Pages tagged plugin:

WordPressの設置後、すぐにやっておきたい10の作業 | コリス
Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch - NETTUTS

Como criar um plugin que mostra pordutos do OS Commerce no Wordpress
Wordpress Theme Generatorとは違うのか・・
Pop! simple pop menus with jQuery
Wordpress便利なプラグイン30選 | DesignWalker
jQZoom Evolution, javascript image magnifier
Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework.
Nice magnifier effect - good for product pages
The Power of WordPress and jQuery: 30+ Useful Plugins & Tutorials
jQuery is ideal because it can create impressive animations and interactions while being simple to understand and easy to use. WordPress awesomeness lies in its fact that it can be customized to power any type of site you like! But what happens when you combine the power of jQuery with WordPress, the possibilities are infinite.
wordpress plugin reviews
clicktoflash - Google Code
A webkit plugin to prevent the automatic loading of Flash movies in your browser.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
Safari plugin to prevent automatic loading of flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
To block flash from automatically loading
"WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content."
webkit / safari plug-in to block automatic loading of flash contents
Easy Slider 1.5 - The Easiest jQuery Plugin For Sliding Images and Content | Css Globe
New version of my Easy Slider plugin for jQuery is here. This is one of the my rare scripts that make it to their second version. In this case version 1.5 All of the features here are result of your comments, so if you have more ideas, keep
DatePicker - jQuery plugin
interesting for SIFE?
Date Picker - jQuery plugin
New jQuery plugin: ‘imgPreview’ - James Padolsey
Image Preview
jQuery listnav plugin - javascript navigation control to manage alphabetical lists
Javascript navigation control to manage alphabetical lists
FireScope is a Firefox add-on that integrates with Firebug, to extend it with reference material for HTML and CSS.
rentzsch's clicktoflash at master - GitHub
Only load flash on when you want it. For Webkit.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
This was mentioned on Daring Fireball today. Nice! Keeps flash from loading until you click on it.
Prevent loading of Adobe Flash content until you want it and speed up your browser in the process.
[JS]これ最強かものツールチップスクリプト -BeautyTips | コリス
BeautyTips | Coliss
10+ Most Interesting And Useful jQuery plugins - January 2009 | AjaxLine
e we review 10 latest and most interesting jQuery plugins of January 2009.
wilq32 - jQuery plugin: Wilq32.RotateImage
Roter billeder vha. jQuery på almindelige HTML-sider
Rotação de imagens, imagens inclinadas
rotate images with jquery (+ animation!)
tipsy - Facebook-style tooltip plugin for jQuery
20+ Great Twitter Tools for Firefox
20+ Great Twitter Tools for Firefox
People love Twitter, and they love Firefox, so it only seems natural that there would be quite a few tools to merge these two items.
Top 10 jQuery plugins for Form Usability « Steve Reynolds
The TTFTitles WordPress Plugin @ WordPress Plugins
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts.
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts, thus circumventing the problem of guessing what fonts your end-users might have installed.
Tweet! Put Twitter on your site with jQuery widget
Put Twitter on your site with this simple, unobtrusive jQuery widget.
Tweet! put twitter on your website with tweet!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery. Demo displaying three
Pirobox jQuery Lightbox | Design Shack
Pirobox jQuery Lightbox | Design Shack -
jquery lightbox
Supersized - Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin | Build Internet!
jQuery Price Format Plugin
Did you like it? So...
jQuery Price Format Plugin
Mozilla Add-ons Blog » Blog Archive » How to develop a Firefox extension
Here I will walk you through and at the end of the article we will have created a fully functional Firefox extension!
I've wondered what goes into coding those things.
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip jQuery plugin. Making tooltips simple!
Shared with
A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin -
Translate: New Rails I18n Plugin with a Nice Web UI - Newsdesk developer blog
Using jQuery to Style Design Elements: 20 Impressive Plugins | DevSnippets
WordPress › Art Direction « WordPress Plugins
"Per-post styles for new age art direction." This plugin allows you to have global archive and single page per-post styles.
wordpress plugin for per post styles
"This plugin allows you to have global archive and single page per-post styles."
"Per-post styles for new age art direction." This plugin allows you to have global archive and single page per-post styles.
Announcing BeautyTips, a jQuery Tooltip Plugin | Lullabot
kind of a badass tooltip plugin but, of course, IE is not going to properly support it for awhile
BeautyTips, a Tooltip Plugin for JQuery
3 jQuery Twitter Plugins - Add Tweets To Your Website
Facebook Connect Plugin Directory - Facebook Developers Wiki
RPX supports Facebook Connect, MySpace, OpenID and other logins
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Outlook Boosters
Includes Troy's Outlook Attachment Reminder, a VBScript that checks messages for the word "attach" and its variations and then looks for a certain number of attachments. No attachments present? A little pop-up asks if you're sure you didn't forget something. Small, helpful, and great at keeping your e-name in good standing.
jQuery : imgPreview Demos
BeautyTips Demo Page
BeautyTips Demo Page
baloon popups
GIMPをパワーアップさせるプラグインいろいろ | DesignWalker
CompareNetworks jQuery'd Bread Crumb - jBreadCrumb
This collapsible breadcrumb was developed to deal with deeply nested, verbosely named pages. Rather than limit the amount of elements shown on the sever side, we decided to go with a client side solution for usability and SEO reasons. It also turned out nice to look at and fun to play with. It is smart in the sense that it collapses based upon the amount and length of the elements in the set. The breadcrumb uses a semitransparent .png overlay to achieve the gradient effect seen on the elements. Visually, it helps to show a "peek" at what is underneath.
miga de pan dinámica
25 jQuery Plugins for Navigation
Creating PDF Documents in Ruby on Rails | Ruby on Rails
understudy - Google Code
Front Row plugin for streaming video
Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
Description Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
10 Quick Win jQuery Plugins | Steve Reynolds Blog
MDK : Quicklook for markdown
A Quicklook plugin that adds support (and spotlight) for .markdown files.
Dead simple task scheduling in Rails - Intridea Company Blog
Rufus scheduler
You Still Can’t Create a jQuery Plugin? - NETTUTS
Ajax Fancy Captcha - jQuery plugin -
Cool stuff
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers. We are introducing you to a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that you are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
SIMPLY STUNNING jQuery CAPTCHA! NICE! I want to use this now!
Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari
post direct-to-twitter from safari. auto-fills with the current site. auto-shortens long urls.
Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari
Twitter extension for Safari
Is this a hack or safe to use?
post direct-to-twitter from safari
13 Plugins to Make Gedit a More Useful Text Editor [Linux] |
13 Plugins to Make Gedit a More Useful Text Editor [Linux] | ubuntu editor plugins text plugin tools linux Tips Software
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome I have designed this plugin to lazyload a whole UI extension with javascript, images, css files and get a callback when all files are loaded.
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome
Step By Step: How to Reinstall a Working Hulu in Boxee
by Kevin Purdy: A hacker's plug-in can put streaming Hulu content back into your Boxee media center on Linux, Macs, or Apple TV. Let's take a walk through removing the busted Hulu and dropping in the new hotness.
JQuery File Upload Plugin - RonnieSan
mParallax is an adaptation for MooTools framework of jParallax whose its author, Stephen Band, describes it like "jParallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way".
Allan Jardine | Reflections | DataTables 1.4
Internet Explorer 5.0 Win 95+ 5 C Tasman Internet Explorer 5.1 Mac OS 7.6-9 1 C Tasman Internet Explorer 5.2 Mac OS 8-X 1 C Trident Internet Explorer 5.5 Win 95
テーブルデータソート 検索もあるよ!
20 Most interesting jQuery Plugins - February 2009 | AjaxLine
6 jQuery Chart Plugins For Your App | Steve Reynolds Blog
charting and plotting with jquery.
DataTables (table plug-in for jQuery)
11 Non-Traditional Uses of WordPress
Mix di plugin, temi e soluzioni per trasformare un'installazione di Wordpress in un servizio alternativo
we’ll take a look at a combination of tutorials, plugins and themes that can help you to use WordPress in non-traditional ways.
w plugins for users and role management, and the end result is a moderated directory that allows members to enter information about themselves.
jQuery Captify Demo
Caption plugin for images using jquery
jQuery Captify
javan's whenever at master - GitHub
provides a really easy way to write tasks that must be done repeatedly or at a certain time in a simple Ruby DSL. It can even write out crontab files for you based on the commands and times that you give it.
Pimp my browser: how to turn Firefox into a blogging machine - Ars Technica
Some great Firefox add-ons can turn the browser into a powerful blogging tool, so we wanted to highlight a few of the best. Ars explores a handful of add-ons that bring everything from scrapbooking, sharing, and automated content discovery to our beloved open source browser.
JSONView - View JSON documents in Firefox « Blog |
知ってるかもしれないけど、ここのTIPSは使える。 livequeryは超便利。
nkallen's cache-money at master — GitHub
Active record memory cache.
A Write-Through Cacheing Library for ActiveRecord
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
jQuery Delay Plugin -
10 Most Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Developers | AjaxLine
In this review we collected most interesting Firefox plugins which covers almost all needs of web developer.
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2008年11月 | コリス
Liquid Canvas | - Steffen Rusitschka
Bordi Arrotondati (Semplice da usare)
Liquid Canvas Todo! Gradients, dropshadows y roundedcorners, todo junto!
Ruby, Rails, Web2.0 » Blog Archive » Add a powerful AJAX Table to your Rails Application in 5 minutes
Tabelle mit Ajax in Rails.
jQuery Accessible Tabs - How to make tabs REALLY accessible - web output
s a very simple and flexible HTML ma
While a lot of Tabs-Scripts claim to be accessible it turns out, most of them are really not. While developing this jQuery Plugin with my coworker Artur Ortega, we tried to find a single existing Javascript powered Tabs-Interface that Artur, using his Screenreader, would actually be able to use properly. We eventually gave up the search.
JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
Recopilatorio de JQuery
JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie Plugins
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
JavaScript library
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations at Learning jQuery
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials -
Working with the jCrop Plugin - NETTUTS
Working with the jCrop Plugin image corp
Working with the jCrop Plugin - NETTUTS
Form Validation
Editable (jQuery Editable Plugin)
This looks like the plugin/page that was used in the jQuery Drupal presentations at Drupalcon
Editable (jQuery Editable Plugin) -
Currently it can convert any tag (span, div, p and ...) to text input, password, textarea, drop-down list.
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery, simulasi touch screen
iBegin Share - Share + Spread your Content
Make it Easy to Share and Spread your Content
Somewhat limited version of addthisbutton. Only has wordpress plugin.
ColorBox - customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery
nice looking thickbox alternative
Looks like a really good lightbox that works with jquery "ColorBox supports photos, photo groups, ajax, inline, and iframed content. It is completely unobtrusive, requires no changes to existing HTML. It degrades gracefully, all content displayed can be accessed without JavaScript. And it generates W3C valid XHTML and CSS."
From WebAppers. Another lightbox solution. Competes with Thickbox.
15 Useful Twitter Hacks and Plug-Ins For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine
15 Useful Twitter Hacks and Plug-Ins For WordPress | How-To | Smashing Magazine -
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress - NETTUTS
The 13 Most Essential Plugins for WordPress
jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’ - James Padolsey
jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’
I remember googling for something of this nature a while ago but all I found were countless attempts using the cols and/or rows attribute of the textarea, thus making it pretty useless if you weren’t using a fixed-width font. Inspired by Jason Frame’s method, I’ve created an animating ‘autoResize’ jQuery plugin. Although it was inspired by his plugin it has a few slight differences, most notably the way in which the off-screen "testing" takes place. In his plugin (apparently inspired by Facebook’s implementation) a DIV is created off-screen and is filled with the textarea’s value whenever it changes. The height of this DIV is retrieved and then applied to the textarea. My plugin makes use of the scrollTop DOM property to gain the true height of the text and then applies that directly (or via animation) to the textarea.
arc90 lab : experiments : Readability
Reading anything on the Internet has become a full-on nightmare. As media outlets attempt to eke out as much advertising revenue as possible, we're left trying to put blinders on to mask away all the insanity that surrounds the content we're trying to read. It's almost like listening to talk radio, except the commercials play during the program in the background. It's a pretty awful experience. Our friend to date has been the trusty "Print View" button. Click it and all the junk goes away. I click it all the time and rarely print. It's really become the "Peace & Quiet" button for many.
A bookmarklet for stripping unnecessary fluff from web pages, and style the text as you want it.
An app that clears away all the clutter, leaving just the content.
Groject - Jquery.ImageSwitch
An image transition plugin for jQuery. Ripe for overuse, but could be lovely if handled judiciously.
What it does The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects. Why using this With jQuery, it’s so easy to create simple effect such as fade in, move object around… unfortunately when you need to create an effect for image switching, it will require a bit more to create an attractive effect. That isn’t difficult but it isn’t simple and sometimes it’s kind of mess your code up as you need to manage more codes.
14 jQuery Plugins for Working with Images
Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks)
Article on the Twitter vs. Google debate.
It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
During the past few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion about whether Twitter's "real time search" could pose a threat to Google. While I am not sure if Twitter poses a threat to Google, I think it is clear that real-time search is increasingly important. And you can be sure that Google knows it. Will Google try to acquire Twitter, or take some other approach? Time will tell, but rather that wait, I decided to get realtime twitter search results on Google today. I created a Greasemonkey user script that does exactly this. It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started
jQuery Plugin Development - 10 Tutorials To Get Started -
GX - Full-Featured Javascript Animations Framework
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny Javascript Animations Framework.
qTip - The jQuery tooltip plugin - Home - (Current beta: 1.0.0-beta1)
The jQuery tooltip plugin
tooltip plugin
Sunday Morning : jQuery + Google Translation
SundayMorning is a jQuery plugin which allow site-owners to offer their visitors a easy and fancy way to translate their contents.
jQuery lightbox clone - prettyPhoto - by Stephane Caron
jQuery lightbox clone - prettyPhoto
Here's my jQuery lightbox clone, I did it because those available are either not close enough to the real lightbox (lacking animations, not supporting galleries, etc ,etc) or were just not suiting my need. If you have any comment or ways to improve it, just leave me a comment! Bellow you can see a demo of a gallery and single image.
SitePoint » More than 10 “Must Have” WordPress Plugins
What makes WordPress so beautiful? The plugins developed by the many WP enthusiasts. These plugins help you transform a blog into a genuine rich-media experience by adding to your site interactive elements that appeal to your community.
mobile version of your site that is only active on mobile devices is a snap wi
20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queries
Easy Tooltip - jQuery plugin | Css Globe
By default this plugin will read the title attribute of the element and convert it into fade-in tooltip that you can style any way you want. Important note, it doesn't have to be an anchor tag. You can apply this script to any element(s) you want.
30 Awesome Design Enhancing jQuery Plugins | Line25
tal cual
18 WordPress Plugins for RSS Management & Tweaks
Here are 18 WordPress plugins to help you manage your blog's RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) enables site owners to automatically syndicate their content to readers in an easily digestible format. There are a number of WordPressWordPress reviewsWordPress reviews plugins to help you manage your blog’s RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Twitter Search Results on Google for Greasemonkey
Nice feature to get recent Twitter results along with usual search results in Google.
Google hack
"It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page (...) It matches the language of the Google search results (based on the 'hl' url parameter). So if you are searching Google France, it will list only french tweets, etc."
Allan Jardine | Reflections | KeyTable
KeyTable is a Javascript library which provides keyboard navigation and event binding for any HTML table.
Nice editable table through jQuery
10 Best jQuery Plugins - March 2009 | AjaxLine
Today we present new collection of the most interesting jQuery plugins for the last month.
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML tables.
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
simple jQuery tooltip plugin
jQuery tool tip
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
e.. learning....
Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable at Learning jQuery
Most if not all of the jQuery plugins out there have some level of customization. But very few of the plugin authors have mastered the very particular art involved. Achieving the "optimum level" of customization is a bit of a balancing act… go too far either way and you've got an unusable plugin!
A jQuery plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre.
Cooles jQuery-Plugin für iPhone-optimierte Websites (mit dem Slide-Effekt).
Query plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre
ipod style web interaction on jquery
10 Best jQuery Datepickers Plugins | AjaxLine
10 Excellent ToolTip Plugins with jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
7 jQuery Plugins to Manipulate TEXTAREAs | Steve Reynolds Blog
7 jQuery Plugins to Manipulate TEXTAREAs | Steve Reynolds Blog
state_machine: One machine to rule them all? | PluginAWeek
After 2 1/2 years of blood, sweat, tears, and the occasional Jägermeister, I'm finally officially announcing a project I've been quietly working on:
state_machine: One machine to rule them all? | PluginAWeek
After 2 1/2 years of blood, sweat, tears, and the occasional Jägermeister, I’m finally officially announcing a project I’ve been quietly working on: state_machine.
Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
Save your opt-out preference permanently With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses.
With this browser plugin you can permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, which is an advertising cookie that Google uses. The plugin lets you keep your opt-out status for this browser even when you clear all cookies.
Fullsize : A New IMG Tag Attribute
Fullsize is an attempt to get a new <IMG> attribute called fullsize into the next version of HTML. Hopefully this site will get the attention of the W3C, and they will add fullsize to HTML and make it a standard. This is an attempt to bring something truely useful to all web developers and is by no means a completely polished idea, but rather a step in the right direction. Please visit the Fullsize Google Group to add your thoughts on how you think this idea can be improved upon.
Fullsize is an attempt to get a new IMG tag attribute called fullsize into the next version of HTML.
jQuery GalleryView - by Jack Anderson
Build a Better Tooltip with jQuery Awesomeness - Nettuts+
Apr 1st in Javascript & AJAX by Jon Cazier Browsers will automatically display a tooltip when you provide a title attribute. Internet Explorer will also use the alt attribute. But, in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to quickly write a jQuery plugin that will replace the typical browser tooltip with something a little flashier.
Browsers will automatically display a tooltip when you provide a title attribute. Internet Explorer will also use the alt attribute. But, in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to quickly write a jQuery plugin that will replace the typical browser tooltip with something a little flashier.
Personas for Firefox | Dress up your web browser
Personas for Firefox | Dress up your web browser
Personas for Firefox | Dress up your web browser -
Firefox personas, decorate your browser.
skins/themes for your Firefox.
SkipScreen - Firefox Plugin to Skip Tedious Web Pages
SkipScreen - Firefox Plugin to Skip Tedious Web Pages -
SkipScreen - Firefox Plugin to Skip Tedious Web Pages
Sliding Login Panel with jQuery 1.3.2
ideia fantastica!
This script is based on my previous script "Show/Hide Login Panel with Mootools 1.2" but now works with jQuery 1.3.2 instead of Mootools 1.2. Click "Log In | Register" on top to open the demo. Download this script here » Please note the Login and Register forms in this demo will not work "out of the box" without a user login system pre-installed on your site (e.g. PHP/MySQL user login system)! However, most of the CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc have a login system integrated in their platform. So if you are using one, read their documentation to see how you could implement this script into your CMS. This page is valid (X)HTML & CSS. What's new in this version? * Panel has been redesigned to be "slicker". * Panel overlaps content instead of "pushing" it. * Images are transparent... and work in IE6! (Thanks to 24Ways for their IE PNG Fix.) This means, you can change the background color of the body as you wish or even set a background image. * Login button
Supersleight jQuery Plugin for Transparent PNGs in IE6 — All in the head
{shim: '/img/transparent.gif'}
I never meant to become obsessive about getting PNG transparency working nicely in IE6. In the summer of 2003, I hit across a situation on a client project where what the designer wanted required the use of PNG transparency. The script that came to hand to get this working in IE6 at the time was called Sleight, but that only dealt with applying the filter to IMG elements. My design needed to do the same for CSS background images, so I hacked up a different version of the script for that purpose, called it bgSleight, and occasionally updated it.
jQuery Menu: Dropdown, iPod Drilldown, and Flyout styles with ARIA Support and ThemeRoller Ready | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print.
the iPod-style menu provides easy navigation of complex nested structures with any number of levels. The entire menu sits within a fixed-size area, and when a node is selected, by default a "Back" link appears below the menu to allow navigation to previous (parent) menus, or set options to show breadcrumb links above the menu options to both deliver feedback and allow quick access to nodes higher up in the hierarchy. A lateral iPod-style slide transition reinforces the notion that you're moving forward into more granular data, or backward into higher-level data. This menu is specifically useful in traversing deeply nested hierarchies, particularly those more than three levels deep. It also provides a more usable alternative to multi-level fly-out menus, which can present challenges to those with limited manual dexterity.
Cool Menu
Top 10 Tips for WordPress Plugin Developers
zie titel
For all WordPress plugin developers out there: here are the top 10 tips to make your job easier.
Fantastic AJAX Newsletter Module - NETTUTS
Related Freebies
Newsletter management for any site
From the article: This free app should be great for any newsletter management needs. Copy this one file onto your site, and you're ready to send and archive all newsletters, manage e-mail addresses and categories, and configure a template for your e-mails. If needed, the source code is well documented!
AdSweep - An ad blocker for Opera and Chrome (like Adblock)
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser, including Chrome
Just like it says this is an add blocking program like adblock. This one can be made to work with Google Chrome and IE too though.
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser (like Adblock)
WordPress › Redirection « WordPress Plugins
URL-Redirecting, 404 Tracking, 301 Weiterleitungen, ... -- Scheint ein sehr mächtiges Plugin zu sein.
If you are moving from an existing website into WordPress, your URLs will probably be different. This plugin is useful for adding 301 redirects to make sure that users can end up in the right place.
Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.
TwitterAuth: For Near-Instant Twitter Apps - Intridea Development Blog
Neat gem that uses Twitter as the login authentication for your app. Interesting idea and makes it one less thing to worry about when building a secured app.
TwitterAuth is a Rails plugin that provides a full external authentication stack for Rails applications utilizing Twitter.
