with Images | Resources
Using JQuery to Jazz up Image Presentation
Griddy: Simple Grid Overlay Plugin for JQuery | DevGrow
Rocking and Rolling Rounded Menu with jQuery | Codrops
In this tutorial we are going to make use of the incredibly awesome rotating and scaling jQuery patch from Zachary Johnson that can be found here. We will create a menu with little icons that will rotate when hovering. Also, we will make the menu item expand and reveal some menu content, like links or a search box.
Menu Fabuloso
super effet avec rotation des éléments. A approfondir urgent !!!
25 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins of May 2010
jQuery is one of the most famous, free and open source JavaScript library in use today. jQuery is a lightweight, cross-browser JavaScript library which is
That’s the reason, we always try to showcase fresh and useful jQuery plugins developed in every month. In our last month’s post, we wrapped up 20 Best and Useful jquery Plugins of April 2010 and received lots of appreciation. Even this time, I hope you will find here another fresh piece of work. So, have a look on SaveDelete’s compilation of 25 Best and Useful jQuery Plugins of May 2010 and I am sure that there plugins would offer better options for your web projects.
jTweetsAnywhere - jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support
jTweetsAnywhere - jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support -
jQuery Twitter Widget
jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support
20+ Uniquely Cool jQuery Plugins and Tutorials
plug ins
10 TextMate bundles/plugins to boost your Ruby on Rails development productivity | Adventures In Coding
Here are ten of my favourite bundles and plugins available to TextMate that will save you time and effort while working with Ruby on Rails.
jQuery FormLabels Plugin | Andrei Zharau
25 Excellent jQuery Sliders Tutorials and Plugins | Vandelay Design Blog
25 Excellent jQuery Sliders Tutorials and Plugins | Vandelay Design Blog -
jQuery.validity is an elegant and powerful jQuery plug-in you can use to setup client-side form validation. Instead of writing validation manually or balancing some unwieldy server-side framework, validity allows you to design client-side validation in a manner that feels natural and straightforward.
Top 15 Wordpress Plugins to Make Your Blog Secure | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation #jquery
jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin
A star-rating jQuery plugin
Getting Slim, Spicy, & WordPress-Ready with Top 10 jQuery Plugins | DevSnippets
What's great about jQuery is how easily you can create impressive animations and interactions with a super lightweight size. WordPress awesomeness lies in its
In this article, we’ll explore 10 Most Wanted jQuery Plugins Now Ready For WordPress.
12 Helpful jQuery Plugins to Check Before Ending April 2010 | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
12 Helpful jQuery Plugins
This is a list of 12 helpful jQuery plugins you are maybe missing. The list contains some plugins that are really helpful for your up-coming projects. If I was missing something crazy, feel free to share it in the comment section. Enjoy the list and don’t miss any awesomeness this month!
Apple-Style Slider
Apple-Style Slider -
A-to-Z menu, easy way to quick scroll in long A-Z list
Tiny Carousel: A lightweight jQuery plugin
<ul class="pager"> <li><a rel="0" class="pagenum" href="#">1</a></li> <li><a rel="1" class="pagenum" href="#">2</a></li> <li><a rel="2" class="pagenum" href="#">3</a></li> <li><a rel="3" class="pagenum" href="#">4</a></li> <li><a rel="4" class="pagenum" href="#">5</a></li> <li><a rel="5" class="pagenum" href="#">6</a></li> </ul>
JQuery Plugins | jquery plugins
calendar, date picker, scrolling tabs, checkbox tree
Top 45 Wordpress Plugins & Tools For The Administration Area | Design your way
Top 45 Wordpress Plugins & Tools For The Administration Area | Design your way -
45 สุดยอดปลั๊กอินสำหรับหน้า Admin Wordpress
huge list of useful plugins for WP admins
How To Watch Live TV In Google Chrome Browser For Free
tech tools
How To Watch Live TV In Google Chrome Browser For Free
55 jQuery Form Plugins To Download And Use | Design your way
Default forms are boring and that’s for certain. Styling your form with a jQuery plugin is the solution for your aesthetic issues with basic and old forms. There are here 55 jQuery plugins for forms covering everything that you would think of related to form styling with the powerful jQuery.