What You Must Know About jQuery UI 1.7 - NETTUTS
SwarmScreen (Hiding in the Crowd)
"To address this threat, we propose a new privacy-preserving layer for P2P systems that obfuscates user-generated network behavior. We show that a user can achieve plausible deniability by simply adding a small percent (between 25 and 50%) of additional random connections that are statistically indistinguishable from natural ones. Based on this result, we designed SwarmScreen, a system that generates such connections by participating in randomly selected torrents without appearing suspicious. Our SwarmScreen plugin, which seamlessly installs into the Vuze/Azureus BitTorrent client, can be downloaded from >>>here<<<."
Widerbug: Widescreen Firebug | Command-Tab
a few trivial changes to Firebug, I’ve modified it to open on the right side of the browser as a sidebar. With the stock plugin, you can achieve a similar layout by detaching Firebug from the current tab and moving its window in the same position, but this has a generally unwelcome side effect: the separate window doesn’t update when you switch tabs. With Widerbug, you can open the Firebug sidebar, and it will keep up with you as you switch tabs and maintain its width.
If you do any amount of web developing with CSS and JavaScript, it’s probably a safe bet that you use the Firefox and Firebug combo to test ideas, tweak appearance and behavior of pages, and debug problems when they crop up. You might also use a widescreen monitor to provide more screen real estate to flip between your code and the rendered output. In an arrangement like this, the open Firebug panel takes up precious vertical space, while spare pixels on the side go unused.
nakajima's jquery-glow at master - GitHub
glow colors
15 Firefox add-ons for Web developers | Webware - CNET
10 Best jQuery Sliders | AjaxLine
Os 20 melhores sliders em jquery
25+ jQuery Plugins that enhance and beautify HTML form elements | Queness
WPML » Using WordPress to build full multilingual websites
Wordpressiin useampi kieli
Must add plugin
WPML is a WordPress plugin that can turn any WordPress or WordPressMU site into a full featured multilingual content management system.
Huge List Of Highly Extensible Photoshop Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
use asap
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development | Vandelay Design Blog
One of the great things about using WordPress as a content management system is the huge community of users and all of the resources that are available. While all plugins could be used by theme developers, the ones featured in this post have features that can be especially helpful for various aspects of theme development.
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development
Temų demonstravimo įskiepiai
A great list of plugins for people developing (or just hacking up) Wordpress themes.
"tagged jquery"
11 jQuery Plugins to Enhance HTML Dropdowns | Steve Reynolds Blog
このFirefoxアドオンがすごい! Best10 【09年度版】 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
CMSとしてのWordPressでサイト構築をするときに便利な13のプラグイン | 5509
jQuery topLink Plugin
Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab
Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab -
dentify is a Firefox extension that combines identities across various social network/media sites and provides you with a profile about an individual. Simply navigate to the profile page or a blog of an individual you are interested in and on Windows press Alt i or on the Mac press Ctrl i.
ImageSwitch | HieuUK
The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects.
JavaScript image combobox v1.5 | Marghoob Suleman
jquery image dropdown, jquery custom dropdown, customize select element, convert select element to image dropdown, image dropdown script, insert image in dropdown, image dropdown combobox
Katz Got Your Tongue? » Evented Programming With jQuery
NOTE TO SELF: when i have free time, learn jQuery
20 Excellent Plugins for Safari | Webdesigner Depot
Excellent reasons to switch from Firefox. From Webdesigner Depot
Safari actually does support plugins. While the choice is nowhere near as extensive as that of Firefox, there is still a good variety of them to choose from.
These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and the list goes on. Each browser comes with its own
Kevin: Delicious plugins, bookmarking plugins and ad blockers. It's all here. A good collection of plugins for Apple's Safari browser.
tabSwitch | HieuUK
abSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery
tabSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery - Contenido swapeable
Opensource - AJAX - Jqtransform - jQuery form plugin
Преобразование стилей html элементов ввода данных
Ultimate Collection Of Useful Photoshop Plug-Ins | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ultimate Collection Of Useful Photoshop Plug-Ins
Minimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
"jQuery makes our lives easier. So much so that it's tempting to use it all the time, inadvertently slowing our page load times (cue YSlow and Hammerhead). Combining, compressing, and delivering scripts at the end of your page helps in the HTTP request department. On the file size front, below are jQuery plugins that give solid bang for your performance buck."
Plugins JQuery en menos de 4k: tabs, carrusel, loader, dropdown...
jQuery Link Repository
As I start on my venture to really start using jQuery a lot more outside of simple form validation, I wanted to share some really great links I found lately that once again got me fired up about jQuery. This is part of my initial research into more jQuery as we’re going to be using it extensively in our new redesign for the .com I am working at so might as well dig more in now. I’ve used jQuery in the past and know its power & philosophy behind unobtrusive JavaScript and JQuery, but have not yet worked on anything extremely extensive outside aiding to help create a custom validation control in MVC using jQuery in the past. Personally (some agree, some don’t) I think the jQuery Site’s tutorials & API docs are only “fair” at this point in time, so you need a lot of links to supplement the learning process. While yes, you keep hearing that jQuery makes things “easier”, no matter what you hear, the learning curve is a still bit steep at first for even some of the best developers I’ve
colección muy extensa de recursos jquery: tutoriales, plugins, repositorios, bla bla bla...
A Crash-Course in WordPress Plugin Development - Nettuts+
Despite an extensive codex, many WordPress users remain unfamiliar with how to create their own custom plugins. In today's screencast, we'll start from scratch and build our first usable plugin. For this example, we'll write a simple "tuts formatting" function that allows a blog editor to more easily format articles.
Despite an extensive codex, many WordPress users remain unfamiliar with how to create their own custom plugins. In today's screencast, we'll start from scratch
Notimo Demos site
This website is a placeholder for Notimoo sample demos. Notimoo is a Mootools plugin for displaying Growl style notifications to your web visitors. Demo 1 Run this code // First of all I create a Notimoo instance with default configuration var notimooManager = new Notimoo(); // Showing a simple notification{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a sample notitication showing how easy is to use Notimoo.' }); // Showing a notification that does not disappear.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This notification will not disapper on its own. You must click on it to close.', sticky: true }); // Notification with large text.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a notification with a long text. If the message you provide does not fit into the notification size, Notimoo magically auto resize its height so all the content is visible.' }); // First of all I c
18 Useful Plugins & Hacks To Protect Your WordPress Blog |
I rolled up the autocomplete plugin (Rein + Yehuda) of my last few posts with the Facebook style text list (Guillermo) of my autobox post. We’re calling it Autobox2: click here to see the demo. Then, download it: Updated 12/11 (see comments) Although it is missing some of the behavior of autobox1, it’s a more solid and extendable implementation. It also fixes what is in my mind the most glaring problem of autobox1, the fact that it needed the entire list in the initial ajax call. Autobox2 makes AJAX calls the same way that the autocomplete one does, makes a server call with the current contents of the input box. This is the way you would expect. I will no longer be releasing any more changes to Autobox1 and you can consider it deprecated. (I’ve noted this on the main Autobox1 post.) As to the implementation, it is based on the Rein and Yehuda’s autocomplete plugin as detailed in 2 previous posts. There were a few things borrowe
paintnet:psdplugin []
פאגין לפיינטנט המאפשר לפתוח קבצי פוטושופ
The Paintnet plugin doesn't replicate all of the numerous functions of the .PSD file, just the ones that relate to functionality within Paint.NET. You can work with layers, load masks, and open a variety of color modes and profiles. Because of the limited integration with the .PSD file, the plugin is best suited for pulling a .PSD file into Paint.Net and converting it to be used in your Paint.NET workflow.
FullCalendar - Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin
calendario en jquery
jquery calendar
pysmell - Google Code
python completion for IDE including Emacs
python autocomplete for vim
10+ jQuery photo gallery and slider plugins | Queness
A picture is worth a thousand word. No doubt about it. Most of the information based website such as CNN, ESPN, they are all using a massive photo slide show on its front page. It's a very effective method to attract viewers' attention.
9 Ways to Make Your WordPress Blog “Smart” | Weblog Tools Collection
Many of you might be confused by the title and the term “smart”. To me a “smart” blog is a blog that behaves differently depending on its visitors’ behavior and characteristics. A simple example of this is a blog that displays a list of today’s most popular posts on the sidebar. The list changes based on visitors’ behavior so to this is definitely a smart blog feature. There are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that do this for you automatically (e.g. Top 10), but that is not the point. The point here is that having the ability to morph your blog per visitor activity can assist you in meeting your conversion goals (whatever they may be). A list of popular posts is quite a simple feature, so let me take you to another level by showing you more ways to make your blog smart.
常用中 Firefox 3 アドオンのまとめ | WWW WATCH
1年に 1回は書いているこのネタ、懲りずに私が個人的に日常利用している Firefox アドオン(+ Greasemonkey ユーザースクリプト)を挙げてみました。Firefox 3 対応のアドオンのみを集めています。
Make Google Real-Time With Twitter Search Add-on - ReadWriteWeb
Projects | Javascript | Horizontal Accordion | index
horizontal acrodion
13 Beneficial Wordpress Plugins For Your Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
RT @jeremyjaymes: New Post: 13 Beneficial Wordpress Plugins For Your Design Blog (via @behoff) [from]
Below I explore and discuss the benefits of 13 Wordpress plugins that I have personally used on The Design Cubicle that will give your site an extra boost and provide a better experience for your visitors (plus some other great additions you can add).
ActiveRecord Optimization with Scrooge -
Plugin that monitors the fields you're actually using from queries you make and over time dynamically adjusts your queries to retrieve only the fields you need. Apparently includes some magic to go re-query for more fields if you attempt to use one you hadn't loaded in the trimmed query. Amazing-looking stuff, though since we're currently using a DB on the same machine, transferring lots of extra data isn't nearly as expensive.
Dynamic query optimization is a hotbed of research in the database industry. Each and every query you execute goes through a rigorous optimization phase which tries to squeeze every last bit of performance: deciding which indexes to use, the execution order and sort order to minimize the number in-memory tables, etc. However, one thing the database has no access to is the application layer knowledge of which data the user is actually using after it is retrieved. Often times, the query fetches all of the columns when only a few are required, which is exactly the pattern that Lourens Naudé is seeking to optimize with his new plugin: scrooge.
Dynamic Query Optimization
10 Essential Plugins Every Modern Wordpress Site Should Have | Freelance Folder
40 WordPress Plugins to Improve your Blog’s Performance - WPZOOM
jQuery UI Development & Planning Wiki / Essential Controls List
Which controls are provided from jQuery UI? Which controls are provided by a jQuery plugin?
Essential Controls List
James Smith • » Blog Archive » jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry
This is a jQuery plugin to allow users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook.
Autocomplete with multiple items per input.
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack | mobiForge
The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack is a complete toolkit from dotMobi to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow users to edit the site or write new posts when out and about.
wordpress bloss fit für mobilde devices machen
jPlayer : the only CSS styleable jQuery mp3 player plugin
jPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to: * play and control mp3 files in your webpage * create and style an mp3 player using just HTML and CSS * add sound effects to your jQuery projects All of this with no visible Flash.
jPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to: * play and control mp3 files in your webpage * create and style an mp3 player using just HTML and CSS * add sound effects to your jQuery projects All of this with no visible Flash.
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年3月 | コリス
Customize Your Community Wordpress Plugin - Sugarrae
Allows you to customize the back-end of wordpress.
Supersized - Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin
Image slider
Identify: Google People With Two Keystrokes - ReadWriteWeb
Article discussing the Google Social Graph API, a search engine for all the webpages that we identify as profiles online and it tracks the connections between pages linked together for a single person.
Make your HTML elements stand out with jquery expose
Fade background behalve specifiek element
Make your HTML elements stand out
Cheat Code: a jQuery Plugin
Inspired by Konami Code Sites I decided to write a simple jQuery plugin which you can use to easily add your own secret ‘cheat code’ style commands to your own website. By default the “Cheat Code” plugin looks for the Konami code pressed anywhere on the website and can be activated only once.
Add a Konami code cheat to your website/blog/whatever
Inspired by Konami Code Sites I decided to write a simple jQuery plugin which you can use to easily add your own secret ‘cheat code’ style commands to your own website. By default the “Cheat Code” plugin looks for the Konami code pressed anywhere on the website and can be activated only once.
How to Write a Chrome Extension in Three Easy Steps
How to write Google Chrome extensions.
Tutorial on creating and launching a Chrome Extension
Gmail/Facebook Style jQuery Chat | anant garg
chat con jquery
Everyone loves the gmail and facebook inline chat modules. This jQuery chat module enables you to seamlessly integrate Gmail/Facebook style chat into your existing website.
DataTables example
SIIIICK Data Table » blog » jquery gestures
Mouse gestures for jQuery. The madness..
pseudo itouch gestures
Jquery gestures
Mausgesten per jQuery erzeugen und einbinden.
6 Flexible jQuery Plugins To Control Webpage Layouts Easily
CSS styleable jQuery mp3 player plugin
CSS styleable jQuery mp3 player plugin
Use jQuery to "turn off the lights" while watching videos
turn off the lights
Supersized 2.0 Released - Now with Transitions & Controls | Build Internet!
Supersized 2.0 Released - Now with Transitions & Controls | Build Internet! -
Full Screen Image Gallery Using jQuery and Flickr : DevKick Blog
Galeria de imagens!
How to: Get the first image from the post and display it
<?php echo catch_that_image() ?>
Most WordPress users are using custom fields to display thumbs on their blog homepage. It is a good idea, but do you know that with a simple php function, you can grab the first image from the post, and display it. Just read on.
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
Top 18 most downloaded WordPress plugins ever
10 Wordpress Plugins Guaranteed to Save You Time
40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins | Noupe
Some very handy Wordpress plugin's in here and certainly something that I will be taking a closer look at.
Great list of plugins
David DeSandro: jQuery Masonry
jQuery Masonry thumbnail box
Asual | jQuery Address - Deep linking plugin
jQuery Ribbon - Home
Build a Windows-style ribbon menu
A ribbon control built on jQuery. It supports grouping, dropdown menus, nested lists theming and more.
Samuel Garneau dot com - jQuery : Slide Panel
Parsing Strings With jQuery : DevKick Blog
jqueryによる文字列操作 正規表現を活用 urlアドレスのa要素化、htmlタグの削除など
css-template-layout - Google Code
css-template-layout -
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification. Options include the ability to select the CSS parsed, as well as an optional prefix to use for the CSS rules. Specifying a prefix allows style rules that are interoperable with a possible future browser implementations.
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification.
avaScript (jQuery) implementation of the CSS Template Layout Module
A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess « Position Absolute
e solution that works with every form. Figuring out how to display errors is not a simple task. This is something I tried to remedy with this script. When an error needs to be displayed, the script creates a div and positions it in the top right corner of the input. This way you don’t have to worry about your HTML form structure. The rounded corner and shadow are done with CSS3 and degrade well in non compliant browsers. There is no images needed. When you submit a form, it will look for inp
デザイナー・コーダー必見!使えるform関連jQueryプラグインの数々 | バシャログ。
フォーム関連 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
jqPlot is a plotting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line and bar charts with many features including: * Numerous chart style options. * Date axes with customizable formatting. * Rotated axis text. * Automatic trend line computation. * Tooltips and data point highlighting. * Sensible defaults for ease of use. jqPlot is an open source project by Chris Leonello
Gráficos diversos com jQuery [EXCELENTE]
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
may be relevant to my interests...
jquery library for charts
jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
really good looking UI stuff for jquery
"jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for today's websites. This single JavaScript file weighs only 5.8 Kb"
10 Wordpress Plugins That Will Increase Your Search Engine Ranking
13 Simply Useful Wordpress Plugins That Can Make Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
This is another post about useful wordpress plugins. There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence. But it’s totally up to you that how you can make your wordpress blog more strong and powerful using different plugins to give your blog readers an amazing and wonderful experience.
5 Useful WordPress Functions You Didn’t Know Existed — Nathan Rice
jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes.
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes. Simply install the plugin and get started. If you don't have the GWT and App Engine SDKs installed, the plugin can take care of that for you.
Google plugin
Google Code Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Page Speed is a tool we've been using internally to improve the performance of our web pages -- it's a Firefox Add-on integrated with Firebug.
Website optimization plugin for Firefox/Firebug by Google
Paul Irish » jQuery idleTimer plugin
There are a few cases where you want to know if the user is idle. Namely: * You want to preload more assets * You want to grab their attention to pull them back * You want close their banking session after 5 minutes of inactivity. (Jerk!) * You want the site to sneak off the screen and see if they notice ;-)
jQuery idleTimer plugin
Introducing MooTools ScrollSpy
MooTools ScrollSpy
I’ve been excited to release this plugin for a long time. MooTools ScrollSpy is a unique but simple MooTools plugin that listens to page scrolling and fires events based on where the user has scrolled to in the page. Now you can fire specific functionality with just a few simple parameters.
ลูกเล่น เจ๋งๆ
Plugin per MooTools che intercetta lo scrolling della pagina ed è in grado di attivare specifici eventi in base alla posizione in cui si trova l’utente nell’operazione di scorrimento.
JQuery: Die 22 besten Modal - Fenster Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
Regex Selector for jQuery - James Padolsey
Fun With Canvas: Create a jQuery Graph Plugin - Nettuts+ CreateajQueryGraphPlugin
Create a jQuery Graph Plugin
Today, we are going to create a bar graphing plugin. Not an ordinary plugin, mind you. We'll show some jQuery love to the canvas element to create a very robust plugin.
13 Must-Have Add-ons To Strengthen Firebug
Designstuff, Extensions, Plugins
Pixelmatrix Design – Announcing Uniform
A plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
Custom browser form controls with jQuery. Nice.
As a UI designer, I have to deal with form controls quite a bit. I hate how I can’t make selects, checkboxes, and radio buttons look consistent in all the browsers, so I wrote a plugin to solve just that. Introducing Uniform, a plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
jQuery plugin that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
jQuery SuperBox!
Create Beautiful jQuery sliders tutorial
Create Beautiful jQuery sliders tutorial
jQuery Infinite Carousel | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
Posted on 11th June 2009 — With jQuery for Designer’s redesign I decided to add a scrolling carousel that worked in the same way the carousel worked on the Apple Mac ads page. This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of the effect and how to recreate it.
With jQuery for Designer’s redesign I decided to add a scrolling carousel that worked in the same way the carousel worked on the Apple Mac ads page. This tutorial will walk through the fundamentals of the effect and how to recreate it.
Lighter.js is a free syntax highlighting class developed with MooTools. It was created with the MooTools developer in mind and takes advantage of many of the Framework's features. Using it can be as simple as adding a single script to your webpage, selecting the elements you wish to highlight, and Lighter.js takes care of the rest.
jQuery Splitter Plugin
divs con anchura y altura variables
Updated jquery splitter jquery 1.3
A resizable splitter plugin for jQuery.
Splitter en jQuery horizontal, vertical sur plusieurs panneaux ou colonnes
TextboxList « Devthought
Facebook style autocomplete
dev thought's version of the popular facebook textboxlist
best facebook style autocomplete jquery plugin.
wow, this is the shit!
Security Fix - Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension
firefox; beware of security update
see comments
"I'm here to report a small side effect from installing this service pack that I was not aware of until just a few days ago: Apparently, the .NET update automatically installs its own Firefox add-on that is difficult -- if not dangerous -- to remove, once installed., which lists various aspects of Windows that are, well, annoying, says "this update adds to Firefox one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities present in all versions of Internet Explorer: the ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC." I'm not sure I'd put things in quite such dire terms, but I'm fairly confident that a decent number of Firefox for Windows users are rabidly anti-Internet Explorer, and would take umbrage at the very notion of Redmond monkeying with the browser in any way. Big deal, you say? I can just uninstall the add-on via Firefox's handy Add-ons interface, right? Not so fast. The trouble is, Microsoft has disabled the "uninstall" button on the extension."
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension [from]
Microsoft Update Quietly Installs Firefox Extension A routine security update for a Microsoft Windows component installed on tens of millions of computers has quietly installed an extra add-on for an untold number of users surfing the Web with Mozilla's Firefox Web browser.
Lifehacker - Lifehacker's Firefox Add-On Packs - Lifehacker add-on packs
It used to be a pain to hunt down your favorite extensions every time you reinstall Firefox. Mozilla's recently launched Collections make it easy, so we've assembled a few easy-to-install collections of our favorite Firefox helpers.
A must have list of Firefox Add-On Packs - wow Lifehacker great post!
Brandon Aaron : Special Events
jQuery, since 1.2.2, has had an API for “special events”. These events are special because they have the ability to do some extra work for specific events and even the option to bypass some of the internal jQuery event system. With these special events you can create custom events that require some setup work or you can completely overwrite the behavior of native events.
Rundown of the Special Events feature in jQuery edge
10 Easy ways to fix common WordPress headaches | theWPresser
SWFUpload jQuery Plugin : Adam Royle
A jQuery plugin for SWFUpload
When I first stumbled across SWFUpload about two years ago I was impressed by how easy it was to implement. However, their example code has always bugged me as being rather crap, having to assign a separate global event handler for each event, and the lack of multiple handlers for a single event.
Top 10 WordPress Plugins to Promote Your Social Media Profiles
Introducing iPhone-style Checkboxes
JQuery plugin to make iphone-like checkboxes
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
45+ Essential WordPress Plugins for Pro Blogging - WordPress themes, plugins and blogging resources
iNettuts - Welcome!
Belo exemplo de simplicidade e velocidade nos portlets usando a api do jquery e imitando o igoogle
Para Crear una interfaz parecida al igoogle
Welcome t
XRefresh is a browser plugin which will refresh current web page due to file change in selected folders.
really cool tool for web development
Introducing Yip: A Unified Notification System for the Web « abi's blog
Like growl for the MAC
Maps Fluid and Prism notification APIs into Firefox.
Excellent Analytics
Excellent Analytics is a simple Excel plug in that lets you import web analytics data from Google Analytics in to an Excel spreadsheet. Build queries with all dimensions and metrics available in Google Analytics Apply filters to create advanced queries All queries are stored in the spreadsheet
30+ Useful Ajax Lightbox and Modal Dialog Solutions | Dottony
Modal dialog, windows or a popular term lightbox is an unobtrusive ajax solution for displaying the content inside the page itself, it overcome the constraint
Ad Management Plug-Ins And Tutorials For Your Website | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ad Management plugins
Almost everyone out there who runs a website has toyed with the idea of selling ads on their website. So many options are available. Dozens of ad and affiliate networks exist, and you have different ad formats to consider. Should you sell text ads or banner ads? Should you allow Flash ads? What about ads with sound, pop-ups or floating ads? People have so many decisions to make that they often just end up slapping on some AdSense code and calling it a day. And that’s fine.
Ways and Links to improve the Typography of your Wordpress site | theWPresser
A few plugins that are supposed to make implementing different fonts on your #wordpress blog easier...
Wescript is utility for userscript runtime environments, such as Greasemonkey. It's useful for finding popular userscripts and checking userscript updates.
Page Speed Home
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them. How does Page Speed work? Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page, as well as helpful suggestions on how to improve its performance. Why should you use Page Speed? By using Page Speed, you can: * Make your site faster. * Keep Internet users engaged with your site.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
A plugin for Firebug similar to YSlow
What is Page Speed? Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
15 jQuery Plugins To Create An User Friendly Tooltip
10 Really Interesting jQuery Plugins | Queness
I handpicked these plugins from jQuery website. I found them really cool and some of them simply a good stuff to enhance website frontend user interface, usability and capability. Awesome plugins I must say.
Author: kevin | Source: queness | Date: 23 Jun 2009 javascript, usability
The Rails Way: Uploading Files
Edit-in-place with contentEditable property
Edit in place property in jQuery
Firefox 3 was released on June 17, 2008, and from that time, Firefox 2 browser share is quickly dropping. Very soon it will become inefficient to continue supporting it. And we will be able to use a lot of new Firefox 3 features, such as canvas support, CSS and DOM improvements and other. I am really glad that Firefox3 supports the “contentEditable” property. Setting this attribute to “true” allows you to make parts of a document editable. This attribute was already supported by IE6/7/8, Safari, Chrome and Opera. So now we can start using it in our applications.
FireQuery is a collection of Firebug enhancements for jQuery
jquery extension for firefox
10+ useful jQuery Plugins for web development | Queness
10 nützliche JQuery-Plugins für z.B. Formulare und/oder Farbauswahl
Viele nützliche jQuery Plugins
Jquery pluginy
Understanding Action Hooks In Wordpress - Raymond Selda
31 Useful Twitter Plugins For Wordpress To Choose From | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Wordpress Plugin Templates « Fire Studios
s have become my new addiction in the WP environment, thus I've noticed that I'm using the same few beginning steps every time. This led me to create a template file so that I just open, edit, and continue on my merry way of coding my plugin. I'm posting these templates for free use no matter what you're working on. I'll even be a nice guy and let you repost them as your own.
MySpace's Performance Tracker
MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
IEプラグイン、←YSlow/Google Page Speed、パフォーマンス/高速化/レンダリング
MySpace’s Performance Tracker MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
Cause memory leaks love IE?....
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design -
Some great ideas for plugins here.
15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites
List of Really Useful Plugins For jQuery Developers | W3Avenue
Five jQuery Galleries And Slideshows
What’s a web site without an image gallery these days? Galleries are used for products and portfolios and they have been getting sleeker, faster and lighter over time. jQuery plugins are available for almost every function you can think of, everything from widgets to animation effects. As a designer, there are many functions I’d like to add to a web site, however I don’t have the technical prowess to program or put it together, but I do know enough to slot some jQuery onto the page. Thankfully there are many developers out there who generously share their work and there are indeed some fabulous galleries and slideshows available as plugins. Here are five sleek offerings which are available for free and are easy to implement on your site.
SEO Blogger
Whether you blog about business, politics or the hot topic of the moment, SEO Blogger allows you to find the most sought-after keywords for your subject without ever leaving your blog editing screen. The tool sits alongside whatever blog publishing software you're using so you can do keyword research and optimize your posts as you write. Then, simply hit "Publish" – and you're done!
QuickFlip jQuery Plugin | Jon Raasch’s Blog
Plugin em JQuery que gira uma layer com conteúdo "dos dois lados"
QuickFlip is a jQuery plugin I wrote that uses a CSS trick to cause a div, paragraph or any other piece of HTML markup to flip like a card. With a result similar to the UI animation on the iPhone, this jQuery plugin is easily integrated into your webpage to make any portion appear to flip and show its back.
# k Says: November 21st, 2008 at 9:24 am great plugin, it really provides interactive touch # bronius Says: December 4th, 2008 at 9:40 pm Yes, very slick– thanks for sharing it! note to the wayward developer: - do provide a height/width in css for your panels– without it, it swaps but doesn’t smoothly flip - front and back should be of the same size - clip your content with overflow: hidden if you’re unable to reliably stuff your content into a certain size.
Rounding Up the Top 10 jQuery Lightbox Scripts
So many choices, so little time.
Simple Tabs w/ CSS & jQuery - Easy Tab Tutorial with CSS and jQuery - jQuery Tutorials - Tabbed Navigation Tutorial
Simple Tabs w/ CSS & jQuery
15 jQuery Plugins For A Better Photo Gallery And Slideshow
Photo Gallery And Slideshow
Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the best way to showcase your images/photos to your readers. There are a lot of different methods to create them and today we are going to look into different jQuery plugins that can be used to create a better photo gallery.
jQuery Visualize Plugin: Accessible Charts & Graphs from Table Elements using HTML 5 Canvas | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Yes, finally. If I didn't find that I'd coded it myself now.
これまでに使った20のjQueryプラグイン | 5509
iPhone-like password fields using jQuery // DECAF° blog für digitale kommunikation
Non-JS users get the common masked password fields.
iPhone-like password fields using jQuery // DECAF° blog für digitale kommunikation
Nice jQuery plugin to partially mask password fields.
33 Promising Web Development And Social Network Firefox 3.5 Plugins | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Blend, a jQuery plugin effect for CSS backgrounds
Cool rollover / hover effect
Blend Images on hover for CSS Backgrounds
jQuery plugin effect for CSS backgrounds
Starter | Jumpstart Your jQuery Plugin Development
Jumpstart Your jQuery Plugin
boedesign – ottawa based web dabbler » Blog Archive » Gritter for jQuery (Growl)
I’ve been hunting for a good jQuery Growl look-a-like plugin for some time, but I just can’t seem to find one that looks the exact same as the one for Mac OS, so like most web dabblers would do, I decided to roll my own. For those who don’t know what Growl is, it’s basically a notification bubble/popup that appears in the top right of your desktop – examples can be found here. Think of it as calling the alert() function in JavaScript, only it’s not a modal, it’s subtle and it doesn’t look like dog shit.
nice little info bubble controlled by jquery
very cool and the kind of things I have been looking for
tutorial about growl similar function to web pages
MeeNews :: A newsletter plugin for wordpress
Çok beğendim, deneyebilirim
WordPress Newsletter Plugin: - Completely Customizable, with the coolest design. - Add yours email lists or a subscribers list. - Without programming knowledge. - Clean and user friendly interface. - Compatible with WordPress 2.7 or greater. - Perfect for great looking e-mails.
Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resources | WebAppers
This tutorial will demonstrate how to build tooltips that are powered by jQuery, with information pulled from a JSON array.
Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resources | WebAppers -
Content Rich tooltip with JSON and jQuery
멋지다. 툴팁을 이렇게 디자인해낼줄이야.
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins | Queness
10 Rare and Cool jQuery Plugins
10 Interesting lightweight jQuery plugins for web developers
vTip | Vertigo Project
vTip is designed to quickly provide very lightweight (706b js, 272b CSS, 270b image) tooltips to users of jQuery. The zip includes everything you need (including an example page), as well as jQuery for the examples to work.
para usar con javasctipt y jquery
vTip is designed to quickly provide very lightweight (706b js, 272b CSS, 270b image) tooltips to users of jQuery. The zip includes everything you need (including an example page), as well as jQuery for the examples to work. Using the jQuery framwork any element with a class of vtip will have it’s title attribute turned into a sleek, customizable tooltip without the klunk and loading time of a large tooltip script. Version 2 introduces a minified version meaning the entire script is now 44% smaller.
tool tips
101 Killer Wordpress Plugins to Meet Anyone’s Needs - Webitect
Sommario di plugin importanti in ambiente WP
Wordpress is easily the best and most robust blogging platform available today. Part of the reason for the success and “staple” status of Wordpress is due to the availability of thousands of plugins that can take your blogging experience from novice to pro overnight.
Home - AlertFox Web Application Monitoring
Most website owners have been there: Your old-style monitoring system shows nothing but green lights, yet the website is not functioning the way it should: Traditional web monitoring services do not dig deep enough to detect glitches in the application code, and database or find that problems arise with bugs in Ajax, Flash or Silverlight front-end applets. The solution: AlertFox is a revolutionary new self-service website transaction monitoring service that is capable of keeping tabs on the functioning and performance of all websites, even sites that use AJAX, Flash and Silverlight.
Jquery Inline Form Validation Engine
Jquery Inline Form Validation Engine
The Autopsy Of WordPress As CMS With 25 Great WP Plugins & Designs | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
good tips on wordpress
WordPress clearly need no introduction for web devotees like us. Starting out from just a humble blogging platform in 2003, it had grow exponentially into a popular platform not only being used extensively by bloggers but designers and developers too. WordPress have since then become the rice bowl for many Netizens. Whether it’s through blogging, designing WordPress templates, converting PSD to WordPress style XHTML or creating corporate sites, no one could argue that it’s indeed one of the most important platform on the web today.
Animate Curtains Opening with jQuery | Build Internet!
use for some promotion or mini-site?
Ready for use: CSS3 Template Layout | Fyrdility
I’m happy to announce the latest project I’ve been working on: A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module. For those of you unfamiliar with this specification, it provides a relatively easy way to make a table-like layout using CSS. Until recently it was known as the “CSS Advanced Layout Module”. The spec is still a “working draft”, so it can still change significantly. But while that status hasn’t stopped browsers from implementing other CSS3 modules, so far none have tried implementing this one. Inspired by Eric Meyer’s Call for a layout system as well as his suggestion that many CSS features can be made to work using JavaScript, I went to work. Why wait for browsers to implement something when we can have JavaScript take care of it today? The advantages to using this system include: * Source independence, so there’s lots of possibilities with the same markup * All the benefits of a table-like design without the drawbacks * Instant overvie
CSS3 Template Layout
A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module.
10 Image and Gallery Lightbox Solutions for Wordpress - Plugins : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Image and Gallery Lightbox Solutions for Wordpress
some lightbox plug-ins for WordPress
Catch My Fame » Blog Archive » jQuery Before/After Plugin
Pretty nifty before/after image slider in javascript
About a month ago I was reading the New York Times online and they had an article which showed a road in Brooklyn that had been reconstructed to make it safer and more pleasing to the eye. To show the difference in the reconstruction project, they showed a before and after picture using Flash that let the visitor drag a slider over the images, which were sandwiched with one on top of the other, so that you could easily see how dramatic the changes were. I immediately thought that this could be done in JavaScript using jQuery, so I set out to do it.
Create an eCommerce Website with WordPress in under 5 minutes «
In this 5 minute tutorial Adam Purcell of Hungry Dog Media walks you through all of the steps needed to create your first eCommerce website with WordPress and the WP e-Commerce plugin
אולי תנסה את זה אצלך בחנות ?
25 Fresh and New jQuery Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
25 Fresh and New jQuery Plugins and Tutorials
最速で辞書が引けるアドオン「FireDictionary」が便利すぎる : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Mouseover Dictionary とどっちがいかな
QuickFlip 2: The jQuery Flipping Plugin Made Faster and Simpler | Jon Raasch's Blog
The jQuery Flipping Plugin Made Faster and Simpler
Top Twitter WordPress Plugin Roundup | Chicago Web Design
15 Plugins to Unleash the Invincible Power of jQuery and Wordpress
60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox | tripwire magazine
Más de 60 utilidades jquery.
60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
50 Best jQuery plugins - June 2009 | AjaxLine
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf -
10 great jQuery Form plugins
View 10 of my favorite jQuery plugins which i mostly use with web forms. These can enhance the functionality and look of web form elements.
jQuery is one of my favorite javascript client library. We can do more with writing minimal code. Nearly in every project I need to style up web forms or create rules for validation on form elements. Without jQuery it was very harder and longer way to do by writing a lot of lines of code. jQuery solve this as there are many useful form plugins I can use and enhance my web forms easily. Some of those plugins are reviewed as below.
Twitter / Search Widget
add this search widget to any website
AirBlog — A Paper Trail For Your Models
PaperTrail lets you track changes to your Rails app’s models’ data. It’s good for auditing or versioning. You can see how a model looked at any stage in its lifecycle and even undelete it after it’s been destroyed.
acts_as_versioned simply_audited
15 New jQuery Plugins To Help You Conquer The Web | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
OK, so these plugins may not help you actually conquer.....well, anything really but they'll certainly make your website look and work great!
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level | Web Designer Online
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to help distinguish your website from the rest! Use these stunning functions to add some spice to your site.
Anything Zoomer | Calendar
Chris Coyier's Anything Zoomer
JQuery Zoom Plugin
15 Essential Wordpress Plugins for Aspiring Designers
You're not going to be able to create a professional WordPress blog with great work and creativity alone, you're also going to need some rather nifty plugins.
25+ Create Amazing Image Effects with Some of the Best jQuery Plugins Available | tripwire magazine
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and, Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used Ja
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and, Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like Wordpress and Drupal.The community is providing a huge amount of free plugins making it possible to find good solutions to nearny any need you may have. This article will introduce you to more than 25 jQuery plugins providing enhancements to how you can display images on your web pages. This is essential for creating dynamic state of the art web solutions. Lets get started!
Amazing Image Effects with jQuery
Ultimate Ecommerce Starter Kits for Wordpress Users
Today, we are going to look into various themes, plugins and tutorials to build your own Wordpress Ecommerce website.
Ultimate Ecommerce Starter Kits for Wordpress Users -
Sliding Panel: WordPress Plugin
Sliding Panel: WordPress Plugin -
AnythingZoomer jQuery Plugin | CSS-Tricks
You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it. I’m not going to tell you what you should use it for or elaborate use-case scenarios. Your own creativity can help you there.
A rather nice looking zoom tool using jQuery and CSS.
Clever little jQuery plugin for magnifying images and text
You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it.
15 Resources for Setting Up an E-Commerce Site with WordPress
Set up a shop with a shopping cart with wordpress
Round Corners jQuery Plugin
jQuery UI Selectmenu: An ARIA-Accessible Plugin for Styling a Custom HTML Select Element | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print.
Expand table rows with jQuery - jExpand plugin
jExpand is ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that will make your tables expandable. Typical for line of business applications, this feature can help you organize tables better. This way, tables can hold more information such as images, lists, diagrams and other elements.
Setting cookies with jQuery
Setting and clearing cookies with jQuery is really easy (especially when compared with regular Javascript) but it's not includedin the jQuery core and requires a plug-in. This post shows how to set, get the value of and clear cookies with jQuery.
Setting and clearing cookies with jQuery is really easy (especially when compared with regular Javascript) but it's not included in the jQuery core and requires a plug-in. This post shows how to set, get the value of and clear cookies with jQuery.
A-Z of Free Photoshop Plugins and Filters | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
he Photoshop community is choc-full of many free resources, tutorials, tips and techniques, .psd files and even Actions. There is one area that it sadly lacks in, and that is free plugins and filters.
The Photoshop community is choc-full of many free resources, tutorials, tips and techniques, .psd files and even Actions. There is one area that it sadly
horinaja for scriptaculous or jQuery
horinaja for scriptaculous or jQuery
"Horinaja is a slide-show ready-to-use for scriptaculous/prototype or jQuery. Horinaja is innovant because he use your mouse wheel for a best navigation." Very cool.
Easy Slider 1.7 - Numeric Navigation jQuery Slider | Css Globe
This looks a lot like what you normally use
jquery week-calendar | redredred
pretty amazing
The jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar in your application. It is built on top of jquery and jquery ui and is inspired by other online weekly calendars such as google calendar
jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption Tutorial | Queness
Хороший слайдер для новостей+описаний. Требует тюнинг, конечно.
In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin
sigh, I've been meaning to do this
This is a simple plugin that turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field label support. Labels fade when the field is focussed and disappear when text entry begins. Clearing a field and leaving brings back the label.
Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part IV: snipmate.vim - good coders code, great reuse, or, or want surround.vim:
In-Field Labels: A Better Way + jQuery Plugin | Fuel Your Coding
Last week I was dealing with a unique problem. I needed to set focus to a username field, but the field had an in-field label. The script was set to clear out
jQuery Custom Events: They Will Rock Your World! | Fuel Your Coding
Ok, maybe they won’t exactly “Rock Your World” but they might completely change the way you look at your jQuery development. At the very least, I hope this simple technique will help you build clean, reusable and extendable front-end code.
23 jQuery Fade in Fade out Effect - Toolbox - Geek Sucks
23 jQuery Fade in Fade out Effect
25 jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Tutorials and Plugins | Vandelay Design Blog
25 jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Tutorials and Plugins
jQuery image galleries and sliders are very common on portfolio sites and are also useful for any other type of site for displaying images and photos. Fortunately, adding a jQuery gallery does not have to be difficult, even if you don’t have much experience with JavaScript and jQuery. In this post we’ll see tutorials and plugins that can provide you with the resources that you need to get a gallery of slider on your site.
galerias de imagenes con jQuery
Interesting Code Highlighters for blogs and websites
Code highlighters are very useful tools to present code snippets on your blog or website with a professional look and improve the readability of code you provide for your readers. In this post I want to reply to some requests I received in the past weeks about this topic and suggest you my five favourites code highlithers.
It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server. This is
home of official greasemonkey, ff ext port ,and the google chrome ext
ページごとに分けられたWebページを自動で読み込み継ぎ足し表示を行うブラウザ拡張です。 AutoPagerizeは様々なWebサイトで利用でき、効率的なWebブラウジングを提供します。 (via
30 Tutorials Combining Both Wordpress and jQuery : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Take the most popular CMS, Wordpress, and then take the easiest and most versatile of Javscript libraries, jQuery, and you have a match made in heaven. Implementing jQuery within Wordpress is a lot easier than you would think, all you need is a little support from the huge WP community and a little patience, and you are good to go. Below you will find 30 Tutorials Combining both Wordpress and jQuery.
jquery-week-calendar - Project Hosting on Google Code
A jquery plugin providing a weekly view of calendar events #jquery
jQuery plugins that a programmer need everybody | PHP tutorials and Scripts Collection
jCryption - JavaScript data encryption
In short words jCryption is a javascript HTML-Form encryption plugin, which encrypts the POST/GET-Data that will be sent when you submit a form. It uses the Multiple-precision and Barrett modular reduction libraries for the calculations and jQuery for the rest.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
In short words jCryption is a javascript HTML-Form encryption plugin, which encrypts the POST/GET-Data that will be sent when you submit a form. It uses the Multiple-precision and Barrett modular reduction libraries for the calculations and jQuery for the rest. jCryption is completly free and dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses like jQuery.
Giva Labs - Linkselect jQuery Plug-in | Giva
Giva Labs - Linkselect jQuery Plug-in | Giva
Home - mozrepl - GitHub
Doesn't look like you can automate it, though that would be awesome
another firefox repl plugin
A firefox java script REPL (uses telenet).
19 Essential WordPress Plugins That Every Professional Website Should Use | CHROMATIC
Whether you own a professional WordPress website or build them for other people, here is the definitive list of must-have, free WordPress plugins for professional WordPress websites.
10 Most Downloaded Wordpress Plugins of All Time | Best Design Options
plugins most popular
Best Design Options
Speeding up Google Analytics load times with a jQuery plugin | Geekology
To keep the Google Analytics code from interfering with page rendering you can use jQuery to load and execute the ga.js file. The ‘jquery.geekga.js
Speeding up Google Analytics
A demo of AD Gallery -
A jquery picture gallery
jQueryでワンランクアップするWordpressのプラグイン・チュートリアルいろいろ | DesignWalker
30+ New Useful WordPress Tricks & Hacks | Wordpress
As an experienced WordPress user, we keep ourselves updated with the development of the core, plugin releases and useful WordPress tips and tricks shared by
cool info and wordpress plugins
WordPress › Short URL Plugin « WordPress Plugins
"allows you to create shorter URL's and keeps track of how many times a link has been clicked. It's useful for managing downloads, keeping track of outbound links and for masking URL's. Clicking the Clear All Clicks button will reset the count for each entry. Visit the plugin page for more information about this plugin."
Short URL allows you to create shorter URL's and keeps track of how many times a link has been clicked. It's useful for managing downloads, keeping track of outbound links and for masking URL's. Clicking the Clear All Clicks button will reset the count for each entry. Version 2.7.1 includes pagination of links, easier setup of htaccess (permalinks) and allows admins to pass variables to their redirects. It also allows customisation of the permalink so you're no longer limited to /u/23.
"Short URL allows you to create shorter URL's and keeps track of how many times a link has been clicked. It's useful for managing downloads, keeping track of outbound links and for masking URL's"
12 jquery tooltip for web developer
12 jquery tooltip for web developer
Elastic - Make your textareas grow facebook style (jQuery plugin) | Unwrongest
The manual Excerpt in WordPress. What, why, how, tips and plugins -
WordPress excerpts, which are not excerpts in the common sense of the word, make a WordPress site easier to browse and its content easier to discover. When also used as META descriptions, good excerpts bring more and better traffic from search engines.