Default forms are boring and that’s for certain. Styling your form with a jQuery plugin is the solution for your aesthetic issues with basic and old forms.
Top 10 Content Slider Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Top 10 Content Slider Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Clarity Design - bgFade Plugin
TAllows fade/animate effects using single image and offset CSS. Easy to implement.
fade in e out em background
Google Web Fonts Wordpress Plugin | Make Your Own Website :: Wordpress | HTML | CSS | PHP :: Tips and Tutorials
Google Web Fonts for Wordpress plugin makes it quick and easy to use the Google Web Font Library from the administration panel within Wordpress. It utilizes the Google Web Font Loader to display fonts that are not installed on the user’s computer. Google Web Fonts Plugin Instructions Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped file into your Wordpress wp-content->plugins directory. In the Wordpress admin panel, open the Appearance tab in the left menu, and click Google Web Fonts. On the Google Web Fonts Plugin Options page, browse the available fonts in the Google Font Directory, and click the ones you would like to use to copy the Font API parameter name. Paste your chosen font into the Google Font input box, and specify a web save font to be displayed if your chosen font becomes inactive. Click Change Font. Go to your website’s from page to see if your chosen font is active. If not, choose another, rinse, repeat.
5 Rails Plugins to Help Optimize Your MySQL | Purify Blog
Bullet / SlimScrooge/ Query Reviewer / Rails Indexes / Ambitious Query Indexer
A Complete To-Do List & Plugins for WordPress Site Maintenance | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
I would like to share with you a to-do list of maintenance checks, tips, as well as plugins that can help enhance your maintenance tasks.
32 Incredible Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer | Maximum PC
RT @MikeGrace: MaximumPC lists Kynetx Sweeter as 1 of 32 incredible bookmarklets Get it: @ #edtech
5 jQuery Calendar Plugins that can be used on Websites
5 jQuery Calendar Plugins that can be used on Websites -
Not Using jQuery JavaScript Templates? You’re Really Missing Out. - Rey Bango
jQuery color plugin xcolor - Website and Application Intelligence
jquery color expressions
jQuery color plugin xcolor - Website and Application Intelligence – Delicious Popular (twittilicious)
35 jQuery Animation Tutorials | Vandelay Design Blog
tutorial jquery
35 jQuery Animation Tutorials | Vandelay Design Blog
Creative designers can do some amazing things with jQuery. A wide variety of animation effects are possible, and these 35 tutorials provide excellent learning resources for anyone who is wanting to brush up their skills in this area. You'll find tutorials for creative animated navigation menus, as well as for other types of animation that use jQuery instead of Flash. Animate Image Filling Up Using jQuery
5 Online Rich Text Editors built using jQuery
YouTube Chromeless Video Player – jQuery Plugin | Viget Inspire
29 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins Of June 2010
Los mejores 29 plugins jQuery de Junio del 2010.
Top 10 Social Bookmarking Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Muy insteresante
Best Chrome Addons For Power Blogging
Best Chrome Addons
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
20+ Demos Showing Advanced jQuery Effects | Webdesigner Depot
Just a short while ago, Flash was one of the primary technologies used by web designers to add interactivity to a website. Since the introduction of the
Block your ex
Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall » Blog Archive » Collection of jQuery Image Sliders
DesignArtWall - Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall
Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall » Blog Archive » Collection of jQuery Image Sliders
Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall » Blog Archive » Collection of jQuery Image Sliders
DesignArtWall - Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall
Top Collection Of JQuery Plugins | Ulancer
Great collection, published July 2010, includes plugins for jQuery 1.4
InputNotes jQuery Plugin
every day