Tutorial on excerpts in wordpress
Horizontal Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial | Queness
scroll que segue o mouse! :)
So, in this tutorial, we will learn how to create a scroll menu. We will achieve the following objectives: Keep html as simple as possible, and let jQuery and CSS do the rest. Scoll up and down according to mouse-Y axis Use jQuery.color plugin to animate the background-color changes - download jQuery.color (Yes, you will need this to animate the background color, I thought it will do it by default, obviously it doesn't! )
jQuery big Horizontal scroll menu
Ways and Links to improve the Typography of your Wordpress site |
10 Safari plugins that could make you drop Firefox
10 plugins safari
6 jQuery growl-like notification systems |
Ultimate list of 17 really useful WordPress plugins
resources for web blogs etc
Firefox 拡張を jQuery で書く! Jetpack を使ってみた。 - IT戦記
PHP Team: 10 jQuery Datagrid Plugins
jquery.timepickr was created in a attempt to make the process of inputing time in a form as easy and natural as possible.
Not perfect, but an interesting time picker implementation.
A time selector with a very ergonomic UI -- pick hour, minute in 15 minute increments, then am/pm.
jquery time picker
19 Firefox Add-ons For Designers
Extensiones de Firefox para diseñadores de webs.
AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin | CSS-Tricks
Posted from: CSS-Tricks
Just what the world needs, another jQuery slider. YAWN. I know, check this one out though, it's got lots of cool features. Here on CSS-Tricks, I've created a
Slider MUITO BOM com JQuery.
Very good JQuery slider.
22 Beautiful jQuery Plugins for Web Designers | Tutorial9
This collection of jQuery plugins might come in handy next time you’re building a site. This post highlights some of the more aesthetic plugins online that can add a spark of creativity into your web design.
This collection of jQuery plugins might come in handy next time you're building a site. This post highlights some of the more aesthetic plugins online that can add a spark of creativity into your web design.
25+ jQuery Tutorials Roundup | ExtraTuts
25+ jQuery Tutorials Roundup | ExtraTuts
jQuery Tutorials Roundup
Kyle Pott » Make Your Wordpress Blog Mobile Compliant in One Step
Great wordpress blog tip for mobile compatability!
Mobile phones (especially those with web browsing capabilities) are becoming very pervasive. The percentage of visitors reading your blog from a mobile phone is probably growing exponentially. The best part about the technique I’m going to show you is that it is not going to cost you anything to display a mobile version of your blog.
You may have noticed that this blog now has a mobile version for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You may also have noticed that there is a second mobile format for all other smart phones, too. Thanks to the ease-of-use of Wordpress, you can make your blog mobile compliant in about five minutes and without writing one line of code.
15 Best Examples of Free jQuery Content Sliders
collection of jquery sliders
Slider images
13 Essential Wordpress related Firefox Extensions (make blogging easy) : Speckyboy Design Magazine
This extension can be used to install plugins or themes on your WordPress blog with a single click. It adds a new entry to the popup context menu for links to .zip files, clicking it installs the plugin or theme file on the Wordpress blog you have configured in the addons settings (the type – plugin/theme – is determined automatically).
Plugins That Make Wordpress Into A Company Intranet |
Wordpress has become a great platform for a wide range of website needs. Originally designed for blogging it is now a common package for full fledged content management systems and even complete web based applications
utiliser wordpress pour intranet/boite
Wordpress has become a great platform for a wide range of website needs. Originally designed for blogging it is now a common package for full fledged content management systems and even complete web based applications.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Looks very similar to Steve Souders' YSlow extension.
Google __Page Speed__ sounds like Yahoo's Y Slow.
Tweetable - a jQuery plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Tweetable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to display your twitter feed on your site quickly and easily. More than just displaying the feeds you can highlight @replys as well as links being dynamically generated for ease of use.
Display your twitter feed on your site with a jQuery plugin.
Para mostrar los twits en tu site con jQuery
show twitter feed with jquery
20 Most Commonly Used Plugins on Wordpress Blogs
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
Multi-Author Blogs are a popular trend that is spreading rapidly in the blogging industry. It is getting hard to keep up with the fresh content for one man bloggers therefore more and more blogs are now seeking for guest authors, co-authors, and multi-authors. This is not only a great way to expand your blog’s content, but it is a great way to attract different type of audiences. While it is a great way to produce fresh content, Managing a Multi-Author blog is no easy task. You have to make sure that the authors post on time, they have the appropriate permissions and control, and so much more. Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
jQuery maxImage plugin: Demo
This plugin will resize and scale targeted images to their max width according to the image ratio, the browser size and some simple options.
This plugin will resize and scale targeted images to their max width according to the image ratio, the browser size and some simple options. Change the size of your browser to see it's effect.
smart photo scaling
20 jQuery Plugins and Tutorials to Enhance Forms : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Display Thumbnails For Related Posts in Wordpress | Build Internet!
Brilliant tip Zach! I had actually just implemented something very similar on my soon-to-be-launched redesign when I came across this post. I also added a bit of jQuery so that I could have a conventional list of related posts with one image showing next to the list, and then on mouseover the image changes depending on the link being hovered.
Yet Another Related Post
Articles similaires sous forme d'image
CMS your WordPress with these 10 plugins
Must have extensions for using WordPress as a CMS
There are 2 ways to make WordPress into a better CMS. The first way involves a lot more time spent building your theme and ultimately a lot more cost. The second way uses third party plugins to extend your CMS’ functionality.
9 Most Useful jQuery Plugins.
9lessons is a popular programming blog maintained by from Srinivas Tamada. Topics focus on programming, tutorials, jquery, ajax, php, mysql, javascript, jsp, database, java and resources 9 lessons.
Kwicks for jQuery and an awesome horizontal animated menu | AEXT.NET
jQuery Horizontal Menu
jQuery 橫向動態導航選單
20 jQuery Plugins/Techniques For Web Designers And Developers - Codefusion Lab
25+ Paramount jQuery Tutorials | Tutorial Lounge
Today here with great deal of 25+ Paramount jQuery Tutorials, This article will briefly introduce you to the Javascript framework jQuery and then provide excellent examples of the low hanging fruits waiting for you if you’re starting to use jQuery. jQuery is just one of several frameworks that all have powerful features.jQuery is fast and versatile, and is quickly becoming as common on websites as CSS. most of the websites lately have a featured area with content that slides or changes in some way. This is a great technique to show several pieces of content in a limited amount of space and a good way to engage the user. A fancy search suggestion 1138 Submit A Form Without Page Refresh using jQuery 279 jQuery Tools Scrollable 345 Navigation List Menu with Nudging Effect 433 Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery 529 colorcharge jQuery 1.2
Google Analytics Blog: Analytics Data In Excel Through Our API
"... you can bypass this manual step and export Google Analytics data directly from within Excel! Once you've set it up, there's no need to visit the Analytics reports to view data in Excel."
with the Google Analytics API you can bypass this manual step and export Google Analytics data directly from within Excel! Once you've set it up, there's no need to visit the Analytics reports to view data in Excel.
Top 160 Wordpress Plugin
Top 160 Wordpress Plugin
31 Refreshing Jquery Techniques/Plugins - Codefusion Lab
15 Great jQuery Plugins For Better Table Manipulation
40 Super-Neat JavaScript Plugins - Nettuts+
Custom Checkboxes Images Lightbox Youíre probably very familiar with Lightbox. If not, this is used to display overlay images on the current page.
35 Stylish And Modern Wordpress Plugins Using jQuery UI | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Excellent wordpress plugins harnessing the power of jQuery!
wordpress jquery
The Rails State Machine « Envy Labs
include ActiveModel::StateMachine
Ruby on Rails recently added a built-in ActiveModel::StateMachine implementation and even more recently tied it in to ActiveRecord. And, for being a built-in library, it’s pretty damned fully-featured.
20 Fresh jQuery Plugins to Enhance your User Interface
jQuery UI Multiselect
jQuery UI Multiselect -
Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget It depends on jQuery 1.3 and jQuery UI 1.7. The widget is styleable using Themeroller. It works in an unobtrusive fashion, by just turning html multiple select inputs into a sexier equivalent. There's no extra markup needed. For installation instructions please have a look at the corresponding blogpost Source code is available at Github In case you are looking for the original version, it has been moved here Bleeding Edge Demo is always available here (thanks to Github Pages)
Converts html multiple select inputs into slicker interfaces. It makes searching within the options possible which is very functional for large lists & selected items can be re-ordered by drag’n drops.
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness -
Best jQuery Plugins - August 2009 | AjaxLine
Best jQuery Plugins
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Best jQuery Plugins - August 2009
jQuery言語入門 : - KAYAC engineers' blog
15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins You Need
I regularly receive questions about the plugins that I use on the Wordpress installation here at Site Sketch 101.
Webデザイナーのための美しいjQueryプラグイン22 | CREAMU
jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress « Smashing Magazine
Facebook is one of those Web phenomena that impress everyone with numbers. To cite some: about 250 million users are on Facebook, and together they spend more than 5 billion minutes on Facebook… every day. These numbers suggest that we should start thinking about how to use Facebook for blogging or vice versa.
How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress
emplates. You can change the language manu
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images [from]
**flickr annotation plugin
In a recent post, I wrote about jQuery plugins that let you easily add a stylish galleries and slideshows to your site. Today, we have six plugins that let you add some cool functionality and interesting effects to images. As a designer, I found plugins like this to be so useful because I would never be able to write or develop functionality like this myself. So thank you generous developer community for sharing all this great work. And now on to the plugins… jParallax jParallax turns a selected element into a ‘window.’ Through this window you can see a number of absolutely positioned layers. The layers move in response to the mouse, giving a parallax effect. The parallax effect was utilized on the popular Silverback application website last year. To download the plugin and see working demos, visit the plugin website.
facybox 1.0
facebook like divs and images
doesn't do prev/next however
FamSpam's facebox is great, but the visual is too facebookish (well that's the way they wanted it). Fancybox is great, but programmatically dealing with it is hard (you have to create an element on the fly and trigger a click on it). So, instead of using one or another, a mashup was created. Basically is a facebox with fancybox look.
Using Page Speed
Using Page Speed
"Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them."
ools > Firebug > Open Firebug - Welcome
Stribe is a plug and play service to instantly create a social network on any website
テーブルに実装できるjQueryプラグインいろいろ | DesignWalker
Dynamic Drive DHTML scripts- jQuery Scroll to Top Control
DatePicker - jQuery plugin
Calendario tanto ate para combobox
Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- jQuery Image Magnify
Site Logo Script- Click here for a DHTML script that creates a static logo image, positioned in the lower right corner of the browser.
aumentar imagens, efeito javascrip
jQuery Image Magnify enables any image on the page to be magnified by a desired factor when clicked on, via a sleek zoom in/out effect. The enlarged image is centered on the user's screen until dismissed.
CSS Library
kinda like just enlarges once you click on it without the load image and next/previous/close buttons
Turn your jQuery code into a richer, unit testable, plugin —
It took me a little while before I gave jquery plugins a go, thinking it will be complex and I won’t have time. But, it turns out to be really simple, elegant and useful for both simple and complicated scenarios.
Ótimo tutorial que mostra desde a criação de um simples plugin à criação de testes unitários
Might use fireunit instead of QUnit
jQuery Moving Tab and Sliding Content Tutorial | Queness
Lava Lamp on tab navigation and content
zen-coding - Project Hosting on Google Code
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins for TextMate and NetBeans. They are using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
textmate plugins for zen coding
Zen HTML and Zen CSS are the separate plugins using template logic, provided by applications and based on Zen HTML Elements and Zen CSS properties documentation.
9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers
Event calendars and date pickers are really useful plugins for web applications. Wordpress does have a date picker, which allow bloggers to schedule the article. I am a big fan of jQuery, so i always use jQuery Calendar plugins to accomplish my tasks when the clients asked me to implement an event caldendar for them. In this article, i would like to share 9 really useful jQuery Event Calendar and Date Picker plugins that every web designers and developers should know.
9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers
Google Chrome Frame - Google Code
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame
Wordpressに入れておくべき、基本的なプラグイン「これは入れておかないと損するよ」という、実用性重視のプラグインの紹介。 セキュリティ対策【Akismet】スパムコメントを、除外する。元から入っているプラグインなので、有効化すべし。 API キーが必要なので、面倒くさがらず、画面の指示に従い登録しましょう。ちなみに、他にwordpressのサイトを立ち上げた場合でも、再び、同じキーが使えますよ。 【Secure Wor...
Chromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
"To start using Google Chrome Frame, all developers need to do is to add a single tag: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">"
Renders pages as Chrome inside an IE window.
30 Best jQuery Photo Plugins - Sliders, Slideshow, Galleries
35+ Create Amazing Image Effects and Sliders with These Awesome jQuery Plugins | tripwire magazine
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and, Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like Wordpress and Drupal. The community is providing a huge amount of free plugins making it possible to find good solutions to nearny any need you may have. This article will introduce you to more than 35 jQuery plugins providing enhancements to how you can display images on your web pages. This is essential for creating dynamic state of the art web solutions. Lets get started!
tripwire magazine provides easy to digest articles with relevant and hand-picked information all subjects of web design and development, ranging from; Fonts, Photoshop, CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising, SEO, Tutorials & much more.
GoogleがWebの問題児Internet Explorer対策を発表: IEをChromeにしてしまう
った。でも、今のところターゲットはIEだけだ。 それは正当な行為だと思える。IEはGoogleの宿敵Microsoftの製品だが、ユーザ数ナンバーワンのWebブラウザであると同時に、Webの標準規格から外れたところの多い問題児だ。IE7からはやや良くなったが、まだほめられたものではない。標準性の問題だけでなくパフォーマンスも良くない。Chrome Frameは、ChromeのWebkitとJavaScriptエンジンの最
Google Sidewiki
Google Sidewiki...Easily annotate/collaborate with any web page..
cons: must have the google toolbar open to access this & side wiki window is big
"Google Sidewiki is a browser sidebar that lets you contribute and read information alongside any web page."
Google annonce Side Wiki. Un module supplémentaire à la barre d'outil maison à installer dans le navigateur, et qui permet de commenter n'importe quelle page web, sans avoir recours aux zones de discussions du site que l'on est train de visiter. Google annonce SideWiki. Un module supplémentaire à la barre d'outil maison à installer dans le navigateur, et qui permet de commenter n'importe quelle page web, sans avoir recours aux zones de discussions du site que l'on est train de visiter. Sur le papier, rien à redire, c'est du Google : simple, facile à utiliser, transparent. Et avec quelques goodies pratiques : connexion possible avec Blogger (la plate-forme de blog maison), mise en place d'une API si vous voulez utiliser ces commentaires à votre guise, partage des commentaires sur Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Best jQuery Tutorials for June 2009 | AjaxLine
20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and Tricks : Speckyboy Design Magazine
20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and Tricks
15 Attractive Javascript Carousel Plugins | Queness
GravityBlast - by Andrea Franz » 2 minutes admin layout with rails and the web-app-theme generator
script/generate theme application --app_name="My Cool Albums" --theme="drastic-dark"
Add layout generator
cool way to generate admin themes
37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins | Listelog
13 Firefox Add-ons For Web Development
e (Errors, Warnings, Messages), languages (JavaScript, CSS, XML) and context (Chrome, Content).
browser compatibility information in a handy dock at the bottom of the browser, and was created for SitePoint by James Edwards, a JavaScript guru and author (until the updated version is approved on the Mozilla add-ons site, you’ll need to grab the latest version, which is compatible with Firefox 3.5, fro
Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery (FormToWizard plugin)
Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery (FormToWizard plugin)
33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment Section | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
I went further and found 33 Wordpress plugins, which can be used effectively to power up and evolve comment form possibilities and security.
25 Useful jQuery Tooltip Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Vários Tools Tips (Balões do mal)
jquery tooltips 25 jquery tooltips
Embeddable Waves: The Google Wave WordPress Plugin
One of the more intriguing aspects of Google Wave – the much anticipated communication and collaboration platform that debuts later this month – is the fact that Waves can be embedded anywhere on the Web. Waves, in case you’re not familiar, are essentially individual threaded conversations that take place within Google Wave. So, when we’re talking about an embeddable Wave, it means a conversation that can be placed on other websites, with the same functionality as it would have within Wave itself. Since some developers already have access to Google Wave, we’re now able to show you what this functionality looks like – and how you may be seeing it in the future – via a WordPress plugin that has already been built for easily embedding Waves in blog posts.
List of Really Useful Plugins and Resources For MooTools | W3Avenue
also has links to other mootools sites
QueryLoader – preload your website in style - Gaya Design
Web site que oferece o arquivo para download e a página para visualização de um preloader feito em JQuery !
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: Loading page or have an animated image that spins. Why can't there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I've gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.
There is always a minor problem when it comes to preloading image on a website. Nobody really has a full solution for it. There are a lot of preloaders available, but most of the time they only display the words: “Loading page” or have an animated image that spins. Why can’t there be a nice loading bar of some kind? I’ve gotten a few request on how to make a preloader, or people asking me how to get all the images of a web page and preload them (even the images in CSS). This preloader has it all. Loading bar, custom animations and getting all images included in the web page.
13 Great Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Admin Area | Pro Blog Design
13 plugins pour gonfler votre administration Wordpress
50+ jQuery Plugins for Form Enhancements | tripwire magazine
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submit the information you’re trying to collect. In this article I have collected a number of really essential jQuery Form Enhancements. A few cheat sheets have been added as well.
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submi
Relevance Blog : 10 Must-Have Rails Plugins and Gems (2009 Edition)
10 Essential Wordpress Plugins For New Wordpress Installation
* CSS * Ecommerce * Insipiration * Javascript * PHP * Resources * SEO * Templates * Tools * Tutorial * Typography * Wordpress
WP DB Backup
30 Wordpress Plugins To Help You Improve Your Sidebar | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
WP Carousel
10+ WordPress plugins for developers
In the Woods – 20 jQuery Plugins Worth Implementing into your Themes
8 of the Best Social Media Extensions for Joomla
rs you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable
Social Media Extensions Recommendations
Joomla (Joomla)! is a CMS powerhouse, but the core does not include any social media integration other than RSS feeds. With a free download and easy installation, any Joomla! administrator can quickly integrate with popular social media applications. In addition to driving traffic to your site, integrating your Joomla! site with social media applications shows your readers you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable (or you think it is) and it’s worth sharing. Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools | SAP Web 2.0
FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools A beta version of PowerPoint Twitter Tools is now available for testing. Based on SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius technology, the twitter tools allow PowerPoint presenters to see and react to tweets in real-time, embedded directly within their presentations, either as a ticker or refreshable comment page. There are currently three tools — but come back soon, this is changing fast! * PowerPoint Twitter ticker bar * PowerPoint Twitter feedback slide * PowerPoint Twitter voting
A beta version of PowerPoint Twitter Tools is now available for testing. Based on SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius technology, the twitter tools allow PowerPoint presenters to see and react to tweets in real-time, embedded directly within their presentations, either as a ticker or refreshable comment page. There are currently three tools — but come back soon, this is changing fast!
Dr Nic ’s Install any HTML theme/template into your Rails app
et me know if anyone else thinks this is usefu
So I’ve started to try and make any “HTML Template” into a “Ruby on Rails Template” with the helper app install_theme.
Nifty tool to convert a vanilla HTML/CSS layout into the views and static assets needed by a Rails app.
Themes and Plugins For Extreme WordPress Functionality | W3Avenue
把WordPress变成论坛, wiki等
jQuery Link Nudge Plugin
David Walsh Blog Become a complete programmer with PHP, CSS, MooTools, jQuery, and ∞.
A jQuery Twitter Ticker – Tutorialzine
Tutorialzine is the one place for high quality tutorials, resources and frebies. Learn bleeding edge techniques in web development and design, download open source components and participate in the community.
Twitter Ticker auf jQuery Basis mit Unterstützung mehrerer Accounts web website
A jQuery Twitter Ticker – Tutorialzine -
Ben Alman » jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full jQuery.deparam() method, along with both fragment and query string parse and merge utility methods.
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event.
Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room | CSS-Tricks
Building a jQuery/PHP Powered Chat Room
85 wordpress plugins for blogging journalists | Online Journalism Blog
Having reached a potential plateau in my addiction to Wordpress plugins* I thought I should blog about the plugins I use, those I've installed in preparation
Plugin Check
Check my mozilla firefox plugins to make sure they're up to date.
Function Web Design & Development Blog - » Revisited: Creating Custom Write Panels in WordPress
My next web design will have a place for Blogs!
A wonderful way to add many types of custom information to your WordPress blog.
Insanely Awesome ExpressionEngine Tools You Can’t Live Without | Viget Inspire
Structure for ExpressionEngine
Structure is a new way to build ExpressionEngine sites. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates “static” and “listing” pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. Now, traditional page style content and multiple entry pages can live within the same area. Your clients & authors will rejoice.
Statische Seiten verwalten und anlegen!
Best jQuery plugins - September 2009 | AjaxLine
This is a great list of plugins - I have one running on my blog (a pretty simple one) that allows me to animate the pic there without hitting the page size too hard. Can't wait to start playing with the rest of these....
jQuery Approach by Scott Robbin
Proximity-based effects
Approach is a jQuery plugin that allows you to animate style properties based on the cursor’s proximity to an object. It works in a very similar manner to jQuery animate, however it animates over distance instead of time.
40+ Quite Useful Wordpress Plugins using jQuery | tripwire magazine
Bring Wordpress and jQuery together really makes sense and the plugins for Wordpress you’ll find here will make your blog theme more powerful and dynamic. Please leave a comment if I missed plugins that deserve to be here!
Top 10 WordPress plugins to monetize your blog
Making money blogging is a common dream to many bloggers. But sadly, only a few bloggers actually make money from blogging. The fact that you will make money depends of many factors, as such as your site traffic, the quality of your content, the power of your network, and many more. Althought tools will not bring you results without any work, they can make your life easier or help you to optimize your online income. In this article, I have selected the Top 10 WordPress plugins for monetizing your blog.
10 Important Tips to Optimize Wordpress for Search Engines | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment SectionHow To Create Your [...]
jQuery listmenu plugin - javascript list navigation menu control
10 Most Useful Google Plugins for WordPress |
useful and useless ;)
top 10 plugins for wordpress.
iHwy jquery listmenu plugin - dropdown menu navigation for lists
Lista de Itens em formato dropdown
iHwy jquery listmenu plugin - dropdown menu navigation for lists -
crea menu da liste di dati varie
Top 10 Most Common Coding Mistakes in WordPress Plugins « planetOzh
7 jQuery Plugins to Really Enhance Users Experience
jQuery Plugins to Really Enhance Users Experience
mâcher le travail comme une bibliographie de jquery
8 Powerful Wordpress Plugins You Probably Don’t Use But Should @ SmashingApps
There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence.
Google Wave Add-on for Firefox at That Smith
15 Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQuery
Pour faire des chouettes boutons radios.
CSS is great and when it is combined with powerful JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, you can achieve some really amazing things. Combining these two together will let you enhance the user experience by providing more intuitive and responsive web interface. Here are 15 ways you can use jQuery to improvee CSS techniques.
Ways to Improve CSS Techniques Using jQuery
jQuery fade and slide toggle plugin « Position Absolute
The jquery slidetoggle() is great, but one thing I always thought it was missing is some opacity fading in the sliding animation. When I was coding this iteration of position absolute I wanted this kind of animation so I went there and coded it. This is a very small plugin, but I still find the effect cooler than a regular sliding.
fade and slide toggle plugin « Position Absolute
jQuery fade and slide toggle plugin
Contactable - A jQuery Plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
WordPress › W3 Total Cache « WordPress Plugins
W3 Total Cache
Ten Most Popular Firefox Plugins of Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
including "webdeveloper", "firebug" (for debugging code), and fireftp (online secure ftp)
14 jQuery Plugins for Enhanced Content Viewing | Web Design Ledger
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent solution. With jQuery you can easily create accordion style content boxes, image galleries, and content sliders. Here are 14 excellent jQuery plugins for adding this type of functionality to your site.
Whether you need to display content within a limited amount of space or you just want to make a section of your website more engaging, jQuery is an excellent
5 Plugins To Make Your WordPress Blog Blazing Fast
Another amazing post about WordPress Plugins. Can't get enough of testing out new plugins.
20 Best Wordpress Typography Plugins To Enhance Readability | Wordpress
Whether you just want more control over how the basic text on your site shows up or you want to do something a bit more advanced, there’s surely a plugin available to help. There are plugins to better handle things like hyphens and long URLS, plugins to replace text with images (whether in headlines or to avoid censorship), and plugins to let you add print-centric elements, like drop caps and pull quotes, to your posts.
10 Most Wanted Category Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
In this article we will share the most wanted category hacks and plugins for WordPress which you can use in your themes. These snippets of codes are a lifesaver in many situations when it comes to modifying a theme.
Some useful stuff in here, especially about selecting and excluding categories.
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress | W3Mag
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress
The best plugins for adding social bookmarking to Wordpress blog
Build a Thermometer Controlled Page with jQuery | Build Internet!
Hold on. Before anyone gets too excited, jQuery does not have the ability to actually monitor a room’s temperature. The thermometer we are building is a vertical slider from the jQuery UI library. As the temperature is changed on the thermometer, the page design will update accordingly. The choice to go green in today’s post wasn’t random. Actually, it’s the result of an annual one day movement in the blogosphere…
A jQuery Plugin for Zoomable, Interactive Maps | Raleigh Web Design & Development | New Media Campaigns
Example | HieuUK
22 Most Popular Google Chrome Extensions - chrome adblock, chrome addons, chrome extensions, chrome extensions google, chrome extensions plugins, chrome plugins download, chrome plugins extensions, chrome themes, chromium extensions, download google ch...
chrome adblock, chrome addons, chrome extensions, chrome extensions google, chrome extensions plugins, chrome plugins download, chrome plugins extensions, chrome themes, chromium extensions, download google ch...
BEST Chrome addons !!
makes it possible to discover and connect with others on Twitter through the webpages you browse. Alongside each webpage, read and respond to tweets and discussions about that page. it also shows comments from sidewiki
Makes it possible to discover and connect with others on Twitter through the webpages you browse. Alongside each webpage, read and respond to tweets and discussions about that page.
25 Hand Picked Best jQuery based Wordpress Plugins | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
In this post you’ll find out about amazing WordPress plugins based on jQuery UI. jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Below is a list of 25 surprisingly amazing best jQuery based WordPress plugins. I hope you will like the list and will use one of these plugins on your blog . Feel free to Subscribe if you would like to be informed for the latest posts.
12 Essential Plugins that Extend WordPress as a CMS | Web Design Ledger
35 More Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniques « Noupe
35 More Useful jQuery Plugins and Techniques
Minimalist Gmail by Matt Constantine
30 Amazing jQuery Plugins To Play With Tables | jQuery Wisdom
Create a Simple Infinite Carousel with jQuery
This tutorial will show you how to create a infinite carousel script with jQuery. It also have a simple autorotate script that will rotate items in the carousel.
slide show...
Create a Simple Infinite Carousel with jQuery -
How to Improve your Wordpress Theme with 9 Useful Plugins –
Recopilacion 9 plugins para wp
CSS Tools Coda Plugin - Monday By Noon
I’ve been using Coda on a more consistent basis lately, primarily due to the inclusion of third party plugins. As I work, I’ll find myself missing a few features from TextMate bundles. Since it’s terribly easy to write your own Coda plugin, I’m going to make a consistent effort to write and maintain a small library of plugins over the coming months.
"That tool uses CSSTidy to allow a simple transformation of your CSS formatting. It will retain any comments, and leaves all properties as written (instead of converting to shorthand, for example.) Basically, CSS Tools brings that functionality to Coda. You’re able to convert a style sheet from single line to multi line and vice versa. You’re also able to compress your CSS if you’d like."
Wordpress Multi Languages: 5 Plugins To Built A Multilingual Website
Wordpress Multi Languages: 5 Plugins To Built A Multilingual Website
5 plugins för att göra site på flera språk i WordPress
Wordpress Multi Languages: 5 Plugins To Built A Multilingual Website -
How to Build a Simple Content Slider jQuery Plugin - Nettuts+
by @Nettuts
Validatious 2.0 - Easy form validation with unobtrusive JavaScript
Software is hard | Eventbug (alpha) Released
Alguma coisa relacionada à eventos controlados pelo firebug, ainda não li
Plugin for firefox to show event handlers, and more
This extension brings a new Events panel that lists all of the event handlers on the page grouped by event type. The panel also nicely integrates with other Firebug panels and allows to quickly find out, which HTML element is associated with specific event listener or see the Javascript source code.
hafriedlander's jquery.concrete at master - GitHub
Binds functions to DOM elements.
Concrete tries to provide a new model of code organisation – a replacement for Object Oriented programming that is focused on adding functions to groups of DOM elements based on the structure and contents of those DOM elements. It’s a merging of the model and view layer that initially seems weird, but can give very powerful results. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants here – combining ideas from Prototype’s behaviour & lowpro and jQuery’s effen & livequery (who themselves stole ideals from Self’s Morphic UI and others), but extending & combining the concepts presented in those tools to provide a complete alternative to traditional OO concepts – self-aware methods, inheritance, polymorphisim and namespacing without a single class definition.
Concrete – Support for ConcreteUI programming in jQuery
Concrete tries to provide a new model of code organisation – a replacement for Object Oriented programming that is focused on adding functions to groups of DOM elements based on the structure and contents of those DOM elements. It’s a merging of the model and view layer that initially seems weird, but can give very powerful results.
Coda: A Collection of 120+ Plugins, Clips, Snippets and Tuts For Designers and Developers
Now, I’ve collected 120 of the best resources about Panic’s Coda: they include tutorials, clips, snippets, plugins and more.
Plugins and tips for Coda
20 of the best resources about Panic’s Coda: they include tutorials, clips, snippets, plugins and more.
mattt* / Chroma-Hash: A Belated Introduction
A very smart visualization of passwords and its effect on usability
Yesterday, I posted Chroma-Hash, an experiment in how to visualize the live-input of secure fields, such as a password on a login screen. So far, I’ve received a lot of great feedback, as well as a number of questions that I thought deserved a proper response. Before I go into any details, I invite you to check out the live demo, (if you haven’t seen it already), so you can get a clear idea of what Chroma-Hash does.
Article on how to solve the masked password issues. Solution doesn't work, but it's a start.
Elegant UI gives user visual feedback on correctness of "hidden" passwords
visualize the live-input of secure fields, such as a password on a login screen
10 Useful Text Enhancing Plugins for WordPress | Web Design Ledger
Out of the box, WordPress is an amazing product and comes loaded with tons of features. However, one area that might be lacking is text formatting. There's not
jParse - jQuery XML Parse Plugin
jParse is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly and easily parse XML.
WordPressでWebサイトを構築するまでの手順リスト - かちびと.net
Top 10 Wordpress Security Plugins | Tools |
seguridad para wordpress
jQuery slideViewerPro 1.0
Very nice!
WP Plugins - Premium WordPress Plugins
A brand new way of getting Wordpress app store for WP.
Welcome to the WordPress App Store You've reached the home of Premium WordPress plugins - so whether you're after a great WordPress plugin that you can't find anywhere else, or are a plugin author looking to share your skills at a fair price, we've got the works!
MailChimp Newsletter Integration
Play .wma, Ogg, and FLAC Files in ITunes - PC World
Audiophiles love FLAC files for their lossless fidelity, while Ogg and WMA files aren't widely supported. With free plug-ins, all three of those formats can be played and managed in iTunes.
10 Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme You Have Ever Known | AEXT.NET
10 New Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme -
Nov 12 10 Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme You Have Ever Known Categories: List, Resources, Themes & Layouts | 30 Comments Do you know what the most difference between the hard-working wordpress theme developer and the lazier one is? The hard-working always finds the ways to restrict plugin using for his theme, but the lazier one just needs a plugin that can use for his theme and save his time is fine. However, sometime, there are wordpress plugins that two kind of designer above must use.
10 WordPress Plugins to Help Build Community
The expression of community has changed considerably since the emergence of social media technologies, but its basic foundation — the notion of individuals exchanging information, ideas, and opinions — remains firmly intact. Today, one of the most widely-used tools in developing these types of exchanges online is WordPress (WordPress), the popular blogging and publishing platform. Part of its appeal is the ease with which users can build advanced functionality into their sites with plugins. If you’re interested in building a community around your site, there are plenty of third-party add-ons that can help create one.
jquery-fontavailable - Google Code
Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
QUOTE: Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
»Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.«
jQuery-Plugin, das trickreich überprüft, ob eine bestimmte Schrift auf dem Zielsystem vorhanden ist.
7 Tools To Integrate Twitter With Your Wordpress Blog |
If it’s just twittering you want, then be sure to check out this post on twitter services or these twitter tools that will get you into the twitter elite. If however you want your blog and twitter account to seamlessly merge into a single platform to get your word out, here are a bunch of twitter extenders that will effortlessly popularise your blog among all your twitter followers, and beyond.
chromedevtools - Project Hosting on Google Code
chrome用デバッグツール eclipse前提
Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery
Plugins And Tutorials To Enhance The Images Of Your Website With jQuery | PV.M Garage
In modern Web Development the Javascript Frameworks have a great spread for their versatility and for their usability. I daily use jQuery, maybe the most famous framework, to make rich my websites. In this post I’ve collected some resources that can be useful to enhance the images in many web projects. A complete list of plugins and tutorials that will be useful to improve the quality of your next works. Enjoy! Don’t forget, you are free to suggest additional resources in the comments to this post.
Plugins And Tutorials To Enhance The Images Of Your Website With jQuery | PV.M Garage -
In modern Web Development the Javascript Frameworks have a great spread for their versatility and for their usability. I daily use jQuery, maybe the most famous framework, to make rich my websites.
In modern Web Development the Javascript Frameworks have a great spread for their versatility and for their usability. I daily use jQuery, maybe the most famous framework, to make rich my websites. In this post I’ve collected some resources that can be useful to enhance the images in many web projects. A complete list of plugins and tutorials that will be useful to improve the quality of your next works. Enjoy! Don’t forget, you are free to suggest additional resources in the comments to this post. Plugins and Scripts Supersized – Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin So, what exactly does Supersized do? Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio; cycles Images/backgrounds via slideshow with transitions and preloading; navigation controls allow for pause/play and forward/back jQuery plugins and tutorial for the images Direct Link Live Demo ThickBox 3.1 ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. It
Advanced JavaScript Table Sorter – TinyTable V3 - Web Development Blog
The third iteration of the TinyTable table sorting script adds search, column averages and totals, record numbering, a view all function, and a reset function. At only 6KB it is still lightweight, quick, and includes all previous TinyTable features. Other features include alternate row highlighting, header class toggling, auto data type recognition, and selective column sorting. If you don’t need the new features take a look at the second version of the script which weighs 2.5KB. To initialize a table sorter follow the pattern below:
10 Pretty Useful and Cool jQuery Plugins
Pretty Useful and Cool
10 Pretty Useful and Cool jQuery Plugins
There are new jQuery plugin being released everyday. In this post, I have found 10 jQuery Plugins that are pretty useful and also pretty cool concept.
This list is pretty nice and more recent. All of the plugins seem to be pretty dialed in and compatible with all the major browsers
Zen Coding: A Speedy Way To Write HTML/CSS Code - Smashing Magazine
Holy sh*t! A new speedy way of writing HTML code using CSS-like selector syntax — a handy set of tools for high-speed HTML and CSS coding. Totally mind blowing - check it out!
Useful WordPress Plugins for Statistics |
jQSlickWrap - Slick text wrapping for jQuery
cool way to wrap text around non-square images!
Clever jQuery plugin which allows text to wrap around irregularly shaped images, by processing the image with canvas and rewriting it as a sequence of floated horizontal bars of different widths.
text wrap
jQSlickWrap is a plugin for jQuery which enables you to easily and accurately wrap your text around the content of floated images. It's as simple as $('img').slickWrap();
The #1 Javascript Pop Up - Get TopUp! - Home
The #1 Javascript Pop Up made by Paul Engel
12 Useful jQuery Plugins for Working with Tables | Web Design Ledger
12 Useful jQuery Plugins for Working with Tables
eight but rich data grid with resizable columns a
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact,
5 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins Were Born in November 2009 | AEXT.NET
An Awesome CSS3 Lightbox Gallery With jQuery – Tutorialzine
Galeria de Imagens com jQuery
jQuery Slider plugin (Safari style) « Design it. Develop it. Use it.
sliders with jquery
jQuery Slider plugin
jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin. Below you can find demos and documentation.
30 Best Eclipse Plugins | AjaxLine
20+ Brand New and Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins - Nettuts+
With more than 7000+ plugins, WordPress is the most extendable Content Management System available; in fact, "WordPress is infinitely extensible" as Matt Mullenweg says. In this post, we'll examine twenty-one really useful plugins to take your blog to the next level.
Ajaxian » jQTouch: a mobile WebKit JavaScript framework
David Kaneda has created jQTouch a "jQuery plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre."
Chromatable JQuery Plugin | Chromaloop
Plugin para deixar o header da tabela fixo em jquery.
Chromatable JQuery Plugin
Table with fixed th
table header fixed
Tabele o ustalonej kolumnie
Erik Hinterbichler » Herald
Herald is a notification plugin for, Apple's Mac OS X email client. Inspired by the excellent Mail.appetizer plugin, Herald shows you popup notifications whenever you receive new Mail. It also allows you to perform common actions directly from within the notification window, including deleting messages, initiating replies, viewing messages in Mail, or marking messages as read.
jQuery Plugins For A Better User Interface | jQuery Wisdom
Learn How To Create Your Own jQuery Plugin
Learn How To Create Your Own jQuery Plugin [from]
jQuery Highlight Plugin | bartaz @ GitHub
crazy useful
$("body p").highlight("jQuery highlight plugin");
bxSlider | jQuery Content Slider
slider javascript
check auto slide
35 Useful Scripts for Tooltips | Vandelay Design Blog
10 Best WordPress Plugins - March 2009 | AjaxLine
jQuery Captify Demo (v1.1.3)
ptify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer.
Caption en Imágenes
Añade Caption a tus imagenes con jquery de una manera muy sencilla
Captify is a plugin for jQuery to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer. Captify was inspired by ImageCaptions, another jQuery plugin for displaying captions like these. The goal of Captify is to be easy to use, small/simple, and completely ready for use in production environments (unlike ImageCaptions at the moment). Also, it's only 2.3kb!
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
10 Wordpress Security Plugins To Keep Your Blog Safe « | Web Design Magazine
How to Build a Star Ratings jQuery Plugin | Switch on the Code
star rating javascript tutorial
New WordPress plugin: WP-Clickmap | Roger Stringer's Blog
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you’ll be able to go to your blog’s admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what’s not.
Find out how folks are using your new theme and be able to determine what types of tweaks might need to be made to it with this extremely useful plugin.
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you'll be able to go to your blog's admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what's not. It's had some interesting results on the sites I've run it on so far, and wanted to share it here for people to download and play around with.
40+ jQuery Plugins Improving Your Website Look and Feel | tripwire magazine
(no description)
With simple steps and limited programmer skills jQuery will allow you to add goodies to your website you would'nt even allow yourself to dream about! This post is listing a lot of really cool plugins you can simply download and setup to impress your visitors!
Lazy Load Enabled With FadeIn Effect
Lazy Load Image lazy loader plugin for jQuery.
Delays Loading of Images with Lazy Loader jQuery Plugin
Essential Wordpress Plugin Development Resources, Tutorials and Guides : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Übersicht über viele WP-Plugin Tutorials
This article covers Wordpress Plugin Development, from tutorials, useful resources, how-tos, guides and some cheat sheets.
23 Best jQuery Facebook Style Plugins | jQuery Wisdom
These jQuery plugins help designes to create facebbok style UI with ease
RSS grid overlay - a jQuery plugin | badlyDrawnToy
Keep Your WordPress Blog Fresh With Content From Twitter and FriendFeed
Keep Your WordPress Blog Fresh With Content From Twitter and FriendFeed
The Wordpress plugin pulls recent content from Twitter or FriendFeed.
jQueryGlobe | jQuery Plugin - Feature List
This jQuery plugin enables simple and easy creation of an interactive "Featured Items" widget.
10 new WordPress plugins you might want to test - Blogsessive
These look cool.
Ten must-have Google Chrome extensions
Simplest jQuery Slideshow -
Simple, timed slideshow. Easy
Simple version
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年1月 | コリス
Advanced Power Tips for WordPress Template Developers: Reloaded - Smashing Magazine
Some really good tips here - worth noting when using WordPress as a CMS.
jQuery.Behavior - A Simple JavaScript Library for Complex Web Applications
Preloading Images with jQuery and JavaScript | Engineered Web
Preload de Imagens com javascript e jQuery.
Google Chrome 拡張機能47個まとめ Google Chromeを壊してまで厳選 - WEBマーケティング ブログ
Chrome テーマまで綺麗にデフォルトへ戻してくれるとは、、、ともかく入れすぎは注意なので、厳選したものだけをご紹介します。
Meerkat - A jQuery Plugin
Meerkat, depending on the options you have set, will slide or fade in from the top or bottom of the browser window and remain in its fixed position while the rest of the page will scroll normally.
Meerkat, named for its pop up like behavior, is a jQuery plugin created by Jarod Taylor.
clearbox 3
Clearbox is a professional image and content viewer overlay window. Images below are speaking for themself, where you can see some examples about using the script: image galleries and many type of contents including Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media formats, HTML, inner content, etc.
stop slideshowstart slideshow
This is similar to a jquery slideshow plugin.
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン100選 -2009年総集編 | コリス
javascript jquery 関連
How to add Twitter and Facebook IM support to Pidgin for Windows - Download Squad
Pidgin is a great multi-protocol IM client. Out of the box it provides support for 15 different protocols, including most of the important ones: MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, ICQ, and XMPP to name a few. Two glaring omissions include Facebook IM and Twitter - both of which are built-in to Digsby by default.
jQuery Roundabout
Para hacer animaciones de html en jquery
Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. (And now, not just turntables, but many shapes!) In its simplest configuration, Roundabout works with ordered- and unordered-lists, however after some quick configuration, Roundabout can work with an set of nested elements.
Star Rating widget for jQuery UI
The Star Rating widget is a plugin for the jQuery javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes or select options
Stjärn - betyg
The hoverFlow Plugin - A Solution to Animation Queue Buildup in jQuery
Another Solution to Animation Queue Buildup in jQuery Or: Why do hover animations continue after I stop hovering? Over at, Brandon Aaron published a quick tip on how to prevent animation queue buildup in hover animations. Since I was not satisfied with his solution, I tried to find another. After taking some wrong paths and learning a lot about jQuery's animation (queue) system, I think I finally found a good solution. The last locigal step was to wrap it up into a nice jQuery plugin - and so hoverFlow was born.
hoverFlow is a jQuery plugin that avoids animation queue buildup in hover animations. The plugin honors a single mouseover/-out with a full animation cycle while still preventing the continuation of the animation after the mouse has stopped moving.
A solution to animations building up after MouseOver.
The plugin honors a single mouseover/-out with a full animation cycle while preventing animation queue buildup.
Multifox – Different logins at the same time
How to Create a Firefox Plugin
Generic firefox/gecko plugin framework
TufteGraph: beautiful charts with jQuery
Make pretty graphs with javascript, using jQuery
5 New Useful jQuery Plugins For Your Next Projects | AEXT.NET
5 New Useful jQuery Plugins For Your Next Projects | AEXT.NET -
Programming, Designing and Blogging
Welcome to AddATweet!
sidebar that allows you to see all of the tweets that were made about a specific webpage. There is a box at the top that allows you to add comments and tweet them out to your followers. Clicking the ‘tweet this’ box adds your comments to the webpage as well as your public timeline on Twitter. You can reply to tweets, re-tweet them, @ mention the person, and even mark them as spam. When you re-tweet or reply from within AddATweet, your comments are posted right under those that you were responding to, making it a threaded conversation.
tool for posting website comments to twitter
AddATweet é uma aplicação para comentar em qualquer site que desejar, usando sua conta no Twitter.
2009.08.16 :: Am going to start documenting websites that openly practice exclusion of web surfers.. This one claims its download does not install on anything prior to Firefox 3.0 which excludes everyone for whom the same will not install based on their current computer configuration..
interestingtwitter id based aplication enables to post comments avoiding login sites, and publishing them on twitter as well. differently from other integrations, the comments remain on the page visited, not only on the social media site.
10 Popular jQuery Plugins in 2009 You Can’t Miss –
Popular plugings jQuery
Free Video Download, Free Download Video FLV from YouTube, Google Video and more
For Firefox, plugin allowing downloading of video's etc.
Sothink Web Video Downloader for Firefox is a simple, clean and free Firefox extension for you to quickly capture video, download video and save video from YouTube, Google, MSN and almost all popular video sites.
Free Download Video FLV from YouTube, Google Video and more
Sothink Free Web Video Downloader for Firefox can download video, download FLV and Flash SWF from YouTube, Google Video and more sites. Easily capture video, download video, download FLV and save to hard disk.
18 Latest jQuery Plugins for Your Next Project | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
jQuery Autosave
jQuery Auto Save form elements
Plugin for auto submitting (saving) a form onchange.
20 Extremely Useful WordPress Plugins [ part 2 ] | WPSMASH | Best WordPress Resources
Best Premium WordPress Themes | Web Design & WordPress Resources
20 Useful Wordpress Plugins
40+ новых и полезных jquery-модулей (с tutorial) / jQuery / Хабрахабр
На досуге немного закопался в дебри jquery и на страницах небеизвестного Smashing Magazine нашёл очень любопытную августовсую статейку. Удивлён, что столь полезный материал ещё не появился на Хабре. Исправляю несправедливость своей версией данной статьи.
Making an Expanding Code Box
expanding code box
Super Gestures jQuery Plugin | EvanBot is the home to Evan Byrne who is a website designer from Lapeer, MI.
jQuery Keypad
teclado virtual em jquery
Anything Zoomer | Usage
zoom con jquery
Cool zooming control.
jQ plugin om inhoud te zoomen
Page Speed Home
bxSlider | jQuery Content Slider
Another #jquery slider/carousel plugin for content
Take Your HTML Tables to a New Level with JavaScript Frameworks
jLinq - LINQ for JSON
jLinq is a fully extensible Javascript library that allows you to perform LINQ style queries on arrays of object.
AutoSuggest jQuery Plugin |
So I needed to add some auto-completing functionality to my project Build It With Me. I figured it would be easy to find a ready-made jQuery plugin to do the work for me. I was wrong. Naturally I took it upon myself to solve this problem for all of you :) I created this plugin to be as general purpose as possible. As a result it ended up being vastly more customizable than any other jQuery auto-complete plugin. Not only that, I am using actual jQuery. For some reason all the other "jQuery" plugins don't really take advantage of the radness that is jQuery. Consequently, my plugin ended up being dramatically smaller in size (way less code). Just 7kb minified. Have fun with it! AutoSuggest is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that makes auto-completing extremely easy.
The Best jQuery Lightbox Scripts –
The Best jQuery Lightbox Scripts –
jQuery Lightbox
Shawn Mayzes - Google Maps jQuery Plugin
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages.
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages. To useThe Google Maps JavaScript API, you need to first sign up for an API key. Once you've received an API key, you can develop a map application following the instructions in this documentation.
jQuery 'Notify bar'
PHP(というかWordPress)高速化のためにAPC(Alternatice PHP Cache)入れた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
WordPressをさらに高速化するために青い人の提案でAPCを入れることに。導入して正解。Load Averageもぐっと下がっていい感じ。 なお、APCはPHPの中間コードやらキャッシュやらを最適化して高速化してくれるモジュールです。以下、簡単に導入メモ。
SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグイン10 | CREAMU
Google XML Sitemaps Generator
Coda-Slider 2.0 - Niall Doherty's dot biz
Everyone loves the Coda site so why not copy the style.
coda style slider jquery thing
Coda-Slider is a jQuery plugin I first released in September, 2007. It aimed to mimic the slider effect on the promo page for Panic’s Coda software.
15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorials
15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorials
TipTip jQuery Plugin |
TipTip is a very lightweight and intelligent custom tooltip jQuery plugin. It uses ZERO images and is completely customizable via CSS.
MOONGIFT: » jQueryを使った開発に便利!Firebug + jQuery「FireQuery」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
FireQuery、Firebugと連携するjQuery開発補助アドオン FireQueryはconsole.logに吐き出した内容を元に、画面上のエレメントをハイライトしてくれる。例えば console.log($(’p'));と出せば、コンソールに出力された jQuery(p)という表示にマウスを当てると、該当部分がハイライト表示になる。どの部分に対して適用されているかがすぐに分かる
jHtmlArea - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for jQuery
html text area
WYSIWYG HTML Editor for jQuery
Gmail Plugin for Contacts and Attachments | MailBrowser
MailBrowser is a Gmail Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
MailBrowser is a free Gmail™ Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
14 Outstanding jQuery Navigation Menu Tutorials
TotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more!
brings tabs to your native Finder and more!
Are You Ready To Transfer To Chrome? - 30 Irreplaceable Chrome Extensions | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
11 Useful jQuery Powered WordPress Plugins | Web Design Ledger
We all know the kind of dynamic and engaging functionality that jQuery can add to a user interface, but integrating jQuery does require some technical know-how. This isn’t a big deal for many of us, but some WordPress users prefer the simplicity of a plugin. The purpose of this article is to help you discover some of the useful WordPress plugins available that gives you jQuery powered functionality in an easy to implement package. Carousel Gallery (jQuery) for Wordpress wordpress jquery plugin This plugin builds on the builtin Wordpress gallery, and replaces any gallery inserted using the tag with a neat jQuery powered carousel. By carousel it means you can browse through all the pictures in the gallery and they’ll slide from the right to the left and seamlessly start over at the end. jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries wordpress jquery plugin jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize ima
Some fantastic JQuery plugins for WordPress development
Série de plugins em jQuery para Wordpress, incluindo galerias.
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年4月 | コリス
紹介済みから未紹介のものまで、jQueryのプラグイン34選です。 デモのキャプチャ GalleryView さまざまなインターフェイスを備えた画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption 半透明のキャプション表示がかっこいい画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Pikachoose 画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Smooth Div Scroll 水平にスクロール表示する画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Image Strip 横長の一枚画像をスライドするギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ SlideySlide, jQuery mini image gallery 画像がスライド表示するミニギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 ポラロイド写真を散らかしたようなギャラリー。傾きはSafari, Chromeのみ。 デモのキャプチャ z-index gallery 画像の重なり順を変更する画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ ImageSwitch 画像をさまざまなアニメーションで切り替え。 デモのキャプチャ jCaption 画像のキャプションをスライド表示。 デモのキャプチャ Super Box Lightbox風に画像を拡大表示。 デモのキャプチャ SimpleModal シンプルなモーダルボックス。 デモのキャプチャ qTip デザインも豊富でカスタマイズに優れたツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ ezpz tooltip div要素を表示するツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Better Tooltip 表示のアニメーションがかわいいツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Easy Tooltip 複雑なコンテンツも簡単に設置できるツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers 画像を使用しないツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ wTooltip 軽量でシンプルなツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ jQuery and CSS menu this is really simply one 選択項目が拡大するシンプルなナ
画像ギャラリー、ツールチップ、パネルなどのまとめ @ツールチップの良さげなのは別にデリした
WordPress Plugins: 15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins For 2010
10 NEW WordPress Wanted Hacks and Powerful Techniques » DevSnippets
Some good WP Hacks
10 NEW WordPress Wanted Hacks and Powerful Techniques » DevSnippets
jQuery Lint – James Padolsey
It works over the top of jQuery and diligently reports errors and any incorrect usage of jQuery. It will also, to some extent, offer guidance on best practices and performance concerns. Handy with firebug's console.
"jQuery Lint is a simple script you can download and use with jQuery. It works over the top of jQuery and diligently reports errors and any incorrect usage of jQuery. It will also, to some extent, offer guidance on best practices and performance concerns."
Demo : ThemeRoller Version (jPlayer 0.2.2)
ThemeRoller version !
18 Unique Uses of WordPress and the Plugin or Theme Used | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
75+ Top jQuery Plugins to improve Your HTML Forms | tripwire magazine
jQuery plugin: Simplest Twitter-like dynamic character count for textareas and input fields | Css Globe
On your site you might have a comment box or contact form fields limited to certain character count. You can use this simple plugin to provide user with that useful information.
10 More Essential Plugins Every WordPress Blog Should Have | FreelanceFolder
5 Fresh jQuery Plugins Make You Love Your HTML Forms More | AEXT.NET
Programming, Designing and Blogging
jquery-transmit - Project Hosting on Google Code
AJAX-enabled Sticky Notes With PHP & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Today we are making an AJAX-enabled Sticky Note management system. It will give visitors the ability to create notes with a live preview, and move them around on the screen. Every movement is going to be sent to the back-end via AJAX and saved in the database.
How to display tips by creating a jQuery plugin | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
Hi guys! If you have tested the beta of Plusmusica (it's a beta, report bugs please!) maybe you have find some tips when you move the mouse over some elements.
How to display tips
We are going to learn how to create our custom jQuery plugin to show tips on mouse over event on our desired elements. We will also be able to customize the appearence of the tip division for each kind of elements in the CSS code and much more.
jQuery imageless buttons a la Google
This jQuery plugin is an attempt to recreate Google's imageless buttons and prove that it doesn't take a whole team of engineers and an endless cycle of code revision and quality control (their own words) to pull this off. I don't know how Google did it, but my buttons automatically adapt to paddings and other styling you wish to use. They allow for a lot of stylistic customisatoin via a few lines of css while keeping all the display critical css rules hidden deep inside the plugin.
Botões em jQuery no estilo Google sem imagem
Advanced docking using jQuery
Some time ago I was doing some proof of concept: how Visual Studio docking functionality can be done with jQuery and unordered lists. Basically, the main goal was to implement multiple docking and undocking functionality. This tutorial will show you the results of PoC.
DB設計の神ツール「ERMaster」なら、ここまでできる (1/3) - @IT
いくつかの無料で利用できるツールが提供されているので、筆者はそれらを利用していましたが、最近「ERMaster」と呼ばれるEclipseプラグインの存在を知りました。  ERMasterは、ほかのツールに比べ、直感的で分かりやすいUI(ユーザーインターフェイス)に、カスタマイズ可能な、Excelで出力できるテーブル定義書、辞書機能など痒いところに手が届くERモデリングのツールです。本稿では、このERMasterについてご紹介します。
jQuery “flash like” menu « Position Absolute
jQuery “flash like” menu
When you rollover one item of your menu, the font-size expand to 225%, the color fade to yellow and the other items are giving more space to the hovered item, when you roll out it will take its place back in the menu.
jQuery Plugin Design Patterns: Part I | Fuel Your Coding
jQuery.sheet - My = new Object();
jQuery.sheet addresses the web-based spreadsheet or "websheet" in a different, simple, approach - using html, you simply load the sheet from a url, and you save it to a url... Simple. Or write your own approch. jQuery.sheet manages the sheet creation, viewing, and editing processes, you simply build your application around it.
What is jQuery.sheet? jQuery.sheet gives you all sorts of possibilities when it comes to giving your web application a spreadsheet style interface with MS Excel style calculations. jQuery.sheet addresses the web-based spreadsheet or "websheet" in a different, simple, approach - using html, you simply load the sheet from a url, and you save it to a url... Simple. Or write your own approch. jQuery.sheet manages the sheet creation, viewing, and editing processes, you simply build your application around it. jQuery.sheet is also theme-able, using jQuery UI ThemeRoller, so you make the spreadsheet look like you want.For a complete list of all the MS Excel style functions that jQuery.sheet supports, take a look at the Demo, which is the documentation. Why did I start jQuery.sheet? I like a challenge, I like to learn, I like to contribute, and I saw where other attempts at the same thing, although being nice, could be improved. And with the web basically migrating in it's entirety over
$("#box4").sexyCycle({ speed: 500, next: '.next3', prev: '.prev3', stop: '.stop', interval: 800 });
snappy cycle plugin
25 jQuery Plugins for Working with Forms –
Dynamic tabs using jQuery - why and how to create it
not read
jQuery OpenID Plug-in
The jQuery OpenID Plugin is a free plugin to add easy login support for the most popular OpenID RP's such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, and more. The inspiration for this plugin is based on openid-selector, openid-realselector, and ID Selector. This selector is different because it does not hide the markup details in javascript. Therefore, you can easily add new providers or rearrange the existing ones without digging into the javascript. The login form will still work for normal OpenID logins if javascript is disabled (see screenshot). jQueryOpenIdPlugin The plugin defaults to the first provider in the list which in the above case is a normal OpenID login box. There are two other types of providers, direct providers and username providers. A direct provider does not require any input and will automatically direct you to the provider login page. A user provider assists in building your OpenID URL. For example, Google and Yahoo are direct providers and AOL is a username provider tha
jQuery OpenID Plug-in
7 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Give Your Dashboard A New Look | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
7 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Give Your Dashboard A New Look | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials -
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About » Writing a Vim plugin
Good summary of pros and cons of vimscript vs ruby/python/whatever.
Some things to consider when writing a plugin for vim. Comments describe how to implement some OOP in vimscript. whodathunkit?
Relevance Blog : Blue Ridge 1.0: JavaScript Unit Testing for Rails. Scandalous!
And be sure to check out the snippets as well. Type it, des, bef, or aft, and then press the tab key to expand into full it blocks, describe blocks, etc.
wordpress ecommerce plugin and framework
wordpress ecommerce plugin and framework
The free bolt on e-Commerce Plugin is WordPress framework designed to help you sell online. We make setting up shop incredibly easy. Plus we've had over 500,000 downloads!
bxGallery | Simple jQuery Image Gallery
simple jQuery image gallery
Simple gallery using Jquery for blogs/static website..
10 jQuery Plugins for Easier Google Map Installation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
15 jQuery Plugins Giving Web Interfaces Drag ‘N Drop Capabilities | tripwire magazine
gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | About
Sieht nach einem sehr coolen Google Maps Plugin für jQuery aus. Sehr einfach zu nutzen...
jQuery MultiSelect Plugin/Widget with ThemeRoller Support | Eric Hynds - Website Developer
jQuery Easy Slides v1.0 - Possibly the easiest to use jQuery plugin for making slideshows
Possibly the easiest to use jQuery plugin for making slideshows!
12 Wordpress Plugins to Display and Highlight Code within your Blog : Speckyboy Design Magazine
12 plugins para mostrar codigos en wordpress.
12 Wordpress Plugins to Display and Highlight Code within your Blog
10 Stunning Examples of jQuery Animations
10 Stunning Examples of jQuery Animations
Skyrocket Labs | Web site design, development, blogging, social media, XHTML/CSS templates, jQuery, PHP | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nice "mega-menu" style plugin for jQuery
An horizontal navigation menu written in jQuery, with an useful space for secondary content coming out on rollover.
15 jQuery Plugins for Better Web Page Element Layouts - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery
Style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs
Have you ever wished you could style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs? Ever wished you could control the look and feel of your form elements between all browsers?
Making a Photoshoot Effect With jQuery & CSS – Tutorialzine
We are creating a photo shoot effect with our just-released PhotoShoot jQuery plug-in. With it you can convert a regular div on the page into a photo shooting stage simulating a camera-like feel. Using this plug-in, we give visitors the ability to take shots of the background image.
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
Agrega un efecto de blur a una imagen como si estuviese hecho en photoshop, cool!
#65 Advanced Uses for Custom Fields in WordPress
Why Web Developers Should Switch to Google Chrome - Nettuts+
gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | Examples
Now that I am getting more into jQuery I may just have to use this
18 Useful Wordpress Contact Form Plugins
Formularios de contacto para wordpress
Comentários sobre os principais plugins de formulários de contato para Wordpress
jQuery Quicksand plugin
Create Your Own Sliding Resizable Grid
Sliding Resizable Grid
Fitted: a jQuery Plugin
Clickable blocks of content.
JQuery Form Wizard
The form wizard plugin is a jQuery plugin which can be used to create wizard like page flows for forms without having to reload the page in between wizard steps. The plugin is unobtrusive and gives the developer great freedom on how they set up the flow of the different steps in their wizards, as the plugin supports creating specific routes in the form; depending on the user input.
Apostrophe Now!
Apostrophe is a content management system - an open source plugin for the Symfony framework - designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context. Manage levels of user permission. Organize and integrate photos and videos in the media library. Create complex page hierarchies quickly.
Apostrophe is a content management system designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context. Manage levels of user permission. Organize and integrate photos and videos in the media library. Create complex page hierarchies quickly.
sistema CMS para symfony
Multiple Attachments with Validations In Rails with Paperclip - Cordinc Blog
Vim エディターのスクリプトの作成: 第 1 回 変数、値、式
スクリプト 入門 変数
Vim script の初歩。
Samuel Garneau dot com - jQuery : Slide Box
Function’less event handlers in jQuery - James Padolsey
RT @jquery: Tutorial: Function’less event handlers in jQuery - [nice article!] [from]
30 Twitter Hacks and Plugins to Spice Up Your Wordpress Blog
Ways to integrate Twitter and Wordpress
editease - Project Hosting on Google Code
js cms
A very simple jQuery CMS that can be configured and set up in around 2 minutes. Plugging in to your site is a breeze, and can be done at almost any time during the life cycle of development. Installation file: due to many requests I have now completed an installation script for this little plugin which is basic, but functional. Note: This is a very small CMS, with no database requirements. Ideal for small sites, or where only a small amount of 'content management' is required. If your site requires all content to be databased, there are many other CMS programs already in existence to choose from, so then maybe this is not the right solution. :)
Project Hosting on Google Code - Visual Editing Jquery plugin
Ketchup Plugin
HOW TO: Integrate Google Buzz Into Your WordPress Blog
We’ve discussed how you can integrate Buzz with your other social networks, but what about integrating Buzz with your blog? If you use a self-hosted WordPress (WordPress) blog (sorry, users), there are already a variety of Google Buzz (Google Buzz) plugins and add-ons available. While it’s clear that people are really taking to using Buzz to share content and communicate, the service will undoubtedly reach more users as its sharing tools are integrated into other social sites. From buttons to social stream in your side bar, here’s how you can integrate Buzz with your WordPress blog. Google Buzz Buttons Mashable (Mashable) started sporting some nifty Buzz buttons a few days ago and lots of our readers have wanted to know how to add a similar feature to their own blogs. As it stands right now, how our Google Buzz buttons work (and how the buttons other sites are using also work) is that they create a share link from that post to Google Reader (Google Reader). As long as
Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part III: matchit.vim - good coders code, great reuse
good coders code, great reuse
jQuery PhotoShoot Plugin 1.0 – Tutorialzine
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder. You can check out the demonstration above, or a nice tutorial on how to use it here.
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
写真撮影っぽいエフェクトがかけられるjQueryプラグイン「Photo Shoot」
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
jDigiClock - Digital Clock (HTC Hero inspired).
AWESOME clock!
To use the jDigiClock plugin, include the jQuery library, the jDigiClock source file and jDigiClock core stylesheet file inside the <head> tag of your HTML document
JCargoo for Technology and Programming: 7 Vertical Menus With jQuery Effects
This is a Tech weblog discussing programming, Web design and usability, and random things found on the Web. The site is maintained by Youssef ELALAOUI.
7 Vertical Menus With jQuery Effects
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
35 Useful jQuery Plugins for Slideshows, Graphs and Text Effects - Noupe
By Angel Wardriver jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and
jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and graphs can enhance functionality for the wide range of users. Let’s take a look at 35 powerful and effective jQuery plugins and techniques for slideshows, graphs and text effects.
30 Best jQuery plugins inspired from Twitter and Facebook | Psdeluxe
30 Best jQuery plugins inspired from Twitter and Facebook | Psdeluxe -
A Better jQuery In-Field Label Plugin | Viget Inspire
Great in-field label jQuery plugin (text hints)
Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery
Make an Animated Alphabet using Keypress Events in jQuery | Build Internet!
The third animate event retracts the block back to its starting position.
shortcut keys?
YoxView - jQuery image viewer plugin
jQuery Roundabout Shapes
Roundabout Shapes provide even more paths along which your Roundabout can move. The current version of Roundabout Shapes offers eleven additional movements.
Move Elements with Even More Style Roundabout Shapes provide even more paths along which your Roundabout can move. The current version of Roundabout Shapes offers eleven additional movements.
Superb variety of carousel examples and implementations.
Cool Jquery sorting
jquery framework for list item replacement with shuffle transition.
cool plugin
40 Photoshop Actions for Designers and Photographers –
All About Tables – jQuery Plugin | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
Learning jQuery: Your First jQuery Plugin, “BubbleUP” | AEXT.NET
A tutorial on writing your first jQuery plugin.
There are many posts available detailing how to write your own jQuery plugin. It won’t take long before you realize that building in jQuery is very simple. Continuing in our jQuery Learning Series, here we’re going to build your first jQuery plugin. It’ll generate a bubble effect for your menu list and we’re going to call it BubbleUP. What is BubbleUP? BubbleUP is a fun and easy plugin to get you started in jQuery. The effect is a nice starting point for learning the basics and many of the steps involved in creating other more intricate plugins you will make in the future. With this plugin, images in a list will enlarge with a smooth animation when you move your mouse over it. Then, if you move the mouse out, it will reset to the original size with the same smooth animation. * Download * Demo Implement jQuery This is a plugin for jQuery, so we first have to implement the jQuery library in our webpage header (you must upload jQuery to your server or link to Google’s hosted v
jQuery Plugin Tutorial
The Ruby on Rails CMS Dilemma -
Striking a balance between custom code (Rails) and off-the-shelf software (CMS)
"Ruby on Rails is an excellent framework for building web applications. Perhaps the best. But it's not currently very well suited to what I call web sites. The difference is simple. In a web site, the unique business value comes from the content creators (authors, bloggers, photographers, etc). In a web application, the business value comes directly from the programmers. Twitter, Google, Basecamp and eBay are web applications.,, corporate brand sites and original news sources are all web sites."
The Ruby on Rails CMS Dilemma
explains why rails doesn't have a good cms
gleeBox: Keyboard glee for your web
Keyboard glee for your web
gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers. Here's a short screencast that goes through the new features introduced in version 1.0:
gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions traditonally performed via the mouse and is meant mostly for keyboard and command line lovers.
jqFancyTransitions: jQuery Image Rotator Plugin
jqFancyTransitions is easy-to-use jQuery plugin for displaying your photos as slideshow with fancy transition effects. jqFancyTransitions is compatible and fully tested with Safari 2+, Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+.
jqFancyTransitions: jQuery Image Rotator
jqFancyTransitions is easy-to-use jQuery plugin for displaying your photos as slideshow with fancy transition effects.
jQuery Plugin: TinyTips 1.0 | Mike Merritt | Digital Inferno
TinyTips is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that gives the ability to add tooltips to pretty much any element on a page. Thoroughly documented and designer friendly.
jQuery Plugin: TinyTips 1.0 | Mike Merritt | Digital Inferno
Dissecting the WordPress Text Widget - Nettuts+
Dissecting the WordPress Text Widget
In this tutorial, we will take a close look under the hood of the WordPress text widget to uncover the process of creating a widget that can be added to
How Do You Create Your Own Multi-Widget ? - Nettuts+
jQuery DivCorners
This plugin aims to created an easy way to add border layouts to screen content.
html5media - Project Hosting on Google Code
Enables <video> tags in all major browsers.
Currently using Mark Pilgrim\'s solution. This looks nigh-identical but worth comparing.
25 Amazing and Fresh jQuery Plugins - Speckyboy Design Magazine
How jQuery is Killing Flash + jQuery Tutorials & Plugins to Beat Up Flash Animations | AEXT.NET
Efeitos muito bons de animação Jquery
20 WordPress Plugin Solutions for Image Handling | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Blog | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Google XML
some good wordpress stuff - jQuery magicpreview plug-in
Muito bom JQuery para forms interativos
Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
HTML5 uploader with fallbacks.
10 Popular Firefox Add-ons for Web Developers
Every plug-in on the list offers outstanding utility to developers who install them in their browsers. In fact, some of them are even considered indispensable. And they’re all available as free downloads for Firefox, right now.
10 Popular Firefox Add-ons for Web Developers
what you'd expect, plus a couple more. Includes FTP
Excellent JQuery Plugins To Enhance Form Validation | AntsMagazine.Com
formualire d'autocompletion en jquery
6 Critical WordPress Plugins You Should Have Installed
Lisäominaisuuksia WordPress-blogiin.
Most Wanted Twitter Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
Rapportive | Making Excellent Service Scale
social CRM built into gMail
Replace ads in Gmail with the sender's contact info.
simple social CRM built into gmail
an Excellent Add-on
Cambridge UK startup Rapportive has released a Firefox and Chrome extension that will replace the ads in your Gmail with photos, biographic data and social media links, including a live display of recent Tweets, for whoever you’re corresponding with by email. It’s fantastic and takes about 2 minutes to set up.
30 Powerful Wordpress Plugins For Blog Administrators | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
some of the most powerful administration plugins for Wordpress » jQuery plugin: Message
This plugin allows you to easily display feedback messages as an unobstrusive overlay. The message fades away automatically after some time, avoiding the need to click an “ok” button or something similar. The user can speed up hiding of the message by moving the mouse or clicking anywhere.
jQuery plugin: Message
Plunging into the sea of jQuery plugins – Part I
A step by step example of creating a jQuery plugin and close examination of jQuery UI interaction plugins.
How to create a jQuery plugin
Ajax Upload - ZURB Playground -
ajax 文件上传
We ditch the upload button in favor of a save button and fire the AJAX upload event as soon as a file is selected. The image is processed server side and a thumbnail is loaded onto the existing page. Dosen't that feel so much better?
Extend the Firebug Console with these 15 Extensions - Speckyboy Design Magazine
これは注目!jQueryでExtばりにリッチなUIが実装できる「jQuery Ribbon」:phpspot開発日誌
9 Plugins Your Clients Will Love For Their WordPress Website | FreelanceFolder
High Performance Web Sites :: Hammerhead: moving performance testing upstream
Fonctionnalités d’un blog, plugins Wordpress : le minimum vital en 2008. | Presse-Citron
Plugins wordpress
Ce site référence un tas de conseil pratiques afin de bien construire un blog sous WP
「iPhoneテンプレートfor MT」を公開いたします。|iPhone|東京Webデザイナー日記リターンズ|crema design
5 Top jQuery Chart Libraries for Interactive Charts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
jquery 图表插件
10 New jQuery Plugins To Spice Up Your Website | webexpedition18
jQuery is an amazing JavaScript library that makes it easy to create wonderful web effects in just a few lines of code. It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Here are some stunning new jQuery plugins that will make your website fancy and cool.
Rapportive | Making Excellent Service Scale
Plugin per Gmail che introduce una sidebar con informazioni di chi scrive e un CRM
shows photo and social networking info in Gmail
Simple social CRM built into Gmail
Extensão que substitui anuncios do Gmail por informação do contato.
Firefox extension that replaces the ads in Gmail with profile information based on the email address of your respondent. "Where does Rapportive get its data from? We combine information from several sources; at the moment, these are Rapleaf, Gravatar and Twitter. In the future we will offer integration with many more data sources, both public (e.g. social networking sites) and private (CRM). We make a clear distinction between: * Public data, which is information that users have chosen to make public on the internet, and which anyone could find on one of the major search engines. We aggregate public data, take into account corrections and feedback, and show this information to everyone who uses Rapportive. * Private data, which is privileged information to which only you have access. In order to provide the Rapportive service, we may need to process this data behind the scenes; however, private data will never be shown or disclosed to any other Rapportive user or any third party"
Presentation Cycle: Cycle with a progressbar - Gaya Design
"Cycle is a script that supports image presentations to easily display multiple images. This script supports a lot of effects and the cycling of html elements. Presentation Cycle is a variation on the functionality of Cycle. Instead of generating a list of numbers that are clickable Presentation Cycle generates a progress bar that shows when the new slide will appear."
Building Community Sites with WordPress: 15 Plugins to Get Started - Noupe
The good news is that there are plenty of great plugins out there that can help you get your visitors more involved in your blog. Some are simple: they let your users submit content they think is useful, or make it easier to have a real discussion in comments. Others are more complex, on par with full-featured social networks like Facebook. All of them can help you create a community surrounding your blog and your content.
jQuery SuperBox!
jQuery Superbox! is a script which allows you display windows with the lightbox effect. This script is a plugin for jQuery (1.3.x).
całkiem ładne i claiming accessible
Firefox3の個人的おすすめアドオン10選 | MOON CHRONICLE
Nivo Slider - The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider
10 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Be Using | Tools
jQuery MagicLine Navigation Demo
sweet magical slider behind the menuitems with jquery
jQuery Reel Plugin
Reel is a jQuery plugin which takes an image tag and makes it a live "projection" of pre-built animation frames sequence. Its aim is to provide a 360° view of something or someplace. Like a turntable. Great alternative to widely used Flash techniques.
permite girar fotos 360º. Super curioso
Ajar Productions Flash Extensions | Ajar Productions
Gostei mais do Queasy Tools, Auto Name Package e Break Text Into Lines.
jQuery Spotlight
jQuery Spotlight is a jQuery plugin which allows you to highlight elements in your page using a 'spotlight' effect. This plugin is highly customizable and requires no external css or images.
35 Fresh JavaScript/jQuery Tools and Resources - Noupe
It's time for more JavaScript and jQuery goodies here on Noupe. Today we are featuring fresh JavaScript Development Frameworks, code optimization and minimization...
CoScripter is a system for recording, automating, and sharing processes performed in a web browser such as printing photos online, requesting a vacation hold for postal mail, or checking flight arrival times.
Firefox automation for websites testing
jQuery Presentation Plugin: Say NO to Keynote! | Viget Inspire
Bonito plugin de jQuery, para realizar presentaciones...
I’m giving my presentation next week and will talk about CSS3 transforms and transitions. Obviously, I will be providing a lot of code samples and examples, so if I were to use Keynote, I would be going back and forth between the browser and Keynote. Yeah, no thanks. So, I wrote this small jQuery plugin that gives you an interface in a browser to give a presentation. If you are getting antsy, take a look at a demo or download it from github.
5 Plugins to Keep WordPress Secure
Some days ago a reader asked Daniel for advice when his blog got hacked. Daniel recommended some good security measures to keep WordPress safe. In case you missed it, read the post here: What if my WordPress Blog Got Hacked with the Google Redirect?
Create a Realistic Hover Effect With jQuery « Blog and Web Design Portfolio of Adrian Pelletier
A very impressive demo of reflection and shaddown on icons
10 New jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
10 New #jQuery Plugins You Have to Know
A collection of 14 Excellent JavaScript Date Pickers
CodeIgniter Library: 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos | Cincinnati SEO Blog
How to Use the jQuery UI Autocomplete Widget | Nettuts+
RD - | Blog » GX - Full-featured Javascript Animations Framework
RD - | Blog » GX - Full-featured Javascript Animations Framework -
Javascript Animations framework!
“GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License“
Use jQuery - Blog - Brosho 'Design in the Browser' jQuery Plugin
With this Plugin you can style your markup right in your browser with a build-in element selector and CSS editor. Generate the CSS code of altered elements with one click and use it in your own stylesheet.
h one / blog / ui.timepickr.js: An experimental jQuery plugin
h nicer look and feel though, nice job. permalink Josh Nathanson ~ October 8, 2008 at 12:56 p.m. Nice work...even though its still in experimental, its looking great so far. I want to find a project to use this on! permalink Ryan Coughlin ~ October 8,
Javascript time (not date) input widget.
A jQuery time picker, similar to an idea I was playing around with a wee while ago.
"I have seen a bunch of JavaScript "time" pickers, but they seem to always stick to the same approach"
10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
RT @web20classroom: RT @hoprea: RT @courosa: "10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity"
Nice to see increased usability in Chrome
RT @sixrevisions 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
An automated backup service for WP
Wordpress Multicloud-Backups. – René Stalder (Nachtmeister)
BubbleUp jQuery Plugin to Spice Up Your Menu | AEXT.NET
plugin menu zoom
jquery styleswitcher toggle -
intercambiador de ccs por jquery.
Beautiful advanced jQuery background image slideshow
slide show no background
RT @smashingmag: Advanced jQuery background image slideshow -
Coin Slider: jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Unique Effects
# Unique transition effects # Compatible with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+ # Valid markup # Flexible configuration # Auto slide # Navigation box # Lightweight (8kb only) # Linking images # Free to use under MIT licence # Fully customizable using CSS
画像切り替えがユニークな画像スライダー実装jQueryプラグイン「Coin Slider」。 画像の切替を、タイル状に切り替えたりすることができるみたいです。
40 Excellent jQuery Plugins To Work With Data Presentation and Grid Layout | AEXT.NET
Minimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
A selection of small but very useful jQuery plugins.
30 Most useful WordPress Plugins - May 2009 | AjaxLine
Documentation | Spritely
Documentation | Spritely -
How to build a fast, simple list filter with jQuery • Javascript • Kilian Valkhof
JQuery List Filter
How to build a fast, simple list filter with jQuery • Javascript • Kilian Valkhof – Peter Garama (pgarama)
Some nice optimisations in the comments
BugsVoice - turn bugs into opportunities
jQuery.calendarPicker A free ultra-light calendar
CalendarPicker is a unique lightweight jQuery plugin that allows users to change dates using a mouse wheel. In order to use CalendarPicker you also need to include Brandon Aaron’s Mousewheel Plugin that adds mouse wheel support.
[JS]高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスクリプト -equalHeights.js | コリス
prettyLoader | Stéphane Caron – No Margin For Errors
jQuery-Plugin für mit Mauszeiger positioniertes Ajax-Loader-Gif
TV Library 0.1: Miss Hulu On Boxee? Here’s your fix! | Jake Marsh Is Awesome. OMFG.
Miss Hulu On Boxee? Here’s your fix!
Firefox高速化の切り札「FasterFox」でブラウザ魔改造 :教えて君.net
The Ol' Switcheroo -
You have an element and within that element you want an item to be clicked on and set as active. Then you want to click on another item and have it to be set as active. Maybe it's navigation, maybe it's tabs. This is a common pattern. So much so, that I've rewritten this code a few times but keep losing track of it. This is a jQuery plugin that does the ol' switcheroo and is very simple. When you click on an element, it'll set it as active. When you click on another, it'll remove the active class from the currently active item and then enable the active item. Super simple, nothing more, nothing less.
Handy javascript for addingremiving classes to things like navigation.
active state navigation with javascript
You have an element and within that element you want an item to be clicked on and set as active. Then you want to click on another item and have it to be set as active. Maybe it's navigation, maybe it's tabs. This is a common pattern.
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年2月 | コリス
Introducing Add-on Collections « Mozilla Add-ons Blog
In November, we launched Fashion Your Firefox, which was a collection of add-ons that we felt were great for a novice user just getting started with customizing their browser. Now, we’d like to take it a step further and let anyone create their own collection of add-ons that can be shared with their friends, posted on blogs, and featured on the Firefox Add-ons website.
Permet de regrouper dans une extension à déployer, plusieurs extensions.
"Today, we’re excited to introduce a new feature to our website that will expose the niche add-ons that can be hard to find, and gives users a more active role in helping outstanding add-ons bubble to the top." (10/06/2009)
jQuery HTML Table Toolbox - Noupe
Table tools A Super-Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
jStorage - simple JavaScript plugin to store data locally
Demo | jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative
Galeria de fotos
an inline lightbox alternative
Plugin muito bom para exibir imagens. Com JQuery. (Slideshow) nota 1000
jbgallery 2.0 demo
galeria de fundo a utilizar para projectos fashion
jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative
jQuery.popeye is an advanced image gallery script built on the JavaScript library jQuery. Use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and offer your users a nice and elegant way to show a big version of your images without leaving the page flow.
muy buena alternativa cuando hay poco espacio para mostrar muchas fotos.
Vimium - the hacker's browser
Vimium - the hacker's browser (via @Woork)
vimperator for chrome!
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Watch this video to get a feel for how it works:
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor.
Apparently, the bindings only work when the page would run javascript anyway, so e.g. you can't use them with raw images.
Ajaxify - jQuery plugin
Text-shadow in IE with jQuery • Javascript • Kilian Valkhof
jsPlumb demo
4 Weather Libraries for Ruby and Rails Developers
天气预报接口 ruby on rails
Want to retrieve weather conditions in your Ruby script / application? There are four great solutions: WeatherMan, RWeather, rubyweather, and the Yahoo Weather Ruby API.
Facebook Developers
Social plugins enable you to provide engaging social experiences to your users with just a line of HTML. Because they are hosted by Facebook, the plugins are personalized for all users who are logged into Facebook — even if the users haven't yet signed up for your site.
Facebook Social plugins : The easiest way to add #FB to your site | La façon la + simple d'ajouter FB à votre site
14 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins | Tools
14 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins
Enabling the Back Button | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
As we build more and more Ajaxy applications, and our apps reside on a single page, the browser’s native back button can get more and more broken. This episode will show you how to re-enable the back button on your apps.
Update to jQuery Visualize: Accessible Charts with HTML5 from Designing with Progressive Enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
lling the visualize() method
40 Useful jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Smashing Magazine
"40 useful but obscure jQuery plug-ins that will hopefully help you improve the user experience on your websites."
Contextual Slideout Tips With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Knowing the importance of HTML standards, we are making a set of contextual slideout tips with jQuery & CSS3, which are ideal for product pages and online tours. As a bonus, they are SEO friendly, so all the content is visible to search engines.
boedesign – canadian based web developer eh » Blog Archive » jSquares for jQuery
If you’ve viewed my “lab” section, that is a perfect example of what this is. jSquares is a jQuery plugin that pops up an image and a description in an overlay on hover. It is basically identical to the image grid found on Works like a charm in IE6+, FF 3+, Safari 3+ and Opera 10.
Expandierende Menüs wie auf zu sehen.
Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery | Build Internet!
Professor Cloud
3d carousel
Picturesurf Gallery is a free service that allows you to upload, link, and share photo galleries anywhere.
plugin วพ ไว้ทำ gallery
Simple Inline Modal Window w/ CSS and jQuery - CSS Lightview Style Popup - CSS Popups - Styling a Popup with CSS | jQuery Tutorials | Web Design Tutorials and Front-end Development Blog by Soh Tanaka
Please note: This tutorial requires intermediate knowledge of CSS and jQuery. For best results, please be sure to learn the proper foundations before attempting
jQuery plugin: Easy List Splitter | Andrea Cima Serniotti
After a couple of hours spent on the lookout for a simple and clean jQuery plugin to columnize lists with no success, I decided to create my own one. It took me a couple of nights but the result is pretty good and hopefully it will help you whenever you need to split a list into different columns.
A voir l'effet du pinceau sur la gauche de l'article
HoverAttribute jQuery plugin « afEkenholm Web Design
Micro Image Gallery: A jQuery Plugin | Codrops
jQuery MegaMenu Plugin
Perfect example of implementation. See source code.
mega menu
WordPress Caching: What’s the best Caching Plugin? | Tutorial9
They are still re
Quick Tour of Chrome Add-On on Delicious
jQuery SuperBox!
jQuery Circulate
Like it? Tweet it!
Like it? Tweet it! A great tweeting widget for your visitors using Twitters @anywhere API & #jQuery
Like it? Tweet it! -
“Like it? Tweet it!” is a jQuery-powered JavaScript widget that enables visitors to your website or blog to write a tweet about the site directly in a box displayed in the corner of the website, with a link to the site already embedded in the input field.
Sweet Pages: A jQuery Pagination Solution – Tutorialzine
Sweet Pages: A jQuery Pagination Solution #jquery
ทำ Pagination แบบ Slider (คือถ้าล้นหน้ามันจะไปเพิ่มเพจด้านข้างให้) ด้วย jQuery
Sweet Pages: A jQuery Pagination Solution – Tutorialzine -
32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers | Graphic and Web Design Blog
jQuery Plugin : jConfirmAction | - Worth Sharing Bookmarked Webstuff
Nice little popup to get a user to confirm they really want to do that bad bad things. Not to use over board we don't want to treat the people as children.
Plugin that replaces alert box-based confirmation with styled div structure.
Really cool jquery plugin
Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.
Zoomooz.js // this is slick!
Awesome Bubble Navigation with jQuery | Codrops
navigation for my company
Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget - AJAX, JSON and XML Consulting and Training by Andrew M. Andrews III (SM)
Plugins | jQuery Plugins
Worlds best plugin? /via @jonathansulo
:^) RT @jonathansulo: Världens bästa plugin:
New Signature Labs | jCoverflip
Highly Customizable Content Slider
A jQuery coverflow widget to present your content elegantly.
image slider
20 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins of March 2010
jquery 관련
Facebook for Web Sites - Facebook Developers
50 Fundamental jQuery Controls, Components and Plugins - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one - a good and concise collection of UI controls,
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need.
Every seasoned developer has one and every young and upcoming developer should be thinking of building one – a good and concise collection of UI controls, components and plugins that you can always rely on in times of need. Of course, there are plenty of great UI frameworks, kits and libraries that you could use, but none will offer you every component and none of them will be tailored to your own personal preferences and needs. Up until a few months ago my controls had been collected and sourced from various frameworks (Prototype, MooTools, jQuery…), upon review it seemed a little out-dated, some components unnecessary and some controls desperately needed updated. It seemed logical to give the collection a fresh outlook and a uniformity under one framework – I chose jQuery. (I have held on to a few controls that have not been built with jQuery, but for the sake of this post I have omitted them). So, here are my 50 Fundamental jQuery Controls and Rich UI Components…
Filament Group Lab Example From Page from: Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers - A Use for Polygonal CSS?
css tooltip
Useful jQuery Plugin for UI Developers | denbagus blog
Random Acts of Coding: Starting With jQuery - How to Write Custom Validation Rules
jQuery getting started
custom rule
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS | Tutorialzine demo
crossSelect jQuery plugin demo
crossSelect jQuery plugin demo -
combo de multipla selecao
11 Essential WordPress Plugins To Get Your Blog In Motion | Social Media Examiner
Where does blogging fit into your social media mix? Many people I encounter still haven’t taken the time to start a blog for their business. I’ve heard many different reasons for not having a business blog—from not having enough time to insecurity about writing style. Blogging should be one of the cores of your business. It should be right in the middle of your social media mix—the bulls-eye, the main target. It’s important to note that your blog is the hub into which all of your social media networks feed for optimal exposure. Some people feel overwhelmed by the notion of starting and maintaining a blog, so below I discuss 11 essential WordPress plugins to get your blog off to a racing start.
Utilize these WordPress plugins to optimize your blog!
Ajax Spy | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
How to create a spy effect (diggspy) as seen on the first version of QuickSnapper. However I did promise I would demonstrate how to ajaxify the spy. Here it is.
Tutorials and screencasts
Free Slideshow WordPress Plugin, Slider Wordpress Plugin WP
10 jQuery Plugins to Help with Web Page Layouts | Tools
very helpful!
Every now and then a web project will come up that has special and unique layout requirements, and the current capabilities of CSS just aren’t enough. With projects such as these, jQuery can be your best friend. So here are 10 jQuery plugins to help you out with page layouts.
Ajaxian » jQuery Glow
Ajaxian » jQuery Glow -
The code above, using jQuery Glow by Pat Nakajima, gives you a nice blur error on hover.
Dock Content Tutorial with jQuery and jQuery Easing Plugin | Queness
Dock Content Tutorial with jQuery. Hides top navigation with a drop down
This tutorial will show how to create a jQuery dock that positioned at the top of your website, show and hide on mouse over event. By using easeOutBounce from jQuery Easing plugin, the transition effect has greatly enhanced and much more attractive.
dock menu
Virtual Keyboard Interface for Greasemonkey
Adds a virtual keyboard to text fields, password fields and textareas allowing keyboardless input of text and special characters. Install the script and double-click on one of the form element types above to display the keyboard.
Adds a virtual keyboard to text fields, password fields and textareas allowing keyboardless input of text and special characters. Install the script and double-click on one of the form element types above to display the keyboard.
to get around keylogging, keyloggers
SliderNav: iPhone Style Contact Lists Using JQuery and CSS | DevGrow
Gallery | Spritely
Tell us where you're using Spritely Spritely is fairly new (March 2010), so there's not much to see yet, but if you start using spritely to sprite up your web...
Animations with no Flash.
movimiento de pájaros y de fondos
Text-overflow: ellipsis for Firefox via jQuery « Devon Govett
text-overflow: ellipsis
Implements the non-standard 'text-overflow: ellipsis' CSS technique for Firefox. (Other major browsers support it natively.)
semantic art - ruby - Using default_scope to recreate acts_as_paranoid in ActiveRecord 2.3
def self.find_with_destroyed *args self.with_exclusive_scope { find(*args) } end
Rails 2.3 gives us “default_scope” which was described by Ryan Daigle as allowing you to “specify default ordering, and other scopes, in edge rails directly in your ActiveRecord model.” Ryan’s post gives some good examples of when you might want to use this (specifically on models where you always want them sorted in a specific manner). In the comments of that post, Ryan Bates suggests that this might be useful for “simulating destroying a model (like acts_as_paranoid).” Indeed this is possible and the idea of using scoping to create this is both present in acts_as_paranoid itself and also has been brought up before. In this article I’m going to reinvent the wheel using default_scope to illustrate how powerful default_scope is and how trivial it makes this task. You can keep track of the finished product in my is_paranoid gem.
Open Websites in Google Chrome from Firefox
IE View Lite のChrome版。これが欲しかったんだよー!Chrome→Firefoxなやつも早く欲しいんだけど・・・
O3D API - Google Code
HTML5に組み込まれる予定の3Dグラフィックエンジン O3D
google code o3d
jQueryのサンプルTOP10 | CREAMU
Featured Firefox Extension: UrlbarExt Adds Super Powers to the Awesome Bar
cool features added to the Awesome Bar, which might make it actually awesome.
[JS]オルトを利用して、画像にキャプションをかっこよく表示するスクリプト -Captify | コリス
django-html - Google Code
Want html form tags using a django form? This is what you need
Allows setting doctype and avoiding self-closing tags in forms, for HTML4. I'm finding Django's insistence on XHTML-style self-closing form tags quite annoying.
django html
This package represents an experimental approach to improving the way Django outputs form widgets. At the moment, widgets created using django.forms are outputted as XHTML (with self closing /> tags) even if the rest of your site uses HTML. This package solves this problem by introducing two new template tags: {% doctype %} and {% field %}.
<p>Some nice template tags for getting django forms to output valid html instead of the default xhtml. Nice for sites where you're working with html 4.</p>
[JS]シンプルなjQueryのプラグインが揃っている -Aquaron | コリス
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials - Free IT Tuttorials & Learning Resources
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials - Free IT Tuttorials & Learning Resources
Map Fields - A Rails plugin to ease the importing of CSV files @ Ramblings on Rails
a very nice solution for importing csv files, it handles the mapping which is a very common problem
OMFG!!!! Manbabies are ready!!!!
Ease way to import csv files
フォームに入力した内容をリアルタイムでプレビューに反映するjQueryのプラグイン『magicpreview』 | IDEA*IDEA
Page Speed Home
Google code: Page Speed Home
Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
Google Page Speed
"Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them."
Professor Cloud
Cloud Zoom is a jQuery image zoom plugin
Pines Notify
Notification, message
Notificaciones con jquery ui compatible con ThemeRoller
Another cool notifications library/plugin for jQuery
Lightbox_me - Stupidly Simple Lightboxing
Lightbox_me is an essential tool for the jQuery developer's toolbox. Feed it a DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object and it will lightbox it for you, no muss no fuss.
very good api lightbox
Safari Extensions
RT:@joffrey Plein de nouvelles extensions pour Safari 5 :
@antonsten du hittar fler här: – Linus Lundahl (linuslundahl)
RT @wpSEO: Sehr aktuelle Liste der Safari 5 Erweiterungen #safari
Safari 5 extensions. A ver que tal
20 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Website | Carsonified
AviaSlider - a unique jQuery Image slideshow plugin
jQuery Text Change Event - ZURB Playground -
Simple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a jQuery custom event plugin by ZURB
Enhance Tables Using One Of 30 Functional jQuery Plugins
Galleria — A JavaScript gallery for the Fastidious
jLayout — JavaScript Layout Algorithms -
The jLayout JavaScript library provides layout algorithms for laying out components. A component is an abstraction; it can be implemented in many ways, for example as items in a HTML5 Canvas drawing or as HTML elements. The jLayout library allows you to focus on drawing the individual components instead of on how to arrange them on your screen. The library currently provides four layout algorithms: border, which lays out components in five different regions; grid, which lays out components in a user defined grid, flex-grid which offers a grid with flexible column and row sizes, and flow which flows components in a user defined direction. Using the grid and flex-grid algorithms you can also create horizontal and vertical layouts. A jQuery plugin to lay out (X)HTML elements is also available.
BounceBox Notification Plugin With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Notificação estilo alert
jQuery & CSS3
Add Motion To Website: jQuery Animation Plugins From 2010
HOW TO: Add Facebook "Like" Buttons to Your WordPress Blog
Pajinate – A jQuery Pagination Plugin « The Silver Lining
paging mit jquery
Pajinate is a simple and flexible jQuery plugin that allows you to divide long lists or areas of content into multiple separate pages. Not only is it a simpler alternative to server-side implementations, the time between paginated-page loads is almost nil (up to a reasonable page-size of course).
PAra agregar paginación a listas largas
jQuery Globalization Plugin from Microsoft - ScottGu's Blog
Plugin lanzado por microsoft que permite trabajar con i18n y jquery. Muy bueno
Dragdealer JS
Dragdealer JS // this is very nice
Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery | Codrops
ทำ from เลื่อนซ้ายขวา
Today we are going to create a fancy sliding form that shows some validation feedback to the user after each step. This form saves a lot of space and is easy to access – it basically works like a slide show, just that we have fieldsets of a form instead of images.
jQuery Form
Sliding Checkbox Actions Menu with jQuery | Codrops
mobile-google inspired floating toolbar
Syntax Highlighting - jQuery.Syntax - Orion Transfer Ltd
Syntax highlighter written in JavaScript.
AeroWindow - Plugin für jQuery - Windows Aero Style für Websites - SOYOS Labs
AeroWindow erstellt Popup-Fenster im Aero Stil, angelehnt an den Style von Window7. Die Popup-Fenster bieten die gewohnten Möglichkeiten und volle Funktionalität analog zu Windows Fenstern. Features * Besonderheit: Live animierter Glossy Aero Look (siehe Header beim Verschieben) * Gewohnte Fenster Buttons: Minimieren, Verkleinern, Maximieren und Schließen * Doppelklick Unterstützung wie in Windows (Maximieren, Verkleinern) * Aktives Fenster wird visuell hervorgehoben, wie in Windows * Vom Anwender stufenlos skalierbare Fenstergröße * Verschiebbare Fenster durch Maus dragging * Gewohntes Z-Order-Management wie in Windows * + Animierte Veränderung der Fenstergröße * + Vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten
ZURB JavaScript Annotation Plugin - ZURB Playground -
Signs of a poorly written jQuery plugin
Signs of a poorly written jQuery plugin
Apple-like Retina Effect With jQuery – Tutorialzine
Nivo Zoom - jQuery Image Zoomer
The Ultimate Wordpress Shopping/Ecommerce Toolbox (Plugins and Themes) - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Show Time: 30 jQuery Calendar Date Picker Plugins
Griddy: Simple Grid Overlay Plugin for JQuery | DevGrow
Rocking and Rolling Rounded Menu with jQuery | Codrops
In this tutorial we are going to make use of the incredibly awesome rotating and scaling jQuery patch from Zachary Johnson that can be found here. We will create a menu with little icons that will rotate when hovering. Also, we will make the menu item expand and reveal some menu content, like links or a search box.
Menu Fabuloso
super effet avec rotation des éléments. A approfondir urgent !!!
jQueryプラグインを探す際にだいたい見て回る巡回サイトまとめ - かちびと.net
jQueryプラグインを探す際にだいたい見て回る巡回サイトまとめ - かちびと.net – Javascript News (del_javascript)
jTweetsAnywhere - jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support
jTweetsAnywhere - jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support -
jQuery Twitter Widget
jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support
20+ Uniquely Cool jQuery Plugins and Tutorials
plug ins
10 TextMate bundles/plugins to boost your Ruby on Rails development productivity | Adventures In Coding
Here are ten of my favourite bundles and plugins available to TextMate that will save you time and effort while working with Ruby on Rails.
jQuery FormLabels Plugin | Andrei Zharau
25 Excellent jQuery Sliders Tutorials and Plugins | Vandelay Design Blog
25 Excellent jQuery Sliders Tutorials and Plugins | Vandelay Design Blog -
jQuery.validity is an elegant and powerful jQuery plug-in you can use to setup client-side form validation. Instead of writing validation manually or balancing some unwieldy server-side framework, validity allows you to design client-side validation in a manner that feels natural and straightforward.
Top 15 Wordpress Plugins to Make Your Blog Secure | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation #jquery
Mojebus’ jStackmenu By Seamus P. H. Leahy
jQuery Stack menu like Apple Snow Leopard Dock.
jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin
A star-rating jQuery plugin
フォームの見栄え・使い勝手を強化するjQueryプラグインいっぱい | DesignWalker
jquery form
jQueryを使ったフォーム集 いいデザインいっぱい
Getting Slim, Spicy, & WordPress-Ready with Top 10 jQuery Plugins | DevSnippets
What's great about jQuery is how easily you can create impressive animations and interactions with a super lightweight size. WordPress awesomeness lies in its
In this article, we’ll explore 10 Most Wanted jQuery Plugins Now Ready For WordPress.
12 Helpful jQuery Plugins to Check Before Ending April 2010 | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
12 Helpful jQuery Plugins
This is a list of 12 helpful jQuery plugins you are maybe missing. The list contains some plugins that are really helpful for your up-coming projects. If I was missing something crazy, feel free to share it in the comment section. Enjoy the list and don’t miss any awesomeness this month!
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page
Plugin para explorer, firefox y chrome. Lo que hace es que no nos cuenta nuestras propias visitas.
Apple-Style Slider
Apple-Style Slider -
A-to-Z menu, easy way to quick scroll in long A-Z list
Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 | Codrops
In this tutorial we are going to create a nice and fresh image gallery. The idea is to show the albums as a slider, and when an album is chosen, we show the images of that album as a beautiful photo stack. In the photo stack view, we can browse through the images by putting the top most image behind all the stack with a slick animation.
JavaScript Blacklist
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily. Examples of idiotic stuff you might want to block: - modifies copy-pasted text - green links with double-underlines - link previews
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily.
"JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily." Better version of the tynt-blocker extension I linked to before.
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily. Here are some examples of common annoying scripts. JavaScript Blacklist comes pre-configured to block these by default. * - modifies copy-pasted text * - green links with double-underlines * - link previews
Allows you to turn off annoying scripts.
Safari JavaScript Blacklist - JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from ... – Javascript News (del_javascript)
Tiny Carousel: A lightweight jQuery plugin
<ul class="pager"> <li><a rel="0" class="pagenum" href="#">1</a></li> <li><a rel="1" class="pagenum" href="#">2</a></li> <li><a rel="2" class="pagenum" href="#">3</a></li> <li><a rel="3" class="pagenum" href="#">4</a></li> <li><a rel="4" class="pagenum" href="#">5</a></li> <li><a rel="5" class="pagenum" href="#">6</a></li> </ul>
JQuery Plugins | jquery plugins
calendar, date picker, scrolling tabs, checkbox tree
Top 45 Wordpress Plugins & Tools For The Administration Area | Design your way
Top 45 Wordpress Plugins & Tools For The Administration Area | Design your way -
45 สุดยอดปลั๊กอินสำหรับหน้า Admin Wordpress
huge list of useful plugins for WP admins
20 Best And Awesome Wordpress Resources
20 Best And Awesome Wordpress Resources -
Now a days, WordPress is one of the most favorite topics for everyone who’s into blogging. Designers and Developers always search for free / premium WordPress Themes, plugins and Latest information and news about WordPress community. Today we are providing a list of 20 WordPress Resources which will help you a lot.
Be it with hosting providers or the theme/plugin codes or snippets we have listed all websites/blogs providing good quality services, features and helpful tips-tricks. So here is our great collection of Wordpress Resources, I hope you like it.
Top 10 Content Slider Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Top 10 Content Slider Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Clarity Design - bgFade Plugin
TAllows fade/animate effects using single image and offset CSS. Easy to implement.
fade in e out em background
jQuery TRNSFR - Sexy Progress Bars
How Secure Is My Password?
Como verificar si tu contraseña es segura
It would take About 700 million years for a desktop PC to crack your password
Code | Drew
Built on jQuery, Titan interfaces with JSON, enabling you to easily put data from JSON into your HTML elements via Javascript or CSS classes. Titan will even query the server for you using REST methods to retrieve the JSON you will be working with.
Safari拡張の作り方 - 0xFF
気になる! Browsing : Safari拡張の作り方 - 0xFF -
Google Web Fonts Wordpress Plugin | Make Your Own Website :: Wordpress | HTML | CSS | PHP :: Tips and Tutorials
Google Web Fonts for Wordpress plugin makes it quick and easy to use the Google Web Font Library from the administration panel within Wordpress. It utilizes the Google Web Font Loader to display fonts that are not installed on the user’s computer. Google Web Fonts Plugin Instructions Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped file into your Wordpress wp-content->plugins directory. In the Wordpress admin panel, open the Appearance tab in the left menu, and click Google Web Fonts. On the Google Web Fonts Plugin Options page, browse the available fonts in the Google Font Directory, and click the ones you would like to use to copy the Font API parameter name. Paste your chosen font into the Google Font input box, and specify a web save font to be displayed if your chosen font becomes inactive. Click Change Font. Go to your website’s from page to see if your chosen font is active. If not, choose another, rinse, repeat.
Simulate Slow Internet Connection while Testing your Apps
plugin para firefox que te permite controlar tu velocidad de conexion (tambien en la red local) para poder testar tus paginas
Langsame Internetverbindung simulieren (Firefox)
simulation small bandwidth
5 Rails Plugins to Help Optimize Your MySQL | Purify Blog
Bullet / SlimScrooge/ Query Reviewer / Rails Indexes / Ambitious Query Indexer
A Complete To-Do List & Plugins for WordPress Site Maintenance | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
I would like to share with you a to-do list of maintenance checks, tips, as well as plugins that can help enhance your maintenance tasks.
5 jQuery Calendar Plugins that can be used on Websites
5 jQuery Calendar Plugins that can be used on Websites -
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT葛西 秋雄 2010/6/17jQueryと、そのプラグインの使い方を、UI効果(エフェクト)のテーマごとに紹介する連載。jQuery/JavaScript/HTMLコードだけではなく、CSSの書き方も解説することで、より実践的にjQueryプラグインを使うための参考ドキュメントになることを目指していま
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT
How to Create a jQuery Bookmarklet | Latent Motion
wycats's jquery-offline at master - GitHub
The jQuery offline plugin provides an easy mechanism for retrieving JSON data from a remote server, and then caching it. Subsequent requests for the same URL will retrieve the data from the cache, rather than the remote server. If the user is online, the plugin will transparently request new content from the remote server, firing the callback again if the content has changed. If the user is offline, the plugin will request the data from the remote server for the most recent request when the user comes back online.
A jQuery plugin to facilitate conveniently working with local storage
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT葛西 秋雄 2010/6/17jQueryと、そのプラグインの使い方を、UI効果(エフェクト)のテーマごとに紹介する連載。jQuery/JavaScript/HTMLコードだけではなく、CSSの書き方も解説することで、より実践的にjQueryプラグインを使うための参考ドキュメントになることを目指していま
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT
How to Create a jQuery Bookmarklet | Latent Motion
wycats's jquery-offline at master - GitHub
Shared: JQuery offline released
Web applications that wish to work robustly in flaky or offline scenarios can use client-side persistence to serve stale data while transparently trying to reconnect for more up-to-date data if possible. In a mobile scenario, the user may consider himself “connected” when in fact he has dropped out of connectivity for a moment (for instance, he may have gone under a tunnel). Because of this, and because latency on mobile devices can be quite high, a well-behaved mobile web application (or even simple website) will serve up content out of a local cache, so the user can see it quickly, before trying to make a connection to retrieve new content
The jQuery offline plugin provides an easy mechanism for retrieving JSON data from a remote server, and then caching it. Subsequent requests for the same URL will retrieve the data from the cache, rather than the remote server. If the user is online, the plugin will transparently request new content from the remote server, firing the callback again if the content has changed. If the user is offline, the plugin will request the data from the remote server for the most recent request when the user comes back online.
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT葛西 秋雄 2010/6/17jQueryと、そのプラグインの使い方を、UI効果(エフェクト)のテーマごとに紹介する連載。jQuery/JavaScript/HTMLコードだけではなく、CSSの書き方も解説することで、より実践的にjQueryプラグインを使うための参考ドキュメントになることを目指していま
あなたのWebを入力しやすくするjQueryプラグイン10選(1/5) - @IT
Sliding Labels Official Plugin Release « CSSKarma
Sliding labels for FORM elements
Not Using jQuery JavaScript Templates? You’re Really Missing Out. - Rey Bango
Mac-like icon dock (v2) - using jQuery - JavaScript/CSS Projects - APL Web Development
สอนทำเมนูแบบ Dock ของ Mac โดยใช้ jQuery+CSS
jQuery color plugin xcolor - Website and Application Intelligence
jquery color expressions
jQuery color plugin xcolor - Website and Application Intelligence – Delicious Popular (twittilicious)
This is Centratissimo: all centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments by
This is Centratissimo: all centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments by - v
Centratissimo is a web template with smooth scrolling features between pages and auto-resize capabilities relative to the actual screen-size, so that it results always perfectly centered. It's an all-centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments.
This is Centratissimo: all centered & auto-resizable layout w/some jQuery experiments by RT @musingspuntoit
This is Centratissimo: all centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments by
This is Centratissimo: all centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments by - v
Centratissimo is a web template with smooth scrolling features between pages and auto-resize capabilities relative to the actual screen-size, so that it results always perfectly centered. It's an all-centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments.
jQuery quickie: Unlimited Scroll using the Twitter API
infinite scroll, Learn how to create an unlimited scroll effect using jQuery by calling the Twitter API .
5 Online Rich Text Editors built using jQuery
YouTube Chromeless Video Player – jQuery Plugin | Viget Inspire
29 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins Of June 2010
Los mejores 29 plugins jQuery de Junio del 2010.
MITYA.CO.UK  |  Scripts  |  Blockster transition effect
MITYA.CO.UK | Scripts | Blockster transition effect -
Blockster is a Javascript transition effect designed for 'featured content' rotators or slideshows. Its underlying concept is to transition between one element to the next block by block. It is highly customisable in terms of how many blocks are involved, whether they fade in or simply appear, whether they appear in order or randomly, and more.
Top 10 Social Bookmarking Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Muy insteresante
10 Missing Features in WordPress
The popular publishing platform, WordPress, recently released its latest major version: WordPress 3.0 (dubbed "Thelonious"). This iteration of WordPress introduces plenty of convenient new features such as drag-and-drop interfaces for building navigation menus (for those not comfortable modifying their theme files), the ability to deploy multiple sites under one installation (by the inclusion of WordPress MU) and a system for making custom content types other than posts and pages.
MITYA.CO.UK  |  Scripts  |  Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly)
ว้าว jQuery อันนี้เจ๋ง พอใช้ Table แสดงผลข้อมูล ลองกดตรงหัวสิ มันจะ Sort ได้ วื้บๆ ด้วยนะ - scripts, plugins and tutorials for Javascript, jQuery and PHP. Check out my web development blog for the latest updates.
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
MITYA.CO.UK  |  Scripts  |  Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly)
MITYA.CO.UK | Scripts | Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly) -
ว้าว jQuery อันนี้เจ๋ง พอใช้ Table แสดงผลข้อมูล ลองกดตรงหัวสิ มันจะ Sort ได้ วื้บๆ ด้วยนะ
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
MITYA.CO.UK  |  Scripts  |  Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly)
MITYA.CO.UK | Scripts | Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly) -
ว้าว jQuery อันนี้เจ๋ง พอใช้ Table แสดงผลข้อมูล ลองกดตรงหัวสิ มันจะ Sort ได้ วื้บๆ ด้วยนะ
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
MITYA.CO.UK  |  Scripts  |  Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly)
MITYA.CO.UK | Scripts | Animated table sort (REGEXP friendly) -
jQueryの日本語の解説サイトと国産のプラグイン集 | コリス
jQueryの日本語の解説サイトと国産のプラグイン集 | コリス
Block your ex
Content assist for